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   Sometimes I shake at my head when I read about tragic events that could have been avoided.I definitely shook my head sadly  while reading about a precious young girl with Down Syndrome that went through a terrible ordeal.
  In  Chilliwack British Columbia, a young teenager with Downs syndrome was found trying to nurse her dead decomposing mother ,who lay on the floor of her trailer back to health. She was meticulously shoving pills and medicine in her mother's lifeless body, trying to get her to wake up.She had opened a box of macaroni and cheese with cheese sprinkled on top of it, her attempt to feed her as well.

  The girl herself was emaciated and near death herself, for she did not have the mental capacity to even take care of herself. When authorities found the young girl in the filthy trailer, they estimated that the mother had died nine days prior.

The only reason the authorities went to the trailer was that neighbours were concerned by the absence of noise or movement  over previous two weeks that usually occurred  in that location.

What did the mother die of? Alcoholism and a drug overdose. In the past  two years she had lost over 100 pounds and was approximately  only 85 pounds when she died. She had bills piling up and even had her phone service cut off.She, in fact was unable to keep her living quarters clean or take care of herself, let alone a special needs child.She was addicted to prescription medication and alcohol.

  When I say this could have been avoided , I speak of the child's older brother who was trying to get custody of his little sister, concerned for her well-being. He was turned down several times. As a result of his frustration and concern for his sister's safety he physically removed his sister from the filthy trailer ;but was forced by authorities and provincial officials to return the girl back to her mother or face kidnapping charges.
Did they not investigate the home??? how could they have missed this horrible situation?

I am completely bewildered at all of the signs of child neglect that were clearly present, and on court record, yet this child slipped through the cracks by the government's  child protection services. Shame on them.

   There has been much controversy over Steven Hawking’s latest documentary “Into the Universe With Stephen Hawking”. One of the World’s most respected astrophysicists, Hawking is boldly stating that extraterrestrials likely exist and warns us not to try to contact them as it could be dangerous. Hmmmm… The man has a point. Can you imagine? If another intelligent life form is out there, pray that they aren’t like us. Since the earliest existence of Homo sapiens, we have attacked each others’ tribes and societies. In order to survive before the invention of agriculture, we were Nomads of sorts, moving and conquering each other to survive. Even when we developed agriculture that didn’t seem to be enough for us.. as population grew, so did the conquering… survival of the fittest, so it would seem. We explored the world by means of water travel and had little regard for the Native people that occupied the lands that we travelled to. Kill them, trick them, steal from them, and enslave them. Hard to believe that good old Christopher Columbus was a part of this abomination; but he was. Even in their own societies, we have monstrosities such as Qin Shi Huang, who we recognize today as China’s first emperor. His power was reinforced by torturing, enslaving, starving and brutally murdering his own people and those of the lands that he conquered. For what?... Because he could, really. It was never enough… it never is enough. Although thousands of years have passed, humans have not learned from these past mistakes. We still invade, murder and torture people And our weapons have evolved into ones of mass destruction. Save us all if there is intelligent life forms out there searching for a new planet that they can conquer and colonize after using up the resources on their own home planet. Then again, do we really have to worry about that? By the time they reach this planet it will be a wasteland of our own making.

