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Dragon Protection

Sometimes it becomes necessary to cleanse and seal where you live. This ritual can help cleanse the place of bad vibrations and other things. But before you cleanse your house because you think your being haunted by Jack the Ripper (by the way, it is very rare that demons and other bad things are going to just show up in your house and start doing bad things, so, don't get to carried away), think if there is anything going on in the house right now that could be causing bad vibrations. Maybe your house is just very stressful. Before you get rid of anything, see if there are any guilty feelings, and get rid of them. Uncover and purge all deeply felt emotions. This alone can get rid of whatever bad feelings you might have (another note, it usually isn't a ghost in your house, just bad feelings. I have a room in my house that I can't go in without feeling angry. It's just that the people who live there fill the room with bad emotions. That is what cleansing rituals are usually for, getting rid of bad emotions). This ritual is also good for cleaning your ritual space the first time you use it. This ritual can be performed at any time. If you work alone, set all of your supplies on a tray to carry them around. Supplies needed: The pentacle, water chalice with fresh water, dish of salt, black (left) and white(right) altar candles, dagger, incense burner, an appropriate binding or cleansing incense (frankincense or basil), bell. Go to your altar and call all your dragons to help you. Light the altar candles. Set the chalice on the pentacle with the salt dish beside it. Light the incense, with plenty of additional incense available in case it is needed-which it will be as you go through the house. Stand for a moments communing with the dragons. You do not have to know precisely what is causing your problems. Say: "O great dragons, wondrous, wise, Powers of Water, Earth, Fire, and Skies Light and Darkness, join me here To sweep this space all clean and clear. Away with evil, in with right, Dragons of Darkness and of Light. Elementals, strong and old, Restore the balance, dragons bold." Plunge your dagger into the dish of salt, then into the chalice of water. “As salt dissolves in water, so shall the hold of all negatives on my person or property dissolve." Using the tip of your dagger blade, put three small piles of salt in the water. Stir it three times clockwise (remember to carefully clean the blade after, or it will rust). Now place the bell, chalice of salt water, dagger, and burning incense on the tray. Begin the ritual in the room you are in, and begin your circling of the room at the door, moving clockwise. First carry the incense around, and then draw a banishing pentagram at each window, door, and mirror (a banishing pentagram is a star. Start at the top and draw the star counter-clockwise). Next, ring the bell before each window, door, and mirror, then each side of the opening is marked with an X by the forefinger of the power hand dipped in saltwater. Move onto the other rooms you wish to cleanse. You should try to end at a door leading outside, because you are pushing all of the bad energy out of your house when you do this ritual. When you are finished with that room, open the door and yell "Be gone!" and quickly shut the door and seal it with an X and banishing pentagram (hopefully no one will be standing right outside your door). Don't forget to do the basement to, since it is so close to the earth, it is a place where some entities can hide from banishment. Immediately pour the saltwater down the drain or in a stream moving away from you and clean the chalice. Take all of your equipment back to the altar and stoke up the incense again. Using your hands, pull the smoke over your body until you feel a lightness of spirit. Call your guardian dragons, and with great love and friendship, ask their aid in protecting you and your property and loved ones. Be sure to include the names of any pets you have. Spend some time singing or dancing with them. Your house should feel empty now, but you want to fill it with good things so that bad things can't fill up the space. Project very positive vibrations while you say: "Light calls to light. Only those of light may enter here. The way is barred to all who wish me harm. I give my greeting only to the light." Soon you will feel the great adult dragons returning to your ritual area. Greet them with dignity and thanks for helping you. Listen closely if they have any suggestions on the problems cause and further preventions. When the dragons have finished their communications, thank them again and finish by saying: "Farewell to you, O dragons fair, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Together we make magick well By power deep and dragons spell. In peace go now. Return once more To teach me magick and ancient lore. Draconis! Draconis! Draconis!" Put more incense on the burner as a thank you and extinguish the candles. Dragon Protection

Dragon Blessing Ritual

This is a ritual for blessing and consecrating all of your ritual tools. It doesn't matter if the tools are only for dragon magick or if they are for all types of magick, it is still wise, and a nice gesture to ask the dragons to add their power. This ritual is best done at the Full Moon or at noon. All of your tools may be consecrated at once, or at different times if you haven't collected all of the magickal tools you want. This goes with any type of consecration ritual. Have pure frankincense gum to burn in the incense burner. NOTE: With most incense that is from pure substances, especially gums, a little goes a long way. I speak from personal experience). Tools that you will find useful at this point in practicing dragon magick are the dragon pentacle (a pentacle with a dragon, in, on, or around it), the pentacle disk, incense burner, chalices, salt dish, sword, and wand. If you cannot drink wine, substitute apple cider, fruit juice, or soda. Arrange the ritual area with care. It is best to set the altar in the middle of your working area facing east. It is best to have two altar candles, a black one on the left, and a white one on the right, to see by. However, they are not necessary. You can play soft instrumental music if you wish. It helps to create the atmosphere and blocks out background noises. Once the circle is cast, DO NOT cross the boundary until the ritual is finished, as this will dissipate the energy of the circle, and dragon power is a very unpredictable and very different kind of magick, and could be dangerous if played around with and if you are frivolous and half-hearted about your work. Begin the ritual by going to the east. With the forefinger of your power hand (generally the one you write with...I don't know what to tell those of you who are ambidextrous...), "draw" your magickal circle on the floor and seeing great flames shooting from it. Move clockwise around the circle with this flame; end by overlapping it in the east. While drawing the circle, say: "By Dragon Power, this circle is sealed!" Return to the altar. Put a small amount of frankincense on the incense burner. Point your forefinger at the burner; say: "By Dragon Power, I call you purified!" Lift the incense burner and carry it clockwise around the edge of the cast circle, beginning and ending in the east. Return the burner to the altar. Slowly pass the pentacle disk through the incense smoke. Say: “Element of Spirit, by Dragon Power I call you purified!" Set the dish of salt on the pentacle disk. Circle the dish three times clockwise your forefinger. Say: “Out of the darkness of Earth and Sea comes this blessed salt. By Dragon power, I call you purified!" Sprinkle a few grains of salt on all four corners of the altar. This sprinkling purifies the altar and may be done at any time, whether during ritual or as a cleansing if someone has messed about with your altar. Pass the dragon pentacle through the incense smoke and say: "Element of Spirit, by Dragon Power, I call you purified!" With the dragon pentacle in you power hand, go to the eastern quarter. Hold up the dragon pentacle, facing east, and say: “Dragons of Air, behold your symbol and ally!" Moving clockwise, go to the south. Hold up the pentacle and say: "Dragons of Fire, behold your symbol and ally!" Go to the west; hold up the pentacle and say: “Dragons of Water, behold your symbol and ally!" Finally, go to the north; hold up the dragon pentacle and say: “Dragons of Earth, behold you symbol and ally!" Return to the altar. Lay aside the dragon pentacle and take up the sword. Touch it briefly to the pentacle disk and pass it through the incense smoke. Say: “Sword of Fire, O (name of sword), By Dragon Power I call you purified!" Hold the sword for a few moments before the dragon pentacle. Put down the sword and take up the dagger. Touch it to the pentacle disk and pass it through the incense smoke, and say: “Dagger of Fire, O (name of dagger), By Dragon Power I call you purified!" Hold the dagger for a few moments in front of the dragon pentacle. For each tool, set it briefly on the pentacle disk, wave in the incense, then say something like; “(name of tool) of (element), by Dragon Power, I call you purified!" Now is an excellent time to chant and use free-form dancing. Invite the dragons to come and share in the energy you are raising and your joy of working dragon magick. Talk to them of your hopes and dreams, and listen to see if they have any advice. To close the ritual, take your sword in your power hand, your wand or staff in the other, and go to the eastern quarter. Hold up the sword in salute and say: “Dragons of Air, behold these tools of magick, consecrated by dragon power. Let us be one in magick. Farewell, O dragons great and wise." Move clockwise around the circle, using the words above, except inserting the proper element for each quarter. Return to the altar. Point the sword at the dragon pentacle and say: “Dragons of Spirit, highest of dragons and most powerful, bless this altar with your fire. Let us be one in magcik. Farewell, O dragons great and wise." Cut the circle with a backwards sweep of the sword. Extinguish all candles and such, and leave the tools on the altar overnight, to be further empowered, and in case the dragons want to add special blessings to them. Dragon shaped spout for hand-washing (ritual cleansing)

