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BrokenAngel's blog: "As the Fu Turns"

created on 09/17/2010  |  http://fubar.com/as-the-fu-turns/b336296  |  2 followers

Tammy has decided to just give up...tired of being lied to, tired of having things hidden, if you wanted to be with me there would be no secrets or games


Tammy is glad that karma finally caught up with someone who has been dodging it for a while! ahhhhhh paybacks are awesome when they aren't yours!!


Tammy is special! The people in the white coats told me so! They even bought me a pretty jacket with all kinds of buckles on it! I feel pretty! O' so pretty!


I don't care what you look like, God said your Drop Dead Gorgeous, "For you are fearfully and wonderfully made" Psalms 139:14


It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most. Not where you live, what you drive... There's no dollar sign on peace of mind.


A little faith will bring your soul to heaven but a lot of faith will bring heaven to your soul. G.H.


The very first time I realized what unconditional love meant; was the very first time I held my child in my arms. It was love at first sight.


Wishes I was laying on a beach with a pina colada right about now.


Has finally realized that cutting people from my life does NOT mean I hate them, It just means I respect ME


Sometimes u have to make the "right" decision even if it's not what u want..and then hope like crazy it all works out in the end the way u wanted it to.


Ephesians 4:2 Always be humble and gentle. Patiently put up with each other and love each other.


Everyone makes mistakes Every Day. The tough part is living with those mistakes at times. Stay true to your word and those you hold in your heart !


Dear God, May all who read this be touched by peace that only You can offer. May they find hope, faith and joy and feel Your presence around them.


Tammy thinks too many act like EXPERTS on issues they know absolutely nothing about! Knowledge is power, so educate yourself before getting manipulated by the lies.


When I saw u I was afraid to meet you, when I met you I was afraid to kiss you, when I kissed you I was afraid to love you, now that I love you, I'm afraid to lose you.


Wants to say...Despite your past and regardless of your current circumstances, your future can exceed your expectations!


What else can i do but sit here and wonder, if your thinking about me too.. Wondering if you can feel when i am hurting, or missing you.


Time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life, but you behaviors decide who will stay in your life...


Thinks that true friendship isn't about being there when it's convenient; it's about being there when it's not


Never let anyone determine the light in your eyes, there comes a time in life when you have to say forget it all and let go and let God


Why is it the people who say they can't stand drama are the ones who always create it?


Thinks people shouldn't sit around and judge others when they can't even control or sweep around there own porch. I'm just saying.


Says that we're so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are.


I'm a long ways from perfect but I'm always myself


Thinks seriously that people should learn to mind their own business and stop questioning everyone else s lives and start questioning your own... get a LIFE!


It all started with a Perfect Kiss!


What I maketh, the government taketh. :(


My house is as clean as it's gonna get, i am as friendly as i can be, i do as much as i can , i am who i am, if u don't like it i think u no whats next.lol


What you hear and what is said can be two totally different things...


Life is too short to have regrets; enjoy where you are in the moment. Forget the past, don't worry about the future and live right now! Love, laugh and dance!


is remembering someone special today. When someone you love becomes a memory, then every memory of that person becomes a treasure to you. �


Useless Info: A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.


going to a sleepover party, I was invited by my pillow, bed and blanket.


FACT OF LIFE: People are gonna hurt you, but its your decision who gets a second chance


Would like to extend her condolences to all the single ladies out there - the most wonderful man in the world is no longer on the market. So sorry - he's mine.


Y'know those signs you see in towns that say, "Drive careful, we love our children". DUH, you're not gonna see the sign that say, "GUN IT, WE'LL MAKE MORE!"


Life was so much easier when boys had cooties, we only cried over owies, pain was merely physical, and all the big decisions were made by Mommy and Daddy.


a good solid meaningful loving relationship is never easy and always worth the effort you put into it. ~ A G


The gummy bears talk to me, and they tell me you are crazy.


Adult is a person who is mature minded or just reached the legal age, but to be considered an adult you MUST put away childish wants and childish needs.! =]


One day you're going to realize that I would have been worth your time...


4th floor here I come!  The men with the white coats have come to take me away!(aah finally-a vacation!)


Some people need to get a life and leave mine alone. If you don't have a clue about your own life what makes you think you can run other peoples lives?


I know I can be overwhelming, up-front and turn every simple thing into something sexual, but this is who I am and I'm sorry if you can't handle it.


Is spending some quality time with her sanity. Poor thing has been neglected lately...


Is more confused than a chameleon in a bowl of fruit loops!


~ When the enemy starts knocking on a door that you closed long ago, you just say, "JESUS, IT'S FOR YOU!!"


