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"Anesthesia" by Type O Negative Like a flash of light in an endless night Life is trapped between two dark entities 'Cause when you trust someone, illusion has begun No way to prepare, impending despair Did one say so cruel: "Tis better to love than lose" Ignorance is bliss - wish not knew your kiss So many times been burned, this lesson goes unlearned Remember desire only fuels the fire - liar Betwixed birth and death, every breath regret I pity the living, envy for the dead Emotionally stunned, in defense, I'm numb I'd rather not care than to be aware - be scared I don't need love Are a thousand tears worth a single smile? When you give an inch, will they take a mile? Longing for the past but dreading the future If not being used, well then you're a user and a loser World reknowned failure at both death and life Given nothingness, purgatory blight To run and hide, a cowardly procedure Options exhausted, except for anesthesia - anesthesia I don't feel anything.

this is me

BITCHOLOGY When I stand up for myself and my beliefs, they call me a bitch. When I stand up for those I love, they call me a bitch. When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts or do things my own way, they call me a bitch. Being a bitch means I won't compromise what's in my heart. It means I live my life MY way. It means I won't allow anyone to step on me. When I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak against it, I am defined as a bitch. The same thing happens when I take time for myself instead of being everyone's maid, or when I act a little selfish. It means I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be who I truly am and won't become anyone else's idea of what they think I "should" be. I am outspoken, opinionated and determined. I want what I want and there is nothing wrong with that! So try to stomp on me, try to douse my inner flame, try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me. You won't succeed. And if that makes me a bitch , so be it. I embrace the title and am proud to bear it. B - Babe I - In T - Total C - Control of H - Herself B = Beautiful I = Intelligent T = Talented C = Charming H = Hell of a Woman B = Beautiful I = Individual T = That C = Can H = Handle anything

really cut

people aint commenting on my new pics, :( i comment on everyones.

im happy with that :P

1112562268DragonH1.jpg You scored as Dragon. Dragon: Now talk about a legend. These magnificent creatures are of many species. Some can be as large as the Earth itself, while others are as small as a mouse. One image that comes to everyone's mind is the large, fire breathing Dragons that loathed humans and loved to sleep on massive piles of gold. Not all dragons have a bad reputation. Most dragons are very wise, caring, and protective. It would make a person very lucky indeed to meet a dragon. Especially if they walked away untouched. I admire your wisdom, for you are the Ancient Dragon.