Riding The Dragon

This ritual is for riding a Chaos Dragon. The main reason for riding a dragon is so that the magician can remove barriers and obstacles, inanimate or animate that impedes forward progress. However, know that a Chaos Dragon will go straight to the heart of the problem and break down the barriers, whether you really wanted them gone or not. What you think is the best solution might not be, so be prepared for all consequences. You should be able to release all negative feelings about the situation when the ride is over though. Perform this ritual during the evening or the waning Moon, with the New Moon being the strongest. Supplies: Pentacle Disk, dragon Pentacle, water chalice with some fresh water in it, dish of salt, wine chalice, black or dark purple altar candles, sword, wand, incense burner, binding incense and/or dragon's blood (basil or patchouli work well), gong or bell, staff. Cast the Dragon Circle, using counter-clockwise motions, and calling the elements in reverse order. When you kneel before the altar with the sword in both hands, project your interest and plea for help from the dragons of chaos and destruction as strongly as you can. Continue this for several minutes. Then say: "Behold all dragons of darkness and change, I (magickal name if you have one), seek your dragon magick. With (name of sword) in my hand, I enter your realm, not for physical battle, but for knowledge and power. I greet you, O dragons ancient and wise. I await your presence." Continue with the Dragon Circle until you are ready to do spell work. Take the sword in your power hand, the staff in the other. Stand facing the altar and tap the staff three times on the floor while holding the sword pointed at the dragon pentacle. Chant in tones that vibrate through your body: "Come, Draconis! Come Draconis, to my call! Dragons of Chaos, hear me! Draconis! Draconis! Draconis!" Either remain standing or sit before the altar. Close your eyes and visualize yourself astride the back of a great dragon of darkness. The dragon is swiftly winging through the night, blowing great billows of smoke and fire. See him/her zooming down on your problems, scattering them, turning them into ashes. DO NOT specifically try to harm someone. Feel the excitement and rush of joy as you realize you are now free. Open your eyes, and feel within yourself the power of the dragon. Know that you are going to win over your obstacles. Take the sword in you power hand and go to the East. While chanting, cut and slash at the East: "The Dragons of destruction and chaos are with me. We destroy all problems and evil coming from the East!" Do the same at the North while saying: "The Dragons of destruction and chaos are with me. We destroy all problems and evil coming from the North!" West: "The Dragons of destruction and chaos are with me. We destroy all problems and evil coming from the West!" South: "The Dragons of destruction and chaos are with me. We destroy all problems and evil coming from the South!" Return to the altar. Still holding the sword in you power hand, take the staff in the other. Tap the staff three times and chant: "Transformation is my will. Use your power my desire to fill. I thank you, dragons old and wise, Of Earth and Fire, Water, Skies, for sharing wisdom here with me. As we will, so shall it be!" Now you can close down the circle, dismissing the element dragons in reverse order. By: D.J. Conway riding dragons
Meeting Your Dragon Phoenix and Dragon, Artist: ?? The first thing one should do is create an atmosphere that will attract dragons. Pictures and statuary will help. The next thing is to take a good look at yourself and decide if you are ready. Do you think you have what it takes to work with dragons? They are not a force to be controlled or manipulated. They are creatures far older and wiser than us, and if you try to pull one over them, they are not going to be happy. It is for a serious person, who wants to cultivate a friendship and partnership, not someone who just wants power. Working with dragons requires that you earn their trust and friendship by showing that you are worthy of it. This doesn't mean you must be perfect. Dragons realize that humans aren't perfect, nor is the world we live in. but, if you put some effort into it, and do what you can, you will find some great friends. How some people greet them is by lighting a bit of sandalwood incense, because sandalwood is incense for all dragons, as is dragon's blood. Then, close your eyes and either think or say my message of friendship to the dragons. Generally it starts off "I call to the dragons of this plane and others with this offering of incense, to extend my hand of friendship and companionship." Then, say whatever you think is appropriate. There are other ways to, like contacting them in astral travel or meditation, or there are rituals as well. Try not to make promises you can't keep. Make your intentions very clear, that you wish for friendship and a partnership in magick, and you will become aware of their presence. Do this a few times; I think about five, before you may feel some presence in your room, or where you do the ritual. The dragons are probably going to check you out first, before they make any contact. Try to set up dates where you can meet the dragons without being disturbed. Do the ritual whenever you can. Blessed be and the best of luck to you. Remember, be a friend, and you'll get a friend. Calling Your Dragon This is for calling a dragon's presence, but in a way that they project their presence so strongly that you know that they are there. When you use this call, treat the dragons that appear with respect. Take the time to get to know them before you ask for their help. Although most dragons are beneficial and helpful, their temperaments are very sensitive, so treat them with respect. Perform during bright noon or the waxing moon for increasing magick, with the full moon being the strongest; during evening hours or the waning moon for decreasing magick, with the new moon being the strongest. Use in conjunction with any ritual. You will need your pentacle disk, dragon pentacle, water chalice with a little fresh water in it, dish of salt, wine chalice, black (left) and white (right) altar candles, sword, wand, incense burner, appropriate incense; dragon's blood and mugwort, gong or bell, staff. Paper and pen to write down any messages. Use the basic dragon ritual up to the point where you can insert spell workings. Hold the sword in your power hand, the staff in the other. Stand facing the altar and tap the staff three times on the floor while holding the sword pointed at the dragon pentacle. Chant in tones that vibrate through your body: "Come Draconis! By your all-consuming breath, I summon you. (Tap staff three times) By your piercing gaze, I summon you. (Tap staff three times) By your mighty strength, I summon you. (Tap