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ok so i have come to relize that i have sooo many friends in the army an i worry about em all all the time.. i was reading the blogs an today it is really bothering me , all this war an so many young people being put in the ground, its devastating. tears come to my eyes everytime i see an read that as is already my mom has it on cnn 24-7 here at her house. well kept informed. but no matter how long this war has been going on nothing good is coming out of it. families are loosing loved ones...is any of this ever gonna end? my heart an prayers goes out to every single person that is out ther or has some one fighting weather its canada or the states, for anyone that worries for others out there. god bless u all an safe journey while your there an ty.


You stay up for 16 hours He stays up for days on end. _________________________ You take a warm shower to help you wake up. He goes days or weeks without running water. __________________________ You complain of a "headache", and call in sick. He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward. __________________________ You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends. He still fights for your right to wear that shirt. __________________________ You make sure you're cell phone is in your pocket. He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags. __________________________ You talk trash about your "buddies" that aren't with you. He knows he may not see some of his buddies again. __________________________ You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls. He walks the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists. _________________________ You complain about how hot it is. He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe his brow. __________________________ You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order wrong. He doesn't get to eat today. __________________________ Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes. He wears the same things for weeks, but makes sure his weapons are clean. __________________________ You go to the mall and get your hair redone. He doesn't have time to brush his teeth today. __________________________ You're angry because your class ran 5 minutes over. He's told he will be held over an extra 2 months. __________________________ You call your girlfriend and set a date for tonight. He waits for the mail to see if there is a letter from home. __________________________ You hug and kiss your girlfriend, like you do everyday. He holds his letter close and smells his love's perfume. __________________________ You roll your eyes as a baby cries. He gets a letter with pictures of his new child, and wonders if they'll ever meet __________________________ You criticize your government, and say that war never solves anything. He sees the innocent tortured and killed by their own people and remembers why he is fighting. __________________________ You hear the jokes about the war, and make fun of men like him. He hears the gunfire, bombs and screams of the wounded. __________________________ You see only what the media wants you to see. He sees the broken bodies lying around him. __________________________ You are asked to go to the store by your parents. You don't. He does exactly what he is told. __________________________ You stay at home and watch TV. He takes whatever time he is given to call, write home, sleep, and eat. __________________________ You crawl into your soft bed, with down pillows, and get comfortable. He crawls under a tank for shade and a 5 minute nap, only to be woken by gunfire. __________________________ You sit there and judge him, saying the world is probably a worse place because of men like him. If only there were more men like him If you support your troops, repost this with a "HOOAH
The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light, I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight. My wife was asleep, her head on my chest, My daughter beside me, angelic in rest. Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white, Transforming the yard to a winter delight. The sparkling lights in the tree I believe, Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve. My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep, Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep. In perfect contentment, or so it would seem, So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream. The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near, But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear. Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know, Then the sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow. My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear, And I crept to the door just to see who was near. Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night, A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight. A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old, Perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold. Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled, Standing watch over me, and my wife and my child. "What are you doing?" I asked without fear, "Come in this moment, it's freezing out here! Put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve, You should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!" For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift, Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts.. To the window that danced with a warm fire's light Then he sighed and he said "Its really all right, I'm out here by choice. I'm here every night." "It's my duty to stand at the front of the line, That separates you from the darkest of times. No one had to ask or beg or implore me, I'm proud to stand here like my fathers before me. My Gramps died at 'Pearl on a day in December," Then he sighed, "That's a Christmas 'Gram always remembers." My dad stood his watch in the jungles of 'Nam', And now it is my turn and so, here I am. I've not seen my own son in more than a while, But my wife sends me pictures, he's sure got her smile. Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag, The red, white, and blue... an American flag. I can live through the cold and the being alone, Away from my family, my house and my home. I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet, I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat. I can carry the weight of killing another, Or lay down my life with my sister and brother. Who stand at the front against any and all, To ensure for all time that this flag will not fall." "So go back inside," he said, "harbor no fright, Your family is waiting and I'll be all right." "But isn't there something I can do, at the least, "Give you money," I asked, "or prepare you a feast? It seems all too little for all that you've done, For being away from your wife and your son." Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret, "Just tell us you love us, and never forget. To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone, To stand your own watch, no matter how long. For when we come home, either standing or dead, To know you remember we fought and we bled. Is payment enough , and with that we will trust, That we mattered to you as you mattered to us." PLEASE, Would you do me the kind favor of sending this to as many people as you can? Christmas will be coming soon and some credit is due to our U.S.service men and women for our being able to celebrate these festivities. Let's try in this small way to pay a tiny bit of what we owe. Make people stop and think of our heroes, living and dead, who sacrificed themselves for us.
If you're not in love with a soldier If you're not in love with a soldier, you can't know adventure. You don't know smelly gray PT uniforms that require a daily washing. You can't understand green and brown camouflaged bags flooding your bedroom floor. If you're not in love with a soldier, you can't understand the meaning of the phrase "going to the field" and the weeks you spend away from each other If you're not in love with a soldier, you can never imagine the hole in your heart when that phone call comes. "Honey, I am leaving tomorrow to go overseas. I don't know how long I will be gone or exactly where I am going, but I want you to know that I love you - always!" If you're not in love with a soldier, you don't know what it's like to say that final good-bye. You don't know what it really means to be glued to the television. You don't understand fear and you can't possibly understand the sleepless nights of endless crying wondering if you will ever see the love of your life alive again. If you're not in love with a soldier, you can't know the immense joy, the uncontrollable smile, or the butterflies in your stomach when you see your soldier march into the family waiting area upon redeployment. You can't understand the self-control it takes to stand on the other side of the room as some higher-up gives a seemingly endless welcome home speech while all the soldiers stand in formation. You don't know what it's like to have that second first kiss or what it's like to experience puppy love all over. If you're not in love with a soldier, you can't truly understand how to make every moment count because you never know when that phone call may come again. If you're not in love with a soldier, you can never really understand how very delicate life is!


