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Sharkfin's blog: "Chaos"

created on 10/03/2006  |  http://fubar.com/chaos/b9661

Flower is Loose

Someone answer me this. Why on earth do house cats when they are let outside go straight for the sand or dirt and in this case it is more like a muddy concoction of each and roll in it? Almost like they want to get the smell of the house off their back and then sit there with this satisfied look contentment as if they had been waiting to get dirty for ions? Well it is like 57 outside and Flower had been cooped up in the house all winter. A long winter to be exact. So Bonnie and I decide to let her terrorize the neighborhood more so Roxanne the Garage cat from hell that just does not know when to die…not to make this story about Roxanne over flower but how in the heck does Roxanne dodge the jaws of the Riverside Coyotes day in and day out? That is a question for Bill Nye the Science guy if I ever seen one! So I let Flower outside and she beelines right for the entrance of the garage and starts flipping over side to side like she is coating her back with dirt and mud and sand and crap…lord knows what is in that the drive I mean Liz just drops load sometimes on her way out of the garage access door. So her flower is rolling and rolling and I have my side of the garage up so she sees me. And Stops. Looks at me while she is sitting as to say: “Did I miss a spot?” So naturally I ask her if she is going to be alright for the day…because being a bell I learned long ago it is polite to talk to animals like granny bell was Doctor Doolittle or something…what ever! So I say “Flower you going to be alright today and not get eaten by the coyotes?” You would have thought I said: “QUICK!!! Don’t look Now there is a Wolf homing in on you.” I no longer got Flower you going to… and it was like a bullet fired from a gun. She blue streaked around the garage and in three seconds she ran back by the front door, oh no she didn’t stop and collect $200 for passing go…she was gone I peer out in the direction she just flew off too and see this blur racing back and with cat like precision darted around the garage again and she flew up on the bar. I know this because I heard things crash down as if she knocked over the trash can or something. I am now stepping outside and look towards the noise I heard and here she is poofy tailed looking like she just saw a ghost and ready to jump back off the bar. Once more I say “Flower!...” That was all she needed and she was gone straight for the back patio. I figured what good would it to say another word I starter her engine just fine already. So hopefully on her first full day outside she will not end up coyote snack or under a passing car. Never a dull moment at the Bell’s house…Too bad I couldn’t tie a brick onto Roxanne to make it easier for the Coyotes to land that meal…

What is news ?

