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I Drop My Fears

I drop my fears into your ocean and watch them sink from sight. I place my fears on your broad Earth and see them rot away. I put my fears into your hands and they are no more. When you offer your arms to me, Great Mother, your hands hold nothing but love. - Ceisiwr Serith Pagan source: "A Book of Pagan Prayer" © 2002 Ceisiwr Serith. Reprinted with permission of Red Wheel/Weiser. Spiritual Apothecary were each of us is a healer, to ourselves and those around us, with wisdom and our heart, mind and soul.

Creed of the Mother

"Walk thou softly upon this Good earth and treat her with respect as she deserves She nurtures us, feeds us, provides our needs. Step lightly on the path through life, remembering always that We are not the only ones here.We have sisters And brothers beyond counting, beyond our ability to Know.They may look different, may walk on 4 feet or a Hundred or none.They may fly through the skies and Race the very wind or swim beneath the cool Waters. Some are furred, others feathered or scaled.It Matters not as all are of value, all have their place in The scheme of things.We are neither the first, Nor the last the greatest or the least of the Multitude. It would behoove us to remember this to honor all Life and the earth, our shared mother, from which we Came."


The person you are to become will learn from the things you do right now. The image you have of yourself in the future depends on the actions you see yourself taking today. A very important person is watching your every action, listening to your every word, and knows your every thought. That person is you. Imagine yourself a year from now, looking back on today. Imagine your future self being exceedingly thankful for the way you lived this day. Then step forward and live today with that in mind. Think, speak and act in such a way that the person you will become inherits many positive benefits from the person you are right now. Confidence, integrity, strength and effectiveness do not simply appear out of nowhere. They are built by the way you live your life. And now is your opportunity to live in a powerful, positive way that will benefit your life for a long time to come. Now is your chance to make your future self thankful for the empowering paths you choose to take.
Can You Imagine? Can you imagine a world without witches, A world where all people are the same? Where the only known dragons are hiding in books, And children are terribly tame? A world without magick would be sad indeed, I cannot imagine the pain Of having a world where there's no Santa Clause, Where wizards are searched for in vain. Can you imagine a world without spells, That science and business run? And think of the sadness a unicorn feels When he no longer plays in the sun. Can you imagine a world without witches, No elves, and no magickal pools? And can you imagine how dull it would be If all that we had were the schools? I cannot imagine a world without witches, A world with no magickal wand. A world without beauty, or even a dream, Or a wood sprite of whom to be fond. They say I should grow up and be more mature, Like a normal adult ought to do, But I'd rather, at night, go to dance with a witch, And I'll bet that you feel that way, too. by Robert F. Potts

