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eating out

I just had my first sexual experience eating a woman out. I must say that it was a nice experience. Now I know why some men love doing it so much. There is just something about making a woman cum like that. It is really cool making someone feel like that.
I take over dispatch the first of January. They told me that they were going to hire someone else for dispatch. I was getting paid $12 and my drivers were making $15. Regular dispatch pay is around 40,000 a yeah I was only making 24,960. I did this for 2 months. The job is 24/7 and I have to carry a phone around all the time when I have drivers out. I had too much on my plate. I was having to dispatch, do the job I got hired for and help Kristen and James out. Charlie told me that he was going to come down and get someone else in to help me so that I could just focus on dispatching. As it turns out Charlie came down for interviews and to help us more the office. He interviewed 3 or 4 women and then one man which already interviewed with James about a month earlier. James didn't feel that he would work well with the rest of us in the office. Charlie decides to hire him because he wants someone with more experience. BUT he wants me to train him!?!?!?! Then they decide to take him to Chicago for a week to train and then one week with me. Over the weekend my mom comes over and tells me that Andy was going to tell SU not to hire this guy, but didn't because of the whole bad blood deal. Well, my mom being my mother told me anyways. Come Monday the new guy shows up and James calls in. Allarick starts trying to change the way we do somethings. You don't come into a new job righht away like that. Then he calls Charlie and was talking to him about something. Charlie in turn wants to talk to me and proceeds to tell me to teach him (Allarick) everything I know. Allarick is supposed to have all this experience, but yet I have to teach him. NO WAY!! So I took off on Tuesday. I come in the next day and some of the drivers are pissed cause I left them in his hands. One of my best drivers ended up quitting that day. I called James and told him about the driver going over to PBI with my mom. He had the balls to ask me if I was making money off of sending drivers to PBI. What an asshole! I have bent over backwards for the past two months to help him. So I left for lunch, a 3 hour lunch. When I got back I handed James the phone and my keys to the office. He again had the nerve to say thanks for leaving me hanging with all this. Needless to say I am very happy to have gotten the fuck out of there!!! I even left my $15 sunglasses. I told Casey that I needed to go back and get them. He told me to go buy another pair cause I am not going back up there ever.
What I have yet to understand is how people can be smart enought to bull shit there way into a job, but to stupid to even shut down a computer. I recently quit my job for obvious reasons (see above). I have been having bad problems at work and my friend says that it is very blog worthy. This will have to be fairly long and will have to be split up. The sad thing is that I have only myself to blame for all of this. The following will be key players in everything. James- My boss at Large Cartage Becky- My mother Kristen- Co-worker Charlie- (I would say resident asshole but many quilify for that) Person over Memphis terminal and lives in Chicago where the main office is. Larry- Was over Memphis terminal till he fucked up. Mike- Driver went from owner op to company and then got pushed out of company truck. Timmy- driver who already quit twice and this is who we pushed Mike out for (WTF PEOPLE!). Allarick- New dispatcher. SU- Owner of Large Cartage. Andy- Owner of PBI. Ok first I need to tell you there is bad blood between PBI and LCI (Large Cartage). SU the owner of LCI got fired from PBI. My mom starts working for LCI and she is very sick because she is an alcoholic and pill popper. She also had gasto bypass, so she doesn't eat much. She drinks most of her meals. She starts begging me to come and work with her and that she needs help. I am working at Physiotherapy Assoc. I have insurance, 401k and the whole shabang. I quit that job to come help her. This was a very bad move on my part. I love my mom, but we just don't click. Anyway, I started working at LCI. LCI has only medical insurance and nothing else and I only make $2 more an hour. Come the 1st of January my mother gets fired and I have to take over dispatching. To be continued......

just life...

