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More Pre then Game

For Those that don’t follow Football or sports you may not know that today is the superbowl.  This for some time has been more of an event then  a game.  Yes a game will be played but for so many people  it is much more then that.   There have been some great games and some bad games, I hope tonight’s is a great game.   There have been games in the past where the ads where better then the game.  There have been times when the singing was better then the game.   By the way When will Metallica get a half time show.   Granted one of their new songs might take up the entire Half but the half could be extended.    I can remember other networks would have their own Half Time show you could click over to.  


I know I bash E! for this but they do this same super early pre game show thing to on the award shows.   I have seen that they had a 2-3 hr red carpet and then a preshow before that.   Then again for some of the awards Fashion TV had stuff on at the same time.   Than after the awards they have a post show.   The post show makes sense so you can recap and show people what they looked like getting the award.    Maybe I need to stop bashing E! because the more I think about it their preshow is like the NFL.    On their show they interview people and see what they are wearing but if these people don’t win you won’t really see them.  


Today the 1st preshow starts at noon.   Yes I will be watching  it.    Not sure what road to the superbowl is. But hey it should be good.  Later on is the All Iron Team.    Hey if Madden can have one why not Phil Sims.   By the time that the game starts I will have seen more pregame then I will game even if it was the first game to go to Over Time.   Yes and as bizarre as that sounds it is but it isn’t really.  I do want to ad that I have seen some pretty interesting stuff in the past before  superbowls . Some of it was about players.  Some it where ads that didn’t show again during the game.  Some of it was entertainment.  


I haven’t been to a Bills game in a long time.  The one thing I can remember though is Tailgating.   Everyone does their own thing in their own way.    This is different in Different cities as well.     My impression was that there where people who where their hours before us.    I have heard that some people get there the night before or maybe it is more like very early morning, I guessing though that they wait for the sun to come up.   I have even heard that some people go to just tailgate and don’t even have tickets, now that is a party and watch the game on a TV outside the stadium.  That is the same Mentality that goes on in all the pregame stuff.   Just wanted to ad that this doesn’t only happen for football  It happens at concerts as well.    So my end point is Enjoy the game, enjoy the event and hopefully the game will be better then the pregame stuff but it won’t be longer then it.   Oh yeah and if the team you want loses show some class and watch the other team interviewed.  


I feel as if I’m leaving something out but not sure what else I could really say other then the Super Bowl started out as a game and now it is an all day event hope everyone enjoys it.  Hey if football isn’t your thing and you are at the party for the party enjoy that to cause it could be better then the game.   

So Today I knew I was going to see two movies and maybe more I wasn't sure.   I had no idea that there was going to be a religous theme in both of them.  I'm not saying that is good or bad.   On my way to the movies I went Past the Layfette church and I saw one of those carvings for a cause I Haven't seen before I might have to go back there soon and check them out.  Would make for a good photo Journey.    

The First Movie I saw was Avatar 3D.  With out giving anything away I can now see why the vatican got upset by it.  I'm not saying that they should have but they are so sensitive when diety stuff that isn't their version is in a movie.   I will admit that is a part of the movie I never saw coming and that was fine.   Story wise yes it an idea that has happened in the past in histroy and that has been in other movies as well, but that doesn't make it a bad movie at all.  I know I liked it.   The one odd thing is maybe it is just because I have seen so many movies there where parts that reminded me of other movies those movies are Braveheart, Lord Of The Rings, Earagon,  and starwars.  Now where things got interesting was the effects.  If you watched any thing on Fox you saw a preview and so you know what the effects look like, and they where pretty amazing.   I can't really speak on the 3D aspect since I don't have the non 3D version to compare it to.   At the end of the movie I did have a slight head ache and I think it was from the 3D.   But the thing is again this isn't the kind of 3D from the old days.   Nothing was filmed in a way so it was coming at you that was kinda the same with UP.    That Being said the Previews for "Alice in Wonderland" look like that won't be the case.   Yes in the old days when one saw a 3D movie things leaving the screen was the entire point.  But that being said I never did see The Final Destination 3D.   It was pretty cool to look at and I had a good time so that is all that matters. 

