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Freak's blog: "Freak Thoughts"

created on 10/03/2008  |  http://fubar.com/freak-thoughts/b249944

On the insanity road

I swear people are trying to drive me insane.  I'm one of those people who is fine with being single until I find someone really worth dating.  Now there's always been this one guy I've been into for a while now.  We've never got to meet cause something always happens to screw it up.  Although I am good friends with his cousin and we hang out sometimes.  And now he works so much it's impossible to try anything even though we both like each other.


Well a couple months ago I was hanging out with some friends and the one chick I know, her boyfriend at the time was like I wish I had met you before I started dating her.  WTF?!  Since then they have broke up.  He's like hardcore into me.  To the point at times I want to run the other way because it's like slow the hell down.  I hardly know you.  You hardly know me.  Back off for now, give it time or else you're going to ruin things already.  I've tried to explain how I am to him.  How I don't just jump into things.  I've met too many people who I thought were one way and then poof I was wrong.  And I mean that even about FRIENDS.  I had a best friend who down the road we realized was backstabbing a lot of us.  So I like people to truly prove I can trust them.  That doesn't just happen in like 2 months time. 


But now he was trying to say I'm being elusive and avoiding him.  All of this because I didn't go to the bar last night with him and a mutual friend.  Um sorry if my headache was killing me.  He was like you always hang out with this mutual friend when I can't and never seem to hang out when I can.  Um wtf are you smoking???  I've hung out with our mutual friend ONCE when he couldn't come out.  Mind you though I've known Tim (the mutual friend) for YEARS.  So excuse me if I want to hang out with my one best friend without having to worry that some guy who likes me isn't getting enough of my attention or whatever.  It's driving me nuts.  I hate people who get too pushy.  He doesn't get it.  He's like you won't let me get to know you.  Since when?  I talk to you, I hang out with you.  What more do you want? 


Then just last week I met this other guy.  Seems nice, don't know him a lot but I'd like to get to know him more.  lol  Although I hate to tell guy #2 and guy #3 but if the first guy was ready and able to date...they would be out of luck.  I just hate it.  It's like for so much time there was like no possibilities really for dating and now there's 2 and 1/2 lol. 

Ask away

Lately something has become a bit of a pet peeve for me on here.  I'll see people with the status basically saying no one has rated them, can they get some rates or love or something along those lines.  Now what kills me is more than a few times I've gone to some of these people's pages and rated some pics of theirs.  Now to me if you're going to complain you're not getting pic rates or love and someone shows you love then AT LEAST rate that person's profile or a picture or two.  It's no wonder people aren't rating your pics when you don't return the love.  And now mind you these aren't people who have pages that are getting slammed. 


Sorry but I just had to rant about that.  The other day I rated a few pics for at least 2-3 people with status messages like that and NEITHER could even view my page.  It's like then don't whine no one rates you.


Now onto more fun things...I'm a bit bored so feel free to ask any questions you want.  I'll answer them whether they are serious or goofy or crazy or whatever.

A pure blast!

So last night I met up with some new people from another site that I've been on for about 5-6 years.  Anyways I've got a folder (party pics more to come later) that's pics from the party.  Now I'm just giving the heads up that right now you won't see me in the pics because I'm just loading what I took with MY camera.  There's still pics from like 4 other cameras but I'm waiting on those people to upload their pics and send them to me.  Then I'll have pics of me to load but these pics will show you the type of craziness we were doing lol

Wow just wow lol

So I definitely had an interesting 4th of July lol.  I went to a friend's house for a party and it was a blast.  I just wanted to tell about some of the really interesting things that happened.  He had these like huge candles on sticks that are for keeping away mosquitos.  They were all lit on the other side of the yard kind of away from where any of us were sitting.  Suddenly for some reason I looked over at the one and was like OMG!  I don't know if it was wax from the candle or what but the ground below it was on FIRE.  A pretty decent size fire too.  I was like holy crap and ran over to where it was.  I didn't have anything to pour on it.  So I was like okay let's stomp the fire out.  Which was interesting to try and do as my pant legs are long, like as in they kind of go below the bottom of my foot.  So there I was pulling up my pant leg stomping on this fire.  It took at least 4 or 5 stomps to get it out.  Even later that night we looked and there was a HUGE burnt spot.


