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~My 2007 Awards~ 1) DRINKING BUDDY OF THE YEAR My 12 yr old cousin just playin! 2) LIFETIME SERVICE AWARD (longest friend) - Glo-Nuts 3) NEWCOMER AWARD - NEWEST FRIEND? Im averaging about 3 a day 3) HIGH POINT OF THE YEAR? I actually went the ENTIRE year without having to get stitches yay I learned to walk! 4) LOW POINT OF THE YEAR? My best friend in the world Mike...heroin over dose in the bathtub...Love you man....Glo-nuts husband. LOVE YOU much 5) BEST HOLIDAY? presents 6) YOUR SONG FOR 2007? Uh the E-40 song...youuuuuuu and that booty 7) MOVIE FOR 2007? hostile? 10) WHO DID YOU SPEND VALENTINES WITH? fuck...no one 11) BEST RELATIONSHIP? With My son of of course 12) WHAT WERE YOU FOR HALLOWEEN? My son's Date 13) RESTAURANT OF THE YEAR? CHILLLI's baby back ribs 14) BOOK OF THE YEAR? Ghetto Nation 15) BEST DECISION MADE THIS YEAR? To get me and my son our own apartment! Whew good job rae 16) WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR? To fucking learn to pay bills oops 17) MOST STUPID IDEA WHEN DRUNK.. I belive I can fllllllyyyyyy 18) TV SHOW OF THE YEAR? House..his sarcasm makes me fall in looveeee 19) MOST LOYAL FRIEND? Wow i guess im lucky I have several but the 3 best (non online sorry jason i love you much though) Tim, Glo, Amber -Why the hell would I even tell you their names it's not like you are going to go OH YEAH! I know them fuck they're rad....im a dumbass 20) BIGGEST CHANGE OF THE YEAR? Buying the new underwear that irritate me 21) BIGGEST RETARD AWARD? ME????! Ohhhhhh you shouldn't have thanks! I would like to thank my MAMA...my dad..jesus 22) NEW YEAR RESOLUTION? .......can you pay my bills...can you pay my auto-mo-bills....... Adult questions-don't be chicken 1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with? oh fuck Would I RAWR 2. Sex in the morning, afternoon or night? All day every day I love it the sneak behind at night you kniow wakey wakey pokey pokey. fuck i might even pretend to sleep....exciting 3. What side of the bed do you sleep on? ha next to the edge just like they way I live my life...im gangsta boo 4. Pork, beef, or chicken? OHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 5. Have you ever had to pull over on the side of the road to puke? HAHAHAHA on more than one occasion 6. Have you ever taken your clothes off for money? yeah I'll fucking show my ass for a buck What! im gangsta! 7. Shower or bath? showers 8. Do you pee in the shower? I used to...grosses me out now 9. Mexican or Chinese? Both 10. Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed? Both sock me up then smooooooth me out... 11. Do you love someone on your friends list? YESSSS 12. Do you know all the people on your friends list? Fuck no..wait here or MYspace 13. Love or money? Both 14. Credit cards or cash? credit cards....see bills bills bills 15. Has there ever been anyone in your family you wish wasn't? oh sister of mine 16. Would you rather go camping or to a 5 star hotel? 5 star hotel next to the woods...cake and eat it too bitches cake and eat it too 17. What is the weirdest place you have had sex? the WOODS 18. Would you shave your entire body (including your head) for money? Of course 19. Have you ever been to a strip club? yessss I love watching them shake....i wend up there after a few..k sip of a drink 20. Ever been to a bar? DUH 21. Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club? yeah..he had a black eye....poor baby 22. Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere? I was dragged straight to a curb 23. Kissed someone of the same sex? oh golly miss molly yes 24. Favorite drink? Sweet Tea 25. Had sex in a movie theater? dmmmmmmmmmm orally yes 26. Had sex in a bathroom? Several- One of them was a park bathroom....now thats some dirty sex 27. Have you ever had sex at work? long time ago yes 28. Have you ever been in an "adult" store? I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE porn 29. Bought something from an adult store? always..trinkets souveiners....hmmm midget porn? 30. Have you been caught having sex? god yes....fucking non knocking bastards..cheap thrill pervos..thanks sam for ruining it 31. Does anyone have naughty pics of u? better not I paid good money to get em back...lol 32. Have you ever had sex with someone and called them the wrong name? HAHAHAHA yeah he looked like a john but his name was tim..oops 33. Who do you think has the guts to repost this? no one Im just bored
