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Ahimsa Bodhi's blog: "AnarchoTalk"

created on 05/17/2019  |  http://fubar.com/anarchotalk/b371363

Tyre Nichols

Everytime this transpires, still you insist that cops aren't deplorable, that most are good, especially against evidence to the contrary. 5 cops took turns viciously beating this 29 year old man, for reasons unproven. Where are the good cops in this video and various other videos? So many videos, so many deplorable cops. And it doesn't seem to ever matter, the people protest, the president pretends to care, the "back the blue" people still support, and in most cases, nothing transpires, especially when the cops are white.


The cops in this particular video gasconade about what they've done. "I was landing straight haymakers, dog", "I jumped in and started rockin", afore this man was brutally beaten, one of them verbalizes "I hope they stomp his ass". They punched him, they kicked him in the face, they hit him with batons, and pepper sprayed him. And reminiscent of Rodney King, he was ceased for a traffic contravention (of which no evidence subsists) and again, like Mr. King, they beat him rigorously, only distinction being, Tyre died. It's reminiscent of another police beating, Kelly Thomas. A homeless man, accused of stealing mail, was beaten so deplorably by 6 cops that his face was left disfigured. Again, these cops bragged "I just smashed his face to hell". You can find the video and pictures online, those 6 cops were acquitted after a judge verbally expressed the police acted reasonably! On what fucking planet (conspicuously this one) is it plausible to murder someone for stealing mail, allegedly? I digress.


Tyre Nichols was handcuffed while they beat him. So many videos of cops shooting people with their hands up, so many videos of cops beating people, so many videos. And what transpires? People still support the police, and nothing fucking changes. Calls to defund the police are still met with vexation from imbecilic people, as if defunding police isn't warranted. I don't optate to defund the police, I optate to rid them entirely. We do not require the police. I understand that to a plethora of people, this sounds counterproductive, but it genuinely isn't, simple research fortifies me in this. It's just a matter of you wanting to do the research and a quality to transmute your opinion when facts are presented. It is beyond clear that most people lack this quality, they optate to live with the prevarications, because it's comfortable and convenient. Even when the nutjob right-wing retards verbalize about what transpired to Tyre, they spend most of the time advocating for the police still.


Tyre Nichols screamed for his mother. Kelly Thomas screamed for his father. I have no hope and no faith in humanity in this moment, like so many other moments. Humans, for all we've accomplished, for all the astonishing things we've done, we're still unimaginably fucking stupid.

Why is antisemitism so out in the open right now? Why aren't these anti-semitic assholes scared? Make anti-semitic people afraid again. Make racists afraid again. You don't care about freedom of speech, you just want to be bigoted without consequences. You can say whatever you want, as a "right" but I will not grant you the right to have your bigotry go unchecked. People are way too comfortable with their hate, and it's because nobody is doing what needs to be done: kicking the people's asses all over the place. When I was growing up, the people I hung out with, if you started speaking that hateful shit, you got knocked the fuck out. I try to be peaceful, but hateful people don't fucking deserve peace. Someone might be less comfortable with their hate rhetoric if you crack that fucker in the jaw.


I don't understand what's going on right now. And some celebrities are making these disgusting people gleefully talk that hateful talk. They shouldn't be able to talk that hateful talk, because their jaws should be wired the fuck shut. Same with transphobic people. They're too comfortable talking nonsense, again, they should be afraid to speak that disrespectful bullshit. 

Is it Misogyny?

I don't think the hatred for Amber Heard can be so simplified as "misogyny" These people think Heard is lying, thus making a mockery of actual victims, so making memes about her and the hatred doesn't feel wrong to them, because they think she deserves it for lying. I think that generalizing it all as misogyny leaves no room for further evaluation, and it completely negates having to pay attention to fact because you have your mind made up, and that happens on both sides. Both Depp and Heard will be viewed as lairs and abusers to some. There's nothing wrong with Believe All Women, except when you toss out the idea of evidence. And having evidence of abuse is hard, but there have been very little in the way of actual proof for Heard, there is at least a recording of Heard admitting to hitting Depp and she says she can't promise not to become violent, that has got to be considered. At the very least, there is concrete evidence that both Depp and Heard are verbally abusive. Neither party is golden here. The problem is people are acting like Depp is clean, others are acting like Heard is clean. It's preposterous, it's fucking insulting to VICTIMS!

Depp vrs Heard

Look, Johnny Depp isn't going to win this court case. A lot of people are realizing that men can be victims of domestic violence too. But do the courts agree? Do the folks on the jury believe it? I'm not so sure. I believe that Depp was verbally abusive, I don't believe the allegations of assault nor the allegations of sexual violence, that sort of behavior is chronic, a person doesn't suddenly get into sexual violence in their 50's. I always believe all women, and initially I believed Miss Heard, but evidence shows she is the abuser, she admitted as much on tape recording. Depp was violent at times, shown in video, but never against Amber Heard, all we have is her word.

