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TEWnSLW's blog: "Family Life"

created on 10/08/2006  |  http://fubar.com/family-life/b11576

Moving once again...

Well, we were supposed to be3 moving to California this weekend but are we??? Nope...we are moving to Burlington, Iowa. Why? Troy has to, or actually chose to start working there on Monday which he'll probably start on Tuesday or Wednesday since we have to find someplace to live until the end of the year. Anyway, he chose to go to this job INSTEAD of taking the kids and I out to California, so now we're stuck here in central U.S.A until the end of the year, since this job goes until then. Once again, cold weather, BAD weather, you name it. Needless to say, I'm not a happy woman! I've been busy the past couple of days getting things packed up and of course we still have most of our stuff still in storage in Illinois which also includes things the kids will need for school along with some warmer clothes, although there aren't too many clothes in storage so we'll need to do clothes shopping for said warmer clothes. Point being is this....we're NOT going to Cali as of yet and I'm not very happy about it.


*looking at calendar* Okay, this is the rundown on things in the life and times of Shannon Leigh. Troy's daughter is flying into Indianapolis on Friday (the 20th) morning at a little after 5:00 am, which means to get there we will have to leave home no later than 3:30 am...fun, fun, fun. Then after she gets here, I have to run Troy to work, then finally get us all home. Saturday is Troy's second oldest son's wedding, which means yet another long ass freaking road trip......4 hours with 6 people in his truck. The wedding is at 2:00 pm, so we'll have to leave here no later than 9:30 am and then after the reception, another 4 hour drive back home. Then at a little before 9:00 on Monday night, we take her back to Indianapolis to fly home. NOW, HERE IS THE FUN PART!! I got a call from Troy this afternoon, telling me that tonight he is working 12 hours and they might have to tomorrow night but it may be 16 hours instead. Then again, they could change their minds and they only work the normal 10 hours tomorrow....we'll see. Apparently, a son of the company owner is supposed to be making an appearance on Wednesday so they supervisors are wanting as much done as possible by then, to try and make a good showing for the big guy...lol. So, two even longer days for Troy. Now, the big deal....they changed their minds again and are doing layoffs again on Friday, which last week they said that there would be no more layoffs for at least 3 weeks....well, they came up today and told everyone that they are indeed doing the layoffs THIS Friday and Troy found out he was on the list to get said layoff. Just last week, Troy was told by his supervisor that he was not going anywhere and that they needed a couple of good welder/fitter teams to stay until after the plant was up and running and since Troy is just about the BEST in this field, he was one that was going to stay. Apparently when they changed their minds and decided to do the layoffs again, they handed down that job to a guy that does NOT like Troy, so guess how Troy ended up getting on the layoff list??? The guy that made up the list put all the fuck-off's on the STAY list. Then he put all the GOOD hands, those that actually know what they are doing and do it well, on the layoff list....he kept all of his friends!!! Troy told his supervisor that was totally ridiculous and of course he agreed but since the supervisor isn't favoured by the guy that did the layoff list, he won't be listened too and will be over-ridden at any given time. So, if the layoffs are still a go after the company owner's son does his walk through, then Troy will be laid off Friday, he'll be out of work all week next week, we'll pack everything up from here, go back to the plant to pick up his last check and then head back to Illinois to get a U-haul truck a tow dolly for my car, get to storage where all of our other stuff is at, pack up said U-haul truck, get my car on the dolly, maybe meet up with my parents for one last meal and then hit the road for California!!! So, if all goes according to plan, we will be on the road either the 27th or 28th of July. Then we'll take our time getting out there...hopefully and Troy will take about three weeks off to help him mother around the storage facility that she manages and lives at. Last I heard, he's also switching companies he's going to work for. The next company has a job in Colorado....yay...more fucking cold. So, if he's going for that job, then we'll take the Northern route in order to go to Wyoming where he needs to take a weld test, which of course he'll do very well at and then we can get back on the road headed for Anaheim, California. If the test can't be done on our drive out there, then he'll head there AFTER we get there, whenever he gets a date set up and then he'll come back and wait for the phone call from them to say when he starts the job in Colorado. I just found out that the Colorado job is for a company that you have to be called to. In other words, it's a who you know type of referral job....you must know others that work through them in order to be considered...so once your name is given to them, if they call you to set up the weld test, then you're pretty much in, as long as you pass the test. So, if the guys that Troy worked with, do what they said they would, which was to give the company his name, then hopefully soon, they will call him...if not, then he will stay with the same company and go to Texas. Either way...he has a job he'll be going to after he takes a couple of weeks off. So, after his daughter heads back home, we'll just be hanging around home, start to get things packed up....again.....and start cleaning, what little needs to be cleaned, hang out at the pool and get ready to hit the road at the end of next week! Will I ever be able to totally relax???? I just can't wait to FINALLY be out in Cali!!! Plus, I'll FINALLY be able to get my own computer hooked back up!!!!

