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kissgirl's blog: "bonjour!"

created on 09/17/2006  |  http://fubar.com/bonjour/b3163


Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday dear me happy birthday to me!!!!!!

hey there!

so i've been reading in the news about the uproar over putting wiccan symbols on soliders graves.....come on people if this is the land of equals than all religions should be recongized! no matter what!


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this is the link to my store...something Im trying out tell me what yall think..... http://www.cafepress.com/threewitches

chocolate ritual

as a chocolate lover and as a wiccan I thought this was very funny.... The Chocolate Ritual Materials required: On the altar there are brown candles, a Tootsie Roll (the great big one---as the athame), a large glass with milk in it (the chalice), a small dish of Nestle's Quik and a spoon, a small dish of chocolate sprinkles, a plate of cupcakes and some Yoo-Hoo along with a goblet. CLEANSE THE SACRED SPACE: (Take the small bowl of chocolate sprinkles) Chocolate sprinkles where thou art cast No calories in thy presence last. Let no fat adhere to me, And as I will So Mote It BE! (Take the small bowl of Nestle’s Quik and spoon) Nestle's Quik where thou art cast Turn this milk to chocolate, fast. Let all good things come to me, And make my milk all chocolatey! CAST THE CIRCLE (using a tootsie roll): CALL THE QUARTERS: Mousse of the East, Fluffy one! Great prince of the palace of dessert. Be present, we pray thee, And guard this circle from all moochers Approaching from the East. Fondue of the South, Molten One! Great prince of the palace of decadence. Be present we pray thee, And guard this circle from all diets Approaching from the south. Cocoa of the west, Satisfying One! Great prince of the palace of thirst. Be present we pray thee, And guard this circle from all carob Approaching from the West. Rocky Road of the North, Cold one! Great prince of the palace of crunchy. Be present we pray thee, And guard this circle from all cheap imitations Approaching from the North. MAIN RITUAL: HANDMAIDEN (Henceforth known as the Swiss Miss): Listen to the words of the Mother of Chocolate, who was of old called Godiva, Ethel M, Sara Lee, Nestle, Mrs. See, and by many other names. HPS: Whenever you have one of those cravings, once in a while and better it be when your checkbook is full, then shall you assemble in a great public place and bring offerings of money to the spirit of Me, who is Queen of all Goodies. In the Mall shall you assemble, you who have eaten all your chocolate and are hungry for more. To you I shall bring Good Things for your tongue. And you shall be free from depression, and as a sign that you are truly free, you shall have chocolate smears on your cheeks, and you shall munch, nosh, snack, feast, and make yummy noises, all in my presence. For mine is the ecstasy of phenylalanine (FEEN-EL-AL-A-NEEN), and mine also is Joy on Earth, yea, even into High Orbit, for my law is "Melts in your mouth, not in your hand." Keep clean your fingers, carry Wet Ones always, let none stop you or turn you aside. For mine is the secret that opens your mouth, and mine is the taste that puts a smile on your lips and comfy, padding pounds on your hips. I am the Gracious Goddess who gives the gift of joy unto the tummies of men and women. Upon earth, I give knowledge of all things delicious, and beyond death........well, I can't do much there. Sorry about that. I demand only your money in sacrifice; for behold, chocolate is a business, and you have to pay for those truffles before you eat them. SWISS MISS: Hear now the words of the Goodie Goddess, she in the dust of whose feet are the cheap imitations, whose body graces candy racks and finer stores everywhere. I, who am the beauty of chocolate chips, and the satisfying softness of big bars, the mystery of how they get the filling inside of truffles, and fill the hearts of all but Philistines with desire, call unto thy soul to arise and come unto me. For I am the soul of candy; from me do all confections spring, and unto me all of you shall return, again.....and again..........and again..................and again. Before my smeared face, beloved of Women and Men, thine innermost divine self shall be enfolded in the rapture of overdose. Let my taste be within the mouth that rejoices. For behold, all acts of yumminess and pleasure are my rituals. Therefore, let there be gooeyness and mess, crispness and crackling, big slabs and bite size pieces, peanut butter and chocolate covered cherries all within you. And you who think to seek me, know that your seeking and yearning shall avail you not unless you know the Mystery; "We will sell no chocolate until you pay for it." For behold; I have been with you since you were just a baby, and I am that which is attained at nearly any shop in the land. Messed Be! SWISS MISS: Hear now the words of the Chocolate God, who was of old called Ghirardelli, Milton Snavely Hershey, Bosco, Fudgesicle, and by many other names. HP: I am the strength of the candy rack, and the piece that fell on the floor, but looks like it might not have gotten too dirty, and the deepest bitterness of dark chocolate. No matter how you try to resist the call of chocolate, I will hunt you out and I will become your sacred prey. I am the warmth of hot cocoa in the dead of winter, and the call of the road that leads you to that really expensive Godiva store downtown. I give you, my creatures, the fire of love of chocolate, the power of jaw strength to bite off a piece of that frozen Milky Way bar, and the shelter of Haagen Daz when that big date didn't work out. You are dear to me, and I instill in you my power; the power of a piece of chocolate that you had forgotten you had hidden, and the power of vision and magickal sight with which you can spot a candy counter a mile away. By the powers of the half melted bar in the glorious sun, I charge you; by the darkest depths of the bottom of the cocoa pot and the lingering smell of bittersweet chocolate, I charge you; and by the beauty of a perfectly swirled vanilla butter cream, I charge you: Follow your heart and your instinct, wherever they lead you. The wealth in your pocket can buy you treats that a Mayan king would envy. Take joy in that first bite of lecithin emulsified cocoa, and in the last satisfying slurp of Yoo-Hoo. Yet you must be wary of deceit. Eat not of that which is called "Baking Chocolate," for it is vile and bitter. Lastly, always remember to leave some chocolate behind you. Be not greedy, but let yourself be known as a connoisseur. Leave a little for someone else. I am with you always, just over your shoulder, or around the next corner. I am the Lord of Chocolate, and when you have reached the end of your hoard, I will never be farther away from you than that 7-Eleven on the corner. I am the spirit of the Wild Child; the Inner Child who can never get quite enough. If you are a true chocolate lover, then your soul and mine are intertwined. DISMISS QUARTERS: HPS: Oh, ye mighty goodies of the ______, We thank you for attending our rites and guarding our circle And ere you depart for your sweet and sticky realms, We say unto you, "N-E-S-T-L-E-S, Nestles makes the very best." ALL: "Chooooc-laaate." (After all quarters have been dismissed, give a final, satisfying belch at the East.) Close circle.