Women are still overwhelmingly ignored and not believed, mocked and ridiculed and often receive death threats for speaking out, I payed close attention to her allegations and the ensuing court cases. I listened to women online and in my family. The majority of which believe that Heard is full of shit. I've been watching the court proceedings, it's damn near impossible not to, it's all over the bloody place, much like the blood from Johnny Depp's severed finger. Specifically, I've been watching reaction videos from body language experts, and they all say Heard is either outright lying, being manipulative or embellishing, every one of them, such as Janine Driver on Court TV, and Spidey from the YouTube page The Behavioral Arts.

I believe in #believeallwomen, but I'd like to go one step further, #BelieveAll
Because just like most women are perceived as gold digging lairs when they speak out, men too, are ignored, mocked and ridiculed. A lot of people don't believe men can be victims of domestic violence, which is inherently sexist. Domestic violence can happen in any relationship, men abusing women, women abusing men, men abusing men and women abusing women. Speaking of which, Amber Heard was accused by an ex of domestic violence. Interestingly, between Heard and Depp, only one has been accused of assaulting a partner in the past: the answer is Amber Heard. And if you still don't know who you believe, then you have to ask yourself two questions:

What does Amber Heard gain from lying?


Why would Depp start abusing a partner now in his 50's?

America the Delusional

Gather 'round Americans. Look! Look at all the pro-life and All Lives Matter folks, not one fucking ounce of care for the people Rittenbitch murdered. This metaphorical dick riding of Rittenhouse. Look hypocrisy right in the face, Come one, come all for this anything but rare chance to see people with absolutely no consistency for the beliefs they want you to think they hold. 

Utterly gutless a pretense as ever was clear to see, we have it, and almost exclusively in the home of the free, America! Where morality is discussed but not upheld in any sense of the word. Where being "pro-Life" is the standard, but only when it comes to people you agree with. Where "All Lives Matter" is so clear to see, a direct response to Black Lives Matter and nothing more, there is no substance behind the All Lives banner. 

Yes, in America, chants of "Murder all pedophiles" are intertwined with chants of "All Lives Matter". A place where calls to free Rittenhouse are shouted by the "pro-Life" crowd.
 Ah, America! Where hypocrisy has a permanent residence. Yes, America, where people want you think is the beacon of light that shines on morality so that the rest of the world may follow, in that place, murderers are condemned as long as they're not white. Come smell the rotting oder of the land of make believe, because that's exactly the kind of morality you'll find here, make-believe, it's not real folks.

I just want to, piece by piece, break down and correct this drastic misunderstanding of the so-called "woke" movement. 

"A lot of people want to convince you that you need a Ph.D. or a law degree or dozens of hours of free time to read dense texts about critical theory to understand the woke movement and its worldview. You do not. You simply need to believe your own eyes and ears"
Well, kinda. Like say, if you think you know more than an expert on a certain field because you watched a YouTube video or read a Facebook post, i'm just saying, maybe you don't know what you're talking about. Yes, you should believe your own eyes and ears, literally nobody said you shouldn't. But what you shouldn't do, is lie. Just because you heard or saw something doesn't mean you understood it.

"Let me offer the briefest overview of the core beliefs of the Woke Revolution, which are abundantly clear to anyone willing to look past the hashtags and the jargon"
Oh, this should be fun.

"It begins by stipulating that the forces of justice and progress are in a war against backwardness and tyranny. And in a war, the normal rules of the game must be suspended. Indeed, this ideology would argue that those rules are not just obstacles to justice, but tools of oppression. They are the master’s tools.  And the master’s tools cannot dismantle the master’s house"
This is just a bunch of fucking gibberish. The usage of big words and complex sentances I'm sure even she can't ascertain. 

"So the tools themselves are not just replaced but repudiated. And in so doing, persuasion—the purpose of argument—is replaced with public shaming. Moral complexity is replaced with moral certainty. Facts are replaced with feelings"
Public shaming a racist? Yes. Public shaming lies and slander? Absolutely. Persuasion is not replaced by Public Shaming. But if you think you can, say, make a nazi change his mind with facts? Very rarely, as what they believe is easy to see bullshit. So many people have no interest in facts. As we'll find out in your nonsensical blog. And Moral Certainty, which is "probability so great as to allow no reasonable doubt" doesn't sound too bad to me. As for Moral Complexity, are you seriously telling us it's hard to determine right and wrong? It's not. Facts are replaced with feelings? No. You just disregard facts when they don't align with your worldview, and you claim said fact is not fact and you turn around and accuse us of something you're doing.