1. What is a question that people always ask you? "Would you like to see my cock?" 2. What is the 6th text in your inbox? "Yay for Biscuits!" 3. Whats the last thing you said to someone & to who? "Okie and it was my boss" 5. Name something you have to do tomorrow: I don't havvve to do anything. But I will. housework. 6. Have you ever called 911? Oh yeah (fucking squirrels) and once ,by accident, on my cell phone 9. What CD is currently in your CD player? My friend's CD (he's Da Bomb yo No lie) 10. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? Chocoholic Milk 11. Has anyone told you a secret this week? People Trust me way too much...so yes many secrets...many headaches 12. When was the last time you had Starbucks? Yesterday 13. Can you whistle? Yes? can I sing whistle (you know the super purdy kind) no 14. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? Yeah I'll be mostly covered in 5 years (Tattoo Wise) 15. Do you get along better with boys or girls? I Love everyone..If you're cool it doesnt matter if you have a vaggie or a pee pee Ill love you anyway 16. Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back? Stomach...But with my increasing back problems Im being forced to sleep on my back. 17. What are you listening to? The clickity clack of the keyboard as Im filling out this never-ending survey 18. What does the song remind you of? Angst, Heart ache, and low wages 19. What did you do yesterday? oh you know Robbed a bank....pimped out some rabbits....worked....shaved an albino dog so he can finally have some pink color....I did it for him you know. 21. What big concerts are you looking forward to? Living Legends 22. What's bothering you right now? My underwear 23. Next vacation you're going on? California 24. Last time you had butterflies in your stomach? Two minutes ago. 25. What did you dream last night? I dream about fucking fish and and saving mammals...snakes eating people....getting lost....I still have fucking dreams about my ex (of course that I kinda still ok still Like)And I remember them too. 26. Does your phone ring in the middle of the night often? Im chopping someones head off if it does. 27. What gets in your way of your sleeping? Crack 29. What is something you've learned about yourself recently? HAHAHAHAHAHA (I cant stop laughing at Phatso's response....deep throat HAHAHAHAHAHA) I realized I kind of sort of need therapy..a little tiny weeeeeeeeeeee bit 30. Do you like anyone? I LOVE EVERYONE -oh except for the "Would you like to see my cock" bastards And no folks that doesnt just happen on here. People have actually said this to me in real life. 31. Do you know anyone who's married? several several 32. What's your favorite number, why? 2,456,992,666. A dream told me Id win that amount in the lottery 33. Who was the last person to make you cry? That man on TV who tells you you have to send someone 18 cents a day to feed a starving Somalian girl for a week and that if we didnt we were going to hell- True story I swear 34. What are you doing? what are yoooooou doing MR Announcer 35. When was the last time you cried? This morning. 36. What is one thing you miss about your past? Everyone that was in it 37. Are you jealous of anyone? I have my moments at a rare time. Normally I could and will never be that person so I might as well embrace them and myself... Either that or marry some 60 year old man who's son is a plastic surgeon..single and cute...then when old dude dies i can mount up on Old dudes son with all of old dudes money..cake and eat it too bitches cake and eat it too 38. Is anyone jealous of you? More than Likely.....too bad they don't know I LOVVVVVE THEM! 40. Who was the last person you drove with? Glo 41. What are you looking forward to? Tonight and Scotch 42. How are you today? FABBBBBBBBBUUULOUS! 43. How many things in your past do you regret? hOly Bejeezus... 44. Do you have a best friend? many many 45. Name something you have in common with all your siblings? I have one sister-She's Psycho (really in all forms of the name) haven't spoken in 4-5 years. and I dont care so NNNAAAH