Let’s be honest those who are picking the contestants this year on American Idol must be smoking Crack! The only person from last night’s group that should have made it was the gal. I agree she can sing the other two…please. Did they have the sound up? I give! In the news. High School Girl can dunk like no other woman. Oh really? SHE IS 6’ 8” I hope she can dunk the basketball, because if she couldn’t they might have hung a street lamp on her …my gosh…give me some news that is news…Because a gal can dunk the basketball at high school level it is front page news? You would have thought she found the secret to making plutonium out of a Ritz Cracker or something… Also in the news…TUESDAY, March 3 (Health Day News) -- Kindergarteners who are impulsive and inattentive could be susceptible to gambling by the time they reach sixth grade, a Canadian study suggests. Impulsiveness can lead to many problems, such as dropping out of school, substance abuse, antisocial behavior and unemployment, and now gambling has been added to the list, the researchers said. I can’t even comment on this other then PLEASE! Who is doing the research the rhesus Monkey? (The Chimp that flew into space I know you were all like huh?) And more earth rumbling news out of Missouri, JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- Imagine if there was a law punishing litterers with the death penalty. That's just the law mentioned this past week by a Missouri state senator. Sen. Kevin Engler, R-Farmington, is under fire for comments made during the legislative session. He said rednecks and white trash are ruining the Show-Me State's roadways. Some people call him racist for the white trash comment. Engler says his comment was meant as a joke. If you are a Missouri Resident and you are pissed off about his comments…Show me State turns into Trailer Trash Tundra. You people voted for him! I really don’t have an edge on me this morning it’s just garbage news that really doesn’t help. It doesn’t make the world go round, it more infuriates people then it does inspire them. Here’s the deal. Someone once told me, “what else do they have to write about, reporters and writers are struggling for stories, they have to write about something…” Here’s what I say, we need better reporters or better producers of the news. Because Gambling 5 Year olds, a Dunking 6’8” Gal and a Senator that is pissy about litter doesn’t make for dinner time chat is what I say. How about energy finds, breakthroughs. How about Cancer cures where only 2% are not curable. How about movies that are great movies instead of Animated Cartoons…I mean I am all over the board here but look at what makes news. And we have about three to four nights of prime time tv that is cartoonish Family Guy, help me here I don’t watch them so I can’t name names…shoot the reporter I say…Just kidding I am the reporter without proper knowledge of what I mentioned…however you can find these prime time cartoons on every night almost… Even at the silver screen there is about two or three top cartoon type films…are we programming for children? I am ornery. I see it in my words. I feel it in my sole. I just want our world back. Not the chaotic simile that it is now. Can we go back please…Stop the world I wanna get off… A huge hug assorted pats and a wish for a brighter day Marrtay the mad SHOOT I didn’t even get in a Good Morning before I spoiled your wheaties…
People are not really this dumb right? How many times have you heard about someone misusing the 911 system for directions, to answer stupid questions or just to complain about a restaurant not having what you want? Over the last three months or so three different stories emerged due to not having Lemonade, A subway sandwich was made incorrectly and yesterday a 27 year old called 911 over a McNuggets ordeal. My story however is not about any of those idiots. It’s about 38% well at least at 6:15AM Michigan time that is. I know what you are thinking. Mart, are you drinking from the brown bottle this early? No just coffee. Ok you give…sorry you would never have gotten it so why beat yourself up. My story is about a survey in which one sight questioned the sites readers “Who was at fault?” Below is the survey and results as of 6:15AM Who do you think is more at fault here? The Lady for Calling 911? 62% Both are equally wrong? 22% McDonalds for not giving An immediate refund? 16% Neither is wrong? 0% Total votes processed 54,666 Let me break this down, 20,773 people do not find the lady at fault out of those polled. Ok taking into consideration that perhaps half of the people were pranksters just trying to fudge up the pudding. You know throw the whole process haywire. It happens and is now a way of life. Why? If I could answer that I would be a rich rich rich man. I can safely say this sort of thing would not have happened in the fifty’s however revolting started mainly in the sixties and some what slowed down into the seventies and eighties. The Ninety’s just restarted to grow and here in the first decade of 2000 we are being over ran with outright and total misuse of manors, respect, and common sense. Correct me if I am wrong. One can see it every day mistreatment of animals, parents, grand parents, children, grandchildren, neighbors, fellow drivers, co-workers, care givers, people being cared for, customer service help, cashiers I could go on and on. Is it just kids now days? Nope. Is it because the economy is in the tank? Nope. Why then Marrtay what the hell is it and how can we fix it. I don not have the one answer that would be the fix all. However I do have the many answers that can help. Take stock in you children, your children’s children. You know if I see another T-Shirt that says I am spoiling my grand children, or I am the Mommy that is why, I am with Stupid, My other Car is a Vet, I would rather be_____ (fill in the blank), oh and this one I am not fat this is a gas tank for a sex machine. Or any of these Stock Car Drivers Push Harder, Scuba Divers go Deeper, Only My Hair dresser knows… you get the just and I am just tired of those…Airing what you are into or think is funny like a walking billboard is stupid. I understand funny t-shirts hey they are funny but to a point let’s have tack. How many know a child that was sent home from school due to a t-shirt he or she wore that was not appropriate for school? How many t-shirts infuriate another race? We all know right from wrong. That is the real answer right there, right from wrong. Again this could go on and on who is right and who is wrong…Well let me give you an example: If I have an emergency LIFE threatening emergency I am calling 911 not McDonalds, and if I have a stupid question or something bites my butt, I will blog, tell it to a friend or just write a letter to the editor. However if Meijers runs out of the Bread I like I am not going to call the FBI to investigate nor am I calling my congress. I am not taking part in any internet petition that is supposedly being sent to the Commander & Chief. I am not going to send this on to thirteen friends and if not I will grow a third eye. My sex life is mine alone to worry about and reading today’s horoscope is not going to better it and make it worse. The Cancer victim back from the ninety’s is either dead or never had cancer, that missing child perhaps posted her own message and foremost Make a Wish does not grant wishes because you emailed 3000 people. Get rich quick schemes work until the founder gets caught. I was sent an email on Common sense that was right on and to the point. Common Sense gave in to the Moral Majority. Thank you Claudy it is emails like that I do like to read. Because they have meaning. Something to take stock in. Take stock in those you care about. I can’t say it any better. If more people cared enough about their siblings to take them aside and say, “You know dude, you’re being an Aztec Circle” Then perhaps we would have a nation we all could be proud of, neighbors we would not talk about and countries we could all visit without fear. However this is what we have. A world filled with hate, pain, regret, jealousy, famine, name calling, finger pointing and oh yes People Lacking Common Sense. That is all I can muster except I am going to McDonalds anyone want some 911Nuggets? A huge hug and an invigorating pat and a wink…IDOL sucked last night! Marrtay
