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EchoAngel's blog: "Personally Me"

created on 05/14/2007  |  http://fubar.com/personally-me/b82633
Please Watch The First Video PLEASE!! If you CAN watch the rest of these videos and would like to, you can add these to your stash/blogs by clicking on MENU then copying the embed code and paste where desired. You know people have all heard it before... "I came from an abusive home" "My mom/dad use to beat the living hell out of me..." "I was sexually abused, when I was a kid, by my..." Yes, we all heard it.. a lot have experienced it and lived to tell about it. I read all the comments how hurt and angry people are when they see a baby being murdered, or when a child is found dead. My question is... How many knew there was a problem before and did nothing because they did not want to get involved? How many have seen the warning signs? People didn't want to get involved when they seen me and my two brothers being abused. They thought that we were old enough to go to the police for help. We had lived through this for years & never thought anyone would believe us... would help us. We were too scared. Scared of my mother. It took a lot to finally stand up and stop it. It was when my mother pounded my head into edge of the wall over 60 times. I thought she was gonna kill me. It scared me when my friends seen the bruises the next day and that week. I was so busy trying to hide away. I was 18 year old. My friends had enough... it was them that gathered around and gave me the strength... A week after, my brothers and I were out of the house. You want to know what was the sad thing? I lived in a small community where everyone knew everyone and people would come up to me and say how they were proud of us for leaving home and that they KNEW THAT WE WERE BEING ABUSED .. that they heard my mom yelling at us 2 & 3 blocks away from the house we lived in. They could hear her as she beat us. My mother broke her hand twice - while beating my brothers. Once while hitting one brother with an atlas and the other time while hitting my other brother with a broom (while her hand while still in the cast from the first break). She told the doctor at the hospital, she tripped down the stairs. Oh, by the way, my mother was a Sunday school teacher and was a play school teacher at the time in an elementary school. .... Please! Please help a child if you KNOW they are being abused. Help give them the strength they need. My brothers and I slipped through the cracks of different agencies that were meant to help us... but we are alive and are not continuing the cycle of abuse. Educate & Advocate Against Child Abuse! Get Involved!! This is the link to another blog I put in here a while ago... http://fubar.com/blog/82633/466655 This picture I drew when I was thinking about my past and the abuse. My cam didn't do a great job taking a pic of it... but here it is. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket To Me this picture is about the past. (My interpretation of the picture top to bottom) A knife - trust broken A face - scars - some visible.. most not Footsteps (the dots) - searching.. looking.. seeking Wings - Wanting to fly away - get away. Help just out of reach Paths leading different ways - scared to take a chance. Not sure who to trust but throughout it all there was people there watching. I found them then got help. Now healing and trying to trust again... The Hook.. I am hooked on life.. I have a reason to live.. to fight. My son. Every day I look at him and smile. He is the answer to my prayers. The joy in my heart. I stopped the cycle of abuse. It can be stopped. And I have forgiven. I just want to forget and have the nightmares stop now. ************************************** Photobucket (This picture was done by: Member of Sarge's bad girls aka 'IMA SLUT but not your slut aka Meowzette' Thank you hunni for allowing me to put it in here :D) ************************************** Here is the link to this blog http://fubar.com/blog/82633/695593 & link to the bulletin... (repost of original by '~ Echo Angel ~' on '2008-02-02 21:39:23')

40 Questions.. Answered

Answers to my 40 Questions.. 1. Ever thought about getting your lip pierced? No 2. Does a kiss make you feel better? Maybe 3. When you see the color purple what comes to mind? Curves Gym :P 4. Who was ur last text from? Someone very special & dear to me. They know who they are lol 5. Are there people that hate you? Most likely. 6. Do you eat meat? Yes 7. What was the last thing someone said to you, and who said it? "I love you Mom. Sweet Dreams" Sad by my son 8. What is your favorite sport? Tae Kwon Do 9. What color is your shower curtain? Forest Green & the other is white 10. Have you ever had stitches? Yes. More than a few times 11. When was the last time you hugged someone? My son tonight. 12. Did you believe that boys/girls had cooties? Nope 13. Do you know how to use chop sticks? Yes 14. Lyrics stuck in your head? Hey There Delilah 15. Do you like the Red Sox or Yankees? No preference 16. What are you doing tomorrow? Tidying up. Laundry. Spending Time With My Son & After his is sleeping...Time with friends on here 17. Do you LOVE Christmas? Yes 18. Have you ever ran over an animal? Yes :( 19. What is your favorite kind of cereal? Special K with Almonds 20. Have you ever had an Oreo with peanut butter? No 21. Where's your favorite place to be? With someone I love . 22. What's your favorite song? So many ... too many to pick one 23. Ever thrown shoes on a telephone wire? No 24. Have you ever climbed up a water tower? No 25. Have you ever been arrested? No, I'm an angel :P 26. Do you talk in your sleep? At times so I'm told. 27. Do you snore? Not that I know of lol 28. Are you a redneck? No 29. Funniest thing all day? Made a mistake - laughed at myself :P 30. Ever gotten a mosquito bite on your face? Yes 31. What are you afraid of? Almost every parent's fear of something happening to my son. Scared of loving someone that will never love me. 32. If you could change your name what would you change it to? I did already lol It is the name I have now. 33. What is your favorite memory(s) from this past weekend? Talking to this amazing person. 34. Can you recite the alphabet backwards? Yes. Not as quickly though lol 35. Wheres the best place you've ever been on vacation? England 36. Do u still love the last person u loved or love? Yes but not the same way. Just as a friend. 37. Do u wish u can change things in time? Some, but everything happens for a reasoon 38. Do u wanna change things right now in ur life? YES!!! 39. Whos ur bestfriend? Laura 40. How do u feel right now? Tired & Lonely. Missing.

