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MisUnderstood's blog: "Erotic Stories"

created on 09/19/2006  |  http://fubar.com/erotic-stories/b4156

Refined Love .. Pt. 1

For as long as I can remember, my life and my cravings have always favored women. From my first serious relationship when I was in college, to even when I was a young girl, my mind was captivated by the appeal a woman had. I can even recall spending several nights in my room when I was younger, staring at women's fashion magazines and the enchanting allure of the models that graced each and every page. Throughout my teens and high school years, I made as many friends with the more popular circles of girls. Not that I was a self-absorbed girl, but typically, the more pretty girls ran in the same circles, so I did all I could to be a part of that. I became a cheerleader, ran for student council, and was generally liked by my peers. I loved fashion and dressing up as any typical teenage girl would. But being a mixture of Latino and French caused me many self-identity crises, and the more I spent time with other girls, the more I became relaxed and comfortable in whom I was. Little did I know that I was placing the groundwork for a life full of exotic and erotic escapades. In college, my body filled out to its naturally inclined size. Being blessed by my Spanish heritage, my bronzed flesh became quite curvy... my hips grew wide, as did my bust size. It took a couple of years of struggling with countless diets, but I eventually accepted my busty frame. And many of the girls I slept with throughout college favored my healthy breasts and curvaceous backside. I let my hair grow much longer than it did during high school, and by the time I graduated college, my dark hair fell right above the top slope of my ass. I fondly recall my 36c-24-38 measurements from wearing my awesome dress at my senior formal (which of course, I secretly took my girlfriend as my date). Now flash forward to my early 30's. I'm happily working as a flight attendant for a major carrier, and living here in Chicago in an awesome condominium overlooking Lake Shore Drive in downtown. After college, I devoted many years to exploring myself in several different relationships with women. It was during this time, I discovered numerous fetishes and countless cravings I possessed. Luckily, each relationship brought something else out of me that I never knew existed. I discovered an abundant fixation for ass... became addicted to using strap-ons, beads, anything that would enhance the marvelous act of lovemaking between two women. From dating older women, to even dating a college student when I was 30, I welcomed many women into my empty arms. Not that I'm bragging by any means, but the experiences made me appreciate the art and prose of lovemaking, and the beauty each woman possesses. It became a thirst I couldn't quench. At times, I was nothing more than a wanton beast wanting to find it's next female victim for ravishing. I grew into a extremely sexual woman, always daring to push the envelope a little more... always wanting to push my tongue in a little deeper... bite just a bit more... open my heart just a tad. My tastes spanned the horizons... from slender figured to the big beautiful women, old and young... as long as their heart was into the moment, I was in Nirvana. I happily accepted myself and who I was, yet still holding onto my profoundly fashionable, and very feminine nature. And all that was about to be thrown out the window. I just returned from a three-day schedule that had me in California and the southwest when I received a call from my dear friend who was a fashion photographer. I had just gotten out of the shower, and wrapped in my towel when the phone rang. Apparently, my photographer friend's young assistant had just quit, and left him without an assistant for an upcoming shoot he was hired to do over at the Ritz Carlton hotel. Having been his friend for over five years, he always called on me to fill in for these countless binds he would get in. I wanted nothing more than to spend my first night home bathing in my lavish new garden tub. Taking away one of my most beloved rituals made me quite caustic. "Oh, come on Meredith!" Darryl begged. "No!" I shot back. "Darryl, I love ya, but this is my time." I replied. "Look." He answered. "I'm making over five grand for this shoot. I'll give you one grand of that if you just help me this one time!" "A grand, huh?" I said. Now he had my attention. Usually, I'd be lucky enough to get room temperature entrees at one of his functions. "Yea." He replied. "Plus, there's going to be a lot of hot women there, and I mean hot, sweetie." "Oh, don't do that to me, you bastard." I replied. I hated it when he would tempt me like one of his knuckle dragging male friends. But Darryl has always respected my homosexuality, and never interfered, even though he thinks that 'my body is great motivation for having children'. "Sorry, sorry!" he answered. I sighed, realizing he truly did need my help. Plus, I'm a sucker for hard luck cases... male or female. "Okay, what time?" I said. "Seven. I'll have a driver come and get you." He said, relieved that I had yielded to his request. "Wait-what's the dress?" I asked quickly. "Black tie." He answered. "You owe me big time." Was all I said before hanging up. I growled in frustration, mumbling as many obscenities about Darryl as I could as I made my way into my walk-in closet. It really wasn't all that bad considering I cherished every opportunity I could get to dress up. Plus, even though I got mad at Darryl for trying to tempt me with the 'hot women' tip, I selfishly kept that in mind as I picked out my dress for the evening. "Black tie, eh" I murmured to myself as I found the dress that would do the trick. My long black tube dress. Strapless, elegant and the material I just adore. It stretches to fit every curve of my body. And the slits up the side can give a quick glimpse of my tanned thighs to the wandering female eye... just in case. A nice diamond studded choker, and diamond earrings to match. Later... We arrived just before the main event. All I knew was that this was an exclusive worldwide modeling competition. Okay, I could handle that. Gawking all night at models from around the world wasn't so bad I suppose. But when I saw the various marketing materials around the entrance hall, I was appalled. "Darryl, what the hell is this?" I demanded, pointing at one of the offensive ten-foot posters. "What?" he asked with a moronic expression. "This... this thing?" I angrily shot back, pointing out the barely clad woman on the poster. There on the poster was a massive, fearless looking woman adorned with huge, billowing muscles on every part of her body. Granted, I was open minded about many things concerning women, but this was something I just couldn't get. "What?" he exclaimed. "This... this girl is a man!" I nearly shouted out. "Keep it down, will ya? I'm getting paid a shit load for covering this." He said. "You told me these women were 'hot'. You didn't say they were freaky looking Arnold Schwarzeneggers!!" I whispered with a most vehement voice. "What? They are hot, Mimi! You of all people should appreciate that!" he replied. I placed my hand on my forehead in repugnance. What on earth did I get myself into? I gave this up for a night in my sleek new marble garden tub? "Just... just get away from me." I spoke in a flux, walking away from him. This seriously turned me off. How could anyone organize, much less promote a show that displayed revolting women who looked like men? To me, this was just silly. Why would a woman do such a disgrace to her body? They were meant to be curvy and radiant for any man or woman to appreciate. This was something beyond anything I had ever known. I stepped outside to gather my senses. There, I saw a couple having a smoke, and I quickly asked them for one with a flustered face. They happily agreed as a brief conversation was struck up. "Pretty wild, eh?" asked the man. "Yea, you could say that." I replied, taking a long puff. Both the man and woman could tell I was not happy. Then Darryl rushed out to dispute my initial reaction. "Mimi, come on. It's just a show. Don't freak out on me." He begged. "You should have told me." I replied, almost blowing smoke in his face. "I said they were hot, and I meant it. A lot of people here believe that, and you can't fault them for that." He continued. "Do you think they're hot?" I asked with my arms crossed and eye brow crooked. "Well... in a way, maybe they are... I don't know." He answered. "Yea, I think they are." I huffed, spinning around from him as I took another drag. This was absurd. Darryl came around to face me. "Come on, let's just go back in there and do the job. In two hours, it'll all be over with and you'll have a thousand bucks in your hand." He said, trying to soothe my apprehension. "Oh great, make me sound like a whore." I said, knowing full well I didn't really mean it. I just wanted to get him fired up too. "Jesus, Mimi..." he said, finally put out. "I'll be inside by the water fountain getting set up. You wanna help, I'll be there. If not, here's some money for the limo home." He said, placing a fifty-dollar bill in my hand before storming back inside. Maybe I was a bit harsh. Here I was a woman who championed diversity and upheld homosexuality, and I'm the one getting upset over women who like to be fit. Perhaps he was right. I walked back in, and found Darryl. Putting on my best pouty face, I humbly asked for his forgiveness. It didn't take long since he always liked seeing my lower lip stuck out, and my big brown eyes at their full attention. We laughed and hugged, then picked up the equipment to go inside the main hall for the show. I didn't agree, but for my friend, I was going to uphold my word. The lights came down as the stage lit up with loud, pounding music. Darryl took his camera to shoot the dozens of glistening, muscular women who strolled out on the stage dressed in skimpy bikinis. I looked away, overwhelmed by the huge muscles I saw on their arms and legs. I didn't gag, but it was seriously shocking to see just how big these girls were. Many of them looked like they had massive rocks on their shoulders... their legs, deeply carved in tone muscle. Their backs chiseled with deep defining grooves of power and strength. All of them posed for the opening ceremonial shot as I did my best to smile through it all. I thought to myself "I've seen and done a lot in my 33 years, but this takes the cake." The next performance, I finally sat down and prepared Darryl's next roll of film and batteries. This routine focused on definition and style by each of the competitors. The crowd behind me was really into this as by their gestures and applause. I sort of felt out of place, maybe being the only normally shaped woman in this hall. But I was in the front row, so I couldn't really tell who was behind me. Darryl would often come, whispering his comments to me as he exchanged film and lenses. "Did you see the one from Brazil?" He asked with a sly look on his face. "God, she was fantastic." He replied. I nodded with a forced smile. "You really don't think any of these women are sexy?" he asked. "It would take a lot to convince me otherwise." I whispered back. "Well, you never know. You could meet the 'one' for you here tonight." He said with a grin, going back out to shoot more photos. Little did I know that my friend was indeed right. Later... I did all I could do to keep my mind occupied throughout the show. Now the dance portion of the show started, and I readjusted myself in the chair for another tiresome display. But the lights came down low as smoke machines spewed out thick smoke across the stage. Deep blue lights illuminated the stage as a towering bodybuilder sauntered out, dressed in a thin sheer white material. Her arms bowed out from her sides like a man... and she was fully nude. Her entire body burnished in a fine layer of baby oil, highlighting every ripe muscle she had. But there was something totally unique about this bodybuilder. Perhaps it was the seductive music that was playing, or the mood lighting... I wasn't sure, but this presentation... this woman had my full attention. She was unquestionably huge. I don't mean tone or fit, but every muscle she had was swollen with power and might. Her arms were carved with muscle; her shoulders looked like two massive boulders perched atop her frame. And her legs resembled dozens of gigantic tree roots curled around her. Her abdomen, ruggedly angular and revoltingly smooth. And her chest, not fully flattened by the muscle, held two very nice, fully shaped breasts. Obviously fake, but I didn't care. She was the largest woman I had seen thus far... and the most captivating. My eyes desperately followed her every move and every breath with heightened curiosity. Her stage act had her tediously dancing about the stage in long, sweeping motions of her arms and legs. Her lengthy saffron hair flattened across her mighty shoulders as she curled into a ball on stage, twisting her arms out as if they were trying to grasp for something. She rolled onto her side, expanding her entire body out in a magnificent display of her muscles. I was spellbound by this woman's graceful performance. But somehow, her position on the stage became closer to me. But honestly, I didn't mind. I was finding myself more and more captivated by this Herculean goddess. Now just a few feet from my seat, this woman did the splits while reaching skyward for some invisible sign of acceptance. Just then, her eyes fell to mine... my heart jolted, almost stopping as our eyes made contact. I found myself gazing into an unknown realm of resplendence... her mouth agape and body unconfined, I somehow connected with her... She just seemed to exude confidence in her every move... her rhythm held me captive as her hair then covered her face. I wanted to see more of what this angel of power looked like... I had to see more. Her arms thrust out to the audience in a sudden move. She hauled them back to her torso, rising up with her arms still held out from her side... my God; I didn't expect this at all. Here I was, completely controlled by this woman, whom just hours before, appalled and terrified me. Now, I was holding on to each gesture of her sizable flesh... hoping that she wouldn't leave anytime soon. Two young girls dressed in harlot costumes then strode onto stage, each one taking one of the bodybuilder's beefy arms. The girls were more commonly shaped, retaining a mystic quality to their actions. They carried armor and swords, thick and heavy chain mill as they began dressing the bodybuilder in it. As they did, the bodybuilder stood, almost in a trance... as if she was savoring the attention. Her eyelids fluttered closed as her head leaned back-- arms courageously perched out from her bluish illuminated body. The sight was purely intoxicating. "Days of long ago... in the Dark Age, women as well as men were called to war." A dramatic female voice boomed out across the theater's sound system. The young harlots placed thick metal gauntlets upon her flesh. Steel knee guards, violently strapped her to legs... a crude, rusty breastplate strapped to her heaving chest as a brutal, yet dominating steel helmet was lowered on her head. This dressing in itself was almost as seductive as the dance was moments before. The bodybuilder raised her arms in a commanding stance as the harlots gingerly grazed her sculpted muscles with finesse and devotion. "Gone were the women's labels of caregiver and nurturer..." the narrator spoke. "Now, she was to battle the enemy for what she loved, and whom." I couldn't believe the sheer ecstasy in this depiction. The warrior bodybuilder took each of the harlots into her arms, and cradled them as if they were her life-long lovers. The commanding presence of this warrior held all of us in the audience willing prisoners. "These female warriors loved as any other would... they were exalted as conquerors in their countries... strength in arms, stamina in flesh..." I held my breath, seeing the warrior grasping the curvy young harlot in her arms. And I was jealous. I couldn't believe what I was thinking, much less contemplating. I told myself to stop, squelching the notion that even a hint of attraction was felt for this muscular creature. Yet there was something... something far deeper than I had ever realized. I could be seduced by power. I have always believed that you can seduce a man with power, but a woman with words... and here I was, falling under the spell of this female barbarian. I wanted nothing more than to bed this woman, to be held in those sturdy arms... to be loved by such inspiring splendor. "No, I can't think about this." I told myself, looking away from the stage. My tastes in a woman favored a more natural physique. In my years of sexual seduction, I have found an abundant breast and broad hips to my liking... yet the struggle inside me commenced without my permission. Why was I finding myself drawn to a woman who would transform her body into brawn and vigor? Was this a suppressed fantasy similar to my ones for older women, or for African American women? I always felt that I wanted to bed as many types of women before, but this was unique unto itself. After the show... "Wanna go backstage and meet the girls?" asked Darryl. I couldn't wait. Getting backstage was a blur for me. In fact, I couldn't tell you how I got back there. All I knew what to do was to meet the woman who catapulted me into an entirely peculiar haven of sexuality... perhaps she could unravel this developing enigma of fascination and intrigue for me. I just had to find out more about her... it was kismet. I swam throughout the mass sea of muscle and nudity. My senses spun as the possibility of making love to one of these divine women raced through my head. I couldn't recall the last time I felt so driven to libidinous madness by a woman. Several alluring glances were shared with other bodybuilders as I suddenly felt Darryl touch my arm... "Meredith, I found her for you." He graciously said. Holding my breath, I twirled around to catch two of the most blazing sapphire eyes staring directly at me. I felt as if a million-ton boulder squashed my heart at that very moment... there she was. The woman who had at the moment I saw her. Her brawny arm lengthened my way as a knowing smile graced her beautifully chiseled face. It was as if she already knew the vast thoughts that crossed my mind about her and I. Standing there, dressed in a thinly threaded black bikini, my eyes filled themselves with the majestic sight of her mammoth body. I could plainly see the rigorous magnitude of each muscle. Thick layers of shiny baby oil glazed her smooth, deeply tanned flesh. Within seconds, I felt an instantaneous connection with her... "Hi, Meredith-I'm Alexis. I heard you enjoyed my show?" she said in a raspy erotic voice that I found sexier than ever. I immediately threw myself into "seduction" mode, curling my left eyebrow with a slow tongue across my lower lip. I put on the best "fuck me" face as I have done to countless other women before Alexis. Hopefully, just perhaps... Alexis would take the bait and follow up with one of her own gestures of allurement. Her hand easily swallowed mine without question as our eyes consumed each other in a manner only known to us women. I could see a hint of temptation... a fleeting thought of possible lovemaking between us.