staff three times) By your wisdom ancient and cunning, I summon you. (Tap staff three times) By your magick deep and old, I summon you. (Tap staff three times) Come, Draconis, to my call!" You will feel power coming at you from all sides. Listen for any messages they may give you. You may feel their presence by a sudden temperature change, prickly feelings, or other things. Casting A Dragon Circle Have everything you need inside the working area prior to the casting. Make preparations so you will not be disturbed. If you are performing decreasing magick, any place that instructs you to use a clockwise motion, use a counter-clockwise motion instead. Set the altar center facing east. Make certain that you WILL NOT be disturbed once the circle is cast. Instrumental music can be used to set the mood and mask background noises. Begin the ritual by going to the east. With your sword in your power hand (the one you write with), "draw" your magickal circle on the ground around your ritual area. Do this by pointing the sword at the floor and seeing great flames shoot out of it. Move clockwise around the circle with this flame; end by overlapping it in the east. While drawing the circle, say: "By Dragon Power, this circle is sealed." Return to the altar. Point the sword at the dragon pentacle (a pentacle with a dragon design on or around it) and say: “Dragons of Spirit, highest of dragons and most powerful, bless this altar with your fire. Let us be one in magick, O dragons great and wise." Set the water chalice on the pentacle. With the wand in your power hand, circle the chalice three times clockwise with the wand and say: “Air, Fire, Earth, bring power forth. Water of land and sea, purified be!" Hold the chalice high, say: “Draconis! Draconis! Draconis!" Sprinkle the water lightly around the circled area, beginning and ending in the east. Set the dish of salt on the pentacle. Circle it three times clockwise with the wand and say: “Water, Air, Fire, hear my desire. Salt of earth and sea, purified be!" Sprinkle a few grains of salt to each corner of the altar. Circle the incense burner three times clockwise with the wand. Say: “Fire of dragons, Fire of Earth, you are purified, bring power forth!" Circle the incense and herbs three times clockwise with the wand and say: "Incense magickal, incense bold, awake the dragons, as of old. I call you purified!" Put a small amount of incense onto the burning coals. Lift the burner by the chains and touch it lightly to the pentacle. Lift it high over the altar and say: "Draconis! Draconis! Draconis!" Then carry it clockwise around the circle, beginning and ending in the east. Return it to the altar. Kneel before the altar with the sword in both hands. Mentally project your interest and love of dragons as strongly as you can. Continue this for several minutes. Then rise and point the sword at the dragon pentacle and say: “Behold, all dragons and rulers of dragons, I am (magickal name), a magician who seeks dragon magick. With (name of sword) in my hand, I enter the realms of the dragons, not for physical battle, but for knowledge and power. I greet you, O dragons ancient and wise, and await your blessings and guidance." Continue holding the sword outstretched until you feel the blessings of the dragons. When the flowing power of the blessing has lessened, lower the sword. Still holding the sword in your power hand, take the dragon pentacle and go to the east. Point the sword at the eastern position and hold up the dragon pentacle facing outward. Draw an invoking pentagram with the sword. (An invoking pentagram is a star drawn by starting at the top of the star, and going in a counter-clockwise motion to draw it by starting at the top and going down to the left first, then continue drawing as normal.) Say: "From Sairys (sair'-iss), ruler of the eastern dragons fair, comes now the wondrous power of Air." Feel the power of Air entering your body. When the flow stops, go to the South. Hold up the dragon pentacle again. Draw an invoking pentagram with the sword and say: “From Fafnir (faf'-near), ruler of dragons of the south, comes cleansing Fire from dragon mouth." Feel the power of Fire entering your body. Go to the west. Hold the pentacle up and draw the invoking pentagram with the sword. Say: “From Naelyan (nail'-yon), ruler of dragons of the west, comes the power of Water, three times blest." Draw into yourself the power of Water. Go to the North. Hold up the pentacle and draw the pentagram, then say: “From Grael (grail), ruler of dragons of the north, the power of Earth does now come forth." Draw into yourself the power of Earth. Return to the altar. Lay aside the sword and dragon pentacle. Add the appropriate herbal incense to the burner. At this point in the ritual, insert the proper chants and workings for the particular spell working or meditation you are working. This is also a good time to ask the dragons for any advice they might have for you. Listen and write down all that you hear. When finished with the spell working, tap the staff three times and chant: “I thank you, dragons old and wise, of Earth and Fire, Water, Skies, for sharing wisdom here with me. As we will, so shall it be." Always approach dragons as equals, not as a force to be ordered or conquered. Set the wine chalice on the pentacle. Circle it three times clockwise with the wand and say: "Cup of power, cup of might, dragon magick, be here this night." Drink the wine (or apple juice or cider), saving some to be poured outside for the dragons later, or, if not possible, leave it on the altar for at least an hour. Now is an excellent time to chat with dragons and use free-form dancing. Invite the dragons to share in the raised energy and your joy in being a magick user. This is an opportunity for close friendships to be forged. To close the ritual, take the sword in your power hand and go to the east. Draw a banishing pentagram with the sword. (Same as an invoking pentagram, except you start at the top and go downwards to the right side of the star). Say: "Go in peace, dragons of the east. And return again in the ritual hour." Go to the south and draw the pentagram, then say: “Go in peace, dragons of the south. And return again in the ritual hour." Go to the west and draw the pentagram. Say: “Go in peace, dragons of the west. And return again in the ritual hour." Go to the North, draw the pentagram, and say: "Go in peace, dragons of the north. And return again in the ritual hour." Return to the altar. Raise both arms; say: "Farewell to you, O dragons fair, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Together we make magick well by power deep and dragon spell. In peace go now. Return once more to teach me magick and ancient lore. Draconis! Draconis! Draconis!" Cut the circle with a backwards sweep of the sword across the boundary line. Extinguish the altar candles. Clear the altar of all tools.