Ok i would love to do some thing here for all my fellow canadians!!! as well all know there are many canadians on this site!! an i know for a fact we have some CF on here as well so i would love to see some of em pop up an repost this for me if u can send me the link to your profile!!! let me know what part u are in weather it is the navy or army or air force!! Image and video hosting by TinyPic i havnt seen any love an support go out to our troops here in canada so i wanna show em they are very important an loved!!! we need to remember that we are out helping as much as we can too.... of the major hurricane out in the states did u know they sent over 2000 canadian navy men an women there to help??? Image and video hosting by TinyPic Wife, daughters mourn at burial Oct. 25, 2006. 10:42 AM CANADIAN PRESS OTTAWA — Sgt. Darcy Tedford’s widow gently stroked her husband’s beret and medals as he was laid to rest today at the national war cemetery. Family, friends and comrades from the Royal Canadian Regiment gathered at the graveside under a grey sky to pay their last respects following a private funeral service. With her two young daughters by her side, Charmaine Tedford was presented with her husband’s beret, medals and the Canadian flag that had been draped across his coffin. No family members or friends spoke at the burial, but Charmaine and daughter Kaeleigh touched the coffin in a final tearful farewell. Tedford, 32, was killed in Afghanistan along with Pte. Blake Williamson on Oct. 14. They were patrolling a road west of Kandahar when their unit was ambushed by Taliban insurgents, who fired a flurry of rocket-propelled grenades and small arms. Several Canadian soldiers have died along the stretch of road, which is under construction in the Panjwaii district. Tedford, based at CFB Petawawa, Ont., was remembered by friends serving overseas as a quietly confident soldier who had several deployments to his credit. In an interview shortly after both men were killed, Capt. Ryan Carey said Tedford could be relied on for wise advice. (( this is just a small insite from the ones that care an support our canadian forces..... Image and video hosting by TinyPic ( messages for some canadians from loved ones))) Just like to say i wish all the best to the guys in afgahanistan i miss you SCotty come home safe! love you lots~ Dawn Parsons kitchener, Canada 10/10/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey little bro,(Dustin Cote), when your feeling alone look up at the sky and know that we are at home looking up at the same sky too. Thinking about you like your thinking about us. What sometimes feels like a life time will pass as fast as a blink of an eye! Soon we will all be together under the same old roof laughing at the same old jokes. Until then be strong and if you have to open a can of "anishinabe whoopass" then do what you got to do!!!!! Your neices and nephews are all anxious for santa to bring uncle dustin home!!!! Love you little bro, take care of yourself and see you when you come home!!!!!!!! your sis soso & johnny kitigan zibi, canada 10/03/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi everyone. I hope this message finds you all safe. I want you to know that everyone in Canada appreciates everything that you do over there. Just please stay safe. You are heros to us all over here, even to those who may claim that they are against the great work that you are doing over there. If anyone can bring peace to that country, you can. I hope you all come home to us soon, if any of you want to email me please contact joanne@universalrecycling.ca or jmunding1@hotmail.com. I am sending over a package of soaps, shampoos etc as well as a letter to my future pen pal. Please post your messages telling us all how you are and what you need so that we can make sure you get it. with all my love and prayers, Joanne Joanne Munding Toronto, Ontario, Canada 10/03/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Dustin. Just wanna let you know that I am praying for your safe return everyday.Your mother showed me a picture of you in uniform...wow! Anyway, stay strong and stay safe. Candice, your little cuz & family are thinking of you. Candice Mitchell Kitigan Zibi, Canada 10/02/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To all of our canadain soldiers: We are proud of each and every one of you and we support you all 100% in all your endovers.My grandfather was a soldier in ww1.He was a member of the blue paties.So we would like to send our support to you all.So please be safe and come home safe.And may god guide you through your endovers.God bless all of you.Your loyal friend Douglas MacDonald.PS if you need some one to talk to please write me . Douglas P MacDonald ajax, canada 10/01/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Dustin Hang in there, I'm thinking of you and proud of what your doing take care Tracy Tracy McDougall maniwaki, canada 09/29/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hey dustin, even your cousins you don't see much or hear from in the big city are thinking about you! ; ) thank you! kichi migwetch liz cote ottawa - kitigan zibi, CANADA 09/28/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Dix! I know you'll come back because you're a warrior with heart. You