So Many Cocks

My wife and I had a fight and she went to her mother's. I enjoyed the freedom for a couple of weeks, but I was missing sex, having been used to getting it almost daily. I thought of picking up a slut at a bar, but then I remembered having had a brief experience with another guy in high school, several years ago. At 35 years old I wondered why such a memory would return to me after all these years. I Remembered feeling his cock while we jerked each other off. It made me kind of tingle with excitement. The more I thought about it, the more it became a thing I wanted to do again. All we did was jerk each other off, but I knew we would have had more pleasure if we had continued with our play. I decided to go to an XXX movie house in the area. I knew that the customers were mostly, if not all, men. I figured I would just watch the movie, jerk off and see what happened. When I walked in it was pitch black. I had to stand at the entrance for several minutes before I could even see where the seats were. Eventually my eyes became adjusted to the darkness and I could see several rows of empty seats. I wondered if the place was empty. Moving carefully, I sat in the middle of an empty row. It wasn't long before I heard muffled sounds coming from behind me. On the screen there was a foursome, three guys and a girl. They were servicing her in all her orifices. The sounds that I heard were coming from the three rows in the back of the theater. Now that my eyes were totally adjusted to the darkness I could see several men jerking each other off. Once in a while I saw a guy go down on the guy in the next seat. Well, I naively thought, these guys must all know each other. I unzipped and began stroking my 7" hard cock while getting turned on by all the sucking and fucking on the screen. It wasn't long before a guy came and sat next to me. He immediately removed my hand from my cock and replaced it with his. Well, I thought, nothing like a good hand job, whoever gives it. I leaned back and enjoyed his manipulations. Soon another guy sat on the other side of me. He slipped his pants down to his knees and began to stroke his cock. I could see in the dim light from the screen that he had a very long an very hard prick. Without giving much thought, I wrapped my hand around it and began to stoke it gently up and down. He moaned his enjoyment. The guy on my left was doing such a good job on my cock, I was afraid I would cum too soon so, I removed his hand and, surprising myself, bent over and slipped his cock in my mouth. I was really turned on by now and had no interest in the movie. Engulfing his hard cock all the way into my throat made him sigh and he held his hand on the back of my head and gently urged me to go deeper. I don't know how I was able to breathe, but I took him all the way to his balls. I held him in my throat for as long as I could and as I backed off I felt his sweet cum shooting out and hitting the roof of my mouth. He was shooting a very big load. Getting really into what was happening to me, I swallowed and gulped and swallowed it all. Now I was out for as much cock I could get. I swung around and took the guy on the other side of me into my mouth and began sucking. I had a little trouble with his big, fat cock, but I was able to give him deep throat too. I went down to his balls and then began to apply the pressure with my mouth and tongue as I backed off slowly. He too came as I was pulling back. His load of juicy cum shot right down into my throat, filling me with his seed. I looked up and the whole row had filled with men with their hard cocks out. I went to my knees and started down the row. I sucked small cocks, limp cocks (and made them cum), huge cocks, fat cocks, and all cocks. I kept sucking and swallowing cum in a frenzy. When I got to the end of the row, the row filled up again and I kept sucking. My jaw began to get sore, but I couldn't stop. My cock was spilling precum all over the floor. I got to the end of the other row and saw that the row was filled again with other men. As I worked my way back down the row, sucking, slurping and drinking cum load after cum load, I felt the beginnings of my long awaited climax. My load of cum began to surge from my balls and up through my hard, throbbing cock. I leaned back, one guys big cock popping out of my cum filled mouth, and my cum began shooting up in the air. Great arcs of milky, ropey cum juice shot toward the guy sitting in front of me. Spurt after spurt was shooting in the air. Some guys hand encircled my cock as it continued to erupt. The greatest orgasm in my life! It was so intense I passed out for a moment. Some guy was shaking me saying, "Are you OK?" Guys were standing around me with their cocks in their hands, some hard again, some soft after the service it received. I managed to get on my feet. I was still a little groggy. They were all thanking me, saying they were amazed at how well I sucked their cocks. Some guys who just came in wanted me to do them. Spying a small light at the exit, I walked (swayed) toward the door. Walking out into the bright sun, I struggled my way to my car. Driving home I reflected on what just happened to me. Estimating that I must have brought about twenty cocks to orgasm and drank all that cum, I knew now which way I was heading into the future. I hope I never see my wife again, but I will go back to that movie house.

Bathtime With Brother

"Bye Lana! See you tonight!" Alone! Finally! I closed the door after my parents and locked it with a little laugh. They were going on an overnight in the mountains and wouldn't be back until tomorrow night. I ran downstairs to the Rec room. Humming, I went behind the bar and pulled out a bottle of Butterscotch Schnapps. My favorite. I ran upstairs to the "Big Bathroom." I turned on the hot water and went to my bedroom. I pulled out my Pampering Kit. A bottle of special rose bath gel, rose bath oil beads, rose shampoo and rose skin cream. I stripped off my clothes and pulled my waist long hair out of its confining braid. I loved the feel of it tickling my bum as I walked. I sidetracked for what should have been a minute and turned on the cd player in the living room. I was pissed about five minutes later when I still couldn't find my favorite cd. "Damn It! I bet Daniel borrowed it again!" My brother, older by exactly 10 1/2 months was constantly taking my cds without asking. Ugh. I really needed pampering now and I was pissed I wouldn't have my music to listen to. I returned to the bathroom and dropped oil beads into the steaming water. Mom would yell at me later for getting the whirlpool all oily. A few rose candles, lit and softly glowing. My haven was complete. I slipped into the hot water and sighed. There was nothing like a good bath and some hard liquor. I quickly unscrewed the bottle cap and tipped it back. The sweet amber liquid flowed into me. I smiled and took another swig. For the next 20 minutes I drank about half the bottle. A little too much now that I think about it. Hell, a lot too much. I soaked for quite a while before I could move again. When I did, the oil made my limbs slide against each other. My skin felt like silk, gliding, sliding with each movement. I rubbed my legs together, relishing the smoothness, the softness of them. My arms were the same way. I stood up and then frowned. What would it be like if I was smooth everywhere? At 18, it was never long before my mind wandered to other things. And of course, thinking of how smooth my body was made me think of other things. I reached for a razor. With careful movements, I started to remove the hair around my little cunt. I spread the lips and got all the little hiding places clear, but I couldn't help but rub. I soon found my hand rubbing "that" spot. In and out, my fingers danced around my lips, delving, teasing, oh now this was pampering. As the hair was removed I felt how the oil made everything slick and smooth. My hands slid in and out of myself so easily. I bit my lip, arched my hips and let my fingers work their magic. One finger, two...oh, it felt so good. My knees got weak for a minute and I decided it best to stop before I fell down in the slick tub. I turned the shower on and washed myself. I nearly lost it when the water ran down my belly and onto the newly revealed skin. It produced sensations I never imagined. I spread my legs, propping one up on the tub edge. My fingers danced again, slick with oil and soap as I washed myself thoroughly. Gently dancing in and out, pulling, pinching my lips. Every time I touched my swollen clit I felt a sharp sensation run into my lower belly. It was almost painful. I wanted to make myself cum, but I knew it would be better if I waited a little more.... I rinsed myself and turned off the water. I grabbed a towel and barely took the time to wrap it around myself. I hurried into my room and threw myself on the bed. I squeezed some cream on my hand and started on my left leg. Slowly, I let my hands rub it in, starting at my ankle. Slowly, I covered every inch of my legs, moaning to myself when I touched behind my knee, I stopped at my thigh and repeated the process on my other leg. I rubbed my legs together and gasped at how good it felt. Silky, slippery, like satin was running over them. I renewed my ministrations, putting lotions on my arms, my shoulders, my belly and what I could reach of my back. My hands were slick as I started to rub my butt, sliding down the crack, imagining a man's hands there...Ugh! I quickly laid on my back, my legs spread. I squirted the cream directly on my pussy and jumped at how cold it was. The now bare skin was so tender, so sensitive! I had never been this sensitive before. I began to work the cream in, rubbing gently and as I became excited, harder. My hands could feel my pulse as I rubbed my kips, pinching them, pulling, just barely delving into my pleasure cave. My clit was throbbing, and I pinched it. I nearly came then and there. I was so close! I groaned in frustration. No matter what I did, I couldn't find the edge! I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I was so horny I hurt! "Need help?" I jumped at the sound and quickly tried to scramble off the bed. I was still so drunk I fell. "Easy sis. Easy." I could barely look at him as my brother came around the bed and picked me up. "Dan, you shouldn't be...whoa." My head was swimming. My pussy throbbing and my skin on fire. I looked at Dan and tried to focus. I couldn't. "Did you get into the Buttershots again, Lana?" I heard him, but all I could see was his mouth. His lips looked to full and inviting. I'm not sure what happened next, but I was kissing him. I remember hearing his murmur of surprise and then I only remember his hands. They were everywhere! His fingers pinched my nipples. My hips bucked like they had a mind of their own. I was falling! I landed on the bed with his weight on me. God it felt good! My legs had ended up splayed open and Dan landed right between them. I felt the crotch of his jeans on my clit and I just began grinding myself against it. His bulge grew as I did so. The denim felt so good, rubbing, exciting me more. If I moved right...YES!!! My hips bucked and my back arched as my clit connected with the denim. I felt myself spiraling into oblivion. I didn't care about anything, only that I was falling over the edge. I rubbed harder, a greedy siren moaning my song into my brother's ear. "Damn it Lana." I heard the words, but I was floating in oblivion. I felt the warmth and weight move and moaned, trying to hold on, trying to keep the weight on me. I only moaned louder when my wrists were captured and moved to above my head. One strong hand held them down while I tried to arch into his body. The sound of air being forced in and out was loud. Was that me or him? I didn't care. I needed that warmth. That weight.... I screamed and started to shake as my brother plunged into my cavern hard and fast. My hands realized, I held onto his back, scratching, clawing, looked for anything to hold on to as my World Rocked violently. I found and held onto bare skin as the heat built again. The heat was burning me. His skin was SO HOT!! I cried and moaned and....OH....I bit into his shoulder as I felt myself tense and start to shake. He cried out and pushed deeper, harder...It hurt and I wanted more! My hips ground into him, trying to get more. The burning stopped as he pulled himself up onto his arms. He was ramming me, the entire bed shaking. He grabbed my legs and threw them over shoulders and pushed deeper, pulling me onto him. I screamed as I felt him hit my cervix. He was in me, totally, absolutely. His head threw back and my brother screamed my name. I watched in fascination as he stiffened. His eyes closed, his teeth clenched. I could see the muscles straining and then I was with him, straining once again. My body shook and I cried. It was so tight, I was so full and he was so hard! He fell on top of me and breathed heavily into my neck. I wrapped my arms around him and fell into sleep, his weight a comforting anchor on my used body.

