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"Stop!" "You Bastard!" She cursed him, then alternated to actually sobbing under his onslaught, and all the while endeavoured to keep him from thinking something was wrong. Above the sounds of her protests she could hear the wet slapping and slushing of their bodies as he plied her depths with his member, thrusting his cock deep inside her and then drawing it back out again only to thrust once more. He may have been good at it, but he wasn't using any skill now. He was taking her with raw, animal desire, probably spurred on by the abuse she heaped on him and the sounds of her anguish. Which worked exactly to her plan. At some point he leaned forward, setting his mail fists on Shianne's shoulders and leaning over to whisper in her ear, his hips still moving against hers and driving his member into her. "Scream for me." He chuckled low in his throat. Shianne didn't oblige him, but instead her eyes met his and glowed with a hatred she didn't have to fake. "Stop it, you bastard!" That was evidently enough for him, and she felt his rhythm become frantic and uneven. She cried out again, half in fear and half in pleasure, and thrust herself at him as best she could until she felt the final burst of his orgasm inside her. He convulsed and arched against her in the throes of ecstasy, ramming his cock into her, if anything, harder than before. When he finally finished, his hot seed filling her and spilling out onto the bed, she slumped back into the sheets, exhausted and rung out. She felt like she'd been running a marathon, and couldn't seem to catch her breath. Sebastian, on the other hand, fairly glowed with satisfaction. "Dude, you gotta try this. She sounds like she hates it, but she loved every minute of it. This little slut was cumming the whole time!" "Uhh... maybe later, Bast. Shouldn't we... shouldn't we attend to business?" Sebastian nodded, tucking himself back into his jeans and zipping them up. Before he could say anything, though, Shianne started to laugh. The moon was all the way up now, the bottom just cresting over the horizon, and its faint rays spilled in through the window, lost to everyone but her. "Maybe she hit her head harder than we thought?" Armand shifted his position a little, obviously uncomfortable with this turn of events. "Ya, maybe..." "You... Bastards." Shianne kept laughing, a raw laugh of triumph and secret knowledge. "You deserve what's coming..." "Ya, whatever." Sebastian turned away from her and looked at Michael instead. "Armand? Let's get this over with." "Sure... woah!" Armand's eyes hadn't left Shianne, and they suddenly went big and round with surprise. "What?" "Bast... look." Sebastian rolled his eyes and looked, not sure what to expect. Whatever it was that he had planned on seeing though, this wasn't it. Shianne was thrashing and twisting on the bed as best she could with her limbs tied up as they were, and her body seemed to be... changing? Thick, silver fur began to sprout from her skin. Her muscles became thicker, corded and strong, while her entire body seemed to stretch and elongate. Her mouth, too, began to stretch and change: her teeth became razor sharp and dangerous looking, her eyes became yellow and feral, and her face started to look more like a muzzle. "What the Hell?" Sebastian had a fairly good idea what was happening, though. She was turning into a werewolf. It took almost a full five minutes, during which no one moved, for Shianne to complete the change. When she was done, she looked... well, still beautiful, but in a feral, alien manner. Unlike movie werewolves she wasn't gross or horrific to look on, she was more like just a big wolf with human proportions. She had a thick mane of black hair surrounding her head, a tail that was lying limp between her legs, and silver fur covered her entire body. Her nails had become sharp claws, and her teeth were now fangs. However, she was still tied down. "Woah..." Sebastian had backed up against the wall while he was watching, but managed to calm a little now that she was done. She still thrashed in the bed, evidently trying to escape, but didn't seem to be making any headway. "Dude! You... you put your dick in that!" Armand was laughing. "Maybe... maybe you'll get rabies." "Shut up." Then they both heard it: ropes snapping. Sebastian whirled in time to see Shianne, trailing the ropes behind her, leaping off the bed towards him. He yelled in surprise and fear, and then was hit with hundreds of pounds of angry wolf. The two of them tumbled to the floor, rolling and struggling, until Shianne bumped up against a wall. Sebastian let out a little cry of triumph, being on top, and started to reach for his sword. Shianne knew what she was doing, though, and immediately kicked out with her powerful legs, throwing Sebastian across the room. He impacted heavily with the canopied bed and slumped to the floor. Shianne growled and got to her feet, stalking cautiously towards her opponent. She kept Armand in her peripheral vision, but he seemed to be frozen in place and not about to help any time soon. "You... can't stop us." Sebastian growled and lurched to his feet, preparing to tackle with her again. A powerful backhand, catching him on the side of the head and opening a long gash on his jaw, sent him sprawling to the ground again. "Watch me." Shianne's voice was raspy, and her mouth struggled with the now difficult English words, but she managed to make herself understood just before she kicked him across the floor. In her new shape, her legs were incredibly powerful, and Sebastian was actually lifted into the