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Wicked Lil Girl's blog: "Wicked Fun"

created on 11/14/2006  |  http://fubar.com/wicked-fun/b24670

I Was Tagged Dammit, LOL

Here is a game of tag . . . Now since you opened this you are it and must answer the ten questions as honestly as you know how 1 - What is your favorite word? As much as I say dammit and most people would guess that as my favorite word it is actually mojito and I know a few of me have went on a rant about the word . . . Say it slowly you will like it too hehehe 2 - What is your least favorite word? I had never thought about this one until now to be honest, but I do hate the word cunt . . . It just sounds so crude to me, not mean just undereducated I guess. 3- What turns on or excites you? Watching Chris walk through my door, hearing other people orgasm, a back rub, a bite on the neck, oral sex, uhm any sex at all sometimes, hehehe, and men in eyeliner of course 4 - What turns you off? Overly metrosexual men ( I do not need a man who spends more time getting ready than I do), pants that are too tight, pants that sag so low you can see the backs of knees, completely lazy people (a certain degree of laziness is appreciated but complete laziness must go) 5 - What sound or noise do you love? Moaning and breathless pants, a great bass line in a song, and a man who can growl just right 6 - What sound or noise do you hate? Styrofoam, when children (or adults) smack food or gum with their mouth open 7 - What is your favorite curse word? I say dammit all the time but I do have a fondness for the word fuck as well though I do like the way the British curse as well, lol 8 - What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? I would love to be a food critic, not sure why think it is the idea of all the great food and the ability to be so cruel to people all rolled into one job . . . Oooh or prison guard would be nice too 9 - What profession would you not like to attempt? Janitor in strip club, adult book store, or adult theater 10 - If heaven exists what would you like to hear god say when you walk through the pearly gates? No Jessica you aren’t dreaming you really are allowed to stay (hehehe) I swear

Boredom Kills

1. When was the last time you actually hung out with your top #1? I tried to a week ago but well it just didn’t work that way 2. What's bothering you right now? Oh there is just too much to mention here 3. Would you share a drink with a stranger? Hell no 4. When was the last time you saw the last person you kissed? Saturday 5. Wallpaper on your computer's desktop? My Tig Dog 6. How tall is the person you like? Shorter or taller? Taller than me 7. Next time you will hug someone? Tomorrow? Tonight depending upon who I see 8. Where was your default picture taken? My living room 9. Is there something about you that you don't think you'd ever tell anyone? Yeah there is 10. Who is ONE person you wish you hadn't dated? None of them, they all shaped me somehow (but not all in a good way) 11. What is the last thing you ate today? Haven’t eaten today yet 12. What are you doing this coming weekend? Uhm, no idea, enjoying myself I hope 13. What would you do if someone just came up to you and slapped you? Yeah had that happen once and I was restrained while they were taken away 14. Who was the last person to send you a text message? JoEllen 15. If you could have one person with you right now who would it be? If you don’t know then apparently you don’t need to know 16. If you had to change your eye color, would you? What would it be? Hmmm, I am ok with my eye color 20. Would you go in public without looking dressed up or put together? I do that every damn day 21. Do you believe in soul mates? Yep I do 22. Who is your best friend? I have several 23. Where do you want to live when you get older? I don’t care really 24. Do you burn easily in the sun? Have you seen how pale I am? 25. Would you ever pose for playboy? As if that would ever be an option, lol 26. What is your dream car? I have better things to dream about 27. Who was the last person to call you baby? Chris 28. Who do you miss? Not answering that one 29. What are you going to do after this? Go back to the laundry 30. Do you smoke? Not for many years 31. Do you drink? When I want to 32. Where were you at 11:45 this morning? Getting laundry together in the bedroom 33. Have you ever had a crush on your sister's/brother's friend? Oh god no 34. How good is your eyesight? Depends on what I am looking at 35. Dream last night? I did 36. What would you do if you were pregnant? Uhm, drop dead possibly 37. Last person to make you smile? Chris 38. Who honestly knows everything about you? There are a few people that do 39. Do you have a crush? Crush? Nah, I’d call it something else 40. Do you have a chance with them? It’s possible 42. What is one word your best friends would use to describe you? Blunt 43. How old do you want to be when you settle down or get married? Hopefully before 35 44. If you could change one thing about your self what would it be? There are a few minor things I guess 45. What's the last text in your inbox say? Tannin 46. Have you ever waved to someone and realized it wasn't the person? Oh sure 47. What have you learned recently? That sometimes the things you don’t plan turn out to be the best ones 48. Are you excited for school? Love when the boy goes, lol 49. Did you do anything exciting this past weekend? Nah not really 50. Someone on your mind? Always
how you feel about yourself now (The World) You are about to reach, or are already enjoying, a period of total fulfilment, wholeness and satisfaction - the arrival of your hearts desires. You feel satisfied with what you have achieved and are enjoying the rewards of past efforts. A time of happy outcomes, material wealth and greater spiritual awareness. what you most want at this moment (The Emperor) The cards suggest jessie, that what you most want at this time is success and achievement, and the support and influence of perhaps your father, husband/partner or a man of significance in your life who you believe could help. your fears (The Hierophant) Are you really your best counsel? Probably not at this moment in time. You are worried that you will sell yourself short and agree to something that you don’t feel morally comfortable with. For example you may really desire marriage but the offer has been ‘let’s live together’. You may be looking at a job or business opportunity but you question how ethical it is. Seek out an advisor you can trust such as a teacher, priest, parent or anyone you have respect for. They will be happy to help. what is going for you (The Empress) The harvest is here; you are entering an abundant time of happiness and joy. Creative energy is high so if you are considering starting a family, a new job or artistic endeavour this is a favourable time. Relax and enjoy. what is going against you (Death) This is a time of anxiety, depression and fear with all the turmoil and distressing events happening in your life - it's time to show what you are made of. What has now come to an end leaves room for brand new beginnings in life, love and career. However radical events may be in your life, believe that life goes on and life is what you make of it. outcome (The Fool) Open your mind and soul to new possibilities this is a time to realise your full potential, follow your instincts and act on your hunches. A time for spontaneity, fun and surprises. However, be mindful of being too impulsive - your decisions should be based on experience and knowledge of self.

