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I am really ticked now. I just spent a good bit of time writing an email to "baby jesus" and was almost done with it, when HE or SOMEONE blipped it to extinction!!! I am SO sick of this happening!!! I was trying to explain the problems with my album settings , in response to his bulletin....had it perfectly done and then it was GONE IN AN INSTANT@@@@!!!! I just got home from having a brain MRI, and I DO NOT feel like retyping something like this to him right now!!! I am just frustrated and exhausted from this happening (and it does this often).......do any of you have problems with your emails being ripped from under you, only to have to redo them??? THIS is NOT a good thing nor a way to gain business........someone needs to look into the problem and FIX it, whether it be by adding more servers, hiring people who KNOW computers, or whatever it takes......... I am ticked. As you know, if reading my blogs recently, that I was forced to label pics NSFW====even if they were inanimate objects such as my car's dashboard----had no words on the pic, either====so no reason to be NSFW. If you think I am simply taking things "too personally", you're DARNED RIGHT I AM!!! How else would YOU take it??? It is simply harrassment in my opinion. NOW they have made my "FOR FAMILY ONLY" album into one viewable by EVERYONE!!! Talk about hypocrisy! First they are mad at me and threaten to delete my account if I do not move pics to NSFW----then they take my PRIVATE pics (marked nsfw!!! and privatized) and make it PUBLIC!!!!! Explain that one. NO matter what I did to remedy the situation, it would blip back to "everyone" from my marked "family only"====and YES, I DID click to "save as" and at the bottom of page as well..........I followed the instructions, so it is NOT my fault...and now my lengthy email to him was deleted. .....it is a sad state of the world today!!!
For some reason, the Fubar Bouncers have chosen to DELETE/REMOVE ALL the skins on my profile page. I have clicked to set different skins active, but it doesn't matter---all i get to see is a black background. This is DISGUSTING. They never sent me an email or notification that they were going to PUNISH me and TAKE AWAY ALL my little profile page goodies, such as my created CLOCK, PET CAT, Guestbook, voice message box, different slideshows, avatar, meez cat,etc.......... HOW RUDE! and NO note, of course, then, as to HOW LONG they will not let me decorate MY page like all of you are allowed. This is after they made me mark pictures NSFW that were NOT that category-----like the dashboard of my car???? and the pic of me sitting at my computer in my gold t-shirt???? WHAT is nsfw about these??? and they REMOVED my main picture on here with my face inside the heart.....I did NOT do this---FUBAR removed all these things.......and I brought them in ELEVEN new members,too!!! How ungrateful!!! They told me all pics that do not show your face are to be marked nsfw----yet I asked them about people's tattoos-----if you have a pic of your tattoo on your BACK or ankle,etc...HOW do you also show your own FACE in that pic??? an impossibility and further proof that they are being vengeful against me! I reported many tattoo pics to them after they told me this---and they shouted at me to STOP reporting these pics, and that they would delete my account on here if I continued to do this. Yet, I was going by THEIR OWN RULES---see previous blogs of mine or comments under the NSFW album I created with the pictures they deemed were nsfw. I pasted their own shoutbox messages to me, which show they are telling me these things.....then they ignored by questions after they realized they were wrong but were too ---------- to admit their hatred of me. I must be getting a real complex,but they DO all this to ME, while they advertise all the nudies and animated sex clips that they offer us to post as our comments on others' pages. WHY do they promote THESE sexual things but discriminate against my NON-nsfw pics??? Anyway, I removed about 200 pics of mine and was in the process of deleting my account and leaving. I was just disgusted with their treatment and disparity. Then....a few friends encouraged me to stay....so I am leaning in that direction. I hate to lose the level 19 points that I worked so hard to get. Well, that was all I wanted to add at the moment. Tomorrow is BigBrother8, for all you BB8 fans! Who do YOU want to win????

nsfw continued...

