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grayghost00xWhiSp3r IN ThE wiNd's blog: "Fodder for thought ?"

created on 11/29/2010  |  http://fubar.com/fodder-for-thought/b338021  |  1 followers

I am so sorry for my disappearance, but it is an R/L thing going on. To explain here is just too involved. I am trying to revive my former Art business and I need to move at the same time. I am going 2 and 3 days with no sleep and my body is just drained. I don't know when I'll be back regularly and right now I am just trying to thank so many who have kept up to me. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! My 11's are getting waisted because I can't be here to give them out and I am extremely cash poor, driving an unregistered/uninspected motorcycle----YIPPPEEEE! I live next door to the State Police baracks...hahahaha.

I lost my business during a near death experience and 2 years in a nursing home where my ex-sister took the time to "clean" me out to somewhere around $400,000+. Get the picture where I am at now. I need some time to get this thing going and if fu doesn't delete or block them, I am posting two pics of what I am doing. I AM NOT SOLICITING BUSINESS HERE, JUST SHOWING YOU WHAT I AM DOING AND WHY IT TAKES ME SO MUCH TIME. Plus, on SSD I can't find a place to live and only have until May 31 to get my sweet ass out of here and the landlord is being a major asshat. The pics will be in my Default album and if not, then they got razzed.

The phone number listed is an error my designer made so it's not valid. The email is personal but can be found by going to search using my REAL name as posted on my profile page so it is no secret all over the world. My (in proccess) website will have a different email when it is done.

Lastly, I am SORRY that I can't return all your friendship gifts, but I am here and being whipped by the poor house puppie as we speak. PLEASE forgive me and it will end at some point. I DO LOVE Y'ALL and miss ya alot................................................grayghostX-("still" whispering in the wind) LOVE, KISSES, HUGGGGGS, CUDDLES... and hotdamn=-=something is moving in my pants.


The New Year is with us and hope everybody enjoyed bringing it in and are home safe and happy to start a new saga in life. BUT, we must continue here with some lingering smells that descended upon us and the only way I know how to effectively rid odors is by using a mixture of chlorox & ammonia.( WARNING: USE ONLY IN WELL VENTILATED AREAS AND REMOVE ALL LIVING ORGANISMS FROM THE AREA) It really works great but byproduct is ammonium-chloride gas HIGHLY TOXIC. Here we'll stick with info I have gathered or received from some very nice ppl who remember this RAG from the G_O_D's which was before the B_J_D's.

I wasn't priviledged to enjoy this media when it was called by other names. Only 11 months on here and have quit 3 times. What brings me back are the super great ppl who encourage me to be a friend and not just a number on thier scoreboard. I'm talking about the LOST CHERRY and CHERRYTAP crowd that have joined my friends list. A number are in my Fam and it's not who they are but HOW they are. They still hold onto the CHERRY days with some of the ppl they interact with. They tell me in the good old day's (now you know god---what's bjd)  This network didn't center on fubucks, cash, greed and a gimme-gimme-gimme attitude. It was friend being a friend to a friend and giving back to each equally. You didn't buy friends and fans with bling, boomies, bombs, and all the other fullshit crap that so many seem to treasure. IF YOU WANT THE CHERRY DAYS BACK THEN FIGHT FOR THEM(*)(*) REMEMBER PPL THIS IS YOUR NETWORK NOT bam jam's.

There are so many inequities on this piece of crap I really don't understand why someone hasn't spoken up before. I'll never get back the 10 mil I lost to deceptive bam jam's deceitful tactics, but some of the Cherry girls have donated enough of thier own fubucks to keep me going, maybe not ahead of where I should be, but these are what you call/love/respect and thank as very good friends. I've mentioned some of the things that could help make this a better place to play, but deaf ears and blind eyes don't comprehend it seems the English language is a non comprehensive factor in his life.

It ain't over until the fat lady sings or I successfully create the first fubar Eunuch. I am here to stay and have received much support in many different ways.  WHY???? because I have actually found out after my last departure that there are more of me just too mild mannered to get at it. This is for them now, more than myself because this rat hole really needs cleaning. My 1st Amendment rights give me permission to vebally castrate  as long as I don't get physical. GOOD NIGHT Y'ALL and more to come....


Different font this time, but same attitude so don't get confused. Yes I am still at it and now comes what I didn't get to say last night. fu comps can't deal with a lot of bytes all at once, it confuses them after all they're only machines. It may be the same subject but it will have different content and much to do about WHO are fu's and why are they here. It is all relevant to Bam Jam so nobody is being picked on [well somebody is].