nearly brought me to tears when I saw you represent during our pow wow. Not a day goes by where I don't think about you. Stay safe in Afganistan, I miss you. Thank god for MSN messenger! How's that warm Pepsi? lol. Peace and Love, Samantha and Gwen. Samantha Tenasco Vanier First Nation! - Ottawa, Canada 09/27/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey just giving a shout out to my bud! Hey Dustin Cote!! what's going on dude?? Thinking bout cha and holding the fort till you get back! Christmas...we'll rip the ole Kitigan Zibi apart! Stay save bud! Macho. Macho ottawa, Canada 09/25/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey from the broc family!!! Thinking of you and hope to see you soon. Stay safe and becareful. all are love the Brocs brascoupe family maniwaki, canada 09/25/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This message is for my nephew Private Dustin Cote who is serving in the Canadian Troops in Afganistan. Dustin, what you are doing takes courage, strength and sacrifice. May the Great Spirit protect you, May our Ancestors watch over you, and May the eagle carry you home safely. When your days are long and lonely, speak to our ancestors, they hear you, and you will hear their voices. When you encounter times of hardship in the frontlines, just remember, you are not alone, your family, your community, and your people are with you in spirit. I pray for your safety while serving in Afganistan, and your safe return home. You will come home in honour. I am proud of you! Claudette D. Commanda-Cote Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg, Unlisted, Canada 09/22/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To my friend Dustin Cote, I miss you...well actually, we all miss you! Whenever we're out we still feel like maybe just maybe you'll pop in outta nowhere as usual! Stay safe buddy and we're definately thinking of you everday. I recently heard you weren't fond of those "Support our Troops" car magnets lol, but despite what you think I got me a camo one on my car to show my support! Much respect to ya son and please take care! See you soon. Jiddy Kitigan Zibi, Unlisted, Canada 09/22/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just a little shout out to Private Dustin Cote! Thinking about you everyday, take care and stay cool Buddy! Doods and Cez Canada 09/22/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This message is to our buddy, Dustin Cote. Can't wait to see you around the fire at home when you come back! We'll be waiting with a 24 of Bud! Love ya, and take care of yourself!! Mandy and Chun Kitigan Zibi, Canada 09/22/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a shout out to my lil cuz Dustin Cote!! Your entire family is very proud of you and cannot wait till you come home at christmas to celebrate with you!! We gonna party Rez-Style baby!!..lol..hmmm maybe a game of charades?!..lol..ask dustin about that one!!..Well staff safe cuz take care..you are very missed and loved...Take care Dustin.. Your cousin, Amy Amy Morin Kitigan Zibi, Canada 09/22/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...So proud of you all...I am...and thinking of you's always. Be safe and all come home soon. Need someone to talk to...Skychildpowder at excite dot com. Bless you all and what you stand for... Sky Edmonton,AB, Canada 09/22/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dustin cote i still have your JD stored. we'll crack it when you get back bill commonda kitigan zibi, canada 09/21/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi there! My name is Arnaituk, I just wanted to send a great big HELLO to Dustin Cote! :) Dustin is part of the Canadian Military in Afghanistan at the moment! Im sure you know that all your buddies back home miss you Dustin! Meagan is right, once you get back we sure are going to party! Take care, keep yourself safe and Im sure Ill see you during the holidays! Arnaituk Menarick-Gagnon Montreal, Unlisted, Canada 09/21/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Whom it may concern, I am trying to locate my ex-fiance. We have not been in contact for the past six years. I have tried many resources and have even gone to his old base (Ft. Lewis) to find his contact information. I am in Canada which makes it even more difficult. It would mean so much to me to know that he is safe. I believe he is stationed in Iraq, quite possible from Fort Hood. If anyone knows him or could pass on my info I would greatly appreciate it. It would really mean the world to me to know he is safe. Best Regards, Anita (604) 802-6097 His information: SPC Ben Paddock Stationed in Ft. Lewis year 2000 Anita Canada 09/19/2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi there! My name is Meagan and I just want to put a shout out to Pte Dustin Cote who is serving for the Canadian Military out in Afghanistan. Dustin buddy, we're all waiting for you to come home and party it up in that sucka! We miss ya and everyone's behind you 100%. Come home safe, be safe and we'll see you at Christmas! Meagan Commonda Ottawa, Canada 09/19/2006 Image and video hosting by TinyPic ~~canadianmeany~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ok these are the ones i have so far from this site stop in an say hi thank em... oliek