I wasn't sure what my second movie was going to be.  I wanted to see Daybreakers but knew with only one showing the timing would be tough.  I got out to late to see Legion but not to late to see "The Book of Eli" hey post appoclytic movies are allways fun.  That reminds me for those that haven't seen it Zombieland comes out on DVD early Feb, 2nd I think that is a great and funny movie.  This I knew was going to have to do with faith, from the previews you see it is some kind of book with a cross.   Action wise I liked it.  Story wise I liked it.   I like how he wasn't looking for trouble , it came to find him.   The only tough part is getting use to Mila Kunis being a serious actress I'm so use to her being Meg on family guy and Jackie on That 70's show.  But that shows how good she is since those two people are so opposite, ok so she just does the voice but still.   I think she did a good job i had a good time.   I wonder if this movie will get certain faith people upset.  I can see how some of it could but some of it is so positive towards faith also.

I'm hoping to have time to go see some movies next weekend but I doubt it will happen on like thurs. or Friday Winter X Games start, I'm pretty sure and I have a Bandits game and is the probowl next weekend also.   If so that is another post on its own, argh.   

Taught vs. Learned

Taught Vs. Learned



So I admit that I’m guessing this will sound better in my head then on the web, often thoughts do.   One thing the Web is great for is political debate.   Hey who doesn’t like to get into these debates they can often be fun.  Religious debates can get pretty interesting also.  That being said there is really no reason for these debates.  The fact is that most people’s minds and ideas aren’t going to change based on something that is said.  In issues that are only cultural maybe they will change but that is unlikely.    The reason for this is that the majority of everyone’s opinion is already set.   They feel something and use facts that they know to back up their own Ideas.   It should be the other way that they look at all the facts and then use that as how to form their opinions but it isn’t.  




Why do you Believe in the god that you do?

Why do you think that some things are right and others are wrong?

Why do you have certain stereotypes either good or back about others?

Why do you view the world the way in you do? 



  Every thing you believe you where taught or learned on your own or based on things that happened but most things you where taught in some way.


The Best example is belief in God.  I’m not bashing god here.   If you prey to Mecca or won’t eat a cow because it is Sacred the majority of the time it is because that is what your Parents or family taught you.   If your family takes you to a Southern Baptist Church you are a Southern Baptist.   It isn’t like you can go “Mom lets go to the Anglican Church up the road and see how they think”.  Most kids wouldn’t think of it.  Yes this isn’t true all ways in multi faith families but that is more about what you learn and currently I’m writing about be taught.  As one grows up they are taught the ideas of the church or lack there of that they go to.   If the family watches football and says stuff like Why is Warner preying …  Then Kids are taught of the lack of god or at least the lack of Warner’s Good. 


Morals are not only taught through Faith.  Most People wind up having the same Political outlook as the people who raise them.   As adults or even as Babies having Babies you pass your ideas onto your kids.  I don’t have a good example for this really.   The one I will use is how one treats others is a big factor.    If someone in front of you drops their wallet the next thing you do will teach the kid different things.  If you yell sir you dropped your wallet, you teach them honesty and looking out for others.   Now if you pick up the Wallet and take a couple dollars as a reward for your self, then you are teaching them that it is ok to help people if it also helps you.    Then if you do some version where you keep the contents and don’t tell the person at all you show them that it is ok to get over on others, or that steeling is ok.   What is even worse is if you take the credit card and then you both go shopping on some else’s money and max it out or empty the bank account. 



In Terms of stereotypes I don’t only mean racial stereotypes.  Yes those are the ones that most people think of.   But those extended to more then just race , gender, sex, sexual orientation , Religious beliefs, national origin, how someone looks and even how they talk.    All kinds of people teach these and they are very common in families.    There are so many I don’t even know where to start.   Some comments are so small that you don’t even notice them yourself.  If someone thinks they got ripped off they go “Oh They Jewed Me”.  There are so many examples of these but the point is that these stereotypes are taught in little ways and big ways and so most kids wind up thinking like how their parents think.  


