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created on 03/23/2007  |  http://fubar.com/future-of-iraq/b67474
Revelation 13: Saddam Hussein, the former evil dictator of a modern-day Babylon, and the Wars in Iraq -- A Bible prophecy and New Age analysis We will discuss here the issue of Iraq by using Biblical prophecy to understand the danger that Iraq and Saddam Hussein has been for the world, and why a war with Iraq in March-April 2003, Operation Iraqi Freedom, was necessary to remove this psychopath Saddam from power. First let me express my thanks to the Armed Forces of the U.S., U.K., and Australia for their great success and bravery in the Wars in Iraq. And it was remarkable that so few oil fires had been set by Saddam in the 2003 war, thanks to the efforts of the Special Forces soldiers who prevented Saddam from igniting all his oil wells on fire, as he did in 1991 with the 700 oil well fires in Kuwait. It would have been a great environmental disaster for the world if Saddam had ignited all of Iraq's oil wells on fire, as he certainly intended to do in this war. The entire world owes so much to the soldiers who prevented in this 2003 Iraq War a repeat of the 700 oil fires in 1991. Thank you, a great job! I also want to say that Americans are aware of the effort and support of many nations in the Iraq conflict: especially the U.K. and Australia for their help in the fighting of the war, Spain for its invaluable political support, Japan for its political support, Italy, Poland, and the many other nations who helped in this. And on December 13 2003 Saddam Hussein of Iraq was captured by the U.S. Army; Saddam was found hiding underground in a hole in the ground in Iraq, and he sort of looked like a Satanic Santa Claus; a big step down from his giant palaces. This brings to mind Revelation 13 where the 2nd beast comes out of the earth, like Saddam coming out of his hole in the ground. Also, Saddam was found near a sheep pen, bringing to mind also Revelation 13 where the second beast has "two horns like a lamb", Revelation 13:11 King James version: "13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon." Also, the sheep pen near where he was found was shaped like the Greek letter Omega, bringing to mind the "Alpha and Omega" quote in Revelation concerning Christ: "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last". And Saddam was captured when he was exactly 66.6 years old, 666 being the number of the beast in Revelation 13. Saddam has been a dangerous and evil psycho who was likely to attempt to unleash some evil scheme on the world as revenge. There has a great danger that Saddam tinkering with chemical, biological and nuclear weapons could come up with some method of mass destruction, such as a doomsday virus; it was very important for the safety of the world that Saddam be removed from his position of power. Remember the 700 oil well fires Saddam set on fire during the first Iraq war? Remember Saddam firing off missles at Israel during the first Iraq war? Didn't that show how insane and evil Saddam is? So it was a necessary step that Saddam should be removed from power. Saddam's crimes against humanity include using nerve gas against the people of Iraq. And Saddam was supplying thse weapons to other terrorist groups. So let's not forget Saddam had been another terrorist to be dealt with, following the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on the U.S.. The U.S. is safer with Saddam out of business. These terrorists share their weapons with each other in an international network. There was a major concern that Saddam could have been cooking up a Smallpox biological weapon, since when the weapons inspections were done previously, one piece of equipment was noticed that was labeled "Smallpox" in Arabic. He could have been cooking up biological weapons to unleash on the West, or even give them to Osama. Both Saddam and Osama are so wacked that they might unleash a plague like Smallpox on the West, even if it strikes their part of the world also. Suggested reading: the very scary book "The Demon in the Freezer", by Richard Preston, published in 2002 by Random House. "The Demon in the Freezer" discusses viruses and biological weapons including Smallpox, and discusses what is known of Saddam's research into Smallpox and other biological weapons. Previous arms inspections in Iraq had found definite evidence that Saddam was developing Smallpox and similar viruses for weapons use. "The Demon in the Freezer" discusses