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giddyupgo1's blog: "Remeber Me"

created on 09/09/2007  |  http://fubar.com/remeber-me/b126683


The Graduation Gift Story A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted. As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man's name embossed in gold. Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible?" And stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible. Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and wonderful family, but realized his father was very old, and thought perhaps he should go visit him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father's important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. His father had carefully underlined a verse, As he read those words, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words... PAID IN FULL How many times do we miss God's blessings because they are not packaged as we expected?
EIGHT GIFTS THAT DO NOT COST A CENT... 1) THE GIFT OF LISTENING... But you must really listen No interrupting, no daydreaming, no planning your response. Just listening. 2.) THE GIFT OF AFFECTION... Be generous with appropriate hugs, Kisses, pats on the back and hand holds. Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends. 3.) THE GIFT OF LAUGHTER... Clip cartoons. Share articles and funny stories. Your gift will say, "I love to laugh with you" 4.) THE GIFT OF A WRITTEN NOTE... It can be simple "Thanks for the help" note or a full sonnet. A brief handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime. and may even change a life. 5.) THE GIFT OF A COMPLIMENT... A simple and sincere, "You look great in red," "You did a super job." or "That was a wonderful meal" can make someone's day. 6.) THE GIFT OF A FAVOR... Every day, go out of your way to do something kind. 7.) THE GIFT OF SOLITUDE... There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone. Be sensitive to those times and give the gift of solitude to others. 8.) THE GIFT OF A CHEERFUL DISPOSITION.... The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to someone, really, it's not that hard to say, Hello or Thank You. 9.) THE GIFT OF ACCEPTANCE... Everyone does the best they can with what they have to work with be it their head or their heart.* Friends are a rare jewel indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to open their hearts to us. Show your friends how much you care. REMEMBER THIS.. That very little is needed to make a happy life.
FULL CIRCLE Until you've walked a while in my shoes, Don't toss me aside like yesterday's news. Though I'm but a shadow of what used to be. Don't turn away! I beg you, Please. There's a real living being inside of this shell. Who's lived a full life, and lived it well. I once was a child full of vigor and fun, And wide eyed wonder of a life just begun. I've passed many milestones over my years, I fought many battles, and conquered my fears. I was highly regarded in our society, A leader and pillar of the community. I've known both sorrow and happiness, But now, I have out lived my uselfulness. Clearly, time has taken my youth away. I'm weak and frail, my hair has thinned and grayed. Life's burdens and woes have wrinkled my face, My memories so dear, have all been erased, My spirit is dwindling, my flesh is too weak, My thoughts are confused when I try to speak. The one that I cared for, now must care for me, I pray you may never know such humility. Alas! I've come full circle, I'm child like again. I've lost control of my life, on you I must depend. Until I'm called Home by my Father above, Treat me with kindness, Compassion, and Love. Give me the respect that I am due. Because one day, I just might be you!
OLD PEOPLE We love to see life Feel the glow of the sun, To feel the earth beneath our feet, see the water in rivers and streams run. We love to be with family We enjoy our friends, BUT What do we do? How do we feel? When they don't want us. Old people. We don't walk as fast, see as good, or hear as well as we did. We do talk about the past they feel, too much. We helped shape our world, Gave life to our children. We gave ideas and ideals to live by, and gave them a chance to grow. They depended on us as babies. Needed us as children. Tolerated us as young adults. They forgot us when they became adults. Old people become old because.... They are pushed back, overlooked ~ forgotten. WHY? They answer, you have done your part. Now it's our turn... FOR WHAT??? We are forced to grow old The world is only for the young NO WAY~NEVER~NOT ME I will fight, stay active and young at heart Even if I have to be alone.... I will survive.
Children Learn What They Live If a Child lives with criticism, He learns to condemn, If a child lives with hostility, He learns to fight. If a child lives with ridicule, He learns to be shy. If a child lives with shame, He learns to feel guilty. If a child lives with tolerance, He learns to be patient. If a child lives with encouragement, He learns confidence. If a child lives with praise, He learns to appreciate. If a child lives with fairness, He learns justice. If a child lives with security, He learns to have faith. If a child lives with approval, He learns to like himself. If a child lives with acceptance, And friendship, He learns to find love in the world. Today I Taught My Child When I got mad today and hit my child "For his own good," I reconciled, and then I realized my plight. Today, I taught my child to fight. When interrupted by the phone, I said, "tell them I'm not home." And then I thought, and had to sigh, Today I taught my child to lie. I told the tax man what I made, forgetting cash that was paid, And then I blushed at this sad feat, Today I taught my child to cheat. I smuggly copied a cassette, To keep me from one more debt, But now the bells of shame must peal, Today I taught my child to steal. Today I cursed another race, Oh God, protect what I debase, for now, I fear it is too late, Today I taught my child to hate. By my example, children learn, That I must lead a life's sojourn, In such a way they are led, by what is done, and not what is said. Today I gave my child his due By praise for him, instead of rue. And now I have begun my guide; Today I gave my child his pride. I now have reconciled and paid to IRS all that I have made. And now I know, that this dear youth, Today has learned from me the truth. The alms I give are not for show, And yet, this child must surely know That charity is worth the price; Today he saw my sacrifice. I clasp with a warm embrace My neighbor of another race, The great commandment from up above, Today I taught my child to love. Someday my child must face alone, The fearsome undertone, But I have blazed a sure pathway; Today I taught my child to pray.
