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So you think you’ve found a coven that might be the right group for you. Great! Ideally, a coven will allow you to attend a few open meetings, in which you can observe the goings-on and meet all the members, without intruding upon the secrecy of any ceremonies or rites. After attending a series of open meetings – usually three – members of the coven will vote on whether or not membership should be offered to you. Remember, though, there are a few things you should watch out for in any prospective group. * Members that don’t seem to get along with each other. If you have a group of eight people, and four of them are snarking at one another constantly, it may not be a coven you want to be a part of. They may be offering you membership in hopes that you’ll take sides, and you’ll find yourself caught in the middle of a squabble that existed before you even came along. Stay away. * Covens whose ideas strike you as silly or foolish. You want to be part of a coven, but if you think worshiping a pink sparkly dragon or wearing Star Trek uniforms to Sabbats is goofy, then don’t join covens that have those requirements. If you don’t genuinely believe in the coven’s principles, it’s not the right group for you, and both you and the other members will gain nothing from your membership. Find one that more closely aligns with your existing beliefs. * Leaders who are on a power trip. If the High Priestess (HPs) or High Priest (HP) is the only one who knows all the secrets, and is the only one who will EVER be privileged enough to know all the secrets, then they’re on a power trip. These are the people who like to boss coven members around, they don’t let any one member have too much information, and the coven is for their own personal gain. Don’t bother joining, because you’ll be as miserable as everyone else. * Leaders who clearly don’t know what they’re doing. When you ask your prospective coven’s High Priestess how long she’s been Wiccan, and she tells you “three months,” it’s time to bail out. There’s no set time on learning, but someone who’s only been studying for a little while simply does not have the experience to lead a coven. Use your best judgment here. * Covens that actively seek teens as members. No reputable coven will accept anyone under the age of 18 as a member unless the teen’s parent is a member of the coven – and even then, it’s iffy. This is for a variety of reasons. Some covens practice skyclad – nude – and it’s completely inappropriate to have naked adults in front of someone else’s child. Also, a coven that accepted minors would be setting themselves up for huge legal liabilities in that the teaching of religion is the job of a child’s parents – it would be the equivalent of a Christian minister preaching to your child without your permission. In the event that a coven member has a child that is part of the group, the minor may still be excluded from some parts of coven practice, particularly those that include ritual nudity. Having a parent in the group is the ONLY time it is acceptable to have a minor practicing with adults. * Covens that expect you to have sex as part of your initiation. I know, I know, it sounds icky but it has to be said. There are people out there who use coven leadership as an excuse for deviant behavior, and the fact is that if there’s any kind of sexual initiation involved, you need to run to the nearest exit. People who say you’ve got to participate in sex with the HP or HPs (or both) in order to be a member are looking for their own gratification, not your spiritual growth. That having been said – it’s not uncommon for some covens to work skyclad, which is not sexual in nature. It is also not unheard of for a couple within a coven to perform a sexual act as part of a ritual; however, it is usually an established couple (such as a husband and wife) and the act is nearly always performed in private, rather than in full view of the rest of the membership. You do not have to let ANYONE violate you sexually to be Wiccan or Pagan. Anyone who tells you differently is not interested in helping you learn, they’re just trying to get into your pants. Move on. * Covens that demand you give up your money, family and friends. While it’s fine to contribute a love offering to a coven’s petty cash fund, if the High Priest expects you to give him your monthly paycheck, look elsewhere. No reputable coven will encourage you to forsake your loved ones, or tell you that the coven comes before any and all other obligations. A group that does this is not a coven, it is a cult. Stay away. * Groups that ask you to break the law or cause harm to others. A Wiccan coven is not Fight Club – you do not have to blow up a building, beat someone up, or steal stuff to get in. Any group that expects its members to participate in illegal activities – and this includes drug use – is not a coven focused on spiritual growth. Any coven that demands animal sacrifice from its members is not a group you want to become involved in (bear in mind that some traditions of Santeria and Vodoun do include ritual sacrifice, but this is a rare exception and it is performed ONLY by high-ranking members of the path). Certainly, the decision as to whether or not you are willing participate in negative behavior to be part of such a coven is entirely up to you, but understand that once you become involved in this kind of group, you risk arrest and possible jail time.
