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STD's vs Phone Sex

The realms of the positive and negative of phone sex have been debated for years. But in my stance, it's the safest sex you CAN have considering the element of STD's that running rampant in the real world. To entice a fantasy and live it out in your mind, the most powerful sexual organ in the human body, is a talent not many have. Talented young phone sex operators and Fem Dom Mistresses who ideally take your deepest fantasy be it a cuckold realm, an extreme stap-on session and even some of the lightest bondage thoughts and turn them into a reality in the clients mind. Safe sex... is your dawned by your own hand. After reading some of the symptoms and prognosis' of STD's that are spreading fast and wide... I think I rather enjoy knowing that I am 100% safe: Human Papilloma Virus:The human papilloma virus is thought to be one of the main causes of cervical cancer. It has also been linked with other types of cancers of the female reproductive system. While HPV can be treated to reduce the signs and symptoms, there is currently no cure for this virus. However, the HPV vaccine has recently been developed to prevent HPV infection. Herpes Virus:Herpes is another STD that presently has no cure. However, treatment is available and there are a number of things you can do yourself at home to help relieve your genital herpes, as well as natural herpes treatment. Herpes symptoms include blisters or sores that periodically break out on the genitals. Take a look at our FAQs on genital herpes to learn even more about this uncomfortable STD. Hepatitis: Although there is no cure for those already infected, there is now a Hepatitis B (HBV) vaccine available to prevent the spread of this infection. Many are asymptomatic, however those who do suffer from Hepatitis B symptoms may have many unpleasant discomforts. Even though there is a possibility that the infection will clear up on its own, some people suffer from chronic infections for many years. Treatment is available for chronic sufferers. Other types of hepatitis infections that can be passed through sexual contact include Hepatitis A and Hepatitis C. HIV/AIDS: One STD that many people are worried about getting is HIV. While new ways of treating this infection can significantly prolong an infected person's life, for far too many people this infection eventually progresses to AIDS and, ulitmately, death. More than 40 million people worldwide are infected with the HIV virus; women account for 50% of those infected. Recently, studies have found a link between the use of hormonal birth control and HIV. In the US, African Americans account for a disproportionate number of HIV cases. Many people may not realize they are infected, as the HIV virus is often asymptomatic for the first few years. HIV testing is the only sure way to know if you are infected. However, you can take steps to help prevent the infection. Find out about a new method that could prevent an HIV infection in women using the cervical cap and microbicides. Syphilis: Throughout history, cases of syphilis have been recorded. While this STD has not always been effectively dealt with, nowadays, syphilis can easily be treated and cured. However, as history has shown, without treatment, syphilis symptoms can progress and affect the nervous system and brain leading to dementia and even death. Trichomoniasis:Trichomoniasis is one of the most common, curable STDs out there. However, symptoms of trich may be mistaken for a yeast infection causing a women to use the wrong type of treatment for her vaginal discharge. Common Infections:Chlamydia and gonorrhea often infect a person at the same time. Although the symptoms of chlamydia are different from gonorrhea symptoms, it is not unusual for a person to be asymptomatic. If you are testing for chlamydia, it may be a good idea to also test for gonorrhea at the same time. Both STDs can be cured but can also do damage to your reproductive system if left untreated. Pubic Lice: A very common STD, crabs are very similar to head lice. While the itchy symptoms can be hard to miss, treatment for pubic lice can easily take care of the discomfort these pests can cause. Rare Infections: Some STDs, like granuloma inguinale and chancroid, are not so well known in North America, but that doesn't mean your not at risk of contracting these infections. Other lesser-talked about STDs include nongonococcal urethritis, molluscum contagiosum, and lymphogranuloma venereum. Make No Mistake:Sometimes STD symptoms can be confused with mononucleosis. Characterized by a fever, sore throat, and extreme weakness, mono is a viral infection that needs to be treated right away. If you think you have the illness, seek mono treatment as soon as possible. Also, yeast infection can cause painful itching and burning, and can even be transmitted sexually. Thanks to www.epigee.com for the information above. Phone sex, the safest way to have fun. Come visit more of me at www.LadyVelvetNoir.com and my friends at www.SluttyPhoneGirls.com and shop the new store at www.Adult-Toy-Chest.com
After years of continuous bans of adult products that 'enhance' our sexual woes and needs Texas' 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said NO to the Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott. Seems he is quite against the pleasures of the flesh and has made it his first case priority to appeal the life of 'obscene' toys to be sold or possessed in the State of Texas. Seems to me that Texas is one state that needs to let loose and enjoy the sexual escapades of a normal human being. Of course, in my opinion, they have gotten a bit too loose with the idea that sex with minors is 'ok!" After watching the state of Texas return custody of 400 some odd children to the Mormon Fundamentalists just over a month ago after finding a "consummating" bed in the Holy Temple... do you all see the hypocracy? Sex toys that run on batteries or even plug into wall...or not at all, or the idea that Middle Aged men are seducing and raping minors and getting away with it for it to happen again? I remember watching a huge special documentary on HBO about Polygamy and the family involved in it actively in the state of Utah. I have seen some amazing Polyamorous and have been in some Polyamorous situations that are quite rewarding. Where everyone consented to the situation and all loved each other very much. For example, the Heron Clan is one of them. However, in this instance, I saw 7 women, all married to one man who was to provide for the family. The wives stayed at home to take care of 15 or so children and when they all were shot on film, not one of them smiles. There wasn't a happy face in that room except for the smug look on the mans face while having 7 women fawn all over him. The hardest part about this was the concept of the fact that in NO way shape or form were the families at all surviving financially and 90% of them were on state assistance and food stamps. There is something very wrong with that picture and very unhealthy. So with the fact that the government of Texas is putting more time into the banning of dildos, vibrators and other 'marital aids' from the homes of normal red-blooded open minded Americans, shouldn't that money be going into the investigation of the rape of innocence and true morbidity in what should be a safe haven under the name of "religious" beliefs? Does not the act of Polygomy itself warrant legal action? I will never understand the state of government let alone the prudish behavior of what we have found to only be that way on the outside, and when it comes down to it, is truly a sexually depraved and kinky soul that slips up and is exploited by the media. It all boils down to just how long they can keep up the act and in essance how hot the flame burns to let out the kinky perv that in essance only needs a little bit of an opportunity to peeks it's head out from the closet. Good luck Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott.... The state of Texas general public has made it's decision! Deal with it! For more toys and now LEGAL items to buy visit my store at www.adult-toy-chest.com Visit some of my friends at www.SluttyPhoneGirls.com