"Ideas are replaced with identity. Forgiveness is replaced with punishment. Debate is replaced with de-platforming. Diversity is replaced with homogeneity of thought. Inclusion, with exclusion"
I'll leave be the first sentence, but forgiveness is replaced with punishment? No, but you do have to actually show that you are at least remorseful. You want people to say whatever they want without consequences. So far, everything you're claiming the woke people do, are actually what you do. And debate has not been replaced with with de-platforming. I don't know, I don't think deplatforning racists is a bad idea. We can still debate, but if you use your platform to espouse hate speech and harmful ideas- ideas that inspire hate crime, you should be de-platformed. "Diversity is replaced with homogeneity" is just clearly incorrect. Come on, inclusion with exclusion? Sure, if you mean we don't include hate and lies, I'd say so. And where do you get the nerve to accuse us of exclusiveness? That's your whole bag, hypocrite.

"In this ideology, speech is violence. But violence, when carried out by the right people in pursuit of a just cause, is not violence at all. In this ideology, bullying is wrong, unless you are bullying the right people, in which case it’s very, very good. In this ideology, education is not about teaching people how to think, it’s about reeducating them in what to think. In this ideology, the need to feel safe trumps the need to speak truthfully"
Speech is not violence but it can lean to violence. That's simple. Violence in response to violence isn't violence, it's self defense. Bullying is wrong, unless your giving a bully a taste of his own medicine, you know, that whole eye for an eye thing. "education is not about teaching people how to think, it’s about reeducating them in what to think" oh, so making kids stand for the pledge of allegiance or else be punished isn't teaching people what to think? Telling us to respect the law or else, that's not teaching people what to think? Saying there's only two genders so stop looking into it, that's not you teaching people what to think? You fucking moron. And no, the need to feel safe trumps the freedom to be hateful and slanderous. 

"In this ideology, if you do not tweet the right tweet or share the right slogan, your whole life can be ruined. Just ask Tiffany Riley, a Vermont school principal who was fired—fired—because she said she supports black lives but not the organization Black Lives Matter"
No ones life has been ruined, no one. All those "canceled" people are still making money, still getting jobs. If you tweet comparing black people to apes, that's wrong and you need called out for it. In this class, did she compare BLM to a hate group? Did she lie and mislead students? Where's the context? You're not giving the whole story, something ya'll are very good at. 
"In this ideology, the past cannot be understood on its own terms, but must be judged through the morals and mores of the present. It is why statues of Grant and Washington are being torn down. And it is why William Peris, a UCLA lecturer and an Air Force veteran, was investigated for reading Martin Luther King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” out loud in class"
YES, YES IT SHOULD. Just because Homophobia was the norm in the past, doesn't mean it's not wrong. Wrong is wrong. If a child was raped in 1894, are we not allowed to condemn it in 2021? That's just the dumbest fucking argument so far.Statues of Grant and Washington should be torn down, because OWNING SLAVES IS MORALLY FUCKING WRONG NO MATTER WHAT YEAR OR FUCKING CENTURY, JACKASS. Ah! Some common ground, why was that gentleman investigated? I truly don't understand that part.

"In this ideology, intentions don’t matter. That is why Emmanuel Cafferty, a Hispanic utility worker at San Diego Gas and Electric, was fired for making what someone said he thought was a white-supremacist hand gesture—when in fact he was cracking his knuckles out of his car window"
Intention does matter, again, literally no one has said otherwise. More common ground, being fired for that misunderstanding is just plain fucking stupid. Unless, again, you are purposely disregarding context. 

"Racism has been redefined. It is no longer about discrimination based on the color of someone’s skin. Racism is any system that allows for disparate outcomes between racial groups. If disparity is present, as the high priest of this ideology, Ibram X. Kendi, has explained, racism is present. According to this totalizing new view, we are all either racist or anti-racist. To be a Good Person and not a Bad Person, you must be an “anti-racist.” There is no neutrality. There is no such thing as “not racist.” 
Not true. It's still based on that. But it's easy to see why allowing"disparate outcomes between racial groups" can be seen as racist. Yes, you do need to be anti-racist, you cannot be neutrality about racism. Yes, if you do not speak out against racism, you are allowing those notions to stand. How can you say we think you must be anti racist, then say we don't think that's a real thing? Are you an idiot?

Men don't require to identify as a women to follow you into the bathroom. And even if they do, Sexual assault remains a malefaction no matter why someone claims they entered a women’s space. The predator argument is predicated on a postulation that men who prey on women will be inspired to dress as women and enter women’s spaces because they could erroneously claim to be transgender and ergo sanctioned to stay. But, if a female alleges she was sexually assaulted, the gender identity of the perpetrator has no bearing on the criminality of the act.