I whispered on the wind

I whispered on the wind..."Goddess, speak to me." And a Raven Schreeched. But I did not hear. So I yelled, "Goddess, speak to me!" And the thunder rolled across the sky. But I did not listen. I looked around and said, "Goddess let me me see you." And a star shone brightly. But I did not notice. And then I shouted, "Goddess show me a miracle!" And a life was born. But I did not know. So I cried out in despair, "Touch me Goddess, and let me know you are here!" Whereupon the Goddess reached down and touched me. But I brushed the butterfly away and walked away unknowingly. Listening and remembering the innocence of our inner child, opens our eyes to the wonder and magick all around us
Here you are. Bunches of people crowded into someone's house. This is great. Who's running this thing? Oh, that lady over there in the corner. Should I say anything to her? Nah. What if I stand in the wrong place? Do I have to tell somebody if I want to go to the bathroom? Whose **kid is that running around the altar? A paper--am I supposed to say this? I just want to stand here and watch everyone else. Whether you are a stranger to first time circle gatherings, a pro, or an intermittent guest, there are certain ways to conduct yourself so that you will definitely be remembered by the hostess and thereby be invited back. There are also things you can do that will guarantee you will never be invited back in this lifetime, or in any other. To make sure your presence is requested again and again, keep the following hints in mind: When you arrive, seek out the Hostess/Host and present yourself. Do not give him/her your complete resume, however. She (or he) is not going to remember it anyway, nor will they be impressed--probably the opposite. Do not cart a ton of ritual gear with you. Ask beforehand if you should bring anything special, and leave it at that. If your Hostess/Host wears street clothes, don't show up in a kilt. Always bring the Hostess/Host a small gift. We are not talking Rodeo Drive here. Something little and pleasant will do. Stay away from gag gifts. If you are a regular, go in for the practical items--paper towels, coffee, disposable cups, tea, toilet paper. If you are asked to bring food, don't wuss out and bring a bag of potato chips. How gauche! Ask the hostess approximately how many people ** will be there and buy accordingly. If the hostess says you don't need to bother, **do it anyway. And what if you forgot the food? Turn yourself right around and find the nearest grocery store or leave a five or ten dollar bill where you know the hostess/host will find it later. And no, I don't buy the line you have two children to support all by yourself, you had to make your car payment last night, or someone else can handle it because they have a better job than you. Take a bath. You think I jest? Do not bring your children unless they have been specifically invited by name and you know there will be both accommodations and supervision for them. The last thing a hostess/host wants to hear is "What do you mean, you don't have drinks for the children?" or "You don't have a place where Gertrude can lie down?" or even worse, "Jimmy, he's such a little animal. He just put a hole in your door, isn't that cute?" If you break it, you've bought it. Even if the hostess through gritted teeth says, "Oh, don't worry about it,"--you'd better be worrying your carcass off. If she won't tell you how much it cost, do some price checking on your own later and either buy her/him something of the equivalent and deliver it at a later date or if you won't be in town, send her/him a money order with a kind note of regret. Hostesses and hosts have memories like elephants. They are not likely to forget you set their table on fire with your portable grill. Major damage? Well, Goddess we hope not. Obviously, the above applies here, even if you have to make payments for the rest of your life, but what if the culprit won't 'fess up to it (or won't take the responsibility to replace it)? Be the first to take up a collection to replace whatever it was, even though it wasn't your fault. This will serve two purposes: make the culprit feel like a you-know-what and shows your host/hostess you all want to come back. It will also win you personal Witchie-points. Be a good witch during circle. Don't talk out of turn, whisper or laugh at someone or something. Don't talk about the movie you went to last night, or how Lady Bee-Bop does the circle casting better. Don't whine and say, "Well, what are we doing now? I don't understand!" Keep your mouth shut and use your eyes, provided they are in working order, of course. If not, keep your mouth shut and listen. "Everyone in the circle is a participant, there are no spectators," says a friend of mine. She's right. If you are a quarter, be that quarter. If you don't have a speaking part, your focus and energy is still required. You are just as much a part of that circle as those with major roles. Don't wander around the circle aimlessly. Keep your place and stay there. Never walk widdershins in a circle unless the High Priest or Priestess tells you to. Never enter a circle if you are mad at someone there. Go home quietly if you can't handle it. Don't make someone's house a battle ground and **don't make a big deal of the fact that you are leaving or scream you are being psychically attacked and somebody come help you quick. The hostess/host may**put you out through the doggie door. Never, ever make a scene or denigrate someone in circle or afterward during the celebration. This is bad manners, bad breeding and bad form all rolled into one. You won't be highly thought of if you tell Lady Crackerjack she called the quarters wrong or you don't believe angel energy was appropriate in a Celtic focus ritual. Pentacles to athames she'll tell the hostess about your big mouth and guess who won't be invited back next time? Don't wander aimlessly throughout someone's house, turn on the television, fiddle with the stereo, or rummage in the kitchen. You are a guest, not a roommate. Don't grab the first respectable person and tell them all your problems, from the bad timing of your birth into the horrendous way your last girlfriend treated you. Circle people can't grant goddesshood and the confessional belongs to those other guys. Finally--learn when to go home. As your Hostess/Host teeters on the brink of exhaustion, don't remain planted like a sequoia. Pack up your gear, say thank you very much for a lovely evening (even if you had a despicable time) and toddle on home. If you think I made all this good stuff up off the top of my head to amuse you--think again. Just because you are a Pagan doesn't mean you burned Miss Manners in effigy and can turn your back on the stuff Mom tried to teach you. In fact, being Pagan means you care more about the people you come in contact with and their overall happiness and prosperity. Exercising good manners keeps everyone full of energy and cheer and anxious to do circle again soon.


I be from the same as you…….heavens above amongst the chosen stars of Earthly delights beyond compare. For I am Earth, aliken to an Earth Tree. Many roots below to places of which some know. Of branches a plenty to reach out and hold. Giver of life from the magical well deep, deep below. Crystiline rocks, mystical waters flow. Touching, rushing from my fingers and toes. I am the Winds of the 4 Corners didn’t you know? Elemental shifts guided by moonlight Even of the darkest days into the night. There follows a trace scent upon the breeze of me Paths of each direction I take, hosted flight unto Pegasus A destiny chance of a landing occurs. Kissing my face as the winds envelope me always directing . I am Fire of warmth and The Light… Cast upon you spellbound within rapture and delight. I burn within your veins reaching deep into your soul Firelight of passions lust I am a giver of the light to show Unto those who’ve lost their ways. I am Water of fresh and the sea Of varied temptations mixed of terror and delight My sounds of movements rock and lull I emerge from the depths of Neptune deep Dancing the dance from the pull of the moon Currents run swift and brooks trickle on so Waves crashing loud and low Magical mysterys do flow. So goes the mystery of enchantment of such earthly delight! Who am I you kindly ask of me. Why didn’t you listen? I am you and you are me. Look deeper inside….let the slow arrow of mystical delight shed it’s power of vision upon you. Look to the mirror, you will see. All that I am and be is reflected from thee. We are all Elemental creatures of the 4.