Little sissy boy's who find themselves looking at the bulge in a mans pants and salivating all over themselves as they fantasize about tasting and placing their mouths over it are in luck.... I can stuff your mouth full of some large black cock and watch you breath through your ears while I give you a reason to struggle against my knees pinning your arms down and I feed you 8 or more inches of My strap-on.

Struggle and scream little boy as you get the pleasure of wrapping your thin little lips around My big black cock and watch them stifled behind the gag reflex. Your hands and arms strain against the weight of my body baring down on your limbs so that your fighting does nothing but exhaust you.

Do a good job little cocksucker and you will get rewarded. Be an eager and motivated little boy and you may find yourself impaled on the same apparatus while you struggle to get away and only finding yourself milked to completion with no orgasm to fulfill and tantalize your body.

What a wonderful vision that was to wake up to. Now, maybe one of you boys would find it in your hearts to make that phone call to help Me enjoy the reality of it. Make that call NOW!

Cum and read more about me at www.LadyVelvetNoir.com
Go shopping at my new store at www.Adult-Toy-Chest.com
Or come see my friends and what they are doing at www.SluttyPhoneGirls.com

Madam in the News

It has always been my understanding that the term "Madam" was associated with classy, tasteful and educated women who chose to run their brothels and such with an iron fist. Of course, with prostitution being highly illegal in 99.9% of the US, it just seems natural for a well known, and busted Madam from the high class area's of Hollywood California to move to where IT IS legal.