You're endeavoring to penalize transgender people predicated on what ifs. Well why don't we make eating at fast food restaurants illegal because it could have havoc affects on our bodies. Or make it illegal to have a job because a contingency might transpire. Make it illegal to drive because you could crash. No more taking a bath, you might drown. And hey, don't you dare have kids, they might get abducted. The possibility of that stuff transpiring is high because it transpires all the fucking time, know what transpires very infrequently? Predators pretending to identify as women to assault women in restrooms. This cockamamy theory is utilized as comedy fodder to demean, mock and derogate transgender people. "I identify as a toaster", oh, fucking hysterical init? No, you're just a bigoted dumbass. In fact travestying something just because you don't understand it makes you an impotent, sensitive little bitch, especially when it has nothing to do with you, ya egomaniac. i believe you can joke about anything, you can joke about transgender people, but if that joke is ment to endeavor to invalidate them, that's when it becomes unfunny and just plain mean. Be better.

I feel it is paramount to make clear I do not fortify Joe Biden. I would never support any president. He, just like Trump, is a stumbling, bumbling imbecile. My abhorrence for Trump is no endorsement of Biden. And his pal Kamala Harris, one of the most immensely colossal enemies to black transgender people, she's a fucking train wreck. 
I just love to point out that everything people mock Biden for, are what they ignore about Trump. Like the inability to make a consummate rational sentence for one. When I look a Biden and Trump, or their adherents, all I see is a pair of fucking clown shoes.

It's an outlandish thing, isn't it? Trump having been president turned people into mindless imbeciles. Their fortification of him is like worship, and it's riddled with sexual undertones. These people really act like he's god incarnate. It's very creepy. Even after all he's verbalized and done, he literally gasconaded about sexual assault, he sexualized his own daughter and these fucking creeps still wear his hats, what kind of bitch move is that? Is he your daddy? You got quandaries. So many people are blowing this old senile freak. I'm still confounded as to for what purport. It makes no sense, he didn't fucking do anything eminent. His "accomplishments" are misattributed. Unemployment was dropping steadily afore he became president, gas prices ebbs and flows regardless of who is in office, the number of jobs has been growing since 2010, they say he lowered insulin prices, however many people are still being charged high. He has done somethings good, but not proximately enough to make him the greatest president ever, far from it. They verbalize he's the greatest friend to minorities than any other president, but, history and marginally of research, shows this is indeed erroneous. Recollect when he lobbied for the execution of 4 innocent black men? They verbalize he's LBGTQ convivial, but he's been endeavoring for years to make it licit for medical professionals to have the right to reluct accommodation to transgender and gay people. He mocked a handicapped journalist on live TV and people fucking cheered him. He called on his adherents to physically assault placid protesters at his rallies, which they jubilantly obliged. He called literal nazis fine people and he called football players placidly protesting SOB's and bastards. He called Mexicans ravishers and drug dealers, he conventionally fulminated and travestied women for having the audacity to dissent with him. He contradicted himself so many times on so many issues. I now verbally express this, in the most reverent way possible, to fortify him, is to be mentally fucking ill. Now go ignore this like you ignore every deplorable thing he's ever done or said. Oh, we all know how you brain dead people love to make "deplorable" into a positive.

If you're an Anarchist that will only engage with other Anarchists, you're conspicuously doing a disservice to your own cause. I cerebrate you should engage with people with divergent views, even ones of a hazardous kind, like racism and antisemitism. I'm an anarchist and I'm endeavoring to work, and get everybody else to work, towards an anarchist society. It can sound off-putting, I conjecture, when I commence verbalizing about how we don't require a regime or a military, or borders or police. I can explicate why with each subject piecemeal. But right now I just want to talk about engaging with people that don't apportion your opinion, because you'll get nowhere and nothing will get done, you're just saying the same thing back and forth with no one to challenge you. That's not doing any good. I don't optate everybody to cerebrate the same way, but I do optate you to recognize fucked up when you see it, and having a regime tell you what you can and cannot do, is fucked up, and it's not liberation. No country is free, not America either. The definition of liberation is "the potency or right to act, say, or think as one wants without obstruction or restraint" and we do not retain that. Only under Anarchism can that be procured.
Authentically, I'll give you a taste of what transpires when police are nowhere to be seen.
The Violence that would occur without regime, couldn't hold a candle to the violence by the regime. There are many anarchist cities and towns, they have no police force, yet they're largely peaceful. When New York police officers ephemerally minimized their “proactive policing” efforts on low-level offenses, major-crime reports in the city genuinely fell. When a youtuber spent a whole day and night in a town without police, nothing deplorable transpired, but a peaceful neighborhood festival.

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