Well due to the incident with my mother at work she got fired. I have been having to do her job of dispatching which is what my boss is supposed to be doing. That has been keeping me busy. At least she had another job lined up. The thing is this company she went to has bad blood with this company. I don't think this is going to turn out very good. James did give her some bullshit answers as to why they were firering her. They should have just told her the truth. Maybe getting fired from a job would help her see she needs help. They just told her that she wasn't what ______ ______ needed and that they were afraid that she would run customers off. Just tell her that you are not going to put up with her coming to work drunk and have her hateful outbursts towards co-works. Ask if they can help her. Not like she would take it. I don't know if there would be anything that would make her realize how sick she is. She had the hateful outbusts forever. That was just part of her. But when she drinks it comes out a whole lot more. I just hope that she doesn't do the same thing at her new job.
Ok since I posted that blog about my mother and what transpired between us, I have needed to let you know the history of Becky and James. James and Becky both applied for the same job, terminal manager of Large Cartage. Large Cartage sucks! Well they were the final two out of all the applicants. They couldn't decide so they made James terminal manager and Becky dispatcher. They were to start up a Memphis terminal for this company. However, they were also told that they already had some business for a memphis terminal. As it all turned out there was no business. That is all I know as fact. The rest is a little foggy. I still have to wade my way through all the bullshit. We all know that my mother is an alcoholic and a pill popper. Now James is an alcoholic. I will admit to drinking a beer or two on the job before, but I also don't have two empty pint bottles in my desk either. My mom has brought tequila up to work with orange juice. Anyway, my mom basically doesn't like James. I think the main reason is that James is getting all the glory for business being so good in Memphis. This upsets her because she feels that she has done the bulk of the work. I don't know because I was not there yet. To top it all off James just went out of town to kiss customer's asses. That didn't sit to well with Becky. She has been pissed off since Wednesday. Then Friday morning she calls James up and goes off on him. He has no idea what brought this all on. Then Saturday came and all that shit happened. On Sunday I had to go back to work and get some of the stuff done that I couldn't do on Saturday. She said she was sorry so many times. It can't be all undone, if you do the same thing alot. All of Sunday went ok. Today was just fine. Tonight she has the nerve to call me up and ask me if I want her to leave Large dartage inc. I don't want her job, but I think it is time for her to go. I want her to stay, but this is a very small )4 person office in a trailer. i will right more tomorrow i am going to fall off the chair passed out if i don't go to bed. Ok lets pick up where I left off. Well my mom tells me last night that she has got an interview on Tuesday. I asked her where and she told me "I am not going to tell you because you will tell James cause you have a crush on him.". WTF LADY! I just hung up. What the hell do you say to that? I am 28, I don't get crushes anymore. I don't care for James I just try to make it not so tense in here by messing with James and Kristen. My mother's personality is different from everyone else in the office and she is making it really bad on herself because of how she acts. And that is all I have to say about that. lol

