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Its been awhile

i know it has been so long since ive been on here.  i am still alive even though at times over the last several months i would have loved being 6 feet under.  well on october 22 i should legally be rid of the ex.  its just the first court date since he wouldnt pick up his mail and they had to reschedule4 times. i have sucessfully managed to feed cloth and keep a roof over my kids head.  i never imagined that would ever be a challenge, but when it comes between paying the phone bill and buying groceries for my boys they will always win out.  i plan on updating my albums cause i got some awesome pics of my two little brats who i wouldnt give up for nothing.  i am living proof it gets easier.  trust in that

An Apology

as some of you all may have noticed i have not been around for several days....let me start by saying how much ive missed everyone.  i have been in and out of the hospital with pnemonia in both lungs.  i am very weak, hurts like hell to breath, and just getting up out of bed, my body feels like its ran a marathon.  just wanted to let you know that i am going to get back to each and everyone of ya that have left me messages, i promise.

extended absence

for those of you who have been trying to reach me just wanted to let you all know that i have been really sick and i a lot of pain so please dont think im blowing y'all off cause i am not i am tryin to get back with all who have left me messages, but i am still not 100% so not sure how long ill be here

ok so i decided that instead of crying myself a river, that ship has sailed, i'm looking for somebody new to float my boat! lol ok in all seriousness just because i'm and "older" woman which i don't feel old, and just because i'm heavy does NOT mean i'm hard up or an easy target. if you wanna get with this then you need to know the scoop, check out my long drawn out profile page and find out who the real me is! please, don't get me wrong i feel very flattered that there are men out there that wanna please me, but all in all you just wanna please yourself and i ain't got time for selfish people or babies lookin for a wet nurse. so if you are looking for substance and a whole hell of a lot of loyalty then hit me up, you'll be glad ya did, because i only want someone that deserves me, and the man that can do that will thank his lucky stars everyday! i'll make sure of it!


you know i always have considered myself a kind person. i have always had an open mind for everything, although i do admit that sometimes i am quick to judge certain things, but on reflection i see that people are just people and the things they do and say is part of who they are. but my mind wanders from people who have come into and out of my life, especially men. i know that they say that a woman is the most mysterious creature ever, and i admit that while a lot of women like to wear that veil of secrecy i think that people should be upfront and honest about who they are and their intentions for affecting your life. so i'm left with a great deal of questions with no answers and that drives me crazy. i have always been one that likes to seek out the truth behind everything and will not stop until the answers are revealed. there are however questions that i have been unable to answer and that's where my problem lies. why do men think it's ok to lead a woman on and not understand when she gets angry about it? why do men think that a woman's heart is to be held by them and then crushed until there is no room for emotions or love, just room for the impending dread of being hurt again? i have been in a number of relationships and i have never been the type person who stays to 1 "type" of guy. each guy brings in a different aspect and fun to a relationship whether it be platonic or intimate. i have been "just friends" with guys, i have been "friends with benefits" and have even held the title of "wife" which i will no longer hold for very long. if you think you might have an interest in someone then find out, go out or just hang out at home, don't just assume that a woman is going to be there at your beckon call. I eventually see what people are really like just the same as other women see also, just may not be in time to spare an emotional up heaving. if i am "in a relationship" with someone i want to find out as much about the person as i can, if i'm interested in that person i wanna spend time with them outside of the bedroom. i want to know aspects of their everyday life, and their character as well as their flaws that makes them unique and the reason i see an interest in them. so why is it when a guy is supposedly "interested" in me, that i find that as soon as he calls me or sees me, that i put those blinders right back on that does not expose the faults they have waged against me. well i am officially putting my blinders in retirement. no longer am i going to be going down the path of the unknown and accepting that as part of who a guy is. i'm done. i'm tired of believing a man has the capabilities of actually loving a woman whole and all of her quirky flaws. i am also done believing that a man can love unconditionally and with their whole heart and put into the relationship the same that i am willing to put into it. does love, with friendship and trust only exist in fantasies? is there anyone willing to test my theory and really get to know me for what's on the inside?

