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Imaging is a non-invasive procedure to check internal parts of the body.  This means, now abnormalities of the internal body organs can be checked without opening the body parts surgically. Imaging is used in various medical procedures specially to perform MRI scan. Imaging is a complex process which involves radiologists, medical physicists, sonographers nurses, biomedical engineers, radiographers and other staff.

Although, some types of imaging tests are a bit uncomfortable but most of them are painless and noninvasive.  The type of equipment used to conduct the test depends on patient’s medical condition and the body part that needs to be diagnosed.  Some of the most popular neurology imaging test include- MRI scan, X-ray, CT scan, ultrasound and digital mammography.  A radiologist conducts this test as he/she is highly trained to use the equipment properly and safely.

One of the best advantages of imaging is that it detects any disease at very early stage.  Through molecular imaging, doctors can check the internal parts of human body on a cellular level and find out disease even before symptoms become clear. These tests show the disorder of body organs such as thyroid, heart, liver and lungs work.  In case of incurable disease cancer, early detection of the disease can save the person.  With the help of Magnetic resource imaging (MRI), doctors can detect the cancer cells inside the body. Another imaging test is CT scans which can detect lung cancer at early stage.

Another common imaging test is digital mammography. In this test electronic image of the breasts are being taken to check difference between usual and unusual tissues. This is the best way to detect breast cancer. In fact mammography detects approximately 80-90%of breast cancer at very early stage.  Undoubtedly, it’s a great gift to entire human generation.

If you are noticing any strange symptom in your body, without getting late you should go for imaging test.  This facility is available in all parts of the world. In Anchorage too, you can easily find many reputed and world class imaging center where trained and experienced doctors treat patients.  By logging into their site, you can get your appointment online.

A sleep physician is a doctor who has completed his/her education in the field of sleep medicine. Sleep specialist treats sleep disorders, and other sleep related problems like pulmonology, neurology, internal medicine, psychiatry etc.

Proper sleep plays crucial role in our good health and trouble in sleeping can affect your day to day life and may cause serious medical problems such as asthma, epilepsy and heart disease. 

As per most of the doctors, an individual should sleep at least for 6-8 hours every day. A quality and sound sleep in the night makes you feel happy, energetic and fresh on the next day.  In brief, a sound sleep is the barometer of your overall health.  Apart from enhancing physical health of the body, quality sleep also improves a person’s mental health. Therefore we can say that sleeping is the basic necessity of life which is as imperative as food, cloth and shelter.

As per National Institutes of Health (NIH), more than 40 million people in the United States suffer from some kind of sleep disorder. It is the one of the most common disease which can affect people of any age group.  Sadly, most of us ignore sleeping problems, which may lead to poor health, no presence of mind, unconcerned towards work, bad relationships etc. 

Sleep physicians treat innumerable sleep-related problems such as snoring, apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy (daytime sleepiness), and circadian rhythm problem. Circadian rhythm sleep disorders like delayed sleep, and jet lag cause chronic or occasional disturbances in sleeping pattern and may cause extreme sleepiness or difficulty in sleeping.

Sleep physicians also cure and diagnose parasomnias. It is a kind of unusual events or conditions that happens while sleeping. Some of the conditions are following:

  • Bedwetting
  • Nightmares
  • Restless legs syndrome/Periodic limb movement disorder/ (RLS/PLMD)
  • REM behavior disorder
  • Sleep paralysis
  • Sleepwalking
  • Teeth grinding


Physicians conduct sleep evaluation and clinical, to diagnose sleeping diseases. Under the diagnosis, physician generally checks complete medical history of the patient and entire family and perform laboratory tests and a physical assessment.

To get the diagnosis, you need to stay in the sleep center for a night so that the sleep specialist evaluates your cycle of wake and sleep. Evaluation of sleep include actigraphy, multiple sleep latency test (MSLT), polysomnography and maintenance of wakefulness test (MWT).  These physicians use various methods to cure sleeplessness. Some of the most common treatments are- CPAP, medications, oral machine to prevent teeth grinding, and therapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy, bright light therapy are used to treat sleep disorders.

If you or your loved one is suffering from any type of sleep disorder problem then instead of getting worried you should immediately take treatment from a certified and trained sleep physician.  Numerous sleeping centers have been opened in all parts of the world where sleep specialists diagnose and treat people suffering from sleeplessness.  If you are residing in Anchorage, Alaska, you can easily find many board certified sleeping centers which offer this service.  These centers arrange various types of sleeping courses under the supervision of skilled, trained and qualified doctors where you can get quality sleep and forget all your problems. 

 What is MS?  