I cost... per night

Natural hair color: []Brown..$100 []Blonde-$50 []Black-$15 []Bald-$5 [x] Others-$75 Eye Color: [X]Brown-$50 []Green-$75 []Blue-$150 []Hazel-$100 []Other-$5 Height []Over 7..$200 []6'8"to7--$175 []6'to6'7"--$150 []5'4'to5"11'--$85 [x]Under 5"4-$95 Age []50 to 56-$175 []46 to 50-$150 []41 to 45-$125 [X]31 to 40-$100 []26 to 30 -$75 []21 to 25- $50 []19 to 20-$25 []0 to 18-$100 Birth Order [] Twins or more then twins-$750 [] First born-$320 []Only child-$250 [X]Second born-$150 []Middle child-$100 []Last born-$100 []Third born-$550 []Forth born-$300 []Fifth born-$400 []Sixth born-$215 Drink? []I did like once-$400 []Only Holidays-$250 [x]Sometimes-$215 []Yes-$200 []Only weekends-$300 []Every other day-$50 []Once a day-$15 []I live from the bottle-$Bankrupt$ [Back to Zero] []No-$600 Shoe Size []13+-$300 []12.5 to 13-$250 []11 to 12- $400 [x]7 to 10-$500 []Under 7-$450 Favorite Colors(two) [X]Green-$750 []Red-$600 []Black-$100 []Yellow-$475 []Brown-$300 []Purple-$225 []White-$400 []Aqua-$350 []Orange-$300 []Blue-$300 []Pink-$100 [X]Other-$500 Did you use a calculator to add it all up? [] Yes-$0 [x]Nope-add $1000 []Some-$750 I cost %33435.00 per NITE! Repost with title: I cost.............per night
Heya All Here Is A More Detailed ABOUT ME... My Link is posted after it if you want to see the rest of my profile after :D ♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥* Thank You For Dropping By... Just wanted to answer some quick answers about myself that are asked a lot... Yes, I Am A SINGLE MOM. I have sole custody of my 8 year old son. (No his father does not keep in contact at all. His decision.) Yes, I Am 33 years old. I have good genes :P Ohhhh I am proud to say I have not been carded at all this year :D 2008 is looking up already :P I have been losing weight. I have a blog about it my weight loss. The link to it is below.. please read it before pre-judging me. I have to date lost over 140 lbs and I want to lose another 40 to reach my goal. I am proud of my accomplishments. I am working on some health issues that come with losing that much weight.. ex: loose skin that I am waiting for surgery for. I am telling you all this cause I do not want to portray myself in a way that makes me out to be someone I'm not. I'm a down to earth person... (just angel like with my titanium halo and black wings :P ) Online Relationships May Work For Others - I Don't Feel It Will For Me. So If You Are Planning To Be My Knight In Shining Armour... Save The Poor Horse The Weight Of your 'Armour' & Ego - I Don't Want To Be Your Next Challenge Or Conquest. Ladies, I Am Not Interested In Ur Guys... So Relax, Plz! I Will Return A Drink If Someone Gets One For Me - I Am Not Stealing Your Guys Away From You! PS: Word To The Wise... Get To Know Me Before You Make Up Lies About Me... Some Things Are NOT In Me To Do... Like Play CHILDISH GAMES & If You Go After My Character, I Will Defend Myself. It Is NOT An Admittance Of Guilt I Do Not Have NSFW Pictures Of Myself, Nor Will I!! (Bribing & Pleading Will NOT Change My Mind On This) I'm A Stubborn Angel & Will Take Something Out Of This World To Catch Me. I'm Not Up To Being Tamed Or Caught. I Want A Man I Can Talk & Listen To. Touch, Smell, & Feel. Kiss & Taste. Hold & Yeah Allll That... You Know What I Mean lol And This... Won't Be Accomplished Online ~ I'm Looking For More Than What An Online Relationship Can Offer. Sorry ~ Echo Angel ~