how when the U.N biological weapons inspection team in Iraq in 1995 talked to Dr. Hazem Ali, Iraq's top virus expert, who had a Ph.D. in virology from England, and when they asked him what he was doing in his Level 3 Biolab in Iraq, he replied that he was trying to turn Camelpox virus into a bio-weapon, Camelpox being a close relative of Smallpox that infects Camels. If that was what he was doing in his lab, its an odd area of research. Although maybe he was actually working with Smallpox. The scariest possibility mentioned in "The Demon in the Freezer" is that Smallpox could be changed by genetic engineering into a form that vaccines no longer work on, that could quickly wipe out mankind. A similar example in the book concerns Mousepox virus, that infects mice, being modified by an Australian group of scientists into an unstoppable mouse-killer virus that vaccines would not stop. So the same thing might be done to Smallpox, modifying it to make it more lethal, and so that vaccines would not stop it. Saddam might have developed a vaccine for this super-Smallpox, and vaccinate himself, his friends, and his army against this virus, and then turn this doomsday virus loose on the world. Osama bin Laden would do the same thing. That is why this is a deadly serious issue: the U.S. must find these terrorist demons, Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda, and others like them, before they turn biological weapons loose on the world. So it was time for the U.S. to launch an invasion on Iraq to destroy these biological and chemical weapons Saddam has stored there. It is also a good thing that the U.S. is installing a new government in Iraq, since his two sons Qusay and Uday were not people you would want to see in power in Iraq; they were as crazy and sadistically evil as him. His son Uday was also oversexed, his hobby being having his guards abduct women he spots in Iraq for his use, and have her brought to a local nightclub where Uday has forced sex relations with the woman, and sometimes he makes a public show of his raping her. One reported incident (described in Newsweek, Oct. 21, 2002) was where Uday's guards snatched a pretty young woman who was walking with her husband, after which she was raped by Uday at a hotel room, and then thrown off the sixth floor of the hotel down to the street. Uday also had her husband executed. So Uday, being a sexual psychopath, whose "hobby" is raping and killing women, was not likely to be an improvement over Saddam. And on July 22, 2003, Uday and Qusay were killed in a battle with U.S. troops. So there are now two less psycopaths in the world, and women in Iraq can sleep better with Uday's serial killer/rapist spree ended. Good job, U.S. Army! The interesting thing about Iraq is how it fits into the pattern of Biblical prophecy, especially the prophecies of the book of Revelation and the Book of Daniel. In the Book of Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, had his dreams of future events interpreted by the prophet Daniel. Today Iraq is located where Babylon was, and I have read that Saddam (in his insanity) believed he was Nebuchadnezzar returned, and therefore he thought he was destined to rule over a new resurrected empire of Babylon. That is why he had been rebuilding the ancient city of Babylon, so he could sit on the throne there like a reincarnated Nebuchadnezzar. (Note also that in the Book of Daniel 4:33 Nebuchadnezzar becomes insane, and "did eat grass as oxen".) This attempt to create a new Babylonian Empire explains Saddam's unfortunate attempt to expand Iraq. Daniel's prophecies help explain the Book of Revelation's prophecies of a future empire to come, in Revelation 13. In chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel, Daniel saw a vision of 4 beasts rising out of the sea, representing future empires to come. The first beast was like a lion, and had a man's heart. The second beast was a bear with three ribs in its mouth. The third beast was a leopard with wings and 4 heads. The fourth beast had iron teeth and 10 horns, one of which was a man that spoke great things. These are believed the represent the Babylonian empire (the lion), Medo-Persian empire (the bear), and Greek empire of Alexander (the leopard-- Alexander had the speed of a leopard during military conquest), and the Roman empire (with iron teeth). It is also believed that the final empire may be talking about the Antichrist -- the man who speaks great things. Note that these beasts are combined