THe Sandwich.. Pt. 2

Kaniel kept his eye contact as he allowed his weight to fall down just a few inches. Eyes flinching, Jackalyn felt the head grazing against her unprotected clit, feeling something like fat, wet larva poking for a hole. His pre-cum was intermingling with her damp slit, glands moisturizing her crack, creating a strong smell that was becoming strangely arousing. As George sat there, recuperating, he watched with awe as the final line was about to be crossed. It was the moment when the three of them had to pause and let the ultimate taboo realization sink in their minds. Laying on her back, legs sprawled wide and perfect, both hands pressing at the rigid chest of her boy, Jackalyn waited for the final diffusion to take place while anxiously biting the bottom of her lips. The last line crossed. Kaniel uttered a depleted moan as the monstrous head buried inside his mother's genital outlet. Biting her lips even harder, Jackalyn responded with a crying "Ugh" and grabbed at his chest. The grave smell of sweat and sex was becoming so great that it was filling the whole damned household instead of just the kitchen. It was starting to have a stench of a polluted whorehouse. Two inches sank inside. She lift her head and blinked her eyes at the sight of their forbidden intercourse, seeing that his tool was stretching her vagina apart, feeling that it was prying it open. Kaniel broke out gasping. "Fuck, she's so tight!" George was getting turned on again just watching this. "Fuck her loose, then." "George!" Jackalyn cried, appalled to hear this comment from the Mr. Nice Son. Then she smiled and turned to Kaniel, raising her ass just a little. Four inches of his giant penis was penetrating inside her fuckhole. Her smile faltered. Six more to go until the nutsacks meet with her anal hole. Kaniel pushed deeper into her vagina, digging two inches, and Jackalyn locked her lewd eyes with his beautiful stare. Beads of sweat gleamed between the yawning crest of her breasts, splotches of white matters drying on her skin, and the melodious odor sticking stronger. She couldn't hold in any other longer. "Fuck me in, goddamn it! Force it ALL in, motherfucker! Hurt me! Cripple me! Damage my pussy! I don't care! Just fill me UP with that cock of yours! Fucking do it" Her words cut out as Kaniel slammed all ten inches into her pelvis, filling her with the most pussyfilled sensation a woman could ask for. There was a quick shot of pain coursing through her, feeling like a virgin all over again, and a sudden release of pleasure overwhelming her senses. Kaniel grunted as she made a yelping noise that seemed to skyrocket his hormones. He started fucking her in with all of his willpower, grunting and pounding in that flesh-colored baseball bat, crippling his dear mother. "Oh, yes, Kanny! Fuck me! Fuck me! Yes! God, oh Christ! Oh, hurt me just like that! Yeah, hurt me! Hurt me! Mmmppffh!" She let out a throaty scream as the entire table cranked across the tiles. Her own son was pounding his long, hard cock with awesome strokes. Pushing inside until the head felt to pale through her stomach and touch her rapid-beating heart, even feeling the balls squeezing underneath her. Then pulling until the head lynched in an arching, almost teasing interlock. Then slamming nice and hard until his balls slapped her smooth ass. This one seemed to hit the G-spot. She arched her back, her pussy meeting him in a deeper touchdown. "Oh, Kaniel, you goddaaamnnn MOTHERFUCKEEERRRRRR!!!" Screaming his name, she clawed at his chest with her nails and that got her in a position where she would be helpless. Kaniel yelled in anger, grabbed for her hands, and then pinned down her hands above her hand as he thumped her like a brutal fuckdoll. She watched in wonder, arms held overhead and completely powerless, as her big boy fucked her in an animalistic rage. She watched as the werewolflike transformation of a sinless child become a true motherfucker. Her motherfucker. This is when the uncontrollable began to happen. Her reflexes overcame her natural drive, causing her to gasp like a babygirl at each thrust and also causing her to buck her ass toward the banging impact. Every thrust Kaniel forced down was striking her most sensitive G-spot area, causing a premature climax to build and build and build until the dam burst. "Oh, fuck!" she squealed, trying to break her arms free but unable to. It seemed her physical strength was deteriorating drastically as Kaniel's strength expanded, pinning her down in a missionary-rape position as he kept ramming her pussy sore. The peak of her orgasm was reaching to it limit. "Oh, yes, Kaniel! Oo, yes! Yes! Oh, god, I think I'm bursting! I think I'm bursting! Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh! OH! Uh! Uh, uh, ah, AH! Ah! OOOHHH! OOOOHHHHH!!!" One of her legs performed an involuntarily kick in the air as her first wave of orgasm overtook her. Her pussyhole constricted for the briefest moment and then released with a wet outburst. Even in the midst of her climax, she saw something in Kaniel's fixed eyes. He seemed to be in a daze. But it wasn't until she felt his first burst of cum discharged inside her uterus and realized her own son was about to get her beyond the point of no return. Kaniel's eyes widened and drove inward. "Urg!" She was about to scream for him to take it out until all such logics was drowned under a pleasure she never dreamt of, knowing this was the lowest degeneracy against nature. Mother Jackalyn shrieked so loud that there wasn't a single doubt her next door neighbor heard it. Hands still restrained above her, hips caught in a spasm, Kaniel's hardcore series of eruption got her whole fuckhole filled until a deluge of semen began seeping down the crack of her ass. It trailed down to the wooden surface and pooled there as extra dose of ejaculation continued inside her cunt. "You bad, bad boy," Jackalyn cooed between an intake of breath, moaning as the fifth hot blast flooded inside her vagina. "Now, you've gone and done it. Making a mother out of your mother is considered a very naughty thing." "Be . . . quiet," Kaniel croaked, spewing a flying gist on her naval as he pulled his cock out. Free with her arms, Mother Jackalyn got on her elbows and watched as a long white stream of cum splattered her upper chest. She was starting to reek of a fresh whore. "My, aren't you in the need of a fix. You come in gallons not quarts. Oh, that's right, shoot your load right at my pussy again. Mm, yes, so warm." For some reason, his seeds was boiling hot. A load of thick semen was running from her pubis to her vulva in a sticky trail. Three huge cords coated her left tit like a whipped cream attack on a sundae. With another rivulet of his love juice splattering on her abdomen, she realized there was a high chance that she was now pregnant since she had been ovulating. Ovulating hard in the last few nights. I'm probably going to have a triplet, she thought, a cautious smile growing on her face, feeling not at one ounce of guilt. What a fucked-up, trailer trash of a mother I've becoming. Kaniel was down on his back, cock convulsing in the air, ejaculating an obscene geyser of chunky jism down his rod. He looked as if he was trying to recover from a brutal seizure. Poor guy. Jackalyn crawled toward him, paused, and then forced her mouth on his Johnson, sucking in whatever remaining finale there was, causing Kaniel to blurt out a hoarse mutter. She let loose of his cock with a slurping execution, giving him a coquettish smirk, and started lapping and swallowing a spewing cargo of gist on his pole. Moaning and cursing, Kaniel lost all such strength and dropped his head down in full exhaustion. Mother Jackalyn turned her shameless eyes on George, who was still slumped back, and saw how cast-ironed his dick was, how strong he looked rubbing his cock in motion. "Think you can handle more?" she asked, crawling toward him. She climbed over him, flinging one leg over him, and laid him back against the hard-wood table as she straddled him in a crouching position. Globule of reeking sweat and fresh semen dripped down on George's front, leaking on his chest, leaking on his full-fledged cannon. His head grazed against her clit in a smooth, arching massage that trigger a tingling sensation. With sheen of cum dripping from her mouth, she leaned down and stained George with the world's dirtiest French kiss, granting him a twisted, methodical, half-crooked tongue massage. Sticky smacking sounds exchanged between them. She lifts her head and looked at him again, serious this time. "Do you really think you can handle me?" "If I can't, I'll die trying," George answered, placing one hand over her head and held her thin waist with his other hand. For a quick moment, Jackalyn thought George was going to rise up and delight her with another kiss but instead stunned her with a sudden infiltrating dick attack. His entire cock ripped through her vagina, reaching far inside and touching the furthermost wall. There ten inches of granite flesh plowed her wet cunt open. Making that unbelievable yelping noise again, she was being fucked from underneath, standing on all four like an animal bitch she was as her stud rapidly fucked her in the rear. It was hard to believe that the once Mr. Nice Boy was doing all the action. "Arggh! You're still fucking tight!" George screamed, veins sticking out of his neck. "You're so wet inside, too!" Gasping and opening her eyes, Mother Jackalyn landed on his crotch with a whimper. "That's because," she muttered, "you're fucking your brother's semen, darling." "Oh, God!" "Oh, yes! Yes! Harder! Harder! Fuck me, you big stud! Fuck me good!" "Mom, can I come inside you?" She grabbed her brunette hair and pinched a handful of them in a near-climax euphoria, feeling both of her muskmelon jugs bouncing up and down. "Mmm, I wouldn't mind, baby. Only if you can hold out for at least . . . well, I'll be fair. Five minutes. If you can, I'll let you do whatever you want with me." He slammed harder, pumping his hips and maintaining strokes with precise brunt. He laid his hands on her tits and started rubbing them, fingering her nipples as his cock grinded in her violated abyss. Specks of white-splattered beads was all over her beautiful face and her gorgeous, massive breasts. She had INCESTIOUS SLUT written all over her. George stopped with his rhythm and rested a while to regain his stamina. "You're so beautiful," he muttered. She smiled and thanked him with a perverse kiss that left Kaniel's mark on his lips. Two minutes had passed since his constant fucking and now it was her turn to take control. She began to ride him, grinding her ass back and forth at a motion that was beyond rapture. Her entire vagina felt overstuffed with semen and cock, therefore making squiggling noises as her ass rocked George. It was like giving birth all over again. "Mother, you're gonna make me cum again. Not too fast. It hadn't been . . . five minutes yet." "Don't worry, honey. When you feel like letting go, let it ALL go, okay?" She thrust down on him, clenched her pussyhole, and snapped the breath out of him. "Oh . . . Oh, shit." "Not yet, honey." She grabbed his hands and forced them on her marvelous tits, bouncing higher and harder. "Just wait until I'm ready." She felt a presence behind her and that was when Kaniel's arrogant voice hissed next to her ear. "Maybe this will get your preparation." That was when Mother Jackalyn became sandwiched HARD by her two boys: Kaniel from behind and George from underneath. A breathless moan escaped her as Kaniel's cock pummeled NOT in her anal hole but joining along with his brother right IN her pussy. Her cunt stretched in a way that was abnormal; so painful that it was ecstasy. All three of them cried out in a series of shouting and screaming. George must have felt the second invasion because his eyes had grown wide, tearful, and his body had tensed. Kaniel managed to force his entire girth inside his bitch of a mom, clogging up the windpipe. Mother Jackalyn felt both the urge to shit and cum at the same time. "OH, SHIT, YES! YES! FUCKING YES! FUCK ME, DARLING, FUCK ME!" "IT'S HURTS!" George cried, eyes shutting in pain. "DON'T BE A FUCKING SISSY! PUMP ME, PLEASE, PUMP ME NICE AND HARD! BOTH OF YOU! OH OH AH AH! MMPHFF!!!" Kaniel fucked her nice and hard indeed, bringing a stinging sensation as both cocks fucked her in. She knew this act was almost a bi-sexual one almost but still in the ballpark. She also knew that there was no way in hell George would be able to hold in much longer with that other cock rubbing against him. The thought of both of them coming at once was thrilling to the bone. Somewhere outside, even through her rapture, she heard a siren pulling out on the driveway. It was forgotten as soon as two flagpoles crushed deeper inside, enlarging her pussyhole like it was some kind of rubber sheet. As much as she tried to suppress it, violated as hell, she squealed and landed hard on poor George. The entire table broke down flat to the floor, creating a shattering BOOM! but none of this falter their unlawful little orgy. It only mounted their sexual urges. With the fallen impact, George's cock was now impaled far into the dead-end point of his mother's cunt, hugging her tightly. Kaniel was still humping her from behind, pushing in and in and IN until hearing that satisfying grunt and a scream from the endearing Mother Jackalyn. Repeated doorbell ringing and hard-knocking rattled at the front door. "This is the police! What's going on?!" "I'm fucking MY MOTHER!" Kaniel snapped back, angrily plunging in his cock. He shoved three long fingers in her asshole and that need to shit was greater than ever. She made a gasping shout and cried as a little accident happened there. A different smell hung in the air, but never greater than that hard-to-describe sex odor reigned the house. In the back of her mind screamed in alarm about the police yet all such consciousness was started to drown again . . . by a flooding need to explode her ejaculation. Boy, did she ejaculate. A wave of euphoric shudder gripped in her vagina, tightening the hole for just that moment, squeezing both of their penises together as a ripple of glitter shot out of her. A carnal sound groaned from her throat, and somewhere in the other side of the universe were rougher knocking. Then it was boys turn to come. George was the first to lose his stamina, ripping a load of hot jism in her jammed ass, causing a brimming overflow. "UNGHHHH!" he cried. First eruption walloped her innermost private fence. Second blast strained against Kaniel's cock. Even in the midst of his ejaculation, George surprised her even more after RAMMING his penis deeper into her well and shooting the third detonation. Kaniel cursed under his breath and held her from behind, hugging her tightly as he maintained a humping rhythm. Jackalyn arched her back and cried out in ecstasy. "I'm gonna fucking cum!" Kaniel screamed, thrusting faster and grunting louder. His hands clutched her heaving cleavages and squeezed. "Mom, I'm gonna cum in your cunt! I'M GONNA FUCKING MAKE A GRANDMA OUT OF YOU!" "Do it, motherfucker!" she cried between a gasping squeal. Her hands reached down and grabbed George's hairy ass, feeling all the hardness in his buttocks there. It was amazing how one man's ass can tensed sooooooo much when in the state of cumming. Still on a roll, George whipped the convulsing pole out of her pussy and shot a soaring jet against her wedged clit. He lurched up as the next ejection lashed out, his face curled into a daze trance, and embraced his mother. Now it was her turn to have an orgasm . . . again. Immediately without warning her breath burst from her lungs and a chill ran down her spine just before that divine release came. And when it happened, her entire vaginal muscles tightened Kaniel's rod to a chokehold. Mother Jackalyn moaned his name like the world's sleaziest porn star in action, still sandwiched between her two sons and still fucking them good. Out of the blue, Kaniel's balls constricted, froze still for a minute, and bombarded her deep in her stomach. His entire body shook hard behind her.This one felt to splatter her soul with fresh cum. Spittle of George's semen splashed between her anal hole and her stuffed cunt. More torrent of explosions blustered between her legs, like a mist of whipped cream spraying out. God, it was a becoming fucking mess there. Somewhere beyond her attention someone kicked the front door open. Rapid sounds of footfall ran toward them and all stopped at once just when reaching in the kitchen. There Mother Jackalyn made out three uniformed policemen standing there with guns drawn out, yet their expression was in complete bewilderment, disgust, and awe. "Holy Mother of God," one of the cops murmured. Kaniel was still opening fire inside his hot mother fuckhole with a dreamlike expression of bliss. His hips was bucking against her rear in an uncontrollable beat. Going cross eyes, George was trying to hold in his ejaculation as his mother rubbed his white stuff all over herself. The entire table, the kitchen tiles, and their bodies was one great cum fiesta. Mother Jackalyn collapsed on her side, sighing out with great guiltless satisfaction, and rolled on her back with a wistful look in her eyes. It was the look of carnal fulfillment. Kaniel shot a flying cord as far to her neck down to between the mountain ridge of her glistening coconut-shaped tits. She felt an unexpected penetration in her shithole, startling her with raw pain, and she made a whimpering shout. His cock drilled deeper into her tight anal hole, reaching as far as her rectum, and she yelped as a heated explosion filled her up. She looked at her son with unnatural love, yielding to him as a dangerous blast caused her wince. George was knelling beside her, panting and still holding his rock-hard cock which was spewing a dying river of expulsion. Thinking of giving his penis a nice, wet kiss, she lift her head and lapped his cock with a cat lick. This caused one last eruption to spurt out in a thick beautiful line. Eyes rolling back, George passed out on the side. Kaniel, on the other hand, still hadn't finished yet. With his long flagpole shooting loads after loads in her impaled asshole, there was that familiar look of exhaustion growing on his face, his eyes half-closed and his mouth hanging open. Smiling cutely, Mother Jackalyn decided to put on a little surprise. She clenched her asshole as hard as she could, squealing as she did this. The reaction was a big one. Kaniel's dazed expression changed to a look of rigid pain and the final discharge overstuffed her with eighteen-year-old worth of sperm. He took out what's left of his cock, which was a gooey-wet, red hose, and started rubbing the head against the clit. She moaned, arching her back and squeezing her breasts together, feeling that snake tickling her pussywall. Then one long and slow white gush deposited right there on her violated beaver. Groaning for the last time, Kaniel collapsed on the floor, spent at last. Still laying back with sprawled legs, splotches of wet semen stains all over her skin, Mother Jackalyn tossed her disheveled hair back and batted a fervent, lust-filled eye on the three officers. They all looked to be young men in their late twenties at least. They were all good-looking in a way that was worth looking at while masturbating. And, most important of all, they all had a hard-on. She thought of the word "GANGBANG" with serious consideration and felt a yearning wave of extreme desire overcome her senses. She smiled, spreading her legs further apart, and coaxed them to come over.