I will admit Political views are more complex and it is tough to say how parents out look on life effects their kids.  Again though I say parents but it is more then just them who teaches Kids what to think.   For people who protest and take their kids to them as well that we can agree shapes how there kids think.  I won’t go as far as saying Parents brain wash their kids.  But through daily interaction ok so maybe for some once a week, but the point is still the same.  Kids learn so much when they are young and take in a lot so they get the same beliefs as there parents and this was true of the kids parents also.  That is why things like racism stay around for so long.    I also think that what stereotypes (again both good and bad) tie in and intertwine with ones political views.     The best example I can think of is that if you have stereotypes about what it is like to be gay, you are more likely to think gay marriage is wrong.     




I Admit one thing about a blog is you never know if anyone is really reading it or not.  But for anyone who is this is where my thoughts I think get more interesting but maybe that is Just me.  Remember I said taught vs. learned.  There is a big difference.   I will use school as the example to start this off, not sure where it will go.  On a side note a bit any of you who went to high school with me remember how bad I was in English I can’t believe I write blogs back then I would have never believed it.   That makes the perfect example.  Yes my grammar is still bad I have no idea why all those green lines show up.  everyone goes to class is taught by a teacher.   But just because you are taught stuff doesn’t mean you learn it.   If you did then every kid would get a 100% or an A+ in every class.   Hey How would a College decide who to pick, HA.   Different people learn differently.    Some people can go to class and never open a book and remember it.  But some people don’t learn by hearing they learn by reading or by writing things out in notes.    Not only do people learn differently in school but this is true in life as well.


It is really scary how much people can learn in school and I don’t mean  just in high School I mean at all levels.    Often this things that are learned at school conflict with what home and the world teach you and that is where things get really interesting.   I can admit I don’t really know how ones mind decides what things are the truth, I would tend to think that what you learn out in world is the strongest.  You live it and you know it and it is real, it isn’t just an idea.  But in terms of ideas I’m not sure how that works.  Well that is what is coming up next.   



I’ll use the racial stereotypes as an example.  Lets say at home you hear N this and N that.  I think we all know what N means.   But then you get to College or a big high school and those people are “The Cool Kids” They have the parties and they not what you where taught at home.   There is this conflict between what you where taught and what school is teaching you so over time you learn what the truth is to you.  Sometimes it happens the other way around.  Now maybe after you leave school and get out into the world you get a job or what ever and meet more people and at that point you might learn some other version of what people are like.   Again what happens to you sometimes causes you to learn that what you thought before was correct and sometimes that it was wrong.


 This is not only true for racial stereotypes, It is true for many stereotypes.   I guess the best example I can use is homosexuality.    I won’t use the example of the girl who finds out in College she also likes to have fun with girls when she is drunk.   But before I do that, I will admit I have no idea what it is like to be gay and I can’t even imagine what it is like.   That being said I don’t remember what my views on it was when I was young.   But when kids are young they call each other fags and stuff like that.   So I’m guessing for a lot of people you have this negative view of it.  I wasn’t one of the people who thought it is a sin being gay means you are going to hell.  But there are people like that or people who think yuck.     Yes to me it does still seem weird.  But at least for me once you meet people who are gay, you see they really are no different then you.  It isn’t like I heard “oh can I……..” but maybe for some people that happened and that is why they don’t get along with them.    I think that if more people who don’t like homosexuals knew some they would learn that they are just like them.   I know I learned that.  I don’t know as I ever thought they where any different or if I even really knew what it was. 


I admit I’m out of practice of writing long things so my mind is run out of examples.  But learning from the world is not all ways how people learn.  Yes some times they learn things from the people who bring them up based on what those people do.        The Best example I can give isn’t really concrete but hopefully people will get it (assuming anyone is even reading this).   Sometimes parents lead a life in a way that the kids find is screw up or makes no sense.  In this case the messages that are taught often get learned to be the other way by the kids.   


One example would be if you teach your kid that hardwork is how to live ones life.    I think it is.  At work you need to give it your all.   But if the parent(s) is working so much that the kid never sees them, they may get the idea that screw this when I have a kid I want to spend time with them.   One idea that is close to this is work hard then party harder.    Hey you work hard then come home and grab a bottle kid is going to learn one of two things.   Dad worked his ass off so now he can relax (then you where taught that) or the kid is going to learn from seeing that isn’t a good way to live that, that is a bad idea.  I’m not going to factor in that people wind up doing later in life what they know that would be a different discussion but it does kinda tie in here.  For example kids who are beat and hate it wind up beating their kids often because that was what they know.  But some learn that isn’t the way to go.   This is very true with women who keep dating abusive men.  It isn’t that they like it, but it is what they know.   That is really a different topic.  