You’ve found the coven that you think is right for you – in fact, they’re PERFECT!! -- and they’ve asked you to join. So now what do you do? Before you say yes, ask yourself the following: Can I fulfill the time commitment required of me? The coven may have some obligations that its members are expected to fulfill. Can you show up on time and prepared for meetings? Do you have the time and energy to devote to studying, reading, and learning whatever requirements are set for members? If your coven meets every Saturday, but that's the day your kids have soccer games, will you be forced to make a choice between your coven and your family? If you can't devote the required amount of time to this coven, it may not be wise to join just yet. Can I follow the coven’s rules? In many traditions, the secrets of the coven are oathbound and initiatory -- which means you can't go home and blab to your spouse about all the stuff you did in ritual. It's also not uncommon for a coven to require that members' names be kept confidential. If you can't stand the idea of not sharing your new secrets with family and friends, you might want to hold off on joining a coven that requires secrecy and privacy of its members. Can I continue to get along with everyone in this group? Group dynamics are a tricky thing, particularly when you're the "new person" in an established coven. It's important to figure out whether you can get along with everyone, not just now but later on. If there's one member who rubs you the wrong way, figure out whether it's something you can live with, or if it's going to make you brood and get angry later on. Decide this before you commit. Depending on how the other members of the coven view this person, you could be in for some problems further down the road. Is there room for me to grow spiritually and advance in my studies? Are members expected to learn and grow, or does the High Priest/High Priestess just want a group of followers? If it's the latter, and there's no set course of spiritual advancement, you'll need to really think about what you can gain from joining this group. Not only should each member bring something of value to the coven, but the coven should provide benefits in return. If you want to advance and learn, but all you're being offered is a chance to be part of a "Weekend Wiccan" group, you may want to reconsider. If something happens and I choose to leave the coven, will it be accepted? Traditionally, if a member leaves a Wiccan coven in good standing, their names are removed from the coven roster, their magical tools are returned to them, and they are sent off into the world with warm blessings. Occasionally, however, a coven may make it difficult for departing members. If the coven you're looking at makes any mention of causing any trouble with members who leave (listen for the term "Witch Wars" here), you'll need to seriously think about whether this is a group you wish to be part of. Will my family or spouse support me in my decision to join a coven? Whatever your spiritual path, it's far easier to walk if the people who love you are supportive. If you've discovered Wicca and your spouse or parent is worried about you possibly burning in Hell, you could have a problem. While it's important to find ways to grow spiritually and network with like-minded people, it's equally important to keep harmony in your home. You may need to hold off on joining a coven or group until you can honestly discuss the topic with your family or spouse and address any concerns they might have. Making a Final Decision If you’re able to honestly answer “yes” to every single one of the above questions, then this might just be the right coven for you. Accept the offer of membership with grace and dignity, and do your best to uphold your end of the coven’s oath. After all, a coven is a small family, only better – because you get to choose your coven!