What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
created with QuizFarm.com
Hello Charlotte I won’t go into detail about my association with numerology and history of numerology as I thought you could get this from reading I did for your mother at the start. The first section I will be dealing with Charlotte relates to your name. The name you are most known by. This vibration relates to your personality. It relates to how you are perceived by others. Your mother carries the same vibration in relation to her full birth date. Although the vibration she carries relates inward whereby yours is outward. In regard to this vibration you and your mother will have similar likes/dislikes or perceptions of things. It’s not to say that you both are very much alike but you’se will have characteristics that suggest a strong association with one another or outlook on life in regard to this particular vibration. Anyway lets see how we go. C H A R L O T T E S T I M S O N 3 5 1 2 3 7 4 4 5 + 3 4 1 4 3 7 5 34 + 26 3+4 2+6 7 + 8 = 15 karmic 1 + 5 = 6 personality Vibration 6 People who carry this vibration tend to magnetically attract others to them. They’re are genuinely loved by their friends and associates and when they become attached themselves, they’re devoted to the loved one. People who carry this vibration are born romantics with a strong sentimental streak, no matter how they deny it or try to hide it. This vibration brings with it a love of art and affinity for music. People who carry this vibration love nice homes and harmony in their surroundings. It suggests a person who cannot abide discord, arguments, unpleasantness or jealousy. People who carry this vibration make friends easily. People who carry this vibration are deeply attached to nature in some way and love spending time in the country, near silent woods and singing streams, which has a tranquilizing effect on their emotions. A fondness for luxury marks this particular vibration. They admire the tasteful and shrink from loudness and vulgarity. Their manners are as a general rule impeccable and their associations with others they are usually polite. However, when they feel strong about anything, they won’t hesitate to make their opinions known.. This next section Charlotte is related to your Karmic side and is arrived at by using your name Charlotte Stimson and taking the double compound number as the definition/vibration. Vibration 15 Theme Magician The number 15 vibration is a vibration of deep esoteric significance, the alchemy vibration through which all magic is manifested. It’s extremely lucky and carries the essence of enchantment with it. This vibration is associated with good talkers, eloquence of speech and gifts of music, art and the drama. It bestows upon the person it represents a dramatic temperament and strong personal magnetism; a curiously compelling charisma. This vibration is especially fortunate for obtaining money, gifts, and favours from others, because of it’s powerful appeal to the altruistic nature of people. Carrying this vibration is considered to be extremely fortunate it suggests that the person it represents is blessed with the ability to bring great happiness to others and to shine much light into the darkness. This next section Charlotte deals with your full birth date and is represented by the personality. To arrive at this vibration I take your full birth date and keep reducing to arrive at a single number. 2 + 5 + 2 + 1+ 9 + 8 + 8 7 + 2 + 2+6 7 + 2 + 8 = 17 1 + 7 = 8 Vibration 8 Personality People who carry this vibration are normally quiet, reserved and shy. They don’t obviously push ahead, but slowly and surely they will get where they want to go, and nothing will stop them from achieving their ambitions. The shyness and reticence is a cover for an intense drive to reach the top of the profession or career. They make excellent teachers and counselors and they excel at anything that requires patience and intelligent deduction. Those influenced by this vibration may have poor health in childhood, but they grow more robust when they reach maturity and longevity is common in those who carry this vibration. Carrying this vibration suggests that you are willing to wait for your plans to bear fruit and that you you’se the waiting time wisely. It’s rare to find a person who carries this vibration procrastinating or goofing off. They have an inborn sense of duty and responsibility that won’t allow them to take a careless attitude toward what is expected of them. Most of those born under the influence of this vibration are as reliable as a grandfather clock and as cozy to be around as a grandma quilt or comforter. They have a rich sense of humour, but one has to watch for it, it’s subtle and never obvious. Carrying this vibration suggests a person who behaves as if they don’t care a peanut what people think of them. Yet inwardly they care very much what people think of them. When compliments are directed at them they will secretly enjoy them, although they will hide their pleasure, for fear they might be considered weak. To be considered weak is the very last thing they want to happen. Most people who carry this vibration have very deep and intense natures and great inner strength. They often play an important role in life’s drama and many times are the instrument of fate for others. They stick by what they believe relentlessly in, even in the face of all opposition. They make loving friends but bitter enemies. People who carry this vibration can sometimes be undemonstrative with those they love and trust but can also be shyly affectionate and warmly devoted. They’re often lonely, needing desperately to be loved, and they’re capable of great sacrifices for an ideal, an ambition, or for those who depend on them. They grow younger in appearance and behaviour as they grow older. They’re as demanding of themselves as they are of others but for all the outward attitudes of wisdom and maturity, self-control and discipline. The 8 vibrations heart is lonely and longing and they need to learn that the pursuit of happiness is not a sin. This next section deals with your karmic side Charlotte and is arrived at by taking the compound number with your birth date that was reached in the reducing stage, (17). 17 Vibration Theme; The Star of the Magi This particular vibration Charlotte is a highly spiritual vibration and was expressed in symbolism by the ancient Chaldeans as the 8-pointed star of Venus. The Star of the magi is the image of Love and Peace and promises the person it represents will rise superior in spirit to the trials and difficulties of earlier life with the ability to conquer former failures in personal relationships and the career. 17 is the number of immortality and indicates that the person’s name will live on after him or her. This next section Charlotte relates to your karmic/life path side. This vibration is derived from the day on which you were born 25. 25 Vibration Theme; Discrimination and Analysis Carrying this vibration bestows upon you spiritual wisdom gained through careful observation of people and things and worldly success by learning through experience. It’s strength comes from overcoming disappointments in the early life and possessing the rare quality of learning from past mistakes, the judgment is excellent. Charlotte I am going to leave the definition I gave your mother for the numbers 4 & 8 for you to read as well. As these numbers and ones listed below along with any number that reduces to 4 & 8 will be of significance to you. 4 & 8 Vibration connected with karma/destiny This section I will talk a little about the numbers 4 and 8. Other numbers that are connected to these numbers Charlotte are 13, 17, 22, 26, 31 or any sequence of numbers that reduce to the numbers 4 and 8. These numbers are connected to destiny or karma. It is suggested that those who carry these numbers/vibrations tend to be the instrument of fate for others. These vibrations vibrate in strange way in which they are magnetically attracted to each other on a karmic level. You will find Charlotte that these vibration/numbers will be important to you either in a negative or positive way. I tend to approach these vibrations in a positive way as for me there is always a hidden meaning, a lesson of some sort. You as well as your mother will find that any of the above numbers will be significant in some way or sequence of numbers that reduce to 4 & 8. They could be associated with dates of events, birth dates of those close to you’se, house/phone numbers. Under the laws of magnetic attraction, 4 and 8 people seem to be irresistibly drawn together in all kinds of relationships; love, marriage, friendships and business associations-relatives and relatives by marriage. It’s common for 4 and 8 people to demonstrate a deep devotion to one another, “for better or for worse”. Anyway there you have it Charlotte. I hope you enjoy reading if you have questions regarding reading you can relay them through your mum if you like. Kind regards Ron