I lost my train of thought a bit.  But what I will close with is feel free to add your ideas to this.  In other words add a comment or two.   I do think that people are taught things and also learn things through life.  But that what is learned  is part of what is taught even when it is in conflict.   Once someone has an idea on a certain subject then that is what they think and unless life shows them something different then that idea will never change.    I also think that all political/social commentary and debates are done from the idea backwards.  In other words I have an idea and the facts and ideas I use to support it are just my way of saying why I agree with this idea.   They aren’t why I think this way.  I learned to think this way these facts are just a way to support that.   If my thoughts where based on the facts then different facts (to be a fact for this point it doesn’t have to be proved what a fact is, is very debatable) would change peoples thoughts.   On a side note I stayed away from the drug debate on purpose way to complex with legal and illegal and scripts and stuff.  My last example is the gay issue.  One thing I have heard read is that homosexuality is not normal and not natural.   The counter point is haven’t you heard there are gay animals and people can “ “ the nature show where they saw gay animal sex [in an educational not porno way get the mind out of the gutter].   That fact should be enough to at least get people to rethink their thoughts but it doesn’t.     As a final note I remember being with my uncle and seeing a cool bumper sticker that said “Don’t believe everything you Think”. But most people do and for that reason real debate on line and off line can never really achieve much.   It would be nice if it could.   

Politics causes Crime

Well as most of you know who read the paper or watch the news recently in Buffalo there has been a lot of killings.   How it is stats wise I'm not sure but that doesn't really matter that much that is just how people compare how much crime there is at one time vs. another.  I'm not saying that you can get rid of all crime, because you can't.  But I do think that Buffalo isn't the only city where crime is much higher then it should be.

   Stealing stuff is common in these tough economic times.  I think that getting rid of that would be pretty tough.  But I think one way to reduce that is to have cops who walk the street.  I think that when Cops know everyone in there little area it does deter some crime.  Hey if I'm a cop and see someone On Joe's bike then there is going to be a problem, but if everyone knows that I know what Joe's bike is no one is going to take it and if they trade it for drugs then the local dealers know that I know it is Joe's bike so they aren't taking it for drugs.  What it also does it makes it a tough sell to anyone else.   But the other thing that having cops walk is that if they know everyone then there is more sense of community.  

Murder I can admit that maybe there is a little bit of killing over a girl or maybe a boy.  But most of it has to do with Robbery (often for drug money) or drugs and gangs.  Now some of them aren't directly because of a gang but that violence may cause a more violent atmosphere.  But the question is how do you stop the gang violence and just normal shootings and beatings and what have you.

In this country we often do things backwards.  We take a problem and and try and fix the problem instead of preventing it.   For example we lock of drug dealers and all kinds of other people. We do it as a punishment.  Yes for some it works but for most it just makes them more criminal, how can you get a good job after being locked up?  If you could get a good one then why did you do something to get locked up?   So What I'm saying is we need to do stuff to prevent crime. 

Well In Buffalo is the Mayor even doing anything?  I say he isn't.  But would you if you had one person you where running against and no one on the republican side?  But even if he did do something what could Brown do?

Ok here is an idea he could Hire more cops.  Oh wait that is right we don't have the money to.  Oh wait there are federal funds.  Oh but wait we didn't get those because we don't have enough minorities so we don't qualify.  This fucking pisses me off.  Yes I get that there is racism and you have to make sure everyone gets a fair chance.  But if you don't have enough qualified people who try to join the force you shouldn't be penalized for that. 

How about programs to give people stuff to do after school.  I think sports is nice but not only sports.  How about computer classes and other classes that aren't about getting a grade, that are about learning a skill.   There used to be , is there still now a Mayor summer Youth Program why not extend that and have be jobs that clean up places after school for a couple hours or shovel snow for people who are old and can't.  I'm not saying I have all the answers but it is an idea.