Heidi Fleiss is in the news again. Legally she has never seemed to avoided the black cloud since her extensive stint in prison year ago after being bustedHeidi Fleiss as a High Price Madam who catered to some elite customers. Actors, politicians, dignitaries and even probably some royalty have been known to 'visit' Heidi's business during her active years.

But now, what has happened to that class? She has done a downward spiral that seems to have completely 180 turnaround with her with rumors of a law suit regarding a small house where some 20 or more exotic birds were left to roam free and chew up the house leaving their mark all over. She was a tenant of this but yet, she owned a business in the small town Southwest of Las Vegas Nevada where many a businessman takes a short 1 hour trip to visit their 'regular' at the chicken house or Sheri's Ranch.

Dirty Laundry, a coin operated laundry facility, sits in the small town of Pahrump Nevada and now has another black strike against her record which may put her back behind bars for another few more years. This time, it's not for prostitution, but for narcotics.

Heidi was caught driving under the influence in February with possession of Methamphetamine and Oxycodone without a prescription. She does not deny her drug problems and has stated that she is going to seek private treatment.

I wonder how one allows themselves, despite how some people feel, to have a reputation as one of the most famous Madam's in the world to a druggie in a hick town with a sour taste of a name in anyone's throat that resides around her.

The sex industry is rough. That I will admit. Girls come and go. With my reputation in tact, I can assure you, I will not identify with this type activity and neither will ANY of My Pets!

To read more about Lady Velvet visit her site at: www.LadyVelvetNoir.com
Come visit her new toy store at www.Adult-Toy-Chest.com
And visit some of her friends at www.SluttyPhoneGirls.com

I just recently noticed that the Las Vegas Fetish and Fantasy Ball has another new venueTampa Fetish & Fantasy Ball opening up this year. Tampa, watch out, here we come! I haven't missed by one ball in almost 10 years of attending it. It's random venues and attempts to have some extended events have always had troubles (Katrina squashed the New Orleans venture) but this time, I am whole heartedly excited about seeing Tampa, Florida get this crazy crowd in a bit more risque fashion than what they bargained for! Las Vegas has definitely placed itself in a the "non-Sin City" category as the restrictions for dress, attire and activities have affected and slowly started to take the Party-Pooper syndrome to a whole new high. It seems though, that Tampa has not felt the flamboyant crowds that dawn anonymity masks and come out to show more skin than most Nip and Tuck doctors would see in a lifetime. I imagine that after this year, they too will start to enhance their decency laws and city statutes just like Vegas did. The entertainment that visits our Vegas Ball will also be attending the Tampa Ball, giving a mirror image for what fun and fetish provides to the Sin City with some added new faces of Gothic, morbid and unusual entertainment. I will be excited to see what happens and will be excited to see more cohorts in crime weather they just be voyeurs, fetish lovers, submissive souls or Dominate Diva's. To check out more about the dates, and information, check out the website at: www.halloweenball.com Meanwhile, to find out if I will be in attendance check back at my site at: www.ladyvelvetnoir.com Maybe one or two of my lucky callers will be allowed to escort me through the halls of revelers and partiers!