How big of a Rat Bastard does one have to be to cheat the girl scouts? Apparently there are people who thought what the heck why not and did. BREMERTON, Wash. - Someone is cheating Girl Scouts, using fake $20 bills to buy cookies. One troop in Bremerton is out $100, and some fear the fraud is spreading to other Girl Scout troops. Beneath the cheer of the annual Girl Scout cookie sale in Bremerton smolders a flash of anger and betrayal. "We get to go camping, the zoo, swimming pools," she said. But the girls found out someone used fake $20s to buy cookies. "That makes you feel really mad," said Swanson. "It's just beyond me," said Deborah Bernard, customer. "I can't even imagine that. These are little girls." Trooper leader KC Gettings made the discovery Saturday while making change. "I went to the bank, right inside Safeway, and she told me two of the $20s were fake," said Gettings. Gettings quickly left, returning with a counterfeit detecting pen. Its mark shows yellow on real U.S. currency, but the mark turns black on fake money. She discovered an additional $60 in fake bills. That brought the total to $100 Troop 40411 may make up themselves. Two of the bills even had the same serial number. Troop 40411 isn't alone; others around Bremerton invested in the pen. "Another troop has come to buy them because they noticed they were getting fake money," said Gettings. She said they're being told to stop accepting $20 bills unless they use the pen. I remember a group of girls in Florida who cheated the girl scouts some time back, however this time it was not in Florida but Washington. How sad is that. I sit here and wonder to what degree this display of dishonesty will continue. I mean if you cheat a group of 5 to 8 year olds out of their cookie sales to buy them and resale or eat them what other extremes are we talking? Once again I have no answers. I am clueless to what degree a mind turns evil and why. I somewhat see the why. The economy is terrible. Jobs are being lost at an alarming rate. Putting food on the table is tough for many, paying bills just surviving today is tough. You wait one day I will have nothing but good news to write about. I for one can’t wait… A huge hug and many pats… On the brighter side which is the Far-Side how many girl scouts does it take to make a box of thin mints…………don’t ask! Marrtay
When did stupid become a way of life? Have you ever been privy to people in a super market, department store or just a local mini mart where a couple decided to air their dirty laundry to the whole world? How about perhaps not airing their laundry as much as including you into their conversation and you just want to get the hell out of there! I have seen this kind of thing many times. Due mostly to me more times then not being the Grocery Guy. I don’t mind so no big deal however what I do mind is being in someone’s front room as they break out in a toe to toe skirmish. I am being a bit melodramatic to a point but I totally feel for some of those who are on the brunt end of these ordeals. Case in point Saturday I chose to pick up groceries a day early normally Sunday morning is my time, early when not many are even up yet. Yes I am the early bird and the worm normally doesn’t have a chance. So there I am minding my own business and I even snatched up a cart from outside and brought it in to save I don’t know perhaps the kid that is paid to bring the carts in one less cart…anyway so there I am and while I am bringing said cart in these two I would like to refer to as Mutt and Jeff. Back ground check or the low down on them Jeff is all of 100 pounds and Mutt…well let’s just say she could hide two of Jeff behind her and no one would be the wiser. Oh and they look Kentucky Mountain bred. I can’t get any closer to calling them Hill Billy’s without point blank saying so, oh and for the record I have been called a Hill Billy time and time again…bothers me not. So I catch some of their bickering outside and figure Mart do yourself a favor and hang by the fruits until they pass by. Knowing fruit is not on the agenda for them I kind of racial profiled them didn’t I? Oh well Bad me. So I hang there…guess what…Hell if they didn’t pull right up behind me…so Now feeling like a goober I snatch up a bag a Granny Smith’s Apples and cart on… Oh and let me tell you if there was a Aisle speed limit I would have been ticketed! So I am no grabbing Vege’s Mushrooms, Sprouts, Salad crap and such and figure I lost them, Yeah right! You know it’s not bad enough they damned near run into me, however the Jeff is yelling at Mutt across the produce while I am right next to her…Beam me up Scotty I am coming home! I figure they have a right to be there and I just do not want to be right there so I decided to go take my Apples back, due to not actually really wanting them and I am free of them however I have to get back and get Salad stuff…so I go to the pop aisle (soda) and grabbing Diet Pepsi Ruby Red Squirt because Manders and Jax will be over for Sunday dinner and she likes Squirt. So I either figured or lost them but was aisle clear of them and soon as I get to the end of the aisle Mutt almost rams me. Well as if I needed to give Jeff a reason to yell at her…he starts in on her and you know when someone is sincere or just wants your attention. He was yelling at her that she should slow down and watch out for people and such…while looking at me…I wanted to help her out and wack his scrunny ass with a bag od taders but I figured it might kill him so I apologized and moved out of her way and thought Mart…dude you have to go to the back of the store and then perhaps you work your way up to the front that way, in doing so I should only meet them one more time of get lucky enough just to miss them all together. Fat Chance! I go directly to the meats…There they are two minutes behind me, and now I am Jeff’s best friend…He starts to ask me if I like those country ribs, or the baby back ribs, and I am thinking all the time as I half smile and nod…what the hell is he talking about? Well then I noticed I did not grab pork steak but Country Ribs instead…I said I don’t normally do the cooking my wife handles all that and then I say Oh shoot I wanted Pork steak, he goes on and says you can get better pork steak at Martin’s and he yells a Mutt and says hey give’em your recipe for Ribs. So Mutt is like all happy now just to be out of the argument stage and talking to someone, that Jeff approved of. This is the point I looked around and thought I must be on Canted Camera. Where is Allen Funt? So I smile and try one more time to say My wife does the cooking and do so as I am trying to wheel away. These are the times I wished I let Bonnie do the shopping. So I think. Mart get the hell out of the food aisles and go check the DVD’s out…I am not there 5 minutes and I hear his voice, no he is not in the same aisle but he is close…and talking down to her again like she was his hound dog. This is the time I wished I was Barbara Eden and could nod my head three times and poof away in pink smoke. However that only happens in TV and Theater so I take a chance to go south in the aisle thinking they were heading north in the opposite aisle…I guess right and was able to amble back into the food aisles and finish shopping. But, now I am like a covert spy looking around each corner to make sure Mutt and Jeff was not already there. Long story coming to an end I finally finished the shopping got in the aisle and surely figured they were gone, because I had to almost shop all over again. I am checking out and the coast is clear. I pay and realized I did purchase those damned apples and oh by the way picked up the ribs instead too, I can’t be bothered while I shop I lose all concentration and so I am heading out to the lot and here they are arguing in the lot…so I quickly unload and put the cart in the cart corral and as I do not know why but my curiosity got the best of me I glanced over at them and both of them smiled and waved…and then I waved back…almost like I was forced to, and he looks at her like she had just got caught in bed with another man…So what did I learn about this experience? The will be my last Saturday shopping event as long as I live! A huge hug and does anyone have a recipe for country style ribs? Three pats and a wink Good Morning Marrtay