Family round 2

My family put the D in difunction. My mom is an alcoholic. Plus she pops pill called somas. I work with my mom. Well our boss went out of town and she has been pissed off at him since wednesday. There is a long history there and will be a whole other blog. My mom and stepdad no long live together because he is an alcoholic and pill popper too. They can't get along and my mom beats the hell out of him. Not to say he doesn't do anything back because a person can only take so much. Well I had to go into work today because I am having to do payroll while the boss James is out of town. I had a crash corse in payroll on Monday. Well she had to come in also because there were a lot of containers that we had to get out of the rail. She needed to make sure she was getting them all out. She gets there 30 minutes after I did. She is so wasted on alcohol and pills. What is worse is that she BROUGHT my stepdad with her IN THE SAME CONDITION! WTF!! My stepdads mom was a schizophrenic. And he apperently inherited it. He was talking to himself and wasn't making sense. Which his mom use to do. I was so freaked out sitting there. I thought about leaving when they got there, but decided not to because I had so much work. And I started to leave when He started talking to himself. And yet I didn't go. All this time I am waiting for a driver to call me back because he had a falt tire on a container and it was in a parking lot LOADED. I had no choice but to answer the phones. My mom was so wasted she couldn't work. I keep trying to get her to go home to bed and that I had everything under control. I was really nice about it. She wouldn't go. Now James asked for the company to pay for her a new set of tires. In turn they take it out over so many checks. Well the tire place still had not gotten the check and she was pissed about there. Well the fedex truck didn't run sometimes until 3 there and it was only 1. She beeped James on the two way phone. Right then and there he knew she had been drinking. All this time she has been fighting with my stepdad too. James calles back on the work phone and asked me to look up something. My mom asked me if was James and I told her yes. I started looking what he wanted up and my mom just started yelling and cussing at me. James heard all of this. The phone started ringing and I had to let James go. Driver with the flat was calling with his info. I was taking that down while my mom knocked my dad in the floor and she tripped over him then him getting up and dragging her. Then she starts on me cause he has her keys. WHY THE HELL DID SHE GIVE THEM TO HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE!!?? Then she starts crying because he broke her wrist. Not that I think he did. Then she starts back on me and I told her what James said before he got off the phone the first time which was "Becky might not have a job when I get back.". That really got her going and I should not have repeated it. But he knew she was messed up when she called him the first time, but was going to say anything about it when he called me on the work phone. When he got pissed was when she was screaming at me. Let me explain this first. She called him up Friday morning at 6 and started going off on him. He finally called me when he knew I would be at work and she wouldn't. He asked if my mom had been drinking already. I told him I didn't know I had not talked to her yet. Well she wasn't when she got there. She hates Kristen who works with us and always goes off on her and about her. She has just snapped at James several times. Well he has had it. Anyway, when I told her what he had said she flew off the handle. I should have never repeated it, but I was pissed. She started throwing things at me off her desk. She threw a stapler at me, her keys, her work phone and a small and thin digital camera. The later which hit me in the head and I had then had enough. I picked up the stapler that she threw at me and nailed her with it. The phone rings and it is James. He asked me to look that up again and my mom was asking to talk to him. I let her talk to him. She told him that she was sorry. He told her that she needed to do something about this. She said "I am claming down.". I started working again. All of a sudden I get pegged with a ped. YA'LL THIS WOMAN IS 51! I walked over to my desk grabbed my purse and told her I quit. She asked me to come back. I told her that she needed to tells James I quit and that he needs to come back and do payroll. She had the nerve to call up my grandmother (this woman is a whole other bolg too) and tell her that I got her fired. OMG! My grandmother (granny) called me up asking what the hell happened. I had to tell her everything. Then my aunt Robin calls (granny lives with him) and asks me the same damn thing. GEEZ DON'T YOU PEOPLE TALK??!! I had to tell her everything. I leave and go to the store. About 30 minuteas after I get back my mom is knocking on the door. Casey (husband) lets her in, but tries not to. She blames me for getting her fired and that I should have been fired over all the perdiem, but that she stuck up for me. James did the most. I told her that had nothing to do with the fact that she came to work fucked up like that. She said "But it is Saturday.". My god woman! You came to work it doesn't matter what day it is. My husband got her out of the house. She continued to beat on the door. Casey called granny and told her that she could come and get Becky or we were going to have to call the cops. They finally got her to leave. She called my aunt saying that she was going to have my kids taken away and all kinds of stuff. My aunt finally got her calmed down. Kudos to Aunt Robin. My mom starts calling again to tell me how very sorry she is and that she needs me at work. Fuck her. I left to take my aunt to a friends for a christmas party. And my sister calls. I have to repeat this whole story yet again with more added on. COME ON PEOPLE SHARE INFORMATION! This is just such a mess I don't even have the energy to deal with much less want to anyways. Enough venting for now.