Dragon Colors & Types

Dragon Colors Green Dragons - Green Dragons are the smallest so many people think that makes them the weakest. While they are not physically powerful, they are the dragons of the earth element and are in a way very material beings. Green is the color of life, and these small but important dragons are full of it. Gold Dragons - Golds are the chivalrous knights of the dragon world. They honorable, brave, kind, wise, and very good in the field of Magick. They enjoy taking on other shapes such as humans and animals and mingling with that species. However, they are often too trusting and quick to make promises that they can't always keep as well as they would like to. They are keepers of the peace and would only attack someone if provoked and in self-defense only. Yellow Dragon - These dragons of the east typically live in deserts, mountains, or plains. They are very helpful when they need to be. However, they can be quite boastful and fickle at times. Red Dragons - These southern fire dragons are very wise and courageous leaders, but there is a dark side to them. They are jealous and egotistical, sometimes to the point of hate. While not all of them are like this, it is quite common. They also represent fear, and war. They also represent passion, both good and foul. Blue Dragons - Blues are dragons of the west. While those that live in the desert are enemies of the bronze, many of these dragons live near water or on high mountain tops. They are dragons of compassion, peace, forgiveness, love, intuition, and calmness. On the negative side, they are at times lazy and can have a lack of emotional control. There are many other colors of dragons, but this is all that I have enough information on to post on this site. These descriptions relate to a general basis only and don't reflect each of them as individuals. Dragon Types Air - Air Dragons are the third rarest of the four types of Elemental Dragons. Members of this breed belong to a race of Draconic beings. At times join forces with the dragons of fire and volcanoes, seas and other waters, mountains and forests, and chaos. Sometimes there is conflict of elemental powers, producing great atmospheric and environmental disturbances, but mostly the elementals work in harmony. Pros: Air dragons are never selfish, always putting other first. They are loyal to friends and very caring. Air dragons are never judgmental before getting to know someone and are very open minded and sincere. They are often quite beautiful in appearance. Cons: Air Dragons are very shy but and often keep their thoughts to themselves. They are gullible and sometimes quite slow. Earth Dragons - Earth Dragons are very placid and wise, snakelike creatures. While these dragons are very judgmental, this can be helpful if you want to learn something about yourself. While in an earth dragon’s circle of judgment, the dragon will judge you or anyone who wishes to be judged. In this way they assist dragons of justice. As infants, earth dragons are often sent to act as guardians of the humans. Like humans, their parents never abandon them completely and encourage them to lead their own lives. They are also the most common of all the elemental dragons. Pros: Mentally, they are very powerful and down to earth. Cons: They think they are supreme to others, and can be quite cynical and rude. Fire Dragons - Although Fire Dragons are not evil, they have short fuses and can be quite fierce when angered. They are impatient of beginners in the field of dragon magick and won't participate at all unless they feel the person is of equal power. However, if you can prove yourself worthy then fire dragons are very loyal friends despite their arrogance. Fire dragons keep to themselves and don't usually circle with others and only lives with mates for they are quite cruel even to their own species. They are very competitive and territorial and hate any being that has a chance of overpowering it. They are the bullies of the dragon world but when they have a cause, they stick to it with an iron code. Pros: They are experts in the field of combat and are the most physically powerful of the elemental dragons. They are honest and courageous. Cons: They are very proud and think very low of others. Water Dragons - These serpent-like creatures are helpful when it comes to emotions, whether it’s calming them or tearing down a barrier a stubborn human has put up. They represent calmness under all circumstance and keep events moving in a fluid manner. They can help us break free of our psychic vampires that control our emotions as well. These dragons have actually been sited in the physical world by many. One such famous dragon is the lochness monster. Although there are a select few that see others such as black dragons, air dragons and even a few fire dragons, water dragons are the most well documented of having taken residents in this plane of reality. Pros: They are often the most beautiful and most magickally advanced. Cons: They are VERY stubborn and at times snobby. Chaos Dragons - While their title may create an image of evil and hate, these dragons represent something very different. While it is true they represent chaos, they represent chaos that is necessary to resolve problems in which order and reasoning cannot. An example of this is when a nation overthrows a tyrant. They cannot reason with him, so chaos and force is necessary. When working with them, they will go past your command and straight to the source of your problem so MAKE SURE YOU ARE PREPARED TO HARNESS THEIR POWER! These dragons work with re-creation of lives, relationships, and careers; breaking of barriers; changing luck; vast changes in general; work on past lives; divination; the confining of enemies or anyone who will hinder you forward growth or movement. These dragons are often omens of catastrophe so if you see one in the sky or in your mind, GET AWAY! Although they are beings of chaos and catastrophe, they are not evil. Their life force can assist the magician, as long as you are very cautious. In a way, these dragons can serve vengeance against fate. If you are on a constant string of negativity or someone is hindering you in any way, these are the ones to go to. But as with any form of magick, make sure you are prepared to face the consequences. They can even help you conquer your worst enemy of all, your lower self. With every type of dragon, there is a different life style, virtue, and overall personality. While some dragons are negative and violent, the golden dragon lives by a code of honor and would never harm an innocent. He wouldn't even harm the wicked unless provoked. Dragons can help you in your life and in your studies. They can be muses, inspiration, friends, and even lovers. I recommend you research dragons and start your journey to uncover otherworldly beings. Redone Dragon Colors