air and tossed several feet, before landing heavily on the hardwood. Luckily for him, he was wearing the chain mail, otherwise she probably would have disemboweled him right then. This time, realizing he was in a bit of trouble, he staggered to his feet as fast as he could and reached for his sword. Shianne, who had honestly just been playing with him before, lunged forward as he went for the blade. She caught his wrist and twisted it, causing a small crunching and grinding noise as she broke the series of small bones in there. He yowled in pain as she forcefully spun him around and pressed him to the floor, his hand still clenched tightly in her first. Sebastian tried to struggle and get his footing, but her foot landed heavily on his back and effectively pinned him. Moments later, he felt her hot breath on his cheek, and that raspy voice came again. "Scream for me." Followed by what was disturbingly like a chuckling growl. Sebastian mutely shook his head, refusing to show any more weakness that he was forced to, but accommodated her when she wrenched hard on his arm. With a pop she dislocated his shoulder, starting the screams, but no one was prepared for the fact that she just kept pulling, pushing down on his back to give herself leverage. A wet tearing noise filled the room, followed immediately by both Sebastian and Armand screaming in stark terror as she tore Sebastian's arm right off. "Holy shit!" Shianne turned to see Armand, visibly trembling, staring at her with wide, terrified eyes. As her gaze settled on him, and his settled on Bast's severed arm, he cocked the sword back, obviously intending to bring it down on Michael's neck. "Don't come any closer!" His hands were shaking violently, and it looked like he had probably wet himself. "I'll do it!" Shianne just growled and took a step forward, a trail of Sebastian's blood following her as she did. Armand, true to his word, tried to swing the sword at Michael's neck. It would get rid of his leverage, but just maybe he would actually accomplish what they'd come here to go. Shianne was too fast for him, though. One of her paws caught the sword blade as it descended and knocked it out of Armand's hands, while the other cuffed him across the face and opened gashes across his cheek which matched the ones on the other side. He collapsed to the floor beside his sword, and for a moment or two his vision was filled with Shianne's powerful, clawed foot. Then a strong hand gripped him about the neck and hoisted him into the air until he was face to face with an angry wolf. It was a bit comforting that he could feel warm blood welling against his skin where she'd been cut by the sword, but not very since it looked like she was about to kill him. "Shi... anne. No." Michael's voice, weak and barely audible over Sebastian's frenzied whimpering, made Shianne turn to look at him. Michael had managed to free himself from the bolt, although Shianne wasn't sure how, and was standing. Although he held himself erect, his shoulders hunched a little more than normal and he swayed an infinitesimal amount. For a normal person, that would be doing incredible considering the gaping hole in his chest, but Shianne could tell that he was struggling. "Let... me." Still, the vampire managed a wicked grin, and Armand moaned in fear at the sight of the other man's fangs. The same fear motivated Armand's legs when Shianne dropped him, propelling him towards the door with the speed of someone who spent most of his days at the gym. He even made it three steps before two strong hands caught hold of him and held him fast. One hand clamped around his neck, bruising the soft flesh and constricting his breathing a little, while the other wrestled his hands together and clamped them tightly behind his back. He had thought that Shianne was strong, her paw had held him firmly and she was powerful enough to lift him clear off the ground. Very few people could claim similar. Armand realized now that she was still a 90 pound weakling when compared to Michael. There was no denying those hands, they held him fast and firm like vice grips. They were attached to arms that, for all intents and purposes, might as well have been solid steel, and Armand had very little illusions about his ability to escape this alive. "You should see... what happens when you try... try to destroy a man's life." Michael's voice was soft, and almost seductive in Armand's ear. No breath accompanied the words, though, and there was a dark undertone there which scared Armand more than anything he'd seen so far. "Without knowing... everything about him." Armand didn't see Michael jerk his head at Shianne, who had so far been patiently waiting, but he did see the result. She stalked quickly over to Sebastian, who was still writhing on the floor and holding tenuously to consciousness, and flipped the unfortunate man over. Bast's eyes were glassy and unfocused with shock, but managed to clear when several hundred pounds of wolf sat on his chest and glared down at him. Shianne's mouth parted in a growl that chilled Sebastian's blood, and he was treated to an up close view of a muzzle full of sharp teeth meant expressly for tearing flesh. That was, in fact, the last thing he saw. Armand was forced to watch as Shianne struck, opening her jaws and tearing out Sebastian's throat with one mighty bite. He had other things to worry about, though, as he felt Michael shift his weight and two bright points of pain exploded in his neck. Michael, normally such a dainty eater, went directly for Armand's carotid artery. The resulting well of blood was too much for him to swallow, and