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so okay i know i have disappeared for a while but i was having some communication problems with my pc it seemed to never want to get on the iternet and i fixed that!!! i am sorry it has taken me so long to get back on here but it seems that i have finally gotten all the bugs out of my system!!! hopefully all of you have been taking care of yourselves while i have been gone. i am truly sorry for anything that might have happened while i was gone!!!


here is the newest poem running through my head!! Released I release thee from the bond that holds tight, to find one true loves light, never to haunt your dreams again, never to come on a moments whim. I release thee from the bond that ever was, dropped from mind but never heart, lost and found but never hurt, trapped in time was never enough. I release thee from the bond of pain, to never again know the breaking of thy soul, to live with all thy know, to be one with all but always heal thyself, to be with the one thy love with all thy might, to be with the one thy hold so tight. I release thee to the world thy know, i release the key that i held so long, opening the door for thee with so much glee, hoping that our lives should past in the distant day, i release thee from all your pain. that is all i hope you like. I wrote it from the heart and i hope you take it as a good thing. I will see ya'll on the flipside. Ares
I Lord Rahl Master of Darkness take you Irish Mist The Goddess of Night as my Loyal Queen of Darkness, surrounded by the night and subjects here by known as our friends. Taken by the one ring that will forever bind you to live under my rule forever. To be forever bound to my whim,desires,and urges. To be my bound mistress of the dark pleasured only by my whip and by my hand forever. Other than that i will cherish you for who you are and for the love that you give me! okay i shortened it!!! it was much longer but i just threw it out!!!!

pc problems

so yesterday i was sitting here waiting on a friend to get back from making lunch when all of a sudden my pc slowed down to a crawl and then everything went black. i was like oh shit not again!! it has done it a couple of times and i always had to take it in to get serviced and i was not gonna pay hundreds of dollars to get it back again. so anyways i figured out the problem and took those off of here and now i am back. i am sorry that it happened again but i had no other way of getting back on til i fixed it!!

tribute to carlin!!!