@ LostCherry ninjaSabby

@ LostCherry cumgetsum

@ LostCherry ShadySailor

@ LostCherry Eskimo

@ CherryTAP Leo

@ CherryTAP


this is just to start with putting all the CF's here untill i have as many as it takes to make a proper ty mem..... if u know of any other canadian forces on here please private message me there links so they can be ut in here too an not forgotten about ty very much it means the world.... please feel free to leave a comment oliek

@ LostCherry ninjaSabby

@ LostCherry cumgetsum

@ LostCherry ShadySailor

@ LostCherry Eskimo

@ CherryTAP Leo

@ CherryTAP
Canadians who gave their lives in the cause of peace while serving with United Nations Peacekeeping Missions 1. A/BGen H.H. ANGLE, RCAC, UNMOGIP, 17 JUL 1950 2. Spr R.H. VEZINA, RCE, UNEF I, 09 MAR 1957 3. Lt C.C. VAN STRAUBENZEE, RCAC, UNEF I, 10 MAY 1957 4. Cpl K.E. PENNELL, RC SIGS, UNEF I, 15 SEP 1957 5. Pte B.O. ADAMS, RCASC, UNEF I, 20 SEP 1957 6. Sgt I.L. STARK, RCE, UNEF I, 27 SEP 1957 7. Tpr R.E. McDAVID, RCAC, UNEF I, 29 NOV 1957 8. Pte I.A. SAWYER, RCASC, UNEF I, 22 APR 1958 9. Sig N.E. MASON, RC SIGS, UNEF I, 15 MAR 1958 10. LCol G.A. FLINT, PPCLI, UNTSO, 26 MAY 1958 11. Cpl J.T. ROBERTS, RCASC, UNEF I, 10 JUN 1958 12. Cpl G.S. PORTER, CProC, UNEF I, 23 APR 1959 13. Maj H. MOREWOOD, RCOC, UNEF I, 26 JUL 1959 14. Tpr R.H. ALLAN, RCAC, UNEF I, 28 NOV 1959 15. Pte A.T. HURST, RCASC, UNEF I, 04 FEB 1960 16. Cpl G.A. GAUTHIER, RCASC, UNEF I, 20 FEB 1960 17. Tpr R.J. WILEY, RCAC, UNEF I, 07 SEP 1961 18. Sgt R.H. MOORE, RC SIGS, ONUC, 06 OCT 1961 19. Cpl J.M. ALBERT, RCEME, UNEF I, 19 NOV 1961 20. Cfn D.S. ROSTER, RCEME, UNEF I, 19 NOV 1961 21. Cpl E. OLIVIER, RC SIGS, UNEF I, 09 DEC 1961 22. S/Sgt J.P. MARQUIS, RCOC, ONUC, 06 FEB 1962 23. Spr G.G. THOMPSON, RCE, UNEF I, 18 MAY 1962 24. Cpl E.G. GROOM, RCOC, UNEF I, 02 OCT 1963 25. W/C E.D. HARPER, RCAF, UNEF I, 02 NOV 1963 26. Sgt J.K. HERMANN, RCAF, UNEF I, 26 DEC 1963 27. Pte L.R. MORIN, CPC, UNEF I, 29 MAY 1964 28. Tpr J.H. CAMPBELL, RCAC, UNFICYP, 31 JUL 1964 29. Tpr A.A. BONS, RCAC, UNEF I, 27 NOV 1964 30. Cpl P.R. WALLACE, RCAC, UNEF I, 27 NOV 1964 31. Lt K.E. EDMONDS, CIntC, UNFICYP, 25 DEC 1964 32. Rfm P.J. HOARE, 1QOR of C, UNFICYP, 14 AUG 1965 33. Sgt J.S. BYRNE, RCASC, ICSC, 18 OCT 1965 34. Cpl V.J. PERKIN, RHC, ICSC, 18 OCT 1965 35. Gdsm J.J.P. CHARTIER, 2CDN GDS, UNFICYP, 14 MAR 1966 36. Pte D.A.J. LAMOTHE, RCASC, UNEF I, 16 MAR 1966 37. F/O R.V. EDWARDS, RCAF, UNEF I, 28 APR 1966 38. F/O J.M.L.P. PICARD, RCAF, UNEF I, 30 APR 1966 39. Pte J.P.E. BERNARD, 2RHC, UNFICYP, 09 JUL 1966 40. Spr