Family just sometimes sucks ass. Last night I went to karaoke with my sister. Had a good time. Well today my stomach is upset and I feel sick. Not to mention that my youngest has been really sick. I was supposed to go over to my sister's house today. My whole family. We were going to draw names and trim the tree. Casey was going to help Patrick put lights up on my sister's house. Well I started to feel really bad and felt like blacking out in Walgreens. I came home and laid down. Then my grandmother calls and tells me my aunt had a seizer. She wants me to call my mother and tell her to go up to the hospital. My grandmother just wanted my mom to do the same for Robin as Robing did for her. She wasn't going to go. So my grandmother wants me to come up there. Now she doesn't tell me that anyone else is coming otherwise that would have been a different story. I get up there and my aunt sally is there. Well I went ahead and stayed 2 hours. I forgot to call my mom and sister. Well i start feeling really bad again and I go home. I lay down right away. Well I get up 3 hours later with a message on my phone. My mother said that if I didn't call her back right away that she would fire me on Monday. See I work with my mom. I didn't ask her for the job, she asked me. She was really sick at the time and needed the help. So I went. Against my husbands wishes. Damn I should have listened to him. Oh well. Well I called her house and left a message, giving her the rise that she wanted. Can't do anything about it now. Told her that if she didn't fire me I was going to put in my two weeks. I am not going to take her holding this job over my head. I can get a job easily. I have a lot of good skills. Actually I left a nice place to come and help her. I so want to move a few states away. My uncle Paul was smart. He lives in Texas. I told them I was sorry for not calling and told my sister everything that was going on. She was to tired to talk, bullshit I know that she is pissed. My mom is pissed and I don't really care. They can get over it.

you know you got...

You know you have gotten a good gift when you know they will love it and you get just as excited. My oldest daughter will be 9 on December 23. She watches the Disney channel every day. On there there is a disney channel movie called the cheetah girls. She loves the movies. Well they are coming to Memphis on the 5th. I didn't know about it till today. and all the good seats are sold out. I ended up getting ok seats. We will be on the side of the stage not to far back. I know that she will just die no matter where the seats are. She will prolly scream for about 5 minutes when I give them to her. Bonus is that I get to take her to her first concert! I am just really glad I could get the tickets for her. I just wish I had the money for her to take a friend, but to close to christmas and her birthday and her sister's birthday is on the 30th. lol. But she will have a good time with her mom. Yay me!

just one of those days

The day starts off so beautfully. Then in just the blink of an eye it turns to crap. My day goes just fine. Then I pick up Casey. It is really unbelieveable how fast he can put me in a bad mood. Some days I just want to punch him. Just stretch my arm out across to his seat and just knock the hell out of him. I can do the same thing to him. It just sucks ass that we know what buttons to hit. In the end it just makes me really glad to have a day that goes good from start to finish.

How can you

How can you ever trust who you talk to on here? There are just so many crazy people out there. I was talking to a driver the other day and he said that he heard that one in five people have some kind of mental disorder. That is really scary. I don't know how much of that is really true, but I intend to find out. I will update this when I find out. Till then that is really something to think about. Some startling facts about Mental Health to consider from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): 1 in 5 People Worldwide, regardless of race, religion or income will have a mental illness in their lifetime! -- It is the 3rd leading cause of deaths: higher than AIDS, Cancer, Heart Disease and others illnesses combined! -- 4 out of 10 Disabilities are caused by Mental Health conditions -- 22% of children have a mental illness but only 5% get help Mental disorders are common in the United States and internationally. An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older — about one in four adults — suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.1 When applied to the 2004 U.S. Census residential population estimate for ages 18 and older, this figure translates to 57.7 million people.2Even though mental disorders are widespread in the population, the main burden of illness is concentrated in a much smaller proportion — about 6 percent, or 1 in 17 — who suffer from a serious mental illness.1 In addition, mental disorders are the leading cause of disability in the U.S. and Canada for ages 15-44.3 Many people suffer from more than one mental disorder at a given time. Nearly half (45 percent) of those with any mental disorder meet criteria for 2 or more disorders, with severity strongly related to comorbidity.1 In the U.S., mental disorders are diagnosed based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV).4
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