as he drank as much of Armand's life as he could, the rest of it flowed in great rivers down the unfortunate man's chest. Armand cried out and tried to struggle, but it was in vain, if anything the hands holding him became firmer and more resolved as his own strength literally drained away. It was over within moments, and Michael just let Armand's body fall to the floor, growling a little in satisfaction. Shianne gave him a lupine grin, made faintly horrible by the sight of the blood matted in the hair along her muzzle, and loped over to him. Michael found a chair, not the one he'd been confined in, and collapsed into it. Shianne came over and curled herself up against his legs, watching for a moment as the hole in Michael's chest knit itself shut. When there was only a scab left to show that anything had ever been there, she bumped her head against his knees. Chuckling, Michael reached down and stroked her head. His hand passed over the collar, which hadn't disappeared in the change, and then started to scratch behind her ear. Shianne wuffed at him in pleasure, her left leg beating against the floor the way a domestic dog's might. "I wonder what finally gave them the resolve to try this?" After a few minutes, Michael finally got around to collecting his thoughts and giving voice to what had just happened. Shianne shook her head, not knowing the answer. "Oh, poo. You survived." Both of them started in surprise as a sultry, feminine voice came from outside the door. "And you killed our toys!" Another voice, more girlish but still full of promises of pleasure, joined the first. Hailey and Ashleigh quickly followed their voices into the room. "You two!" Shianne was growling immediately and leapt to her feet, obviously intent on going for the girls' throats. Only Michael's firm grip on her collar kept her from actually acting on the impulse. "Nice to see you, ladies." Michael's voice was filled with sarcasm, and more than a little of the same dark threat Armand heard. "I assume you had something to do with this?" Bast and Armand would have been surprised to see the two girls that were standing in the room. They were naked, which would have been familiar, and still very much the embodiment of youthful female beauty. However, a few things had changed. At the base of their spine, just before the delectable curves of their behinds started, sprouted two long, twisting tails which ended in leathery little triangles. Sprouting out between the girls' shoulder blades were large bat wings, and their foreheads were adorned with small, almost dainty, goat horns. "Now why would you think something like that?" Ashleigh playfully bit her finger as she looked at Michael, trying her best to act innocent. "You did refer to these two as yours." "Oh, that... well, okay, fine." Hailey rolled her eyes and poked experimentally at the ruin which had been Sebastian with her painted toe nails. "Maybe we gave them a nudge or two in the right direction." "After all, what's a little friendly competition between the supernatural?" Shianne growled, and Michael shook his head. "Don't compare yourselves to me. What you do to men like them... it's sick." "Sick? Ha! Under my influence, Sebastian felt and was like a God!" "For a week, and then he would suffer a massive heart attack from exhaustion." Michael shook his head. "Even if he survived, he would be completely sterile and probably a vegetable." "Well... everything has a price." Ashleigh giggled a little to try and lighten the mood, but Shianne responded with another growl. "Look, fine... you two have this little town so keyed up that an honest demon can't even get a decent meal. We thought that... you know... maybe someone could do something about it." "Enough. Be gone, succubus, before I sic Shianne on you." Michael waved one hand at the door, while slowly unpeeling the fingers of his other from Shianne's collar. Shianne whined in impatience and strained against his grip, baring her fangs in case the two demonesses had any illusions about whether she'd do it or not. "Hey now, be nice." Ashleigh's eyes widened as Michael let another finger go, and it looked like Shianne might just snap the collar. "Fine, we're going." "See you later, Mikey darling." Hailey giggled, blew Michael a kiss, and then backed quickly out of the room. Shianne couldn't actually kill their essence, but she could certainly destroy their current bodies. Ashleigh followed quickly, and several minutes later Shianne's ears perked up as she heard a truck squeal out of the driveway. Growling to herself, she settled once again at Michael's feet and let him go back to petting her. * "Two nights in a row." Ted grumbled to himself as he stumbled down the stairs. "Better have something good this time." He'd been woken up by the sound of Sebastian's horn, but it was too dark and raining outside to see anything but the shape of the vehicle. When he opened the door, though, it wasn't Sebastian standing there. Ashleigh, soaked from head to toe, stood there with her sister. They were both wearing white T shirts and jeans, and he could see their tempting breasts right through the soaking cloth. It took him another few moments to notice that they had both been crying recently. "Woah! What's wrong you two?" "Oh Ted, something terrible happened..." Ted didn't have any qualms about opening the door, and found himself immediately hugging two wet, sobbing, and incredibly desirable women. It was hard to concentrate on their emotional state when they were clinging to him, warm and friendly and separated by only a very thin layer of clothing. "Hush... hush, now, tell me everything."