It's about a blue head and a red head and neither one has hair that color, it's the head. CAN SOMEONE out there tell me why/how/where/when/what makes an artist's picture of a colored head worth 10 million fubucks. Please, I am very open to listening to whatever nonsensical explanation you have. I can believe stupid--we just got finished with 2 president's with the same last name and thier heads stuck up the azz. Kinda reminds me of fubar? If it's GOOD for the members then we can't allow it because that means it's not good for us, the Holy ones. Why isn't there a fair and equitable method of doing this angel/devil crap so nobody gets bloodied in the process. It took me 11 months to get to that 10 mil mark (thanks to a boost from WW) and it hurts sitting there now with 160,000 in my account and can't keep up enough with the friends I have who are so generous to me. That "fee" for choosing should be based on a formula like Longevity, number of friends, days/hours on line, and amount of fubucks accumulated to date. And sex has to be considered also, sorry ladies, but if I take a bra and put 2 filled water balloons in it and a tight blouse I'd be worth 200 or more mil by now since the pervs on here wouldn't see the beard because they can't lift thier eyes that high. FUBIES this is YOUR network, MAKE THEM WORK FOR YOU!!!

Here we really go off. The fuponey phony. $650 REAL dollars for a FAKE horse is like paying $3.00 for a cup of coffee that is an empty cup=-=IT'S AIR YOU MORONS=-=I know it's the points and prestige and if you want that crap so bad BUY it yourself and don't ask some poor working slob to give up money for something he/she can't afford. I don't blame this on members at all. It's the Holy one, let's see, OH! Bam Jam and his need for greed. As I was thinking about this subject today I came up with an alternative for the fuponey. Here comes my need for greed..hahahahahaha. I created the "buBear" and version II "B-buBear" Both are posted in my PRIVATE "MyART" album only accessible by Fam. Here's the deal=-=You can Rip one or the other for a mere 50,000 fubucks via fupal. To view 1st it is 5,000 fubucks same way with 4,000 refundable if not satisfied. (I am not sending money back via fupal and paying the 20% "FEE"). The reason for the 5,000 is to get access to my Fam so you can see them and the whole album is locked to ripping so I have to cancel that when you're there if you want to buy. The 5,000 is subtracted from the 50,000 if you buy. SEE the grayghost DOES have a sense of humor(^)(^)..Make sure you're ready before going in because the Fam is only good for 1 hour then you WILL be removed...and read the captions under both--hahahahahahaha.


                                                                                                          tomorrow more from grayghost00 network

Let me begin with the good, best place to start. I am overwhelmed by the support shown to me by my friends and have even been asked to continue the fight. Seems I am not the only one on this rag who is a little digruntled...wonder WHY? Thank you to Classic Beauty, JasmineTheProtected, Just me Sybil, and all of you who offered to give me the money with no returns wanted, I said NO because it is not my friends that need to pay for the fuscrew that seems to live on this piece of crap. And as I am telling them all no, MollyDoll sneak's past me with a mil and I couldn't send it back because I DIDN'T HAVE THE REDICULOUS FUFEE OF 200,000 bucks, and also more to come on this subject. THANK YOU--THANK YOU ALL.

Now that we've had desert, how about the meal. It's called breaded Jam Bam and man it tastes like pig swallow. Things seem to get changed around here more often then your coworker changes her panties or in some cases doesn't even wear any. This 10 mil trick apparently was changed but nobody seems to know it since I have gotten both "OH Yeh I paid 10 mil" and then another says "OH NO I never paid anything". Then we get to the one's that tell me this friend did pay, but this friend never paid anything. There would be less conversations like this IF Bam Jam would COMMUNICATE with the membership=-=said it yesterday=-=HE DON"T KNOW HOW TO DO THAT. We go back to the fu move when everybody got screwed out of something....another 70,000 I lost because Rounds wasn't working and even after Support said they were I still didn't get sent out what I had PAID for and many more said to me that it was happening to them. Did Bam Jam announce Rounds were not working**hel No it would have kept fubucks from his own pockets.

This is the last for tonight. Got to save some strength for the rest of the week and maybe take the weekend off and wake anew on Monday. BUT People, both ladies and gents, this thing called fubar is YOUR play station NOT HIS or his groupies. Stand up for your rights and make the noise that needs to be made. It's a race you can't lose with odds at 5,000,000 to 1. The more that start to complain about things that bother them, the more Bam Jam's ears are gonna hurt and maybe become terminally infected. I am not on my own crusade here. This is not the only thing wrong with fu and I have listened to ALL kinds of complaints. Do what ya need to do and find others with the same complaints and attack as a pack of wild dogs would.

This is my G'night: Why does he call himself baby jesus?? A Baby is something that is cute, cuddly, laughs, plays, is loving and Jesus is a religious figure symbolizing GOOD. He is no baby or jesus, it's Bam Jam, and the other meaning for BJ also!