 What bothers me about what Brown has done these last few days is he has shown up to clean up and called the media.  Here's an idea go out and don't call the media work all day with the people.  Call them together and tell them that they are the ones who has to take back their neighborhoods.   That is how you fix the problem by hard work getting your hands dirty and bringing the community together, so many people don't know the people who live around them nowadays . 

But here is where things get tough because other then that there isn't much you can do really.  It is up to people that when they see something they snitch or call the cops.  But there is another reason why what I'm writing gets tough, politics   is a nasty game and it hurts everyone.  

 It costs a lot of money to run for office.  Not just in Buffalo but anywhere.  Politics is so much about the money that no one can be completely honest.  Hey you say the truth and someone will want your head.  If you do what is right often some one will think it isn't fair.  Oh and say something that is controversial and you are out of office.    Then of course there are your supporters who you owe stuff to.   All of this stops people from doing what should be done and putting on a show.  I think there is a great way to stop crime but it will never happen because no one has the balls to say it, well at least not when they run.  

I have all ready said that I think Most crime is gang or drug related.  Yes having more DEA guys would be great and they could get a lot of drugs off the street.   But sorry guys it will all ways be on the street since there are people who want it.  We as a society have to look at why people need drugs.  Why  some people can smoke weed and are fine and why some people need other drugs and need to break into houses to support there habit.  In other words use vs. abuse and addiction that is problematic and functional.   For example some people get drunk on the weekends only and don't hurt anyone.  But then some people can't show up to work or classes on time ever.   There should be a way for people to deal with life other then turn to drugs.  But this will never happens because  the people who sell the legal drugs need that same culture to sell their drugs.   Hey when a kid can't sit still in class because he can't run around out side and can't play like he should don't put him on pills.   Someone really needs to come up with a life coping skills class it could end the illegal drug trade or put a big dent in it and make life for everyone so much better. 

  But if you can't stop the want for drugs then no drug war will ever win.  Not to mention to lock someone up because they like to get high is silly.  For them robbing someone that is different.  But what they need is help not to be locked up.  One way to do that is to get more rehab places and get more experts to help people who are addicted to drugs and a danger to other people.  The best way to fund this is with taxes.  (if anyone is still reading this I think you know where I'm going).  

So how does one get drugs taxed and away from the streets.  You tax it and legalize it.   Anything crossing a boarder is taxed.  Would people still smuggle some in to avoid taxes yes.   But I'm sure these people could make more money selling drugs legit and working for one of those companies.  When ever land is sold there has to be a reason if it is to grow weed or to make a meth lab and you don't disclose that then the government could take it over and keep all the profits.   In terms of how the drugs would be sold.  Is they would be in special stores like maybe say rite aids.  You would get multiple needles with the product or maybe spoons for crack or what ever.   Some places could even have a room where you could go get high and then when you where done leave.  Every store would have a needle thing so you can throw them out.  You would have to be 16 to buy drugs.  Lets face it teens want weed and maybe some other stuff to make the age 18 would fuel an underground drug scene and you don't want that.   Anyone who opened up one of these drug places would pay taxes and that money they make would be right back into the economy as opposed who knows what happens with drug dealers.   Also there sure would be a lot more tax money flowing into the economy.   Not sure what the right percentage is but lets say 15% of the tax revenue would go directly to rehab places and a bit of that would be used for education and prevention for the use of drugs. 

I know what some people would say, that making drugs legal would be saying it is ok.  That would get more people do to them.  If people come into work messed up there is no way to fire them since it is legal.  All that is false.  Legally with alcohol you can't be fired right away your employer must give you the chance to get help that would be the same here.   In terms of saying drugs are ok, the government does do that they just call them prescriptions yes most are for medical conditions but a lot of them are for behavior and mood, and stress.  It also wouldn't be saying that doing meth is ok it just says it isn't a crime.   For example the law doesn't say abortion is good and that young women should use it as birth control it just says that it is legal.   Drugs being legal wouldn't cause more people to do them.  Well maybe it could because some people getting in trouble is what makes them want to quit.  But most people who want to do a drug don't care if it is legal or not, just look back at Prohibition and how that didn't work.  If you are looking at that all see how that caused more crime. 

