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Babelini fuM 2 mike's blog: "blogs"

created on 05/22/2009  |  http://fubar.com/blogs/b296283  |  3 followers


Some of the kindest souls I know have lived in a world that was not so kind to them.

Some of the best human beings I know have been through so much at the hands of others, and they still love deeply, they still care.

Sometimes, it's the people who have been hurt the most who refuse to be hardened in this world, because they would never want to make another person feel the same way they have felt.

If that isn't something to be in awe of, I don't know what is.


Time spent in summers dawn
The past seems to remain, linger on
It front, it's back
In time of change
Isn't it strange
How things come to be estranged
Refuse to make amends
It cuts deep in the open ground
But you'll still be coming around
And makes us forget all common sence

Time to move on in retrospect
We're just pedals from a red rosette
Heavy hearts that are created
Help them forgive, those whom have beed jaded
Have feelings of what is said to people
Can be mistaken as to be vitriol
Words matter, and what you say affects persons
In of this, is definely certain
Please allow me to elucidate
It's simple, just dont hate


Being too emotional goes hand-in-hand with being too sensitive. These two traits are related to having a preponderance of water-sign energies in the astrology chart (or a strong moon). People who are too emotional are also highly perceptive and intuitive. They are empaths. The heightened emotionality is limiting in some ways, but it also gives the sensitivity needed to work as a healer. Empaths feel the suffering of others and are energetically attuned to the world. This can be difficult (boundaries a challenge to create and maintain), but it’s also wonderful to be highly sensitive to some things. In other words, there is a heightened sensitivity to beauty, joy, nature, and love, as well as the more negative energies.

I believe that spending time in nature is the most effective way for empaths to neutralize unwanted energy. Consciously choosing to pass energy through the body with love and the intention of helping (rather than blocking) another is a wonderful strategy. Limiting your interactions if feeling a bit depleted is a nice, gentle boundary. Too-emotional people serve a valuable purpose by being willing to face and assist with the suffering of others.

There’s a soul purpose to all we experience: something to learn and something to share. Acknowledging vulnerabilities while slowly elevating weaknesses cultivates mastery. Certain challenges awaken the experiences needed to accomplish what the soul (most likely) wants to achieve. Embracing the self is an act of love. Do the best you can with what you have, and constantly strive to open, explore, forgive, and transform! A grain of roughness in the story of your soul will slowly become your pearl.

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????????????: crawls minx-like over the duvet and throws a coy glance over her shoulder.?
????????: stares bashful at her and giggles, putting his hand shamefully over his mouth.?
????????????: moves in slow motion and does a hairflip, acting all flirtatious and giving him come-hither signs with her eyes.?
????????: slips under the duvet and reaches for his phone to look at the latest news.?
????????????: …………..?
How many times have you had these kinds of bedroom dynamics with your partner??
An exchange like this often is a source of frustration for both men and women everywhere. Why? ?
That’s actually quite simple...?
Men and women do not know how to be attractive to each other anymore. And it is this lack of attraction that often appears in modern relationships, after the initial butterfly storm is over.?
But there is a secret to maintaining the passion in emotional, sexual relationships.?
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Sexual attraction is based on sexual polarity, which is the force of passion that arcs between the masculine and feminine poles.?
This force of passion creates the flow of sexual feeling. ?
If you want real attraction, electricity, and excitement, you need a ravisher and a ravishee, otherwise you just have two buddies who only rub genitals in bed.?
The love may still be strong, the friendship may still be strong, but the sexual polarity fades. Unless in moments of intimacy one partner is ready to play the masculine pole and one partner is set to play the feminine pole. ?
Just as with electromagnetic polarity, sexual polarity by definition requires two polar entities to create the energy between them: the masculine and the feminine. ??
The electrical charge of energy is conducted when the “masculine” pronged plug is inserted into the “feminine” receptive outlet. Two masculine plugs can hang out together, can even have a romantic relationship, but they don’t create sexual polarity and most of the time the spark between them is somewhat dulled out.??
Men and women alike all carry both masculine and feminine characteristics and energies, though the ratio of these energies varies greatly among different people. This ratio of masculine vs. feminine is described as a person’s “sexual essence,” and it is the foundation of their true sexual core. ??
The feminine is pure, boundless and moves freely without any particular direction. It is directionless but immense, ever changing, beautiful and sometimes destructive. The feminine is the force of life and source of inspiration. The feminine moves in all directions, the masculine moves in one direction. The feminine needs the masculine to give it direction, focus and purpose.?
The masculine needs the energy of the feminine to give it drive and passion. The masculine and the feminine need each other. The masculine directs while the feminine projects. This is the relationship of yin and yang.?
Educate yourself on sexual polarity. Find out which role you predominantly play, based on your energetic pole. Find out which role your partner predominantly plays.?
What are you attracted to in woman??
What do you find irresistible in men??
These questions you can answer as a male and a female. It gives you crucial information about your stance in sexual polarity.?
Start playing again!?
Start feeling again!?
Slow down again, and feel your body, your strength and your heart.?
Only if you can connect to and be intimate with yourself, others can connect to and be intimate with you as well.