Fun Times on Hump Day

Sometimes you just need that break in the week that breaks up the first part of it and the last part. I found My break. In fact, think I broke My new toy! Needing to curb the craving of a red ass high in the air begging for some more strikes of My whip, I dressed myself in my Sunday best. Although I can't imagine that my Sunday best would be allowed in any church courtyard. I could just picture the Reverend staring down my cleavage and his wife mumbling 'Harlot' under her breath from the front pew as the bulg in her husbands pants continued to grow. Knowing she had no control over it, and that he would keep the sermon short for obvious reasons was shear delight in My eyes. But that would be another fun endeavor.... I dressed in my best and strutted out to another Hole-in-the-Wall pub on the opposite side of town. I was sure that I wouldn't bump into anyone that knew me there, and if it was a dark enough bar, not many would even know the torment that I was thinking with a sly and evil look on my face. I drove across town plotting, planning and smiling the entire way. I grew more excited knowing that some poor sap would end up at My hands that night and he wouldn't be expecting that his ego would get todded down a touch. Arriving at a grungy looking shack that sat back off the street, I closed, locked up the car, and in turn clacked My way into the Bar in my 4" stilletos and Cuban silk stalkings. The back light that escorted me into this dank bar kept many from seeing my details and most didn't pay much heed until I walked past and My perfume emanated into the room. I actually found this quite amusing, considering I was not wearing a typical perfume. I enjoy oils and so it was a custom blend that was given to Me by one of My favorite boy toys (thank you bitchboy I still wear it*winks*). Heads turned and they noise in the room died down as their eyes adjusted to the dim lighting and My heels continued to clack across the cement floor to a stool at the back ind of the bar. I knew, as this is a typical place, that before I sat down, the bartender was providing me with a drink courtesy of someone at the bar or even themselves. "Merlot," I requested. I lit up a cigarette and watched the TV in front of Me, complete dis concerned with what was actually on it. It took only about 5 minutes before I was approached. I smelled the leather before it even got to Me and his boots thudded against the floor cause the vibration to tantalize Me through the bar stool. "You look a bit out of place young lady," a deep voice uttered as he took seat next to Me. I didn't turn My head, but answered with My quippy sense of humor, "and you look over dressed. But if you were undressed, you be much more out of place here than you would be in My chambers." Taking a long draw on my cigarette and sipping My wine, I heard him chuckle to himself. "A smart woman who knows what she wants, intriguing and unusual." I looked over and give him a quirky sly grin. "You have NO idea," and returned to watching what played in front of me on the TV. "Can I buy You a drink, " he asked. "No," I snapped. His shocked looked was amusing and in turn the hand that ran free from My cigarette found his crotch and squeezed aggressively. He jumped and I chuckled keeping a firm hold on the family jewels. "You can follow Me though." "Where to?" he asked. "Either you will or you won't. If you do, then know I will turn your world upside down, if you don't know that you will always question yourself and wonder what you missed." I crushed out my cigarette, and sipped down the rest of the wine. I chuckled to myself and looked at My watch. I thought to Myself, "15 minutes, not a bad record for getting a blind puppy dog to follow Me to My heaven and their hell." Grabbing my hand bag and sliding from the stool, My heels started down the aisle and behind me, the boots of a biker and His leather jacket followed very close behind Me to the parking lot. I knew I had what I needed to curb the hunger and the craving to get Me through the rest of the week. A new toy to play with, and the evening had just started. Come over to My place and see more at www.ladyvelvetnoir.com

