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Perjury in the court

Perjury In The Court!

Contact information:

Harris County District Attorney

1201 franklin suite 600

Houston, Texas

United States

Phone: 7137555800


Robert McClendon was arrested on September 15, 2005 after his girlfriend, Christine Trent, and her daughter, Paula Trent filed a fraudulent police report stating that he had assaulted them physically and with a weapon. A request for a Protective Order was filed, in which the story changed from what was told on the original police report. In February of 2006, Christine Trent and her mother, Barbara filed a Violation of the Protective Order against Robert. The Violation of the Protective order was dismissed because they were caught lying.

Court was held on in September of 06, in which Christine and Paula Trent changed their stories again in regards to the events that they allege took place on September 15, 2005. The judge, Vanessa Velasquez ruled that no witnesses will be allowed in the court room during other witness testimony. Christine was caught listening at the court room door to her daughter's testimony during the trial and the judge did not invoke her rule and allowed the trial to continue.

After the trial, the police report, Protective Order and trial testimony was analyzed and it was determined that there were over 150 discrepancies in testimony. This was brought to the attention of the Harris Count District Attorney's prosecuting attorneys, Lyn McClellan and Rifian Newaz, who refused to investigate regarding the perjured testimony. Additional evidence, such as recordings and a letter, regarding setting Robert up for an aggravated assault, was also brought to their attention. Again, they refused to investigate. This matter was also brought to the attention of the Harris County District Attorney, Kenneth Magidson by email, certified letters, and even going to the extent of having a letter hand delivered by courier service. Again, Kenneth Magidson refused to even respond.

Small claims suits were brought against Christine for taking possession of weapons from the Precinct 4 Constable's office and also for taking all of Robert's possessions. It was determined that Christine had to pay for the weapons or return them. During the court over Robert's possessions, she claims she did not take the shed belonging to Robert, then, in a national court show, she stated that she was given the shed for her birthday.

How does a woman and her daughter commit aggravated perjury in not one, two or three official proceedings and not get charged with aggravated perjury? How is it that, after all the evidence presented to the Harris County District Attorney's office, that they would refuse to reopen and investigate the case? Why is it that the Harris County District Attorney's office can get one question presented to them, "How many discrepancies in testimony does it take before they would stop a trial and prosecute their own witness for aggravated perjury?", that they can not answer?

You can read the story of Robert McClendon at this site: Americas Wrongfully Convicted and make the determination for yourself. Please sign the petition. The petition can be found on his web page. (Note:) The americaswrongfullyconvicted website has been taken down due to a death in the family but we are working very hard on getting a new one up soon. Thanks for understanding.