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an incapacitating disease caused due to unusual immune response in the body. The immune system damages the nervous system, mainly myelin. Myelin is the insulation around nerves which ensures signals are received and sent by the brain properly. Once it is damaged, many symptoms may appear, including:

  • Tingling and numbness in the arms and legs
  • Tiredness
  • weakness
  • Nerve pain
  • blurred vision
  • dizziness

When you started having symptoms of MS, you must visit a doctor to know what was wrong. General practitioners are skilled to diagnose MS and they have diverse knowledge to determine what’s making you ill and what further action should be taken. Your doctor will refer you to a neurologist once they review your neurological symptoms.

Read Also: Tingling, Pain, burning and numbness – They might be dangerous!

Role of MS specialist: 

MS specialist is a neurologist, focus on ins and outs of the disease. They are highly skilled and qualified and always remain updated with the latest treatments.  A MS specialist can offer many benefits that a normal physician can’t offer. They focus only on the healing of Multiple sclerosis, a specialist:

  • keeps track of medical trials and the MS treatment options
  • is highly skilled in treating MS patients
  • has professional knowledge on the topic of diagnosis and quality of life
  • has seen a lot of MS patients, and has treated almost all symptoms

Searching a MS Specialist

If you are planning to consult a MS specialist, make a well-versed decision. First think what you want in a doctor. Things to consider while finding a MS specialist:

  • What is your own stand on treatments? Are you looking for a doctor who goes for insistent treatments or one who believes in “wait and watch” method?
  • Which one you prefer? Being close to the doctor in case of emergency, or searching the best fit, despite travel requirements?


You can easily find a MS center in any part of the world; you will be benefited from a team of skilled specialists, nurses, and other supporting staff. In Anchorage, Alaska also, there are many good hospitals specializing in MS treatment.

Never forget that MS is a lifelong disease; so instead of looking for a ‘typical’ doctor look for a partner or friend for the long haul.

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Headache is one of the most common diseases that we experience. Most of us suffer from this problem at some point of our live.  According to World Health Organization (WHO) more than 47% of the world's adults suffer from headache in the last year and around 1.7-4 % of worlds adult experience it for 15 or more days.  Headache disorder is a worldwide problem, which is most common and most ignored also! 

Headache can cause significant pressure which includes significant individual suffering and bad quality of life. Frequent headaches damage the social and personal life of a person. In fact long term headache can also several other serious problems.  For instance, depression is more common among people suffering from headache or migraine.  In this case seeking a headache specialist is extremely important for mental peace.

Finding a pain specialist can be a tough task, but it very necessary if migraine has a major blow in your life. If you or your loved one is suffering from headache or migraine, you must need proper medical care from an experienced and skilled headache professional.  Headache specialists use various procedures to treat the severity of the headache. Apart from headache due to natural reasons these expert treat head injuries, arthritis, back pain, neck pain and more. 

Read Also: The role of Migraine Clinics in Managing people with Migraine Pain

Use internet to search best headache Specialists

If you do not know any experienced and qualified headache or migrant expert in your area then instead of asking from random people it is always to use the Internet for this purpose.  It will help you to find numerous board certified headache specialist that will you to get rid of your disorder. 

If you are looking for a nuisance or migraine specialist in Anchorage, again internet will help you to find myriad centers which offer treatment of headache or migraine under the guidance of best specialists.

Precautions to be taken while choosing specialists

If you have found a board certified specialist that offers nuisance and migraine therapy, make sure to know about experience and education. Check if you are comfortable with them; if you are not then do not hesitate to consult another specialist.

Read Also: Neuromuscular Massage Therapy- a New Way to get rid of Pains!

Apart from that ask how many people they taken treatment from them and what was the success rate.  They should be able to explain what type of treatment would be better for you as is there any side-effects of the treatment. In short, make sure that you are getting the perfect treatment and care.




Everything is going smoothly in your day to day life, your daily routine is completely fine, and life is totally running fantastically. However, this smooth life can be disturbed with a sort of stumbling block called headache.

How Migraine Affects Our Life?

Once a migraine attack takes over your daily activities, everything goes at sixes and sevens. If you are the victim of migraine, you need an expert treatment to get relief from the severe pain. A best treatment may eventually head off, lessen or shorten the pain of migraine.

A large number of mass are facing a hard time dealing with migraine headache; looking for a strong treatment. Though, migraine can make its victim to anyone regardless of age and gender, women of all ages are more prone to get affected comparatively men. This particular type of headache usually lasts from 4 to 72 hours.

How to Get Rid of the Pain?

Prescribed synthetic drugs have been widely accepted treatment of migraine for long years. Though, this drug is capable enough to alleviate the pain, incapable to put a stop to migraine episode from repeating. A growing number of migraine patients are now looking for alternative treatments that contain fewer chemicals and more on natural ingredients.

Read Also: The role of migraine clinics in managing people with migraine pain!