New Family Member

Bullmastiff-3%20years-Fawn-1187499987.jpgBeing an animal lover, especially dogs, my home has lacked that companionship for quite sometime after losing my last beautiful dog to cancer. The house and office were both quite as My animals always travel with me, from home, work and even sometimes play, providing a wonderful sense of security even in the most awkward and threatening of positions. Today though, was a day in which I didn't expect. Traveling in and out of my local animal shelters, I came face to face with the most beautiful, and unbelievable animal. My newest family member now weighs in a 150 pounds (and is 'underweight' according to my vet) and should weigh at least another 25 pounds or more! He has found himself welcomed, loved and comfortable in his new home, and now I, feel like my life is just a bit more fulfilling by offering this beautiful dog a wonderful home and unconditional love. His breed (and he is full blooded) can go for as much 2K for a puppy, but believe it or not, I rescued this one for under a C note. I have truthfully wondered why anyone would put an animal like this into the pound. My travels through the overcrowded conditions of the shelters gave me more than one tear to stream down my cheek and if there is anything that I URGE everyone to do is to shut down the puppy mills, the irresponsible owners who don't fix their dogs, and go find your local shelter and ADOPT! Our shelters here are filled with not only dogs and cats, but hamster, rats, tons of bunnies, peacocks, pigs and chickens... not to mention other exotic animals. Please, reconsider buying from a pet store and in turn please visit your local shelter. One less animal in there makes a warm and loving home somewhere else. Give them ALL a chance! I have rescued everyone of my animals, and they have been the most rewarding companions ever! Visit the local pages below to find where you can give a loving home to a beautiful animal or to donate to help keep the shelters comfortable and clean: http://www.aspca.org http://www.canines.com/ http://www.novoiceunheard.org/ http://www.akc.org/ Now, back to our regularly scheduled kink! Cum visit me at www.ladyvelvetnoir.com
There are times when I truly feel that there is a point in time when things are relative. This being definitely one of them. A friend of mine constantly states: "Perception is reality to those who perceive it." Cyber Sex Couldn't be more truthful. So this morning as I was reading and doing some research the age old questions was approached: IS Phone Sex or Cyber Sex the same as cheating? Truthfully, I can't answer that for everyone. For me, no, it's not. But in truth, the idea that it is cheating is a very real problem for many couples as the internet makes it easier to anonymously access and feed their fetishes. Some may see this behavior as a way of feeding sexual addiction, but at the same time, you have to see things on the realm that what he is doing is safe, secure and healthy. For instance, if he were to identify that he had had a real time encounter, my biggest concern would be regarding the disease factor. At least over the internet, and over a phone, you KNOW that he is being careful about disease and considering your safety and factor as well. Second, sometimes men (and I know this because I am a real time Domme and phone sex operator in the business for 10+ years) need an outlet that is more than what they feel comfortable with telling someone they love. For instance, maybe he has a fantasy regarding Dominating a woman or even submitting to one, where they feel the activities are too extreme to follow through in real life but will 'explode' if they don't have some kind of outlet. The only way to overcome this ideal is to open up and possibly have some of those taboo discussions with him/her in order to open the gates to more honesty and unreserved conversations. It is completely natural to have these fantasies, and only some will act on them. Some, in turn, feel that the only way to indulge is to do so online or over a phone. Either way, it is a conversation that they are probably having difficulties addressing with you, OR have tried to and found it too un-fulfilling because their partner is not willing to even address it. On the flip side, Dominating men struggle with the ethical ideal of having that sadistic side to them and know or feel that it is inappropriate to indulge in those tendencies. The ONLY time I feel it is appropriate in a real time environment is when the adults involved are consensual and ONLY then. I do not condone abuse nor do I support it whether it be mental, physical or emotional. However, if done correctly, these types of relationships are the most intense, loving and secure relationships than any 'normal' (by society standards) I have ever seen, basing it on a 100% honesty and trust and communication. Addicts are those who have a tendency to show the following signs:
  1. Their addiction is costing them more than they can spend. Whether it be financially, time, or even emotional standing, it does begin to affect all three severely.
  2. Addicts will risk ANYTHING to feed their addiction, including health, career, education and all types of relationships;
  3. Addicts typically are insistent on feeding their addiction more and more. Meaning that if they started online and after years are just indulging online or over the phone more than likely they will not pursue something in real time. Addicts are normally not content with just online or phone materials to feed their addiction.
Remember, the safety that they feel they have with the World Wide Web or just a phone call is real. They can anonymously confess, enact or just plain have an ear that will listen safely and securely. Don't judge to harshly what your boyfriend (and what Gillian) is doing. Their might be something lacking (or not) in their lives that they are too embarrassed to convey to their partners. If that is the case, then open the gate for him. Give him just a bit of tolerance and see if you can't be the focus of his fantasies by doing so. I am not saying accept their behavior as ultimately you have to do what is right for you. 10 years ago if you had asked me if I would be doing this, I too would baulked at the idea, but since then, I do feel I have not offered a service to those who need a safe way to express themselves, but I have found that become an open minded individual and non-judgmental about people's taboos (unless it involves innocence of children and animals) has made my life less stressful and I continue to learn a great deal about people, life and human nature. As a quick note: If you are craving what you need and online is enough, great, however, if it is not, PLEASE be sure that you find a local group and mentoring situation that makes your search a safe, sane and consensual one. There are far too many predators out there. Here are some Community resources that might be of interest to you: http://www.pakratpress.com/sinergy/comunity/groups.htm http://www.fetbot.com/Links/Lifestyle/Organizations/ http://www.the-crucible.com/groups.htm I am sure that there are many more good resources out there, so please feel free to send me your resource so I can ad it to my ever growing list of SSC/RACK links. Lady Velvet Noir For more information on me, please visit me at www.LadyVelvetNoir.com
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