@ fubar ♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥* So.. Yes, I am single. I have been for 5 years. I have trust issues... in that I don't have a deep trust in many people but I do forgive and do trust - just not completely. (Oh and my lack of trust is NOT just to men! So For Those That Are Implying That - Plz Stop) I know no one is perfect.. INCLUDING myself. OH boy I'm FAR from Perfect!!! I Am Real Though.. Very Real. I love having fun. Chatting to many friends on here... I really love, respect, and value each friendship I have on here. My friends on here add so much to my life. In that aspect and only in that aspect will I have an online relationship :P Anyway.. My point for this blog is here... Here is the links to other blogs that I have done. Just Copy and Paste them to your browser. http://fubar.com/blog/82633/382720 - Up close & Personal With Me (This is about my weight lose) http://fubar.com/blog/82633/435028 - Update http://www.fubar.com/blog/82633/439856 - A Vent I Made 2 A MUMM http://www.fubar.com/blog/82633/466655 - Hard Decisions (A Look Into My Past) http://www.fubar.com/blog/79489 - My Son & Asperger's Syndrome http://www.fubar.com/blog/82633/493579 - Would You Like To Cam?Have Cyber Sex? http://www.fubar.com/blog/103148/572979 - In Regards To (NSFW) After these you will know a bit about me... THANK YOU! ♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥*♥* OH By The Way... My Son Is My Life!!! I Will NEVER Refer To Him As 'Baggage' When I Say Baggage In My Life, I'm Talking About My Health And Family Issues In Other Blogs.
Photobucket Autism/Asperger's Train Help Spread Awareness One Person At A Time! Please Copy One Of These Picture Below & Put On Your Profile!!! Heya! My Name is Krystal (EchoAngel). I have an 8 year old son named Jaren. I don't have to tell you that he is my life. My son was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome AKA High Functioning Autism at 3 years old. He isn't stupid, actually quite the opposite, he is brilliant. He has faced a lot of challenges including delayed social skills, facial & vocal cues and body language cues were also some things that were hard for him to catch on. Fortunately, Jaren was diagnosed early and had an advantage that many children didn't. He is overcoming all obstacles one by one. Now he has also learned that everyone has things about themselves that they want to change and in time and with hard work, we all can do anything, not just children with extra challenges. He is learning what his strengths and weaknesses are. His speech skills are years ahead as well as others skills personal to him. He is my son. I love him more than I love my own life. I thank God for His gift to me. Photobucket (Thank You Eric For Making This Picture For Me Of My Son & I. I Love It!!) Each child is a gift from God. A child with a condition such as Autism / Asperger's is just one of many conditions that many children are born with today. I see the ignorance and the bullying that accompany any child that stands out in a crowd that seems a bit different or unique. I just want to point out that though our children are all different and unique. We all have disabilities. Some not as noticeable as others. I am so proud of child that will stick up for a younger sibling. This isn't easy at all. I am also so proud of our children who have outward disabilities and still face the outside world. Outside the protective 'bubble' of family and friends and face the world with a smile. We all know how children can be mean and how peer pressure and bullying is. I feel that with a bit of education and knowledge... it will go along way. CommentYou.com is your One Stop Shop
So with the help of some dear and wonderful people we have decided to make a support train to help support and spread the word about our children and loved ones. To help people understand that our children are not stupid. They just need a bit of compassion, patience, and understanding so that these special angels can get their messages out. Their voices heard. CommentYou.com is your One Stop Shop
Get More at COMMENTYOU.com On Behalf Of Myself, My Son, Parents, Families & Every Other Child Who Has Been Touched By Someone With Autism & Asperger's Syndrome ... THANK YOU!!! Let's Get One Of These Pictures To Show Support... Go Repost This Bulletin Find The Support Picture You Want Highlight the code. Copy (CTRL c).Paste (CTRL v). YOUR SUPPORT MEANS A LOT TO US AND A CHILD WHO SEES THE UNDERSTANDING AND PATIENCE IN YOUR EYES. Photobucket These children are not stupid. They are extremely special, intelligent children who see everything around them, but most times don't know how to Voice how they feel or what they think. They don't know how to get their message out but we do... Please Help Spread Awareness With Us.... CommentYou.com is your One Stop Shop
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@ fubar Photobucket (Thank You Royce For Making This Tag For Me)

Why I Have To Move...