If anyone is still reading this my main point is that politics is what causes most of these murders.  Until the system is changed it won't stop anywhere.  The reason is prevention and talking honestly about how to get people not to need drugs will never happen.  If that could happen then legalizing drugs wouldn't be an issue because no one would buy them.  If you mention that maybe you should look into legalizing drugs you done.  I also blame this on the Media some what.  Everyone wants to have these quick points and no detail and no honest debate and no thinking just stuff to get ratings and sell ads.    So for that reason they will never be legalized.  Ok that is the end of my rant. 

UP and Protesting

  So Today I finally saw the movie UP.    Before the movie there was a cartoon that I liked.   It is tough to talk about UP with out giving anything away.  Maybe it is just me but it didn't seem like a kids movie to me.  See there is the adventure part but it seems like there is a lot of sadness in the movie.  Maybe though it is made in a way that kids wouldn't pick up on it not sure really. 

   So after Up it was to the Italian Festival.   I didn't eat a lot I had a Blueberry Italian Ice and then from some place RJ's I think I got loaded fries wow they where huge and tasty and they had all kinds of deep Fried stuff, I went with the Reese's they where very tasty.  I also got to see the parade, I thought a few fools might get run over hello why are you walking towards a horse coming your way?  I also caught the end of Italian Idol, finals are on Sunday.  

  Yes there where people giving out religious pamphlets and as I was leaving some had some big sign, and then they come over to the bus stop and try to give us something, the one guy was pissed and told the lady to go to hell, she just kept preaching at him.  

    That is what brings me to my point.  From my point of view a lot of these people are crazies.  But see from there point of view any one who doesn't have the same faith as them are going to burn in hell.  They also seem to believe that we all have to be saved.  What about the fact that we might believe but that we don't want your book, or if we do that we don't want it here, we came it enjoy a festival?

   I don't think the message that these people or the ones at the square give is crazy at all.   It is the way it is presented.   For example I think the people at the square think that getting drunk is bad.  You know they do have a point.  If you are getting drunk as a way to escape your problems instead of as a way to have fun, then yeah maybe you should turn to god to help you instead of alcohol.  But see they assume that if you drink you are turning your back on god.  Yes some are but not everyone so what they do is make no one listen to there message. 

   I'm sure some people go to the square to meet someone to have sex with or go with someone who they will have sex with later.  Well that is a sin, anyone who knows what sin is knows that.  But that doesn't mean it is going to happen and it also doesn't mean that you can't repent later if you give into temptation.   But some people might even believe and not believe in sin.   But again here by yelling and Judging people then those people you are trying to help won't here what you are saying.

  What I suggest is that these people take a step back and get rid of the signs.   Maybe put up things that say things like sex outside of marriage is a sin.   Instead of preaching at people walk up and say can we talk about god.  Talk to people see where they are, love them as your brother don't judge them.  Let them know that you care about there soul but if they don't want to talk ask if they will take a card and invite them to your church.  If what you really want is to help someone Judging them and Yelling only hurts your cause.

Well enough of that hope everyone enjoys the rest of there weekend and finds fun stuff to do, even if that just means relaxing and not really doing anything.  

Day 2 Taste of Buffalo

So I did try a few things today that I wanted to try.   But before I get to that the crowd was insane today.   I can't even begin to explain how long the line for tickets was.   (don't have time to download the pictures today, plus I have to figure out the best way to post them).

Before my movie I went to Danny's again and tried the Medium size Beef on Weck Soup.  It was pretty good. 

Then it was onto something I didn't notice until I read the news on the taste of Buffalo this morning.   Red Osier Has a Hot Roast Beef Sunday.  It is hard to describe but wow was it tasty.  It really was very good.  

So I left for a bit and went to see Bruno at The Market Arcade or what ever they call it now.  With out giving anything away it was wild, and Funny.  It wasn't as funny as I thought it might but It was still pretty good.  But I the other hand it was also funnier then I thought it might be.  Some times with a movie like that they show you all the funny stuff on the previews.  Yes it was very vulgar.  I was surprised that they had stuff black Boxed out.  Some of the stuff I'm glad was boxed out and some of the stuff I wish wasn't blacked boxed out.  It would be interesting to see if they come out with a DVD Version that is unrated so you can see all that crazy stuff.   But maybe not seeing it makes it funnier not sure about that?  If the wild stuff in Borat you liked then you will like this.  