R.F. LORIENZ, RCE, UNEF I, 12 JUL 1966 41. Sigmn P.M. CROUSE, RC SIGS, UNEF I, 19 AUG 1966 42. Tpr L.W. NASS, RCAC, UNFICYP, 27 SEP 1966 43. Pte E.J. FICKLING, RCASC, UNEF I, 17 OCT 1966 44. Cpl O.J. REDMOND, 1RCR, UNFICYP, 10 MAR 1967 45. Cpl K.A. SALMON, CProC, UNFICYP, 24 SEP 1967 46. Pte J.A. LERUE, 2RHC, UNFICYP, 09 FEB 1970 47. Pte T.J. HALL, 1RCR, UNFICYP, 31 JUL 1970 48. Cpl P.C. ISENOR, RCASC, UNFICYP, 25 OCT 1970 49. MCpl J.R.M.J. LESSARD, 2PPCLI, UNFICYP, 01 DEC 1972 50. Capt C.E. LAVIOLETTE, 12 RBC, ICCS, 07 APR 1973 51. Cpl A. ROACH, 2RCR, UNFICYP, 17 FEB 1974 52. Pte J.L.G. PERRON, CDN AB REGT, UNFICYP, 06 AUG 1974 53. Capt G.G. FOSTER, 116 ATU, UNEF II, 9 AUG 1974 54. Cpl M.H.T. KENNINGTON, CANADIAN CONTINGENT ADMIN UNIT, UNEF II, 09 AUG 1974 55. A/MWO C.B. KOREJWO, 1RCR, UNEF II, 09 AUG 1974 56. MWO G. LANDRY, 3R22eR, UNEF II, 09 AUG 1974 57. Capt K.B. MIRAU, 116 ATU, UNEF II, 09 AUG 1974 58. Cpl M.W. SIMPSON, 116 ATU, UNEF II, 09 AUG 1974 59. MCpl R.C. SPENCER, 116 ATU, UNEF II, 09 AUG 1974 60. Cpl B.K. STRINGER, 116 ATU, UNEF II, 09 AUG 1974 61. Capt R.B. WICKS, 116 ATU, UNEF II, 09 AUG 1974 62. Pte J.J.C. BERGER, CDN AB REGT, UNFICYP, 10 SEP 1974 63. Cpl J.P.C. BLAIS, 73 CANADIAN SIGNALS UNIT, UNEF II, 24 DEC 1974 64. Cpl N. EDWARDS, 73 CANADIAN SERVICE UNIT, UNEF II, 24 DEC 1974 65. Cpl R.W. MILLER, 73 CANADIAN SERVICE UNIT, UNEF II, 24 DEC 1974 66. Capt I.E. PATTEN, 1RCR, UNFICYP, 01 APR 1975 67. Pte S.J. KOHLMAN, 1RCR, UNFICYP, 11 APR 1975 68. Pte T.E. ABBOTT, 73 CANADIAN SIGNALS SQUADRON, UNEF II, 14 JUN 1975 69. Capt K.C. CRAWFORD, 3PPCLI, UNFICYP, 20 DEC 1975 70. Pte D.R. KRIEGER, 2PPCLI, UNFICYP, 17 AUG 1976 71. Sgt(R) J.R.A. DUPONT, 8 MEDICAL COY Att 12 RBC, UNFICYP, 24 APR 1977 72. Sgt L.W. DAILY, CANADIAN CONTINGENT CE SECTION, UNEF II, 10 NOV 1977 73. Sgt J.F.B. DEMERS, 73 CANADIAN SERVICE BATTALION, UNEF II, 05 DEC 1977 74. Cpl D.C. ROSS, CANADIAN LOGISTICS COMPANY, UNDOF, 03 MAR 1978 75. Pte C.A. DODGE, 73 CANADIAN SIGNALS SQUADRON, UNEF II, 02 JUL 1979 76. MCpl J.D.G. MCINNIS, 1PPCLI, UNFICYP, 30 MAR 1980 77. Pte P.K. PORTER, CANADIAN SIGNALS SQUADRON, UNDOF, 06 NOV 1980 78. Pte J.E.R ARCHAMBAULT, 2R22ER, UNFICYP, 30 NOV 1981 79. Pte A.J. PRINS, 2PPCLI, UNFICYP, 26 SEP 1982 80. Pte M.D. WILSON, 2PPCLI, UNFICYP, 22 JAN 1983 81. Cpl J.P.R. HUDON, CANADIAN LOGISTICS COMPANY, UNDOF, 26 DEC 1985 82. MCpl M. MACRAE, CDN AIRBORNE HQ & SIGS SQN, UNFICYP, 06 DEC 1986 83. Pte T.J. TROTTIER, 3PPCLI, UNFICYP, 25 APR 1988 84. Pte W.C. SYMONS, 2RCR, UNTAC, 12 JUL 1992 85. Sgt C.M. RALPH, 1CER, UNPROFOR, 17 AUG 