Halloween Hunt

Mathew Bell got out of his old black van and stretched his tired bones. He found this idea campsite out in the wilderness to continue his cross county hunt. The hunt of humans and slaughtering them. He noticed a group of young women and men sitting around a campfire laughing and drinking. He approached with a friendly smile and holding a twelve pack of beer. "Evening neighbors, I am Jack Olantren." He said offering beer to the group. They in return offered him some venison with beans and potato salad. He smiled sitting down and diving into the food. Its good, but not as good as the taste of sweet human meat. He thought to himself. "What brings you into these parts Jack Olantren?" Charles asked even though he had a strange feeling about this stranger. It worried him at how the stranger was eyeing Melanie up and down. Melanie was a plus size girl and very friendly. "Hunting, yes good ol' hunting. Its how I like to celebrate the holidays. There is nothing better then tracking and killing your dinner." He told them as he watched Melanie stagger into the porta john. After a few hours of talking and drinking everyone decided to call it a night and Mathew remained sitting by the campfire waiting for his prey to come out to go to the porta john. Like clock work Melanie came staggering out of the tent sick from all the beer. Mathew walked over to where she was getting sick. "Drank too much did you little moo?" He asked as he imagined biting down on those thick thighs. "Yes, I am never doing this again!" She told him. Mathew helped her up off the ground and began walking her into the woods as he kept looking back to make sure no one else was coming to check on her. He led her deep into the woods before they stopped. He slapped her face so hard it knocked her to the ground. She looked up at him startled and touching her face. "What the fuck?" She asked him and then saw the riffle in his hands. "You got to the count of ten to get away before I kill you for my meal tonight." He told her smiling and began counting. "1,2,3" Melanie scrambled to her feet the best that she could for a drunk. She ran deeper into the woods, falling down and ripping her pants as well as her flesh. Tears flooded her eyes as she desperately tried to escape. She could hear he was whistling which told her he was closing in on her. Every once in a while he would call out her name so eerie. She found a large opening to hide in and scramble inside of it as far as she could. She went in head first and did not realize her bottom half was exposed. Mathew smiled when he saw his hunt had made it so easy on him. He stuck the barrel of his gun between her thighs and fired the fatal shot. Smiling he pulled her dead body out and began cutting her clothes off so he could filet her. He made a fire and seasoned the meat with the seasoning he kept in his back pack. He devoured his meal once it was done. His belly became full and then he buried the remains of the body and carried what was left over to Melanie's friends he met the night last night. They were up looking for Melanie When he approached their camp. "Something wrong?" He asked Johnny who was Melanie's husband. "Melanie is gone, have you seen her Jack?" He asked. "No, but I heard her getting sick and then I heard her talking to a man late last night." He told them. "Perhaps she found a quiet spot to sleep off her drunkenness. Here is some left over steaks I had in my cooler, please eat it before it goes to waste. I have to be on my way. I am traveling cross country for the upcoming Halloween holiday. "You're probably right, join us for some steak and eggs?" Johnny asked him. "No, I have had my fill of the little moo." He said with a chuckle and headed to his van. He watched as Johnny place his wife into the skillet. "Until death do you part or shit. He said laughing like a crazed lunatic. He drove down the long road to find the next town, the next camp site and the next victim to fill his belly with. He turned on the radio when the song Animal crackers by Melanie came on the station. He began laughing hysterically. "They won't be eating animal crackers, no afraid not my dear girl, it will be you moo." He said as he was laughing so hard. Oh, eat your animal crackers 'Cause my mother told me so long ago, "If you eat your animal crackers, The children in Europe won't starve anymore". Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Oh, once I went on a diet, A carbohydrate diet ain't nice 'Cause you can't eat animal crackers. So, I'm gonna stay a fatty for all of my life, Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. But some people think that fatties are nice, yeah. I love eating ice cream, Chocolate, vanilla and butter pecan, But I best love animal crackers 'Cause I love helping my fellow man. Yeah, I really do. Did you ever hear of Alice's restaurant? I eat at Alice's restaurant year after year. She makes an animal cracker pizza, ha And she gives animal crackers out free with the beer. Oh, let's give Alice a great big cheer. She knows the age of the animal cracker is here. Ah, animal crackers are in this year! Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh, la la la la la la la la la Mathew drove as he sung along to the song . . .