Dancing With Dragons

Dragon Dancing
In all forms of magick, the universe and everything in it are said to be made up of four elements: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. The element of Spirit rules the center as a balance. In dragon magick, specific dragons rule these elements and help to create through their powers. These four elements correspond to the four directions, the four quarters of the universe, the four winds, and the four quarters of the magickal circle. Each element has assigned traditional rulers and boundaries to their kingdoms. They possess form and force, and can influence our personalities as well as magickal procedures. Each element and its dragons have certain qualities, natures, moods, and magickal purposes; each has positive and negative traits. Because the magician calls upon each element and its ruler, it is very important to understand them, what they are and what they do. Dragons According to Mr. Webster, a Dragon is a fabulous animal represented as a large-winged, scaly serpent with a crested head and huge claws. In reality, where did the conception of this great beast come from? Perhaps its origin is our imagination and dreams. When did it come alive? Perhaps life happened when mankind's first nightmare breathed life into it. Some people say this magnificent creature is unreal and, of course, you have those who say it lives. In actuality, the creature is of a tremendous size and immense intelligence. As with all living things, there are different ages, sizes, types, and shapes. It is said that dragons of evil nature are such colors as white, black, green, blue, or red, whereas the good and kind dragons are said to be metallic colors such as brass, bronze, silver, gold, or platinum. To be truthful, the color of the creature’s scales has nothing to do with its nature, but rather its breath weapon, strength and intelligence. In truth, dragons are neither good nor evil, but what their environment makes them . . . just as it is with mankind. Dragons have been christened with such elite titles as Guardian of Law, Champion of Justice, Defender of Mercy, Protector of Purity, and Patron of Virtue. Throughout history, they've befriended the helpless and weak, ridding the world of those who are merciless and unjust. Although not destructive by nature, all dragons have been known on occasion in their zeal for valor, even if by accident, to obliterate their enemies while carrying out one of their elite titles. The question is, will we ever see one? Sadly, the answer of present day is no because our reality is too hard, cold and industrious. Our world lacks the imagination and creativity the great dragons from ancient realms need to survive for extended periods of time. However, if we close our eyes and dream, we can travel to the medieval age of the mighty knights and the magnificent world of Camelot where perhaps then, the answer will be yes. As it is, the majestic dragons, although silent and patient, still dwell within the caves of our dreams, waiting to be called forth to carry out their exalted titles. O Lord, who made the dragon, and the dragon's open sky, And gave to me a dragon's soul; a dragon's urge to fly-- Let me dance within your cloudscapes far beyond Earth's chain, Let me rejoice in my grandeur, Let me not grow vain! Let me vindicate my honor with my fang and claw, Let my raging heart show mercy, Let that show no flaw! Let me have the joy of all the shining gold I've stored, Let no pauper-dragon go forth starving from my hoard. And, Lord, should the need arise and I be called to fight, Dragon-Maker, make me victor, and, God--help that knight! Dragons and Dreams go hand in hand Share your Dreams with a Dragon if you can Dragons will add Magic and other Wonderful Delights Dragons will believe in your Dreams with all their might So share your Dreams with a Dragon start with one or two and all of your Dreams are bound to come true My friends, All of us love Dragons. Not only because they represent something which we believe is missing in ourselves, such as nobility or honor, but because they are part of the "old world". Where anything was possible. Some people say that Dragons never lived or have died out of this world. Some say they haven't. We just need to rethink ourselves and get back our innocence to see them again. Not our "purity" as man thinks of it but innocence. How long has it been since you took time out of your very busy life and just sat? Watched the sun come up or go down, watched the stars shine in the velvet darkness, or even just watched the birds? When you can do those things and recapture your joy in simple things than maybe just maybe we will see the dragons again. They are there... living just out of sight with all of the other beauties of ages past like the Faeries, Gnomes, Sprites, Sylpths, Unicorns and Griffons. Please try sometime. They are just waiting for us to believe again. I know we live in a world that is hard to exist in. One of poverty, disease and war... but beauty is only a belief away. We can make the changes that our world needs...if we only try. Most of the information contained here is from "Dancing With Dragons" by D.J. Conway.

Dragons of the Zodiac

Zodiac Dragon Zodiac Dragons Aries: Energetic, impatient, short tempered, sarcastic, witty, lucky, demanding, cutting, egocentric, adventuresome, & feisty. Color = Red Ruling Planet = Mars Stone = Diamond Flower = Geranium Dragon of Aries I summon thee, Your fiery existence, And strength of will, Come before me, I summon thee. Taurus: Patient, loyal, emotionally stable, stubborn, practical, dependable, organized, materialistic, possessive, plodding, sweet, calm, determined, & secure. Color = Pink & Blue (Tyl-green & turquoise) Ruling Planet = Venus Stone = Emerald Flower = Violet Dragon of Taurus I summon thee, From your secure home, Bountiful and cozy, And stubborn of will, Come before me, I summon thee. Gemini: Versatile, fickle, curious, high strung, flirty, changeable, anxious, petty, superficial, & communicative. Color = Multicolor Ruling Planet = Mercury Stone = Agate Flower = Lily Of The Valley Dragon of Gemini, I summon thee, From your thoughtful slumber, And communication from afar Come-before me, I summon thee. Cancer: Caring, nurturing, moody, clinging, dependent, lazy, retentive memory, receptive, changeable, sensitive, pack rat, emotional, over protective money oriented, & messy. Color = Silver, Pastels (Tyl-silver, white, dark blue) Ruling Planet = Moon Stone = Pearl Flower = Larkspur Dragon of Cancer, I summon thee, From your peaceful abode, Your emotional wisdom I seek, Come before me, I summon thee. Leo: Positive, optimistic, warm, dogmatic, organizational, hardworking, persistent, dramatic, colorful, generous, arrogant, inspiring & a performer. Color = Gold & Scarlet (Tyl-Orange, Yellow) Ruling Planet = Sun Stone = Ruby Flower = Marigold Dragon of Leo, I summon thee, From your stately home, And powerful will, Come before me, I summon thee. Virgo: Neat, fussy, conservative, efficient, studious, retiring, worrier, practical, logical, dependable, analytical, & workaholic. Color = Gray & Navy Blue (Tyl-Browns, rust, orange, dark blue) Ruling Planet = Mercury Stone = Sapphire Flower = Pansy Dragon of Virgo, I summon thee, From your intellectual talk, And organized thoughts, Come before me, I summon thee. Libra: Refined, diplomatic, vacillating, vain, social, just, artistic, gentle, tactful, gracious, & peace loving. Color = Light blues, pink, soft rose (Tyl-Blue-green) Ruling Planet = Venus Stone = Opal Flower = Rose Dragon of Libra, I summon thee, From your lovely home, And sweet nature, To your justice abiding laws, Come before me, I summon thee! Scorpio: Secretive, intelligent, psychic, manipulative, passionate, stubborn, well organized, deceitful, resourceful, vindictive, tenacious, & methodical. Color = Deep reds, such as maroon (Tyl-red & black) Ruling Planet = Pluto Stone = Topaz Flower = Chrysanthemum Dragon of Scorpio, I summon thee, From your dark home, And the spirits of the dead, To the mighty places you may live, Come before me, I summon thee. Sagittarius: Outspoken, freedom loving, independent, warm, outgoing, spiritually oriented, opportunist, and inspiring. Color = Purple & Deep blue (Tyl-dark blue) Ruling Planet = Jupiter Stone = Turquoise Flower = Narcissus Dragon of Sagittarius, I summon thee, From your travels of afar, And luck so near, Come before me, I summon thee. Capricorn: Rigid, practical, loner, managerial, persistent, opinionated, sarcastic sense of humor, prudent, efficient, miserly, cold, pessimistic, patient, ambitious, & ruthless. Color = Dark shades (Tyl-Black) Ruling Planet = Saturn Stone = Garnet Flower = Carnation Dragon of Capricorn, I summon thee, From your wisdom most beloved, And age so wise, To your strength withstanding, All bane that may appear, Come before me, I summon thee. Aquarius: Perceptive, temperamental, organized, erratic, cool, detached, ingenious, goal oriented, insightful, outgoing, unconventional, and self expressive. Color = Iridescent blues (Tyl-Rust, dark orange) Ruling Planet = Uranus Stone = Amethyst Flower = Orchid Dragon of Aquarius, I summon thee, From your unusual thoughts, Your foresight uncanny, Come before me, I summon thee. Pisces: Refined, shrewd, impractical, nagging, unstable, con-artist, impressionable, compassionate, escapist or drifter, paranoiac, dreamer, intuitive. Color = Sea Greens (Tyl-Dark blue) Ruling Planet = Neptune Stone = Aquamarine Flower = Water Lily Dragon of Pisces I summon thee, From your inner mind, To see all things unseen, And your psychic sight, Come before me, I summon thee. Chants by ArianStar Extra info from D.J. Conway, Dancing with Dragons