                                                                                                              Another saga by grayghost00


Let's just call it a bj gotcha and make it easy, allright. OH! and don't let me forget Mr. Joe Black=one of your favorite bouncers. He's got his quotes down to as few words as possible so his typing finger doesn't get warn out.

Last night I was checking my level up requirements when POP there is CHOOSE Angel or Devil? So I looked and it wasn't too clear so I approached one of my ladies with a question of what is it and what do I do? She told me about the choices and I figured Angel (good ghost) and she said she was never charged anything when she chose. So I goes back and click on Angel and when I go back to my home page I got 147,000 fubucks left because fu saw fit to create a new case of banckruptcy.

Now I proceed to another fufrnd and she says she never got charged either when she chose and I should contact support. Of course I get one of the (male) bouncers who I NEVER have gotten any kind of answer from at any time and am told in as many words: Tough luck, that's the way it goes.

NOW I'm out 10 mil for what--a head with a ring on top--HEY BJ***WAKE UP AND START TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR MEMBERSHIP***SOMETHING YOU SEEM TO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH. It's not only this A & D thing but I lost 70,000 bucks sending rounds a couple weeks ago because there was NO MESSAGE that the system was down and being worked on. COMMUNICATION IS  WHAT MAKES THE WORLD GO AROUND! You azz.

I have made some fantastic frnds on here--Classic and Sybil both said they'd give me 10 mil if I'd stay. Ya Know what I said, NO? It's not thier problem--it was created by a person who don't really give a shit about the membership as long as his ego stays sailing in the wind--it's kinda  like bird chit and always lands on some poor innocents head. I talked with 5 more frnds who also never heard of any new rule unless you changed from angel to devil or vice-versa.

What are you ppl gonna do? Wait until (HE) gets finished turning this place into a kiddie playground since that is the direction he's headed.. GET IN HIS FACE AND STAND UP FOR YOURSELVES....THIS IS "YOUR" NETWORK, NOT HIS===IT'S 5,000,000 TO 1.


In the newspaper business that's called a headline and it sucks you into reading the first sentence then paragraph and hopefully the story. I don't believe women suk and that is what this blog is all about....WOMEN....and how the men on here treat them. There are so few real men on this rag that it's a pitiful statement on thier upbringing. (to be fair--I've met a couple women that fit the same catagory)

What the (H) brought this on? Well yesterday while cruising around I found 3 of my ladies had broken hearts and statements about being wronged in some fashion or another. Conclusion: some dude or dudes, in this case, played them like a cheap guitar then left for a real cheap guitar. These boys are taking lessons from Brad Pitt or that other ass, Tiger Thingee. BTW there are a lot more but I don't have time to list them all so let me sum it up in one word....ASSES....That should cover the rest.

Ladies! Before falling for a line that is coming from a sewer- look, listen, learn what HE is saying in his eyes/mouth/fingers and the almighty keyboard. It does work and especially the eyes. NOT one pic---look at a dozen so you can see changes in mood. If he's shoveling horse shit and his eyes twinkle, he's a lifer for shoveling it. The 3 ladies happen to be on my specials list, not on fu, in my heart. They have treated me with respect and always give of themselves not only to me but everybody they deal with.

(IF) you ladies are interested at all in anything I said then go to my photo albums and see album "Created by the heart~~Fertilized by the mind" IT's FREE, I WANT NOTHING IN RETURN>>>PERIOD. 4 albums to see on this subject are in simple words "Love", "The World", "Who Is The Woman" and "What's it all about". Read slowly and absorb the real male mind at work then ask ?HIM? specific questions and see if he can answer them without stuttering or even choking. If not, put that cow to pasture--pull another into the barn and see if it gives sweeter milk.

I am not perfect, but you ladies on here should be shown a little more respect then you get from these pigs who wallow in thier own shit. There are good guys on here but you have to really change maybe some of your standards and look at the whole being and not just the pretty face--filled with more hardware than a Lowes or Home Depot.