Wicca: Intoxicated By Christian Blood! Update: MP3 Audio Advice for Hunting Wiccans! Click Here Freehold, Iowa - In an act that can only be described as pure evil, a rabid young Wiccan girl wearing a black cape burst into the Landover Baptist 11 a.m. Sunday morning church service and flung the bloody carcass of a headless black cat across 297 pews. Pastor Deacon Fred ducked just in time as the abomination splashed into the baptismal pool, spattering chunks of animal flesh and water over the white robes of a horrified Christian Seniors Choir visiting from Des Moines. Pushing a frenzied crowd of screaming parishioners aside, Church ushers acted quickly and detained the Devil's harlot for questioning in the sanctuary basement before taking her to the furnace room. The following Tuesday, at a meeting of concerned Deacons, Pastor Deacon Fred explained, “Wicca, is just a fancy word that insecure unsaved teenagers who hate their parents use to describe their little club.” Landover Baptist has thousands of Christian moles placed in covens, chat rooms, and schools all across America. “They feed us some pretty gruesome stuff about Wiccans,”said Pastor Deacon Fred. "From what we can gather, like Jewish people, Wiccans kidnap Christian children and drink their blood to seal their commitment to Satan." Deacon Fred continued, "My guess is that the little Devil worshipper who slipped into our Sunday Morning service last week, did so because she got some inside information about what we were going to release on our website this month. She was nervous and very upset that the rest of the world would soon learn the truth about her silly cult.” It was announced after the meeting that Landover parishioners and Baptist police officers in Freehold, Iowa will be required to undergo extensive training in order to spot the latest breed of unsaved trash, the Wiccan, or, as the True Christian® founding fathers of America called them, Witches. Some of that training information, as planned, is available in condensed form below. Please keep in mind, that if you see anyone that fits ANY of the descriptions you are about to read, anywhere on your local church property, call the police IMMEDIATELY! These sorts of people do not visit churches because they are looking for salvation. They are there to harass True Christians®, cast spells, throw hexes, and to commit bizarre hate crimes against the true body of Christ (Baptists), their sworn enemy. We also believe that True Wiccans are receiving orders directly from the Vatican, which makes the situation even more dangerous. Spotting Wiccans: This information could save a Christian life! Appearance: Wiccans are generally overweight and of pale complexion. If they are not pale, they use powder or makeup (even the boys!) to generate the illusion of paleness or death. Wiccans are given to the piercing of skin as a sign of submission to their master, Satan. Look for multiple piercing and piercing in peculiar places like the nose, cheeks, eyebrows, lips, fingertips, chin, forehead, tongue, and on the shocking devil’s tip of the ear! Some Wiccans pierce their genitals as well. If you happen to peek over into the stall next to you and see a urination stream spraying in three directions (to mock the Trinity), it is likely the person is a Wiccan who just had the tip of his penis carefully pierced by his coven leader. (NOTE: Most coven leaders are either Catholic priests or tattoo parlor owners) Wiccans are under a contract with Satan to wear black. It is one of the first things they learn when they are indoctrinated into their cult. You can spot them mostly in leather, lace, black fingernail polish, eye makeup, and lipstick. Some Wiccans even wear black underwear! But since you are a Christian, you won’t have to see that unless you capture one. It is a well-known fact that Wiccans only bathe once a month, as such; they have a distinctively unpleasant odor they try to hide by wearing perfumes like patchouli or wolf’s bane. Wiccans wear lots of silver jewelry that is never clean. If you see someone wearing rings, amulets, broaches, or necklaces caked with green mold, most likely that person is a Wiccan. Skills: Wiccans usually bring home better grades at school than most of their peers. This is not because they are more intelligent, but rather because they cheat by casting spells and hexes on their teachers. Their master (Satan) is also highly adept at moving their pudgy little fingers in the right direction on a test paper. It is also important to note here that if a Wiccan is sober enough to vote, it will always be for a Democrat. The word "democrat" is closely associated with the word, "demon." Most True Christians® commonly refer to Democrats as "Demoncrats" and already keep a firearm handy during election time, so this information might be redundant for some. Behavior: Most Wiccans congregate in groups that prey on loners. They are generally a quiet lot because they are constantly thinking about new ways to kidnap True Christian® children and drain their bodies of blood. Wiccans like to purchase knives and swords from master Wiccan craftsmen who camp out at Renaissance Festivals (Renaissance Festivals are run by the Catholic Church - LBC Creation Science Vatican Study, 1983, pg 114-127). It's a preference of blade over gun because a good part of their satanic ritual includes a precise cutting of Christian flesh into bite-size Jesus steaks that are oftentimes smoked and cured into what Wiccans jokingly call, "Jesus Jerky." These fat little demons get a real hellish kick out of sitting around their school lunch table, nibbling on Christian flesh while classmates look on unaware. Wiccans are also known to tear out pages from the Bible (especially pages that have red writing on them). They use them to roll marijuana cigarettes into something they refer to as "a joint." The Wiccan Bond To Satan: Most Wiccans will tell you that they don't believe in Satan. Ha! True Christians® know you don't have to believe in Satan to follow him. The the truth is that anyone who is not following Jesus, is following Satan whether they believe in him or not. What many young Wiccans don't know is that, like the Mormon Church, the higher ups (Wiccans refer to them as "Elite Warlocks, Blood Guards, and Litch Kings") keep their flock in the dark about the real Satanic Wiccan agenda. You'd think that by drinking all that Christian blood they would know something was amiss! Sadly, most Wiccans have been placed under a trance by their coven leaders and it's only when they reach a certain level in their training that the trance is lifted, and by then it is way too late for any hope!. If you've read up to this point, you should have enough information to help you spot a Wiccan. We hope you find the details provided here, useful. We've done all of this, free of charge. If you'd like to continue your education and learn how to stalk, hunt, and trap live Wiccans, we suggest you purchase a copy of Pastor Deacon Fred’s new book: Wicca: Intoxicated By Christian Blood - now available at your local Bible bookstore ($49.99. Autographed first edition hardcover - $129.99). The information placed on this website is a high level summary from chapter one of Pastor's book.