   I get it... Really and truly I do.Women desperately want to have a child, a child of their own, genetically theirs.It took me 6 years to conceive and give birth to one child, taking all the fertility treatments that were available to me.Ironically enough when I gave up on the treatments did this miracle occur.It took another 4 years to conceive again, only to lose her as a result of a car crash when I was in my final trimester of pregnancy.I know first hand how devastating  it can be.    However.. and it's a big however.... I do not understand these women who have decided to become first time mothers in their 60's or as the World's oldest first time mother... the incredible age of 70...   How fair is it that these children grow up with ailing parents, most of who will die before they can even have a memory of them?The world's oldest woman to give birth (to TRIPLETS, no less) at 70 tried three times to get pregnant at a fertility clinic.She and her husband had been married for around 44 years before their first children arrived.Her husband had two other wives and neither of those women could conceive either.. hmmmm did he ever think HE was the problem??!!After mortgaging their farm, the lovely couple went to a fertility clinic in India , where they live, and she was inseminated 3 times before success was reached.During interviews with this doctor, he stated that he did not think it was unethical.He also all but came out and said that he didn't care about the couple or their children once they leave his care.His job was only to give the couple what they wanted. PARDON?????!!!!!I believe that any doctor who decides to enter into the world of fertility processes should educate  the couples and explain to them the health risks to both the mother and children, as well as perhaps a glimpse of reality that depending on the age of the patient, they may never live to see their children grow up.The  now 73 year old mother of triplets has had numerous complications to her health since giving birth. She is in fact, DYING, soon to leave the 18 month old triplets motherless.The couple now claim that the doctor never explained to them the health risks , and they didn't know better as they were uneducated farmers.... (Does that mean they had no common sense??!!!) To this day the doctor who performed this procedure claims her illness is not related to the pregnancy,although she was in good health until then. Her children have also suffered, the largest weighing in at a whopping 2lb 6oz. They spent much time in an incubator, fighting for their tiny lives. When they were allowed to go home, their mother was still bedridden and unable to care for them. WHAT A GREAT LIFE!!Another woman who was once the world's oldest first time mother at 66 died at 69 when her twins were just 3 years old, leaving her husband who was now 80 to look after them.   I am not saying that these people don't deserve to have children, but there has to be a better way.There are so many needy children out there these days.It shouldn't matter if they aren't genetically yours. They BECOME yours,if you want a child that badly.   Yes I am aware that there are no guarantees on life... even young parents can die, BUT majority do live to see their children in school and to graduate.The majority can love and nurture their children as they should be.Just because science can help a 70 year old woman have a child, doesn't mean they should.

   Fertility research has made great strides in the past several years.Gone are the days of; merely; fertilizing eggs in a petrie dish and implanting this new formation of life inside a woman desperate to have a child. Now, if you meet the "ethical standards" you can actually predetermine the sex of your child before conceiving it. Not that it is 100% accurate...lab mistakes happen, but is is possible. As long as you are under 49 and not going through menopause, you can have that boy or girl that you dreamed of having... MADE TO ORDER!!!!! Wait.... I forgot to mention that one of the pre-requsites is a large bank account... it isn't cheap..and it doesn't always work .. in fact several attempts may be needed for the actual impregnation to happen..
Astounding that they actually have the technology to sort sperm into two sex groups.(If only poor Henry the eigth had that techonology he may not have had to have so many beheadings of his wives)
So....after picking and choosing and fertilizing... what happens to the other fertilized embryos in that petrie dish?(well yes they had to do the fertilization process several times to ensure success) They discard them.THROW THEM AWAY. I suppose it depends on what side of the fence you sit on to decide whether that is ethical or not... we could get into the whole "when does life actually begin" debate...(think I'll save that one for a later blog ;)

   There are pros and cons to predetermining the sex of a child.

Countries that abandon or kill newborns and discard them in the garbage or on the side of the roads wouldn't have to do that anymore.... they could custom make a male heir.. problem solved...

There are some families that have concerns of having genetic diseases passed down through the sexes, such as hemophelia, which is dominant in males.This seems to be a legitimate concern;however it doesn't guarantee that the females won't have it... it just lessons the risk...This brings up another issue... shouldn't such a procedure be available to everyone, not just the wealthy?
 Many couples want the stereotypical "millionaire's family" first born son, followed by a girl...

What happens if the procedure fails and you get the opposite of what you paid for? I'm sure there must be waivers  signed just for that very reason... Do you give the baby back and as for a full refund?Do you discard the child and try again? I think not, for most people...The psychological damage to both the parents and the child could be potentially staggering.

