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2choosey4you's blog: "For The Lost"

created on 11/28/2011  |  http://fubar.com/for-the-lost/b344941

The Sky Over Mercy Moon


It was, it is, and it always will be. What is it?
You may have a very good idea as to what IT is, however. Your understanding,
acceptance and conviction as to its importance to you may be quite uncertain,
that is, if you have any of that at all.

There is a reason for your current condition of
uncertainty, and it has nothing to do with the choices you have made in life.
The influence that has dominated your attention for all of your life has
everything to do with your current condition of uncertainty. And it is still
hard at work today.

I know that you think you know a lot about yourself,
your life, your universe and the world you live in. But what you don’t know is
far more than that which you think you know.

Your eyes and all of your other senses have done a
remarkable job of deceiving you. I know that the influence that has been
directing you is saying: “That’s impossible!” That influence wants nothing less
than your total trust and acceptance. And it relies on your senses to give you
the information it wants you to trust. There is a reason for that, and I’ll
reveal it to you shortly.

It is written; (2nd Corinthians 4:18)
“…For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not
seen are eternal.”

The dominate influence that mankind gets here in the
realm of darkness where our universe lies is a dark influence by nature. This
influence is not well known as it is truly because it demands to be regarded
and accepted as the truth. When in fact, and in truth, there is no truth in it.

The influence that holds and controls mankind today
has held mankind since Adam and Eve were set out of the Garden of Eden. That
influence has a name; it is called the principalities of darkness. It is in the
air within, around and all above the planet we live on. There are no signs or
banners that identify it as such, because it works in deception. As its leader
is the prince of all deception himself.

Now the most basic mystery that the p.o.d. has
successfully kept out of sight to all of mankind for generations upon
generations is slowly being revealed to the minds of some people. It is
difficult for them to grasp due to its scope and glorious nature. This
revelation is coming into mind and it is clearly providing a glimpse of what is
now totally unseen.

All of the knowledge that man has been able to pass
along from generation to generation has had its influence from the p.o.d. And
all of this knowledge has served the purposes of the p.o.d.

But mankind is not limited to the information
gathered by the senses. Man has a mind and man has imagination. Einstein said:
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

Seeing is not done only by the eyes. Seeing is also
done by the mind. Life is indeed much simpler than our senses can make of it.
If we limit ourselves to only the information provided by our senses, we aid
the p.o.d. by restricting ourselves to evidence that is only temporary.

In my story; The Sky Over Mercy Moon, there are no
limits as to where I can go, there are no fact finding requirements to be met.
Everything is done and accepted by faith, and seen through conviction in the
truth of Jesus Christ as Son of the only Living God. Willingly giving yourself
to this is the only way to receive what is has to offer. Not doing so, leaves
you at the mercy of the p.o.d., which has none to offer.


In the beginning, yes that one. The Word was given to us even before we were made flesh. Therefore, it is imperative to our primary perspective to begin at our origin, in order to see that our most basic need is not met by concepts and ideas offered in the shadow of darkness.


The Word was placed into all of God’s creation, and only the Word is truth. That is why it is written: “…Let US make man in OUR image.” (Genesis 1:26) Before we were formed from the dust of this world, in the darkness of this universe, we had His Word placed into our yet to be delivered minds. The very first knowledge that we, His beloved creation received, was from Him about all that was the truth. This foundation of knowledge belonged to us before we received a mortal body or took a single breath. We had at that time, a close spiritual relationship with Him. We had no knowledge of the world or what was in it.


The act of being born into the world was our choice, it allowed us to demonstrate our willingness to endure the unknown and to develop and exercise the faith that God gives all of His children. We all jumped at the honor, adventure and privilege. As spirit, we knew our home and our place was secure for us as we entered into our term of life in the flesh. We were also warned; to beware of the enemy of man. We heard the warning, but we had no idea just how prepared we needed to be. As babies coming from the womb, we could not see that we were born into sinful flesh. And that the world that we were born into was in the center of the shadow of darkness. And that the enemy was unseen and all around us.


Throughout all of the generations of mankind the question “why” is the most often asked; the answer that is sought cannot be found in the world or anywhere in the realm of darkness. That answer was given to us before we came here, but we have forgotten our first knowledge. But that is not the real issue here; the real issue is how do we turn the darkness off?


