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ScoChk's blog: "All About me"

created on 08/08/2007  |  http://fubar.com/all-about-me/b113162

Would your rather?

What would you rather do?
Scuba dive or skydive:Scuba dive
Cheat on a test and pass or not cheat and fail:Cheat and pass duh!
Lose your sense of sight or lose your ability to hear:tough one I guess my hearing
Go to a baseball game or go to a football game:Football
Execute Osama Bin Laden or throw him in jail for life:how about torture the mother fucker every day for the rest of his life while IN jail
Freeze to death or burn to death:Eww freeze definitely
Go to Puerto Rico or Hawaii:Hawaii
Be hot and dumb or ugly and smart:hot and dumb
Talk over the phone or in person:depends
Paint or draw:Yep Photoshop
Live in the South or the North:South
Shot in the hand or the foot:dam um
Live in an urban area or a suburban area:Urban
Die young when you're in love or die at an old age never having been in love:young and in love
Be a Hollywood star or a famous athlete:Hollywood-cause I would love to have my fucked up life made known to millions
Be in the Army or the Navy:Whoever sends you to the best places =)
Run a mile or swim half of a mile:swim
Have taken this survey now that it's over or taken another one?probably

The 'Would You' Survey

Eat a bug?Yes
Bungee jump?No
Hang glide?No
Kill someone?Yes
Kiss someone of the same sex?Yes
Parachute from a plane?No
Walk on hot coals?Yes
Be a vegetarian?Yes
IM a stranger?Yes
Sing karaoke?Yes
Be on survivor?Yes
Run a red light?Yes
Dye your hair blue?Yes
Not wear make-up in public?Yes
Wear make-up in public?Yes
Cheat on a test?Yes
Make someone cry?Yes

Life-Deep survey

~ DEEP SURVEY~ Honestly answer the following 20 questions... can you get through them without lying???
1 - Why are you best friends with your best friend?I am alot to put up with,and not alot of people really understand me
2 - What bothers you the most about other people?lack of consideration for others
3 - Would you ever marry for money?possibly-if I am gonna be honest
4 - Do you prefer to text message or talk on the phone?Talk on the phone
5 - Do you believe that 30 really is the new 20?Hell ya I do
6 - If you had a crush on someone would you tell them?Yes I would
7 - What is one of the toughest things you ever had to do?Get through my Mom's death
8 - Name a challenge you are faced with on a reg basis?My teenage son-daily
9 - Do you cry a lot?kinda
10 - Do you have a plan?Absolutly
11 - Do you think its possible to only love one person for the rest of your life?I think it depends on the person
12 - Are you close with your family?no
13 - Name one thing that you are good at?loyalty,I will stand up for what ,and who I believe in until the death
14 - Name one thing that you are bad at?taking compliments
15 - Your thoughts on Karma?Karma is not to be fucked with!Pay attention What comes around goes around,and believe me it WILL come back around sooner of later.
16 - What does the 5th text message in your inbox say?I don't text
17 - What did you reply to it?
18 - What do you do for a living?Passion Parties Executive Director
19 - Do you honk your horn at old people when they are driving bad?sometimes
20 - Why do you do myspace surveys?why not
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com
1. Do you have any pets?Yes
2. Do you believe in karma?oh Yes
3. Any tattoos are piercing?Yes
4. Who do you know tells the best jokes?Dane Cook,yes I know him
5. Have you ever given money to a bum?Yes
6. In your opinion, what has been the best invention?Tivo
7. What is the dumbest invention?Chia pets
8. Is your room messy?a little
9. What is the worst injury you ever had?Multiple injuries-car wreck
10. What movie do you know all the lines to?The Rock
11. What is the last movie you saw?Transformers
12. How many times a month do you go to the movies?a couple usually
13. What is your favorite animal?cheetah
14. What color are your bed sheets?white silk
15. Is your hair naturally straight or curly?pretty straight
16. What is the video game that you kick ass at?I love pinball actually
17. If you could punch one person who would it be?Mmmmm can't say here
18. Do you watch cartoons?no
19. Do you like Starbucks—or do you think it's just overpriced?I love it
20. What is your favorite smell?$$$$
21. Favorite Batman?Michael Keaton
22. What would you do if a random person offered you candy?take it
23. Are you for capital punishment?Yes
24. Do you swear?Yes alot
25. Do you believe in the supernatural?Yes
26. Do you like to drive fast?Yes
27. Have you ever had braces?Yes
28. Favorite Ninja Turtle?Don'y have one
29. Have you ever eaten spam?once (gag)
30. Do you own a pair of big sunglasses?of course
31. What is one thing you actually remember from kindergarten?eating crayons yummy
32. Have the cops ever taken you home?no
33. Have you ever hit a deer?no
34. Have you ever gone to class drunk?no
35. What color is your room?white
36. Are you taller than your mom?nope
37. Beer or liquor?liquor
38. What would you do if a leprechaun jumped out of the bushes and took your wallet?wtf?
39. What is the ugliest color to wear in your opinion?fuschia
40. What kind of car do you drive?Nissan X-Terra
41. What kind of cell phone do you have?Sprint POS(Piece of shit)
42. Is their any animal that creeps you out?dep sea creatures
43. Do you own an iPod? How many songs are on it?no
44. Ever been in a car accident?many
45. Would you be a ninja or a piratepirate
46. What is your most overused word/statement?Fuck
47. What is the funniest word you have ever heard?government
48. Do you hate it when people call you ‘dear’?sometimes
49. What cartoon character are you most like?Jessica rabbit
50. Can you drive a stick?Of course
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com