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There is quite some information about sacred sexuality.
I also write about it.
Sometimes I hear from people that they get intimidated by it because they think it is “bad” if they are not constantly reaching higher states of being, or experiencing transcendental bliss while being at it.
Let me tell you… sacred sex doesn’t always have to be complex or enlightened.
It can also just happen when you have a quick fuxk on the kitchen counter. As long as you wholeheartedly commit to it.
Every time I have sex, in whatever way, I commit myself to make it the most beautiful experience ever..... when we get down and dirty on the bathroom floor AND when we melt together in the proverbial eye of the storm.
That’s because I always consciously “make” sex an ????????????????????????????????????, instead of an ????????????????????????????????????????????.
I don’t expect my wife to give me instant pleasure and orgasmic release. I bring a divine intention into it: “I choose to make this a beautiful energetical, deeply connected sexual exchange between myself and this gorgeous woman who I love.”
And yes, that sometimes happens in the form of a steamy handjob on the couch, or an animalistic quickie on the mattress after I hung the laundry.
Let’s not forget… the act of penetration is a force of nature that is loaded with meaning and mystery. Not surprisingly, to penetrate also means to gain insight and to have a marked effect on the mind and emotions of ourselves and others. Our language about our sexuality is as layered as the act itself, and by acknowledging this and opening up to this wisdom intentionally, the sex instantly becomes deeper and more “sacred”.
The secret to alchemizing every sexual encounter (including the wild shaboinking) into a deeper emotional experience is a combination of ???????????????????????????????????????? and ????????????????????????????????????.
And by connection I mean always tuning in with each other, because anyone can change their mind about what they feel like doing, anytime. Even if you’ve done it before, even if you’re both naked in bed, and even if you are already halfway penetration.
I always tune in…
… to feel if I have to up the rhythm, or if I should slow down, if I have to thrust deeper or softer.
… to take notice of her state of arousal, if she wants to be kissed and grabbed by her hair gently or more roughly.
… to sense if she is ready to be penetrated, purely physically AND energetically.
... to feel when I have to stop.
It’s important to ask for consent, from both partners. Not in the form of a verbally spoken out question (that would kill the moment, right?) but by feeling the changes in her energy, his body language, the way she looks at you, the way his body trembles, how her spine curves slightly, how he uses his hands.
Consenting and asking for consent is all about setting your personal boundaries and respecting those of your partner — and checking in if things aren’t clear. Both people must agree to sex — every single time — for it to be consensual.
It’s also important to slow down.
I always slow down, even when I unleash my sacred beast. Even if I am shagging my Queen wildly, my higher self always chooses to slow down.
Only then I can be present with her and really penetrate her in that very special moment. Only then I can provide to her, give to her, get closer to her heart with every thrust I make.
My wife does the same. She slows down, even if she is swallowed in a storm of unbridled passion, when she is in the midst of total surrender. Her higher self always keeps track of my skin, my movements, my eyes, my breath, and adapts to the energy in each and every moment.
That’s connection.
That’s intention.
And that is what makes every sexual encounter between us deep and divine.
From the “wham bam thank you ma’am” to the sacred soul sex.
So forget the idea that sacred sex should always look like a deeply meditative way of blending together into a high-vibrational crockpot of transcendental love-making.
No, as long as there is connection, consent, and intention, it’s also okay to throw her on the bed and “do” her doggy style or to rip down his jeans and give him a quick BJ.

Dark Intimacy

For those here for Dark Intimacy, human relating is death for your monsterous potential.
There is a reason you always end up bored to death in relationships.
A reason you’ve never been able to bond and connect in the way other people do so easily.
You always felt like you were missing the rule book to relationships.
You never cared about anybody’s emotions and fleeting feelings.
You never wanted to hold space for them. Comfort them.
You thought you were cold. Careless. Maybe even *gasp* evil.
Even though you actually knew the way you love runs deeper and more pure than anybody around you could possibly comprehend.
You cared about the *real* being underneath all of that who you saw clearly.
Even when they couldn’t see themselves.
So of course you naturally didn’t ever want, nor were capable of, holding space for their illusions.
There was never anything wrong with you.
Quite the opposite. ????
Everything you’ve thought was the problem about how you showed up in relationship was actually everything brilliant about you:
The only issue was that you tried to suppress it by programming yourself to relate how everybody else does.
The human rules of relating.
The unspoken contracts.
The beliefs.
The holding space, illusion of needs and safety.
The death of eroticism.
And it’s gotten you absolutely nowhere.
Other than the same loops of depression, anxiety, and feeling like nobody could actually get you in the way you easily get everyone else.
You are not here to relate like humans do.
You are here to birth monstrously potent, devilishly dark un/relationships that drive you to your edge.
Nothing less will turn you on.
Nothing less will challenge you.
Nothing less will ever be acceptable for you.
Those who carry Dark Intimacy codes see, breathe, live, fuck deeper than anybody else can.
They burn hotter.
Their edge is further.
Their potential for erotic tension is more massive.
And so are all the experiences they come here to have.