A new girl...

ok so i found out my ex is dating...am i supposed to care if he is or not? why do people keep tellin me i ought to be pissed about this? the only thing that pisses me off is the fact that he hooked up with her before he left us, and that the bitch sweet talked her way in knowing he was still married. i would never in a million years, even before this shit happened, try and hook up with a guy knowing he was married, let alone he had 2 young kids. i just dont understand why marriage still exists, all it is, is one big crap shoot anyway, either you lose it all right off the bat, or you can keep playing on what you've won along the way, but if your really lucky, you lose everything you have ever owned including the love, respect, and admiration of a woman who did everything she could to please you. ok so i may not be the dream girl every guy hopes for, but damn i am sure as hell a better catch because i actually love people unconditionally and people that know me can tell you that is 100% right. so the last 12 years have been deduced to what i know now...life used to suck, got married and sucked less, had a kid, life getting better, had to quit my job, 2 back surgeries, back to sucking big time, watching my husband turn into an alcoholic, sucked some more still, begged him for help which he got and the suck level went down a notch or two, just for it to blow the mother sucking lid right off the suck meter when i found out what morons he was listening to at AA, and when he left me and the boys! so note to others, sometimes life sucks, sometimes it doesn't, but mix a combination of an impressionable mind and stupid divorced ex drunks who are passing out marriage advice and i bet your suck meter will blow too. ok so maybe i am pissed a little. what do you think?

Can men tell the truth?

ok these questions have just been buggin the ever livin shit out of me for so long, so i am hopin if i put this out there that I can get some real and honest answers... 1. why do guys like gettin a fat girls hopes up and just leavin them hangin? I mean come on guys do you just not understand what that does to a woman's self esteem, and then guys can't figure out why girls are always so down on themselves... 2. you are totally pursuing this fat chick, you tell her she's cute, sexy, pretty, hey wanna come meet me words, the girl gets there with hopeful intentions and instead of talking you figure she wouldn't have just come over to talk so i'm gonna bang her even if she is not so hot cause at least i'm getting my needs taken care of? 3. why do guys even use the old ass line "oh i'll call you tomorrow" or in this day and age "i'll text you" when you have no intention of ever calling her back anyway, unless your hard up for a lay? 4. when guys are gettin laid why do they even bother using phrases like " you are so beautiful", or "damn your good", or "oh my god I love your body" i mean come on you are in the process of taking care of your animalistic need for sex, so why fill a girls head with words she will never hear you utter again unless your dick is down her throat? 5. why can a guy be so sweet and seemingly sensitive with a genuine interest in a woman but as soon as he meets someone he knows while out with her it becomes, "oh this is my friend so in so"? 6. why do guys sleep with a fat chick, call her 2 weeks from then when she thinks he has succumbed to the ever deadly screwedmeafatchicknboltedasquickasicoulditis, and say hey i really wanna see you again but can you do me a favor first? and after the favor is done and you've killed yet another soft soul with the love em them lose em action, you think it's a ok to start the process all over again, cause, hey shes fat, i got her wrapped and she'll do whatever i want cause she will never find another guy who would actually date her? 7. If a guy gets laughed at by the "hot chick" (if you've ever experienced this guys, now you feel a little of our pain only ours is times 100 worse) and the simple beauty sees she's second choice and declines his advance, why are the fat chicks considered bottom of the barrel? 8. why do guys say " the first thing i noticed about you is your eyes"...when they are really just look at their tits and ass and making sure there's not too much in between those 2? 9. why is it guys will hit on a girl to beat hell and think damn she's pretty, funny and likes a lot of things that i do but you finally meet her and see she's fat, all the connections you made before with that girl are replaced by "how fast can I dump her?", "I know i'm gettin laid for sure, cause she has no other offers.", and the ever popular, "OMG I cannot run into anyone I know out with her!" Final Question: 10. Why do guys think that a fat chick is just so hard up for attention and affection that he can think, eh, so she's fat, but in any case i'm gettin laid and out the door faster than you can say I had...?" oh gone already! Just a little FYI cause i know that manly men think that men who like art have to be gay, and you never really paid much attention in art class except to the cheerleader sittin in front of you, but back in the day a man would never ever consider dating a skinny or thin woman because to him that meant disease, or no love of life. when you look at pics from centuries back the women who were most sought after were thick, curvy, full figured women. I know guys wanna have fun and most women feel the same way we just don't put it out there that bold, but if your looking for a woman with substance, compassion, loyalty, and quite frankly, getting some of the best blow jobs around, look past the OMG I ate a whole cube of cheese today so now i'm fat, tee-hee hee laughing, fu fu drink lovin, bigger than a woolly mammoth ego, rail chicks, and you just might find one of the best friends, life long partners that only lived in your dreams. cause i know even guys have dreams how their lives will end up and who will stand by them steadfast and strong for the long haul. Ok so 10 questions, i don't think that's too much to ask, please be truthful and leave your answers/questions/comments just so some of us, at least myself, know when to say no, because rejection, cruel words, sex only intentions and big laughs hurt hearts as much sometimes even more than if you just stabbed us in the chest with a dagger to begin with.