Avoiding Reality

1. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months without cheating? ~ If I could find myself in a relationship sure I could remain faithful but seeing as how I am terminally single not going to be proving this one anytime soon 2. What color are your eyes? ~ A deep odd brownish color 3. What are you doing now? ~ Answering these questions so as to avoid what is really on my mind 4. What is one thing you question a lot? ~ My life in general, everything about it 5. Do you think you lead people on? ~ I try not to, but there are always going to be exceptions to this 6. Are you married? ~ No that would be why I mentioned terminally single, a lil hard to be both 7. Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex that you loved them? ~ Yes I have but it has been a long time and I am not sure if I will ever be able to say it to anyone again 8. Is there anyone who doesn't like you? ~ Oh sure there are plenty of people that don’t like me, I just don’t care that they don’t 9. Do you miss someone? ~ More than they will ever know 10. Did any of your friends go out with any of your ex's? ~ In the past it has occurred but most of the time my friends get to know them while I am with them and realize from my relationship that they don’t even want to venture into that area 11. Are looks important? ~ Important? No, but they do play a role, there has to be some sort of attraction to be with someone 12. What are you wearing? A pair of white socks, a pair of holey jeans, a black bra, and a grey tee-shirt 13. Are you mad at someone right now? ~ No, I have no emotional spirit left at the moment 14. Are you talking to anyone? ~ Depends on what you mean by talking to someone I guess ~ Why is one of thes questions always gone by the time I get them? 16. Where do you keep your money? ~ I keep money all over the place, in my wallet, in my purse, in my pocket, in a jar, etc 17. How did you wake up this morning? ~ I had a dream that frightened me 18. Which is more romantic: sunrise or sunset? ~ With the right person it would be either 19. Quick say a verse from any song. ~ “Hey hey you you I don’t like your girlfriend No way no way I think you need a new one Hey hey you you I could be your girlfriend” 20. Would you die for someone? ~ Only a very select few 21. Last time in the hospital? ~ I’m not sure it’s been a while 22. How many letters are in your last name? ~ Six 23. Do you love anyone? ~ Oh I love a lot of people it is just a matter of not being in love with anyone at the moment 24. What book did you read last? ~ I’m not sure actually 25. How was your day? ~ It was just another sad day where nothing that I hoped would happen did and I accepted that as it was 27. Are you scared of spiders? ~ No I am not, no reason to be 28. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? ~ Yeah I have my cross on my back, the heart on my ankle and my ears and one nipple still pierced 29. How do you Walk? ~ Depends on who you ask 30. What do you think of Fergie? ~ She is sexy as hell with such a gorgeous body 31. Do you believe in love? ~ I believe in love I am just not sure that I believe that everyone in life finds love, or if they do that they know what to do with it when they do find it 32. How old do you want to be when you have kids? ~ I was 17 33. When was the last time you threw up? ~ I was sick last week for days 34. Do you curse a lot? ~ I honestly try not to 35. What do you know about the future ~ That whatever will be will be 36. Do you hate your last boyfriend/girlfriend? ~ I really have no time in my life for hate 37. Do you only drink bottled water? ~ I don’t really drink water at all 38. Are you happier single or in a relationship? ~ I am lonely and miserable right now so maybe in a relationship 39. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? ~ I think they do but that doesn’t always mean that the chance can be given 40. Would you believe your ex if she/he said they love you? ~ I wouldn’t care if they loved me or not, if they are an ex I have chosen to not base my life upon theirs 41. Most hated food? ~ That would any and all types of seafood 42. do you wish someone would call you? ~ Yes I do and I hate that I want him to 44. What's something you wish you could understand better? ~ The only thing in life that I would really like to understand anymore is myself and I am sure that will never happen 45. If someone doesn't like you, it's usually because? ~ I don’t know, each person has their own reason, you’d have to ask them ~ Another question gone I see 47.What are you excited about? ~ Things that I should not be 48. Kissed someone in the last 24 hrs? ~ No not in 24 hours 49.Have you lost friends in the past years? ~ I have lost some very good friends in my life 50. What's your favorite food? ~ It really all depends on my mood