So there is a need of such technique that can not only tackle the migraine pain but also can wipe out its re-occurrence. You can get success in your desirable target of controlling the pain and its re-occurrence by just following three simple steps; mentioned below.  

  • Prevention – By knowing about what triggers the migraine episode, you may check it to generate again.
  • Control – As soon as the pain starts bothering you, put natural remedies into action that can stop or lessen the pain at minimum.
  • Treatment – Keep yourself abreast of all natural treatment that can make you relief from all sorts of headache and its re-occurrence.

If you put the above mentioned ideas into action, you would notice a great improvement soon on how well you can prevent your next migraine episode.

Online Headache Clinic:

Migraine, Depression, Alzheimer, tension, insomnia, anxiety and other kinds of Psychological and Neurological Problems are treated well at some top most treatment centers, Walk in any certified Headache Clinic and get world class Migraine Treatment. No matter what the severity of headache you face or the treatment you need, the renowned headache clinics have foolproof solutions of your all setbacks that are waiting for you.

Read Also: Take a control on your Life by contacting the Best Neurologist in Alaska!

Among many disorders that are common in today’s world, insomnia is one of them that are highly prevalent in people nowadays. It is one such problem that is really very common in people. In most of the cases or may be in initial stages people are unable to recognize their problem and linger on their problem for long time that results in bad effects.

But in some cases, where people are quite aware about these sleep disorder take it seriously and go for a consultation or a check up to a doctor so that the problem can be easily diagnosed and then can be treated in a proper manner.

There are several ways in which these sleep treatments can be done. Sleeping labs are also constructed in various sleep medical centers. These sleeping labs are used for making the patients comfortable and perform some tests to judge their sleeping habits and then give a conclusion.

Likewise, there are various sleep medical equipment that are used for treating the patients suffering sleep problems and sleep disorders. Like every other thing, the equipment to be used in the treatment should also be of high quality and should be replaced after every little defect or after certain time duration.

In fact, it won’t be wrong to say that using AASM certified durable medical equipment should be the highest priority for the sleep doctors and the sleep centers. Though, there are different types of sleep equipment available in the market but it is always highly recommended to use the AASM certified sleep equipment so that high quality service can easily be maintained for the patients.  

So, it is always better to go for a treatment to a medical center that offers best sleep treatment along with the board certified equipment. There are multiple sleep medical centers in Anchorage and adjoining areas that offer their patients with high quality, board certified and new sleep equipment so that best services can be maintained.

Read Also: How I faced Sleep Disorders?

In fact, in some cases, the patients can even opt for out center testing for sleep disorder and various associated problems. In such a case, using the board certified sleep equipment for out center testing is only recommended. It is really important for the up keep of the health and hygiene of the patient. In fact, it is the responsibility of the person in charge of using and managing the sleep equipment and one should keep that always in mind to offer best to the patients and never compromise on the quality and freshness of the sleep equipment.

Read Also: Sleep well with the right and Regular Replacements!


If you are worried about your wrinkles, then not to worry as there is an effective wrinkle treatment that will counter your all skin wrinkles. Today, it is possible to prevent wrinkles through Botox injections. Basically, it is a purified form of Botulinum toxin A, which means there is zero botulism risk on using it. Botox works by blocking the nerves that contract muscles, and softening the appearance of wrinkles.   

It is a medicine made from a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium clostridium Botulinum, which is also called Botulinum toxin. In simple words, this medicine is used to treat certain muscular conditions and cosmetically remove wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing muscles.

It can be injected into face skin in extremely small concentrations and works by preventing signals from the nerve cells reaching muscles and leaving the muscles without contraction.

The drug, Botulinum toxin comes in the market under the names that are following:

  • Botox, Vistabel.
  • Dysport.
  • Myobloc.
  • Bocouture, Xeomin.

These are few names under which this drug is available in the market.

There is one important thing that you should know about Botulinum toxin is that it is one of the most poisonous substances known to man. Scientists believe that a single gram could kill many people and in high concentration of it can result in botulism, life-threatening disease. If is left untreated, it may result in respiratory failure and death. This is so toxic, but still it is very expensive and in high demand.

It has proven to be a successful and valuable therapeutic protein when it is used as a dosage, variety of treated clinical and frequency of treatment. Botox is the most effective cosmetic treatment for treating wrinkles that haven’t quite set, or wrinkles that appear when you move your face or frown. Most of the dermatologist says that if you less move your face, you will far less get wrinkles on your face.

Read Also: Facilitate the bodies with best neuropsychology treatments in Anchorage!

There is a common misconception about Botox among people that it actually paralyzes the muscles in the face and you need to have a proper medicine treatment to treat your paralyze, which is absolute baseless thing to perceive. While treatment, Botox unable some muscles to function temporarily but once the process is over, your muscles will react in previous way.