So then my friend has a completely insane neighbor.  Despite the fact she was having her own party she kept popping up.  It was like seriously go away.  You're annoying which apparently I did a good job of making it known to her that I didn't like her much.  It's like I don't care if you're my neighbor or not if I'm having a party that you were NOT invited to don't keep bugging me and trying to crash my party.  Well at one point she's going on about her boobs and the fact that one is fake cause of having it removed from cancer.  So then she wanted us to feel and see if we could tell which one was real or fake.  Uh....which by the way it was easy to tell. lol


A few times in the night I was like okay my other friend's boyfriend seems to be flirting a bit with me.  A few times he'd like rub my shoulders or neck.  But since this is only the 2nd time I've been around him I thought nah maybe he's just overly friendly.  Later I was about to leave and he had me drive him up to a gas station to get himself and my other friend some cigarettes.  On the way back he's like I wanna tell you something and I don't want you to like freak out or be weirded out.  Next thing I know he's like you're really cool and seem interesting and all this stuff.  And then comes the shocker...."I wish I had met you before I started dating her"   Um....uh....uhh.  And he lives near me so he was like yeah if you want we should hang out sometime and go out for drinks.  So yeah talk about a weird way to end the night.


So lately I've been frustrated with a lot of real life stuff.  Then I come on here and people just sometimes make it worse.  I hate when people tell you they are going to do something for you and even when you tell them they really don't have to they go no I want to and guess what happens?  They don't do it.  It's like don't tell me you're going to do something and then you don't.  I don't expect people to do things for me.  Look at it this way...how do you feel when someone says they will do something for you and they don't do it? 


I'm not gonna get into what things are bugging me because most people really don't care.  Some people will say they care but really they don't.  They are just saying that because they think they have to say it.  I had someone today get upset at me because I basically got an attitude with them.  But when I make a comment that I could not come on this site for weeks and people wouldn't care and your response is just "ok" don't be shocked then when I get ticked at you or when I say that you just proved my point.  Put yourself in my spot if you said something like that to me and I was just like "ok".  You'd think I didn't care.  And I don't care right now if the  person I'm talking about reads this and gets upset because if they stepped back and saw it from my view they'd understand.  They'd know damn well that if I had done that to them it wouldn't make them feel like I cared or gave a damn. 


Oh well...my current life frustrations will work themselves out and I'll get through it as usual.  Hopefully everyone has a good 4th of July and stays safe in whatever they do.  And while you're at it feel free to check out my articles I write.  Even if you don't read them just viewing the pages helps me out in making some money from it.  So click all the pages, share the link, whatever.  I do appreciate it.  The link is the spot that says click me lmao Click Me!!!


Okay so I've done this before but decided I'd give it a shot today.  Ask me anything you want and I'll answer it.  It can be serious, goofy, whatever.  I'll answer all questions.

Pure randomness lol

Like the title says...pure randomness in this blog.  First I gotta say the new Transformers is pretty good.  I'm not really sure why it's getting such bad reviews.  Maybe it's because I went in to this movie knowing that hey the entire movie is based off of a cartoon/toy.  It's like people expected the storyline for this to be like what you'd find in Braveheart or Angels and Demons or something like that.  I thought it was a good movie.  Awesome action scenes.  I loved that this one did a lot more with letting the Transformers fight.  In the first movie they had some fight scenes but at times it was too hard to tell who was who and what.  Plus I liked some of the humor they threw in it.  Personally loved the twin Autobots lol.  You gotta see the movie to truly understand.  And another fave was the Decepiticon remote control truck.


But enough of that...the other randomness is I'm in another auction.  The high bidder of the last auction never paid up so I figured what the heck.  I'm going for cheap so hey here's your chance to own me. lol  Hopefully the link works right and doesn't take people back to my blog. 

[ fubar.com photo: 2119396915 ]


The other thing...if you don't do it often...check out the articles I write.  Even if you don't read them.  The page views help me out with making some money lol   Click Me!!!

Not my fault

RULE 1: You opened this; you GOTTA take it

RULE 2: You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks!