Many want to know why there is darkness; that information is more than our blindness will allow us to accept. The basic knowledge we need is in His written Word. But many read the Bible without having the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and without that, they cannot understand what they are reading. They allow the influences of the principalities of darkness to cloud and blind them to the truth, and they become further disconnected and burdened by their lack of surrender to the Word that was given to them. The result is a condition of blindness that burdens the soul. As the flesh plays a feast dance with sins from every direction, the eyes of the heart weep daily from the longing to return home.


Chapter One: Turn Off The Darkness 


My story is not unlike any other brutality honest confession of selfish addiction. Decades of my pursuit for sensual satisfaction to fill an empty void within my soul resulted only in my heavy burden of guilt and shame that convinced me that I was worth less alive than dead. So I gave up and asked God to take my sinful flesh and my worthless soul and punish me with what I deserved. That was several years ago, and I am still here. His response was easy to accept but difficult to understand. I did not deserve what He did for me. I had learned about Jesus as a child, but I am an orphan, and my relationship with God has always been bad. And as I grew into an adult, I purposefully made it worse. I thought that God took my parents to punish me for being a lustful child. So I became a lustful adult. Decades later, after having been down every dark and lustful road I could find, and not feeling anything good about myself or what I had done. I became completely fed up with all of life, and just wanted it all to stop.


Kneeling and weeping I begged God to end the madness of my sinful life, and allow me the rest from this world that the dead have. His response was simply “No.” To which I asked; why? He told me that He had a purpose for me, and that He would send a Helper to guide me along the Way.  For several years now I’ve been going through a gradual change, not an easy thing to do. But I have not had to do it alone.

My Helper is the Holy Spirit. Yes, His Holy Spirit. I have seen and understood more about Him than I have ever heard said, or read. I have become convicted in the truth about Him, Jesus and the Holy Spirit Himself. And the story that I have set forth here for you to read is about what I have already experienced.

This story does not require you to believe it, just to consider it. Because the mind is more powerful than most of us have the slightest idea. It is not about what you can think; it is more about what you can see enough of to believe with conviction.

In the quiet comfort of my bed, I was tired but at peace with a simply good day behind me. I closed my eyes and it seemed as if I slipped quickly and gently into a deep state of unconscious awareness. It was not like a dream, because everything was easy to recognize. I was in my bedroom and everything was in its proper place. I was there, looking at myself sleep in my bed. That was the most unusual thing; I’ve never had such a dream where I could see myself.

But that was just the beginning of really unusual things. My bedroom began to blur as I saw a warm glow beginning to surround me. It was so comforting that I didn’t bother to even attempt to move, but I noticed that I was ascending. Right through the ceiling I went within this warm light. I was outside; I could see the street I live on. The lights, the buildings, the cars, everything was as it normally was. But it was all growing smaller and smaller. The community, the city, the area of the state, the state and suddenly the planet came into view. I was moving up quickly but without any form of pressure. I was not like floating; it was more like riding an elevator of light.

As the sun began to shrink out of view I saw the Milky Way coming into form. And just that quickly it became a small light among many other small lights. The whole sea of lights began to fade until I could not see any of them anymore. That is where I felt disconnected, never have I ever imagined being outside of the universe that I had called home all of my life.

In the complete darkness the warm comfortable glow around me became brighter; I could no longer see what was around me. Suddenly I felt still, as if I had stopped, the glow around me appeared to be fading, but outside of the glow, appeared to be lighter than the dense darkness that I had last seen. In that moment of silence, I heard a gentle voice begin to speak to me. “Beyond this point, lies your heavenly home, where your Father awaits your return. Not in flesh may you enter your home, but in the glorious form He will give to you.”

There are no words I can use here to describe what I felt hearing those words, unworthy was the only thought that I had. As the gentle glow took hold of me and brought me forth into the ever growing brilliance that surrounded me, I saw what my mind could not even imagine. The Light was everywhere, and the darkness was just a shadow. In the brilliance of His glorious holiness I died, literally. I no longer felt any desire to return to the flesh that was lying in my bed.