Here is a new twist in the wrongful conviction case of Robert McClendon.
 Christine Ann Trent Schuette and Paula Eileen Trent made false allegations against Robert and this was all proven. Now they are saying they are in fear for their life and having their names changed. (Your in fear for your life?) Let's take a closer look at this situation. Paula and Christine stated that Robert pulled and pointed a 12 guage shotgun at Paula and said he was going to kill her. Now Christine being brave all of a sudden stated the she threw her arm in between Paula, Robert and the alledged shotgun and said "YOUR NOT GOING TO DO THAT!".  Now let's try to understand these actions.
First, If you have a crazed man with a 12 guage shot gun saying he is going to kill someone, even your daughter. Are you going to just throw yourself into the line of fire and say "Your not going to do that?" or are you going to try to talk to him in an easier manner and try to settle him down? I sure know I would be giving it considerable thought. lol  Now Robert's family has known where they have been living for the past ten years and none of them has been any kind of threat to them except for telling the public about what they did to set him up. Did you know in order to get your name changed you have to tell the judge why you are thinking about changing your name.?
This means they would have had to lie to the judge and tell himher that they are in fear for their lifes. We have started investigating this several months back and we know who the family law attorney is and we have certified proof of who reffered them to that office.
Here is an important question you have to ask yourself. If a person is being threatning to someone, would you not just go out and have him arrested? The man went blind due to a stroke because of all this crap that happened to him!  And really, why wait nine years to change your name and be in fear for your life? You see how this picture is developing?
Chrisine Ann Trent has dissapeared off of all personal internet databases and now Paula Eileen Trent has just now vanished.  Hmmm. I wonder why? Well, There are other database's you cannot out run. lol  From what we have seen, everyone is trying to cover up everyone elses crap. Those two women are such damn liars and Christine has had a severe history of making up stories on other young men just so she could get attention. They never proved in court or any where else that Robert had infact accually comitted any crimes. He was convicted only on the testimony of two women that could not keep their stories straight and they kept changing those stories. You see, her daughters had the police called on them the week before they had him arrested for their intolerable behavior. Christine on the other hand was being questioned by Robert about what happened to Christine's unborn baby. The police were called on Paula the evening before they had Robert arrested for lining young men up outside her bedroom window and inviting them in one at a time. One of those young men broke into Robert's (home) back door near the laundry room. When the police arrived. The officer noticed that the women were acting starange and something was not right in their conversation not to mention the crime scene. He did not believe them and he was not going to arrest Robert but the DA's office ordered him to bring him in anyway. Now this is one of the most important questions to ask. Why did the DA's office question the officers actions in the feild? Do you know that Robert had never been in trouble in his life?
Now. with Robert out of the way. Those two women stole every single thing of value from his home including all of Robert's identification. The women said they did not do that but Christine's brother told police that Christine's boyfriend had taken all of Robert's belonings to the flea market and sold them. Christine also went down to the police evidence room and claimed Robert's firearms and told them that she was Robert's wife when she was not. She even did this without the judges approval signature.
Now someone please tell me where this makes sence. Christine stated that Robert said he was going to shoot everyone including the little bitty Chihuahua dog that was given to Robert by a friend. Since only a 12 guage shotgun and a 44 caliber mag was alledgidly used during the so called threats. Who is going to shoot a little bitty dog with something like that? Especially the way Robert loves animals. Well. I will tell you. Robert does not kill animals or anything that lives. That is one thing that will piss him off is someone hurting an innocent bystander, children, women or an animal. Has anyone heard of how Robert got his most favorite dog?  She was a chocolate lab and Robert took her from a thirteen year old boy on the street that was thowing that puppy on the ground. Robert turned the car around and confronted the kid. The kid said "I am sorry, I won't do it again". Robert asked where he got the puppy and the boy said it was a stray. Robert said, "I know you won't and took the puppy from him and let him know that if he is ever seen doing that again that we will be a sorry day for him. Robert has always said, If you want to know something about a stranger, watch how animals behave around them. He said you can't BS an animal and an animal always knows. Robert's twin brother Roger thought the exact same way.
We have to stop a second to explain what these women look like so you will know them when you see them, since they have changed their names. Paula is in the age of 28 give or take a couple years and the mother is around 47 years old. Paula has a marijuana tattoo on the outside of her lower leg around the outside edge of her calf. She also has a black mole on the (nose) nostral crease close to her face. The mother, Christine has a very large (Hand Needled) rose tattoo on her breast but it is not colored or filled in. (It is only black) She accused several young men of holding her down against her will while they tattoo-ed it on her. She also has a couple black dots needled in on the back of her hand between the thumb and her forefinger. If you need to see a picture of them then type their entire names into a search engine and you will find them all over the internet or just type in "The Pinocchio Crime Family". (Pay attention to Paula's changing hair color.) If you see or know these two women. Stay away from them or they could get you into trouble as well.
Did you know that the Prosecutor said that the officer was a disgrace to his uniform since he testified in Roberts behalf? (How can he just assume that?) The officer had six years of experience. This was Rifian Newaz's (One of the prosecutors) very first court case and he can honestly say that the officer was a disgrace to his uniform? Now how would he know that? (An officer with six years experience and a prosecutor with zero experience) You see the delima?.lol
Before Robert was even going to know that the officer would testify in his behalf. Before the trial started. Robert was offered a sweet plea deal from the judge if he admitted to guilt. Robert said hell no and that he was not going to admit guilt for something he didn't do. I wonder why he did that? I know. Because he did not do anything wrong.
Here is another little tidbit to look at. Pre-conviction phase, why would the judge send the jury to a very fine Italian resteraunt before Robert's sentence was decided? Was this to flag the jury into feeling obligated to hand down a guilty verdict?  Hmmm. Something for thought.  Did you know that the judge was up for re-election a month after Robert's conviction?
Please excuse me since I am reading off of notes and I really do not know which order to put this stuff in so please bare with me. Christine has had a history of losing babies and she almost had Sara taken away from her in Californa for abandoning her in the hospital after birth.