Rare Bird eaten...

Good Morning Happy Friday. If the weekend ahead is a no work only rest up and re-energize yourself good for you if you have a working weekend well have fun as best you can. My weekend is well I am not real sure yet. I will play if by ear. Not entirely keen on the concept of allowing my ear to play or plan my weekend however I hear (see the ear must be good for something it’s hearing things) that many plan their weekend just like that. Ever even slightly wonder about which animals in our world are extinct? I have at times and perhaps everyone goes right to the most Obvious one like the Worchester’s Buttonquail, ah yes that fabled bird. .. No I am not an Idiot I never truly heard of that damned bird either until this morning. This is what I read. A rare quail from the Philippines was photographed for the first time before being sold as food at a poultry market, experts say. I imagine it tastes like New Caledonia wood rail or Mauritius night-heron you know there are way to many Mauritius named birds. However I am missing my point. Oh yeah the Bird from the Philippines, now I remember. Apparently this perhaps now extinct bird is found only on the island of Luzon, It is called the Worchester’s buttonquail and was known solely through drawings based on dated museum specimens collected several decades ago. Scientists had suspected the species—listed as "data deficient" on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's 2008 Red List—was extinct. (See related bird photo: "Rare 'Smiling' Bird Photographed in Colombia.") A TV crew documented the live bird in the market before it was sold in January, according to the Agence France-Press news agency. Michael Lu, president of the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines, told AFP the bird's demise should inspire a "local consciousness" about the region's threatened wildlife. "What if this was the last of its species?" Lu said. However, the buttonquail is from a "notoriously cryptic and unobtrusive family of birds," according to the nonprofit Birdlife International, so the species may survive undetected in other regions. Ok here is my thought process, dude put down the camera and go buy the damned bird before it turns into a Philippine Panini or what ever that grilled sandwich is called. Sounds like Mr. Michael Lu may have bought the bird and ate it himself. Tastes like Bald Eagle. Just kidding, I have had it and it is not what it’s cracked up to be. Point being, now I remember the point it’s like that show America’s Funniest Videos, most of those are truly put on and the ones that are absolutely real shame of those dumb butts for filming when they should have been America’s next hero! I often wonder what other countries that watch this must think…my gosh those Americans are dumb asses. I mean except for Japan not many countries display their tards as we do, right out in front of everyone plastered on the boob-tube. So whether or not Mr. Buttonquail is extinct now or ever was. If you see something that is not right, help out don’t capture that moment on Kodak. I wonder how many people can say or would say they could have stopped a certain animal, artifact or catastrophic event from happening. However I bet some have film of it. Have a safe and fun weekend. Once again if you are resting up, have fun doing so. If you are healing up good luck with that and if you are just out to rise hell, then do so and perhaps it will melt this damned snow in Michigan. I am tired of being cold! A huge hug and many pats Marrtay