A Love/Hate Relationship

ve you ever been wronged by someone to the point of utter despair and you wanted revenge so bad you could taste it? Or feel in love with someone so deeply that every minute is another thought about that person? Well I have seen both sides of that coin and believe it or not neither one is a picnic. When I first met my soon to be ex I think I was just so infatuated with the idea of being in love and never having someone love me like that before, it tricked my brain. I'm sure everyone has heard the old saying "Love is blind". But I have found love is not only blind, but it's deaf and dumb too. So let me go back 12 years ago...I was 26 he 19. I had been working at the blind school and a couple of the students there that graduated had rented an apartment on the east side of town. Well me being the person I was and still am, I worried about the fact that here are 3 young guys, 1 totally blind and the other 2 with severe visual impairments. I had always maintained an awareness of all the students I had the pleasure and pain of knowing for the simple fact that I wanted to see if something I did or said had a positive impact on their lives. I have always been one to help out anyone and gained comfort and happiness knowing that little things I did or said helped them later in life. So knowing how these 3 were, and how off the wall they could be at times, worried me. It was the summer time and they had already been moved in for a month or so when I started going over checking on them and making them dinner, taking them to where they needed to go, so I kept a clear mind knowing that they were safe and not becoming a new statistic for columbus police. Not long after I started going over, the guys said they were waiting for a friend to go swimming with, that one of them had known from their hometown. So I waited along with them to drive them over to the pool which was a long ass haul from their apartment. Enter my soon to be ex. He was young, handsome, and funny. He talked to me not as a young guy of his age would but almost as if he were mature beyond his years, something I liked to call old school, the way that I had been raised. I found out that he was living with his parents only about 2 miles from were the guys apartment was. It was a big relief knowing there was someone else close by just in case. So over at the pool he and I talked. I loved the ideas he had and the way he carried himself along with the fact that he thought people should be treated the way that he would want treated. Up until the end of "us" I would always hear him say, "you give me respect and I'll show the same respect back". I guess that towards the end of the relationship the "wife" no longer needed to be kept in the respect category. but soon after meeting I found myself drawn to him and also found myself in new territory of really liking someone and them showing the same emotion that I felt for him. My whole life had been 1 put down after another, and the few men, more like boys, that had entered my life were basically looking for a playtoy with no strings attached. He and I would sit for hours just talking about life, family, and our idea of the perfect relationship. I also found myself doing something that I had never done with any other guys that had been in my life and that was introducing him to my family. The summer was almost over with, and he and I spent a lot of time at my sisters' house spending the night wrapped in each others' arms hoping the sun would never come up. After a few months we lay in bed one night talking and I heard words that I had never heard before, and the words that I was too afraid to say thinking that it would just push him away, "I love you", and he said it first. I had not even heard that from my mom and dad, they were always more of the kind people that you showed emotions with your gestures and not so much with words. For once in my life I was speechless, which anyone that knows me is a far stretch of the imagination to picture me speechless. 2 months go by and we got the chance to live next door to my sister who was living in one side of a duplex. So we set up house, with 90% of everything for the house provided by my parents. It didn't bother me that it seemed like we never had any money cause I took for granted that my mom would be there to bail my ass out when we got in trouble, and that, my parents did a number of times. I started to bring up the marriage issue on many occasions only to hear that "marriage is just a piece of paper, I love you no matter whether you have my last name or not". But I wanted that, I wanted so bad to be a wife, and so 2 years and 4 months later we married. We moved in with my parents no too long after that because neither of us could maintain a budget and were being evicted from our place. We got our shit straight and started the look for a home of our own. We looked at condos thinking that would be the best thing, cheap payments and ownership at the same time. We moved into our "own" property a few months later. Enter a baby. We were both beside ourselves finding out we were gonna be parents, that nothing else seemed to matter. After he worked all night long he would come home and rub my feet and read the