"A Mother's Love" From the moment of birth, a mother's life changes When she sets eyes on her baby, her world rearranges. Through thick and thin, She'll see them through Just to hear them say, "Mom, I Love You." She comforts them and helps them conquer their fears Laughs with them, cries with them, and wipes their tears. Her own wishes and desires come second best, That her children may be well fed and dressed. A mother will always be the best she can be, Some things that no one Else can see. Seeing hope, and seeing dreams, Seeing pranks, and seeing schemes. Love for her child will not be far from a mother's heart, Until the unfortunate day In which they must part. A mother will love her child until the day that she dies, And her dying request will be "Please wipe my baby's eyes." Tara Meredith Sean Tara was on 13 years old when she wrote this poem I thought this was just beautiful... Thank you Tara Mother There never was or could ever be A dearer mother than God gave me From a baby, you had raised me through sickness and through health And mother to me meant love, More greater than Wealth. And Now that I'm a Mother, I hope to be. The kind of mother,That God gave me. by daughter Florence Gately Thank you Florence I loved it! A Child's Angel Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. So one day he asked God: They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless? Among the many angels, I have chosen one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you. But tell me, here in Heaven, I don't do anything else but sing and smile, thats enough for me to be happy. Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angels love and be happy. And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me? If I don't know the language that men talk? Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you to speak. And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you? Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray. I've heard that on earth there are bad men. Who will protect me? Your angel will defend you, even if it means risking its own life. But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore. Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you, the way for you to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you. At that moment, there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard, and the child in a hurry asked softly: Oh God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel's name Your angel's name is of no importance, You will call your angel: Mommy
THINGS I'VE LEARNED I've learned... You cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. I've learned... that no matter how much you care, some people just don't care back. I've learned... that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it. I've learned... that it's not what you have in life but who you have in your life that counts I've learned... that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes... After that, you better know something. I've learned... that you shouldn't compare yourself to the best others can do. I've learned... that you can do something in an instant that can give you heartache for life. I've learned... that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be. I've learned... that you should always leave loved ones with loving words, it may be the last time you see them. I've learned... that you can keep going long after you thought you couldn't. I've learned... that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel. I've learned... that either you control your attitude or it controls you. I've learned... that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place. I've learned... that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences. I've learned... that money is lousy way of keeping score. I've learned... that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time. I've learned... that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you are down will be the ones to help you get back up. I've learned... that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that does not give me the right to be cruel. I've learned... that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for love. I've learned... that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. I've learned... that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you have celebrated. I've learned... that you should never tell a child their dreams are unlikely or outlandish, Few things are more humiliating, and what a tragedy it would be if they believed it. I've learned... that no matter how good a friend is, they are going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that. I've learned... that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself. I've learned... that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief. I've learned... that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we have become. I've learned... that just because two people argue, it doesn't mean that they don't love each other, And just because they don't argue, doesn't mean they do. I've learned... that we don't have to change friends, if we understand that friends change. I've learned... that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever. I've learned... that two people can look at exactly the same thing, and see something totally different. I've learned... that no matter how you try to protect your children, they will eventually get hurt. And you will hurt in the process. I've learned... that even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help. I've learned... that credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being. I've learned... that the people you care about most in life are taken from you too soon. I've learned... that it's hard to determine where to draw the line between being nice and not hurting people's feelings, when standing up for what you believe in. I've learned that people who know absolutely nothing about you, can change your life in an instant. I've learned that your family can let you down, and sometimes... others can become your family, teaching you it's "ok" to love again. Elizabeth Tocarciuc RN