Controlling Jennifer - 7

Controlling Jennifer VII: Taking It Easy Part I It was the day after the dance. Jennifer hadn't really intended to go running; she hadn't even set her alarm to get up in the morning, thinking she would sleep late after the events of the previous night. However, come the next morning, she found herself wide awake at eight, and she really had nothing planned to do. So she decided to run. Jennifer hadn't gone running since the first day she had met Mark. At first it had been fear. Fear and shame. She hadn't wanted to risk bumping into Mark again, and even more, she had been afraid she would run into the student with the notebook and the disheveled hair-do, or the man with his dog, the ones she had seen that day. The ones that had seen her that first day, when Mark had her going around the park acting like a wanton slut. "Damn Mark." she muttered as she pulled on her shorts. Sometimes, she wondered how she had ever come to stop hating him. He had made her do so many things she hadn't wanted to do. He had turned her life completely upside-down. At times, he had made her life a living hell. "I think I still hate him a little bit." she said to herself. "I'm just not scared of him anymore." Jennifer felt like running. That had been her time to think, while she was running, and if she ever needed to think, it was then. The night before seemed more like a dream than anything else. When confronted with the daylight, it hardly seemed real. So much had happened. She had so much conflicting emotions to resolve. As Jennifer was lacing up her shoes, she glanced at Darlene lying comatose in the opposite bed. That was another reason to go running; eventually, Darlene would wake up, and from experience, Jennifer knew that Darlene usually had very bad hangovers. It was better to disappear and come back after she had recovered somewhat. Jennifer tightened her shoelaces, and quietly slipped out the door. It was a nice day to go running; cold, but not too cold. Despite the time, Jennifer felt very awake, and full of energy. The dorm was empty, as it usually was early in the morning, and Jennifer slipped out without seeing much of anyone. Someone was in the lobby reading the morning paper, and he glanced at her as she walked by. Jennifer didn't know him, so she just smiled and walked past. It was about a five-minute walk to the track, and she spent the time taking in her surroundings. It really was a nice day, and it made her feel a lot better over what had happened the night before. She listened to the birds chirping in the trees, and watched them fly overhead. The sun felt nice on her skin; it was still kind of cold, but that only seemed to make the sun feel warmer. She reached the path that made its way through the park area of the campus, and took a quick look around for anyone she might want to avoid. The park was fairly deserted; she saw more squirrels than people, and didn't see anyone she knew. Jennifer strolled down the path, humming a slow song she had heard the night before. She thought about the last time she had come this way, when she had first met Mark. I never actually did make it to the track, she reminded herself. Her mind idled on a squirrel jumping from branch to branch, almost following her. Deep down, Jennifer knew she was pushing back what she needed to think about, but that was all right. It could wait until she started running. For now, she would just enjoy the simple beauty of early-morning nature. Carefree, without human interference. Before she knew it, she had walked through the park and was on the track. A couple other runners were running laps, and they all looked faster and more serious than she was. "Just take it easy." she reminded herself. "You haven't run for awhile, Jennifer. Let your body get used to it." She moved over to stand behind the line that usually determined the beginning and end of her laps, and did a few token stretches. "You know, Jennifer." she said. "You sure talk to yourself a lot more now." She laughed, and started to run. Her pace was fairly slow, but she planned to make it up in distance. During the first half of the first lap, she could feel her legs readjusting themselves to the exercise. It felt good. Her body settled into a nice pace, and soon her mind was free to wander. And as she had expected, her mind drifted to the night before, and Mark. The whole thing was losing its reality now; it seemed more like a bad dream than anything else. She hoped she would never see Derrick again; the image of him with his lip bleeding and an expression of complete devotion on his face was burnt into her mind. Jennifer knew that if she ever saw him again, that image would flash before her eyes. She would undoubtedly see Jacob again, with his burnt hand, and she wasn't looking forward to that either. He was becoming so different; Jennifer remembered him earlier in the year as just a nice guy, always saying hello to her, always ready to give her a hand. He had accepted it before, when she had gently told him she wasn't looking for a boyfriend. "It's amazing what a little good sex will do." Jennifer murmured. There was no doubt Jacob was obsessed with her now. The way he had acted the night before, with a little alcohol thrown in...it was insane. HE was insane. Jennifer had never had to deal with a guy like that before. She didn't know what to do. Maybe Mark...? She had asked herself that question over and over before, but had never really considered it. Before, she had thought Jacob was something she could deal with herself. Now, she wasn't so sure. And after all, it would be child's play for Mark to use his power... Morally, she wasn't quite sure where she stood on the whole thing. Would it be wrong to have Mark use his power on Jacob? It seemed like it should