Moving again....

Well, we finally got here to Indiana and for the past week, we've been waiting for them to get the apartment ready, which is FINALLY is.....SOOOOOOOO, after Troy gets off of work today, he's running to storage, getting some stuff, running here to the motel to pick the kids and I up which is where the three kids, the two of us and four cats have been for a week...lol....then we'll head to the apartment, unload things, then run BACK to storage for another load, go back to the apartment and then I'll start unpacking what we have at that time....phew! Then at the end of July, if he can't get them to let us stay for another couple of months after the college kids come back then we'll have to go to another motel until the job he's on now finally finished which may be sometime in August or September, then it's finally time to get our butts back out to California! I'm going to be SO done with moving after all of this. Unfortunately the kids will start school about a month at the most late but all they ever seem to do is review the first few weeks of the new school year anyway, so no biggie. Anyway...later on I have to get everything in the motel room ready to go by the time Troy gets off work tonight and then run, run, run! Then maybe I can finally have MY computer back again...once I get a card so she can go wireless that is. Isn't my life fun???

So Much To Do...

I have until the first weekend in June to get everything packed...by myself and ready to be loaded up in order to take the long trek back to California. I know a lot of stuff we're not taking but it's still going to be a cluster f*ck with trying to box everything up and keep it all sitting inside a little two bedroom apartment with thre kids runnig around. So, I guess I better get my bootay in gear and start getting more done. I've already gotten the movies and some breakables boxed up but I still have everything in the kitchen and bathroom that does NOT have to stay out. Oh, boy....fun, fun, fun.

New Truck and Trip

Well, this past weekend was VERY long. The kids and I drove the 5 hours up to Charles City, Iowa on Friday afternoon, we finally got to sleep after driving another 30 minutes to Mason City, Iowa in order to go to WalMart, then another 30 minutes back to Troy's motel room. We finally got to sleep, I have no idea what time I passed out but sleeping well was something I did not do...totally sucked! Anyway, we got up at 0645 Saturday and then hopped in the Bronco to head to Wisconsin in order to finally get Troy his new truck! YAY!! So, after yet ANOTHER 5 hour drive, we finally made it to Wisconsin and went to Lenz Auto Sales and got all the paperwork filled out, I emptied the Bronco, took some good-bye pics of it and hopped in the new truck and back on the road another 5 hours back to Charles City, Iowa....again. So, yes, it was a long weekend because after we finally ate and got to sleep, the next day (Sunday) the kids and I hopped back in the car at 1245 and headed back home another 5 hours to Edinburg, Illinois. I'M SO TIRED OF DRIVING!!!!! The good thing out of all of this is that Troy finally has the truck he's been wanting and so richly deserves! Pics of truck and trip below! Entry into Wisconsin
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
The Long Wisconsin Road Ahead
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
New Truck!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Needless to say, my husband is a VERY happy man!

News of the step....