Nothing Else Matters

1. put your music player on shuffle 2. press forward for each question 3. use the song title as the answer to the question What kind of pants you got on? Clumsy What does this year have in store for me? Fat Bottom Girls What does your love life look like? Hells Bells What do I say when life gets hard? Dust On The Bottle What do I think of when I wake up in the morning? Hicktown What song will I dance to at my wedding? Gasoline What do you want as a career? Wait and Bleed Who is Tyler Durden? Word Up Favorite Saying? You Shook Me All Night Long Favorite Place? One Hot Mama What do you think of your parents? Whiskey Girl Where is your posture? Name Where would you go on a first date? Before He Cheats Drug of Choice? Pain Describe yourself... All Star What is my state of mind? Cyclone The one thing I like doing most? Paralyzer How will I die? Free Bird The song that will be played at my funeral? For Whom The Bell Tolls The song I'll put as the subject? Nothing Else Matters

Boredom at Near 2 am

1. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you laid in a bed with? - Once I paid him the money the agreement was sealed and no names will ever be revealed 2. Where was the last place you went out to eat? - I was eating out not too long ago over at a friends house 3. What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? -Did you buy it for me? 4. Which do you prefer: eyes or lips? - Eyes are important, but oh never mind the sense of touch can make up for that 5. Medicine, fine arts, or law? - I avoid medicine and the law 6. Best kind of pizza? - Is eaten off of a nude body 7. Is your bedroom window open? - Are you willing to try to find a way to get in if I leave it open? 8. What is in store for your future? - I am gonna guess more hookers and less money 9. Who was the last band you saw live? - I didn’t see the last band I tried to see, I had other things to do 10. Do you take care of your friends while they are sick? -Oh, I take care of them alright, hehehe 11. What is your favorite soda? - Something laced with Bacardi 12. How many songs are on your iTunes? - Prefer to steal my music thanks 13. When was the last time you purchased something over $500? - Haven’t met a hooker around here that good yet 14. Where is the last place you drove to? -To be rid of the evidence 15. Are you experienced? - More than adequately 16. Any historical figures that you envy? - Never envy, not my deadly sin of choice 17. What brand of digital camera do you own? - Nikon, it gets lots of use 18. When was the last time you got a good workout? - It was right before I took the hooker home 19. If you need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go to first? -Why do you automatically assume I would go to a store and not a person? 20. Where did your last kiss take place? - In the parking lot when I got out of the car 21. What were you doing at 11:59 PM on Monday night? - You mean that wasn’t you outside the window? 22. Are you a quitter? - I quit talking to people all the damn time 23. Who was the last person you had in your house? - Besides the random hookers and crack heads 24. Can you speak another language? - Fluent drunk 25. How about you put your legs behind your head? - How about you put my legs behind my head? 26. When was the last time you went dancing while under the influence? - Under the influence of? 27. Nickname? - For who? 28. Describe what you are wearing in detail? - Red leather bustier with matching thong, black fishnet stockings, and red heels 29. What do you think about people who party a lot? - I see them too often 30. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? - Does me talking about sex make you uncomfortable? 31. Are you one of those people who obsesses over Hollister? - I have much more fun obsessions than that 32. What was the last CD you purchased? - Again, prefer to steal my music 33. What are two bands or singers that you will always love? - Hehehe . . . Love . . . 34. What of the seven deadly sins are you guilty of? - Lust, it is always lust 35. Did you just have to google the seven deadly sins to see what they were? - Nope I know my sins 36. Where is your favorite place to get coffee? - The kitchen of a really hot guy I just had an amazing night with 37. Have you ever been offered a job? - I have offered many a job 38. Have you ever stolen anything off of a road? - You have no proof of anything 39. When was the last time you dyed your hair? - When I was hiding from the cops 40. Who was the last person you rode in a car with? - See above comments about hookers and kisses 41. Have you kissed somebody in the last 2 weeks? - Again, see above comments 42. Miss someone? - I miss the actions of someone 43. How is your last ex doing? - As if I care enough to thin about it 44. Is there someone you want to fight? - Well of course there is