be, but Jennifer couldn't see how it would be that wrong. After all, Mark had saved her from being almost raped by using his power, and she certainly didn't find anything wrong with that. How was this any different? Jacob was becoming more and more demanding of her, and he might eventually become dangerous. Jennifer was just watching out for herself, right? Anyhow, Jacob would be better off to just forget her; there was no way she would ever be for him what he wanted. Unfortunately, all this just sounded like justification to Jennifer. Could she justify using Mark to take away someone else's free will? Was it right? She couldn't decide. Mark, as usual, remained an enigma. He was always mysterious to her, his motives incomprehensible. Whenever she felt like she was getting a feel for the way he thought, he would turn around and do something completely opposite to what she thought he would do. At the dance, it seemed like he should have liked it when she started doing what he wanted without him using his power. Yet, he had turned cold, and had taken a complete and irrational dislike to Derrick. What was wrong with Mark? Jennifer wished she could understand him. Mark had said she was doing too good a job, but what did that mean? Why was that a bad thing? Shouldn't that have pleased him? Jennifer found her mind lingering over the images of dancing with Derrick, pretending to seduce him, and she found the images very tantalizing. Though she hated to admit it, even to herself, she had enjoyed herself. It was like Mark said, it wasn't like she was really truly being a slut. After all, sluts were sluts because all they wanted was sex, right? But that hadn't been Jennifer's motivation at all. She had just been giving Derrick a night to remember. "Making his dreams come true." she grinned. It was true that she had enjoyed acting the role of a seductress the night before, and she discovered she was actually looking forward to her next experience with Mark, her next 'game of controlling Jennifer', as he referred to their sessions together. This was probably the strangest thing to realize about the previous night. She had given herself to Mark's control of her own free will, and she had enjoyed it. For a moment, she actually thought of doing it all by herself. What if I just choose a guy, and try to pick him up? she asked herself. Just like Derrick? As soon as she realized she was thinking it, she disposed of the idea. It wouldn't be the same without Mark. It really WOULD be slutty. Plus, she didn't want to get into another mess like Jacob. Jennifer realized that she had lost count of how many laps she had run, and she was getting tired. Oh, well, that was probably enough anyhow. She ran to the next line on the track, and stopped, breathing hard. Sweat dribbled down into her eyes, and she pushed her hair back to keep it from dripping on her face. One more time around the track, this time walking. As she walked, she thought about Mark and his power. The one thing she worried about him was that sometime he would get mad at her, and use his power against her like he had used it against Jacob and Derrick. He seemed to genuinely care about her, but that didn't mean he wouldn't lose his temper and make her do something awful. The sun was beating down on her as she walked along the track, and she started to long for the shady trees in the park. Finally, she left the track, took a drink of cool water at the nearby water fountain, and made her way into the park, walking under the trees instead of on the path. It seemed as if Mark was expecting her. He waited, sitting on one of the benches, watching her as she approached. He said nothing, and his expression was unreadable. When she was almost to his bench, he spoke. "Hello, Jennifer." he said. "Hi, Mark." she stood uncertainly next to the bench, acutely aware of how sweaty she was, waiting for him to speak. "Can we talk, Jenny?" he asked. Jennifer nodded. "Okay." she said, and she sat next to him on the bench. A cool breeze blew through the shady group of trees, and she shivered. "How did you know I would be here?" she asked. He smiled slightly. "Oh, you always used to come through here at about the same time on saturdays, to go running. I used to come down here and watch you go by, before I first came up to you." He lapsed into silence again. Jennifer watched him for a moment, waiting to see if he would say anything more. When he didn't, she contented herself with looking at the other people in the park. Some others had arrived while she had been running: a student reading a book, a lady walking her dog, another group of students sitting on the grass talking. "Jennifer..." Mark finally spoke. "Do I scare you?" The question startled her, and she looked at him to see if he wore his confident grin, to see if he was playing another game. He didn't seem to be; his eyes blinked distantly at the grass. He seemed to be deep in thought. "Not you, really..." Jennifer finally answered. "I'm a little scared of your power, sometimes." "You know I would never hurt you, Jennifer. Not even with my power." he said quietly. "I know." she answered simply. "Not intentionally, anyway...but what if I do something to make you mad? How do I know you wouldn't use it on me then? You might..." She let her voice trail away. "Oh, Jenny. I won't get mad at you. You have to trust me." Jennifer watched a jogger go past them. "You say that, Mark, and probably you mean it, but how do I know? You have so much power...how do I know you won't lose your temper and use it on me?" He answered this question with silence, and Jennifer sighed and waited. Finally he spoke. "I wish I could get you to trust me." he whispered. Jennifer felt something within her leap. Was this the same guy she had thought a monster? She couldn't help