merry meet!

So, Im taking some wiccan classes online...I think I mentioned that earlier....anywhos some of the class Im able to adapt to with ease others are not so....like aromatherapy and herbalism...yea not my strong points I failed aromatherapy very badly!!! I know each witch has their strengths and weaknesses so, Im not going to loses any sleep over it..........well I guess I will head off to bed the husband is grumpy! smoochie boochies!

state of mind

So, Im taking some classes online aromatherapy,psychic development things of that nature....and I was sitting there trying to meditate and feeling very relaxed and BOOM! eric woke up and started bitching nonstop!!!!! How can be at peace and my chakras doing the proper thing when hes constantly in a state of negative??? First of all in invaded my space when I clearly have my do not disturb sign up and just ugghhh now Im out of sorts!!!!! Why couldnt he had slept just for 30 more minutes??? As you can see Im bitching which is the way I stay because eric doesnt understand the concept of personal space!!! Plus, hes not a believer in the whole wiccan thing.....So, anybody out there got any suggestion???? PLEASE HELP!!! cause short of putting him on mute I dont have a clue!
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two outta three aint bad

Baby we can talk all night But that ain't getting us nowhere I told you everything I possibly can There's nothing left inside of here And maybe you can cry all night But that'll never change the way that I feel The snow is really piling up outside I wish you wouldn't make me leave here I poured it on and I poured it out I tried to show you just how much I care I'm tired of words and I'm too hoarse to shout But you've been cold to me so long I'm crying icicles instead of tears And all I can do is keep on telling you I want you I need you But -- there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you Now don't be sad 'Cause two out of three ain't bad Now don't be sad 'Cause two out of three ain't bad You'll never find your gold on a sandy beach You'll never drill for oil on a city street I know you're looking for a ruby in a mountain of rocks But there ain't no Coupe de Ville hiding at the bottom of a Cracker Jack box I can't lie I can't tell you that I'm something I'm not No matter how I try I'll never be able To give you something Something that I just haven't got There's only one girl that I will ever love And that was so many years ago And though I know I'll never get her out of my heart She never loved me back Ooh I know I remember how she left me on a stormy night She kissed me and got out of our bed And though I pleaded and I begged her not to walk out that door She packed her bags and turned right away And she kept on telling me She kept on telling me She kept on telling me I want you I need you But there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you Now don't be sad 'Cause two out of three ain't bad I want you I need you But there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you Now don't be sad 'Cause two out of three ain't bad Don't be sad 'Cause two out of three ain't bad Baby we can talk all night But that ain't getting us nowhere
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