Dragons - Guardians

The Guardian Dragons are adept at their tasks and quite skilled in fulfilling their charges. Remember that their place is to guard and keep secret, not to do anything else, and while they may try... success is not guaranteed. That comes from not following the hierarchy. Other tasks may be asked of other dragons for whom the task falls closest to their sphere of influence. Guardian Dragons may be called to serve for a brief period of time (length of a trip) or for an indefinite time frame (length of a marriage). Guardian dragons are the friendliest of the species and the most fun-loving. Then enjoy simple impromptu rituals that include dancing, singing, and general fun. Simple, very relaxed rituals are an excellent was to introduce children into the field of ritual and getting acquainted with dragons. It is also a very good way for adults to unwind and release stress. These dragons are attracted to ginger and sweet-smelling and spicy incenses. They are greatly interested in divination and have a tendency to hang over your shoulder while you are reading cards or practicing crystal gazing, for instance. They are interested in stories, especially if the dragon in portrayed as powerful wily, and not defeated by puny mortals. If you are having trouble visualizing your dragons, try using a piece of rock crystal. It does not have to be flawless, nor does it have to have points. It would appear that this type of crystal acts as a kind of magnifying glass to the psychic through the third eye in the middle of the forehead. When you have mastered the technique with rock crystal, experiment with other kinds of translucent rocks. Remember, dragons have individual tastes in things, just as humans do. Chant: "LITTLE DRAGONS, RAINBOW BRIGHT GOOD FRIENDS OF THIS FAMILY, SEND GOOD WISHES TO US ALL JOIN OUR RITUALS MERRILY, PROTECT US THROUGH EACH DAY AND NIGHT WHILE AWAKE OR WHILE ASLEEP THROUGH YOUR LOVE AND VIGILANCE DO THIS FAMILY KEEP" There are THREE methods for summoning them, one for immediate needs, one for the short term need and one for the long term. All of which need to have an ending point to their service. They cannot be summoned to stay forever. Bear the time frame in mind as you summon them and thank them afterward. SUMMONING THE GUARDIAN DRAGONS: TYPE 1: THE SUDDEN NEED SUMMONING: This summoning is short and to the point. Usually used to protect the caster or another in a sudden crisis. Here are several incantations for just such moments: "By Dragon wing and Dragon claw, My (his/her) Defense is without flaw." "Shrouded by Dragon might Remove me (him/her) from their (his/her) sight." "Fly before me (him/her) Dragon bright, And blind my (his/her) foe with Thy light" "Full of rage and terrible ire, Burn them (him/her) with Thy Dragon Fire!" "Dark and terrible be Thy wrath, Dragon, protect me (him/her) on my (his/her) path!" Make the Sign of the Guardian (either in the air or on your brow) In the Air, pull thumb and pinkie fingers into the palm and with middle, index and ring fingers draw three lines at once. Then bending the ring and middle into the palm, draw one line down the right side of the other three. On a surface simply draw it as you would in the air. Sign Of The Guardian: Once the task is completed say “Guardian Dragon thanks be to you, My friend both steadfast and true!" TYPE 2: THE SHORT TERM PROTECTION. This summoning is used for short term goals and needs such as protecting an object being leant or anything for a brief period, such as a car ride or elevator trip. Mark the object to be protected with the sign of the guardian and repeat the incantation below: "Gentle Guardian wise and strong keep it (me, him/her) as it (I, he/she) doth belong. Safe within thy charge and care, the current problem to fare. No harm to come or ill to befall Guarded and safe through it all!" TYPE 3: THE LONG TERM NEED This form of summoning is closer to permanent as we would perceive it. Yet in this for you must still work with a time frame in mind, however distant it may be. Guardian Dragons may be summoned in this fashion for protection of people places and things needing or deserving long term care (such as children, houses, spouses, etc). Multiple objects can be protected with but a change in grammar, but they must be together for a single dragon to protect (the objects become a mini- horde). "Dragon brave and Dragon wise, let nothing escape your eyes. I summon your from your hidden lair, (name object here) is entrusted to your care. Permit no harm to come to (named object) within your sight, in your presence let all evils take flight. No baneful creature born of flesh or spirit, may touch (name object) nor even come near it. Let those that would bring harm, be filled with fright and alarm. Sun: Health, healing, confidence, hope, prosperity, money, success, promotion, friendship Sun Dragon I summon thee, Come from the heavens, And join me here, I summon thee! Moon: Travel, visions, divination, dreams, magick, love, home, medicine, luck, birth, time, theft, emotions Moon Dragon I summon thee, From your silver home, The place where intuition grows, I summon thee! Mercury: Intellect, memory, creativity, predictions, speed, speech, writing, poetry, inspiration, improvement of mind power Mercury Dragon I summon thee, From deep thought, Come and lend me your powers of the mind, I summon thee! Venus: Love, marriage, friendship, pleasure, beauty, artistic abilities, imagination, fertility, sex, children Venus Dragon I summon thee, From your love embrace, And your stunning looks, Come and join me, I summon thee! Mars: Energy, courage, conflict, death, physical strength, opposition, defense, endurance Mars Dragon I summon thee, From your aggressive stance, And fiery hand, Come before me, I summon thee! Jupiter: Honor, riches, health, friendships, the hearts desires, luck, religion, employment, legal matters Jupiter Dragon I summon thee, From your home, Where luck runs wild, And prosperity thrives, Come before me, I summon thee! Saturn: Knowledge, familiars, death, reincarnation, binding, overcoming curses, protection, retribution, responsibilities Saturn Dragon I summon thee, From your wisdom filled home, And ancient knowledge, To the areas of death and reincarnation, Come before me, I summon thee! Chants by ArianStar Information on each planet by, D.J. Conway Dancing With Dragons Guardian Guardian Angel