Seven Deadly Sins Survey

Who did you last get angry with?Hmm,the person knows who they are
What is your weapon of choice?Gun w/Silencer
Would you hit a member of the opposite sex?I have
How about the same sex?Yes
Who was the last person who got really angry at you?My son
What is your pet peeve?2 many questions about pet peeves
Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily?Keep them
What is one thing you're suppose to do daily that you haven't?Stayed caught up with housework
What is the latest you've ever woken up?I dunno 2 days later
Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't?My niece
What is the last lame excuse that you made?My car wouldn't start
Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through?no
How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock this morning?what alarm? The dog?
What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice?Starbucks Mocha Frappachino
Are you a meat eater?depends
What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event?20 years old/13 shots of Jose cuervo in 30 mins 110 lbs.(Not a pretty site later)
Are you comfortable with your drinking and eating habits?No,I have the diet of a 5 year old child,I like pop tarts OK
Do you enjoy candy and sweets?Yeah
Which do you prefer: sweets, salty foods or spicy foods?Yes
Have you ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, "lunch"?no
How many credit cards do you own?2
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?spend it wisely
Would you rather be rich or famous?rich
Would you accept a boring job if it meant that you would make megabucks?yeah I can make it fun
What's one thing that you have done that you're most proud of?From the hideous past I have had,the person I am now
What's one thing you have done that your parents are most proud of?Graduated high school early after having a baby at 15
What thing would you like to accomplish late in your life?Honestly I would love to just be truly happy and have $$$ to see the world
Do you get annoyed by coming in second place?sometimes
Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors?no
Have you ever cheated to get a better score?no
What did you do today that you're proud of?Signed a new girl to my team!
How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies, family, strippers, locker rooms)?Way too many to count
How many people have seen you naked (not counting physicians, doctors, family, locker rooms, or when you were a young child)?Mmmmm a handful
Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a person of your chosen sex during a normal conversation?lol yes
What is your favorite body part of a person of your gender choice?Arms
Have you ever had sexual encounters (including kissing/making out) with multiple persons?Yes
Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute?no
What item of your friends would you most want to have for your own?To Own a home
Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces" with??
If you could be anyone who existed in the world, who would you be?Helena Christensen
Have you ever been cheated on?Yes
Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own?Yes
What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself?I wish I could be more positive about things
What deadly sin...
Do you do the most often?Lust/Wrath
Do you do the least often?Envy
Is your favorite to act on?Glottony