Spirit to Spirit Unified

I was at the Hospital yesterday and received a very expensive gift, not in monetary value but rather in the value of coexistence. While waiting for transport I stood by the front window and noticed a man dressed shabby but clean, walking toward the front with a large Golden Retriever on his left. Dog-Hospital-state law***It was a seeing eye dog, a guide dog. As they came down the ramp I saw the man's lips move, I was in=he was out, didn't hear words but the dog veered to the right and headed for the doors which opened electronically. The dog stopped and waited for door motion to cease and then proceeded to lead the man to the 2nd set of doors with the same reaction there. They stepped inside and on to the carpeted floor and once inside the dog stepped in front of the man to stop him and when he did the dog looked left, then right, then up and only then did he start to move again. When the floor turned from carpet to tile the dog stopped and he noticed a janitor with a mop touching up spots on the floor and the dog reached his paw out and rubbed it back and forth~this part of the floor was dry and the dog proceded forward again. In about 20 feet the dog not only stopped but placed his body against the man's legs and would not let him move. The man nudged the dog 3 or 4 times but the dog would not budge an inch and the janitor saw this and removed what the dog had seen. It was a yellow tringle saying "caution Wet Floor". Could the dog read. I doubt it, but he saw something he had obviously seen before and new it was not safe to let the man proceed. They then proceeded another 12 feet to the end of the hall and the dog took a sharp left and they disappeared out of my sight. The Almighty had bestowed upon me a vision of what life is all about. Coexistence. They may have been animal and man but displayed the unique gift of one spirit.

This is not a fairytale for dreamers to soothe thier own minds. THIS IS A TRUE STORY AS I WITNESSED WITH MY OWN EYES. A Gift of Spirit to Spirit Unified. I am thankful to have been chosen to see this in person and I have only one Question "Why can't people be like this?"

                                               FROM: The eyes and mind of the grayghost00


Before I even start this diatribe let me say that this does not apply to any of my CURRENT friends or FAM members. If you're on either of those lists just read and understand what I am saying OUTLOUD. SOME OF YOU MAY WANT TO CHECK THE LISTS---I'VE MADE SOME CHANGES??? There are a couple of ppl who used to be on my list but they seem to be in a special group that practces deception and the neolithic art of creating tools using the stones of lies.

Once upon a time this rag was called something like "lost Cherries" and I have lost 11 GOOD friends because of member whorechit and the powers that have turned this into a circus for chidren, the rude, the crude, and the self-glorifiying trash that runs loose on here. I was just blocked by a ignorant little twit that thinks she only has to be concerned with her own opinions and I, apparently, ruffled her feathers in a friend request because I stated I believe differences are what make the world go around. SO SHE BLOCKED ME. Only happened one other time with this thing that thinks she owns herself, these two should get together, and friended me---then turned around and blocked me. Do I give a chit about either of them? Yes, I'm concerned that they will die very lonely with a bad attitude about anyone who tries to Help them.

Move on to the fortune hunters or beggers as they have been called. If you deserve it, somebody will give it to you. I have ppl on my frnds/fam lists that ask for things, but they DO ALWAYS give back and in most cases much more than they got. I, myself have given what I could afford to and what I got back was more generous than I could repay. But, these same ppl keep giving and giving to me knowing I can't reciprocate in kind. THESE ARE KNOW AS FRIENDS for you idiots that don't have a dictionary. This not Trump or Gates World, you idiots, it's fu-world and it's supposed to be fun, not a contest for fame/fortune/power and the republican way of screw you I want it so gimme-gimme-gimme.

I have a lot more to say, but for now I am going to end with this. It states in my bio from fuday 1 that piss on me and I piss back. Well I've been pissed on and I hope they all have raincoats handy because I've got a full bladder. I, as well as a number of others have been degraded by a force with many members and all pervade lies. They feel everyone, other than themselves, on here are trash and good only to squeeze thier bounty from. Prime example is this conversation which HE directed a status post to HER so she was the only one to understand it. "HIM: someone thinks your a fake"..."HER: Based on our surroundings that is the ultimate compliment". They both, along with the rest of this group are basically saying we're surrounded by idiots who can't think for themselves...

I will have more and any of the trash that hits me will have NAMES posted next  time. To ALL the real fubies who are here for fun WITH other ppl and not just for themselves I wish you the best. And names will NOT be available from me since I have an integrity to protect.

                                                                                                                                      Only: The  grayghost00


Doing a blog on fu is kinda like a PB & J without bread. Soooooooo at the suggestion of a very old fufriend, who has been with me since fresh meat stage (#1 Fam) I am doing my first blog and probably my last. It is to direct you to my own personal site where I have started my own "blog" because I like bread when I make a sandwhich. This is not, for a change, an attack on fu, but rather a way of saying I like to express myself with a little extra added attraction. Everything on the page is mine with the following exceptions: 1- a thumbnail pic from a fufriend, 2- two of the backgrounds are also from another fufriend (both Native American themed), 3- the walls of gray are words of another fufriend. Otherwise, every other word and pic are from my personal head. OH! and cameras. Go to my site if your interested in constructive thinking rather than bytching. Photo album titled "Created by the heart~~Fertilized by the mind!" I just want you to read. I am NOT looking for points, NOT looking for rates, NOT looking for comments. If you leave a (h) (?):P or just Hi! to let me know you were there I will remember you. AND Thank You very much. [Another ghostly thought] [R]

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