but smile. If he was an ordinary guy, she would have thought he was being incredibly sweet. But he wasn't ordinary, and she still didn't trust him completely. She still remembered the fight from the night before, and how Mark seemed to enjoy making them fight over her. "Mark." she said. "In order for me to trust you, you'll have to show me that you trust me." Finally, she got him to look at her. "How?" he asked. "Tell me who you are." She said, her voice becoming intense. "Tell me about yourself. I know your name is Mark, but that's all. Let's just talk, okay? I want to find out about you." Mark turned away from her. "No." he said. "All you need to know is my name is Mark, and I'm your master." "Darn it, Mark!" she burst, startling both him and herself. She forced her voice down. "Mark, if you're going to be stubborn about this, then we aren't going to get anywhere. You say you want me to trust you, but you won't treat me like a human being. Please, Mark. Enough of this master/slave thing, okay? At least not today. Let's just be friends today, all right?" She waited for him to answer, but he only stared silently at the ground. Finally she sighed and stood. He looked up at her. "Come on, Mark." she said firmly, and picked up his hand. "Let's go play one of your games, okay? And while we're doing that, we can talk, all right?" She tugged at his hand, while he stared at her, looking at her as if she had gone mad. Finally, he shrugged and stood. "All right, Jennifer. Another game." As he spoke, she noticed that his confident grin was appearing on her face. That meant he had an idea. She waited, hoping it would be something she would be willing to do. "Here's what we're going to do, Jennifer." he said, starting to lead her through the park. "You want to know more about me. Okay, I'll answer your questions. But here's the deal. First you have to kiss someone here in the park." He seemed to consider this for a second, then nodded his approval. "For each person you kiss, I'll answer a question." "Anyone?" she asked. That didn't sound too bad. She looked around at the others in the park. She saw a couple guys, but didn't know any of them. "Anyone." he said. "Even girls." "Ew." she grimaced. "I'll stay with guys, thank you." He frowned. "It's your choice. I haven't finished the rules, though. You can initiate the kiss, but you can't be the one who breaks it. If he holds the kiss for an hour, you'll have to keep kissing him for an hour. And while he's kissing you, you'll let him do anything to you that he wants. He can run his hands all over you if he wants. But once he breaks the kiss, you're free again. All right?" Jennifer nodded, feeling the fear and excitement build within her. She wasn't sure she was going to be able to do it, but the idea intrigued her. "I'll try. But you have to be there to help me if anything goes wrong, okay?" "Of course, Jennifer." he said. "Shall we begin?" "All right." she said. "First question: what's your full name? The truth." He grinned, and shook his head. "I'm afraid not, Jennifer. First you have to kiss someone. Remember?" Then his eyes went wide as Jennifer put her arms around him and pressed her lips against his. He broke the kiss fast, faster than she had expected. She couldn't help but smile at his look of shock. "I'm disappointed." she murmured. "You could have done anything you wanted to me while I was kissing you. You just wasted a good opportunity." He pulled away from her. "I can do anything to you anytime I want, slave Jennifer." He snapped. She just grinned. "Your name? Come on, Mark. You can't say that didn't count." He scowled at her, and for a moment she thought he would refuse to answer. Finally, he growled. "Mark Robert Antonio." He turned away from Jennifer's triumphant grin. Mark started to walk again, and Jennifer followed him along. "Mark Robert Antonio." she said, smiling at him from behind. "So that's what it is. Mark Robert Antonio. Mark Robert Antonio." He turned around. "Yes, that's it. That's what it is. Jennifer, kneel down, take my hands and kiss each of my fingers. After each finger, bow and say your full name." He was using his power, and Jennifer felt it sweep over her and block out her will to resist. She fell to her knees, and took his left hand in hers. After she kissed each finger, she prostrated herself on the ground and said her name. "Jennifer Anne Cailly. Jennifer Anne Cailly." First the left hand, then the right. Finally she looked up at him. He was grinning. "That oughta teach you to act too triumphant. Remember, Jennifer, that no matter what information you get about me, I can always still control you." Jennifer ignored his words. She sat down on the ground, and turned away from him. "This is what I meant." she said, her voice cold. "You lost your temper, and you used your power on me. This is exactly why I can't trust you." "What?" asked Mark. He knelt down beside her. "Oh, come on, Jenny! I didn't hurt you, now did I? Come on, look at me. I really wasn't that mad." He tried to put his arm over her shoulders, but she shrugged it off. "No, you didn't hurt me, but you could have." She said, her voice still icy. She thought about whether she should pretend to start crying, but didn't think she would be able to do it convincingly. "Oh, Jennifer." he sighed. "Please...I promise...I won't use my power on you anymore today, all right? Does that make you feel better? Come on and stand up, let's play the game some more." She reluctantly allowed him to turn her head, and then allowed him to take her hand and help her up. Meanwhile, she fought to keep from smiling, fought to keep the reluctant, hurt expression on her face. I can control him, too, she thought to herself, and a small smile creeped unbidden onto her face. They started walking along