 Scientists are even going as far as trying to be able to determine hair and eye colour and the actual predisposition of a child... (taking away a child's character if you ask me)

 Whatever happened to the miracle of life in general? Shouldn't people just be happy and feel blessed with a child..a child that has character and a mind of their own? Who cares what colour of eyes or hair they have... kids are miracles..
 Sometimes science just goes too far.

   So the latest news is that Madonna has teamed up with New Evolutionary Gyms to open up her own chain of fitness clubs called "Hard Candy Fitness".(kudos to the suggestive name) According to sources it will have Madonna's touches everywhere, for she has high standards as to what a gym should look like... (I'm sorry... little time out here... Madonna + high standards = pretty damn funny :P)
Apparently it will have a juice bar and cafe, state of the art cardiovascular equipment and a wide variety of classes.It will also have lavish locker rooms and saunas and steam rooms... Sounds great.wonder how much it will cost for a membership? Certainly none of us will be able to afford it..

The trouble with all of this is she fails to mention that she works out a minimal 6 hours per day ,usually more to maintain her fabulous body.PLUS she has a personal fitness trainer AND a choreographer AND a dietitian...the list goes on...

I wonder how many women will join her clubs , hoping to transform their body into hers?

And another note: She says she knows everything about what a fitness centre should look like as she has worked out in literally hundreds of gyms around the world.... so this is what it takes to become an expert????!!

HMMM... I've been inside many buildings.. doesn't mean I'm an architect.... I've shopped at many women's clothing boutiques... doesn't mean I'm a fashion expert.... 

Oh to be rich and have the money to play ...

I know I have written about the Titanic before; but I came across a bizarre "memorial cruise " that is taking place beginning on April 8, 2012. It is to mark the 100th anniversary of the Titanic's maiden voyage and subsequent sinking. The ship "SS Balmoral" will set sail on the very same day and time that the Titanic did and follow it's exact route.They will end 2.3 miles above the Titanics's final resting place on the same day and time as one hundred years ago. Is it just me, or this just a tad creepy?
 They will then have a memorial tribute on board to those that perished, then go on to Halifax to visit the gravesite of the titanic victims whose bodies were found and laid to rest. I just can't believe that this cruise is pretty much a sell out, aside from 9 remaining cabins on the cruise ship. Granted there are 30 direct relatives (great grandkids) from victims of the Titanic, but aside from those few, there is no connection between the Titanic and the 1300 other passengers booked on this voyage.  The tickets are far from cheap the range from 3400 pounds ($5500 Canadian Dollars) to 8400 pounds ( $14,000 Canadian dollars) and pretty much sold out... in fact there is a waiting list for the majority of the cabins already reserved, half of them even the waiting list is closed..
   I don't get it... It is one thing to pay respect to the tragedy by a commemorative service at the dock it set sail from, or at the gravesite in Halifax;but to actually re-enact the voyage??
   I know there are thrill seekers and ghost chasers out there  and that this would be an unforgettable event, and we as humans will always have a morbid curiosity when it comes to tragedy.... I can accept that... BUT.. I hate the fact that people are making money (still) off of the tragedy of others..you can't tell me for a minute that the bottom dollar isn't what this cruise is REALLY about....tribute and respect, MY ASS!!

I am not really into brand names or designer fashions... the large price tags on shoes, handbags and jeans. I am more of a practical level-headed spender. I buy things that are classic, or appealing to me and not that often..although my closet brimmeth over... I am a collector of sorts buying the odd piece of clothing here and there.. mix and matching to what i already have, or sometimes, not match , just for the ecclectic effect... or I add my own artistic touches to things, making it unique with fabrics and detailing, a cut and sew here and there..I do not buy trendy things or discard last season's clothes to make room for new ones..In a nut shell, I am pretty low maintenance and thrifty as far as clothes go. To call me a princess or a diva when referring to fashion, I would cringe at the best of times, for I feel that is definitely not a word to describe me.