Eh Why Not

1. Three days from now, will you be a in relationship? Are I not in enough relationships now dammit? 2. What color are your eyes? Oh they are this lovely brownish color, lol 3. What does your second text say? “You always have a choice it’s the outcome that we have to live with lol” 4. How do you think your latest ex feels about you? Hell, don’t remember when the last time I even had an “official” ex was 5. Do you like what you see in the mirror? Well, now that is gonna depend on what I am looking at huh 6. What are you listening to right now? The boy bitch about shoveling 7. What were you doing 46 seconds ago? Arguing with the boy about shoveling 8. What are your plans for this weekend? Not sure that I have plans 9. Who are your best friends? Well, look at my pics and you will see them 10. How's your room looking? Covered in laundry waiting to be washed at the moment 11. Get asked anything ridiculous lately? Every damn day of my life 12. What are you doing tomorrow? Working, every Wed I am working 13. What's your display name? Can you not read? 14. What are you wearing right now? Pajama pants and a tank top 15. What were you most looking forward to today? Yeah I have nothing to look forward to 16. How is your hair? It’s very hair like actually 17. As of today, do you like anyone? I always like someone just a matter of who day to day 18. Have you kissed anyone on the lips within the past 24 hours? Sure haven’t 19. Have you ever stayed awake for 48 hours? All the time 20. Did you stay friends with your ex? I have stayed friends with most of my exes 21. Do you like your first name? It’s a name 22. Do you like to cuddle? I do not but I guess with the right person I could be persuaded 23. What are your initals? JIG 24. Ever been skinny dipping? Once or twice 25. Do you want someone back? I am not sure 26. Whats your biggest fear? Cows 27. What's one thing you've learned this year? Throwing up is never fun no matter what anyone says 28. Are you from a small town? Yeah I guess I am 29. What are your favorite stores? I do not really shop enough to have favorite stores 30. Why do people like to smoke when they know the effects of it? Hell if I know, I used to, don’t care if others do 31. What color are the curtains in your room? No curtains just blinds 32. If you had the chance, would you move to another country? Perhaps I would 33. What time did you get up this morning? 5:45 34. Eyeliner or mascara? I never wear one without the other 35. Do you have siblings? You could call her that 36. What color pants are you wearing? Grey and blue 37. Do you wear jewelry 24/7? My nipple ring I do 38. What kind of food is your favorite? The edible kind 39. Can you whistle? If I want to 40. What was the last movie you watched? I watched some fucked up movie last night with Sleep in the title but can’t remember the rest 41. What color is your coat? Navy blue 42. Do you have a laptop or desktop? Desktop 44. Would you ever get a noticeable tattoo? Yes, soon even 45. Are you wearing shoes? Never wear shoes in the house 46. What is the temperature? Too cold to go out there, which is why I am in here 47. Have you ever been to counseling? Oh if you wanna call it that 48. Are you annoyed right now? Always 49. What kind of cell phone do you have? Motorola 50. Do you like incense or candles? Mmmmmm, candles 51. What is your new years resolution Refuse to make them 52. If you were pregnant, would you want it to be a boy or girl Puppy