Paula has had a history of making threats of rape against a couple young men. One because she got busted for having a man over to Robert's mothers house after she was told by her mother not to (Robert's mom went on a vacation). Robert's mothers 35 year old yard man knew of Paula's plans to set Robert up and he was going to testify to that in court. Paula got really upset about that and scared him so bad that he left his wife and children and fled back to Honduras.
We would not have known of that until the yard man's wife came to talk to Robert's family from out of the blue. The yard man confessed everything to his wife because Paula kept calling him and his wife found out about the affair. Paula kept telling the woman the she was pregnant by her husband. Paula was told to stay away from him several months before, not to mention the other yard men. Did she listen?  Hell no. She and one of them would dissapear off into the woods and sometimes would not be seen for over an hour. Musta been cracking nuts with the squirrels. lol
Paula was running around laughing and saying they had someone on the inside of our circle.  Little did she know that they were given false information. Little did she know that we had someone on the inside of their circle and that we were the one's that started that game.lol
We can't say what we have been pulling the last three years because we don't want to ruin the final effect that it is going to have but, it will come.
Now, if this kinda crap doesn't make you as mad as hell, Then it is obvious your not paying attention. You need to ask yourself "What would I do if this happened to me?"
When all of the evidence was brought up to the DA's office, they just shrugged it off.
Evidence? Yes, and a lot of it. But they had zero evidence to show that Robert had done anything illegal in the first place. Why was there no evidence? I know. because nothing happened. Again, do you see how this picture is developing? We flew two different banner planes around the downtown court house saying. "The HCDA uses perjury to convict the innocent" and the only thing we got out of it was they removed Robert from his probation. What happened to that sorry ass conviction? Why will they not exonerate him?
We are asking for all of the support we can get since this is the only way the DA's office can have a change of mind. They know they have screwed up and they are to scared to admit it.
You don't get embarrased because someone is flying a banner plan around your court house and then say "We will take him off of probation" and then not exonerate him.  When you falsely accuse someone of something they did not do an get them convicted, you basically destroy their lives.
We had a website up called americaswrongfullyconvicted.com but, when Roger passed away suddenly, we did not know any of his passwords or security questions and so they shut our site down. We are waiting for someone to help us get up another site soon. This is crazy, Judicial systems and police going haywire and innocent people paying that sorry price for it.
Thank you all very much for your patience and please help us keep on fighting.
Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alfred.newman.5623
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/110826959319127554226/posts?dclid=CO7s2fbV4b8CFYo2aQodhq8AqQ

A Complaint Against The Harris County, Texas Family Violence Section

This is being republished by permission.  It is convicted person's family email discussing how someone was mistreated in Harris County, Texas.  These people felt so strongly that they hired someone to fly a banner over the Courthouse to display their message.
(For more info on this story, web-search "The Pinocchio Crime Family")

Family violence is a serious offense.  It destroys families, mentally devastating the abused.  The abused could be a spouse, child or a live in partner.  It has become so serious that the Harris County District Attorney's office and the courts have taken a zero tolerance for the offense, many times with the perpetrator being sent to prison, which should be done.
But, what happens if a person is falsely accused of family violence?  What happens if the only evidence is the testimony of liars, no other evidence, and those lies eventually conclude to convict an innocent person for a crime they did not commit?  They become victims of the system.  They are not only humiliated by the arrest, but they are further degradated by having been stamped with a felony, can't get a job or even find a decent place to live.
No one will listen to the begging of an innocent person that has been convicted of a crime they did not commit.  They turn a deaf ear to the cries of desperation from that person.  They are shunned by family and freinds.  They find it hard to have a relationship or trust in people.  Their finances are drained, along with those of their family, defending them for a crime they did not commit, making every attempt to right the wrong.
This is exactly what happened to a man in Harris County that was convicted of a crime he did not commit.  He was convicted strictly on only testimony, no other evidence, which contained many discrepancies, some as to be so blatant to include, "He had a gun.", "He didn't have a gun." while referring to the same event.  Did this stop the prosecution?  No.  The prosecutors, Lynn McClellan and Rifian Newaz continued the prosecution, ignoring the perjured testimony.
Since the final conviction in September of 2006, evidence has been presented to the Harris County District Attorney's office many times.  Many emails were sent to the afore mentioned prosecutors, along with letters to Patricia Lykos, the Harris County District Attorney.  Was a "proper" investigation done after that?  In an open records request on the one an only "investigation", Scott Durfee produced only three pieces of papers, one which was a background check on the wrongfully convicted's brother.  Nothing else.
In February of 2010, writings surfaced, most of which were certified to be the writings of one of the people who conspired to set up this innocent man.  There is also other writings that contradict what was said in the court room.  Again, all this new evidence was presented in a habeas writ to Judge Velasquez, whose only "gift" on the writ was to terminate this man's probation early after most was already served, allowing the conviction to remain.
Next, a letter was written, again, to Patricia Lykos, asking for a meeting on this new evidence.  There was no response, which has been typical of the behavior exhibited many times by the Harris County District Attorney's office.
That is the reason we decided to tell everyone possible in the Houston/Harris County area.  We have hired a plane, pulling a banner, that states, "HCDA allows perjury to convict the innocent."  We want people to know what they have done and will do nothing about prosecuting the persons who committed Aggravated Perjury in their courts, which is a felony, and will do nothing about it, even though the evidence is there.
We invite everyone to attend the event, which will happen on Wedday, January 19th between 11:00am to 2:00pm.  We want to have people who have been wrongfully accused/convicted by the Harris County District Attorney's office, especially those people who have been wrongfully accused/convicted based on perjured testimony.  Please bring your video cameras, as we want this event recorded, to let our government in Harris County know that this behavior to convict at all costs, to include the innocent made victims by the system, will not be tolerated.
(For more info on this story, web-search "The Pinocchio Crime Family")

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