A Dragon Spell

The night is warm and clear, As the circle is casted and held dear. The elements are called and greeted. Air, Earth, Water and Fire, The energy is raised higher and higher. To the point of no return. As the spell begins the dragons cry, While they fly adding their own energies with mine. Higher and higher till it is all released. With an explosion of pure white light which will never cease. Love and Healing was added to this spell, Entwined with dragon power as well. The circle now comes to a close, Saying Hail and farewell to all who came. Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet Again


The Angel Of cream pale skin And delicate features With Grace's own voice She alighted to the ground Careful not to disturb the earth Earth that worshipped the touch Of such a gentle creature The Devil With fire tanned skin And the strong power Of an Angel fallen in torment But oh, how he strides! Purposeful and proud Unwilling to allow His fate to destroy him This Daemon who was an Angel fallen. They meet And embrace without words They had all been said Before the Great Fall. The Fall that separated them She of the embodiment Of love and gentle caresses And He, of purpose A man whose power Tempers his own sin. Oh, how he holds her No malice, no shame A lover and his hopes Pressed together by desires So quiet, so complete As they sink to the earth. Oh how She smiles Wrapped within her prince's embrace To be able to kiss his lips To feel the warmth from within. See how She sighs As he passes powerful hands over alabaster skin. Still without words None spoken, unneeded They make love Glowing from internal fires Passions, desires Memories refreshed They move with deliberation Climbing the heights together Her cries marking him Like the long scratches across his shoulders Her lover's powerful shoulders Powering hips with a measured tempo That answers her body's silent demands Until the anticipated final act So consuming that the Angels wept And the Daemons dreamed of salvation Then God, who had forbade The union between Angel and Fallen Oh how He raged Like a father scorned He named them Fugitive Her from Heaven, He from Hell And cast them to Earth Each in a mortal shell Their punishment to die On the Earth on which they lay For defying God In the name of their love. And oh, the sweet confusion Upon the God's face When the lovers just laughed Their hopes suddenly granted A prize beyond dreams For they kept each other. And lived a life other. Than they would have been allowed. And frolicked in the garden. That their Mother provided. . . And soon, as Man and Woman. They became Father and Mother. To a race of lovers. Poets, Dancers,. Angels in Human form. Until the day. When they lay in the garden. To slip into sleep. Still embraced. As they were when they fell. Strait into. A Human's. Grace. .


Through Winter's blight While the world slept And the rebirth of Spring He went through the motions Of planting and existing Oh how Beltane had hurt! Through Summer's searing heat While it baked him and the earth Until the end of October, And the feasts of Thanks. He waited. Under the Oak she had loved. Under the Oak where she rested. He sat in the tree's strong shadow Raked hard by his memories. Ravenged by his loneliness. Thinking of his wife His lover and friend Who lay sleeping under the Oak He waited. And watched. Watching the sun set Waiting. The Autumn mists began to form. Whispering tendrils over the moor. Then the figures began to come forth. As the feasts of Samhaim called And they living beckoned To their loved ones for the night That the living and the dead Could rejoice in and of each other And to ease the pain of both. Bonfires were lit And music played. And he sat quietly Patently waiting under her Oak. The mist came to lap at his feet, As if it was also a part of the living. And through the mists shimmering silver glow She appeared. Pale golden hair feathered by the breeze, Long gown clinging to her She knelt in front of him, and caressed his face with ethereal fingers. The touch like spider silk Her smile like the Oak she loved Warm, comforting, enduring. And he cried. Then she fully came to him. Lithe body filling his arms And he held her to him Tears falling away Replaced by the smells, of the earth And the trees Of her. Without words, they lay naked in the moonlight Letting the mists blanket them Nestled in the root bed of the Oak With the ground as their mattress They made love First of November With Autumn in full reign He was found sitting there Under her Oak And he didn't move To his companions, didn't speak Only smiled in silence His dead eyes looking Across the moor At the retreating mists Watching two shadows Slip quietly to sleep.
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