into the 10-horned beast of Revelation 13, which has the mouth of a lion, feet of a bear, the speed of a leopard, and 10 horns representing a confederation of 10 states. This could be Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States, evolving into this angry beast, or the SCO alliance of Russia, China, and 4 Central Asian nations. Since Revelation 13 describes the empire of the Antichrist as having the mouth of a lion and the feet of a bear, this could mean that the lion had been Iraq under Saddam Hussein (where the lion in Daniel's vision was Babylon, which is now Iraq) and the bear is Russia. This may relate to the past alliance between Russia and Iraq under Saddam, and also a Russian alliance with Red China , since the beast gets its power from the dragon. Now I think the lion-bear-dragon is: lion: Hong Kong, now part of Red China bear: Russia dragon: Red China. Note that the lion shown above is on the Ishtar Gate, from the ancient city of Babylon in Iraq. And in Revelation 16, the River Euphrates in Iraq is dried up so that the army of the King of the East (China?) can cross it to the Battle of Armageddon. It is interesting that a severe drought was drying up the River Euphrates in 1999, this was the worst drought in Iraq in this century, and also Turkey is building dams upstream which could dry up this river, so this is another sign that Armageddon is approaching. In Revelation 18:2, King James version of the Bible, "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils" (devils -- Saddam and his government of Iraq, and now Muslim terrorists in Iraq). Concerning Saddam launching missles against the state of Israel in the Gulf war, this can be explained by Nebuchadnezzar being the conquerer of Jerusalem in chapter 1 of the Book of Daniel. So apparently Saddam had dreamed of resurrecting a Babylonian empire that includes Israel in his conquered territories. It is very important that the U.S. must continue to support and defend the state of Israel. Also, on the page on the War against Terrorism I discuss how Osama bin Laden appears to be a demon from Hell in Revelation 9:11, the unholy angel of the bottomless pit, also called "The Destroyer". That is why Osama is so evil, because he is a demon. I think Saddam is also a second individual who is this demon of the bottomless pit, The Destroyer, in Revelation 9:11. And that is why Saddam is completely evil. Both Osama and Saddam are demons, also called unclean spirits in Biblical symbolism. What is also something to consider is former President George Bush's role in the Iraq war. Note the religious theme-- George Bush, reminds one of the illuminated bush that God used to speak to Moses in the Bible. And George Bush (Senior) was born in Milton, Massachusetts. This makes me think of the writer Milton's book "Paradise Lost", where Satan falls from heaven to earth. This could refer to Former President George Bush seeing Satan fall to earth in the form of Saddam Hussein and Iraq's attempts to conquer territory. But Former President Bush did the right thing in undoing Saddam's attempts at conquest. And President George W. Bush has done the right thing in invading Iraq in 2003. Removing Saddam and destroying his biological and chemical weapons was a necessary part of the war against terrorism. Using my ideas on geographic coordinates discussed on this page, I will make here some suggestions on where in Iraq Saddam may have hidden away weapons of mass destruction: chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. These would be places I would suggest the U.S. Army take a look to see if Saddam has hidden weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Most important: I would look at the location in Iraq that is a 153 degree shift from the Comet Hale-Bopp discovery mid-point in New Mexico near 32.92 N, 108.85 W: so in Iraq at 32.92 N, 44.15 E. To zero in on the exact location, I would calculate the exact Comet Hale-Bopp discovery mid-point, the mid-point of where it was discovered on the same day by two individuals in New Mexico and Arizona in 1995, and do an exact 153 degree shift into Iraq. 153 degrees because in the Bible, Peter caught 153 fish in his net, so 153 is a number of Biblical significance. Do the same 153 degree shift, also, for the two Comet Hale-Bopp discovery points in Stanfield, Arizona, and Cloudcroft, New Mexico, which results in two other locations in Iraq. So Saddam may have some nasty "fish" of some kind buried there, at one or more of these three locations. Other