Carlin's `7 words you can't say on TV': Overheard? Published: 6/23/08, 7:05 PM EDT By FRAZIER MOORE NEW YORK (AP) - More than 30 years after George Carlin pronounced "Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television," some of those words have lost their sting. Some of those words still aren't welcome on the public airwaves (or, for that matter, in print) and they are still being debated in the courts. But you can hear those words voiced in everyday discourse more than ever. Carlin, who died Sunday at age 71, observed in his routine: "We have thoughts, but thoughts are fluid. Then we assign a word to a thought and we're stuck with that word for that thought - so be careful with words." Good advice. Carlin's seven words, he would caution ironically, "are the ones that'll infect your soul, curve your spine, and keep the country from winning the war." Or course, times - and wars - have changed. At least one of Carlin's words (a rude term for urine) wouldn't raise an eyebrow on much of broadcast TV now. Meanwhile, none of them is alien to premium cable. For many viewers, hearing those Words You Can't Say On Television being said on television helps make pay cable worth paying for. Those words were heard on television in 1977, on Carlin's first HBO comedy special. They fall into predictable categories: bodily waste; sexual acts (both socially acceptable and frowned upon); and female body parts. "When he used those words he wasn't just trying to shock," said Richard Zoglin, who wrote about Carlin in his recent book, "Comedy at the Edge: How Standup in the 1970s Changed America." "He was trying to make a statement that's familiar today, but wasn't so familiar back then: 'Why do we have this irrational fear of words?'" Of this Magnificent Seven, only one, which refers to the female anatomy, retains the power to jolt nearly anyone within earshot. On an HBO sitcom a couple of years ago, the angry husband used this word to insult his wife. It nearly wrecked their marriage. More tellingly, the studio audience emitted an audible gasp. Premium cable, and even basic cable, have far more freedom with content than broadcast programming, which is carried on public airwaves by stations licensed by the Federal Communications Commission. For broadcast, The Words are actually words the FCC says can't be heard before 10 p.m. - when the "safe harbor" for young viewers applies. But exactly what those words are, and under what circumstances they may be permissible, is currently unclear. "The networks are being careful, because even in this kind of flux, you don't want to push too far," said T. Barton Carter, Boston University professor of communications and law. "Vagueness and inconsistencies in regulation can have a chilling effect on broadcasters." The picture is further muddied by the fact that 80 to 90 percent of viewers get all their programming (from broadcast stations as well as cable networks) through their cable or satellite subscription, Carter added. Different indecency standards apply to channels whose difference is often undetectable to the audience. The uncertain regulatory climate led to PBS distributing two versions of the Ken Burns documentary series "The War" last fall. Stations could choose the original version, or opt for a sanitized version of World War II, one that was free of any Words You'd Be Safer Not Saying On Television. The FCC changed its policy on indecency following a January 2003 broadcast of the Golden Globes awards show by NBC when U2 lead singer Bono uttered the phrase "f------ brilliant." The FCC said the "f-word" in any context "inherently has a sexual connotation" and can trigger enforcement." That case has yet to be resolved. Recently the U.S Supreme Court has entered a legal fight over curse words aired by Fox in 2002 and 2003 on the live broadcasts of "The Billboard Music Awards." Cher used the phrase, "F--- 'em." And Nicole Richie said, "Have you ever tried to get cow s--- out of a Prada purse? It's not so f------ simple." Scheduled to be heard by the Supreme Court this fall, the case would decide whether the government can ban "fleeting expletives," one-time uses of familiar but profane words. Dropping an "f-bomb" on a broadcast won't automatically blast open the floodgates, said Tim Winter, president of Parents Television Council, but he warned, "It's a slow accumulation. First it's once every several months. Then it becomes once a month. Then it becomes once a night." "That's our concern for some of the words that are at issue here," said Winter, who's also an avowed George Carlin fan: "It's unfortunate that a brilliant comedian like George Carlin is a poster child for the lawsuits that are out there."
Slowly we travel the water, silly creatures of the deep, wandering through the underwater oasis, to the dragon’s keep. There you may find me, as I wander the sea, listening to the sounds of the waves, and how the people above behave. Can you hear my whistle blow, for it is you that I call, for who that bell doth toll, me who else. Creeping death awaits everyone, Loneliness shrouds everything, why me he asks? Because you are alone he adds! Lonely heart, Sleep well tonight, for the shadows that haunt you, Shall hide from the light. Lonely heart, throw away your fright, become demons of pleasure, Oh that would be a sight. ```````````````````````````````````````````````` S and M Masterful is the season to which we belong, angels strung from high above, singing a faint lullaby, teeming with brilliance, every pore bringing it together, running through the puddles of life. another reason for life never brought to mind deemed never perfect by those who cant see Sorrowful meanings to bring to an end least of all those of us around you another tear runs down her face vexing away the problems everyday casting them away `````````````````````````````````````````````` bright sunshine on her face shadows the worries away everything is glimmering longing to be with her only those she sees fit never those she deems unfit go to be with her Together along with her every breath that they may take. When I wake up and see your smiling face, Brushed hair shinin’ in the sunlight, Skin flushed and red to the touch, Ravaged in the night, By the beating of our simple hearts delight, Sleeping in my arms, Squeezing tightly to hear your heartbeat, Faster and faster it goes, Beat after glorious beat, Throbbing in your tiny heart, Recurring softly in your dreams, My image