 I have a secret passion... a passion for lingerie... pretty underwear and undergarments that are ribbons and lace. Yes I am a Lingerie Princess. Guilty.

No matter what I am wearing on the outside, rest assured there is always something frilly underneath. I make it a point to buy gorgeous underwire bras and matching panties..... It is my secret weapon. Even though I would wear a uniform, an apron, a hat , hairnet and covered in icing or flour (basically look like a mess) I was always the complete opposite underneath. I found it gave me self -confidence. When customers had nothing to do but come into the store and grumble and be real biotches, I could just smile and deal professionally with their BS... for I was wearing the sexy underwear underneath. I could picture them in their granny style briefs and their practical, matronly bras or the men in their tighty whitey, racing striped briefs... and smile... nothing would ruin my day...

I was asked on occasion by co-workers how I could deal with someone swearing at me and degrading me ,and if I knew them well enough, I would tell them of my little secret... most would shake their head and tell me I wasn't quite right. :p
Some use alcohol some use cigarettes... I use satin, silk and lace.What can I say? It works.

Bigotry and Politicians

A friend of mine was troubled a little while back over one of his friend's comments who is a politician in California. He wrote on my friend's Facebook wall some unsavoury comments about Islamic people,Christianity being the superior religion. He also showed me a a couple of emails that he had received from him, claiming that all people that are Islamic are terrorists.
  Oh did I mention that my friend is  originally from India and is Islamic?
I suggested that this man was NOT his friend and to dump him.. he wasn't worthy of his friendship. (with friends like that, who needs enemies?!?)
  I was curious (and still outraged) that a "friend" could do this to someone else's religion and race, so I went on his blog.I almost wished that I hadn't .
 There was so much hatred  on there against Islamic people, It was unreal.
a quote from his blog : " Islam is a violent and dangerous religion which has been a threat to world peace for over 1400 years." I also like "who is responsible for 9-11? Islam"
That did it... I wrote him... I actually wasn't expecting a response at all, but I did get one.not a good one, but at least he had the balls to reply( obviously looking down upon me)

  On Sep 21, 2010, at 8:57 PM, "Lyn russell" wrote: Dear Mr. Jennerjahn, I have taken the time to read your blogs and I must say that although your writings are phenominal, I noticed that there is an underlying of hatred and bigotry against Islamic people and their religion. This saddens me, as there is already such hatred and violence in this world already.Did they cause 9-11 to happen? yes fanatical ones did;but this was a reaction in response to America feeling that they have the right to try and westernize the world.You can't judge an entire religion based on a sample of people.Was it wrong? yes. Should we hate the whole Islamic society for this? Of course not.(seriously, NO) For the most part the Islamic religion is a peaceful one. They invite all people of races and religions, and nationalities to be a part of it.Have you even attended any Islamic functions? If you have, you would see this first hand. They are not plotting to undermine the American people as a whole.Twenty three percent of all people on this planet are Islamic. Are you trying to say that that all these people, including the approximate 1.7 million living in the U.S.A are terrorists ? Let me ask you , If the shoe were on the other proverbial foot, and people were flying and landing on American soil, shoving their beliefs in what was right or wrong, do you think America would stand for it? The good and the bad are always determined by which land you are standing on... theirs, or your own. Christianity has seen it's share of controversities over the years, shameful acts. Surely all Roman Catholic Priests should not be condemned for the sample few that are predators? The Bible says that we are not to take punishment into our own hands but to defer vengeance to God through legitimately established governments. From the apostle Paul we learn many things :"do not repay any one evil for evil " (Romans 12:17) (this clearly indicates there shall be no eye taken for an eye) "Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath" (Romans 12:19). The Bible teaches that vengeance only belongs to God because only He knows his people and is allowed to serve vengeance and justice. "It is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord." (Romans 12:19). "It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip" (Deuteronomy 32:35). "It is mine to avenge; I will repay" (Hebrews 10:30) "The Lord is a jealous and avenging God . . . . The Lord is slow to anger and great in power; the Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished" (Nahum 1:2-3). The ultimate vengeance is God's vengence. He will be the only judge to all of mankind. The Bible also says that the way to overcome evil is not through personal retaliation or hatred but through personal good and compassion. A quote from The Good News Broadcasting Association, Inc, can sum it up better than I ever could: "While it is the right and the responsibility of our governments to respond nationally and militarily to terrorist attacks, it is not our individual right to respond. It is equally unlawful and unconscionable that US citizens would retaliate out of anger against those with Arabic or Middle Eastern surnames or faces. God and those legitimately established governments have the responsibility for vengeance and retaliation, not citizens of the state."(The Good News Broadcasting Association, Inc. (Back to the Bible) Lincoln, Nebraska) Should we consider your entire family and religion biggots, Mr. Jennerjahn, because you have portrayed yourself as one? Or if you have done anything unlawful in the past, should we judge your entire family, Mr. Jennerjahn? I don't think so; but using your current stance on the subject, we would have to if we were to put any trust in you as a politician. We are all human, Mr. Jennerjahn. Each and everyone of us. Every religion has it's faults. but what makes us any better if we persecute all but our own? He replied with :"When Saudi Arabia allows us to build Christian churches there, then you can come talk to me. I have no interest in being tolerant of a religion that does not tolerate others. " I of course replied back to him :" You must have missed the news... there is a Roman Catholic church in Doha ,Qatar and there are currently plans to eventually build more. I suppose you do not have any Islamic friends, then? " I have yet to get a response.