The gentle voice that spoke to me again gave me instruction; “As it has been given to you, freely give the perspective that you have of your home.” It was then that I realized that I was not there to stay, but charged with a glorious purpose; to deliver a vision that a race of His creation had forgotten. In a blink, I was back in my bed and the room was dark. I opened my eyes and quickly closed them to see if I could get another glimpse of what I had seen. It didn’t work. I lied there awake for many hours processing what I saw. Then I got up and tried to find anything like it on the Internet. Not finding anything even remotely close, I knew I had to do it myself. 


Turning the darkness off is not something that most of humanity wants. This is because the enemy of humanity has done very well to blind humanity of the truth, the value of holiness and the power of Jesus. Humanity still has one thing that the enemy cannot take, His love. With just a single moment of imagination, the consideration of His kingdom has the power to refresh all of the memories that have been buried by the enemy. “Seek ye first, the kingdom of God.”

The Majesty of humility

The Majesty of humility


The greatest challenge mankind has in all of our living is taking into consideration what is true about us. We cannot change a single thing about our lives unless we first accept what is true about us.


The influence we receive from the world tells us how great we are for many reasons that serve it’s purpose of keeping us in the dark. This simple truth is kept out of our consideration by powers that we cannot even see working; though these powers are at work constantly and relentlessly.


The world is dominantly influenced by the principalities of darkness; they were here when the world was without form and dark. Satan and his legions of fallen angels make up the principalities of darkness. Their one common sin is pride; not being willing or able to surrender to authority, God.


This single sin is the most often used to direct mankind away from any consideration of truth. It is simple to see this truth as a motive if you allow yourself to actually listen to it when it speaks. The influences of the principalities of darkness give majesty to things, places, people and possessions. Anyone who admits or confesses that they consider these things with majesty; they have been influenced by the principalities of darkness.


The truth is; no creation has majesty. There is no exception to this truth. What the world wants man to see is a lie from the father of lies. And this influence is most effective at leading men and women into a pit of no escape. Majesty is a word that is best defined as the sovereignty and power of God.


The world seeks constantly to influence mankind to see majesty in things, activities, possessions, other people and power over other people. And this has worked very well since mankind has dwelled in cities. The global deception is almost complete.


Majesty is available to all men and women in the world by one means, through humility. By being humble and observing the authority of God, mankind can submit and surrender to the authority of God; and receive through grace the single most valuable designation man can ever receive, redemption.


It is only through humility that mankind can have majesty over the world. By submitting to God and surrendering to His authority, mankind receives the truth about all things that otherwise would be mysteries to him. This is why the world works constantly to divert man’s attention and considerations away from any activity that offers this level of revelation.


Through Jesus Christ, the gift that God offers through His grace is available to those who choose to submit and surrender to His will and observe His authority. The world makes doing this, the single most difficult thing mankind can do. All types of oppositions will attack anyone who chooses to consider this position. Family members and long time friends will turn their backs to you and say all manner of hurtful things about you. And the world will remove all of its pleasures from your grasp to taunt you into reconsidering your option.


Being humble and observing the authority of God is not going to make you popular in the world. But the truth is; the world is seeing its last days. And all those who follow the Way of His Son Jesus will overcome the experience of death and see the New world. No eye has seen, nor ear has heard of the wonders and glories that await the children of God


This story is for the few with courage that come across it, because most will not even get this far. The road to eternal life is a very narrow path, and few will be the numbers who travel it. God wants children who observe Him as He is, the single Majesty of life. Only those who can accept His offer of Salvation, denounce the temptations of the world and resist them, and expect His coming with hope and faith will be able to receive the reward He has for His Children. I hope that you are one.      

The Vanishing Maturity of Men


Women, pay close attention to this; because you are primarily the cause of this problem going unnoticed. For many generations, men were the foundation of the family unit. And they made up the governing body of villages and cities where cultural and civic developments advanced civilizations. Men made their decisions based on careful thought and consideration for everyone involved. They were mature in all their ways and interest, and set good examples for their male children to follow.