runs through your head. Your eyes open, I kiss you softly on your lips, Pressing my body against yours, We meld together like molten metal. Twisting in my arms, Passionately you come to me, Flowing hair tangled in the bright, Light of the sun, Being one as we are, Twisting like two shooting comets across the sky, Coming towards the moon at an alarming rate, Shall we live together as one we ask each other passionately? Should we join forces as one? Bringing our love together, Consecrating that one body is better than two, Can both minds work as one? Who knows they say? But to release oneself to be a partner, Then you are not only immersed as one, Possessing the quality of not being selfish. In our dreams, We are safe and warm, As it seems rocky, Yet it is calm. It is in your dreams, That you will find me, Your breath may disappear, But I will there to protect you from harm. ````````````````````````````````````````````````` “Worlds Apart” Could you ever imagine we would be worlds apart? I never could, Listless wonders of the world surround me, That you never dreamed I would see, The powers that I have to reach the distance, Could never be the same as we are worlds apart. Could you see it mother? Could you ever dream to be here? Your little boy has grown to be a man, Traveling the world to bring a brighter future, So that everyone could be safe and warm, Did you ever dream that we would be worlds apart? Take your time, For I will always be here, Forever in your heart, And nothing will be the same this time. Being as not to what we are, Trying to be what you always wanted me to be, I have grown, From the young man you once knew, To a father so proud and true, Can you believe we are worlds apart? Living our lives from day to day, Sailing on the seas so far away, Listen to me as I say, We will never be worlds apart, Because I know I will always be close to your heart. Mother, can you hear me, I am calling you, Across the worlds we will see, The things they call reality, Do you believe that we could be worlds apart? I don’t because you will always be in this heart. Jasen Alan Saltzgiver 2/5/2003 ````````````````````````````````````````````````` Shadows of a world that has been left behind, Deep disturbing thoughts that you can not hide, Slide from your world of thoughtless dreams, Into the great void or so it seems, Lacking in a forgotten touch, Seeming as though you need too much, Lustfully proven to hold one that is dear, Cruising around the void is what you fear, Twisting corners of darkness rush, To meet ones self in a silent hush, Talking to a shattered mirror where one can hide, All the darkest parts hid deep inside, Landing on two feet is all you can do, To live each day in this hullabaloo, Live as though your life depends on it, For if you don’t what is it worth. ````````````````````````````````````````````````` The Urchin Deprivation of his earliest childhood memories, Boarded up in some lost boys colony, Drifting from house to home, Lost is the birth that brought so much joy. Shrouded in clothes of unknown fabric, Mix matched through the years, Shunned by a society that often forgets, He begs for forgiveness, That none but himself shall give. Roaming apart from the masses of life, Searching for his one final place to call home, He finds himself sheltered in the rain, By a lonely piece of cardboard lightly tossed away, Soaking away all of his pain, Of the hand that he has been dealt, By the luck of the cards that turned to pure agony. His eyes have shrunk into his face, By the lack of comprehension that he life is meaningless. He is the urchin you walk by, He is the person that you don’t eye, And why?, I s he not just like you in every other way?, Does he not breathe? Does he not talk? Does he not love? Just ask and see, He will tell you the tale, Of how he loved and lost and found again, Of the troubles that have befallen him, So that you may take pity? NO!!!! Just so you may make the choices to help save your life! Because he is the Urchin! Jasen Alan Saltzgiver 10-25-07
so here is the poem that i wrote for her!!! Never By Jasen Alan Saltzgiver 2-18-2008 In Loving Memory Of Jennifer Crow For my Tattooed Queen Taken away before your time, The debt paid before the crime, Left but never forgotten, Your soul will forever shine. You’ve been lost to all time and space, Cremated to a world that no longer has a face, Your tormented self is free to go, To travel away from this wicked place. Never going to see the sun set, On a beach so soft and wet, Never going to hear the waves crash, On the break as they reach the shore. Never going to hear your voice, As it says my name, To hear it sweetly said, Was all part of the game. Never going to hear you cry, As you type your troubles to me, Never going to hear my last goodbye, As you have heard before. Sleeping the long dream, The only thing I can’t keep from happening, Is this last goodbye from ending, Because I am afraid to weep. Never again going to experience love, To hold one so dear is all that amends, Never going to wake from this last hurrah, Goodbye my sweet for it all shall fall. Falling into the great abyss, Catching a hold of the stars, Traveling with the moon, As it waxes and wanes, You must speak to me when it rains. Never going to see your smile, Oh, I will miss it not just once, Never going to laugh at my funny jokes, Even at the ones I didn’t coax. Listen to the song that will forever remind me, Of the love you had for life, Listen to the sounds of it all around, Even so deep in the ground. Never going to see your face, Never going to be at peace, Never going to win this war, Never going to be able to open that door. Be at peace my fine young friend, Because it’s way before my time, Just know this well, You’ll always be in my heart for all eternity. Bestowed upon you is the halo of life, Between the light and the dark, You will fight that eternal war, And bleed it into the floor. Never going to be, What I always knew you could be, The loving mother I saw in you, The caring wife that I knew was you. Never going to bleed, The gift of life, Never going to blend, With heartache and strife. This is my final tribute, To one so dear, These are the final words, I long for you to hear. To my tattooed queen, May you rest in peace, Until the day we join you, For then time will cease, But for on that day, Let the world rejoice, For all will be together, In one singular voice. 
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