Because I care

Good Morning. You know there are a lot of strange and delusional people in this world. Let me give you an example of strange and delusional as I see it. About 8:30 p.m. Thursday, a man identified as 50-year old Michael Steven Reed walked into the Eddie's Fried Chicken on Hemphill in Fort Worth, wearing a white rag tied around his face and carrying a big tree branch that he was brandishing like a sword. Reed held it up over his head and demanded all the money in the register, threatening the cashier. That's when one of the employees jumped out with a broom and began to engage Mr. Reed in what police describe as a "battle of wooden swordsmanship." That ended when another employee rammed the "would-be" robber with a chair -- causing him to drop his tree-branch sword. Reed ran out of the store empty-handed and was followed to a nearby church in the 1700 block of Hemphill. Officers arrived and found Reed hiding behind a Dumpster. He was apprehended without further incident. Reed was booked into the jail facility for aggravated robbery. Sure Reed was just a petty thief no harm no foul he was just trying to branch out. However now he is out on a limb. And it looks like that limb is going to be evidence against him. Oh this I have to tell you all. I do not do internet petitions and you should not either. Here is why I do not do them. Ok, most will explain what the petition is about no doubt. Most will also have numerous names already on them can we agree on that? Also you will also notice the petition will state at the bottom or top ‘When the Petition reaches 1000 please forward it to…” Am I right? Ok, stay with me here I am almost done. Most will explain if you do not wish to join end please at least forward to everyone in your email list, am I right? Ok, Now lets do simple math. If I have 100 email buddies or what ever number makes no difference until you get the just of this. Those 100 will also receive the same petition with the same amount of names on it right? So now we have 100 petitions with exactly the same number of names on it and each name the same it’s not a play on words it is just showing you how to clog up the already over burdened internet. Hopefully I reach all of you whom fall into this category, it does not work! It is a hoax it will never work and here is why. If you receive the same email with the same name at the top of the list time after time would you think this was a duplicate? Pretty soon you are just going to delete it and not read it right? Ok if that isn’t cause for pause then lets take it one step further. Most of the people who are assigned to read and distribute internet feedback, letters, junk mail already have blocked or deleted your incoming mail, it is called spam block. So thinking the government is looking into any petition they receive via the internet is like……. Well best put “believe me the check is in the mail” we all want a better world lets start by not being slammed and slamming others with useless spam mail. Better put for those that do not understand spam. Stupid People Advancing Mail, I am not calling anyone stupid that email me, however…if you send me another email petition…well you put two and two together and give me your answer. If you do not come up with 2 twos…just kidding If you do not come up with Four then I guess I can expect another petition shortly right? Once more I am not picking on anyone in particular, my aunt sent me the same petition twice…yes I know… and then my sister did, and then close email friends did… and it just so happened I looked to see each of their names on it and guess what, they were not on one another’s list however the first 500 were all the same…imagine that! If I have upset anyone with this I am truly sorry. I did not intend to do that. Sometime ask me to send you the do gooders email. You will better understand how hackers work. For now, I have said enough to infuriate many so I will close by saying. You know you have touched my heart if I have sent this to you. If not that means I could give a good rat’s ass about anything you do. So smile sunshine you are loved. A huge hug because I know this ruffled some feathers and three pats and a pinch just to let you know it’s me. Marrtay Oh and if you don’t do what I say, I will bail Mr. Reed out of Jail and send his branch swinging ass at ya!