There's a lot of information out there on Wicca and Paganism, in books, on the Internet, and through local groups. But how much of it is accurate? How do you learn to separate the wheat from the chaff? The fact is, there are several basic things you should understand about Wicca and Paganism before you make the decision to join a new spiritual path. Let's eliminate some of the misconceptions and talk about actual facts... it will make your spiritual journey all the more valuable if you understand these issues from the beginning. 1. Yes, Even Wicca Has Rules Sure, a lot of people think that just because there's no Grand High Wiccan and Pagan Council that there must be all kinds of magical carnage going on. Truth is, there are some fairly standard guidelines followed by a number of different Pagan traditions. While they vary from one group to the next, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with some of the concepts. Learn more about the rules of magic before you continue your studies. 2. Not All Witches are Pagans are Wiccans There are dozens of Pagan traditions, and as many different versions of Wicca. Not all are the same, and just because someone is a witch or Pagan doesn't necessarily mean they practice Wicca. Learn about the differences in paths found among the umbrella term "Paganism." 3. Wicca is a Religion, Not a Fashion Statement Contrary to what many popular movies might have you believe, you don't have to be a teenage goth princess to be Wiccan. In fact, you don't "have to be" anything at all. Wiccans come from all walks of life -- they are parents and teens, lawyers, nurses, firefighters, waitresses, teachers and writers. Pagans come from all different walks of life, all socio-economic groups, and all sorts of racial backgrounds. There's no Pagan Dress Code that says you have to toss away your polo shirt or khakis in favor of capes and an all-black wardrobe. On the other hand, if you prefer the goth look, go for it... just remember that goth and Wiccan are not synonymous. 4. Religious Freedom Applies to Wiccans and Pagans Too Believe it or not, as a Wiccan or Pagan you have the same rights as people of any other religion. Despite the fact that some members of other faiths might disapprove of the existence of Wicca and Paganism, the fact is that if you live in the United States, you're entitled to protection just like anyone else. It's against the law for anyone to discriminate against you because you practice an earth-based faith. Learn about your rights as a Pagan or Wiccan parent, as an employee, and even as a member of the United States military. 5. It's Okay to Be Out of the Broom Closet... or Not Countless numbers of Pagans and Wiccans have made the choice to "come out of the broom closet"... in other words, they've stopped hiding their spiritual path from others. For many people, this is a huge decision. You may feel that it's not in your best interest to make your religious beliefs known, and that's okay too. If you feel you could be in danger if you reveal that you are Wiccan, or that it might put a strain on family relations, going public might be something you should postpone. Get all the pros and cons on coming out of the broom closet. 6. Wiccans and Pagans Are Not Satanists Ask any Pagan or Wiccan about the cornerstone of their faith, and they'll probably tell you it's a reverence for their ancestors, a belief in the sacredness of nature, a willingness to embrace the Divine within ourselves, or an acceptance of polarity between the male and female. It may be a combination of those principles. It will not have anything to do with the Satan, Old Scratch, Beelzebub, or any of the other names attributed to the Christian devil. Pagans and Wiccans aren't devil worshippers, Satanists, or Diabolists. Learn more about how Pagans and Wiccans feel about such an entity. 7. Join a Coven, or Practice Solitary? Many Wiccans and Pagans choose to join a coven or study group because it allows them the chance to learn from like-minded people. It's an opportunity to share ideas and get new perspectives on any number of things. However, for some folks it's just more practical or desirable to remain as a solitary practitioner. 8. Parents and Teens Nothing will set a teenager at odds with a parent quite like coming into the house wearing a giant pentacle, toting a candle, and yelling, "I'm a witch now, leave me alone!" Fortunately, it doesn't have to be that way. Parents, you may have some concerns about Wicca and Paganism... and teens, you probably aren't sure how to talk to mom and dad about your newfound interest. Rest easy, though. With a little bit of good communication, both parents and teenagers should be able to find a happy medium. 9. You Don't Need a Lot of Fancy Tools Many people think they need to stock up on hundreds of dollars worth of incense, herbs, wands and candles before they can even begin to practice Wicca or Paganism. That's simply not the case. While a few basic magical tools are nice to have, the key element of most traditions are the beliefs, not the tangible, physical items. If you'd like to gather a very basic "starter kit" of tools, there are several which are common to nearly every tradition. 10. You Can Write Your Own Spells and Rituals Despite a commonly held (and generally Internet-based) belief, anyone can write a spell. The trick is to recognize what the key elements are to successful spellcrafting -- intent or goal, components, and putting it into practice are all key. Don't let anyone tell you that beginners can't write a spell. Just like any other skill set, it will take some practice, but with a little work you can become a perfectly effective spellworker.

What is a Hedgewitch?