1992 86. MCpl J.W. TERNAPOLSKI, 2RCR, UNPROFOR, 25 MAR 1993 87. Sgt D.L. KLOSS, 2RCHA, UNFICYP, 08 APR 1993 88. Cpl M.D. ABEL, CDN AB REGT, UNITAF, 03 MAY 1993 89. Cpl G.J. LAROSE, CANADIAN LOGISTICS COMPANY, UNDOF, 08 MAY 1993 90. Cpl D. GUNTHER, 2R22ER, UNPROFOR, 18 JUN 1993 91. Cpl J.M.H. BECHARD, 2PPCLI, UNPROFOR, 06 AUG 1993 92. Sgt J.D.A. GAREAU, CANADIAN CONTINGENT SUPPORT UNIT, UNPROFOR, 17 AUG 1993 93. Capt J.P. DECOSTE, 2PPCLI, UNPROFOR, 18 SEP 1993 94. MCpl S.L.P. LANGEVIN, 12RBC, UNPROFOR, 28 NOV 1993 95. Cpl(R) D. GALVIN, SHERBROOKE HUSSARS Att 12 RBC, UNPROFOR, 28 NOV 1993 96. Pte K.D. COOPER, 3PPCLI, UNPROFOR, 06 JUN 1994 97. MCpl M.R. ISFELD, 1CER, UNPROFOR, 21 JUN 1994 98. Cpl S.F. SMITH, CDN AB REGT, UNAMIR, 25 DEC 1994 99. Cpl J.F.Y. ROUSSEAU, 12RBC, UNPROFOR, 25 SEP 1995 100. Pte C. HOLOPINA, 2CER, IFOR, 04 JUL 1996 101. Pte J.L.M.B. DOUCET, 3 R22eR, UNMIH, 12 JUL 1997 102. Cpl R.D. VIALETTE, 1RCHA, SFOR, 21 JUL 1997 103. MCpl T.S. MCCREA, 1RCR, SFOR, 25 MAR 1998 104. Cpl J. OGILVIE, RCD, SFOR, 30 AUG 1998 105. Spr G. DESMARAIS, 2 CBT ENGR REGT, SFOR, 25 SEP 1998 106. Sgt H. Jerry Squires, 1 PPCLI, KFOR, 25 Aug 1999 107. Sgt V. Joubert, 1 R22eR, SFOR, 13 Dec 1999 Cpl Robert T. Pollard, 2 PPCLI, SFOR, 28 Sep 2000 Att 426 Squadron, Trenton Bdr Gerald K. Bailey, 1 RCHA, SFOR, 27 Oct 2000 Bdr G.K. Bailey, 1 RCHA, SFOR, 27 Oct 2000 Sgt M. Léger, 3 PPCLI, Afghanistan, 17 Apr 2002 Cpl A. Dyer, 3 PPCLI, Afghanistan, 17 Apr 2002 Pte R. Green, 3 PPCLI, Afghanistan, 17 Apr 2002 Pte N. Smith, 3 PPCLI, Afghanistan, 17 Apr 2002 Cpl J.D. Vermeulen, 2 PPCLI, SFOR, 06 July 2003 Sgt R.A. Short, 3 RCR, ISAF, 02 Oct 2003 Cpl R.C. Beerenfenger, 3 RCR, ISAF, 02 Oct 2003 PO2 J.S. Morissette, SFOR, 13 December 2003 Cpl J. B. Murphy, 3 RCR, ISAF, 26 Jan 2004 Cpl A. D. Johnson, 1 RCR - att to RCD, SFOR, 29 Jan 2004 "They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them" We are pleased to reproduce the poem "To a Fallen Peacekeeper" by Mr. Bob Kerr of Kanata, Ontario. We are grateful for his permission to publish the work. Mr. Kerr is a veteran of the Royal Canadian Navy To a Fallen Peacekeeper Had I seen him fall... I could have caught him Eased his pain and Bound his wounds- He'd not have passed alone So far from home. Had I heard the shot Had I seen the shooter Had I seen him exposed Had I been able to yell- Had I ... had I ... So far from home My mind knows all the reasons but my heart hears only the tears, that he had to be there and fall in somebody else's bloody business, in the insanity of their freedom So far from home.