Dragons - Light & Dark

DRAGONS OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS Being the greatest of Dragons, the two Elder Dragons are the most difficult to describe. They embody the principles of Light and Darkness on a cosmic level, most similar to Yin and Yang. They are balanced opposites in harmony. Working with them is like touching pure active or receptive, two concepts very difficult to grasp. They are far easier to work with and communicate. This is in no way to state that they are impossible to work with, only that it is difficult to do so due to their vast powers. Approach them as you might approach the Tao in Chinese philosophy, with respect and reverence. See them as the living embodiment of the principles of Yin and Yang, Night and Day, Darkness and Light. It is also important to remember that 'evil' and 'good' is neither one's sole domain, they contain both, as do we. The Elder Dragons are invoked primarily as an augmentation to any other working you are performing. They are called upon to help balance the work you are performing and to lend that certain something extra. "Light of the Spirit, Symbol of the Sun Be with me now 'till the spell work is done. Help me balance all Karma and force 'till I reach the end of my life on this Earth Guide me and teach me, O' Dragon of Light Lend my magic your Power this Night!" "Dragon of Darkness, Your Power will run until the time my magic is done teach me your secret, the dark not to fear For dark is receptive, not terror or tear Dreams of the Spirit soar with the Night wrap me in guidance, You, balance of Light" The dark dragons of chaos and destruction are a subspecies of the dragons of the dark. Much like their fire counterparts, they destroy to purify. Also like the fire dragons, they often go beyond the human scope of thought when doing so, destroying pieces thought to be unassociated with the goal in mind. However, unlike the fire dragons, the dragons of chaos and destruction focus on other parts of life--not just purification. They bring recreation to our lives, relationships and careers when these areas seem to have fallen into a stale rut. They are also extraordinary diviners, specializing in past life regressions. They are great protectors of forward movement and growth (which is why they make such barrier removers). One particular method of removing barriers, which these dragons specialize in, is the confinement of the power of others who try to stifle the caller’s growth in any way. Thus they are perfect for binding spells. This seems contradictory in that binding seems to be hindering the "victim's" forward growth and movement. However, the dragons don't consider purposeful harm of others to be any sort of growth, but rather a stagnancy. In placing the binding, they are creating change (hopefully for the better) for the bound person. Dragons - Seas & Various Waters The element of water governs the western quarter of the circle. Its ruler is Naelyan (Nail-yon), who oversees the dragons of the seas, springs, lakes, ponds, and rivers. Its color is pure blue and is cold and moist. Positive associations are: sunset, autumn, compassion, peacefulness, forgiveness, love, intuition, calmness, peace of mind. Negative associations are: floods, rainstorms, laziness, indifference, instability, lack of emotional control and insecurity. The subspecies of the element of water are those of seas and various waters. It is not unusual to find this element working in conjunction with dragons of wind, storm, and weather, mountains and forests, or those of destruction. Dragons who dwell in the seas, lakes, rivers, ponds, and other bodies or water, whether large or small, are basically shaped like Oriental Dragons. They are usually long and serpent-like, usually without legs or wings. They are a variety of shades of blue, from silver-blue to dark blue-green. In fact, their shades cover all the hues of the water in which they reside. All of them have a silvery hue to their scales with some shade of blue predominant on the belly scales. They have feathery fringes about their mouths and down their backs. They have large horny eye sockets set in a rather flat snakelike head. These dragons can be very large or very small, depending on their dwelling place. Dragons of the seas and various waters help with emotions, either calming them or breaking through a barrier built around them; movement, both to get events moving and to keep things fluid; calmness on all levels of being and in all circumstances; creating changes, especially those brought about by breaking free of people who control us through our emotions. Sightings of these creatures is so well documented that one can dismiss the skeptics' observations that people are only seeing dolphins, squids, or other common water creatures. Sea dragons have been seen all around the world, but especially off the coasts of Scandinavia, Denmark, the British Isles, and North America, as well as in various lochs, lakes, and rivers. No other Draconic species have been so well documented as those of the various waters. Not only in stories and myths, but official records of several governments. Dragons - Mountains & Forests The Dragons of the Mountains and Forests are a sub-species of the Earth Dragons. As stated before, earth dragons are the foundation builders. The dragons of the mountains and forests focus on building foundations for plans that are to be long-lasting. They have the physical and mental capabilities and the endurance to handle long-time responsibilities. They will help bring about the success of goals for those who put forth the effort and planning. Deep within the Forest of Wyrms live green dragons. Lots of green dragons. Not so many that they are a real threat to the Western Heartlands, but nevertheless there are a lot of them. These dragons rule the forest, and intruders find themselves breathing noxious gases if they are unwelcome or are carrying a lot of valuables. The forest is very close to the Trade Way, the main trade route from Waterdeep to the Inner Sea. It is also within a day's dragon flight from the Serpent Hills and the High Moor. For all these reasons, the location was practically irresistible to Valraxaxath. The portal here is deep within the forest itself, marked by two large trees and set high in the branches so that flying dragons can use it easily. As a consequence, one has to fly to use the portal. It is double-sized, but it can accommodate most dragons. Like the Small Teeth portal, it is a variable portal that requires keys. It can be used four times per day. The default destination for the portal is deep within the Mortick Swamp in Luiren, where aquatic ogres and scrags await. Anyone who survives while trying to leave the swamp is indeed heroic, because the portal transports the creatures to this swampy death while their equipment goes to Valraxaxath's secondary hoard in the Wyrmbones. Activating the portal for the other destinations requires a specific key for each destination: The portal to the Small Teeth Mountains requires blood from a freshly killed (within the last 8 hours) humanoid or animal. The portal to the Dragonspine Mountains requires a spell cast at the gate to activate it. Any spell will do. The portal to the Dragonjaw Mountains requires the user to speak the word "gem" in Draconic. The portal to Rethild requires Valraxaxath himself as the key; unless he uses one of the other keys, Valraxaxath always goes to Rethild when using this portal. Would-be dragon slayers have perished when encountering a blue or red dragon when they were prepared for greens and occasionally chromatic dragons of other colors will help the greens if a lot of "heroes" invade the forest. After all, the greens are very useful in helping them with their own problems. The other denizens of the forest have become worried that reds, blues, blacks, and the occasional white have taken up residence, but when one is used to having green dragons around all the time, a dragon of a different color does not phase one that much, and the other dragons leave the forest alone. The people who use the Trade Way, on the other hand, are very disturbed by the rise in frequency and boldness of dragon strikes. How to Incorporate the Forest of Wyrms Portal Into Your Campaign If the party contains would-be dragon slayers, they enter the forest to hunt a green and claim its treasure, but run into a blue or black dragon instead. The dragon, not used to fighting in the forest, retreats to the portal and disappears through it. The characters can try to follow and probably end up naked in Mortick Swamp the first time through. Local city or town governments become increasingly concerned about the activity of dragons in and around the forest. Divinations reveal that the dragons are coming from elsewhere, and the governments or their representatives hire or ask the player characters to find and investigate this source of dragons so that something can be done. The characters investigate the tracks of some troll bandits and follow them deep into the forest. While on this quest, they see a white dragon appear out of thin air at the portal (from the Dragonspine Mountains) and fly away over the trees. The trolls think the portal is a holy site of some kind and give it wide berth. They can, if captured, tell of dragon traffic through the strange place. Dragons - Wind, Storm & Weather The dragons of wind, storm and weather are air dragons. And as stated before, these dragons are great at removing obstacles. This is done particularly by their open minds. Rather than panicking at road blocks, they keep their mind open to new ideas. This is found in this particular subspecies more than in any other air dragon. This flexibility keeps the creative and intellectual juices flowing to find ways around these obstacles. Dragons of wind and storm and weather are long, slender dragons, some of them with great gauzy wings, others with the Oriental "flying-lump" on their foreheads. Down the spine of the back flutter thin fringes of membrane tissue. They tend to be pale yellows and pale blues, but change to angry red-orange, purple, or black when they call up storms. Long, feathery antennae rise above their eye ridges. They are excellent helpers to control excesses in the weather; getting things moving in your life, especially in the areas of creativity and the mental processes; protection; flexibility of the mind; openness to new ideas; sweeping away obstacles, most of ten in a dramatic fashion. Sometimes these dragons have feather-looking scales that surround their eyes and necks. Such a dragon was the British Henham dragon, which was well documented in 1669. It was described as being only about nine feet long with small wings and rather curious eyes surrounded by 'feathers'. The Henham dragon put in repeated appearances before a number of observers for several years before it disappeared. Dragons - Desert & Arid Regions The dragons of the desert and arid regions are of either earth or fire alignment. If the dragon comes from a dry, hot environment, it is of fire alignment. If the dragon comes from a dry, cold environment, it is of earth alignment. The dragons of the desert and arid regions are rather prosperous. They will bring about success, especially economical success. If the dragon is of fire alignment, this will be through dramatic ways. If the dragon is of earth element, it is through discipline, planning, and effort. They are manifesters as well as destroyers. They bring things into the physical realm, but also remove obstacles. In performing the latter, they generally team up with air dragons, who are great obstacle removers by nature. Dragons - Fire & Volcanoes The element of Fire governs the Southern quarter of the circle, and that elements dragon ruler is Fafnir (faf'-near), who oversees the dragons of fire and sunbeams. Fire's color is pure red, and is considered warm and dry. The positive associations of Fire are noon, summer, the dagger and sword, candles, incense burner, any kind of helpful fire, the sun, blood, enthusiasm, activity, change, passion, courage, daring, will power, leadership. Negative associations are hate, jealousy, fear, anger, war, ego, conflicts, lighting, volcanoes, and harmful fire of any kind. An invocation to the Dragons of Fire In your dance and singing, imitate the movement of flames. Choose music that reflects this imagery. Use candles or other objects of a pure red color. The herbs and oils should be of the element of Fire. Repeat this chant three times: "In your cavernous, fire-filled hall, Echoes the name that I now call. Fafnir (faf'-near)! (Ring gong twice). Stir my blood with will power bold. Create new changes from the old. Fafnir! (Ring gong twice)." Elemental Dragons