again. Mark started talking, saying what a nice day it was, and how it was nice that the sun was shining. Jennifer wasn't really paying attention, her mind was swept up in thoughts of Mark, thinking of what questions she wanted to ask him, and enjoying her small triumph over him. After a while, she noticed a man sunbathing in the middle of a grassy stretch. He was fairly attractive, a tall man with dark eyes and a firm, athletic build. And best of all, he was alone. "I see someone." she murmured. "What?" asked Mark, glancing at her, then followed her eyes to the man sunbathing. "Wait here." said Jennifer, and she released Mark's hand. She explained "It'll make it harder if he sees me with another guy." She didn't wait for Mark's answer, but started to walk over to the man. Her stomach was flip-flopping, and she really had no idea what she was going to do. She wondered if she would really have the guts to go through with it. "Time to improvise." she said to herself, and then she was standing beside the guy. She shifted nervously, not sure how to start. She didn't need to. The guy looked up at her. "You're standing in my sun." he said. "Sorry." breathed Jennifer, and she sat down beside the guy. "I'm Marcie." she said. She didn't like the way the guy smiled at her, and the way his eyes wandered over her body in frank appraisal. His eyes had a predatory look about them, and he seemed to like what he saw. Jennifer couldn't help but feel like she had just jumped into his spider web. "Hi, Marcie." he said. "I'm Greg." He shifted onto his side to face her, his muscles flexing even as he performed this simple motion. "What can I do for you?" Jennifer had no idea what to say. "I just saw you here...sunning yourself..." she began, trying to come up with something. "I thought it looked relaxing." she finished lamely. Greg smiled, an easy, casual smile. Mark had his power, but this man had a power of his own. It was in his confidence. "Want to join me?" he asked. He pulled something from behind him. It was a bottle of sun-tan lotion. "I have plenty of extra sunscreen." he said. "Uh..." Jennifer tried to think of an appropriate response. "I was jogging..." "Oh, don't worry." His voice easily slid in and interrupted hers. "You're not really dressed for it, but you can tie your shirt off...that'll give you a little extra tan on your stomach. It's very relaxing, Marcie...here, let me help you." Before she knew it, she was on her stomach, and he was inching her t-shirt up her body. His touch was very methodical and gentle. "Just sit back and relax." he said, and something about his hands made her feel more relaxed. He lifted her shirt to the point where her back was exposed up to the black lycra top that bound her breasts. Then he was massaging sun- tan lotion into her lower back. "You have a beautiful body." he murmured. His voice had a gentle, hypnotic quality to it, and Jennifer felt herself relaxing under his touch. She idly wondered how many women he had seduced. What was funny was that she was supposed to be seducing him. "You don't mind me telling you how attractive I think you are, do you?" he whispered near her ear. "It's not a come-on or anything...I just think you have a very attractive body." "No..." she sighed. "I don't mind." She felt him gently prod her with his fingers, and she sensed he wanted her to turn over. She let him push her over, and he started rubbing sun-tan lotion on her stomach. "Your stomach is so firm." he said. "I can tell that you exercise." His massaging was more of a caress now, and he was slowly inching up her body, until he was rubbing sun-tan lotion just below her breasts. She waited, wondering if he would actually touch her breasts, but he didn't. She felt his hands move away, and then his hand brushed her cheek. She opened her eyes. His face was so close to her, she could smell him. There was something sexual about his scent, and Jennifer felt overpowered by his closeness. "You really are gorgeous." he said. "Can I kiss you?" She could only nod. At first she told herself, all she had to do was wait until he pulled away, and then she was done. She could go back to Mark. But Greg kissed her in a long, lingering kiss, and as he did so, his hands ran up and down her back and sides, making her feel weak. When he finally broke away, she could only sigh in pleasure, and lay back as he started to press his lips against her neck. His arm enveloped her, and pulled her to him, his hand roaming up and down her back. Finally he let her lie back in the grass, while he leaned over her and smiled. His hand creeped like a spider up her side, and slipped almost imperceptibly over her left breast. A shiver of pleasure and excitement raced through her at this forbidden touch. "Want to go to my place?" he murmured. His other hand was tracing circles on her leg, drifting up her shorts and sliding over her thigh. "Ooh." she said. Then she remembered what she was supposed to be doing. "Oh! I'm sorry, I can't..." She sat up quickly, and pushed him back. He did not seem particularly shocked, only displeased. "I'm really sorry, Greg...maybe another time, okay?" She blinked at him for a moment, trying to shake free of her desire, and rushed off before he could answer. "Suit yourself." she heard him say behind her. When she looked back, he was on his back again, eyes closed, sunning himself. Jennifer looked around for Mark. She finally saw him sitting under a nearby tree, waiting. She walked over, and he stood just before she reached him. His eyes appraised her. "You seemed to enjoy that." he said, his voice very neutral, and he took her hand. Jennifer mutely allowed him to lead her away. To be continued
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17 years ago
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