baby stories. The day came that our son was to be born, because of me being diabetic, that equaled to my pregnancy being coined "high risk", we both were excited beyond words. During the epidural I felt and could hear a big pop in my back, the doctor said "oops wrong way". Pain flooded over me and the doctors in the room pushed the medicine so fast that they had to put my legs up on the table themselves. I had only one thought on my mind...a baby. Not too long after my 1st was born I noticed that the pain that I had in my back was getting worse since he was born. I found out that I had a herniated disc and required surgery. Times were rough and there was no way I could care for a baby and recover from back surgery, so we moved in with my parents again. We ended up losing our condo because I had to quit my job and disability pay was not going to be coming for 6 months. To us it didn't matter we did not look at the "big picture" and thought we would have plenty of time to repair our credit while living with my parents. We didn't. My medical bills were astronomical, and his inability to pay anything, from having blown his checks gambling came to a head when he hadn't paid our car payment and it was up for repossession. Then comes the news of baby #2. We had no idea, it took over 4 years for me to get pregnant the first time, so neither of us thought there was chance in hell we would be blessed again, but we were. Only thing being my back pain was getting worse due to my condition being degenerative and the pressure of carrying a baby did not help. My ob/gyn told us that I could not have anymore kids because of my back and enforced the issue of having my tubes tied. Our lives went downhill from there big time. A second, more invasive and severe back surgery took place and my pain meds had me constantly in a fog. Looking back I'm sure my ex would have balked at the idea of uttering the vow of "in sickness and in health" and went running for the hills instead. Our great love faded to him drinking excessively, and me being stuck at home all the time. At times I thought about telling him to just get out that the boys and I could be bad off all by ourselves. I let the drinking slide, along with a lot of other things. Here's where it goes back to no communication. I thought that my well placed words or actions were hint enough that he needed help. I finally told him he needed help, so on his birthday he went to his first AA meeting. If I knew then what I know now, I would have rather put him out, than him be brainwashed by a bunch of ex-drunks who had lost everyone in their lives because of their drinking. What on earth made him think that these people could hand out marriage advice,and which he totally believed, blew my mind. He was never home and when he was it was for only 20 minutes at a time and then he'd be off again. When he did get home, he would be on the computer until 3am or later. There it was, I knew something was up, I knew the strange little feelings I was getting had truth behind them, but I fought back those feelings thinking who would ever want a woman who was considered damaged goods, dumped by a man with 2 young kids. So Thanksgiving day 2008 he left. At that point the blindness love had over me was starting to lift and I saw just what he had been doing to me and the boys this whole time. He used to make jokes about me and down grade my intelligence in front of people saying "oh hun, you know I'm just joking". I started thinking about all the times that people laughed at me for things he said to make me look stupid and insignificant, but I just couldn't imagine why he would do this, not only it hurt me, but for the fact my IQ was 176,way above his. I had even been accepted into a society for intelligent people and declined the opportunity because i was a mother and a wife first and foremost. It was all the smart remarks that he ever made, the way he made me feel guilty whenever he didn't get his way and the way he would shut me out and push me away when there was something that needed to be discussed, that I started to see once the blinders came off. So now he has a new girlfriend, which come to find out he met on this site before he left me, not only has he cheated on me in the past, which the person I am, forgave him for his indiscretions, which looking back now should have been a forewarning that could have been remedied by getting rid of him then, but then I wouldn't have the 2 most beautiful, special, free entertainment, wonderous kids that I could have ever asked for. He still calls and tells me his problems and when he doesn't get the answer he wants I get hung up on. I've been told to go to hell in front of my son, and my mom has been called a mother f'ing bitch while he has told the boys in the same breath to listen and be good for mommy, but not for grandma. I see all the pettiness, and childish acts that have and will be committed and i know that I will have a world of heartache in store because the law of karma is hitting that man hard, and he still knows the buttons to push that upset me, and has already told me the only way to get through to me is by being mean to the boys. I fear that my inability to leave people helpless will end up