Today, you will be hard pressed to find a single male who is truly mature. Most men today are more like large, old children; who set fun and play as a priority in their lives. They were raised to think that fun and play were the most important things for them to value, and they are unable to recognize maturity as a priority. Yes, they want to accomplish things and have things, but behind their façade of responsibility lies their deep motivation to have fun and play.


Women, you have helped to raise them with this mindset, and in your search to find a mate; you seek men who display this mindset or behavior and then are surprised to find that they do not possess a mature bone in their bodies. And you continue to allow this behavior to be acceptable. As you continue to struggle with a relationship that lacks a mature foundation.


Maturity is not just an attitude; maturity is an ability to demonstrate an appropriate response. To be able to demonstrate an appropriate response, one must first be able to recognize what is appropriate. Children do see beyond their own personal interest, this is a mark of immaturity. If an adult male demonstrates this, it is a clear sign that his ability to respond appropriately is immature. If this sign is overlooked, it will be taken as acceptable by the male and the development of maturity will be not considered. Women, if a man appears in his behavior to be immature, he is not going to become mature just because you give him what he asks for. Forget about that idea. 


If women continue to seek and accept mating with immature men, this situation will only worsen. Men do not have an influence to mature in the world. The toys and games of the world feed their immaturity. This makes them easier to control and manipulate, don’t argue with them about it, they will only deny everything.


The challenge here is not to save the world; the challenge here is to save your own life. If you seek to have maturity as a part of your family foundation and are finding it very difficult to find among men, then change your area of search. The best example for all of mankind in how to respond appropriately to all situations in life comes from Jesus Christ. You could argue with this all you like, and you will not be the only one to suffer from not considering Him, your children and their children and their children will suffer.


Yes, it is not an easy choice to seek a mature man for your life. It is not an easy choice to consider maturity as a priority. It is not a wide gate that leads to ever lasting life either. The choice is yours; have a little fun now and pay forever or suffer a little while now and rejoice forever.

The True Virtue of Patience


There is a quiet epidemic growing among the masses. Some (OK, many) people have found that it is more important for them to be where they want to go than to be caring of themselves or anyone else. They would rather be dead than late! This activity stems from a lack of consideration for the value of patience.


The evidence of this is clearly seen on the streets and highways of America. People disregard their own safety and that of others around them as they move lawlessly from lane to lane without signaling, and enter and exit the roadway without looking. But the roadways are not the only place where the lack of consideration for patience can be found. People who want what they want, and want it right now, are all around us everyday. They can’t wait in a line, they can’t allow anyone time to think before they make a choice, they want immediate service everywhere, and nothing happens fast enough to satisfy them.


The very consideration for patience is eroding from the fiber of human individual constitutions. This may not sound like a big deal to you but, it is not just eroding away. Patience is being replaced by demand. Demand has no regard for self or others. People who have allowed their patience to be worn out completely no longer care what happens to them or anyone else. They are walking time bombs, ready to go off without any notice.


The real true virtue of patience comes from its source; it’s not our having it that is a virtue, Patience is virtuous because God has patience; the patience that we are given is a blessing, the virtue available to us comes from our understanding of where we get patience from. The loss that we suffer in our disregard for patience is not just a lack of appreciation for where patience comes from or what it is to us. Patience is just like forgiveness; if we do not give it to others, it will not be given to us.


Very few people are aware of the correlation between patience and trust. Trust is ours to give, when we give it to God He gives us patience to endure His timing. Patience is God’s provision to us to allow His will to become our experience. Demand is an act of evil will; it has no regard for man, God or anything else. It is self-centered and destructive by nature.


When you see that you are being urged to demand anything, know that evil is leading you into a path of destruction. Your recognition of this is the only way you can save yourself from mindlessly obeying an urge that only wants to destroy you. Seek patience when you see that you are low or out of it. Remember; His will is done always; seek to act within His will. He loves you and knows all of your needs, and will make a way for you no matter what you see ahead of you.        

The Mystery of being “In” Christ


It is simply wild to me how the mystery is even so great, as to what the “in” means in the terms “in Christ, in God or in the Holy Spirit”. But then I recall when it was just such a mystery to me too, and how hard it was to grasp anything truly as it pertained to God, His Son and the Holy Spirit.