Elemental Dragons

Dragons - Air The element of Air governs the eastern quarter of the circle. Its dragon ruler is Sairys (sair'-iss), who oversees the dragons of breezes and winds. Air's color is pure yellow, and is considered warm and moist. The positive associations of Air are sunrise, spring, incense, the wand, the gong or bell, clouds, breezes, the breath, optimism, joy, intelligence, mental quickness, renewing, any kind of helpful air. Negative associations are frivolity, gossip, fickleness, inattention, bragging, forgetfulness, windstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, destructive air in any form. An Invocation to the Dragons of Air Choose music that either represents to you either storms or light, breezy winds. Dancing and singing should make you think of wind blowing across the land. Use candles or other objects of a pure yellow color. Choose herbs and oils that are of the element of Air. Repeat this chant three times: "Dragon ruler of wind and cloud, I call your secret name aloud. Sairys (sair'-iss)! (Ring gong once). Quicken my mind, renew my life. Grant me joy free from strife. Sairys! (Ring gong once)" Dragons - Earth Earth rules the Northern quarter, and Grael (grail) is its dragon ruler. Earth's color is clear, dark green, and it is cold and dry. Positive associations are midnight, winter, the wine chalice, ritual salt, dragon bowl, gem bowl, dragon mirror, gemstones, mountains, caves, soil, respect, endurance, responsibility, stability, prosperity, thoroughness, purpose in life. Negative associations are rigidity, unwillingness to change or see another side of a problem, stubbornness, lack of conscience, vacillation, earthquakes, and landslides. Earth dragons are the most placid, unless required to stir up destructive forces such as earthquakes. An invocation to the Dragons of Earth Music should be slower, and perhaps heavier, and dancing should be statelier. Use candles of a green color, and herbs and oils from the element of Earth. Repeat this chant three times: "From your mountain caverns deep, Rise Northern Dragon, from your sleep. Grael (grail)! (Ring gong four times), Lead me to riches, purpose true, Endurance strong. I call on you. Grael! (Ring gong four times)." Dragons - Fire The element of Fire governs the Southern quarter of the circle, and that elements dragon ruler is Fafnir (faf'-near), who oversees the dragons of fire and sunbeams. Fire's color is pure red, and is considered warm and dry. The positive associations of Fire are noon, summer, the dagger and sword, candles, incense burner, any kind of helpful fire, the sun, blood, enthusiasm, activity, change, passion, courage, daring, will power, leadership. Negative associations are hate, jealousy, fear, anger, war, ego, conflicts, lighting, volcanoes, and harmful fire of any kind. An invocation to the Dragons of Fire In your dance and singing, imitate the movement of flames. Choose music that reflects this imagery. Use candles or other objects of a pure red color. The herbs and oils should be of the element of Fire. Repeat this chant three times: "In your cavernous, fire-filled hall, Echoes the name that I now call. Fafnir (faf'-near)! (Ring gong twice). Stir my blood with will power bold. Create new changes from the old. Fafnir! (Ring gong twice)." Dragons - Water The element of Water rules the western quarter of the circle. Its dragon ruler is Naelyan (nail'-yon), who oversees the dragons of the seas, springs, lakes, ponds and rivers. Its color is pure blue, and it is cold and moist. The positive associations of Water are: sunset, autumn, the water chalice, any form of helpful water, compassion, peacefulness, forgiveness, love, intuition, calmness, and peace of mind. The negative associations are: floods, rainstorms, whirlpools, any kind of harmful water, laziness, indifference, instability, lack of emotional control, insecurity. These dragons can be found in bodies of water, and can be seen working with dragons of wind, storm, and weather, mountains and forests, or those of destruction. An Invocation to the Dragons of Water Pick some music that reminds you of the sea, like harp music, or recordings of the ocean. Let yourself be water as you dance and sing. Use candles or other objects of a pure blue color. Choose herbs and oils that are of the element of Water. Repeat this chant three times: "Calm water, moving water, seas and lake, I call upon the water drake. Naelyan! (Ring gong three times). Teach me the psychic. Grant me calm And peace of mind, compassion warm. Naelyan! (Ring gong three times)." elemental dragons
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