After the movie I went back to The taste.  It was so packed you could hardly move.  Still got free stuff to drink though.  I also talked to this Nice Blond from yesterday who was at the cars again.  I hope she got to go get some food.  It is weird because since they are the first place it was kinda like she was a greater but really wasn't. 

the final thing I ate was 3 tickets from Just Pizza , The Bruscetta White Style Pizza was very good.   Well that weekend sure went fast,  it was a good time though.

Day 1 taste of Buffalo

First of all I hope everyone who went and is still going to go has a great time. I was nice to run into Margaret, Nicole, Mike and Bill. When I first got there guessing about noon maybe a little bit sooner it was coming down pretty good, and you could tell it kept a lot of people away even just the threat. Yeah the Umbrella was kinda a pain but it was a good time.

First I saw these cool looking cars, Ford Fiesta's they aren't even out yet. Later on I found out (she was pretty cute also) that you can take them for a test drive, that is pretty cool.

I tried the Mandarin Chicken Pasta from the place called some thing like crankshift cafee, It was good quality but it was cold pasta not warm so I didn't like it.

Hesters's Pub and Grill I think had this really good Chicken and Sausage Gumbo.

Fruit20 essentials was giving away free samples near the fountain in the center. The stuff is pretty tasty and they gave me 2 full bottles so that was awesome not sure if they did that after the rain stopped.

Also near by there Fruit Simple. They make good stuff and where giving stuff away free. I saw some people with full bottles and not sure how they got them. The two flavors I tired where pretty good I think mixed berry and Pomegranate blueberry.

I really need a bag so I donated a dollar to stars of hope as e:metalpeter . I won a "The Taking of Pelham 123" shirt, I never did get to go see it but I wanted to, plus I got a bag to hold all my stuff in.

Still in center Vitamin Water free Samples, tasty stuff.

Giacobbis Had a good Buffalo Wing burger. I had no idea what to expect it was a Cheese Burger with some kind of sauce it was pretty tasty.

The Oreo Milkshake got me filled up (larger size) from Clarence Center Coffee co. & Cafee. It was good to.

I got the small portion of Buffalo Chicken Wing Soup and want to try the Beef on Weck Soup from Danny's Restaurant I thought the orange colored stuff was good so now I have something else to try on sunday.

At The Como I had the Broccoli Parmesan I figured I would try it and it was good.

Not sure of the name of the place but I had a small portion $1.50 size of the texas Chili again I was kinda full still, it was good.

Anderson's has a nice Loganberry Ice. For 3 tickets you can't expect to much. I like it but what I mean is if it was prepackaged it would come off better. The best thing to do is not eat it right away let it melt a bit.

I tried Mobay's Jerk Chicken it was one Piece of tasty chicken on rice, I thought I saw someone else with two pieces but maybe that was a different thing, not sure.

Torches had a pretty good idea in sending its Ladies out walking with skimpy little out fits on or maybe it was their idea. The one problem though is that the way their signs where set up was if anyone was in line you couldn't tell what they where selling. That being said next door having that trophy and that cool motorcycle with the stuffed pig on it was a great idea.

Is it me or does Every Year Jack Astors have a bunch of really nice ladies working. I sometimes wonder if they do special recruitment for the festivals. This is often true of JP Bullfeathers also but they are local so I kinda doubt it.

If you don't want to eat to much it does make good people watching just be careful how you walk I some how pissed off some dude he seemed a bit nuts.

I did have a couple drinks, One must get a couple of those collectable cups. Generally speaking each type of drink comes in a different color. You have to give props to people (assuming they are all theirs) that have that huge stack of cups inside of cups and all kinds of colors. When I left and with the weather I didn't see to much of that but I'm sure I'll see some people who spend around $40 on beer well I don't know how much it really costs so.....

Before I went home I went to look at the AUD at first you think that it is all gone. When you look closer you can see it isn't all gone. there is a bunch of ruble on top of what looks like a garage. Then there is also some of those I call them step areas. If you haven't seen it in some time take a few minutes to go check it out.

Hope the rest of everyone's weekend is good.