Just More Boredom

1. Do you wear a name tag at work? Nah, my name is embroidered on my shirts oh then there is that damn card thign I am supposed to wear 2. What kind of car do you drive? Jeep Cherokee Sport right now 3. What do you order when you go to Taco Bell? Hehehe, chicken or beef supreme chalupa 4. Have you ever had a garage sale? Uhm, I don’t think I have, couldn’t be nice to people that long I don’t think 6. What kind of dog do you have? My doggie was my inter-species soul mate and I miss him greatly 7. What's for dinner tonight? Nothing, maybe some water 8. What is the last alcoholic beverage you had? It was either a Bacardi and Coke or a Jager Bomb 10. Last time you were sick?.. This weekend 11. How long is your hair? Long enough to wrap your hands in a few times 12. Are you happy right now? Nah not really 13. What did you say last? No idea actually 14. Where did you go last? I came home 15. Do you drink beer? When I want to 16. Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted? No but I used to tell her that all the time 17. What is your favorite key chain on your keys? It was Stewie but then there was an incident and now he is gone so now I guess it is my Sharpie, hehehe 18. What was the last movie you watched at home? I watched part of 310 to Yuma last night 19. What is in your pocket? No pockets tonight 20. Who introduced you to your bf/gf/husband/wife? Uhm, HA, yes I said it HA 21. Where do you hurt? All over - wanna rub it and make it feel better? 22. Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear? No, but I have made a few for others 23. What DVD is in your DVD player? Jennas Tough Love I think 24. What's something fun you did today? Uhm, woke up . . . 25. Who was the principal of your high school Williams maybe, hell that was a while ago 26. Has your house ever been TPd? Nope 27. What do you think of when you hear the word 'meow'? Super Troopers 28. What are you listening to right now? Law & Order SVU 29. Drinking? Was on a Fanta kick before I got sick the other day 30. What is your favorite aisle at Wal-Mart? Which ever one I am buying things from of course 31. When is your birthday? National Love For Jessie Day 32. What's the area code for your cell phone? 740 33. Where did you buy the shirt you're wearing now? Think I stole it from someone . . . Don’t remember buying it, maybe Luke years ago 34. Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror? Not anymore 36. What kind of milk do you drink? I don’t 37. What are you going to do after this? Take a hot steamy shower - hehehe 38. Who was the last person you went shopping with? Went out shopping with the Girlfriend Friday 43. What kind of car do your siblings drive? Uhm, her license was suspended but she owns some type of minivan or other I think 44. Do you like pickles? I do I do 45. How about olives? Yes I do 46. What is your favorite kind of gum? That green 5 stuff, Rain I think it is 47. What is your favorite kind of juice? I drink orange juice every morning I go to work 48. Do you have any tan lines? That requires a tan 49. What hospital were you born in? Gonna guess Marion General 50. Do you remember the name of your kindergarten teacher? Something like Mrs. Gustin, but good god that was how fucking long ago?

Just A Boredom Thing

1.How many people have you kissed in this month? Hmm, well I honestly have no idea, dman New Years Eve and al 2. What's your middle name? Oh blah blah, it’s Ivana 4. Where will you be 12 hours from now? I hope in bed . . . *wink wink* 5. Is it easy for others to make you feel intimidated?: Fuck no 6. Do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow?: Gonna go out on a limb and guess clothes 7.Wheres your girlfriend/boyfriend at? The girlfriend is probably at home, the wife is at home, the bitch is probably at home . . . Hmmm, notice no man mentioned here folks . . . *sigh* 8. Are you on a desktop or laptop? Desktop 9. Does anyone hate you for no reason?: Oh I am sure they do 10. Can you make yourself cry?: Why would I want to? 11. What are you planning to do today?: The day is over I plan on trying to sleep at some point though 12. Play an instrument?: Play with many things 13. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?: Sure why not 14. What are your favorite colors? Black and silver 15. Have you ever had your nails done? Not professionally 16. Where did you get the underwear you are wearing right now? As if I wear underwear 17. Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with an R?: As a matter of fac tI have 18. Have you ever passed out? More than once 19. What are you doing tomorrow? It involves a bed and no fun 20. Are you easily confused?: At times 21. Do you think you would make a good wife/husband?: No not really, but perhaps for someone 22. What's your favorite kind of ice cream? Ben & Jerry’s Strawberry Cheesecake 25. Have you ever liked someone who treated you like crap?: Haven’t we all at some point? 26. Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color?: God I hope so 27. What color are your socks?: White an blue 28. Has anyone ever borrowed something from you and never returned it?: Oh hell yeah 29. Do you fall for people easily?: Not at all 30. Everything happens for a reason?: It sure as hell does 31. Have you ever dated someone more than once?: Learned a valuable lesson that way 32. Who have you texted in the last 24 hours? Drac, JoEllen, & Master Mark 33. Last thing you got in the mail?: Haven’t checked the mail in a week so probably just bills waiting to get paid 36. Do you find members of the opposite sex confusing?: I find most people confusing no matter what the sex 37. When is the last time you saw number 3 on your top friends? Technically I guess never 38. What are you listening to right now?: Weather guy on the news 39. How has the week been?: It is just beginning 40. What stands out about the person you like? Depends on which one, I like lots of people 41. Is there something you wish you could tell someone but can't?: Nope 42. What is your biggest turn off? Dishonesty 43. Why did you and your last boyfriend/girlfriend break up? Dishonesty and cheating 44. Who was the last person to stay in your bed? JoEllen & Opie 45. Do you prefer being single or taken?: Doesn’t matter much to me anymore 47. Are you in love with anyone right now?:. In love, no 48. Last person to say 'I love you' to you?: Good question 49: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?: Yes, and I probably will 50. What is it you truly want right now? Happiness just like everyone else