I’m going to break this down in a manner that I hope can be clearly understood by those who truly seek to have a closer relationship with God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. I say this because desire plays a paramount role as a motive. Without genuine desire, you will not accomplish genuine results. Also, God is not stupid. He loves all of His creation dearly, but seeks to have a ‘genuine’ relationship with them. God will not be played by His creation.


In my study of God’s word I often came across the term “in Christ” and didn’t really get the meaning of how that term applied to the context of the scripture. I looked else where but didn’t get a concise or a consistent explanation as to what it meant and how it applied or was to be applied. I soon became confused and concerned that something so small could be overlooked as a vital element of understanding necessary in scripture. I turned to what I had come to believe as; the single only true source of all knowledge. I come here when I am lost in my search, which happened a lot in my early conviction. I came to the Holy Spirit. It was “in Him” that I received this revelation.


The simplicity of this is sufficient to elude the simple, but to elude the intelligent and well read among us could only mean that it takes more than an observation to acquire. 

Being ‘in a house’ is not that hard for most of us to accept and visualize, however. Being instructed to remain in the house is something entirely different. You would not think that the slight differences in our perceptions could yield such a broad scope of interpretations, but they do and more.


It’s not the “in” part that really eludes us. Sit back down! I know that there’s a very strong urge pressing you to turn away from any further reading, but if there is a slight chance or a small voice telling you to “pay attention here”, you need to grip that chair and receive what you are being given right now. It’s the “being”. Being is the most powerful word in any language. Being in something is beyond approach or access of anything else. This knowledge may not mean much to you, but the knowledge itself is not just available to you.


Most men today, are still just as simple as Adam; it is for that reason that I personally have very few male friends today. Being in something is not just a desire that man has; it is also a desire that powers above and around man have. It is not a desire that the powers above and around mankind wants mankind to be very familiar with. The powers above and around mankind are dark principalities. These dark powers only want mankind to be in the world; in faith, mentally, physically and in all conceived imaginations. Thereby; ‘being in access’ to dark power influence only!


There is no other reason why the simplicity of being in God or in Christ, or in the Holy Spirit cannot be easily comprehended by everyone. The influence of the principalities of darkness upon mankind in the world is just that great. If you look at all the options of being in anything, you’ll see just what I mean.


There is a reason why God hid this mystery in His word. And beyond the above explanation is only the providence of those who earnestly seek Him. This knowledge is completely priceless. It is easy to say that this knowledge is the most valuable knowledge available to mankind! But it is sad to have to say, that most of mankind will never have it, because most of mankind is quite content with being in the world. 

Hooked on Holiness

Hooked on Holiness


For most of mankind today, even the thought of holiness disturbs and saddens them. The reason being is the conscious acknowledgement of the purely sinful choices that have been made, and are still being made by them.


I know this because I have been on that road most of my adult life. I have been a slave to my sinful nature and have sought to satisfy it in every way possible. I could not reach a point of satisfaction; there was always more to find and more to do. It was as they say: “no rest for the wicked”.


Having had an introduction to Christ as a child, I later in life chose to consider what was offered by Christ more seriously. I did some research and tried some practices to see if I could get some relief from the burden of my sinful bondage. Moments of what I called peace came, but they were quickly replaced by an even greater urge to pursue some sort of old behavior that was based in sinfulness.


Time after time I tried this practice, and every time I failed to keep any peace for any lengthy amount of time. I began to look at what Christ taught even more closely to see what I was doing wrong. I began to see that I was consciously still holding on to some sinful acts and thoughts and considering them acceptable.


It was there that I was led to see even more deeply. I say that ‘I was led’ because I had no idea where I was going, or how to get to where I needed to be. I was led to see how my sinful thoughts preceded my sinful behavior. It was there that I received the most startling revelation. All thought precedes all experience. I had heard this along the way in my research, but I was not connecting it as deeply and as honestly as I needed to.


From that point on I began a more in-depth application of what Christ teaches in His Word. I began to see how my considerations were in fact sinful influences that led to sinful choices and actions. This was very hard to admit, it was as if the sinful influences did not want to be seen as they were.


This was a painful process, and I weep a lot after seeing how I dug the deep pit of misery that I was trying to get out of. But a sense of an unfamiliar presence began to come into my awareness. At that time I could not identify it, and I was still weak from weeping and confessing all that I had realized that I had chose to do.


