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"Non - Reality..."

"Non-Reality" Sins of the inner mind twist and manipulate conscous thought to have you believing what manifests in sight of you... Your sight and mind begin to work against one another to find dominance to prove that your own thoughts are wrong... Are they?... Is what you are seeing and you feel wrong or even real?... Have you really bult your existence around a nonreality, a place where false illusions invision themselves as being actual moments in human life... Your life... How much of life is real and how much is fantasy?... Where is the line drawn, what will become of the life you know as real if in truth it is merely that of an illusion?... Illusions, like the flame of a candle, fade... Burning till there is nothing is left and that same flame burns and fades into the darkness... The very darkness you run from... What will be left?... Where is that inevitable end?... What is YOUR nothing?... The fusion of life to reality forces the mind to manipulate the image until your eyes can make sense of the false illusion of reality presented to you... Be careful in your days to come... With each challenge that life presents to you, you must distinguish the difference between fiction and nonfiction... For even with our primitive way of thinking, self preservation is an essential instinct in our lives, which in itself is used within one's self to defend our own reality against a nonreality... A nonreality that draws its strength and power from our mortal pain and the suffering of confusion... A place of confusion that is created by your own mind... A choice that all have... A choice not to choose... Be well...

"The Tree of Life..."

"The Tree of Life" The false personification of life falls under the same false pretence that all men and women are created equal... This is a lie in itself... Even with our vast knowledge we are still blind to the fact that we will never accept one another as equals... Our eyes are closed... Our minds are closed... The tree of knowledge provided us with all the information that we needed to live... Only we are foolish enough to disreguard the information as useless... Given the opportunity we as people have chosen chaos over living... Life being secondary to death and destruction... And this seems right to the world?... So you explain to me... How backwards have we as a society become?... How long will it be before we realize the tree of knowledge is withering and dying by our own ignorance... we as individuals are destroying her life day in and day out... The world revolves around us destroying ourselves... The destruction of the tree of life... The destruction of ones own self... And the Destruction of ourselves as a dominant being on this plain of existence... Reducing our own lives nothing more game of chess... Only at the end of this game... No one wins... No one looses... In the end, we cease to exist... BY OUR OWN CHOICE... We have already lost...

"The Sands of Time..."

"The Sands of Time" As the sands of time fall generously through the hourglass of life, we begin to realize that time does not stand still and we, as a civilization, are running out of time... Time is steady slipping away, and through our fingers as we try to hold on to now the best way we can... Unfortunately, you can't stop the ineveitable... You can't stop mother nature... The grace of time mixed with the confusion of life adds to an equation that we don't have an answer to... Right now in this day and age it is said that science has the key to immortal life... Do you really want to live forever?... Do you really have the strength to watch the world you know as home, disappear?... Can you watch your loved ones and all those you know and love grow and die as you stay eternally young?... Ask these questions of yourself and see where your devotion lies... To yourself of to your soul... The world no longer cares whether we live or die... She now is forcing us to survive on our own... These are the sands of time... Each grain representing another day that gradually slips through our hands, taking another day of life away from us and we as a people acting as if we could care less... There is no logic in the way we act... There is, however, logic in the Earth Realm turning her back on us and cleansing her soul... Leaving us to fend for ourselves... Are we capable of living or is it too late on our behalf?... I am, myself, at one with the world and with my soul... You must choose your means of peace soon... For the sands of time wait for no mortal and your life is no more special than the next and as these sands come to their end we will realize that waiting for peace was not the choice we should have made... Time is up, are you at peace with your soul?... I hope your choice was that same peace you have eluded for so long... For our time is near... The hourglass of life has completed its journey and unfortunately this hourglass cannot be turned and restored... No more sand... No more time... No more us...

"Windows To the Soul..."

"Windows To the Soul" A simple look can express how a person feels inside and out... The eyes alone can tell the story of the person they inhabit... Like a window, the eyes allow us to look inside you to know what is truly going on in and around your life... And unlike windows, these cannot be shut to keep onlookers at bay... You watch everyone just as everyone watches you... Noticing the same thing that everyone notices about you, the eyes... They never lie... With the eyes always on display being the most watched and most seen, they can quickly become the most beautiful characteristic of the human body... The eyes allow us to look inside your soul to show where you are coming from, where your mmind has been, and where you are now... With your sight being one of your most important senses, you depend upon it to show you what this world has to offer... Whether you know it or not, your eyes are the controllers of your thoughts and your feelings... Showing every aspect of your being... And even though in some cases your existence could be threatened because of what your eyes told, at the same time, you may depend upon what your eyes show you to further your own existence... Either way the life we lead and the life we hide will be told through the deepness and feelings in the eyes and the moods that are interchanged throughout our days... Proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that the eyes themselves are the true windows to the soul...