son, step-son that is...lol.
Well, my 20 year old step-son wrote us off a while back, stating it was my fault and some of the horrendous things he said to me and called me, were totally uncalled for.
Short and sweet....he blamed me for his g/f to break up with him. How in the hell could that be possible when we lived 2 hours or so away from them and it was at least a month and a half between our last contact and her kicking him out..makes no sense.
Anyway...I found out through my mother-in-law that he had gotten his current g/f pregnant. Needless to say I was ticked mainly because he played her like a fiddle and used her for sex, money, rides, place to stay, etc. and I was REALLY hoping she wouldn't be obsessed with him any longer and not even give him the time of day...I was wrong.....because she was the one that was prego.
Well, I got ahold of her on MySpace and sent her a message just trying to find out how she's doing and when she's due and to see if I could get her address to send her some baby goodies.
She defended him even though he treated her like dirt, saying that he's really hurt her but he's also really changed since they started seeing each other again. Well, goody. I hope he's really grown up, but here she's only 21 or so and already has a kid and expecting another one, still lives with her parents, he's not working and no matter how much bullshit he feeds her, I know he doesn't want to be stuck with her, but for now he is.
He's a player and has had MANY a partner for being so young and this isn't even the first time there's been a pregnancy or scare of one! The last one and he never took any precautions and she came up pg MANY times but always lost it.
So, now I come to find out that they are supposed to be getting married in August...this won't last...no doubt about that one!
The baby is due sometime in July, he'll end up skipping out on the kid and having to pay child support for a kid I know he won't have much to do with....he's young and likes his party time and being held down with a wife and a kid...that just isn't him.
NOW I come to find out that he's going in to the Army. That's great! I hope it REALLY makes him grow up and finally do something with himself but this will also mean that he won't be around much and I know what goes on. He won't stay faithful to her and I'll be surprised if they last a year....barely.
I'm not dooming them, I just have a very good sense on things such as this. She's still heavily obsessed with him and I think she'll put up with his cheating, running around, partying and lying but I don't think he'll want to have her lingering around in the backdrop, so he'll be the one to get the divorce.
Well, he's supposed to leave for Oklahoma or something like that in the next week or so and he'll go for boot camp and then head off to basic training in a state, or at least try to head to a state around Illinois.
So, we'll see how long all of this charade lasts between the two of them. I know what's going to happen but until then, I'll keep my mouth shut to everyone in the family and anyone that knows them and I'll be supportive while they are together but it seems as though I'm the only one that's NOT fooling themselves and can see the truth as to what is going to happen with the two of them.
Oh, well....at least I get to buy for babies! No she's not prego with twins...I also found out last month that my brother-in-law got married in December and his wife is now prego too!
Plus he already has a daughter that he barely sees and/or talks to...whatever....THESE ARE THE INSANE AND STUPID DAYS OF OUR PATHETIC LIVES....lol!


Well....for those of you that may not know, my husband has been working in Iowa since early October...we live in Illinois. Anyway, he was able to take a week and a half off of work for the holidays and we were able to spend Christmas and the new year together...YAY! It goes without saying that the kids had a great holiday. They are kids, what do you expect? I cooked dinner on Christmas and we all survived!!! If I do say so myself, it all turned out VERY well! *pats self on back* lol Anyway....this year I also made out like a bandit! I got a new washer and dryer...the pedestal, front loading types...LOVE THEM!!! Plus, Troy also brought a brand new digital camcorder home for me...YAY...again! I love that little guy too! I carry it with me in my bag everywhere I go! All in all, my favorite present was Troy...my husband and him being able to come home...although, even if he couldn't, we would have headed to Iowa to spend the holiday with him...we were actually already going to until he found out he was going to be able to leave. Well, he headed back to Iowa...this time to Charles City for the next job and he'll probably be there for about 3 or 4 months and we will more than likely head up there towards the end of this month....we try to make a trip to see him every month, gives us something else to do. We've also been experiencing some wonderful ice storms...bleh!! The beginning of December 2006 and now just a few days ago. As soon as I can get my EasyShare to start working again...whatever the hell is wrong with that darn thing, then I will get the pics loaded up...they look totally cool...the ice all over the trees and all but man was it awful at the same time, mainly because we went 4 days with no electricity and had to stay at a hotel..fun, fun, fun! So, pics will be put up sometime...stupid technology!!!!