The Sandwich.. Pt. 1

Mother Jackalyn felt an intense sexual ache in her stomach, which was a hot, almost uncontrollable desire, and this time there was no guilt about it. Of course the wine did the job and she was more than eager because tonight . . . will be the night of a very taboo scene. She pretended to clean the dishes over the sink as her two identical twin sons sat at the kitchen table, finishing their dinner and chatting about what eighteen-year-old boys usually talk about: fastidious cars, sports, prom, and sex . . . However Kaniel and George are going to have themselves a nice surprise about how far sex can go tonight, Jackalyn thought with a little smile. It can be fun to fantasize fucking their brains out without having them knowing. Wondering what George's cock would taste like while asking him what kind of soda he would like. Daydreaming how far can Kaniel cork her in the ass as she kisses him good-night. It can be fun but addicting. They were both well-built studs. Broad-shouldered, handsome, rock-hard chest, brunette with Apollo faces. Kaniel and George seemed to have almost identical lives together. Both of them were popular in school, same grades, same hair color, and yet she just learned some nights ago that the both of them dated the same girl. But there are also certain personality traits that differ between them. Kaniel was a little different with a bad-boy-kind of attitude. Love to curse loud, get in trouble a couple of times in school, drink a lot of his father's beers, but he had always been known to be an aggressive sort. George was a gentle one but he was still a charmer. He has a good sense of humor, loves to laugh a lot, and was terrific at flirting, even to his own mother. One time, whether he meant it or not, George complimented her body in a way that was . . . forbidden but sweet at the same time. "That's a fine set of legs you got there, Mom." It was no surprise to hear this. All the men throughout the small, cohesive suburb wanted her. Wanted her in many ways. She was aware of her cool ravishing smile which can break a heart like glass, aware of her DD-sized breasts, aware of her copious dark hair, aware of her robust ass, aware of her long, smooth legs, and her saccharine eyes. Of course, she was happily at ease with a successful husband and a family of two grown teenagers. But to hear a compliment from her own son did something to her . . . it had given her an idea to play. An idea that had became an obsession. An obsession that had became a plan. And a plan that will soon become a reality. Oh, and guess what? Their father is currently out of state on a business trip just as Jackalyn expected and waited for. How perfect is that? She had never cheated on him, never even dream of cheating him, and why would she? Bobby was just as handsome as his two sons but their sex life had decreased dramatically in the past ten years and it came to a time where all her suppressed sexual longing exploded in one night. Oh, their Dad traveled a lot and that was going to become something of a great advantage for her AND them. Something else had happened also. Last night, when she was showering in a hot, steaming downpour, she heard a noise and realized that one of the boys was watching through the knob, watching his own mother smearing her body with gurgling soap. Must have been Kaniel. Such a naughty boy he was. That was when she knew they were into her sextually. And that was when she decided to fuck their good sense out for sure. "Mom, are you gonna eat?" George asked, looking over his shoulder. "You haven't even bothered making yourself a plate yet. " "Yeah, what's up with that?" Kaniel said, joining him. "I'll eat soon enough," she said, smiling to herself. "How was your food?" "Great, Mom, thanks," George said, pushing the plate forward. "I'm pretty much done eating." Kaniel nodded and pushed the plate aside. "Me, too." She tossed her hair over and looked at them in the eyes dangerously with motherly concern. "Are you boys in the mood for dessert?" "Hell, yeah!" Kaniel yelled, giving his brother a friendly punch in the shoulder. "What kind of dessert you gonna give us? Cheery pie?" "No, it ought to be something else," George said with a disgusted face. "I'm getting sick of the same crap." "It IS going to be something else," Mother Jackalyn confessed with a furtive smile. "A dessert you two puppies never had in your life. " "All right, all right, Mom, stop teasing us," George said, chuckling uneasily. "So tell us what's the special dessert? " It was almost time for the taboo to begin. She could feel their eyes on her without having to look, feeling them drawing down on her full-sized carafes to her well-shaved thighs. How thrilling to be stared at from two cute studs. She felt her nipples hardened under her satin velvet robe, felt her long hair drooping down her back, and felt prepared to launch a full surprise attack tonight. She stopped with the dishes and strolled toward them, lingering her eyes on them like a predator approaching its preys, and halted at the right distance. Not too far, not too close . . . yet. She reached out took a fresh red apple out of a fruit basket, flashed them a come-hither smile, and untied her robe with one free hand, dropping it to the floor and revealing her entire half-naked statuesque figure to her little audience. Chair cranking back, George uttered a breathless gasp and curled his fists. Kaniel's wide eyes confirmed intense curiosity of a boy wanting to see more. Exposed to their eyes was a divine pair of melon-shaped jugs chock-full in a black nylon bra, her slender waist and her flat stomach bare under the brilliant kitchen light, but what was the most exposed was her private black panties. Smiling, she took the apple to her mouth and crunched a bite full, a great measure of produce juice leaking from her chin to the rift between her luscious breasts. "I'm your dessert," she answered, swallowing her fruit. She realized she might be doing a lot more swallowing tonight. "What the fuck," Kaniel breathed, mouth drooping opened. "Come on, baby-poo, I think it's time you'd come out of the closet. I saw you that night when you were spying on me. My, darling, watching your own mother taking a shower while tugging your pee-pee." George shot him a surprise look. "Dude, you were watching Mom shower?" Mother Jackalyn turned to George, face coiled in a lustful anticipation. "Don't be such a hypocrite, tiger, I know you wanted me since you got your first pubic hair. " She stepped closer, feeling so confident this would work, and leaned toward him with a withering stare. Her large breasts hung down before his face, barely covered in the small bra. "Don't you want to see them?" "Fuck, yeah," Kaniel said wolfishly. "I know YOU do," she snapped, turning her yearning eyes on George. "But I was asking you, tiger. Well, do you want to see your mother in her birthday suit?" George chuckled, hand grazing across his hair. "Uh, this got to be some kind of trick question--" "Watch me, baby." Jackalyn freed her bra as she leaned close enough to smell his breath. Her withering stare never left his eyes. And his eyes was ogling on the ample erected nipples that poked out before him, just a pair of grapefruits waiting to be suck on. With only her panties left on her, she placed her hand around his neck as she sat on him, feeling a growing stir in his pant, hardening against her panties like a disturbed snake. She grinded a little harder, exhaling a breath as she relaxed her pose, and looked at Kaniel, who still sat and stared from behind. "Admit it, honey, how bad did you wanted to fuck me?" A silence. "Don't be shy, too, Kaniel, just tell me and maybe your dream might come true." "Pretty fucking bad," Kaniel blurted out. "I wanted you for a long, long time." She rolled her eyes back to George, amused than ever, pressing down on her crotch a little harder. "And you, sweetheart?" "I . . . I was always jealous of Dad," George admitted, failing to make eye-contact. It was as if he was ashamed. "I always wanted to be the one to marry you. Just look at how beautiful you are. How amazing and perfect you were made. And, most of all, I know this is bad, but I always wanted to have . . . sexual intercourse with you." Sexual intercourse? Such a naive term to what really was going to happen tonight. Mother Jackalyn was surprised and even more turned on to hear this. Too turned on because a profound ache was growing inside her, making her berserk with lust, and she decided this was the moment where the line will be crossed. This is the moment where the universe will no longer make sense anymore and everything that was normal will no longer matter. This is the moment when their innocence will be tainted and a road to Hell will be paved for them. Fuck it, she thought, and slammed her lips against George, shooting her tongue in his mouth, feeling that warmth exchange. He responded with a flicker of his tongue. Then she felt Kaniel coming from behind, kissing down at the nape of her neck. An ecstatic shudder escaped her as she responded to him, arms rising in the air, killer cleavage stretching in the open. George saw this chance, leaned over, and mouth on one of her nipples. He gave her huge mound a sweeping lick sucking on the right tit, then the left. "Suck it harder!" Jackalyn cried, throwing her head back. Kaniel blinded her with a hardcore French kiss that was both rough and good at the same time. She let out a groaning moan and returned a full, hardcore tonsil evaluation. She was also blinded with more desire as George sucked the air out of her nipples, like an overgrown baby hungry for a breast-feed, sucking and trying to swallow a load of fresh mother's milk. "Mmfph, yeah, tiger, suck it like you did when you were just a baby." She whispered, feeling Kaniel's kiss grazing down to her shoulder. She could actually feel the creamy gland being drawn out of her round tit. "Christ, that feels so wonderful! Suck it harder! You, too, Kanny! Suck my other nipple, baby! Hurry, before I burst!" Kaniel crawled around her, went on his knees, and mouthed on her other erected nipple. Now two of her own sons were sucking and licking at her mammoth tits, feeling the force draining out of it. She drew a long, rasping breath. "Mmm, yeah, Mommy loves it when her babies need milk. Mm, yes, Mommy loves it a lot." "Mom, it tastes so sweet," George mumbled as a spiral his tongue around her nipple. She tensed and let out a stiff cry. A trail of white fluid was oozing down her breast to her naval, giving her whole chest a glistening pornographic appearance. "I've been wanting to fuck you ever since I learned to jerk off. " "Do you think about me when you're jacking off?" she moaned. "Tell me, honey, do you think about giving your mother a good fuck?" "Every fucking night," he whispered, kissing her breast and looking up at her. Kaniel was still working at her other tit. "I even dreamt of fucking you, Mom." "In the ass?" she purred. "No." George hesitated a little, then confessed. "I wanted to fuck your cunt. I don't know why but I always wanted to fuck you without any protection, so I can feel my cock grinding in your pussy." "Yeah, me, too," Kaniel mumbled, and gave a hard suck at her nipple. Jackalyn let out a whimper and felt a short, deep tingling sensation drawing from her breasts to her vulva area. "I want to come inside you with everything I've got." "Maybe your dreams just might come true tonight," she said with a demurred smile, spreading her legs apart as she grinded closer to George. Just thinking about their cocks trying to penetrate inside her was beyond exhilaration. Just thinking about them cumming inside her was unthinkable . . . but possible. Deciding to cross the line even further, she pushed Kaniel's head aside, stood from George's lap, and took a step back, both hands cropping her wild hair. Her "Get on the table," she ordered. "Both of you." "What? " George stammered. "Do it or else I'll put on there myself!" She felt hornier than ever, ready to kill them with pleasure if she had to. Kaniel climbed on the table and sat there, watching her in return with sober, lust-filled eyes. George did the same, climbing right next to his brother. There, watching the identical appearances between them, made Jackalyn even hotter. "Now take off your clothes, boys. " They both stripped off their T-shirt and jeans. She could see only their underwear and the large bulge in there. " Now, which one of you want to have your cock sucked?" Kaniel was the first to respond, raising his hand in the air like a nervous schoolboy. She let out a Britney Spears giggle and climbed on the table as well. "Than may your wish be granted," she cooed, going down on his crotch. She stripped off his underwear, tugging it down to his legs, and his rock-hard cock sprung out like a jack-in-the-box. "Jesus Christ!" Jackalyn gasped. She had no idea it would be this big and no idea at all of the consequences for her need of a ramrod dick. George had his underwear taken off and his dick was just as wonderful, full-fledged in the air with a purplish hard-headed erection. "Oh, fuck me," she whispered, rubbing at her clit. Both of their cocks stood ten inches high and it girth seemed to be as thick as a large beer can. Veins struck out like a monstrous muddle of drowning worms. And the head was the perfect resemblance of a mushroom made for sheer penetration. "You like it, Mom?" Kaniel asked, grinning like an arrogant bastard. She answered by dropping a hot slavering mouth at the side of his cock, licking down to his balls and then lashing up at the head. All the grinning arrogance on Kaniel's face died to a sudden look of shock and unbearable pleasure. Then she looked at him in the eyes, made an appealing smile, and impaled his entire shaft in her mouth, infusing it all in her throat. "Mmmmmmmm," she sighed. Kaniel screamed. "Oh, GOD!" The head of his cock was drowned in the depth of her throat. She pulled back and released his cock with a gagging smack and smiled at him, pre-cum already dripping at her mouth like overused balm. "How was that, teddy bear? " "That was fucking awesome," Kaniel gasped in a breathless whimper. "I'm not even close to done yet. Both of you," Jackalyn demanded, wiping the fluid from her chin, "get on your knees." She could taste some of his juice and she wanted more than just a sample. She wanted the whole pail to herself. They both obeyed immediately, standing on their knees side by side with their dicks arching toward her. It was their raging snakes that caught her eyes again, making her sick with lust all over again. So this is what a sex addict feels like, she thought. This is what I'm going to become . . . an incestuous, adulterous, nymphomaniac whore of a mother fucking her own twin sons behind their father's back. Somehow this little revelation comforted her instead of distressing her with guilt. Committing an unlawful act of sex boosted her with enough sexual fuel to fuck an entire nation. She crawled toward her two men, like a female tiger in the need of a good fuck, grasped both of their Johnson, and began simultaneously jacking them off with her wet hands. "You like that, boys?" she asked hotly, giving them a playful coochie-coo look. "Ooh, yeah, you like Mommy touching your private parts? " George was breathing hard and loud, mouth hanging opened and chest heaving like a heart attack was in the work. She granted him a short, reassuring kiss on the cheek and tugged at his cock even harder. He let out a pleasure cry, and she realized that in his point of view that it must be difficult to hold in this long. It must be hard, she thought, watching a curvaceous mother like me jacking the shit out of her own twin sons while staring at them in the face. Must be real hard for them. Mother Jackalyn decided to focus more on George, since he was a little weaker at this, and make things a little more interesting. Pausing for a moment, she spat a large amount of saliva on George's monster cock, lubricating it down to his thick balls, and then flicked her tongue at his head, giving him a little cock-tease. Sudden pre-cum oozed on her tongue. She did it again right under the head, licking nice and hard but quick. The veins in his cock pulsed and the entire penis was starting to turn to a purplish red, with the head swelling to a fist-sized ball, and that was when Mother Jackalyn did her magic. She released Kaniel's cock and gripped George's with both of her hands, firmly squeezing it at the base until the head budged to a deeper purple. George threw his head back and moaned, grabbing at his mother's hair and clenching a fistful of them. "Oh, Mom, don't . . . don'tI'm not ready yet." Ignoring his warning, Jackalyn hit the spot right when she gave his cock one sloppy lick, clenched his head with her teeth, and the released the pressure with her hands. A hardcore explosion whipped across the kitchen, like a shooting spree. She gasped as a hot blast of semen splattered across her neck and chest in a whisking burst. Pulling her hair even tighter, George made a savaged grunt and shot second a white jet of cum. This one landed across her forehead. The true smell of raw sex was starting to fill the house. All of the muscles in his body flexed as a longer stream blast out of his cock, squirting over her chin. She rubbed all of his warm seeds over her massive cantaloupes down to her hard-boiled stomach and stopped at her crotch. Touching it with her finger, she didn't realized until now how wet her pussy was. She looked at George in the eyes as a forth ejaculating explosion spouted on her right knee, right near her untouched slit. "Ooh, yeah, give it to me. Come on, big guy, gun me down with your hot stuff." "I'm gonna shoot one more!" George groaned, crouching over. "Arg, here it come!" And before that last blast could come out, Mother Jackalyn engulfed his entire cock in her mouth and squeezed it out for him. Throwing his head back for the second time, George let out a screaming climax as the last explosion ripped inside her throat, his ass contracting hard. That particular explosion emptied half of his nuts, therefore surprising his mother with a bang. Caught with the moment, she was able to swallow most of his load with strings of semen spilling to her neck. Slet out a satisfying moan, placing a finger in her mouth and sucking what's left of his stuff with one audible GULP! Still holding his cock with both hands, George collapsed on the table and sprawled there in the pool of his own cum. "Mom, that was wonderful. Oh, shit, I never came so much in my fucking life." Unfulfilled and hungry for more, Mother Jackalyn turned her attention to the remaining target and hinted a furtive smile. Kaniel was still standing on his bare feet, his erection long and hard. "Are you ready to fuck me?" she asked, reaching under her cum-splattered cleavage and pushing them toward her son. He stooped down on his knees, leaned forward, and sucked on her tit with his brother's semen on it. She felt a growing horniness gripping her composure. Then Kaniel surprised her as he pushed her down on her back and ripped literally RIPPED off her panties. Her wet slit was exposed, pubic hair glistening under the crude light like some final pornographic Taboo scene, and Jackalyn spread her legs wide apart. Kaniel leaned over her, aiming his budging python at the pit, and looked at his mother dead in the eyes. "Go easy, please," she whispered seriously. "I haven't done it in a long time." "You're fucking kidding me? You mean, Dad haven't been giving you good-night fuck every once in the while?" "Not even a good-night kiss. And you two boys are going to make it all up to me for him."

Dangerous.. Pt2

Ignoring this, Nick pulled out his pole and broke through her anal rectum with a hard slam. She shrieked and tears went streaming down her eyes. But Nick was alarmed. Oh, shit, his mind screamed. I'm killing her! He was about to retreat until she grabbed ahold of him and held him, whispering for him to do it again. He opened his eyes. It was unbelievable. He felt no hesitation in obeying her wish. Regaining his strength, he started fucking her, with a rhythm and power of a hurricane slamming against a powerless vehicle. He watched as he ass-fucked her little sister in the most pornographic scene possible, their erection impossible to miss. There was semen stains all over Sophia's face to her chest, dripping even to abdomen. Sweat drenched the skin and sheet of the bed. Loud moaning and wet whacking sound started fulfilling the room. Nick fucked her some more, grunting each time his dick hit the wall of her uterus. He noticed, with vague comprehension, that there was a little droplet of blood in her pubic area. But none of this matter. He squashed his cock in and out of his sister, throbbing her with everything he got. He did everything in his power to make her come again. As he dick tunneled further inside of her, he heard a squish from within her ass and he realized the damages he was doing. He rocked her harder, seeing her tits bouncing up and down. She watched him cold in the eyes as her own brother hammered his membrane into her, muttering curses under her breath. To witness someone as petite and wonderful as her creation being razed into pieces was something a brother can experience in a lifetime. Then he stopped. Sophia opened her tearful eyes and looked at him with a question mark on her face. Then he took his cock out of her hole and leaned over to her ear, whispering: "Sophia, I'm about to fuck you doggie-style and I want to come inside of you. Do you want that, sis?" "I want that," she said, flipping around and bending over on all fours like a bitch in heat. She inclined her head down and raised her ass in a flaunting matter, flashing right to his face. Then he heard her wicked encouragement: "Give it to me. Fuck me like a cheap whore I am. Do it. I dare you, fucker. I dare you to come in me. See what momma and papa will do to us when we're caught fucking like dogs." Nick lost his self-control. He lurched forward in unmanageable rage and grabbed her from behind, his dick grinding in her cunt like a mammoth log trying to fit in a small puncture. A little SQUISH! was heard. She cried out as her brother bang her from behind, more tears going down on her cum-stained cheek. Nick grabbed her hair and yanked it back so hard that she tensed. Sophia groaned, feeling the giant cock crushing into her interior region as her neck crested in a upward position, and she yelled out his name. "Niiiiiickkk!!" Gasping and grunting, Nick fucked her harder, meaningless as possible, feeling her trouncing as more whirl of discharge boiled in his loins. Watching her getting fuck from behind was a handsome sight for him, her gorgeous ass plummeting into his pelvis, squirming before him like a feeble child. Her back was slick with sweat and her butt was bright from moist, as if it have been oiled down. Then she did something he didn't see coming. He never did because his conscious was elsewhere. But his cock felt it and it was such a sweet feeling. Here what the bitch did . . . She twisted her ass and tensed so hard that it was like a vacuum sucking out all the energy in your body. This was all she had to do make him lose stamina. Then the most sick and twisted experience was about to come to life. Sophia's nerve-racking spasm brought a tight squeeze against his cock, enabling Nick to lose whatever logic that was still in him. The entire cranium of his pole pierced into her uterus and it touch something that felt like a wall again. He felt his little sister squirm under his weight, her ass lunging against his crotch, and felt an overwhelming discharge of semen exploding deep her stomach, like a surprise bomb, feeding a wad of seed right into her bleeding womb. She yelped as he fucked her in, like a dog in a climax, pumping more load into her womb, impregnating his own sister. "Take it out! Take it out!" Sophia cried, squealing as she felt her brother shot another overwhelming load into her abdomen. Gripped in paranoia, Nick did what she said and took it out, semen gushing all over her back, a stalk of white liquid steaming down the crack of her ass, oozing down all the way to the floor. That's gonna leave a stain, he thought. "Oh, fuck," Nick croaked, but it was all unstoppable. More semen continued to drain out of his cock. He spewed more cum all over the floor and some of it sailed on her breast as Sophia rolled on her back and watched with awe at what she had done. Grunting louder, he squirted a final load of oppressive gland on her chin, smearing right under her pout lips. Then, without thinking of the lethal consequences, she reached over, grabbed Nick's convusing shaft, and hand-jammed it into her vagina again. Then, just when his cock thought it was over, Nick felt another groundswell of discharge nourishing quart and quart into his at-this-instant pregnant sister. Then she said as she blinked tears out of her eyes: "I wants to see your handsome face when you make me a mother. Yeah, that's it. I want to see that stupid expression on your face when you shot your seed into me." Groaning like a drunken bear, Nick shot another load into her, almost blacking out. She continued to mind-fuck him with her wicked tongue. "It feels so, so good, even though we did something so, so bad, doesn't it? I can see you wanted this for so long. Ah, that's right, shoot more into me. Ooh, yes. Make me your bitch, brother. Make me more pregnant than I am now." "Oh, fuck, I'm still coming!" "Yeah, I can feel it, baby, and it's so warm. See what Dad made me do, telling me not to go out with boys and Mom telling me not to think about sex. Now look at me now . . . a cum-stuffed whore. " Unable to listen any longer, Nick slammed his cock deep inside her and cried. She groaned as Nick blasted one last gallon into her, both of them moaning in total rapture. Looking around, dazed-minded, Nick could see that her entire bed, their entire flesh, and even the carpet was drenched with brother-and-sister cum. The both of them remained in a crouching, hugging position for at least two minutes, Sophia's stud releasing one last explosion into her eggs. Her ass was sopping wet. Their sweat mixed together as their seeds did. The room was filled with smell of hot breath and sweat. Their breathing softened and their movement slowed. Nick squinted and found that their loud screams scared off the once-constant cricket sound. With their forehead pressed against each other, gasping, Sophia looked at him and licked her lips. "I love you, handsome. I love you so much. Let's do this one more time? I want you to fuck me in the face and shoot more of that cum, so I can taste it. Then I need you to breast-fuck me and then some more. And I want you to come inside of me and inside the ass. I want to feel you explode inside of me again. It feels good." As he watched his teenage nymph, Nick realized from then on that both him and her was about to have a long night of extreme, perverse, illegal going-against-nature sex until one of them get killed in the process. Then Nick did as his little sister wish, leaning over her beckoned rear with a hard thrust. She cried, loving it. He was lost in the midst of bliss and carnal delight. Behind their renewed sex act, two frozen silhouettes of a mother and a father standing at the door, appalled, paralyzed, yet still watching them while their children performed the impossible and the unthinkable.