As this went on for a period of time (not that long, maybe a week), I began to feel a comfort that was deeper than my physical senses. I began to feel deeper than my physical senses; that was quite a discovery for me. It was there that I discovered what peace really was. All my life I thought I knew what peace was from my experience, peace is not a physical sense; peace is a spiritual sense. Our souls feel peace when we truly have it. Our bodies experience rest and we call it peace.


What a revelation this was for me; world peace is a concept held by man. Peace for mankind is accomplished one soul at a time. That was the beginning of my experience in the presence of Holiness. Today I have learned the importance of an abiding relationship with God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. I’ve also learned that nowhere on earth is holiness found. In fact; the dominate influence man has all over the planet comes from the principalities of darkness.


The urges we receive that seem to come out of nowhere, actually come out of the air, where the principalities of darkness rule (and how far into the air have we gone to make our home? Hmm). What we fail to see and to consider as real to us does not make it invalid. Its influence upon us causes us to makes it invalid, it (the principalities of darkness; evil.) does not want man to consider its existence. That way it can influence us without detection. How do I say these things with such conviction? Because conviction in the truth is what the Holy Spirit provides mankind. That is why Christ left it for man after He ascended back into heaven.


I seriously do not expect anyone to take this story in its entirety as I have written it. What I do expect, is that one or two people will consider the fact that holiness has not been revealed very well to them in all of their lives. And to personally question how holiness can be preached without the conviction of truth concerning all things. This may be enough to spark an investigation into a personal holiness relationship.


The principalities of darkness use deception and temptation to cloud the minds of men and women. Its greatest impact is felt by the physical senses of men. Holiness can not be felt by physical senses. It exists on a level well above the one we feel in, so in order to really have it, we must surrender our attachment to everything that is physical. This is in direct conflict with everything that the principalities of darkness want you to do. And do not be deceived, there are consequences for this type of choice. You will feel them when you attempt to make it. But they will pass if you persist and endure. Once you venture into the depths of this knowledge, nothing that you have experienced in your entire life will make any sense.


Our perspective (the collective human view) is blind compared to the truth. We have only one way available to access all of what is true, Christ. The principalities of darkness have introduced other options that have been accepted by many as sources of truth. These souls will sadly learn the error of their decision when it is too late to change it. Time is coming to an end for all of us.


I am hooked on Holiness for several reasons. One; the view it has provided me is infinite. Two; I feel less and less connected to my physical being and more and more connected to my spiritual being. Three; I prefer the comfort of peace over the comfort of rest. There are more, but I already know that those three are well over your head.


If you think you might have the courage to consider Holiness deeply for yourself, and you want encouragement along your journey, please feel free to contact me. I am well over fifty years old; I’ve led mostly a sinful life. My testimony is true, God and Christ as my witnesses. Salvation is in a relationship with Christ, it is God’s grace available to all of mankind. God loves you more than you even have a clue (John 3:16). Don’t just hand your soul over to the principalities of darkness, you will never ever get it back,     

The Growth of the Tree of KG&E and the Son


But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. (Genesis 2:17 KJV)


Before Eve was formed from Adam, God made him aware of the tree of KG&E that grew in the center of the Garden of Eden. The tree of KG&E was not dead or dying, it was growing. The knowledge contained in it was placed there by God Himself. God did not want man to have this knowledge because God is holy; and He wanted His creation to be holy also. So His command was that man did not eat from this tree.


God’s plan for His creation was complete before He created man. His glory was designed in His plan, and His plan for dealing with evil was also designed in His plan. God’s glory is best revealed when it triumphs over its opposition. Evil is the only opposition there is to Good. And its knowledge continues to grow just like the knowledge of Good.


God revealed His plan to the serpent when Adam confessed what he had done. And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (Genesis 3:14-15 KJV) 


God’s anger is revealed here, but what is not revealed here is God’s mercy on the serpent. God’s plan included a global stage to be set. The serpent; being the incarnation of evil itself, is allowed to be used to reveal who among all of those born from the decedents of His creation, that would honor His Word.