A Hedgewitch is someone who practices Hedgewitchery or Hedgecraft. Photobucket HedgeCraft is a spiritual path and is a form of Traditional Witchcraft. It is most commonly practiced by modern Pagans. Hedgecraft is based on the village wisewoman of European folklore. It has similarities to the traditional cunning folk of England. Hedgewitches often practice herbalism, magick, wildcrafting, and many different forms of healing. The use of shamanic techniques is a part of this tradition. Such techniques as the use of trance inducing plants, drumming, dance, chanting and meditation. Hedgewitches are generally unconcerned with overly formal magical workings, preferring more simple folk magic. This is a heavily nature oriented tradition, as such, most Hedgewitches live outside of urban areas. In ancient times, the local Hedgewitch or wisewoman typically lived just on the outside of the town's boundary hedge, part of the community but also an outsider. Most Hedgewitches practice is solitary and private, based out of the home. Although Hedgewitches can still be active in their local Pagan community. The term Hedgewitch is a source of controversy due to its idiosyncratic nature. By looking at the word "hedgewitch," we can learn that it comes from the Saxon word for witch, haegtessa, which translates to "hedge-rider". The Old Norse lay Havamal refers to "hedge-riders, witching aloft". Other names for hedge-riders are myrk-rider, Wyrd-rider, and Gandreidh (wand-rider). In 1992, the modern pagan author Rae Beth released a book entitled Hedge Witch: A Guide to Solitary Witchcraft, an attempt at redefining the term for the modern era. Rae Beth proposes that "The work of the hedge witch is to take the insights of the wildwood mystic and apply them in the service of life, through spells that help and heal the land, other people or creatures, or our own selves," and that the Hedgewitch is a solitary individual. The inspiration for the term as employed by Rae Beth seems to have been the idea of a solitary and individualistic practitioner, paralleling the old term 'hedge-preacher' for an itinerant preacher with no fixed living. However, the definition and practice of Hedgecraft as outlined by Rae Beth is controversial as it is very obviously Wicca based. In physical terms, the hedge separated the town from the wilderness. Crossing the hedge was considered dangerous, due to the fact that the forest was regarded as a locus of uncanny happenings, including witchcraft. To the hedgewitch and witches alike, the hedge was not thought to be a physical boundary, but a mental barrier to be crossed in trance work. It is the line drawn between this world and the next; between reality and dream. Shamanic practice is common, and is considered a hallmark of a Hedgewitch. From this perspective, if the hedge is the border between a village and the wilderness, the Hedgewitch walks the border with a foot in both worlds. The act of Shamanic Journey, Astral Travel, Soul Flight (and such) is often referred to as "Walking the Hedge, "Crossing the Hedge" or "Riding the Hedge" by Hedgewitches. All the stories you hear of witches flying off on brooms "to the sabbat" or to Venusberg Mountain are, according to the book, true--to a point. The Hedgewitch supposedly would anoint her besom (broom), pitchfork, goat, distaff, or bread paddle, place it between her legs so that the ointment could enter her body, and "off" she went.[citation needed] Though in modern times such practices are rare and have changed considerably. Outside of the academic world this specific sense of the term with its medieval connotation of magical liminality and boundaries between the worlds was primarily promoted via Nigel Jackson's 1994 book 'Call of the Horned Piper' and has since exercised a pervasive influence in the contemporary witchcraft milieu, investing the term 'hedge-witch' with a more archaic resonance and meaning in magical practice. Spirituality in Hedgewitches varies from almost none to Wiccan to Abrahamic, but is almost always neopagan.