Never give up on Santa

A Special Child Snowflakes softly falling Upon your window play, Your blankets snug around you, into sleep you drift away. I bend to gently kiss you, when I see upon the floor There's a letter, neatly written; I wonder who it's for. I quietly unfold it, making sure you're still asleep, It's a Christmas list for Santa~ one my heart will always keep. It started just as always with the toys seen on T.V. A new watch for your father and a winter coat for me. But as my eyes read on I could see deep inside There were many things you wished for that your loving heart would hide. You asked if your friend Molly could have another Dad; It seems her father hits her and it makes you very sad. Then you asked dear Santa If the neighbors down the street Could find a job, that he might have some food, and clothes and heat. You saw a family on the news whose house had blown away; Dear Santa, send them just one thing; a place where they can stay. And Santa, those four cookies that I left your for a treat, Could you take them to the children who have nothing else to eat? Do you know the little bear I have~ the one I love so dear? I'm leaving it for you to take to Africa this year. And as you fly your reindeer on this night of Jesus' birth, Could your magic bring to everyone goodwill and peace on earth? There's one last thing before you go~ so grateful I would be~ If you'd smile at Baby Jesus in the manger by our tree. I pulled the letter close to me; I felt it melt my heart. Those tiny hands had written what no other could impart. And a little child shall lead them, was whispered in my ear As I watched you sleep on Christmas Eve while Santa Claus was here

Never Forget

Something to Think About... 'Twas the night before Christmas. He lived all alone. In a one bedroom house made of Plaster and stone. I had come down chimney With presents to give, And to see just who, In this home did live. I looked all about, A strange sight I did see. No tinsel, No presents, Not even a tree. No stocking by mantle, Just boots filled with sand, On the wall hung pictures Of far distant lands. With medals and badges, Awards of all kinds, A sober thought Came through my mind. For this house was different, It was dark and dreary, I found the home of a soldier, Once I could see clearly. The soldier lay sleeping, Silent, Alone, Curled up on the floor In this one bedroom home. The face was so gentle, The room in such disorder, Not how I pictured A United States Soldier. Was this the hero of whom i'd just read? Curled up on a poncho, The floor for a bed? I realized the families That I saw that night. Owed their lives to these soldiers Who were willing to fight. Soon round the world, The children would play, And grownups would celebrate A bright Christmas day. They all enjoyed freedom Each month of the year, Because of the soldiers, Like the one lying here. I couldn't help wonder How many lay alone, On a cold Christmas eve In a land far from home. The very thought Brought a tear to my eye, I dropped to my knees And started to cry. The soldier awakened And I heard a rough voice, "Santa, Don't cry, This life is my choice; I fight for freedom, I don't ask for more, My life is my God, My country, My corps." The soldier rolled over And drifted to sleep, I couldn't control it, I continued to weep. I kept watch for hours, So silent and still And we both shivered From the cold night's chill. I didn't want to leave On that cold, dark, night, This guardian of honor So willing to fight. Then the soldier rolled over, With a voice soft and pure, Whispered, "Carry on Santa, It's Christmas Day, All is secure." One look at my watch, And I knew he was right. "Merry Christmas my friend, And to all a Good Night."
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