Time was given to man and to the serpent. Knowledge was to be acquired of both good and evil by man, and evil was used as the test of man’s application of faith. The sons of Adam and Eve were the first recorded having used the knowledge of good and evil. Able used the knowledge of good and was favored by God. Cain used the knowledge of evil and was marked by God for so doing. But there was another son born to Adam and Eve, His name was Seth, and his offspring called upon the name of God. “And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew. 
And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the LORD.’ (Genesis 4:25 KJV)


The considerations of man to choose which knowledge to use grew from this point. As did the applications of faith; used primarily by those who called upon the name of the Lord. Today, we have among us those who have chosen to call upon and serve evil. The mercy given to the serpent has yielded him devoted followers just as it did in heaven. And the knowledge of evil continues to grow among mankind.


The tree of KG&E continues to grow in the Garden of Eden where God placed it. And from the eating of that fruit, mankind continues to use it. God’s plan to not loose all of His creation to this single act of disobedience was completed by the birth, life, death and resurrection of His Son; Jesus.


Though the decedents of Cain may have been removed from the world by the Flood, the ability to choose the knowledge of evil over good was not. Men and women today demonstrate by their actions and their voices which knowledge they have chosen. And yet, God has provided His grace to all of them; making His Son available to all who choose to surrender to Him and obey His Word.


The tree of KG&E may stand forever where God has placed it; but what was allowed to happen with God’s creation may never ever be allowed again. The battle between Good and evil that is taking place as you read this is coming to an end. The time given to man and to the serpent is coming to an end. Many have been deceived into thinking that what has been written in the Word of God is not true. It is written that many of God’s creation will be lost. "Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it.” For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it," (Matt. 7:13-14)


In the knowledge of Good lies the knowledge of Jesus; find it and choose it while you still can. My life has been one of a sinful man, and it has only been by the grace of God that I have been able to find Jesus and choose to obey His Word. It is by an abiding relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit that my knowledge of Good has far outweighed my knowledge of anything else. By no other means am I able to share this with you. Your knowledge of Good and evil and His Son is the only valuable knowledge that you need to consider at this time. Because, the time you have to do this, is quickly running out. Do not allow yourself to be deceived. Read John 3:16

An Affinity To Light

An Affinity To Light


For most of my life I’ve noticed that being in the presence of bright light has not been a problem for me. When the temperature was hot as it is in the summer, the challenge was sweating and sunburn but not exposure to the bright light. When driving, having the sunrise or sunset in my view; I’ve always been able to see without choosing to put down the visor or wear sunglasses. I never really gave it much thought over the years.


Today I’m seeing research that involves light affinity being tested in many ways. There is evidence that an affinity to light does affect humans and human processes.

Physiologically is not the only way light affects humans. My own experiences with how light affects me has taken me down a path literally unnoticed by my physical senses. My affinity to light has by far captured my total attention on levels that are much deeper than I have ever considered before.


My considerations of light are much greater than any other considerations I have, with that being said; I seek more from light than I do anything else that comes into my awareness. Having an affinity to light and seeking from it as I do; I experience more than I am able to put into words that others can clearly understand.

Light is not just a deep subject, in its depth and breadth; light is a totally incomprehensible subject for man. And man in his prideful nature, is unwilling to admit this fact openly and on the record. Having an affinity to light is not a subject that man has a desire in his sinful nature to bring up or promote in any way.


My affinity to light provides me with more knowledge and wisdom than I can receive from anywhere on this earth. Because Light is where I have come here from. God is Light, Love, Spirit and all power. The mysteries of life are not hidden in the light, they are revealed. The purposes of mankind are not hidden in the light, they are revealed. The only opposition that man has to what is provided in the light is darkness. And darkness is the sworn enemy of the Light. It was cast down from the heavens before the earth was formed. And the growing of its knowledge was contained in a tree in the Garden of Eden until that day it was released into man.


My affinity to Light is the most totally incredible experience I have found in all of my living. Having it is the most valuable blessing I have next to grace and Salvation. All of this began with my accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior many years ago, and has been developing within me as my relationship with Him, the Father (Light), and the Holy Spirit grows.