Don't worry about what you can not change. Live for the day, reflect on yesterday and open your arms to the gift of tomorrow.


Is in the bath tub planning to take over the world with her lime green sailor rubber ducky and bubbles


Life doesn't throw chances at you, it throws the faith to change who you are inside and out.


I Don’t believe life is a box of chocolates but more a can of nuts!


Lord, it amazes me that no matter how much I mess things up, You're always there to put everything back together and get me back on track. Thank You.


Says life is to wonderful to let yourself be sad all the time. Sometimes changing your life is the best thing you can do. Let no one control you or your life.


The way to a woman's heart: Listen to her, make her laugh, hold her when she cries, respect her, love her. The way to a man's heart: Show up naked, bring beer.


I find it oddly amusing that someone whose #1 pet-peeve is being lied to, yet have proved them self to be a liar. Think I'll sit back and relish that knowledge.


I guess in order to lose sleep over a guilty conscience; one would actually have to have a conscience.


The truth will set you free and the lies will chain you down. Speak true to me and we will fly together, speak lies and I will leave you behind.


If you have to hide what you are doing from someone, then you know in your heart what you are doing is wrong.


Secrets will break you. They will break your life, your love, your being. They will break your spirit. If you truly love someone you will keep no secrets.


When you lie, expect your lies to catch up to you! Don't blame others for your own drama!


Why do people lie? Ooh right... They NEED the attention!


I'm not sure what hurts more, the fact that you lied to me or the fact that, in your eyes, I wasn't even worth the truth.


You are great at many things, lying, cheating, deception and being a master manipulator. Congratulations!


It's not so much the lying that pisses me off, it's the fact that you thought I was stupid enough to believe you.


I'm a fool. i keep believing your lies even when i know the truth. and what hurts most is that you don't give a damn how much your lies cause me pain


Next time someone tells you what another person said about you, do yourself a favor and ask yourself" who held up the other end of the conversation about you?"


If you want to understand someone, listen not to what they say but what they do.


It takes courage to be honest. A liar is nothing but a coward, afraid to face reality.


Would rather be disappointed with the truth than be hurt with lies... No matter how big or small the lie is, it is still a lie. Just be honest


Honesty has a beautiful and refreshing simplicity about it. No ulterior motives. No hidden meanings. No lies.


The ironic thing about those who tell lies about you is that, if they told the absolute truth, it wouldn't make THEM appear so worthless, petty, and jealous.


Thinks it's really sad when people lie so much and start so much drama that they don't even know the truth anymore.


Words mean little, when actions are proving otherwise.


Sometimes... what's left unsaid speaks the loudest, and actions speak louder then words. The truth never hurts as much as the lies do!


Second chances are a gift; third chances are highly unlikely.


...Remember that it is better to tell the truth to make someone cry, than to tell a lie to make someone smile.


Wonders why people try to hide things? If you feel the need to hide it then you shouldn't be doing it in the first place!


has decided to just give up...tired of being lied to, tired of having things hidden, if you wanted to be with me there would be no secrets or game


Word of the day ASSTARD need I say more!?


If being stupid was a crime you'd get the death penalty


I am having a major case of the I.D.G.A.F's.


thinks there are some people in this world who she wouldn't piss on if they were on fire, in fact she'd get the marshmallows out and enjoy ! thinks there are some people in this world who she wouldn't piss on if they were on fire, in fact she'd get the marshmallows out and enjoy !


Says "ATTENTION ALL DRAMA QUEENS, ATTENTION SEEKERS, WHINERS" Please do us all a favor and get a life and shut the hell up. Because we don't care.


I think that some people are a skid-mark on the pants of life


Be warned if you piss me off today I'm going to knock your teeth so far down your throat you will need to stick y our toothbrush up your backside to clean them


You wanna play games? Game on. But we play by my rules now. Be warned: I don't play fair & I damn sure don't play nice. :)


Everything happens for a reason right? So when I smack you remember I had a good freaking reason!


Tired of being at the bottom of your priority list. If I'm not around when you finally find time for me, ask yourself how the bottom of MY list feels.


So far my criminal record is clean but how I feel today, I'm not sure if I can keep it that way...just sayin'.


You think i don't notice things. But i do. You think that you can hide things from me. But you can't. So stop trying and just tell me strait up.


I'm going to just LAUGH. Not get mad just LAUGH! But please be warned that does not mean you will not get punched in the face while I am LAUGHING!!!


...wish i could delete people from my head like i can from my friends list...


may appear two faced at times, but remember anything I say behind your back. . . I'd happily say to your face :).


Things happen for a reason..so when I reach over and smack you upside the head just remember..you gave me a reason!!!