I won't be on much for the next bit. I have to move.. I was told that no matter how many doctors and agencies write for my son & I to be transferred to a more safer and cost effective and repaired place - they wont do it. Not even to the city next to the town I live in. Their reasons... (My response is bold) 1. "No matter where you go... your son will have bullies. With his condition - it is a given. You have to deal with that " - He will have some bulling yes. He has high functioning Autism - Asperger's Syndrome.. but they are condoning it by not doing anything. 2. "No matter where you go - you will have ppl that will destroy your property (even if it is in your yard). Bring everything in at night and it will cut down those chances. It is the way society is now a days - sad but true." It isn't just my son's toys that they went after but my car as well.and toys from other kids in this neighbood 3. You need a 2 bedroom place and we are limited on that kind of accommodations. Now if you had 2 kids we could put you in a 3 bedroom house.But it just being you and your son - we can't. Our hands are tied." This is funny since they have a single woman in a 3 bedroom. Their jusyifaction is that when she moved there she did have her kids. They were taken from her due to the fact that she was neglectful and her place was a known drugs place. 4. "We can't fix the windows or replace the fridge as there is no money in the budget for it. If we fix your windows then we have to fix all the windows for every one. And if we did things like that for everyone we would have to raise rents. " This really gets me. Even when my windows are closed the wind still moves the curtains. The weather stripping is off the windows. They said that they have to replace the windows.. that "it can't just be repaired.". The fridge is always freezing the food and other times thawing it. I have lost alot of food in the last 4 years living here. They have 'repaired' the fridge about 5 times. And still waiting for them to come fix the dryer. The element doesn't turn off even when the cycle is complete. This is a fire hazard. 5. "the best thing for you and your son is to move out and find something privately. It will be double what you pay now but we can't help you and it looks like this is what is needed for you two." I completely agree with us moving out of here... and I would in a heart beat - if the money was there to do so. I am on disability. I get $1000 a month to live on.. I can't afford to put out $600 for rent, plus utilities. I pay $330, plus utilities now. So This Is Why I Put On My Status That I Am Packing And Why I Am So Stressed Lately. I do apologize to friends that I have neglected over the last few weeks... PS.. Anyone psychic? If so.. please fu mail me winning lottery numbers for Saturday's 649 or Friday's Super 7 :P lol

My Phone Number...

Ok.. For My Dear Friends.. Here Is My New Phone Number... Putting It On Here So That You Can Find It Easier If You Misplace It 1 204 272 3976 Love Ya Guys XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PS.. I don't mind getting calls.. but if I'm not expecting your call.. to send me a message b4 hand. :D
What are you passionate in your life? What is important to you? I've been asked this alot in the last week or two and I've been thinking about it more and more. So here goes... I love God. I love my son, brother, grandfather, and a few other family member. My friends are my true loving family. I like to work out, spend time with my son, read, camp, chat . I love to help friends, neighbours, children. I am passionate about supporting our military. These men and women and their families have sacrificed so much for us and ask nothing from us but to support them and not scorn them when they return. Try putting yourself in their shoes before you criticize them for supporting their country and families, and those that need their help. I am Very passionate about making people more aware of child abuse and helping to STOP THE CYCLE. It can be stopped. I'm living prove everyday it can be - cause I'm doing it! Child Abuse Doesn't End At Childhood - It Is A Lifetime Scar. I also am passionate about how we treat other people. Racism. Time to grow up people. We all are humans. Came out into this world the same.. gonna leave the same... somewhat. Yes, we all come different walks of life, that is what makes us unique individuals. I'm so glad I am a bit different Imagine more than one of me There are a few other things that I support and that I feel passionate about, but here are a few things to start XX Echo aka Krystal
Here Are My Answers.. But Just Copy & Put In Your Own And Blog It :D Three jobs I have had in my life: 1. Administrative Manager 2. Director Of A Daycare Centre 3. Co-Coordinator Of A Family Resource Centre Three Places that I have lived: 1 Started off in Manitoba, Canada 2 Moved all over Canada.. including the Yukon 3 Now back in Manitoba, Canada Three TV shows I like to watch: 1. Crime Drama CSI (all of them) 2. Life Stories Example: Extreme Makeover Home Edition, American Idol, TLC 3. I am on FUBAR and doing other things too much to watch TV.. so IF I watch TV.. I just watch that lol Three places I have taken holidays: 1. London, England - Would go back in a millisecond 2 Paris, France - Wouldn't go back 3 USA - To A Bunch Of States - Definately Want To Go Back :D Three of my favorite foods: 1. Chinese 2 Mexican 3 Italian Three places where I would rather be right now: 1. Scotland or another part of UK 2. USA 3. Canada... Just maybe another part :P

'Cold' Fact :P

Slurpee Capital of the World 12 thumbs up The city on the planet earth that drinks the most 7-11 slurpees each year. For the past 7 years, 1999-2006, it has been Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, in 2005 we guzzeled a record 400,000 sluprees a month. Winnipeg is the Slurpee Capital of the World! Calgary is close behind.
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