The Celtic Commandments

The Celtic Commandments From the Carmina Gadelica, ancient Celtic oral tradition. The ancient Celts had their own ideas about what is needed for the health of the spirit and the good of All, and those ideas have a whiff of wild magic and poetry about them. Read the commandments of the earth-centered Celtic culture here, and see how they differ from those of the Judeo-Christian tradition. Give thou thine heart to the wild magic, To the Lord and the Lady of Nature, Beyond any consideration of this world. Do not covet large or small, Do not despise weakling or poor, Semblance of evil allow not near thee, Never give nor earn thou shame. The Ancient Harmonies are given thee, Understand them early and prove, Be one with the power of the elements, Put behind thee dishonour and lies. Be loyal to the Lord of the Wild Wood, Be true to the Lady of the Stars, Be true to thine own self besides, True to the magic of Nature above all else. Do not thou curse anyone, Lest thou threefold cursed shouldst be, And shouldst thou travel ocean and earth, Follow the very step of the ancient trackways.
Some questions for you to ask/know about being a Witch/Pagan/Wiccan 1) Do you get upset with repeating lessons you think you've already learned? 2) Do you feel defensive if someone instructs you? 3) Is the thought of a never-ending journey into wisdom more than you can bear to think about? 4) Do you have the strength to be different? Is your difference meant to annoy family & friends? If not, how far would you go w/the courage of your convictions? 5) Have you ever had the experience of being a minority w/all its attendant prejudices & persecutions? Even if you haven't, how well do you think you handle such experiences as a Witch? 6) Do you get defensive in group situations of any kind if you feel your way is right? Is there room in you for compromise? If so, where would you draw the line over which you will not cross? 7) What do you see as the major differences between someone who calls himself a Witch and someone who calls himself a Wiccan? What about a pagan? Can someone be a Witch but not Wiccan? 8) What are the origins of Wicca and from where does the word derive? 9) How has Witchcraft been diabolized by the mainstream religions? 10) What, if any, are the differences between religion & spirituality? 11) Do you see Witchcraft as a religion or as a spirituality? 12) Can you explain the symbolism of the pentacle? 13) What is the significance or a pentagram w/its apex pointed upward? What about a pentagram pointed downwards? 14) Can you foresee any time when a Pagan would wear the pentacle in a downward position? Why or why not? 15) What is meant by the term "solitary" or "solitaire" when applied to a Witch? 16) What is the traditional number of members for a coven and why? 17) What is the difference between a degreed or hierarchical tradition or coven & an egalitarian or priestly one? 18) What is the difference between a Wiccan tradition & eclectic Wicca? 19) Have you found at least one cultural pantheon that you're interested in learning more about? What is it and why? How much do you already know about that culture? 20) Give a brief description of the attributes of each of the four elements. 21) What is the fifth element? What are its attributes? In a circle, where can it be located? 22) For each element, name at least three corresponding ritual tools. 23) What is a self-initiation? Is it valid? Why or why not? 24) Why do you think some form of formal initiation is important to functioning as a Pagan? 25) What is the length of the traditional period of study before initiation? There is a lot more to think about why you have really chosen to be on this path that you taking. Think about these questions on your own than really see if you want to be on this path for yourself. 26. What is the Wiccan/Pagan Rede? 27. What is the Threefold Law? 28. Does the Threefold Law apply in nonmagickal situations? Are there nonmagickal situations? 29. How does magick work? 30. Name the six prerequisites for successful spellcraft. 31. Name the six skills needed for successful magick. 32. When do you feel it's appropriate to work magick for others? How do the Rede & the Threefold Law influence your decision? 33. What is meant in magick by charging, enchanting, & empowering? 34. Is magick a necessary part of Paganism? Can magick work outside of Paganism? 35. Is majick a religious pursuit? Why or why not? 36. Is magick a religion pursuit? Why or Why not? 37. How does psychic development relate to magickal practice? 38. Are making magick & working a spell synonymous activities? Why or Why not? 39. Is divination magick? What is the role of divination within magick? 40. Why is it important to do a divination prior to working a spell? 41. Why & how do we use ritual in Pagan religious expression? Why & how do we use ritual in magick? 42. Why do we not touch another Witch"s tools without permission? 43. What is an athame? A bolleen? A scourge? Name & descibe as many magical tools & their associations as you can. 44. Why is a circle cast for magick & rituals? 45. Do you feel a circle is always necessary for magick/divination? 46. Do you feel there's only one right way to cast & close a circle? Why or Why not? 47. Why are timepieces not generally permitted inside the circle? 48. Why is it not wise to break the circle once it is cast? 49. What is deosil? Is it always positive? 50. What is meant by widdershins? Is it always negative? Here are some more questions to think about. I am sure most (if not all) of you know these answers to. But still they are very important to know. Just think about them & see if your on the right path for yourself.