70 Odd Questions

70 Odd Questions
What is your middle name?Angelique
What color is your mailbox?um,its in my front door.....
Are you single?no
Have you ever hit a deer?no,Thank God
Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home?no
What color is your room?white
Do you have a small driveway?I hate my f-ing driveway!
Do you know anyone with the same ringtone as you?no
What do you do first in the morning?yawn
What brand is your printer?HP something
Do you enjoy fighting with people?no I don't
Is your hair naturally straight or curly?pretty straight
Who was your kindergarten teacher?uhhhhhh
What is your ringtone?INXS-Need you tonight
Are you taller than your mom?no
What curse word do you say the most when your pissed?Fuck
Are you God?um,no
Do you like someone?prolly
Do you enjoy writing in colored pens?yes
Does anything hurt on your body right now?no
Do you often cry during a movie?sometimes
Last phone call you received?the groomer
Last text message?Text pic
Do you hate your life?sometimes I do
Do you get mad easily?Yes
What is your biggest pet peeve?People that chew with their mouth open
Are you cold?all the time
Do any of your friends have kids?yes
Do you know anyone that is pregnant right now?yes
Who should pay on the first date?Guy Duh!
How many years older than you are you willing to date?8-10 I guess
Do you have any friends?yes
Do you have any mean friends?lol yes
What is the ugliest color to wear in your opinion?Fuschia
Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hate?yes
Have you ever felt like driving off a cliff, seriously?many times
Have you ever contemplated suicide?many times
Do you scratch your ears?wtf?
Who was the last person to hug you?my son
What brand are the pant/jeans you're wearing right now?Miss Me
How tall are you?5'2"
What is the closest green object?my green pen
If you were born the opposite sex, what would your parents name you?Something cool like Nate or Jake
Do you want to have kids?Been there done that x 2
What is the brightest color you're wearing?Pink
Who is the friend you have that you would never have expected to have?Jill
Who do you hate the most right now?Hmmm,Can't say here
What kind of car do you want?Mustang
What is your favorite video game?Stripjack lol
Do you like your dad?I love my Dad and respect him more than anyone on earth.
Do you have any TV shows on DVD?Yep,The Office/Nip/Tuck all seasons oh and Friends
Are you wearing make-up?Yes
Do you have a tattoo?Yes
Have you ever broken a pinata?Yes
What time is it right now?11:29 P.M.
Do you know how to draw?not really
Who loves orange soda?I do
Who did you last IM?TBG
Do you work a lot of hours?This is a fucking understatement
Where were you in the last 24 hours?too many places to list here
Who was the last person that called you?the groomer
Is there anything you regret?Yes
Do you know where your family name originated from?Yes
Is there an animal that creeps you out?well deep Sea creatures sure do
What is your favorite color ON A CAR?depends,I like candy apple red
Do you use digital or film cameras?Digital
Do you own an iPod?no
Have you ever been on a charter bus?Yes
Do you like going to water parks?Hell yes
While driving down the road, and looking for an address, do you turn the radio down?lmao,Yes
Pretend you are a really good cook, what meal would you make?hmmm,something Italian
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your closet?My swarovski crystal Pirate shirt
Why?Because I look good in it
If you could quit your job right now, and be anything you wanted, what would it be?I am already doing what I love
What do you think of when you look at the stars?How big the universe really is
When you add someone into your cell phone, do you use there real name, or there nickname?Real names
If you use there real name, do you add there last name?Yes
How much information do you ask for before you sleep with someone?Um,what?
How long do you date someone before you sleep with them?I don't date
If you could say ONE THING to the president, what would it be?Fuck Off !
If you could meet ANY president, dead or not, who would it beAbraham Lincoln
Why?Because he is Abraham Lincoln for God's sakes!
If you could get rid of the holiday season, would you?Groundhogs day
Why?Because I hate the movie
IF you could go to any state, which one would you go to and why?NY I wanna SHOP NYC!
Would you ever get a personalized license plate?Sure
If yes, would would it say?ScorpChic
If you could go back to college, what would you major in?Graphic Design
Before you go to sleep at night, what do you think of?Sheep lmao
What is your favorite kind of weather?rainy
Do you find it a bit unnerving doctors call what they do practice?lol never thought of it that way
If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked?I think he is dead
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?prolly