Paralyzes can only happen when, it is taken in extreme amounts. That is why; most specialists strive to inject just the amount that allows the treatment to happen.


It is a fact that Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic disease affecting the nervous system. Generally, nerves are coated with protective covering, myelin, which speeds up the transmission of nerve signals. It is common that people with MS experiences progressive deterioration of myelin. Usually, when the myelin is damaged, nerves may function abnormally.

As a result, there could be many unpredictable symptoms that are as follows:

  • Mobility difficulties.
  • Pain.
  • Tingling, or burning sensations in body.
  • Bad vision or vision loss.
  • Slurred speech.
  • Impaired memory.
  • Stiffness or muscle spasms.
  • Difficulty with balance.

Today, there are many treatment options that can help manage the course and symptom of this disease. Main purpose of treatments is as follows:

  • Slow the progression of Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Improve physical and mental function.
  • Minimize its symptoms during MS exacerbations.

Usually, people with MS get attacks, if you are looking for treatment for attacks, read below:

  • Plasmapheresis (plasma exchange):- It is a treatment, in which the liquid portion of your blood is removed and separated from your blood cells. Once they are removed, the blood cells are then mixed with a protein solution and again put back into the body. This treatment is used if your symptoms are severe and you don’t respond to steroids anymore.

Corticosteroids:- Drugs such as oral prednisone and intravenous methylprednisolone are prescribed drugs used to reduce the nerve inflammation. Insomnia, mood swings, fluid retention, and high blood pressure are some of its side-effects.

There are some treatments for signs and symptoms that are mentioned below:

  • Physical therapy:- A therapy involves stretching and strengthening exercises, and show you how to use devices that can make it easier to perform daily tasks.
  • Drugs or medications:- Effective drugs are used to reduce fatigue, and pain.
  • Muscle relaxants:- People with MS, may experience painful or uncontrollable muscle stiffness or spasms, mainly in your legs. In order to get relief in pain, use muscle relaxants such as baclofen, and tizanidine.

Read Also: Few important facts of Neurology Imaging!

The aforementioned are some or the best drugs and treatments used to treat MS, through this article you must have got that how to treat MS with therapy and drugs. Apparently, it is true that there is no such cure to this disease yet, but researchers have found the treatment that focuses on speeding recovery from attacks and slowing the progression of the disease and managing the symptoms. In case, if the symptoms are not severe, there is no such requirement for treatment.

These days, there are many online medical centers that offer such treatment to the people with MS. You can research the centers and can contact the best MS specialist to help you fight against this disease. 

Mri imagingOn internet, there are many blogs and articles kept informing about brain imaging. And this one is no exception as the following blog will explain you what type of medical procedure is better for brain imaging. Through this blog, you will explore the brain and understand the importance of the brain imaging now days.

Many researchers believes that the complexity of the organ that determines how a person moves, feels, thinks, and remembers is overshadowed only by its unique vulnerability. In you indulge in the depth of the studies on the brain; you will find that the brain is hidden from direct view with the help of skull, which not only shields it from injury but also stops the study of its function in both health and disease.

The cells present in the arteries that supplies the brains are firmly tight bound that even normal cells in the bloodstream are prevented from crossing the “blood-brain barrier”, thus rendering the normal chemistry of the brain undetectable by the laboratory blood tests.

There are two Diagnostic Imaging Techniques, Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, have revolutionized the study of the brain by letting physicians and researchers to look at the brain noninvasively. In history, these are two diagnostic imaging techniques have allowed physicians to infer causes of abnormal function due to different diseases for the first time to make the noninvasive evaluation of brain structure.

Both diagnostic imaging techniques are complementary techniques, each with its own strengths and weakness. The selection of the medical procedure depends upon the timely necessity of scan, what part of the head is being examined, and also the age of the patient among other considerations. Generally, all these imaging studies are performed in close consultation with a physician.

Also Read: Headache specialist in Anchorage

Specifically, both these diagnostic imaging techniques are designed to examine specific problems related to brain, such as brain tumor or any other conditions that has not been detected by other techniques. Read below, and get the things more cleared about both techniques yourself. Let’s discuss the advantages of both techniques.

Advantages of CT

  • This technique is much faster than MRI when it comes to the cases of trauma and other acute neurological emergencies.
  • It is less sensitivity to patient motion during the examination since the imaging can be performed much more rapidly.
  • It is less expensive than MRI and is sufficient to exclude many neurological disorders.

Advantages of MRI

  • It has a much greater range of available soft tissue contrast, depicts anatomy in greater.
  • It allows the evaluation of structures that may be obscured by artifacts from bone in CT images.
  • This technique doesn’t use ionizing radiation, and thus preferred over CT in children and patients for multiple imaging examinations.

See the difference yourself and understand the importance of both techniques for imaging. 

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