I write this today to make the knowledge at least a consideration for others. I am aware of the opposition that it has, I am not afraid of that opposition, I know too well of its futile quest and its inevitable end. My affinity to Light is growing; I welcome it completely consuming me. There is a point I expect to occur where a transition will take place. You can call it whatever you want, I am aware of your perspective also, I don’t share it with you.  All I can say is this: The future is very bright indeed, in the Light.

The Cost of Freewill

The Cost of Freewill


The splatter from this bubble bursting is going to be quite a mess. Get a mop and lots of towels; you’re going to be up late cleaning this up, and washing your clothes.


You may never have even given this a thought in your entire life, but at that time when the payment becomes due; you’ll be glad you read this.


Freewill has been the reason for most of your not so well thought out choices. Not those that you have talked about with your parents, family members or the local authorities, but the ones that you believe no one knows about. Wrong!


If you have been convinced that freewill was a gift that had no strings attached to it, don’t feel ashamed, you’re most certainly are not alone. The memory of mankind has been clouded by the enemy since the beginning of his existence. The enemy? that’s another topic, but you must awaken from your deep sleep first.


No doubt you’ve heard about Freewill, and how you are free to make your own choices and decisions. The cost of Freewill is very simple and clear, it was given to every human being born from the womb. With the first tiny heartbeat came the offer; choose My leading, or be free. And before the first breath was taken, the choice was made. Why did you cry coming in? Because your choice set you out of His reach.


Freewill is the choice of sinful flesh, but we didn’t think it was such a big deal or such a problem coming into life in the flesh. It was a chance to experience what we only saw from a distance. We had no idea as to how it would differ from the place where we came from. And there we didn’t have an enemy to contend with.


The cost of Freewill cannot be declined, once given it must be paid. All humans born from the womb are born into sinful flesh. The penalty of sin is death; therefore all humans are born to die.


However! The memory that mankind has lost for the most part, reveals a greater reality. Before the choice to come here was accepted, we were! Not only were we aware of this world, we were aware of where we were. Long before we choose to try that sinful flesh on for size, we had a relationship with the One who gave us that option. The enemy uses everything in the world to wipe out all of that memory. And he is quite effective at doing it too! But not totally, the connection remains.


The mysteries of life are not mysteries if we choose to surrender that Freewill back to the One who gave it to us. The enemy never wants you to even imagine this option, let alone consider it. So he will offer you anything here to change your mind. And if that doesn’t work, he’ll threaten you with death.


The Cost of Freewill is not a bargain; it is an offer of divine consideration. Keep freewill and never make it back to where you came from. It’s that simple. The penalty for all sin is death, and death is apart from life. Life is where we came from before we got here. This life we have on earth is a dark shadow of life as it is in truth.


Do you want to consider a divine option for your freewill? Wonderful! His name is Jesus, surrender yourself to Him and the One who gave you freewill will accept it back and welcome you back with wide open arms. Penalty paid in full!


Good versus Evil Quiz

Good versus Evil Quiz

Do not use a Bible to take this quiz. This quiz is based on your daily working knowledge. Your answers will change as your faith and understanding develops. Study your Bible when you finish.

          A. According to your current understanding; Define these words:

             Circumspect, Temptation, Grace, Freewill, Righteous, Holiness,

             Sin, Evil, Death, Life, Eternity, and Mercy.


         B. Order them according to your level of understanding.

             (Best understood to least understood.)


         C. Order them according to your level of faith.

             (Most believed to be true to least believed to be true.)


          From the word list that you defined…

          D. Select the one that you can accomplish.

          E. Select the challenge given to man.   

          F. Select the gift that man has been given.

          G. Select the penalty for sin.

          H. Select the origin of sin.

          I. Select the two qualities of God.

          J. Select the state of being.

          K. Select the scope of all living.

          L. Select the unmerited favor given to man.

         M. Select the tool of evil.


A good score on this quiz tells you one thing; you know the difference between Good and Evil. The responsibility of a good score is the conviction you place in your daily choice. If you know what is right and still do what is wrong, you must accept your penalty without complaint. If your weakness is too great and you want to do what is right but you need help, then confession is in order. And the sincere repentance from sinful acts and the abstinence from them, will bless your life and your living.

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