The Wicker Man

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Tales of the wicker man come out of a persistent (but arguably false) legend of the ancient Druids. The tale, recounted in Julius Caesar's Gallic wars, recounts a sensationalistic story of human sacrifices made by herding victims into a large man-shaped wicker cages and then burning them: "Others have effigies of great size interwoven with twigs, the limbs of which are filled up with living people which are set on fire from below, and the people are deprived of life surrounded by flames. It is judged that the punishment of those who participated in theft or brigandage or other crimes are more pleasing to the immortal gods; but when the supplies of this kind fail, they even go so low as to inflict punishment on the innocent " There are no other contemporary accounts (other than those who drew on Caesar's writings) of this practice, and no archaeological evidence to support the accusation, yet this story is the basis for most of the tales about Druids as bloodthirsty practitioners of human sacrifice. The truth in the tale is probably related to the ancient harvest custom, still carried out in parts of Europe, of ritually sacrificing the "corn god" to ensure the following year's harvest. A small portion of the grain was left in the field, often twisted or tied into a man-like shape, often called a 'corn dolly.' This effigy (immortalized in Burns' ballad of John Barleycorn) was believed to contain the essence of the spirit of the grains- a representation of the solar deity who would be burned and 'reborn' as the spring grain. Today's wicker man is largely a Neopagan custom that bears only passing relation to his ancient forebear. A fixture at harvest festivals and Beltane gatherings, he often represents the passing of the old year and its cares and worries.

Ideas for Pagan Funerals

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket "A man's dying is more the survivors' affair than his own." --Thomas Mann What I'm going to propose here are some ideas for last rites--as with most of the other rites in this turn of the personal wheel, what happens at this time is going to rely on several factors, one being the person's own wishes (and we can hope that the person took the survivors, and not just themselves, into account when they considered how they wanted to be remembered in that final rite), the wishes/will of the family, and the traditions of those doing the rite. The Family: The most difficult problem that pagan folk run into when one of their members dies is that responsibility for their last rites goes to the next of kin. It is a painful reality that devout pagans often end up being buried in a Christian (or other religious) service, because the family is the one legally entitled to bury them. Their pagan friends have no such rights. So! If you are a pagan, and you have certain wishes as to your last rites, it's time to arrange things legally, so that those who will respect your wishes will be in charge. Otherwise, your family is going to claim you and bury you as they want you buried, not as you or any of your pagan family know you would want to be buried. Decorations: White candles, white altar, flowers (white is the color of death and mourning in many countries; but in this case, it is also a reminder of rebirth; in this rite, we're going to focus on that). Needed: A picture of the loved one. A vase of flowers, enough for all. A pitcher of water and a basin, to be set up just outside the circle for ritual "hand-washing." The Ashes for burial if this is a burial rite as well. Drums/musical instruments. Other Ideas: One thought is to have a cauldron filled with earth, and a bowl filled with seeds. Have each person plant a seed in the cauldron. Cleansing: Each person, using the urn of water, should rinse their hands just before entering the circle. This unifies the mourners and it emphasizes the quiet, special feel of the ritual. Cast the Circle: You might want to use callings for the quarters created/used by the loved one, and call upon his/her favored deities, as well as the God and Goddess. Purpose: HP/S states that all are here "to remember ________name, born_________, died____________. He/She has gone on to Summerland and now awaits rebirth." Ritual: Starting with a meditation or a song is always good at such times. Meditations on one's own personal death, or on a last communication with the loved one, or on a remembrance of past lives would be good. You might have slow drumming or soft music. I would then pass round the photo, have each person look at it, hold it before them so that it is facing the rest of the group, and relate a favored anecdote about the person. This can also be done with a bottle of booze if you wish to make it more of a wake, or with a special talisman of the person. If this is a burial as well, then all should head out to the area where the ashes are to be scattered (or the body buried) and there should be a rite at this point, as well. People may wish to bury with the person certain items--a wand or, if the loved one was a tarot reader, a deck of cards. People may wish to say good-bye. The HP/S should have a final word before the circle is opened. With everyone holding hands, she should speak to/of the Goddess, of the turning of the Wheel, of rebirth, of this person now gone, and how we will all meet them again to enjoy, once again, their many wonderful qualities. The HP/S should add that, in the loved one's place, she offers everyone a flower to take home as a farewell gift. She should then open the circle. Hugs should be exchanged.