This or That

McDonalds or Burger King?Burger King
Pepsi or Coke?Pepsi
Sierra Mist or Sprite?Sprite
Dominos or Pizza Hut?Pizza Hut
Fridays or Ruby Tuesdays?Fridays
Pancakes or waffles?Waffles
Hamburgers or cheeseburgers?Cheeseburgers
Meat or veggies?veggies
Vanilla or chocolate?Chocolate
Abercrombie or Hollister?Abercrombie
Boxers or briefs?Boxers
Collar: popped or regular?depends
Jeans or skirt?Skirt
Sneakers or flip-flops?Flip flops
*NYSNC or Backstreet Boys?R u kidding?
50 Cent or 2pac?NO
Country or rap?NO
Rob Thomas or Maroon 5?Rob Thomas
Goo Goo Dolls or Matchbox 20?Ewwww too close to call
Porcupine Tree or Opeth? ;)huh?
The Other Sex
Face or body?Body
Chest or heinie?Chest
Hair: short or long?depends
Brunette or blonde?Brunette
Candy or flowers?um,flowers
Hugs or kisses?Hugs
Friends with benefits or date?Friends with benefits
MySpace or Facebook?Myspace
AIM or MSN?Yahoo
TV or movie?Movie
Cell phone or iPod?Cell
Automatic or manual?Manual
Black or white?depends
Red or blue?Blue
Gold or silver?Silver
Yellow or orange?Orange
Pink or purple?Dammit.....Pink
Summer or Winter?Summer
Fall or Spring?Fall
Rain or thunderstorm?Thunderstorms
Snow or rain?Snow
Would you rather...
Shower or bathe?Shower thank you
Play an instrument or sing?Sing
Play ping-pong or pool?pool
Be hot or cold?Hot
Are you...
Quiet or loud?Loud I am told
Immature or immature?Yes
Ugly or hott?HOTT
Smart or stupid?Smart
Gay or straight?Straight
Dogs or cats?both
Pen or pencil?my Pink pen
Bush or Kerry?Barack!
Canada or Australia?Australia

A Full Service Survey

A Full Service Survey:
Who Are You?
Zodiac Sign:Scorpio
Rising Sign:Scorpio
Birth Year:1970
Birthplace:Los Angeles,CA
Hometown:Oklahoma City,OK
Is your Hometown a small town, rural town, suburb, city, or inner-city:City
Highschool(s):Chino High School Class of 88
Are you the eldest, middle, youngest or only child?:I'm the baby
Heritage:Been thru this
What Do You Look Like?
Hair Color:Blonde
Eye Color:Blue/Green
Skin tone:Fair
Face Shape:Regular I hope
Weight:108 lbs.
Shoe size:7
What Makes You Tick
What aspect of your personality do you like best?My humor
Which aspect of your personality do you like the least?I lack patience
What are some things about other people that annoy you?Stupid people annoy me
What are some things about you that might annoy people?My driving
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?lol a Vet
What is your favorite time of day?night
Are your parents still together, never were together or divorced:no,Mom passed away
How do you handle arguments/disagreements with other people?not well
Would say you are more extroverted or introverted?Extro
Are you spiritual? If yes, is your spirituality influenced by organized religion?not really
Name one of your physical traits that you would change if you could:my forehead
Name one of your physical traits that you really like:my boobs and eyes
Name something you’d like to do before you die:Visit the Memorial for Michael Hutchence in Oz
If you could back in time to any point of history, where would you go and why?Have to think about this one
Have you ever experienced anything supernatural?I think so
Are you close to your family members?Not so much
Name some things in life that you are afraid of?Death
What is your biggest life issue right now?Just making it through this week
What Do You Like?
Scents:Vera Wang,Dolce and Gabanna,Juicy Couture
TV Channels:FX,MTV,VH-1
PC Games:Sims
Snack Foods:Pretzels
Beverages:Sure anything
Game Consoles:X box 360
Concerts:Def Leppard,Duran Duran,INXS
Conversation Topics:Current news,Celeb dirt,
Radio Stations:KATT
Restaurants:too many to list
Websites:um Fubar and my OWN
CDs:80's too many to list
Vacation spots:Mexico
TV commercials:what?
Radio Commercials:no
Stores:Aeropostale,Bath and body works,Victoria's secret
Outdoor Activities:Swimming,relaxing,cause I don't get to do it often
Do You Like...
Mexican Food?YES
Italian Food?YES
Chinese Food?YES
Japanese Food?no
German Food?no
Greek Food?no
Polish Food?no
Mongolian Food?no
Cajun Food ?no
Soul Food?no
Vegan Food?no
Jalapenos?NO WAY
Caesar Salad?Yes
Rabbit?NO WAY
Bison?NO WAY
Do You Play...
Hockey?no,love to watch
Trivial Pursuit?yes
Poker?Texas Hold Em' and I am GOOD!
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com