to love the man

If you want to change the world love a man; really love him
Choose the one whose soul calls to yours clearly who sees you; who is brave enough to be afraid

Accept his hand and guide him gently to your hearts blood
Where he can feel your warmth upon him and rest there
And burn his heavy load in your fires

Look into his eyes look deep within and see what lies dormant or awake or shy or expectant there

Look into his eyes and see there his fathers and grandfathers and all the wars and madness their spirits fought in some distant land, some distant time

Look upon their pains and struggles and torments and guilt; without judgment
And let it all go
Feel into his ancestral burden
And know that what he seeks is safe refuge in you

Let him melt in your steady gaze
And know that you need not mirror that rage
Because you have a womb, a sweet, deep gateway to wash and renew old wounds

If you want to change the world love a man, really love him
Sit before him, in the full majesty of your woman in the breath of your vulnerability

In the play of your child innocence in the depths of your death Flowering invitation, softly yielding, allowing his power as a man
To step forward towards you...and swim in the Earth’s womb, in silent knowing, together

And when he retreats...because he will...flees in fear to his cave... Gather your grandmothers around you...envelope in their wisdoms
Hear their gentle shusshhhed whispers, calm your frightened girls’ heart

Urging you to be still...and wait patiently for his return
Sit and sing by his door, a song of remembrance, that he may be soothed, once more

If you want to change the world, love a man, really love him Do not coax out his little boy
With guiles and wiles and seduction and trickery
Only to lure him...to a web of destruction

To a place of chaos and hatred
More terrible than any war fought by his brothers
This is not feminine this is revenge
This is the poison of the twisted lines
Of the abuse of the ages, the rape of our world
And this gives no power to woman it reduces her as she cuts off his balls

And it kills us all

And whether his mother held him or could not
Show him the true mother now
Hold him and guide him in your grace and your depth
Smoldering in the center of the Earth’s core
Do not punish him for his wounds that you think don’t meet your needs or criteria

Cry for him sweet rivers
Bleed it all back home

If you want to change the world love a man, really love him
Love him enough to be naked and free
Love him enough to open your body and soul to the cycle of birth and of death

And thank him for the opportunity
As you dance together through the raging winds and silent woods
Be brave enough to be fragile and let him drink in the soft, heady petals of your being

Let him know he can hold you stand up and protect you
Fall back into his arms and trust him to catch you
Even if you’ve been dropped a thousand times before
Teach him how to surrender by surrendering yourself
And merge into the sweet nothing, of this worlds’ heart

If you want to change the world, love a man, really love him
Encourage him, feed him, allow him, hear him, hold him, heal him
And you, in turn, will be nourished and supported and protected By strong arms and clear thoughts and focused arrows
Because he can, if you let him, be all that you dream

If you want to love a man, love yourself, love your father
Love your brother, your son, your ex-partner; from the first boy you kissed,

To the last one you wept over
Give thanks for the gifts; of your unraveling to this meeting
Of the one who stands before you now
And find in him the seed to all that’s new and solar
A seed that you can feed to help direct the planting
To grow a new world, together

Shadows in the City


The City carved a silhouette
On the ocean after dark
Over The lonely and the unholy
And the red blood beating hearts

Darkness takes it's part
Loveliness taken apart
In the river blood flows
People's true nature shows

Up from the dirty black water
A shadow form black demon
It's raised itself out of the river
And it climbed upon the shore

Neon on the black top
There's a gentle rain downtown
The black demon's all around
The blood pooling underneath me
As it follows on the ground

I kissed you when I saw you
And I stared deep into your eyes
I meant to say ‘I love you’
But instead I said goodbye

Shadows in the city
I’m a stranger to myself
On these streets I’m someone else
Shadows in the city
Like a demon in the dark
Come to tear me apart

For all my good intentions
There's a shadow in my heart
The demon comes to me infrequently
When it does it breaks my precious heart

Feel the darkness take over recently
The shadow possesses
Darkness becomes aggressive
Shall I live this way, indefinitely
My body torn and ripped apart
Nothing left but my body, left there in the dark

I don't know why I do it
I Apologize but it's too Late
I just died, nobody cried
My minds poised into the void
A single tear?
And you leave me there
Life's been taken away
The Shadow Demons upon me
Then it's on it's way

Shadows in the city
I’m a stranger to myself
On these streets, I’m someone else


That's the thing about suicide. Try as you might to remember how a person lived his life, you always end up thinking about how he ended it. Did you really want to die? No one commits suicide because they want to die. Then why do they do it? Because they want to stop the pain.If suicide be supposed a crime, 'tis only cowardice can impel us to it. If it be no crime, both prudence and courage should engage us to rid ourselves at once of existence, when it becomes a burden.


Skin isn’t paper don’t cut it,

  Guns aren’t toys don’t play with them,

  Pills aren’t candy don’t eat to much,

Your life isn’t a movie don’t end it.


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