Bisons win and weekend

 So first of all if my boss is reading this, thanks for the Baseball tickets and the day off.   I'm still in shock that the Bisons won and that it didn't rain.   The bisons beat the Durham Bulls.   I call them one of the Icon teams.  What I mean is that people who don't follow baseball have heard of them.  That alone doesn't make them a good team.  I think part of the reason they are so well known is from the movie Bull Durham.  I admit I have never seen it.  From what I heard that movie is more about sex and relationships then it is about baseball.  Anyone who has seen it is that true?

   So the other night The Penguins won and that means game seven in Detroit on Friday night.   That should be a great game.  Since the start of the series I didn't think the Penguins could beat Detroit.  Both teams are great and have great goaltending.  But Detroit is just to good at home, and the home team has won all 6 games.   Assuming I do what I want to do, I'm going to miss the game and go to Club Diablo for the Purgatory Fetish Ball, and try not to stay as late as I did last year.  Granted I got to see something amazing but going home at that time was weird.  I doubt they will have the game on there but I can watch the news and find out what happened.   Work will be tough it all ways is after a day off but I'm glad I have something to look forward to. 

Weeds and Nurse Jackie started up on Monday.  They are both showtime shows.  Weeds is pretty good. If you haven't seen it before you can catch up on shotime on demand or maybe even the part where they show what happened might be enough.  Nurse Jackie is pretty good or at least the first episode was.  I wouldn't call it realistic but I'm not a doctor or Nurse, but I would call it pretty good.  I don't know how to say anything else with out giving anything away.   

I should really get my camera fixed, it is a little bit messed up, but it still works.  Besides we are kinda into that where there is no time because something is going on everyweekend.  Taking pictures is fun but it can also be annoying to.  You have the downloading and the uploading and the multiple sites and they each act differently.  But I'm still doing.  I don't know if I'll get any good ones at allentown but maybe I will.  Hey if any of you run into me remind me to take a shot of you, I often forget to do that.

 This weekend should be busy but should really be a lot of fun I hope everyone has a great time.   I hope to have pictures up of the Aud and maybe the party and Allentown and Purgatory up maybe Sunday more like monday or tuesday who knows really. 

I know I'm forgetting something but no idea what so ok that is it for now.

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There isn't much left of the Aud But here is a slide show of what is left of it.  It is pretty amazing to see in person.

Last Night I went to the Bandits game and we won a tough Game vs. Boston.  I wish I could go to NYC and go watch them play the titans the winner is the East Champs.  So that added to the busy week.   Then On monday I go back to work and go to Monday Night Raw.   That should be a fun time.   So Hopefully I will start the picture process of up loading and downloading and posting then.  

So the week has been busy. It started out with dinning out for life. Yes there is a long wait everywhere and so you have to factor that in. I think it is a good cause. It gets people to go out and eat. Hey if the food is good they will come back. Then money goes to a good cause as well. We went to Boomerangs on Niagara St. The food was very good and I tried this chicken wing soup that was very tasty. I even got home in time to watch Fringe.

So On Thursday Night I went to go see "L Save the World". I will admit it wasn't the same as the 2 other movies. First of all with an event like that I now found it is better to go as a group. But I still had a good time and had food at applebee's before the movie. The movie was different there was no Kira and Yes it was a Death Note movie so there was one and a Shirigamie but that wasn't what the movie was about. It was L trying to stop a Biological attack. It was good just not what I thought it was. I get that people like to talk to the movie but the stuff that was being yelled just didn't seem to make sense. The movie started late do to some issue and because of that I got a pass for a free show, well everyone did. I used it to go see the new Wolverine movie it was very good. Lots of action and story and all that good stuff.

Last night was Jerry Seinfeld. I thought he was pretty funny and so was his opening act. I was a bit back but it didn't take away from anything. He talked back to hecklers that was funny. He answered some questions at the end. Before the show I checked out this place called Caberet and since I didn't have a reservation sat at the bar and ate. I thought the Roast Beef and drinks I had where pretty good. Plus the person who waited on me seemed to be running the place taking orders making multiple drinks at a time. She was blond and hot and really good at her Job. Plus the place wasn't to costly either.

Other then Lets Go Bandits I feel like I'm forgetting something.....

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