Military Pagan Blessing

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Powers of the Ancient Ways, In this place far from my home and my family, I honor you and call upon you. Powers of Earth, Strengthen my physical body and the bodies of my peers and commanders. Powers of Air, Keep me vigilant at my post, My mind clear and sharp. Powers of Fire, Give me courage, Even when my duty is hard or bitter. Powers of Water, Grant me restful slumber and good dreams after a long duty day. Powers of Spirit, Balance me in honor, nobility, and spiritual purpose. Powers of Goddess & God & Their Unity, Be with me & around me, bless me & protect me as I carry out my mission. So Mote It Be. BlessedBeVook24.gif

“I Am A Witch”

“I Am A Witch” When I stand up for myself and my beliefs, they call me “WITCH”. When I stand up for those I love, they call me “WITCH”. When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts, or do things my own way, they call me “WITCH”. Being a “WITCH” entails raising my children to be strong people, who have a solid sense of responsibility, who are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in, who love and respect themselves for the beautiful beings they are. Being a “WITCH” means that I am free to be the wonderful creature I am, with all my own intricacies, contradictions, quirks and beauty. Being a “WITCH” means I won’t compromise what’s in my heart. It means I live my life my way. It means I won’t allow anyone to step on me. When I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak up against it, I am defined as a “WITCH”. The same thing happens when I take time for myself instead of being everyone else’s maid or when I act selfish. I’m proud to be a “WITCH”! It means I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be who I truly am and won’t become anyone else’s idea of what they think I should be. I am outspoken, opinionated and determined. By Goddess, I want what I want and there is nothing wrong with that! So, try to stomp on me, try to douse my inner flame, try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me. You won’t succeed. And if that makes me a “WITCH”, so be it. I embrace the title and am proud to bear it. I love this, I can call myself a “WITCH” now and not feel bad about it! SO MOTE IT BE THE MISSION STATEMENT OF THE WOTC IS TO SPREAD THE TRUTH AND BEAUTY ABOUT WITCHCRAFT. SO EVERYONE WILL KNOW OUR TRUE HISTORY, OUT TRUE PRACTICES AND OUR TRUE BELIEFS. TO STOP PREJUDICE, BIGOTRY AND HATRED TOWARDS AND AGAINST ALL WITCHES AND ANY OTHERS THAT MAY SHARE OUR SIMILAR BELIEFS. THE WOTC HAS STARTED THE “I AM A WITCH” CAMPAIGN FOR 2007 IN AN EFFORT TO START TO FULFILL OUR MISSION STATEMENT TO OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF THE CRAFT. WE WANT TO SPREAD THE TRUTH ABOUT WITCHCRAFT IN ORDER TO BRING THE CRAFT BACK TO IT’S PROPER PLACE IN TODAY’S MAINSTREAM RELIGIONS. WE WANT TO ABOLISH IGNORANCE, BANISH HATRED AND MOST OF ALL HAVE OUR FELLOW PRACTITIONERS STAND UP AND LOUDLY AND PROUDLY PROCLAIM, “I AM A WITCH”!
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