Dangerous Sex.. Pt. 1

From peeking through the doorknob, Nick watched his little sister chat on a phone in her pink bedroom while laying on the bed. One of her hands was rubbing across her stomach, like a bitch in heat. He stuck his hand in his sweatpants, grabbing the girth of his cock, and started watching some more, studying the perfect curve of her complexional slim outline. She was an eighteen years old who looked to be a sixteen years old, younger-looking because of her petite size, weighting around at least a hundred pounds with a height no more than five feet. Nick felt an erection forming as he observed her a little more, yearning for the impossible. Her wild brunette hair was thrown down her back as she rolled over on her bed, bright blue eyes gleaming with sparkles, revealing a bod of a professional gymnast. Muscular across the thighs, blessed with a bun of steel, slender down to the waist, but somewhat tender in appearance. She was wearing just her black silk underwear with a large T-shirt as a pajama, resting flat on her stomach as she gossiped on the phone. Her name was Sophia. Nick jerked his rod harder, stifling his groan to a quiet moan, and panted. He fantasized fucking her from behind, bringing her to a screaming climax. This was the third time this week he ever done this, spying on his little sister while masturbating like a sex-crazed psycho. It had started as an accident two nights ago when he caught the door ajar and found Sophia undressing, exposing just a little of her nakedness to his whim. But since their parent were home, Nick had to run into his own bedroom and jerk the urges off his system. Last night he took the risk while his parent were sound asleep across the hall, pumping his cock while staring at his own sibling. But tonight was special. Fuck it, he thought, jacking harder. If I can't have her, I might as well daydream about fucking her. His cock was a hot weapon right now, crying for a fix. And both mom and dad were out to a cocktail event, leaving the entire night to his own. He watched her giggled, sprawling her legs apart as she rolled again. This was it. He felt a tinkling sensation running down his spine as a spurt of cum splattered the door. But the impact hit the door so hard that it squealed opened, revealing Nick with his pant down. Sophia caught him standing there, wide-eyed, wet cock gripped in his hand, and gasped. She dropped the phone and stared, mesmerized. "Nick?" "Oh, shit. It's not what it look like!" She still watched his cock like it was something from outer space, amazed and enthralled at the size. "Were you . . . watching me?" "No, I wasn't!" Sophia stood from the bed, her long dark hair dropping down her waistline, her eyes appearing unconvinced from his denial. "No? But there's cum all over you." Through the haze of confusion, Nick couldn't think of anymore excuses. You got me, he thought, and he was proud she was goggling at his well-hung cock. He knew he was busted in a worst, most embarrassing scenario possible. But his little sister displayed no disgust except there was a kind of strange curious excitement written on her face. She walked over to the door of her room, examined the stains on the wall, and shut the door. Then she locked it. Nick felt his heart paced as Sophia turned around in her seductive movement, an unusual thoughtful smile cresting on her angelic face. "So you like watching me?" she said, stepping back in amusement, admiring her own brother. "What a pervert you are. I like that." Nick was speechless, too stunned and confused to respond. The phone rang but Sophia paid no attention to it. Then, after it died, she stepped forward and shoved him to the floor. Nick fell on his back against the carpet, feeling it was a painless fall, and watched his sister dropped on her knees on his side, her delightful eyes on his well-hung cock. Total lust was driven in her blue eyes. "I have a confession to make," she said, leaning over him, breathing to his ear. " I'm a virgin and I'm sick of being one. But I'd do anything to have you fuck me. Anything. And I know you want to. " "Cripes, you're fucking with me." "No, but you'll know when I'm fucking with you." She straddled him, allowing her ass to press against Nick's cock but with a subtle weight on him. "Because if you don't fuck me tonight, then I'll tell momma what you did tonight." "Bullshit, Sophia, you're full of-" "It's no bullshit, big brother. I'm eighteen years old, still a virgin because Dad never let me go out, and I want you to fuck me." She started to ride him with a moaning sound, deliberate in her motion. "But, Nick, I want you to fuck me hard. Hurt me. Rape me, if you like. I read about it in books. I've seen those rated-X movies. I want you to do me in all sort of positions, just like those porn stars. I want a man like you to make me into a woman. I need the experience." Fingering her mouth, Sophia didn't express a single sign of regret about her confession. Not a hint at all. Instead she leaned forward and sank deeper into his crotch. From just seeing this, Nick dick was surging again, full-flank and hard. The veins started to pulse and it was obvious he was turned on again. He could feel his erection, his eight-inch cock growing against the surface of her cunt, breathing faster, not able to believe this. Sophia sensed this and pressed down just a little more, wanting to feel her brother in her. But it was her underwear that safeguarded their path to a world that could result pure madness of unnatural breeding. After a moment of tension, Nick couldn't take it anymore. "Then you're going to get your wish, tonight," he said at last, thrusting his cock right into Sophia's vagina, ripping through the black fabric and surging into a wet, tight hole. She gasped, her eyes an arousal shock of pain, and cried out. He was looking in the eyes of a girl who was about to become a woman and lose her innocence from an incestuous fuck. Pulling her hair back, Nick penetrated her with everything he got, feeling the head of his dick tearing into her unprotected cunt, reeking with aroma that can drive a mind insane with desire. The surrounding of her vagina gripped his cock like a hot bud vase. The more deeper he pushed into her beaver, the more her bright eyes widened. She looked at him back in the eyes and sighed her tongue to his throat, groaning from a sudden fuck. Nick responded with sheer hunger, kissing her while forcing his cock to go in even deeper. Little Sophia broke the kiss with a loud moan and her hands clasped on Nick's chest, her nails digging far into the flesh of his skin. Groaning in pain, he rammed more of his monster inside of her, feeling half of it going in there, and, before he could finish entering, Sophia bucked her vulva down in a wild fall. She squealed as she became deflowered, crying out in both pain and pleasure. Nick was in a state that was beyond conception, feeling his little sister thrashing on him for more, sweating and gasping, twisting back and forth, as if she was in a seizure. "Oo, yeah, fuck me, harder, you cute stud," she moaned, her hands sliding down to the bottom of her shirt. Then she stripped it off her head. He gawked as her beautiful melon-shaped breasts was revealed at last, her round nipples as pink and hard as her own bedroom. The exposure of her true petite form for the first time brought an uncontrollable urge to fuck her senseless. "You like that, don't you, bitch? Tell me how this feel?" He thrust deeper, feeling his dick surging in a hot spot. "Urgh, uh, I love it. It's feels so good. Harder, baby! Oh, yeah, fuck me. Fuck me. Urp, just pump it in me." She squealed and slammed her pelvis down, shutting her eyes, and started pumping him like a human sledgehammer, creating series of loud slapping noises. "Oh, oh, oh! This feel so odd! How could this be so bad when it feel so, so good? I've never . . . felt such sensation before! Oh, Nick, baby, here I come!" Holding his stamina, Nick embraced her as she convulsed, shuddering, both of them hugging each other. It was such a carnal feeling to have. She trembled harder with a moan and climaxed one last time. "Ahhhhhh." Then she fainted to the ground as her orgasm subsided. Nick watched her collapsed there, realizing she passed out from her own climax. Her entire skin was overwhelmed with sweat, the bright light on the side reflecting it with a kind of sparkle toward it. More moist of sweat dripping down her naked chest and his heaving was the sole sound in the midst of the silence. The sex aroma hung in the air, thicker than fog, and the scent of her own special juice was smelled. He watched her beautiful face, adorable eyes closed in a soundless dream, and noticed her plump mouth was slight opened. Then Nick had an idea. Grinning with excitement, he crawled forward and knelled before her face, directing the head of his erected cock into the welcoming entrance of her mouth. He felt a twinge of exotic exhilaration as he pushed further into her soft mouth, feeling the heat of her breath, causing her lips to form into an appetizing "O". He groaned, crouching over her, grasping her head in a tight clutch, humping her face in a slow rhythm. He could feel his raging cock massaging over her tongue, and after an extra push, felt his shaft straining down her throat. "Arrrggh! Oh, shit!" He watched her sweet face as he fuck it in tense, laggard motion, feeling the incredible warmth of her breath. Then her eyes flung opened and a gutteral moan escaped her stuffed mouth. He panicked and withdrew his shaft, his cock flinging out with a wet POP! "Fuck, I was . . . I didn't mean to . . ." She watched him, strangely calm, breathing hard and rapid, a trail of salvia dripping down her chin. Then she pushed him on his back, climbed over him, and reached out for his cock and snatched it. The edge of his beast bounced off her chin as she leaned forward, closer, her eyes never leaving his, intensifying their desire. She craned down and licked the head a little, cock-teasing him as she eyed him. "You like that, you pervert? You like fucking me when I'm unconscious? You like that, huh?" She cooed and started jacking him off, her slender arm shaking in wild motion. She spat a large ball of salvia on his cock and grazed the moist around his shaft, tonguing down to his balls. Nick couldn't believe his eyes. One look made his heart staggered. "Sophia, slow down. I don't wanna cum yet!" She ignored him, licking his organ as if she was trying to taste the flavor out of a popsicle. Oh, man, Nick thought, she's killing me! Then, like a charging bull, she tightened his private and mouthed down on his entire cock, sucking it all in like a vacuum. Groaning and moaning, Nick strained as he held the seeds in him, shutting his eyes. Then he opened it again, watching in amazement and delight. It was an unbelievable sight. He gawked with fascination as his little sister brought all eight-inch of his cock into the deepest part of her throat. Then he felt his penis jammed through her soft palate and beyond the uvula section. She threw back her head and a loud smack was heard. She looked at him with a smile and urged forward a little, allowing the head of his dick to rub across her chest, touching one of her hard nipples. Then she grabbed two of her melons and squeezed against his cock, and started breast-fucking her older brother. "This is one of your favorite positions, isn't it?" she said with a moan. "I've seen you watch adult movies before and I've seen what's part you watch the most. Oo, yeah, you like that? That and anal, huh? But I bet you've never thought you'd be fucking your little sister's breasts." The head of his monster surged upward and slapped against Sophia's chin, but she responded with a quick lick on his shaft. Then she recommenced with a harder breast squeeze, drudging back and forth, repeating it again and again, quickening her grinding rhythm. Nick swallowed, watching her work one hand to hold the cock into her boobies while the other hand was fingering her wet cunt, furious in her progression. Then she switched position from titties-fucking to an unexpected resurrection of a final blowjob. Oh, fuck, he thought, here's come the dragon attack! Dragon attack indeed. She impaled all of his cock with a shove and jammed three fingers into his crack of his ass at the same time, digging far into his anus. He was looking at a transformation from an innocent naïve child to an insane teenage slut starving for a drink of cum. This act made all Hustler movies looked like a bunch of PG-13 flicks. "Fuck, I can't hold on anymore! Fuck!" Sophia responded from sucking harder and faster, penetrating her fingers deeper into his shithole. She looked into his eyes and smiled, finger-fucking him harder. "Ack!" Nick tensed with a short scream, unable to hold his growing ejaculation, and went cross-eyed as he felt gallon and gallon of hot, brackish semen pumping down Sophia's tepid throat. The blast overflowed the inside of her mouth, causing it explode like a firecracker explosion. Most of his cum disappeared as she swallowed a whole bunch with one loud gulp, yet she kept pumping and sucking him like her life depended on it. "Mmmmm." She swallowed more of it, still stroking his tentacles, leaving a trail of white substance dripping down her chin. After swallowing a handful, she whipped his dick out, jets of cum still gushing out of his prepuce, and let out a devious smile. He felt his whole sexual development on the edge of impairment as more semen still squirted everywhere, spraying across her nose and across her neck and onto her chest. More splashed on her forehead, and down on the carpet, forming a pool of her brother love juice, a kind of substance that'll leave a disastrous stain. "Fuck, you came so much, Nick," she murmured, kissing his dick as if she was in love with it. She looked at him, her face full of white semen, and hinted a smile. Her eyes was still full of lust and wonder, her tension heightening as she bit her bottom mouth. Nick was gasping for air. His heart was pounding. He fell on his back and his eyes became clearer through the haze of cloud. His sister was licking the cum off her fingers, swallowing the rest of his juice like regular milk. She grazed more of his semen off her drenched chest and her stomach, and then slurped it in her mouth. "How do you feel, cutie?" she asked "Good, but tired." Nick was laying on his back, staring into the ceiling, breathing still. "But we're not done yet. I want to do something else. While you're recuperating, would you like a taste my pussy? Suck it?" Nick nodded, feeling his hormones on fire again, and started rubbing his cock. Sophia stood over his head and crouched down on his face, almost as if he was about to sit on him but she was able to maintain her position just an inch from his mouth. "Man, Sophia, you have a cute ass." "Oo, my, thank you." She wiggled her buns on his face and giggled." Then prove you like it, Nick. Come on, you fucking little pervert. Do it before I sit on you!" Then Nick did it. He raised his head, feeling a little dazed, and started licking her clits. And it tasted like something he had never tasted with a smell he had never smelt. Again he licked her clitoris, slurping the cram-like creation, sucking the juices out of her. She moaned, clenching her teeth. The entire process was electrifying, bringing sudden lust into his balls. He couldn't believe it. Now he was tongue-fucking her own eighteen-year-old sister. All so sweet and wet and smelly. So this is what a pussy smells like, he realized, taking a good whiff at it. No one can really describe it except for the fact that it's sweet and addicting. And it's my own fucking sister! He licked some more, swirling his tongue deeper into her cunt. She moaned a little louder, grasping on her hair, and, without a warning, convulsed. She gasped, heaving louder than ever, and groaned a guttural sound. Then she took an intake of breath. Nick felt a gesticulate of sparkle came shooting into his mouth, with a special taste that force him to suck some more, slobbering all over her. "Mmm, Nick, I'm cumming again! Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes! Suck it harder." She tensed and shuddered, closing her eyes. Nick felt he was drinking from a faucet because his little sister was producing a floodgate of strange substance. She whimpered, grabbing her hair in rapture, and squealed. "Ah, ah, oh, fuck! I can't believe we're doing this! Oh, fuck, this feels so gooooood! Oh, mmrph!" As if ready to fall, she started bucking her ass, faltering with her weight a bit, almost sitting on him. She screamed higher and higher but then the magic all cease when Nick went over the edge. He grabbed her and carried her to the king-sized bed, throwing her on the center. She gasped and lift her head, crawling on all four, watching her brother approach him like a lion preparing for a brutal mating. Nick forced her to lie on her back, kissing her across the cheek while he edged the large swollen head of his cock to find the entrance of her beaver. "I'm going to fuck you," Nick warned. "Missionary style. I think it might hurt a little more, so expect it." "Give it to me, motherfucker. Give it to me hard." Nick couldn't believe his little sister was talking like this but then again, he couldn't believe the two of them were fucking like craving animals. "Then here I come, bitch." The dick surged through the tunnel of her cunt, causing Sophia to let out an animalistic groan. Sinking deeper and deeper like the Titanic, Nick held her down from the shoulders as he fell deeper into the well of Sophia's love gate. As soon as his balls touch her anus, he pulled back almost to the edge and slammed back in her. Then he repeated it, fucking her in a motion that she couldn't handle. Her wistful hazel eyes never parted from his. It was bright with hard lust. "Give it to me. Give it to your sister. Ooh, you like that, huh? Even though we're going to hell for this, let this be our last wish! I rather do this than go to paradise! Oh, yes! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me!" Then she arched her back and screamed out. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Nick kept on pounding her cute ass, fucking her harder than she was begging for. Then she let out a groan and something unnatural happened. Everything of her inner muscles tightened and she plunged forward, her legs wrapping around her brother's waist and locking him against her. Nick was on the verge of eruption, watching her sister straining under his arms in the middle of a powerful orgasm, and felt her shudder hard as a machine. "Oh, God, Nick. Oh, ah . . . ah . . . ahhh." "That's right, Sophia," Nick said, pressing his cock further inside. He actually couldn't believe she was really coming. It felt like a wet hand grasping harder and becoming even wetter! "Come for me, bitch!" But, even against the impossible, Nick held it in. It was a miracle. Not from the fear of impregnating her but from the fear of allowing this special moment to be over. So he uncocked her sopping cunt, his swollen member dripping wet, and decided to give it to her in the ass. He grappled one of her leg and lifted it in the air. The anal opening of her hole was small, but he still determined to get it done. To fuck the shit out of her . . . She stared at him, breathing, and gasped as her brother pushed his cock into her rectum. Sophia couldn't handle it. She felt her shit being push in as Nick went in even farther, and then she felt her gut move. The sphincter muscle of anus enthused and the intestine shot apart. Then, through the pain and the God-awful smell, she closed her eyes and let out some guttural moans. She was whispering something that sounded like "How dare you could do this to me, you motherfucker, how dare you."