Have you noticed that some people seem to have chaos and drama follow them everywhere? I wonder..do they seek it, cause it...or is it Karma?


"Amoris vulnus idem sanat, qui facit. Translation: The wounds of love can only be healed by the one who made them". Syrus Publilius


i miss you arms around me, i miss your lips on mine, and i miss your voice in my ear, i miss how you make me feel safe. So please come back to me...


I hate you, not because I don't like you but because I love you. I was happy and you know you were too, now I am miserable and there is nothing I can do!


Wonders why there are no painkillers for emotional pain?!?


I know longer wish to be an convenient OPTION...I deserve to be the best CHOICE.


When we make choices ... we have to live with them ... When we make choices ... we have to live with them ...


Feeling lonely when you're married is much worse than feeling lonely when you're single.Trust me I know..


Always remember this important rule to a happy marriage: GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO LISTEN TO THEIR WIVES!! Click "Like" if you Agree!


u don't marry the person u can live with, u marry the person u can't live without


I have lived and learned. When you leave God out of it, it can't work out. That goes for anything and everything! Whatever you do, make sure you include God!


When I'm an old lady, I want to sit on a porch swing with the man I love, holding hands and sipping iced tea, swatting mosquitoes.


would rather spend every day fighting with him, than not have him in her life at all


why is it in marriage men get a wife and all we get is a husband. I want a wife too someone to do my laundry, cook my meals, clean my house, just saying.


When you're married it's called a commitment, and when the state deems you insane and locks you away it's also called a commitment. . Coincidence? I think not!!


Marriage is not always easy, work through your ups & downs, love one another, make alone time, remember you promised to commit yourself to each other!!


Post Card Wisdom

My Grandmother sent me this postcard when I left for college.  I loved her very much, she had a wonderful sense of humor.


I Think I Shall Never See...

a guys who's perfect just for ME!

A man who's bright and doesn't bore me, who has the good taste to adore me.

One who'll make my insides tingle, who is (dare I hope it?) single, And who, if our lips should lock, can send my hormones into shock!

A man whose passion doesn't wane when he finds out I've got a brain, yet one who'll flatter, charm and flirt (a lot of money doesn't hurt!).

So if you see my Mr. Right, feel free to call me day or night!

And if he doesn't come along...I'll consider Mr. Wrong!


Grams you were always my biggest fan and I miss you so very much. I think of you all the time and how I could use your crazy wisdom in my life right now. You were the only one who loved me through it all and never judged me. You accepted me for my many differences and though you scolded me many times, it was out of love so divine. You taught me what it means to love and how to do it unconditionally. How to have a firm hand and a soft heart. To know my mind and follow my heart. To stand up and dust off after a fall and that crying is okay as it is the best cure for a broken heart. I've shed the tears everyday and one day may your funny words of wisdom come true for me. That someone will love me for who I am and accept all of my quirks for what they are...a part of me. I see you out the corner of my eye so I know your watching and I love you all the more for it. I can still hear your whisper in my ear and your feather kisses brushed across my cheek. The connection of two souls that will never be broken. I need you now with me in my time of despair because I have no idea what to do. My heart is broken in a million pieces and I don't know if I have the strength to dust off this time. I keep loving unconditionally everyday and if love truly conquers all, then maybe one day will come for me. I love you.

My life is not my own

I stop and I realize that you are on my mind

a lone tear slides down my cheek

To be loved as I love you is longed for

The bitterness and disdain over whelms me

I want to fade way like a shadow in the night

To leave this place without a glance

Knowing my life is not my own

Unconditional love for you keeps me here

even with the pain and lonlyness

I cannot escape  to blessed peace

She said to leave you 

To turn away from all your pain

That I am too good for you

I deserve love

But so do you

You may not love me

I am not your friend

I am your wife

Today people walk away with out a second thought

though I want to I can't

My life is not my own

When I vowed to you for better or worse

I meant it as much then as now

You own my heart

The keeper of my soul

My will is yours, you are my husband

My life is not singular but plural because you are in it

There is no mine but ours

The shattered pieces of my heart lay before you

I beg you to fix it 

Take me back into your arms and heal me

Your love is all I need

Nothing else in this world is worth a damn without you

Even my life, for it is not my own.

Tortured Soul

Tortured Soul


My love for you runs so deep

Though you hate me

little by little I die

The scares cover my heart

I pray for death

to sleep at last in peace

my tortured soul slowly withers.


I want to hate you for all the pain

my heart can not harden

you have me in your web

even the lies and deceit

do not detour me

Though I cry out for love

I am ignored


Each night I pray it be my last 

that the sun shines on me no more

yet morning comes and new pain

my strength has left me

my hope is gone

Inside I am dead.

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