75 Random Questions

75 Random Questions:
Do you have any pets?Yes
What color shirt are you wearing?Dark Blue
Name three things that are physically close to you:a Dvd, cell phone,my Pink pen
What is the last book you read?Kick-The life and times of Michael Hutchence
Are you or were you a good student?Not really
What's your favorite sport?Now,Football
Do you enjoy sleeping late?um,CHYEAH!
What's the weather like right now?Hot as hell
Who tells the best jokes?Dane FUCKING Cook!!!!!
What was the last thing you dreamed about?Don't remember
Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?Yes,many times
Do you believe in karma?YES
Do you believe in luck?Yes
Do you like your eggs scrambled or sunny side up?Scrambled
Do you collect anything? If so, what?Anything INXS,Angels
Are you proud of yourself?Yes
Are you reliable?Yes
Have you ever given money to a bum?Yes
What's your favorite food?Mexican
Have you ever had a secret admirer?I dont know
Do you like the smell of gasoline?Weirdly yes,and matches (Ok now I am a freak)
Do like to draw?Not really
What's your favorite invention?TIVO
Is your room messy?A little
What do you like better: oranges or apples?Oranges
Do you give in easily?Not at all lol
Are you a good guesser?Very
Can you read other people's expressions?Yes
Are you a bully?I try not to be
Do you have a job?Yes
What time did you wake up this morning?12:30 P.M.
What did you eat for breakfast this morning?Cocoa Puffs
When was the last time you showered?About 3 hours ago
What do you plan on doing tomorrow?Alot
What's your favorite day of the week and why?Friday the week is finally slowing down
Do you have any nicknames?Yes
Have you ever been scuba diving?no
What's your least favorite color?Puke green
Is there someone you have been constantly thinking about? If yes, who?Yes........
Would you ever go skydiving?Hell no
What toothpaste do you use?Crest with Scope
Do you enjoy challenges?Yes
What's the worst injury you have had?Car crash injuries,too many to list
What's the last movie you saw?Captivity-it sucked
What do you want to know about the future?That my son's are happy with how I raised them
What does your last text message say?It was a text pic
Who was the last person you spoke over the phone to?My son
What's your favorite school subject?Science
What's your least favorite school subject?Math GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!
Would you rather have money or love?Again,I have both
What is your dream vacation?Australia
What is your favorite animal?Cheetah
Do you miss anyone right now?My Mom, tremendously
What's the last sporting event you watched?My son,Football practice today
Do you need to do laundry?always
Do you listen to the radio?not alot no
Where were you when 9/11 happened?home,F-ing stunned
What do you do when vending machines steal your money?Find the Manager
Have you ever caught a butterfly?Yep
What color are your bed sheets?White silk
What's your ringtone?INXS-Need you tonight
Who was the last person to make you laugh?My son
Do you have any obsessions right now?Yes
Do you like things that glow in the dark?uh,Sure
What's your favorite fruity scent?Strawberry
Do you watch cartoons?rarely
Have you ever sat on a roof?no
Have you ever been to a different country?Yes
Name three things in the world you dislike:War,Poverty,the U.S. Justice system
Name three people in the world you dislike:Bush,Tom Petty,Osama Bin Laden
Has a rumor even been spread about you?Yes
Do you like sushi?No
Do you believe in magic?Yes
Do you hold grudges?Yes
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com
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