Real or Fake

Body: Difference between FAKE ASS friends and REAL friends FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Never ask for food. REAL FRIENDS: are the reason you have no food. FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr/Mrs REAL FRIENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOM FAKE ASS FRIENDS: bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong. REAL FRIENDS: Would sit next to you sayin "Damn ... we fucked up ... but that shit was fun!" FAKE ASS FRIENDS: never seen you cry. REAL FRIENDS: cry with you FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back. REAL FRIENDS: keep your shit so long they forget its yours. FAKE ASS FRIENDS: know a few things about you. REAL FRIENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you. FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing. REAL FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds ass that left you. FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door. REAL FRIENDS: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME!" FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Are for awhile. REAL FRIENDS: Are for life. FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough. REAL FRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say "Bitch drink the rest of that you know we don't waste." FAKE ASS FRIENDS: will talk shit to the person who talks shit about you. REAL FRIENDS: Will knock them the fuck out
I would die for you Dark Clouds & Misfortunes All things I have loved, Turn to ash in my hands, Dark clouds guide me to misfortune, darkness consumes my soul, My eyes bleed bitter sweet memories, the cruel angels torment me, Shadows cast upon me, Shrouded in mist my path becomes clear, You reached into my chest, you left a giant hole, You fucked with my emotion, you stole my soul. I lost a part of me, I can never get back, I watched my beating heart go cold and turn black All I’ve got is my pride and the feeling of being dead inside, I have truly paid the ultimate price, Replaced blood with flowing ice, Inside my chest beats a heart of stone, A desolate world in which I must roam, These feelings stir inside the pain reminds me that I’m still alive, If I’m going to survive I need some time off from these emotions STOP WITH THESE FUCKING EMOTIONS So many feelings running through my head, Perhaps Id be better off dead, Destined to roam this earth alone, I never feel welcome any where, No place, would I truly call home, Maybe its time to accept my curse, End my life and embrace the earth.
APPLICATION FOR A NIGHT OUT WITH THE BOYS Name of Boyfriend/Fiancé/Husband I request permission for a leave of absence from the highest authority in my life for the following period: Date: _______ Time of departure: __________ Time of return________ NOT to exceed Should permission be granted, I do solemnly swear to only visit the locations stated below, at the stated times. I agree to refrain from hitting on or flirting with other women. I shall not even speak to another female, except as expressly permitted in writing below. I will not turn off my cell after two pints, nor shall I consume above the allowed volume of alcohol without first phoning for a taxi AND calling you for a verbal waiver of said alcohol allowance. I understand that even if permission is granted to go out, my girlfriend/fiancé/wife retains the right to be pissed off with me the following week for no valid reason whatsoever. Amount of alcohol allowed (units) Beer___ Wine____ Liquor____ Total____ Locations to be visited Location: From: To: Location: From: To: Location: From: To: Females with whom conversation is permitted _______________________________ IMPORTANT – STRIPPER CLAUSE: Not with standing the female contact permitted above, I promise to refrain from coming within one hundred (100) feet of a stripper or exotic dancer. Violation of this Stripper Clause shall be grounds for immediate termination of the relationship. I acknowledge my position in life. I know who wears the trousers in this relationship, and I agree it’s not me. I promise to abide by your rules & regulations. I understand that this is going to cost me a fortune in chocolates & flowers. You reserve the right to obtain and use my credit cards whenever you wish to do so. I hereby promise to take you on an unlimited shopping spree, should I not return home by the approved time. On my way home, I will not pick a fight with any stranger, nor shall I conduct in depth discussions with the said entity. Upon my return home, I promise not to urinate anywhere other than in the toilet. In addition, I will refrain from waking you up, breathing my vile breath in your face, and attempting to breed like a (drunken) rabbit. I declare that to the best of my knowledge ( of which I have none compared to my BETTER half) the above information is correct, Signed- Boyfriend/Fiancé/ husband:_____________________________ Request is: APPROVED________ DENIED___________ This decision is not negotiable. If approved, cut permission slip below and carry at all times. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Permission for my boyfriend/fiancé/husband to be away for the following period of time: Date_______ Time of departure________ Time of return________ Signed – Girlfriend/Fiancé/ Wife: _______________________________ APPLICATION FOR A NIGHT OUT WITH THE GIRLS Name of Girlfriend/Fiancé/Partner/ Wife: I’m going out. Signed: (me) ______________________________