Pore Liz...cry me a river.

Oh know Liz Smith is being dropped by the New York Post! How are we ever going to survive with out Liz’s Gossip column? NEW YORK (AP) -- The New York Post is dropping Liz Smith's column this week to save money, leaving the legendary gossip columnist without a newspaper home in the city for the first time in 33 years. "I'm very sorry that that has come to an end, and that I wasn't valuable enough for them to keep me on," the 86-year-old Smith said Tuesday. Smith said the daily newspaper declined to renew her $125,000 annual contract in a letter that said, "due to economic circumstances, they were the bearer of bad news and so forth." Good Morning! Wake up it’s Hump Day USA and abroad. Wow the media left me bunches to write about, bitch about or laugh about. I chose to write about Liz. Yes Liz will not be getting her 2009 salary of 125K from the New York Post. You know, I would have figured she perhaps pulled down about 25,000 instead of that whopping 125K however gossip pays just look at the tabloids that continue to flourish like US, The National Enquirer, Star, US Weekly, Tattler, Sun and National Examiner. No hold your horses I looked these bad boys up I do not what so ever pick up, read or look at these garbage heaps other then see some of them in the grocery line as I am awaiting being checked out. Ever hear the saying “get a life”? Honestly living thru someone else’s experiences, bad choices, Diets, love affairs and caught naked on the beach pictures doesn’t rock my boat. I would have used float my boat then I would have made it sound that the only reason for my staying above water is thru someone else’s pain. Not so. However Back to Liz. Liz shame on you! So you are the reason I do not buy the New York Post, not because I do not live anywhere near New York, Not because I want to hear about who is screwing who on the big screen. Or small screen I believe she must talk about both. Not because Oprah lost 50 or gained 65 Not because Queen Latifah looks hot or sang off key. Not because Paris and Rosie O’Donnell had, has or did one another. It’s because in today’s world living is hard enough just making two ends meet. It doesn’t matter what others are doing unless their way of life benefits my way of life. So with that being said Liz, so sorry but you were way over paid, you and the national autoworkers need to ask for less and produce more. I also seen a little verb on the Governor of Louisiana about last nights speech or last nights fireside chat. He decided to address his fellow statesman however I must admit he looked and sounded more like Mr. Rodgers then a US Governor. Other then that have a fabulous day. Two hugs two pats and have a good day neighbor. Marrtay
Wow now days it doesn’t take too long of a look in the news to get irritated. I see where Miss Hilary Clinton is bopping around on her world wind turn. Oh, and just in case no one heard she or someone has pledged 900 million for rebuilding the Gaza Strip. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t the U S of A in the Sewage Tank like oh I don’t know A TriKillion and Two Tantra Fandango Million in the RED!!!! Where on earth did she have that little nest egg tucked? I seen her rack and there is no way she had it hidden there! This is like saying our roof is leaking, well lets be honest there is no roof over our heads, but, I am going to help you fix your house first and I really know your house will be blown to bits again…I mean will fall again, but we have deep pockets …I mean we have an endless supply of money because we forced people into a scare tactic that the U S of A as a whole would go belly up if they did not agree to all of our stimulus plans. Did I say belly up? Oh silly me, I meant dried up like a road kill picked clean in the desert sun by vultures until the only thing left is dust in the wind… Does any body really know what time it is! My gosh, can someone give me a bright spot to talk about. A cute and cuddly puppy with food smeared all over its snout or a fur ball Kitten all bound up in string and reaching for more. You know we as a nation are in what I would like to categorize as a state of denial. We think our government will pull us out of the sewer and back to the Ozzie and Harriet days of Living. Back where granny left pies to cool out on the window sill. Now days if the neighbor cat or dog hasn’t snatched it clean off then a bird of pray or a hoodlum of pray will take it in a heartbeat. Back when Gas was cheap and cheap looked good. We are hell bent on helping our neighbor first and that is what the churches will tell you we need to help the starving kids of Africa, The war torn regions of the Arabic world, The over populated Chinese and people all over living in grass huts. How about the people right here living in our own streets in card board boxes…yeah they may not have to fear lions or tigers or snakes, but they sure get killed much faster here. I wished the news media would take their cameras down Harlem way and into the segways where our own country men and women are living in cars, tents, boxes or on park benches…no clothes to keep them from freezing their pinkies off…how about granny and gramps who help forge a nation and now look at it, we have over spent, under fixed and over prided our nation into a poveric state however…we need to pledge 900 million to a strip that has been bombed, stoned, built up and torn down just to be built up and torn down again and again. Why don’t we just buy that bridge over that swampland we have all heard about since day one… Does anybody really know what time it is… do you really care? Have a fabulous day and I for one applaud you for giving your fair share to the Gaza Strip. Mine I hope they buy a bright red Bullseye oh yeah and here is why, Perhaps then the Rat bastards can see the target and take it out once and for &*%King all! I tell you who did not vote for this current government! ME! Do have a grand day Mart