The Hot Dog

Ok, so how should I begin this story. Oh yeah Most of us have eaten hot dogs. It has saved us from starvation when we only had pennies to our name. Hot dogs are a good source of "substance" when cooking mac and cheese..etc. Here is why I will never eat a hot dog again nor feed one to my son: It all began as my son and I were packing and moving into our own apartment. I was moving out furniture when low and behold a hot dog. Now I hadn't given my son a hot dog in several months so this hot dog was in fact an old hot dog. But you would think that a hot dog that's been sitting out for a long time (Several Months) would be molded, stinky and in fact rotting for sure! No No No..not this hot dog. This hot dog was hard as a rock. No sign of mold or deterioration. No breaking down of the hot dog cells after it's been long gone. It was simply hard as a rock. It was also glistening with a oily coat which seemed to be the only thing moving on it. I will never EVER feed my son or eat a hot dog ever again!


The Dirty Little Secret
Deliberate Gentle Sex Master (DGSM)

Innocent but fundamentally sexual, like the word "finger". You are the Dirty Little Secret.

Few women have the confidence for sex mastery, and among nice girls, like you, it's almost unheard of. So congratulations. You've had plenty of adventures, but you've remained a kind, thoughtful person. Your friends appreciate your exploits. They even live vicariously through you.

Your exact female opposite:
The Wild Rose
Random Brutal Love Dreamer
You seek pleasure, but you're not irresponsible. You are organized and cautious, and you choose your lovers wisely. One, you don't like dirtbags. And two, you like to maintain control. Or at least lose it selectively. You might notice that older men single you out. They have an eye for your sensual nature. Take it as a compliment.

You enjoy making people happy, and it's inevitable that many guys will fall harder for you than you for them. You're not completely comfortable in a serious, long-term relationship right now. Our guess is that the key to extended happiness will be finding a responsible, but kinky, mate.

ALWAYS AVOID: The Hornivore (RBSM), The Manchild (RBLD), The Last Man on Earth (RBSD)

CONSIDER: The Bachelor (DGSM), The Backrubber (DGSD)

Link: The Online Dating Persona Test @ OkCupid - free online dating.


Im not sure why or how..maybe in two days it's my 29th birthday loneliness... im not sure why but Im sad. No hard feelings there is enough self doubt. No matter the comments or ratings my eyes are still looking down to the ground. When will this end.

The Wonders of my Child

I never could have imagined how different my life would become after I had my son. Before he came, all I ever thought about was myself. Not as in " I am self absorbed woman, hear me roar" more like whatever happens, happens. I never thought about things the same way as I do now. I cant cross the cross walk anymore unless the signs tell me I can cross. I can't rush to eat, or take my food into the living room to watch tv. It's now sit at the table like good boys and girls. Play time is no longer me and the clubs, it's leggos, coloring books and cartoons. When i go to the store to buy something on a whim, it's quickly forgotten and replaced with " Ooh ooh Mommy!". I am supposed to be the teacher but in return I am the one that is being taught. I'm being taught how to laugh and play as if I was 2 again. I'm relearning how to color within the lines, and I am finding Waldo all over again. I am learning that it doesn't matter what people think of you as you do a silly dance in public, just to make your son laugh. I am no longer self-absorbed and frightened of the thoughts of other people. It doesn't matter now. The only thing that matters in this world is fulfilling every single wish that my son makes. Making the best out of his life and striving to be a better person and mother in the process. It's an odd thing to be a mother (Or father); everything changes. I was scared to death the day i found out I was pregnant. I cried and cried thinking my life was going to be over. I was scared up until the day he was born. I looked at him and in that very moment time stood still long enough for me to realize that this is my destiny. I never knew how much you could love someone in an instant. He is my hero and my best friend. I would rather spend time with him than anyone else in this world. Life is better with him around. My son received his shots the other day. He had to have 2 in one arm and 2 in the other. I was dreading them. i didn't want him to be hurt in any way. I knew it had to happen though. So we went in and sat down. They came in and started preparing his arm for the first set of shots. And then the first shot went in. He only squeaked a little bit, but I started crying. Then the second, third and finally the fourth shot. My little champion. he only shed a single tear throughout that whole process. I on the other hand I was almost bawling. After each shot I kissed his arm at least 5 times. My mother went with us that day and when Sebastian came out my mother asked him if he was alright and did he get his shots. He pulled up his shirt looked down at the band aid and shrugged his shoulders like it was no big thing at all. I had tissues in my hand and had to sit down. Sebastian came up to me patting and rubbing my back trying to console me by giving me kisses and going " OH mommy it ok" I know everyone thinks that their child is amazing especially me. My son has done more for me than anyone else in this world. He has done something that no one else in this world has been able to do. He has taught me how to be human, less judgmental, less harsh in speaking. He has taught me how to play again and foremost love again. He doesn't know to the extent of what he has done for me, but I will provide the very best of what life has to offer. I will forever be grateful for him. I love being a mommy.
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