"A Whole New Life..."

"A Whole New Life" Like a wall, I build my life brick by brick... Like a puzzle, my life falls together piece by piece... Never moving faster than I know I can or working harder than I know I should... Slowly but efficiently, my wall is being built... With care and ease the picture of my life is becoming ever so clearer to me... I have goals now... I have a new life now... I feel I can live freely now to fullfill my dreams... And not dodge the world anymore... Can you see the change in my eyes?... can you see the changes that I have made in me and my life?... I have chosen to prove myself to me... To prove that I will succeed in life... I have broken down a barrier that has been inpenetrable and indestructable for as long as can be remembered... Releasing parts of my being that were thought to be long since gone and forgotten... I stand here stronger... I stand here now full of pride... I have stood in the storm and weathered that storm that is my life long enough... And now!!!... I think it's time that I come in from the rain... Being torn by the realities of life and illusions of an unstable imagination no longer cloud my thoughts or my true judgement... I can see clearly now... I can see the world now for what it really is... Life... Painfull but true, Life... Life that can be learned from... Life that you can touch... Life that you can feel... Life that can hurt... Life that can benefit... Life that can show me how to grow... Life that teaches... And a life... A life that give me a chance to trully, Live!!!...

"The Weapons of Life..."

"The Weapons of Life" We as individuals live our lives each day unaware of the weapons we carry with us... Weapons of the mind and soul that can cause much more damage than any physical pain or any modern means of weaponry... Words and thought, the two strongest weapons in existence... Think and hear what is being said... Words and human thought can kill a people and destroy civilizations... The mind can cause, wars, chaos, mass destruction, and death worldwide... Our destruction... Human thought is the deadliest weapon never to be created in existence... Unfortunately, this is a gift given to us which has been expoited and taken for granted just as every other gift of knowledge has been over the years... With the mouth cooperating with your mind willingly, there is no limit to the mayhem that can and will be caused... There will never be an end, only ours... The laws of nature already state... Kill or be killed and survival of the fittest... In the same sense, you could say, think before the opponent has a chance to react and I have the upper hand already, so I have won... With the mind making the decisions and the mouth merely following orders without hesitation, chaos is sure to follow... An endless cycle that manifests itself into our everyday routine lives, becoming more and more of its own entity... More cunning... More mythodical... More aware... Aware of us... And a lot stronger and easily becoming the most evil creation known to man... At the same time, feelingsand common sense are quickly devoured as useless information and used to fuel the fires of our insanity... It's only a matter of time before human thought will decide to become its own seperate being... When will we learn?... Or... Will we learn at all?... Who will stand up and acknowledge that finally these natural weapons given to us are nothing more than a means of death that will be by our own hands?... Remember... Like any weapon it can be controlled... Like any weapon there is a limit... And like any weapon it can be stopped... But, be sure that when this weapon is finally contained and is rendered useless, that the reason is caused by our newfound knowledge of the power of thought and is not caused by the end of our existence... Be smart and live...

"The Weapons of Life..."

"The Weapons of Life" We as individuals live our lives each day unaware of the weapons we carry with us... Weapons of the mind and soul that can cause much more damage than any physical pain or any modern means of weaponry... Words and thought, the two strongest weapons in existence... Think and hear what is being said... Words and human thought can kill a people and destroy civilizations... The mind can cause, wars, chaos, mass destruction, and death worldwide... Our destruction... Human thought is the deadliest weapon never to be created in existence... Unfortunately, this is a gift given to us which has been expoited and taken for granted just as every other gift of knowledge has been over the years... With the mouth cooperating with your mind willingly, there is no limit to the mayhem that can and will be caused... There will never be an end, only ours... The laws of nature already state... Kill or be killed and survival of the fittest... In the same sense, you could say, think before the opponent has a chance to react and I have the upper hand already, so I have won... With the mind making the decisions and the mouth merely following orders without hesitation, chaos is sure to follow... An endless cycle that manifests itself into our everyday routine lives, becoming more and more of its own entity... More cunning... More mythodical... More aware... Aware of us... And a lot stronger and easily becoming the most evil creation known to man... At the same time, feelingsand common sense are quickly devoured as useless information and used to fuel the fires of our insanity... It's only a matter of time before human thought will decide to become its own seperate being... When will we learn?... Or... Will we learn at all?... Who will stand up and acknowledge that finally these natural weapons given to us are nothing more than a means of death that will be by our own hands?... Remember... Like any weapon it can be controlled... Like any weapon there is a limit... And like any weapon it can be stopped... But, be sure that when this weapon is finally contained and is rendered useless, that the reason is caused by our newfound knowledge of the power of thought and is not caused by the end of our existence... Be smart and live...