I do not know who you are. You could be one of Kat and Harley's cronies or could be a friend of Dave of Canada, for all I know. I do not apologize for reporting whichever picture of yours that I did to Fubar as NSFW, because it only got reported if it met their own criteria for being NSFW. I simply clicked on the people scrolling by at top of screen, looked at their pics, and saw if any were deemed NSFW. Evidently, YOUR picture met what Fubar bouncers were telling ME was criteria for being labelled nsfw. If it was a tattoo picture that did not show your face, then it DID meet those standards. Have you looked at the photos in my albums? The ones fubar said were nsf are in that one last album on my list. The one "temporary" art tattoo on my arm (not showing my face) was classified as nsfw----now tell me that is not ridiculous!! If you were inconvenienced, I will apologize for that, but you should know better than to post any pic that is nsfw and not marked as such. That is what they told me! If you read my blog, then you read all the actual words the bouncers said to me. YOU be the judge! If it is fair for ONE's photo to be marked nsfw, then ALL others on here that meet that same criteria should be marked the same. Deal with it and with them.. Maybe if enough people speak up, something will change. I did not pick you out purposely; if your pictures were all marked as s/b, you'd have no problems with me. I have no idea what picture was reported, and I do not know if it even has anything to do with ME doing it! I did not anonymously choose to strike out at you, as your letter implies. FUBAR struck out at me wrongly---just look at the pics (that are left) that they deemed nsfw. I also copied and pasted the rules they sent me to read describing what nsfw is----and i posted it onto my blog (for you to read)...I corrected them in what their own printed words specify to show them that my primary picture was correct, and that their rules spoke only of the primary one needing a face on it. Read the rules yourself, then look at my pictures to see they they erred. I do not appreciate how you come across as so "high and mighty", and so demeaning to me. I did nothing that the bouncers would be doing if anyone else reported your nsfw picture to them.....at least by the reasons they gave ME.....Now, I feel that if YOU feel unjustly wronged, that YOU speak up like I have been doing! I have tried to reason with them, but they refuse to even reply back in a shoutbox. They froze my shoutbox, said putdowns to me there, fluffed me off, then did not even give me the decency (since they are working for all of us!!!) to give me an answer. I read all their nsfw rules and I adhered to them. Thus, my pictures did not meet criteria to be marked nsfw. THEY are not following their own written rules by marking mine nsfw....they are inconsistent and like they are targetting me for some unknown reason. Perhaps because I commented on a friend's blog, who had also just been earlier banned from commenting,etc.... Now I'd like to SEE your picture that you complain to me about. What did the bouncers say to you??? Did they make you mark it nsfw or tell you that I was wrong?? On 9/1/2007, bigdogbuck@fubar.com wrote: Well, I feel as though I have been unjustly judged, wronged, and as if my freedoms were violated. I also feel as though, you were hurt, and because you could not get satusfaction from Fubar, you decided to take your frustrations out on those around you. This is a common reaction, but does not make it reasonable, nor is it socially acceptable. You recieved a negative, so you anonymously spread negatives to all those around you. There is socially acceptable behavior and socially unacceptable behavior. Here you are a part of a community called Fubar. A social community. Your behavior is socially unacceptable, and I think you know this.......otherwise, you would be honest and notify each and every one of those people you effected by reporting thier photos, telling them what you told me. I had sincerely hoped you would at least see that causing someone else pain did nothing to cure your ills. Maybe an apology for doing something out of spite, misdirected to a stranger. If you stil l feel your actions were correct, stand up in the light, tell everyone, for only those ashamed of what they are doing stand in the shadows. On 8/31/2007, goddess2007@fubar.com wrote: well, to each his own. i labelled your pic as nsfw because it fit the requirement according to the bouncers who were doing it to me.how does it feel when you think it is not justified??? Now you know how I feel. On 8/31/2007, bigdogbuck@fubar.com wrote: I could not access all the pics in your folders, so of course I have not seen the pics you speak of, I must politely disagree with your ambitions and your methods. There are far more effiecent manners of rallying the troops in your defense. Instead, I am afraid you have come across as vindictive and spiteful. I understand the frustration and the anger you feel when you receive a NSFW notice, and I can also se e how upset you can become without prompt communication from FUBAR support. I really can. But I cannot abide the methods you used to illustrate your frustration. There was 0% chance that your pics would be reinstated as being safe to view, plus you had now pulled many others int o the fray. From my observations, it is quite simple. One complaint, the pic is NSFW, primarily because, it is easier than paying folks to sit in judgement of all complaints, investigating all complaints and passing on judements from on high. Maybe not the perfect system we would all wish for, but effiecient, which IS often more important. So, say bob smith is unhappy that nancy just rated him a "1". So, he decides to get back by reporting one of her pics NSFW. She of course gets angry and frustrated, but has no idea who reported her, So, she decides to randomly report others pics as NSFW. The system is running almost in automatic, so judgement does not change. Only a lot of pics get booted to NSFW rating. I fail to see the logic, I am sorry. To me, this is just an internet site, not my life. If this is all one has in thier life, it is sad. I say, just shrug it off. Chill. Run naked through the rain. There is so much more to life. Smile. Your a pretty lady that should be courted, wined and dined by a gentleman, wooed in the moonlight, then made love to until morning. See? that pic suddenly has whole lot less value to it, as does this site, even the internet, right? Take care, Buck. On 8/31/2007, goddess2007 @fubar.com wrote: I had a LARGE problem with fubar bouncers who came to my page when I uploaded a decent picture of me in my black golds gym t-shirt....they said it was offensive and must be marked nsfw. I asked why----they refused to tell me....long story---see the blog i posted on my page----i pasted their shoutbox messages for all to read, as they were contradicting themselves,etc. They told me that my innocent picture of my fake tattoo on my arm was also NSFW, because IT DID NOT SHOW MY WHOLE FACE IN THE PIC. I TOLD THEM THAT THERE ARE TONS OF PICS ON HERE OF PEOPLE'S TATTOOS, AND THAT DID NOT MAKE THEM NSFW!! They did not care! So I told them that itmeans that EVERYone's pics of their tattoos should also have to be marked nsfw if their face is not in the pic! Don't you agree??? Anyway, I went out and looked randomly at pictures to report to them to show them what they were ordering ME to do and how stupid it was/is!!! Sorry ifyou were caught in the back fir e, but read my blog and you will SEE what they told me was considered NSFW...according to whta they told ME, that meant YOUR pic fit that same category....if you are angry about it, you have a RIGHT to be, as they are being idiots!!! There is probl. nothing any more wrong with YOUR pic than the ones they claimed were nsfw on MY account----I put all of the accused ones in the bottom album on my site if you care to view them....see if YOU think they are nsfw material! Please do leave me a comment on the blog or anywhere. It was not done vindictively to you. Thanks./ On 8/30/2007, bigdogbuck@fubar.com wrote: I was wondering, and please do not take this the wrong way, but I recently had a complaint about my page and you were the only visitor to it that is not a part of my circle of friends, so I must either assume that you had an issue with it, or that this complaint lai d dormant fo r quite a while before I received it. I am now writing to harrass you. I would just like to talk to this person and ask what was so offensive about my page, or why my page and not all the others I see daily. Again, I am not upset, nor am I accussing you, just deducing my way through the facts. I appreciate civility and applaud communication, so I must practice what I preach as a gentleman, right? Thank you. Buck.