[1] Who was the last person you texted?  Joe

[2] You were in the car with?  My dad

[3] Went to the mall with?  my parents

[4] Person you talked on the phone with? my mom

[5] You messaged/​commented on Fubar?  DevilGirl

T/F Only answer with True or False

Q:Kissed some one on your top friends? True

Q: Been searched By Cops?  True

Q: Been suspended from school?  False

Q: Sat on a roof top?  True

Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?  True

Q: Broken a bone?  True

Q: Have shaved your head?  False

Q: Played a prank on someone?  True

Q: Had/have a gym membership?  True

Q: Shot a gun?  True

Q: Donated Blood?  False


[1] Eat or drink?  Drink

[2] Be serious or be funny?  be funny

[3] Go to the beach or mountains?  beach

[4] Die in a fire or die getting shot?  shot


[1] Sun or moon?  moon

[2] Winter or fall?  fall

[3] Left or right? right

[4] Black and white or colored? colored

[5] Do you wanna get married?  yeah


[1] Kissed someone?  no

[2] Been hugged by someone?  yes

[3] Been poked by someone?  yes

[4] Cried?  yes

[5] Gotten in a fight?  kinda

[6] Told someone you loved them?  yes


Never should assume

Some people around here who think they are such badasses really need to remove their heads from their asses and get a clue.  Like before you run around and go "this person isn't helping out and the person needing help did so much for them" maybe just MAYBE you should actually know what's going on.  Like the fact that just because a person is "signed on" doesn't mean they are NEAR the computer.  That people can be busy with real life stuff.  So maybe before you run your mouth and look like the idiot that many of us KNOW you are you should stop and think gee maybe that person hasn't really been online.  Maybe they've had things in life that they had to deal with. 


I don't care if people figure out who I'm talking to and tell them.  This person can seriously well jump off a cliff for all I care.  They want to hate on me for what?  No reason.  I seriously hate stupid people like this idiot.

My niece

So lately tons of my family have gotten hooked on Facebook. I admit I like it cause I've reconnected with a lot of friends. On there I've also got my one brother and his wife as well as 4 of my nieces. Plus there's 3 of my cousins on there and an uncle. It's kind of funny to send the gifts around and stuff. Tonight I went to comment to my one niece and something caught my eye. I saw a comment she had left for my other niece. Alyssa had gone to a school dance weeks ago and had pictures posted from it. Samantha left a comment about how beautiful she looked and how much she loved her hair and wished her hair was like Alyssa's. From there is where things took a turn a bit. Alyssa commented back about how she wished she was as skinny as Samantha and her sister Briana (Bri is Alyssa's sister and my youngest niece). Now mind you Alyssa isn't a fat girl. She's barely what I would call thick but she's a very beautiful young lady and no I'm not just saying that cause she's my niece. Samantha's next comment truly blew me away. It just showed how smart of a young lady she is. She's only a freshman in high school but this was her response..."girl,being "skinny" doesn't mean anything. Just because someone is "skinny" doesn't mean they're going to be beautiful. Look at Queen Latifah for example,shes bigger but shes still beautiful. And beauty is more than skin deep. You could have someone who looks good but has an ugly personality. Where's the attraction in that?" That just blew me away to see her saying that. That's a maturity and wisdom some kids don't ever learn sadly. I even had to sent a message to Samantha and tell her how proud I was to see her saying that and how it truly showed that she's a very smart young lady.

The facts

So yesterday something happened that annoyed me. Someone made a comment joking around and then you get other people that can't grasp that it's a joke and they turn it into something serious. I'm talking about the whole "race to level". So here's some facts for those that wanna go..."ohhh he beat you". But let me point out something...I've got nothing against either person that this involved. I think both are pretty awesome guys, but there are times when your friends do something stupid that ya gotta tell them so. And oh the do something stupid is aimed at the people who took a joke comment as serious. First...it's not a race when one person starts with about 5.1 million to level and the other person has about 2.5-2.6 million to level. That's like telling someone you want to run a lap against them but you want a 20 minute head start of them so that by the time they start you're almost crossing the finish line. More facts... The supposed person who got beat dropped over 3 million points and all but about 100k of those points were from RATES, not bling. And to drop that without a happy hour and without paying for rates is pretty damn impressive. 2nd fact...the person who supposedly won gained 650,000 points from bling alone. Not rates, BLING. Which then if you figure...okay he dropped about 2.8 million but now you need to remove 650k because that wasn't thanks to rates. I'll make the math simple...one person basically dropped 3 million just from rates (he dropped at least 3.1 million so the 3 million is without the bling). The other person dropped basically 2.1 million. Who really won that supposed race? If ya ask me...the one who gained the most points did. The one who had the higher rank at the end of the day did. So no offense but if you're going to try to do a "Hahaha you lost" in someone's face...know the facts first. Or ya could look at it this way...one person dropped 3.1 million points off of 1 active auto 11 bling and about $50 of bling bought for them. The other person dropped about 2.8 off of 1 active auto and over $570 of bling bought for them.
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