 Recently I came across an article in  a Michigan online Newspaper about a man being charged for reading his soon to be ex-wife's emails.After his wife filed for divorce, the man. who is extremely talented with computer technology, hacked into her email account via  her laptop computer and accessed her emails.He explained that he thought that she was having an affair .He now faces up to five years in jail, if convicted. As there is no clear law regarding emails, the prosecutors are relying on a Michigan law used to prosecute identity theft crimes or trade secrets.It reads:


 " A person shall not intentionally and without authorization or by exceeding valid authorization do any of the following: Access or cause access to be made to a computer program, computer, computer system or computer network to acquire, alter, damage delete or destroy property or otherwise use the service of a computer program, computer, computer system or computer network."




This could set precedent for many other cases , if this man is convicted.

If he opened up any paper mail that was addressed to her, , that would be considered a Federal offence... in today's high tech social networking society, should paperless mail not be considered the same as paper mail?


Either way, it is an invasion of privacy. Hacking into someone's private account seems even more extreme to me than opening up a paper envelope.

Some may say that it was his wife... it was his right;but really... he doesn't own her. She has her own individual rights, just as much as the next person. If It were a complete stranger hacking into someone's computer , it would definitely be an invasion of privacy, wouldn't it?

The account didn't have his name attached to it, it was not his computer, she had it password protected. If she wanted to give him access, she would have given it to him.


I think this is going to open up a lot of ethical issues regarding checking  cell phones for texts  (this is also a form of mail,after all) when they are not yours , as well as parents checking their kids' facebook accounts, cell phones and emails.... is it ok to check up on a minor that is under your care? Is it ok to check on a spouse or significant other via their emails or cell phone? Dicey questions indeed.


The children issue is perhaps a grey area for me. on one hand , you must protect them, on the other hand , it IS an invasion of privacy.( I supervise what my son is looking at and talking to, of course, but do I look at his emails? no. I believe that my son has a right to that privacy and I hope that I have raised him such a way that he can make informed choices and come to me  if their are issues.)


Any other circumstances, I  strongly believe is an invasion of privacy. I don't care if you are married , single, engaged,  if the email account, cell phone or paper letter is not addressed to you.... hands off.. Simple... We don't own each other...

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