1. Are you dating the last person you kissed? Now, hmmmm, exactly how are we defining dating? 2. What are you like when you're drunk? Much nicer than I want to be, hehehe 3. Who did you copy this from and what do you think of them? I got it from Kelli and hmmm, I am trying not to mention that she has an ass that most women would kill for - didn't work real well did it? 4. Who was the last person you shared a bed with? I guess that would be Jason 5. Do you talk to yourself? Well someone has to set me straight don't they? 6. Do you drink milk straight from the carton? I try not to, but dammit sometimes the urge takes over and I do, oh don't hate me but I do 7. Who knows a secret or two about you? I have no secrets to know really 9. Do you delete people off of myspace? All the damn time 10. Who was the last person to say i love you to you? Marlena 11. When is the last time you had butterflies? Never had butterflies but it does sound a lil weird to me so I guess I am ok with never have had them 12. Are you listening to music? Can't you hear it too? 13. Do you like anyone(s) now? I wanna fuck people does that count? 14. When was the last time you cried? Friday night, damn migraine 15. What did you have for breakfast? Grape Fanta . . . mmmm, nutrition 16. Is your birthday on a holiday? Why yes, you don't think I am special enough for a holiday all my own? 17. What instant messaging service do you use? Yahoo and MSN, oh damn now you can find me easier 19. Did you have a nap today? Why yes yes I did, hehehe 20. Whose house did you go to last? The Wife 22. When is your birthday? National Jessie Day did you not read the above 23. Do you like green beans? Yeah I do 24. Do you swear a lot? Fuck no 25. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? Stole it from some guy, don't know who or where or why but I did 26. Do you have any regrets? Not a one 27. Do you use an alarm clock? Yeah I do and it projects on the wall so there is no mistaking the time 28. Where was your default MySpace picture taken? On my couch 30. Whats the first things you notice about the opposite sex? Hair, mmmmm hair 31. Regret anyone you've dated? Rregretted no, wanted to slaughter yes 33. Do you or have you ever log into your boyfriend/girlfriends myspace? Nope, have the wife's though 35. Who would you like to see right now? Hmmmm someone naked in my bed 36. Who's the last person you drove with? Stoner Chick 37. Are you a social or antisocial person? Am I drunk? 38. Have the cops ever searched you? Hehehe, only when I asked them too Where are 39 40 41 42 43? 44. Ever had braces? Oh the pain I could have inflicted 45. Are you afraid of the dark? Nope more afraid of the things that venture out in daylight 46. Have you ever been in a fight? Who me? 47. Did you miss someone today? Nah not really 48. What's your favorite song? What mood am I in? 49. Who's your last missed call? Didn't know the number, didn't answer it, hence the missed call idea 50. What's your favorite commercial at the moment? No fucking clue 51. Do you always wear your seat belt? I try to remember 52. Do you like bananas? Hehehe, I like long things 54. Who was the last person to disappoint you? Can't name them all 55. Do you trust people? The ones that I know I can 56. Whats your sign? Leo - rawr 57.what does your 5th text message say? "Well I love you wheher you like it or not so :p" 58. Is there someone you want to fight? You? 59. Do you know what you want to do with your life? Yep, stay in bed every day all day and wander the streets aimlessly at night to scare the old people and small children
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