A dreamed full-filled

The first thing she noticed was the awful taste of plastic, her eyes fluttered as she tried to focus on the bright object overhead. Slowly, she squinted and could see that it was an overhead light, very bright and piercing as she tried to figure out what the taste was and noticed that her mouth was gapped open and her lips were sore from the thing in her mouth. She could discern the strap that encircled her head and figured it was some sort of gag. She had seen such things while surfing the Internet and when she happened upon a bondage site, quite by accident, but she had found herself unable to break away as she examined picture after picture that cropped up before her. Although she would have never tried it herself, she had liked what seeing those images had done to her and had found herself rubbing her own pussy to quench the fire that had engulfed her, having a wonderful orgasm in only a matter of seconds. She returned to the site many times, having book marked it after her fierce orgasm and had enjoyed many more as well. She flopped her head to one side, trying to figure out where she was; it looked like a procedure room that doctors used for sutures and such. She could see several cabinets and instruments lying on the counters and as she turned her head back to the other side, she saw her nipples pointing up at the ceiling. She raised her head and could see that she was nude and she tried to cover herself, but felt the Velcro straps that only let her hands move a few inches and then she tried her legs and found them in the same predicament. Unable to work herself free, she continued to assess her surroundings as she heard a noise off to her left, "Well, Constance, I see you are awake," and she jerked her head around to see a tall man standing over her. She recognized him from the bar earlier, she had gone in to get a few drinks and unwind after work before she headed home to hear her kids argue and pull at her. She tried to ask him what he was doing, but the ball gag only let her emit unintelligible sounds, "If I remove your gag will you be quiet and cooperative?" he asked and she feebly nodded her head that she would. His hands worked to get the gag loose, pulling her hair as he did, making her wince in pain, "Now Constance, a little pain never hurt anyone," and she saw that he had enjoyed making her suffer. "Mind if I call you Connie? Or perhaps even Cunny, you slut!" and he slapped her face as her head jerked from the force. Connie could feel the tears run down her cheeks as he seemed to be enjoying it, "Oh yes, you are a little cunt, aren't you?" and she watched as his hand disappeared below her tits and she felt him stroking her pussy lips, "Why are you doing this to me?" she cried as his finger split the lips of her pussy and traced the inside as he smiled, "Don't you remember Cunny? You asked for this. Oh, I'll admit, you had one too many drinks and the powder I put in your last one, wouldn't have let you deny me anything, but I have witnesses that you asked me to take you with me and oh, how did you say it? Ah yes, you wanted me to fuck your brains out, as I recall," and he snickered. "But this is still rape, you drugged me!" Connie screamed, "Now, now Cunny, wouldn't want to put that nasty old gag back in, now would we? Best mind your manners," and she felt his finger concentrate on her clit as it rubbed it into a frenzy and she couldn't help but gasp out loud, "That's more like it my little slut," and his thumb took the place of his finger as he pushed two fingers into her vagina and she scooted back to get away, but her bindings only let her move a few inches as his fingers were buried up to their knuckles and his thumb once again had her clit on fire. "You couldn't prove rape Cunny, the drug leaves no traces and let's not forget, I have witnesses," and she felt herself begin to shake as his thumb and fingers brought her to the edge and she shook and screamed out her orgasm as he drove her over the edge. "That's a good little slut, relish that one my dear, you will have to work for the next one," and he laughed as his hand traced the line over her stomach, "I see the C-section scar Cunny, how many kids did you have?" and she felt so humiliated that she had to be on display for him while he pried into her personal life, "None of your damn business!" she screamed and before her mouth closed from saying it, another slap caught her, "Show me some respect you fucking cunt!" and she could feel her cheek sting and the heat as she knew it was reddening. She watched as his hands made their way to her tits, she had always been proud of her tits, they were a little large for her frame, but they didn't sag and she had always thought them one of her best assets. She watched as his hands traced the outer fringes of her aureoles and worked ever closer to her hard nipples, before pinching them between thumb and forefinger, she gasped at the sudden pain. "You needn't tell me Cunny, you see I have already been through your purse. You have two very lovely children, a boy and a girl. Handsome teenagers Cunny, would be a shame if they joined their mom, now wouldn't it?" and she cringed at the thought of her kids having to endure this lunatic. "You're not wearing a wedding ring and there is only your name on the checkbook, so I assume that your husband moved on," and she worried about what else he might have found in her purse. She had printed out some of the bondage pictures and showed them to her girlfriend at work, "Nice pictures Cunny," and she turned her head to see the pictures before her, "But of course, after your drinks, you told me that this was what you wanted me to do to you. You wanted to be my little sex slave," he was right, she vaguely remembered their talking about the bondage and how hot it had made her and how violently she had cum. "Shall we begin Cunny?" he asked as she feared what would come next. She watched as he put a rod between her knees, tying it off around each knee as it held her legs apart and caused her discomfort at the same time and then she heard water running and then the sound of electric clippers as he set about cutting off her pubic hair. He brushed the cut hair from her crotch and his fingers tickled her pussy lips as he did and she could feel herself wetting again as his fingers applied the shaving cream to her pubic mound. She cringed as he started sharpening the straight razor and then moved it between her legs, "Now, lie still," and she felt the razor drag across her pubic area. As he manipulated her thighs to get better access, she could feel the sharp razor as it scraped her pussy lips, "Hold still, would hate to cut you Cunny," and she tried to maintain her position with all her might as he finished up and then she felt the warm towel as it wiped her clean. "That's much better," he said as he ran his hand over her smooth skin and dipped a finger into her, making her sigh. "Looks almost good enough to eat Cunny," he snickered as he turned his back to her and then turned back around and had a small tube of liquid in his hand. He squirted it onto her and it made her jump, it was cold! He then worked it all over her mound as his hands warmed it and she began to feel herself getting wetter, he was having an effect on her. With her knees bound to the rod, her thighs were widespread and his hands left no part untouched, she felt a slight chill as his hands worked the lotion over her ass and she felt his touch begin to linger there as he slowly pressed to gain entrance and she tightened up to try to keep him out. It became a game of wills as she tried to keep his probing finger out and applied more pressure to gain entrance, suddenly she felt the liquid poured directly on her ass as its added moisture permitted his finger to enter and her face contorted in pain. Winning this battle of wills seemed to make him that much more aggressive as he began to work his finger in and out and she grimaced from his actions, her body slowly relenting to its invader as his thrusts got easier and her muscles relaxed. Connie had read about anal sex, but she had never had the desire to try it and she still didn't, but she could feel her body slowly giving in to him as his finger methodically worked in and out and she noticed that her breaths were getting shallower as well. He managed to work in a second finger and as they both moved in and out, she felt a warm feeling come over her and when his other hand found and worked her clit, she thrashed as she came, screams of pleasure erupting along with her own juices. "I told you that you would have to work for this one Cunny, your body seems to have enjoyed that," and she looked to see the satisfied smirk on his face. He withdrew his hands and she could feel her own juices running out of her as she cursed her body for giving in to him and she felt him grasp her wrist and then felt the cold metal of the handcuff as it was locked into place and he released the restraint and then moved her hand to connect it to the other one. He picked her up and carried her over to a small mat on the floor, placing her on her bound knees as he pulled her arms up over her head and attached the handcuffs to a rope suspended from the ceiling and drew it tight, causing her to raise up on her knees to keep her balance. "For such a small woman Cunny, you have very large tits," he said as she watched his hands cover her tits and squeeze them, her body betraying her once more as her pussy began to ooze. Her face froze in fear as she watched him get some clothespins from the bench and work the spring as he smiled and inched one towards her hard nipple. She bit her lip hard as the clothespin was clamped on her tender nipple and she couldn't help but scream out in pain. She had seen it done on the website photos and had wondered how much it would hurt, now she knew, and she feared the next one as it approached her other nipple and as it bit down on it, another scream rang out. He took delight in smacking the clothespins as her pain doubled with each smack and she finally breathed a sigh of relief when he left them alone, although the ever-tightening clothespins still burnt her nipples with pain. He left the room for a few moments and she struggled to try to shake the clothespins grip, but to no avail and she heard him come back and watched as he took a small dildo and coated it with the lube, her mind told her what that was for as she braced herself for another struggle. She noticed a small ring at the base of the dildo, she had never seen one like that before and he got on his knees behind her and she felt the pressure as he tried to put it in her ass. She fought to keep it out, but he reached around with one hand and began to flick the clothespins and the pain broke her concentration as the head of the dildo popped inside and he left it there as he went over and picked up a larger one and brought it to the front of her and began to ease it into her traitorous pussy, as it took a third of the fake cock inside. He took a rope and fed it through the two rings on the bases of the dildoes and attached them to the rope that held her handcuffs and then cinched it up so that she was strained to hold her own weight and then he set a counter weight, "As long as you are able to hold yourself up, the fake cocks will enter no further Cunny, let's just see how strong you are," and he pulled a chair up and sat in front of her. She struggled to stay upright, but she could feel herself slipping and each slip meant further penetration as the twin cocks eased into her. He sat back and opened his pants as she watched him stroke his medium sized cock, and the two inched further inside, delighting him. She began to focus her concentration on him, watching his hand slide up and down his shaft, seeing the precum as it oozed out of his cock and soon, her arms gave out as she yelped and the dual cocks filled her. He let out a huge laugh at her predicament and she watched him get up and walk to her, still holding his cock as he pressed it to her lips, "You lose, now suck it bitch!" and she felt her lips probed as she gave in and let his cock slide between them, tasting his salty precum as he pushed his cock inside. Connie began to suck him as he grabbed her hair and fucked her mouth, his cock sliding deeper and deeper into her mouth. The cocks were firmly planted inside of her and it kind of felt good being all filled up as her captor arched his back and thick jets of hot cum shot into her mouth as she gulped them down. He withdrew and made her clean off his cock as he rubbed it over her tongue and then he jerked on the rope, making the cocks move inside of her, heightening her pleasure as well. He got her down from the ceiling rope and untied the rod between her knees as he helped her to her feet and she watched as he produced the handcuff key and opened one, only to pull her wrists behind her and recuff them. It was difficult for her to stand with her ass and pussy filled, but he made her walk back to the table and shoved her face first onto the top, so that her waist was at the edge of the table and he pushed her up slightly on the table, her legs dangling down and the cold table biting into her swollen nipples, her clothespins wrenched off. She felt him withdraw the fake cock from her ass and she breathed a sigh of relief, but it was short lived as she felt his cock replace it, her ass still stretched from the dildo. Her position held the dildo in her pussy in position as he slowly sank his cock into her deflowered ass and began to stroke. He grabbed her cuffs and made her arch her back as he slammed into her ass and their bodies collided. The reality of the situation should have made her numb, but she felt something she had never felt before, except looking at those pictures, only now, she was the ones in the pictures as he fucked her tight ass and his thrusts ground against the base of the dildo in her pussy, twisting it slightly. Her body came alive as her pussy grasped the dildo and her ass took his cock and she found herself trying to meet his thrusts as he buried himself in her and then she felt him swell up and they both came, his cum shooting into her ass as she soaked the dildo in her pussy with her own juices. Connie felt a little ashamed, he had basically kidnapped her and forced her to submit to him, but in an odd way, she had enjoyed some of it, especially her orgasms. His weight rested on her back now as she could feel his cock slowly deflate in her ass and then he eased back and she felt empty as he withdrew, his cum oozing down the backs of her legs as she struggled to get the strength to release the pressure on her tits. The cold floor hit the soles of her feet and she stood on wobbly legs as she felt the impressions on her tits from lying on the clothespins and the burning as her blood flowed once more to her somewhat abused nipples. She wanted to rub them, but her cuffs made that impossible and she turned to look for her captor, finding him back in his chair watching her and she saw his finger point to his deflated cock, "Get over here and clean me off bitch!" he added and Connie slowly walked in his direction, each step causing her pain as she did and then he grasped her under her arms and lowered her to her knees before him. The thoughts of what she was about to do both excited her and put her off, his cock had been in her ass and she was a little put back by that, but he pulled her head onto his lap and she slowly began to lick his cock clean. His cock grew once again in her mouth as she began to suck on it and as she moved her hips, taking more and more into her mouth, the dildo slid from her pussy, really making her feel empty now, so she concentrated on filling her mouth as each bob of her head brought him deeper. His hands found her tits and began to massage her swollen nipples as she sucked on him, his cock now as hard as ever as it began to hit the back of her throat and she could feel it jerk and twitch, sensing that his orgasm would not be long in coming. "Oh yeah Cunny, you're a good little cock sucker," he said as she felt his cock begin to swell and she knew that his cum would not be far behind. Connie began to bob at a quicker pace now, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked on him and then his hands left her nipples as they drove her head down on him and he exploded, sending hot spurts of cum into her mouth as she struggled between breathing and swallowing his cum. As he relaxed, she began to suck on his cock like a fat straw, drawing his remaining cum out and then she licked the sides to finish him up. He pushed her head back and smiled at her, then got up and worked to release her cuffs and she soothed her aching wrists. She took a shower and cleaned up and then began to dress, when she had finished, she met him by the door, "That was great Ed, you think maybe we can do it again next week?" and she smiled at him as he winked, "Anytime Cunny, er Connie," and she gave him a kiss as she headed out, she was so glad she had answered his ad on the BDSM site

Earning His mark!!!