breaking my heart even more than it already is. I also fear that with what is going on in his life, and what his mental stability is now that I am going to be forced to make funeral arrangements and then explain to my kids why their dad isn't around anymore. How can you dislike someone but still care about whether they live or do themselves in? How do you separate a life that you have lived for 12 years in the matter of a few months? And most of all how do you find someone who is worthy or all the love, passion, emotion, and loyalty that one possess when their kids and their emotional needs at this point take up the majority of your time? Does it get any easier to say you don't care when in fact that if it weren't for this person who belittles you so bad, you wouldn't be at the point in your life where you are more thankful for what you have than don't? Any and all ideas that you have for me are most welcome, since at this point there is not enough xanex in the world to numb myself from heart wrenching pain and endless times where I question myself what could, and probably will go wrong next? I know I am also putting the cart before the horse here, and assuming what may or may not come to fruition, but I have a sick sense it's heading in that direction. Where can you harness extra strength and empowerment from in times of crisis? If anyone knows, can they pass along the info? Please!
A long time ago way before i even thought about marrying my ex I had a good friend who is a very gifted clairvoyant tell me what my love life would be like and who i needed to be on the watch for. Now half the days i live now i barely remember what i did 5 minutes ago but i can remember everything she said like it was etched into my brain. so when i met my ex i was just plain smitten. i never got out alot because my job was weird hours and by the time i got outta work playin the field was the last thing on my mind. i had a couple guy friends who were just casual playtoys and i enjoyed my life there for a while, but you now the old saying about a woman's biological clock. i always told everyone i never wanted kids and i was very hell bent on making that point, but then i started thinking, hell maybe it was the spring and i was just twitterpated lol but i noticed more and more that i wanted someone special, one that didn't have to come over and then leave after an hour. So enter my soon to be ex-spouse. i think i was so in love with the being in love idea that i never really stopped to think about if he could really be the one. so we kinds pursued each other. we did the whole talking all nighters and watching movies snuzzled up to each other, finding any and all chances to be with each other whenever we could. he ends up losing his job and needed another one ASAP, so me being daddy's baby and daddy having his own company i asked my dad to give him a job, which he did, as he did for all my lame ass brother in laws who wouldn't know how to keep a job if their life depended on it. unfortunately it was one of my brother in laws that were training him, they trained him well, how to be a drunk and waste my dads money on them doing stupid shit that my dad didn't need done, ok im getting off subject here...anyway after being with this guy for several weeks i suddenly remembered what my friend had told me. My guy was none of those things, what she told me seemed straight from a fairy tale, which is what i always wanted. so then i started thinking, do i stay with him or wait out my prince charming? i chose him, hell maybe it was because i wanted to be a mom before i was 40, maybe he just treated me so good at first that i was blinded by my love that was growing for him. so i stuck with my dream guy, which is what i called him to most people. as the years went by and our 1st son came calling i was on cloud nine, just didnt know that my man was thinking how soon he could get outta the house and not have to change shitty diapers and leave all the work for me who had just gone through a rough c-section. things went down and more and more i doubted myself for picking this guy who was starting to just really be mean and piss me off so he could dash out the door, and then come home every night with booze in his hands. i still regret a lot of things i have done and said and man Karma is such a bitch and i think Ive been cursed on top of this shit, but should i have loved even for a brief amount of time or held out for someone who maybe never existed or i was just not looking hard enough. i never in a million years regret my boys and you can see that in my pics. but since he's left i am stuck wondering if i should have stayed like i did or left when the first wave of shit started happening, and maybe my dream guy is there and im just not noticing or maybe ive found him and just dont know if i wanna risk getting my heart broke again. im afraid to let myself fall to far, i wanna be the one in control, but when it's love can you control that emotion? i never have been able to so maybe that my downfall, i love to quickly, unconditionally, and blind to all flaws that come as you get to know someone well. do i follow my heart and go ahead and fall or do i follow my head which says "you're just asking for it...."