"Dreamworld vs. Reality..."

"Dreamworld vs Reality" Your perception of life changes as your concious thought and your mind come to terms with reality and then rests under the influence of an altered imagination... Your vision then becomes confused , entangling what you are seeing with what you want to see and what you think you see... Do You think what you are seeing is actually?... Is your mind telling you the truth or is it playing a cruel joke?... But from your point of view... Is this joke cruel?... Dealing with reality is a challenge all its own... But, when the dreamworld is mixed in with your reality, confusion occurs and in some cases... Fear!!!... Fears of the mind take over and turn reality into a living nightmare... Through your eyes the world alters itself around you but the world stays the same, in reality... Your mind alters you around a world that stays the same causeing you to act as if you are still in reality... When you know you can't maintain your sanity any longer... Judgement becomes flawed... There are no thoughts... There are no feelings... There is only an altered imagination in which fragmented thoughts cause you to become nervous and paranoid of the real world and what it thinks... You question your own knowledge and abilities... And this is the world you were trained to want and accept?... This the world that you prefer?... An unstable dream in the eyes of one that can't believe in what they see in their own mind... That's a choice?... I say... To hell with that Dreamworld... I'd rather keep my feet planted firmly in this reality and live out my dreams... My dreams are what keep me going... My reality is what keeps me living... But... My reality will never be what you would look at as Normal Sanity... But I am happy where my mind decides to live... No matter what... I am free...

"Mind Control..."

"Mind Control" The constant struggle for control of the mind by your thought, breaks away at your cerebral makeup and gives in to its own insanity... This leaves you helpless to your minds own wants and desires... The desires that lay down the path of your thought... These thoughts are molded from dark desires of your own mind used to control emotions... But in the instance that the mind decides not to change the structure of your thoughts, you then become a mindless clone following the orders from within your own brain... Deep from within your own subcontious... Good or bad, these thoughts become a part of your everyday life, moving and living from day to day just as you do... Not knowing anything is different... A slave to your own mind is what you have become... A slave to your thoughts... A slave to your hidden desires... Unable to live without these thought, you provide the relief that your mind needs... And that relief you need to calm your mind is as far off as your sanity... Controlling your own thoughts has been that of a challenge... It always has been... A challenge that you yourself are not up to... You are loosing the fight to your now untangled disembodied mind... A mind that you and only you have the ablility to control... A mind that you created... A mind that you know the weaknesses and strengths to... This is your mind and the mind should never overrun a person's life or their existence... Giving in is a sign of weakness on your part... Are you weaker than your own mind?... Are you weaker than your own self?... These are desires that you created... Hidden thoughts... These are thoughts that you have kept under control for as long as you can remember... And why now do you fear your minds thoughts?... They are yours... Aren't they?... They belong to you... In any instance, the mind's desires are your mortal thoughts, your darkest passions or fears... Keep them embedded in the mind till the right time arises to let these desires, thoughts, wants, and mind altering images surface... Remember, you created your mind... It never created you...

"Infestation of Life..."

"Infestation of Life" This world has been infested with a sickness that has survived for thousands of years... This sickness has the strength to destroy an entire culture with only that of a passing breath... A sickness that has the ability to turn brother against brother and mother against child... Deadlier than any weapon that could ever be thought of or created... But... This sickness is not a disease... This sickness is us... We as a civilization, were born with the ability to create and learn... We as a people carry the knowledge and know how within ourselves to correct our own current situations... But we choose not to use that knowledge... And without sharing the knowledge, and without accepting the knowledge that is given to you... There is no reversing this situation... We, or people as individuals, are strong willed, intelligent, and we are capable of overcoming any obstacle as they overwhelm us in our lives... But we as people, together, are the exact opposite to an individual... Collective thought is the infestation that makes us so dangerous... Confusing living with survival, we destroy eachother disagreeing with everything that has to do with nothing... Becoming unruling, ignorant to life, noncaring and inconciderate to the very individuals that carry the same knowledge that is needed to save our own existence... Look at what we have become... Look at the steps we take forward and realize within yourself and that we take twice as many steps backwards... I can see where we are headed... I can see the grim future that lies ahead... And I can tell you this, if things don't change and we don't come together as a people, then worrying about tomorrow will be the least of our worries... We will have to cope with the fact that we as individuals could not live as a people... And as a people, we will have to understand that even though we were born with the knowledge to live, we sacrificed everything and wiped our own selves out of existence... Those that survive anyway...
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