Left or Right?

Good Friday Morning to you. No it’s not Good Friday, Good Friday it’s just a good Friday. Hmmm that is confusing. Hey have you ever went to one of those strange but true web sites? No not the one with the bearded lady. You know the ones that contain strange but true facts. Yeah I geek up ever so often and try those sites. Did you realize that over 2500 left handed people die each year due to using right handed designed instruments. No not trumpet or saxophone things like scissors, can openers, and sickles. No, no, no not icicles the thing one would use to cut crops, trim weeds you know the grim reaper normally has one. Try using that if you are left-handed…look out shins! It is astonishing that so many things we take for granted as being right handed that a left hander can’t do. Now back in the day when I played baseball as a child I always thought left handers were the spawn of evil oh yeah! Rat Bastards could throw a curve ball outside and I would think that will never make the plate and whammo bing bam boom I am called out on strikes! Gee wiz Mart let it go dude it was 40 years ago! However now I feel bad, because perhaps some of those leftys never reached their thirtieth birthday. I can see the news headline Man killed by run away pair of shears wife left wondering if it was her fault she bought right handed tool… My point is this. Some things manufacturer’s make are for left handed people and some things are meant for right handed people. Which brings me to a valid point. How does one tell if a dog is right handed or left? Well I researched this little trivia question and know the answer. Which I can give it to those who wish to know, but only if you really, really want to know. I think it will astound you once you find out. It is not what I originally thought. So in your trivia games and classic mind wit times if this question comes up I have the correct answer. Other then that let me say to those who are left handed have a fabulous day, You are a Survivor. But be weary your day might be coming sooner then you think. Be sure to use only left handed items. Here is a bit of knowledge not many know, TV sets are right Handed while Radios are Left Handed… Hmmm Radio came before TV and we have the better format of news..ha ha..,ok no they are not…but I had you didn’t I? Have a fabulous day. A huge hug and shoot… Lizard flipped me the bird with her … ( which ) leg? Marrtay
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