LOVE a four letter word

i read a mumm today that was posted asking if people thought there was such a thing a true love. the best response i could come up with was if true love never existed then how would all the writers know how to portray true love in a movie? where would Shakespeare had gotten the romance of romeo and juliet. why would some of todays silver screen legends have passed the test of time and been married until their death? i believe its out there, i hope its out there, of course so does every other woman in the world. i think about true love all the time and contemplate its existence and there would be a lot of times that i told myself i just needed to cut my losses and go. i though i had true love at one point but that was just those blinders that were put over my eyes to see all the little things that was being done and said behind my back. i forgave my ex for a lot of stuff, stuff he doesnt even know i know, but im at the point where i am sad hes gone, he was my best friend for so long and he did give me the 2 biggest blessings i could have ever asked for, my boys. i had our whole lives planned out in my head, 2 maybe 3 kids, a little ranch house with a huge backyard, my ex and i doing work in the yard in the summer while the kids played as far as their minds would let them wonder and we knew that they were safe. but heres the big question...can you love somebody you have never come face to face with? you talk for hours on end, everything you wants he wants. he wants to offer you the world with asking nothing in return. i see in my mind now a different version of my life...this wonderful man who i absolutly think i am in love with, would love to be able to give him the family that he wants and fufill my own selfish dream of never having to hear those dreaded words again, "honey im not happy im leaving". as i run this senario over and over again in my hesd i keep stumbling into that box in my brain marked real life and damn how that box likes to follow me around, sticks its nose in my buisness just when i think i could be happy again. is it there? is the greatest love i have ever known waiting for me, standing behind him in line at the bank? passing by in a car on the freeway? is he right there, wanting me telling me everything i want to hear. ive put myself down way too long, its time i stand up and put my big girl panties on, since the sentiment fits so well. i am worthy of true love. i am deserving of a man who will be relentless in the pursuit of my happiness. i need the touch of a man that wants me and my body and i will give them to him in everyway i can. i want to look at his eyes in the morning and just know that his dreams were of me. i am a woman, a woman who has needsm wants, and desires. can this man be under my nose right now, could he be only a mouse click or text or phone call away? hes there, just when will i live out that most magical moment when we do meet and all i wanna do is wrap my arms around him and never let go. i want true love fairy tale style, with a twist of real life to keep me grounded. so what is true love, are you watching for it? are you praying it will come sooner than later? is that true love there disguised as a computer screen? when u see his face in real life remember all the things he promised you, hold him to that promise, and work so hard at living the love of the greats that you will never have to have make up sex, just making love that you can never get enough of, being taught new and different things you never knew but was afraid to ask...if i can tell you what i know and the new scenes playing in my head which would blow the love of titanic, the notebook, and romeo and juliet combined as one right outta earths reach, and attached with that, all the hurt and pain you ever received when even one person said you woudnt be good enough, i tell you now, i am good enough and cant wait...
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