She was lying next to him, head between his thighs, busily licking and sucking at his cock. This was one of his favorite ways to have her pleasure him; it put her pussy and ass near his face, where he could easily play with them, pushing her into a frenzy that she took out on his cock. She went lower to grab his balls in her mouth, and he slowly slid a finger deep into her ass drawing, a moan from deep down in her throat. He sighed contentedly as she bathed his balls with her warm tongue. She had to lick everywhere after he came, in case she missed any of his cum. He contemplated her ass, more specifically an area right above her ass cheek, at the base of her spine. He traced the area with his free hand, wondering how his little slut would react to his plans for her. This would be a wonderful spot for a tattoo, don't you think pet? Her attention faltered slightly at his comment, but a quick pinch to her ass focused her mind on her task. She had been pleading with him for months to put his mark on her. She had a couple tattoos already, but she wanted another one to mark her as his slave. It was a big step, and he hadnât been certain it was the right one. He enjoyed toying with her though, seeing how much he could make her beg by giving hints that he was seriously considering it. She was such a whore, so far he had found nothing she wouldnât do for him. Sure she had fought him a couple times, but in the end, she was always begging to please him. She was special. He was cruel to his pet, he knew, but she never lost that look of pure adoration in her eyes when she looked at him. Come up here pet. He pulled his finger from her ass as she quickly turned around. She was a beautiful sight. She still bore traces of the slaps he'd given her earlier for some made up infraction about his food being too cold. Her eyeliner was smudged giving her eyes a dark, mysterious look and her lips were red and swollen from the prolonged cock sucking session she'd just preformed. He wrapped his arms around her and flipped her over onto her back so he could look down into her smiling face. A finger found its way into her pussy, drawing a gasp from her and causing her to close her eyes and throw her head back. She loved to feel his fingers insider her, teasing her. Look at me pet, he commanded. She opened her eyes, cloudy with desire, and looked up at him. The naked adoration in her gaze made his breath catch. Open your mouth, she immediately complied,good girl, he said. He slipped the finger that had been deep into her ass past her lips. A small frown of disgust passed her features, but she didn't complain as she started sucking on his finger. She knew she would be punished is she complained. He pushed his finger deeper into her cunt, sliding in a second finger. I don't know pet, do you think a slut like you deserves to wear my mark? She moaned softly and started sucking on his finger like it was his cock. He laughed at her quick response. He pulled his finger out of her pussy and gently pulled it down her cheek, caressing her. It's a big step pet, I don't know if you're ready. Master, I'm ready I swear it. I would do anything to have your mark on me, she pleaded. Well I was thinking something simple, right above your ass. Just two little words, Nate's whore. What do you think of that? She couldn't respond, his fingers were moving in and out of her cunt quickly and his thumb was rubbing her clit. All she could do was moan as he played with her body.Of course you'll have to earn it, cunt. But that won't be a problem, right? You'll do anything to please me, wont you pet? He softly caressed her face, smiling he was going to let her cum. Her body was tense, she was biting her lip in pleasure and her eyes had closed again.Yes pet, you're going to earn the right to be called my whore, you're going to prove to me just what nasty little slut you can be. But she was too far gone, too wrapped up in his touch to heed the warning in his words. He could feel her cunt contract on his fingers as she came, moaning and screaming. When she looked up at him again her eyes were glassy and she was smiling softly. Thank you Master. Your welcome pet. Now go to your room, Iâm going to sleep alone tonight. She frowned slightly, but licked his fingers clean and went to spend the night alone in her room. ***** A few weeks later she was sitting on the back porch watching the sun set when she heard her Master come in the front door. She quickly got up and ran through the house to greet him. She could tell by the look in his eyes that she was going to be in for a hard night. It was easy to tell now what kind of mood he was in by the way he looked at her. She decided against the hug she was going to give him and went to her knees instead. She spread her knees wide causing her dress to ride high on her thighs; she placed her hands behind her back and lowered her eyes submissively. Aren't you going to greet me slut? he asked. She scrambled quickly lowering her chest to the floor, and sticking her ass high in the air before kissing the tops of each shoe in greeting. Good, cunt. He reached down and grabbed her hair pulling her back up to a kneeling position, and pulling her head back hard. Did you have a good day fuck slut? Did you get lots of rest? Yes Master, thank you Master. He was pulling her hair hard. Her neck hurt as he twisted her head and neck to an awkward angle. Well slut, I have arranged a surprise for you tonight. He turned her around so she could see the bag he brought home. I bought some new clothes for you, you're going to meet some of my friends tonight, and you need to look like a proper whore. Not like you look now because you always look like a whore but a common piece of street trash that would suck a cock behind a dumpster. He watched her as his words slowly sunk in. He had mentioned this before, threatened her with this. When she was disobedient he would tell her how he should just give her to his friends and let them use her like the pathetic whore she was Her face showed her dismay clearly. It was hard to be used and humiliated by a man she loved so much. She couldn't stand the idea of being used like a common whore for strangers. She had honestly believed that he would never make her do this, always assumed it to be an empty threat Now, she stared at him stunned, and forgot herself. No, she said, slowly shaking her head, rising to her feet. How can you think I would agree to that, I will never sleep around for your amusement, never! As she turned to storm away he grabbed her arm, swinging her around to face him, and brought her face close to his. There was barely suppressed rage in his voice when he spoke to her.Who the hell do you think you are talking to, slut? He pushed her away from him in disgust, sending her sprawling to the floor. She looked up at him stunned, elbow aching from a hard blow to the floor. You are here to serve me! You do whatever I want to amuse me! You will do what I tell you cunt, or will leave right now! Look at you, you are a whore to be used, you are nothing but a cunt for my pleasure and that is all you will ever be. If you are too good for that, then you get off your ass now, and walk out of her. Make sure you never let me ever see you again. Is that understood cunt? Was he really telling her to leave? No, she loved him, she couldnât leave him, she needed him. Panic surged up in her, leaving her head spinning. She had to fix it, what had she done? Something snapped in her mind. Tears were pouring from her eyes. He was already to the next room by the time she brought herself to her feet and ran after him. Master, oh god, I'¢m so sorry Master. She sank to her knees grabbing his legs. Don't send me away Master, I was so stupid, I was scared. I would do anything for you Master, anything! Please don't send me away, I need you, I don't know why I am such a horrible slave, I promise I'll never question you again. She could barely talk through her tears. He kicked his leg, dislodging her from him. She was quickly lying at his feet, crying and muttering please over and over. He smiled as he looked at her pathetic groveling. He had taken her and made her his, and it showed. She could not bear the thought of being without him, she would do anything keep him from leaving her. Why would I want you now, cunt? You have shown me what youâre really like; I should throw you out on the street. More moaning and pathetic whimpers were the only answers he got. You're pathetic, cunt. You know that, right? Tell me cunt, tell me how pathetic you are. She started talking as she pulled herself to her knees. I am Master. I am a pathetic cunt. I'll be a whore for whoever you wish Master. I'll do anything or you Master. I am so sorry I told you no, I'll never say no to you again. So you want to perform for my friends tonight, huh? You really are a whore. He kneeled down and grabbed hold of her chin, forcing her to meet his eye. Let me tell you how this is going to work, slut. You are going to go and be the dirtiest, nastiest slut you can be. Iove told them all about you, how you love to be humiliated and used. You will not embarrass me, because if you do, no amount of pleading will make me keep your worthless ass Do you understand me? She nodded eyes wide. âGood cunt, now change into the clothes I bought for you, I am going to go take a shower, be ready when I come back. He stopped at the foot of the stairs and looked back at her. Oh, and one more thing -- if you perform like the good little whore I know you are, I will take you tomorrow and mark you as mine. You want that, dont you pet? Yes Master, said. She watched as he climbed the stairs to take a shower. She was trembling. Would he really have sent her away? She thought about it and the answer was an undeniable yes. He would send her away in heartbeat, she wouldnt fool herself into thinking that he needed her the same way she needed him. She was starting to moan softly. She couldnt believe she was going to go willingly and offer herself to his friends. In fact, she had practically begged him to let her. She thought about his last remark, and smiled. To wear his mark on her body would be the ultimate sign of ownership. She wanted so badly to belong to completely to him, to go past the point of no return. After he marked her there would be no going back she would always be his. She waked over to the small bag he had brought home. It was from a little store in the mall she had seen before. She never shopped there. She liked to dress conservatively when she went out in public, and Master mostly preferred her naked, so she had no reason to enter the trendy store. Opening the bag she found what she thought must be the smallest piece of clothing allowed and still be able to be called a skirt. It was white and so flimsy that it would barely cover her ass and pussy. Next she pulled out a tiny pale pink top, she could tell by looking at it that it would have a hard time containing her large breasts. The only remaining clothing was black stockings and a garter. There were no panties or bra. She frowned; she didnât want to wear these sluttish clothes. There would be no doubt that she was a true slut when Masterâs friends saw her dressed like this. She shook her head violently. No, she would not complain. If Master wanted to display her body then he had every right. She would not risk his anger. Sighing she put on the offensive clothing. Looking down at herself she saw it was much worse than she thought. If she barely moved her cunt and ass were clearly visible, and the tops of her nipples showed over the horribly low cut shirt. The stockings and garters just made her look like a street walker. She felt tears stinging at her eyes. She looked like such a whore, how could she go out like this. Fighting back tears she went to her little room to put on makeup and do her hair. She put on her high heels; they had four inch heels and were very uncomfortable as well as hard to walk in. She knew though that he would expect her to wear them. She finished quickly and stumbled back into the living room to wait for him. He was enormously pleased with himself. He had almost pushed her too far. He could still feel the disappointment and anger he felt when she tried to tell him no earlier. He cared for her deeply, but she was his slut, and he knew her better than she even knew herself. It had scared him for a moment to think he might have gone too far. But just the mention of leaving her had her crawling back to him, begging to do what ever he wanted. He felt so powerful, so proud. She was completely his now, he had no doubt that it would prove to be wonderful evening. He was going to make sure that she was used and humiliated beyond what she thought she could handle. He couldnt wait to see the anguish on her face as she struggled to obey, knowing if she didnt, she would lose him. There was no doubt she would obey. He couldnt wait to see her in the sluty clothes he bought for her. He usually preferred her naked and ready for him, but tonight he wanted her to feel like a whore. Midway down the steps he stopped and gasped slightly to himself. His shy little slut had been transformed. She stood in the middle of the room trying hard not to move. She truly looked like whore from the street. With every breath he caught a glimpse of her pussy peaking out beneath the skirt. The garters made her legs look incredibly sexy to him. He forced his eyes away from the sight to look up at her breasts. He chuckled; she had large beautiful breasts that were barely contained in the tiny pink shirt. He could see the tops of her nipples, he could imagine how humiliated she must be, standing there as he stared at her. Acceptable, he said walking down the last of the steps to stand in front of her. He reached out and grabbed a nipple squeezing hard bringing a gasp to her lips. He held on tightly till he saw her eyes start to shine with tears before he let go. His attention had made her nipples hard, and they were even harder to keep concealed. He watched her struggle with it for a minute before he ordered her to leave it alone and go out to the car. She obediently turned to leave and he got wonderful view of her ass cheeks hanging out of the back of her skirt. Bend over a little, slut, he ordered. She stopped and leaned over showing him almost all her ass and her puffy pussy lips peeking out from between her thighs. She was shining with wetness. He reached between her legs to run his finger along her pussy. She shuddered and moaned at his touch. Laughing he brought his finger around to her mouth. Here slut, taste yourself, taste how ready you are for me and my friends. She moaned softly but took his finger into her warm moist mouth sucking off the juices. He lightly slapped her ass, signaling it was time to go. Walking to the car was a horrible experience. She was sure that all of the neighbors were watching out of their widows as she walked to the car, struggling to cover herself. She had to practically run to keep up with him, almost tripping in her heels, which prevented her from keeping her clothes under control. Once in the car he started to talk to her about everyday things, like his day at work. She couldnt concentrate on what he was saying though; she couldnt get her mind off of where they were going and what she was going to be doing. Finally, they arrived at a nice house in one of the more upscale suburbs outside of town. By then she was horribly worked up, shaking and nearing panic once again. He leaned in towards her, grabbing her behind her head and pulling her close. She tensed up -- but when all he did was kiss her she soon melted into him, forgetting everything else. He rarely just kissed her. The kiss was warm and gentle, soothing her completely. When he lifted his head from her, her eyes were still closed and she was smiling. Thank you Master, she whispered. You're welcome pet. Now lets go. His words shook her back to reality, but she wasnt nearly as panicked as before. This time walking to the front door, she was too distracted to worry about her clothes. She couldn¢t imagine who lived here; she wanted to know how many men would be there, and how she would be expected to perform for them. Before knocking on the door, he pulled her leash out of his pocket and clipped it to her collar. Her collar was beautiful black leather with silver embroidery that read pathetic. It had been a gift to her the first time they had met. He grabbed hold of her leash and rang the doorbell. It took a few seconds before someone opened the door. She caught her breath, as she recognized the man he was Masterâs boss, she had met him once at a company dinner. He shook hands with her Master, and then his eyes came to her, staring her up and down. She started to fidget under his intense scrutiny, and saw his eyes light up at the sight of her pussy hanging out of her slutty skirt. Thanks for coming Nate, everyones here, the boss said with a smile. She felt angry and demeaned that he hadnât even acknowledged her. She didnât have time to think much about it though, because her Master was pulling her leash forcing her into the house. Leading her through a large entry way, he stopped her before she could enter the front room. She could hear voices and a television just a few feet away, but could still see no one. Here pet, put this in your mouth.â He put the leash in her mouth and situated her hands behind her back. Now walk in there. And donât forget -- if you embarrass me, you will no longer be my slave. He propelled her slightly with a light shove to her back. She moaned softly as she walked into the main room. There were ten men sitting around, drinking, playing cards, and watching a porno on the television. She had just a second to take this in before the man closest to her noticed her and let out a shout. Entertainments here boys! Goddamn Nate, you werent kidding, she is a pretty whore. All the men shouted in agreement. She closed her eyes slightly; this didnt seem real to her. Her cheeks burned hotly as the men made various comments about her. Love those tits. Look at that big ass; I cant wait to get in there. She could feel her Master, he had walked up behind her, his presence soothing, allowing her to open her eyes and look around the room. Well man, she sure looks like a whore in those clothes, but I want to see her out of them, one of the men said. She heard her Masters voice in her ear telling her to strip. This alone was almost enough to make her cry. Twelve pairs of eyes were staring at her as she started to raise the tiny shirt above her head. Master's boss had come back into the room and Master had stepped back to enjoy the show. She pulled the shirt up and off, her big succulent breasts flopped back down, shaking and jiggling, which brought cheers from the men. Next she pushed the skirt over her hips and let it fall to the floor. She was left in nothing but her collar, garter and stockings and her heels. She had to struggle very hard to put her hands back behind her back and not try to cover herself. Spread your legs bitch, show them what they are going to be getting, she heard her Master say. A single tear slipped down her cheek as she spread her legs wide. She heard comments about what wet slut she was and moaned. Stick your hips out and use your hands to pull your nasty cunt open, let them have a good look bitch, her Master demanded. She was trembling slightly as she bent her knees and pushed her pussy out. This got some cheers. Even more cheers came as she reached down and spread her bald pussy wide open. She was aware of how sticky she was down there, and the horrible aching of her swollen clit. She moaned loudly enough for everyone to hear. She pushed her hips out further before she even realized what she was doing.