A Dozen Long Stem Roses

Well, I've been waiting since Saturday to receive them and they finally got here. A dozen beautiful long stem roses were finally delivered to me today which my husband sent me from Iowa...just as a thank you and because he loves me. They are absolutely beautiful..if you would like to see them, they are in my picture stash with the same title as this blog entry. Needless to say, I cried when I got them, for many reasons but mainly because he loves me so and I miss him even more now...I missed him enough as it was to begin with! He knew I had been a but down and he thought that these might brighten me up a bit and I have to admit that he was correct...they sure did! I can't wait until next Tuesday...we're leaving that night in order to head back to Iowa to spend Thanksgiving with him, so we'll be gone from Tuesday night until Sunday night.....I can't wait!
Well, Troy called me this morning, I of course asked him if it was snowing again out there in Storm Lake, Iowa and luckily he said no...YAY!! Anyway, he said that I should be getting a delivery today, so in other words, that meant Shannon Leigh, was not leaving the house today, not too worry, wasn't planning on it anyway, it's cold enough to freeze my left boob off!!! Well, it's already 1530, almost and no delivery....I'm pretty sure he ordered flowers for me and is having them delivered from the location close to here, wherever that shop is but I guess that they are not open or something on Saturday...kind of sucks, I would really like to have the 'delivery' because I've been kind of a gloomy gussette today, actually the past couple of days. I even let it slip to Troy that I was really thinking of just giving up and that the big 's' word (yes, suicide), was seriously crossing my mind. Not smart Shannon....I'm sure he'll end up getting ahold of his mother since it's the weekend and I'll probably get an email or she'll ask him for my number and I'll end up getting a phone call confronting me about this....THAT I can wait for...lol. Well, Polly girl is asleep, boys are down the street playing with a friend and the puppies are gone...YES, I SAID PUPPIES!!! Yesterday morning around 0400, I heard some yiping...sounded as though it was coming from across 29, which I found out it did...well, about an hour later, it was right out front of the living room window! I ran out in my t-shirt and panties...yep, I was close to scaring the neighborhood..lol and lo and behold, there was a cute ass little baby puppy! Well, I brought him inside and woke up little Troy and he just about flipped! He couldn't believe it! Then we laid the baby down, which we named Toby on his bed and he and Troy went to sleep.Wouldn't you know it? About 45 minutes later, I heard more yiping...there were 2 more babies! We got them and brought them inside too and of course gave them names...we're quick aren't we? So, here they are....the biggest one was, Trevor, the medium sized one was Ti (short for Tiberius) and the tiny one was Toby. I thought maybe they were a mix between a Beagle and a Boxer, not sure but then again, I'm pretty sure. Anyway, I made up signs and we posted them around the Village of Inbred Idiots. Then today.....Troy took one of the babies outside to go potty and he came running back in and said...I found the mom! I went out and sure enough...her boobs were like mine! Hung down to the damn ground....had to laugh! We brought her in and Troy noticed another dog across 29, he followed her and found out where they lived, so we got ahold of the people that were taking care of them and took them home. I have to admit....I miss them. I still choose cats overall but these doggies were just so adorable...we had one to suit each one of us. Troy had Trevor, Taylor had Ti (Tiberius), Polly had Toby and I had Tiki (the mom). I can't wait until we get out to California...that way if something like this ever happens again before I get my shelter up and running, then we don't have to worry about sneaking them because we won't have a fucking landlord to deal with. Pics are available of them to see in my picture stash...they are sooooooo adorable!!!

Halloween Night

Well, I finally got the finishing touches done on the kids' costumes and they took them to school today and of course came home with a bag full of tooth-decay in pretty colours and great flavours! Polly looked so cute as a Faerie Princes...pretty little wings and all! The boys went as the darkside....Troy was the Grim Reaper and Taylor was the Scream dude. We ended up having to drive around this stupid Village of the Inbred Idiots that we live in but we were able to see one of the home mothers from Polly's class and my AVON customer, so at least that part was nice enough. Surprisingly though, the boys wanted to call it quits before I expected them too...talk about a shock! Time to pick mommy off the ground! Even though we didn't go to too many houses, they still made out like bandits....then of course the tedious task of going through ALL of that candy and checking each and every piece....there's no way in hell I'm going to risk the well being and safety of my children! This year was so emotional for me....I watched Polly as she crossed the road with her brothers and just realizing that she was getting so big! She'll be 5 on December 21st!! She's my precious little baby and she's just getting so big, so quick! I started to cry, kind of in disbelief as to how quickly the years have gone by. Well, we got home, candy in check, rationed out 3 pieces before bed...you guessed it, mommy is a hard-ass....lol, you would think they would be used to it by now!! It must not have bothered them too much because I then told them it was time for bed seeing as it was 2100 already and they still have school tomorrow, but the boys went in their room, laid down and within 45 minutes at the most, they were out. Then Polly butt came in the living room, laid down and within an hour, she was sawing logs...lol. Now, for tomorrow! If I can get to bed soon, which I am very tired...it's hitting me, the drive and weekend events so now it's time for mommy to drag....bleh. Anyway, hopefully if I can muster enough energy tomorrow, granted I don't wake up with another WONDERFUL migraine, as soon as Polly leaves for school, I'll head to Taylorville and get some goodies put on lay-a-way, while Wally World still has it...man, that sure does piss me off!!!! Regardless, I'll get stuff put on for Polly's b-day and for Christmas and maybe put a separate one on just for decor....since we were given that nice new tree from Gena, we can use that this year....but where? Time to rearrange the furniture! Then I'll head to Dollar Tree and get some of the purtiful goodies they have there and bring them home in the hopes that they make it from now until the weekend after Thanksgiving...or whenever it is that the kids and I come back from our holiday in Iowa with Troy. Oh shit...I forgot I have wet clothes in the washer!!! Time to sign off and take care of that!
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