Australian Government Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs Application for Grant of Australian Citizenship You must answer 75% (28 or more out of 37) of these questions correctly in order to qualify for Australian Citizenship 1. How many slabs can you fit in the back of a Falcon Ute while also allowing room for your cattle dog? 2. When packing an Esky do you put the ice, or the beer, in first? 3. Is the traditional Aussie Christmas dinner: a) At least two roasted meats with roast vegetables, followed by a pudding you could use as a cannonball. Also ham. In 40C heat. b) A seafood buffet followed by a barbie, with rather a lot of booze. And ham. In 40C heat. c) Both of the above, one at lunchtime and one at dinnertime. Weather continues fine. 4. How many beers in a slab? 5. You call that a knife, this is a knife. True or False? 6. Does "yeah-nah" mean a) "Yes and no" b) "Maybe" c) "Yes I understand but No I don't agree"? 7. The phrases "strewth" and "flamin' dingo" can be attributed to which TV character? a) Toadie from Neighbours b) Alf from Home & Away c) Agro from Agro's Cartoon Connection d) Sgt. Tom Croydon from Blue Heelers? 8. When cooking a barbecue do you turn the sausages a) Once or twice b) As often as necessary to cook c) After each stubby d) Until charcoal? 9. Name three of the Daddo brothers. 10. Who was the original lead singer of AC/DC? 11. Which option describes your ideal summer afternoon: a) Drinking beer at a mate's place b) Drinking beer at the beach c) Drinking beer watching the cricket/footy d) Drinking beer at a mate's place while watching the cricket before going to the beach? 12. Would you eat pineapple on pizza? Would you eat egg on a pizza? 13. How many cans of beer did David Boon consume on a plane trip from Australia to England? 14. How many stubbies is it from Brissy to the Gold Coast in a Torana travelling at 120km/h? 15. Who are Scott and Charlene? 16. How do you apply your tomato sauce to a pie? a) Squirt and spread with finger b) Sauce injection straight into the middle? 17. If the police raided your home would you: a) Allow them to rummage through your personal items b) Phone up the nearest talkback radio shock jock and complain c) Put a written complaint in to John Howard and hope that he answers it personally? 18. Which Australian Prime Minister held the world record for drinking a yardie full of beer the fastest? 19. Have you ever had/do you have a mullet? 20. Thongs are: a) Skimpy underwear b) Casual footwear c) They're called jandals, bro? 21. On which Ashes tour did Warney's hair look the best? a) 1993 b) 1997 c) 2001 d) 2005 22. What is someone more likely to die of: a) Red Back Spider b) Great White Shark c) Victorian Police Officer d) King Brown Snake e) Your missus after a big night f) Dropbear? 23. How many times must a steak be turned on a conventional four-burner barbie? 24. Can you sing along to Cold Chisel's Khe Sanh? 25. Explain both the "follow-on" and "LBW" rules in cricket and discuss the pros and cons for the third umpire decisions in the latter.... 26. Name at least 5 items that must be taken to a BBQ. 27. Who is current Australian test cricket captain: a) Ricky Ponting b) Don Bradman c) John Howard d) Makybe Diva? 28. Is it best to take a sick day on: a) When the cricket's on b) When the cricket's on c) When the crickets on? 29. What animal is on the Bundaberg Rum bottle? 30. What is the difference between a pot and a middy of beer? 31. What are Budgie smugglers? 32. What brand and size of Esky will you be purchasing? 33. Did you cry when Molly died on a Country Practice? 34. A "Hoppoate" is: a) A breed of kangaroo b) A kind of Australian "wedgie" c) A disgraced Rugby League player? 35. What does having a 'chunder' mean? 36. When you were young did you prefer the Hills Hoist over any swing set? 37. What does the terminology 'True Blue' mean? Your Score . For Office use only. .. Can have another crack at it
Giving .........head....... massages the jaw....while burning 32 calories. Swallowing foreign body juices is actually like taking vitamins and it whitens your teeth The American Dental Association says that semen cuts plaque better than mouth wash, so suck a dick and save a smile. Having nice sex burnes 358 calories. Having rough sex [make it hurt] burns 543 calories. Take off her clothes with her consent.........................12 cal without......................187 cal Take off her Bra With two hands..........................8 cal With one hand.........................12 cal With mouth.............................85 cal Put on Protection hard ........................... 6 cal soft..........................315 cal Foreplay Looking for target...................8 cal Finding G spot ......................92 cal I don't F***ing care.....................0 cal Entry Holding her..................12 cal On the floor.................8 cal With Different Position Missionary..........................358 cal Doggy...........................316 cal 69 lying...............................286 cal 69 standing.............................512 cal Italian hanger.........................912 cal Orgasm Real................................112 cal Faking................................315 cal After "O" Lying in Bed............................18 cal Hop off the bed............................36 cal Wondering why she left pissed off...........816 cal Get dressed Quiet and calm...........................32 cal Rushing.........................98 cal Heard her boyfriend opening the door.............1218 cal Heard her dad/2 yr old baby sista at the door.............1942 cal There mom walking in..............................Priceless!!!LOL
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