Who is He

Who Is He He is profane and irreverent, living as he does in a world full of capriciousness, frustration and disillusionment. He is perhaps the best-educated of his kind in history, but will rarely accord respect on the basis of mere degrees or titles. He speaks his own dialect, often incomprehensible to the layman. He can be cold, cruel, even brutal and is frequently insensitive. Killing is his profession and he strives very hard to become even more skilled at it. His model is the grey, muddy, hard-eyed slayer who took the untakeable at Vimy Ridge, endured the unendurable in the Scheldt and held the unholdable at Kapyong. He is a superlative practical diplomat; his efforts have brought peace to countless countries around the world. He is capable of astonishing acts of kindness, warmth and generosity. He will give you his last sip of water on a parched day and his last food to a hungry child; he will give his very life for the society he loves. Danger and horror are his familiars and his sense of humour is accordingly sardonic. What the unknowing take as callousness is his defence against the unimaginable; he whistles through a career filled with graveyards. His ethos is one of self-sacrifice and duty. He is sinfully proud of himself, of his unit and of his country and he is unique in that his commitment to his society is Total. No other trade or profession dreams of demanding such of its members and none could successfully try. He loves his family dearly, sees them all too rarely and as often as not loses them to the demands of his profession. Loneliness is the price he accepts for the privilege of serving. He accounts discomfort as routine and the search for personal gain as beneath him; he has neither understanding of nor patience for those motivated by self-interest, politics or money. His loyalty can be absolute, but it must be purchased. Paradoxically, the only coin accepted for that payment is also loyalty. He devours life with big bites, knowing that each bite might be his last and his manners suffer thereby. He would rather die regretting the things he did than the ones he dared not try. He earns a good wage by most standards and, given the demands on him, is woefully underpaid. He can be arrogant, thoughtless and conceited, but will spend himself, sacrifice everything for total strangers in places he cannot even pronounce. He considers political correctness a podium for self-righteous fools, but will die fighting for the rights of anyone he respects or pities. He is a philosopher and a drudge, an assassin and a philanthropist, a servant and a leader, a disputer and a mediator, a Nobel Laureate peacekeeper and the Queen's Hitman, a brawler and a healer, best friend and worst enemy. He is a rock, a goat, a fool, a sage, a drunk, a provider, a cynic and a romantic dreamer. Above it all, he is a hero for our time. You, pale stranger, sleep well at night only because he exists for you, the citizen who has never met him, has perhaps never thought of him and may even despise him. He is both your child and your guardian. His devotion to you is unwavering. He is a Canadian Soldier.
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