Earning His mark!!!

She was lying next to him, head between his thighs, busily licking and sucking at his cock. This was one of his favorite ways to have her pleasure him; it put her pussy and ass near his face, where he could easily play with them, pushing her into a frenzy that she took out on his cock. She went lower to grab his balls in her mouth, and he slowly slid a finger deep into her ass drawing, a moan from deep down in her throat. He sighed contentedly as she bathed his balls with her warm tongue. She had to lick everywhere after he came, in case she missed any of his cum. He contemplated her ass, more specifically an area right above her ass cheek, at the base of her spine. He traced the area with his free hand, wondering how his little slut would react to his plans for her. This would be a wonderful spot for a tattoo, don't you think pet? Her attention faltered slightly at his comment, but a quick pinch to her ass focused her mind on her task. She had been pleading with him for months to put his mark on her. She had a couple tattoos already, but she wanted another one to mark her as his slave. It was a big step, and he hadnât been certain it was the right one. He enjoyed toying with her though, seeing how much he could make her beg by giving hints that he was seriously considering it. She was such a whore, so far he had found nothing she wouldnât do for him. Sure she had fought him a couple times, but in the end, she was always begging to please him. She was special. He was cruel to his pet, he knew, but she never lost that look of pure adoration in her eyes when she looked at him. Come up here pet. He pulled his finger from her ass as she quickly turned around. She was a beautiful sight. She still bore traces of the slaps he'd given her earlier for some made up infraction about his food being too cold. Her eyeliner was smudged giving her eyes a dark, mysterious look and her lips were red and swollen from the prolonged cock sucking session she'd just preformed. He wrapped his arms around her and flipped her over onto her back so he could look down into her smiling face. A finger found its way into her pussy, drawing a gasp from her and causing her to close her eyes and throw her head back. She loved to feel his fingers insider her, teasing her. Look at me pet, he commanded. She opened her eyes, cloudy with desire, and looked up at him. The naked adoration in her gaze made his breath catch. Open your mouth, she immediately complied,good girl, he said. He slipped the finger that had been deep into her ass past her lips. A small frown of disgust passed her features, but she didn't complain as she started sucking on his finger. She knew she would be punished is she complained. He pushed his finger deeper into her cunt, sliding in a second finger. I don't know pet, do you think a slut like you deserves to wear my mark? She moaned softly and started sucking on his finger like it was his cock. He laughed at her quick response. He pulled his finger out of her pussy and gently pulled it down her cheek, caressing her. It's a big step pet, I don't know if you're ready. Master, I'm ready I swear it. I would do anything to have your mark on me, she pleaded. Well I was thinking something simple, right above your ass. Just two little words, Nate's whore. What do you think of that? She couldn't respond, his fingers were moving in and out of her cunt quickly and his thumb was rubbing her clit. All she could do was moan as he played with her body.Of course you'll have to earn it, cunt. But that won't be a problem, right? You'll do anything to please me, wont you pet? He softly caressed her face, smiling he was going to let her cum. Her body was tense, she was biting her lip in pleasure and her eyes had closed again.Yes pet, you're going to earn the right to be called my whore, you're going to prove to me just what nasty little slut you can be. But she was too far gone, too wrapped up in his touch to heed the warning in his words. He could feel her cunt contract on his fingers as she came, moaning and screaming. When she looked up at him again her eyes were glassy and she was smiling softly. Thank you Master. Your welcome pet. Now go to your room, Iâm going to sleep alone tonight. She frowned slightly, but licked his fingers clean and went to spend the night alone in her room. ***** A few weeks later she was sitting on the back porch watching the sun set when she heard her Master come in the front door. She quickly got up and ran through the house to greet him. She could tell by the look in his eyes that she was going to be in for a hard night. It was easy to tell now what kind of mood he was in by the way he looked at her. She decided against the hug she was going to give him and went to her knees instead. She spread her knees wide causing her dress to ride high on her thighs; she placed her hands behind her back and lowered her eyes submissively. Aren't you going to greet me slut? he asked. She scrambled quickly lowering her chest to the floor, and sticking her ass high in the air before kissing the tops of each shoe in greeting. Good, cunt. He reached down and grabbed her hair pulling her back up to a kneeling position, and pulling her head back hard. Did you have a good day fuck slut? Did you get lots of rest? Yes Master, thank you Master. He was pulling her hair hard. Her neck hurt as he twisted her head and neck to an awkward angle. Well slut, I have arranged a surprise for you tonight. He turned her around so she could see the bag he brought home. I bought some new clothes for you, you're going to meet some of my friends tonight, and you need to look like a proper whore. Not like you look now because you always look like a whore but a common piece of street trash that would suck a cock behind a dumpster. He watched her as his words slowly sunk in. He had mentioned this before, threatened her with this. When she was disobedient he would tell her how he should just give her to his friends and let them use her like the pathetic whore she was Her face showed her dismay clearly. It was hard to be used and humiliated by a man she loved so much. She couldn't stand the idea of being used like a common whore for strangers. She had honestly believed that he would never make her do this, always assumed it to be an empty threat Now, she stared at him stunned, and forgot herself. No, she said, slowly shaking her head, rising to her feet. How can you think I would agree to that, I will never sleep around for your amusement, never! As she turned to storm away he grabbed her arm, swinging her around to face him, and brought her face close to his. There was barely suppressed rage in his voice when he spoke to her.Who the hell do you think you are talking to, slut? He pushed her away from him in disgust, sending her sprawling to the floor. She looked up at him stunned, elbow aching from a hard blow to the floor. You are here to serve me! You do whatever I want to amuse me! You will do what I tell you cunt, or will leave right now! Look at you, you are a whore to be used, you are nothing but a cunt for my pleasure and that is all you will ever be. If you are too good for that, then you get off your ass now, and walk out of her. Make sure you never let me ever see you again. Is that understood cunt? Was he really telling her to leave? No, she loved him, she couldnât leave him, she needed him. Panic surged up in her, leaving her head spinning. She had to fix it, what had she done? Something snapped in her mind. Tears were pouring from her eyes. He was already to the next room by the time she brought herself to her feet and ran after him. Master, oh god, I'¢m so sorry Master. She sank to her knees grabbing his legs. Don't send me away Master, I was so stupid, I was scared. I would do anything for you Master, anything! Please don't send me away, I need you, I don't know why I am such a horrible slave, I promise I'll never question you again. She could barely talk through her tears. He kicked his leg, dislodging her from him. She was quickly lying at his feet, crying and muttering please over and over. He smiled as he looked at her pathetic groveling. He had taken her and made her his, and it showed. She could not bear the thought of being without him, she would do anything keep him from leaving her. Why would I want you now, cunt? You have shown me what youâre really like; I should throw you out on the street. More moaning and pathetic whimpers were the only answers he got. You're pathetic, cunt. You know that, right? Tell me cunt, tell me how pathetic you are. She started talking as she pulled herself to her knees. I am Master. I am a pathetic cunt. I'll be a whore for whoever you wish Master. I'll do anything or you Master. I am so sorry I told you no, I'll never say no to you again. So you want to perform for my friends tonight, huh? You really are a whore. He kneeled down and grabbed hold of her chin, forcing her to meet his eye. Let me tell you how this is going to work, slut. You are going to go and be the dirtiest, nastiest slut you can be. Iove told them all about you, how you love to be humiliated and used. You will not embarrass me, because if you do, no amount of pleading will make me keep your worthless ass Do you understand me? She nodded eyes wide. âGood cunt, now change into the clothes I bought for you, I am going to go take a shower, be ready when I come back. He stopped at the foot of the stairs and looked back at her. Oh, and one more thing -- if you perform like the good little whore I know you are, I will take you tomorrow and mark you as mine. You want that, dont you pet? Yes Master, said. She watched as he climbed the stairs to take a shower. She was trembling. Would he really have sent her away? She thought about it and the answer was an undeniable yes. He would send her away in heartbeat, she wouldnt fool herself into thinking that he needed her the same way she needed him. She was starting to moan softly. She couldnt believe she was going to go willingly and offer herself to his friends. In fact, she had practically begged him to let her. She thought about his last remark, and smiled. To wear his mark on her body would be the ultimate sign of ownership. She wanted so badly to belong to completely to him, to go past the point of no return. After he marked her there would be no going back she would always be his. She waked over to the small bag he had brought home. It was from a little store in the mall she had seen before. She never shopped there. She liked to dress conservatively when she went out in public, and Master mostly preferred her naked, so she had no reason to enter the trendy store. Opening the bag she found what she thought must be the smallest piece of clothing allowed and still be able to be called a skirt. It was white and so flimsy that it would barely cover her ass and pussy. Next she pulled out a tiny pale pink top, she could tell by looking at it that it would have a hard time containing her large breasts. The only remaining clothing was black stockings and a garter. There were no panties or bra. She frowned; she didnât want to wear these sluttish clothes. There would be no doubt that she was a true slut when Masterâs friends saw her dressed like this. She shook her head violently. No, she would not complain. If Master wanted to display her body then he had every right. She would not risk his anger. Sighing she put on the offensive clothing. Looking down at herself she saw it was much worse than she thought. If she barely moved her cunt and ass were clearly visible, and the tops of her nipples showed over the horribly low cut shirt. The stockings and garters just made her look like a street walker. She felt tears stinging at her eyes. She looked like such a whore, how could she go out like this. Fighting back tears she went to her little room to put on makeup and do her hair. She put on her high heels; they had four inch heels and were very uncomfortable as well as hard to walk in. She knew though that he would expect her to wear them. She finished quickly and stumbled back into the living room to wait for him. He was enormously pleased with himself. He had almost pushed her too far. He could still feel the disappointment and anger he felt when she tried to tell him no earlier. He cared for her deeply, but she was his slut, and he knew her better than she even knew herself. It had scared him for a moment to think he might have gone too far. But just the mention of leaving her had her crawling back to him, begging to do what ever he wanted. He felt so powerful, so proud. She was completely his now, he had no doubt that it would prove to be wonderful evening. He was going to make sure that she was used and humiliated beyond what she thought she could handle. He couldnt wait to see the anguish on her face as she struggled to obey, knowing if she didnt, she would lose him. There was no doubt she would obey. He couldnt wait to see her in the sluty clothes he bought for her. He usually preferred her naked and ready for him, but tonight he wanted her to feel like a whore. Midway down the steps he stopped and gasped slightly to himself. His shy little slut had been transformed. She stood in the middle of the room trying hard not to move. She truly looked like whore from the street. With every breath he caught a glimpse of her pussy peaking out beneath the skirt. The garters made her legs look incredibly sexy to him. He forced his eyes away from the sight to look up at her breasts. He chuckled; she had large beautiful breasts that were barely contained in the tiny pink shirt. He could see the tops of her nipples, he could imagine how humiliated she must be, standing there as he stared at her. Acceptable, he said walking down the last of the steps to stand in front of her. He reached out and grabbed a nipple squeezing hard bringing a gasp to her lips. He held on tightly till he saw her eyes start to shine with tears before he let go. His attention had made her nipples hard, and they were even harder to keep concealed. He watched her struggle with it for a minute before he ordered her to leave it alone and go out to the car. She obediently turned to leave and he got wonderful view of her ass cheeks hanging out of the back of her skirt. Bend over a little, slut, he ordered. She stopped and leaned over showing him almost all her ass and her puffy pussy lips peeking out from between her thighs. She was shining with wetness. He reached between her legs to run his finger along her pussy. She shuddered and moaned at his touch. Laughing he brought his finger around to her mouth. Here slut, taste yourself, taste how ready you are for me and my friends. She moaned softly but took his finger into her warm moist mouth sucking off the juices. He lightly slapped her ass, signaling it was time to go. Walking to the car was a horrible experience. She was sure that all of the neighbors were watching out of their widows as she walked to the car, struggling to cover herself. She had to practically run to keep up with him, almost tripping in her heels, which prevented her from keeping her clothes under control. Once in the car he started to talk to her about everyday things, like his day at work. She couldnt concentrate on what he was saying though; she couldnt get her mind off of where they were going and what she was going to be doing. Finally, they arrived at a nice house in one of the more upscale suburbs outside of town. By then she was horribly worked up, shaking and nearing panic once again. He leaned in towards her, grabbing her behind her head and pulling her close. She tensed up -- but when all he did was kiss her she soon melted into him, forgetting everything else. He rarely just kissed her. The kiss was warm and gentle, soothing her completely. When he lifted his head from her, her eyes were still closed and she was smiling. Thank you Master, she whispered. You're welcome pet. Now lets go. His words shook her back to reality, but she wasnt nearly as panicked as before. This time walking to the front door, she was too distracted to worry about her clothes. She couldn¢t imagine who lived here; she wanted to know how many men would be there, and how she would be expected to perform for them. Before knocking on the door, he pulled her leash out of his pocket and clipped it to her collar. Her collar was beautiful black leather with silver embroidery that read pathetic. It had been a gift to her the first time they had met. He grabbed hold of her leash and rang the doorbell. It took a few seconds before someone opened the door. She caught her breath, as she recognized the man he was Masterâs boss, she had met him once at a company dinner. He shook hands with her Master, and then his eyes came to her, staring her up and down. She started to fidget under his intense scrutiny, and saw his eyes light up at the sight of her pussy hanging out of her slutty skirt. Thanks for coming Nate, everyones here, the boss said with a smile. She felt angry and demeaned that he hadnât even acknowledged her. She didnât have time to think much about it though, because her Master was pulling her leash forcing her into the house. Leading her through a large entry way, he stopped her before she could enter the front room. She could hear voices and a television just a few feet away, but could still see no one. Here pet, put this in your mouth.â He put the leash in her mouth and situated her hands behind her back. Now walk in there. And donât forget -- if you embarrass me, you will no longer be my slave. He propelled her slightly with a light shove to her back. She moaned softly as she walked into the main room. There were ten men sitting around, drinking, playing cards, and watching a porno on the television. She had just a second to take this in before the man closest to her noticed her and let out a shout. Entertainments here boys! Goddamn Nate, you werent kidding, she is a pretty whore. All the men shouted in agreement. She closed her eyes slightly; this didnt seem real to her. Her cheeks burned hotly as the men made various comments about her. Love those tits. Look at that big ass; I cant wait to get in there. She could feel her Master, he had walked up behind her, his presence soothing, allowing her to open her eyes and look around the room. Well man, she sure looks like a whore in those clothes, but I want to see her out of them, one of the men said. She heard her Masters voice in her ear telling her to strip. This alone was almost enough to make her cry. Twelve pairs of eyes were staring at her as she started to raise the tiny shirt above her head. Master's boss had come back into the room and Master had stepped back to enjoy the show. She pulled the shirt up and off, her big succulent breasts flopped back down, shaking and jiggling, which brought cheers from the men. Next she pushed the skirt over her hips and let it fall to the floor. She was left in nothing but her collar, garter and stockings and her heels. She had to struggle very hard to put her hands back behind her back and not try to cover herself. Spread your legs bitch, show them what they are going to be getting, she heard her Master say. A single tear slipped down her cheek as she spread her legs wide. She heard comments about what wet slut she was and moaned. Stick your hips out and use your hands to pull your nasty cunt open, let them have a good look bitch, her Master demanded. She was trembling slightly as she bent her knees and pushed her pussy out. This got some cheers. Even more cheers came as she reached down and spread her bald pussy wide open. She was aware of how sticky she was down there, and the horrible aching of her swollen clit. She moaned loudly enough for everyone to hear. She pushed her hips out further before she even realized what she was doing.
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