Re: nsfw Hide header Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 04:26:01 -0700 From: <dolphyproductions@fubar.com> Size: 4 KB To: goddess2007@fubar.com Reply-To: <dolphyproductions@fubar.com> all i have to say is i really dont deserve your treatment towards me as i feel i didnt do anything in my opinion but i am sorry for your problems with them...dont let it bother you,always dave On 8/31/2007, goddess2007@fubar.com wrote: you surprise me by looking at my site again........i do not mind adding you, despite any/all things said and done. i just do not have the energy to fight anymore. the stupid bouncers on here have drained me of all energy they are being totally unethical and discriminatory.......they allow animated sex in html comments for people to post on pages....and they promote that, but tell me that my pic of me in my gold tee sitting at the pc is NSFW!! and my temp. tattoo pic is nsfw!!! so i went and reported others's pics who did not show a face in their tat pics (tons, of course!!!! only logical!!)---they threatened to remove me for that!!!! double standards.......I am exhausted from trying to fight for my principles...I copy/pasted the bouncer's comments from shoutbox in my blog and under the "offensive" pics that i had to move to other folder........you can see how they contradict themselves...... well, am beat and no sleep...... I LATER LEARNED THAT THIS DAVE WROTE OFFENSIVE COMMENTS AND EMAILS...I SHOULD HAVE LEARNED AFTER THE FIRST TIME HE WAS ABUSIVE AND MEAN...MEN DO NOT CHANGE........USUALLY. FAREWELL TO MY FRIENDS ON HERE---YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. CK MY PROFILE PAGE FOR MY ADDRESSES/URLS TO CONTACT OR EMAIL ME HERE AND SEND ME YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS.
Re: One of your photos has been marked NSFW. Show header Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 04:47:32 -0700 From: <goddess2007@fubar.com> To: shop@fubar.com Reply-To: <goddess2007@fubar.com> Size: 6 KB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have GOT to be kidding!!!!!!!!!! Have YOU looked at Dave of Canada's female friends on his page??? and on their pages, at their pics???? and have you looked at your BLAST BOXES????? Do YOU SEE what the pics in those boxes SAY??? and what the girls are wearing (or NOT wearing in those pics?????)?? I moved it, along with the horse picture, which I THOUGHT was the pic you referred to after checking all my nsfw albums to be sure they were all marked as such (and they were)....I could not find ANY pic that was not marked appropriately. Okay, guys, I am now going to go report to you on pictures that ARE nsfw that YOU allow----mostly because they are paying "VICs", I assume. That pic you say is NSFW was taken from the Gold's Gym----it is clothed. It is a dark shirt. Girls in high school gym classes OR in their REGULAR classes OR at the malls are more risque than this gym shirt picture is!!! This is ridiculous.......if you only hear all the people on here complaining about what you are doing wrongly on here!!!! You are going to lose business if you are unethical here. Please tell me why you are saying this picture should be marked as nsfw. I know you won't tell me WHO said it is offensive....i know it is not a male on here. All I can surmise is that it was done by someone who doesn't like me or one of his friends.... I await your reply and explanation, as I follow your rules, even though YOU do NOT. Do you see the html pics/animations that YOU allow on here??? that you PROMOTE???? You even let the F--- word on people's pages in plain sight!!! and then you tell me that my gym shirt is offensive??? "lol" is all I can say! THIS IS WRONG, MY FRIEND, PLEASE REPLY. On 8/30/2007, shop@fubar.com wrote: One of your photos has been marked as NSFW (Not Safe For Work). Please make sure ALL your NSFW photos are flagged as NSFW and placed in an NSFW album. Your photo was marked NSFW because it was either offensive or NSFW in nature. Also, your primary photo and all your background photos may not be NSFW photos. NSFW CONTENT IS NOT ALLOWED in the public areas of the CT. You can define a new primary photo and background photos by clicking on images link. Continued violation of 'fubar' policy, will result in your account being deleted without warning. Click here for reported image. Contacts Invite all to fubar Invite to fubar Compose email Help Name DESC Email ASC New Contact Delete contact Edit Contact Add To Favorites 1
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