places to look in Iraq would be along lines at 42 E, 44 E, and 46 E, and along a line at 10xPi=31.4159... North, and at lines at degrees North going through Jerusalem, Nazareth, and Bethlehem in Israel. And I would also look along a locations shifted 153 degrees from Route 666, which goes through New Mexico and Arizona, and a place shifted 153 degrees from the Abomb test site in New Mexico. And I would also check exactly 44 E 37 N in Iraq, which is a 153 degree shift from the Arizona-New Mexico 4 corners location. Also, I would look at locations in Iraq that are an exact 9 degree shift East from significant locations in Israel, such as Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, the Temple Mount, Tel Aviv, etc.. Also, it is likely that some of the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs)such as Anthrax and Bubonic Plague weapons, and possibly nuclear weapons, were transferred from Iraq to Syria, before US forces arrived; Syria is mentioned in King James Bible Code matrices on this page that indicate they may have biological weapons and/or nuclear weapons from Iraq. Saddam Hussein: a life of evil: April 28, 1937. Saddam born in Iraq. 1959: General Abdul Karim Qassim, then leader of Iraq, was almost assassinated; Saddam says he was part of this plot. 1963: The Baath party takes power in Iraq, for 9 months. Saddam then worked as a torturer for them, torturing and interrogating political prisoners. 1968: Saddam rises to power in Iraq, to 2nd in command. 1969: The public hanging of 14 Iraqis is made by Saddam into a major festival event. 1979: Saddam becomes President of Iraq, and begins his reign of terror and murder. 1980: Saddam expels from Iraq 15,000 Shiite Kurds and 35,000 Arab Shiite Muslims. Eventually in the 1980s, during the Iraq-Iran War, 300,000 Shiite Muslims were deported from Iraq. 1980: Iraq attacks Iran, beginning a long war, that ended in 1988. 1987: Saddam uses poison gas weapons on Kurdish villages in Iraq. Aug. 1990. Iraq invades Kuwait. Before expulsion from Kuwait the next year, Iraq forces set Kuwait's oil wells on fire, causing possibly the worst environmental disaster in history. 2000. Saddam's wealth was estimated at $7 billion, making him 55th in the list of the world's wealthy. A hole in the ground is a big step down from being a billionaire! July 22, 2003. Saddam's sons Uday and Qusay were killed in a battle with U.S. troops. So the world now has two less psycopaths. Good job, U.S. Army! Dec. 13, 2003. Saddam Hussein was captured by the U.S. Army; thank you, U.S. Army, for making the world a safer place! Saddam was 66.6 years old when captured. March 2, 2004. Terrorists in Iraq working for Saddam set off a series of explosions during the Shiite Muslim holiday of Ashura; more than 140 deaths. April 5, 2004. There is an uprising of the Shiite Muslims in Iraq. June 28, 2004. In Iraq power was transferred today to the new Iraq govenment. July 1, 2004. Saddam was brought to court in Iraq for his trial, and he made a statement. Note that also on this day the Cassini space probe went into orbit around Saturn/Satan. Oct. 19, 2005. The Saddam Hussein trial began in Iraq. It was then delayed for several weeks. Nov. 28, 2005. The trial is set to continue. Saddam Hussein Trial resumed for one day, then adjourned. Dec. 5, 2005. Saddam Hussein trial resumed, with Saddam making a lot of noise at it. Saddam says he won't go to the next trial session, and he curses the judges. Dec. 12, 2005. Al Qaida and other terrorist groups in Iraq called the Iraq elections a "satanic project". Dec. 19, 2005. In Iraq two women who had been biological weapons scientists for Saddam, "Dr. Germ" and "Mrs. Anthrax", were released from jail. See this page on how these two women may represent "wickedness" being released into the world in a Zechariah 5:5-11 prophecy. Dec. 27, 2005. A mass grave was discovered in Iraq, that had resulted from Saddam's murders. Jan.10, 2006. An America reporter, Jill Carroll, was abducted by terrorists in Iraq, in Baghdad. Feb. 22, 2006. In Iraq the situation started to spiral out of control with the blowing up of the Askariya Shiite Muslim shrine in Iraq on Feb. 22, 2006, it being one of the most sacred places for Shiite Muslims. It was followed by Shiite attacks on Sunni Muslim mosques in Iraq. Because of this, Sunni-Shiite Muslim war is now possible in 2006 in Iraq and beyond it in the Middle East. Shiite Muslims are concentrated in Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon. The 1200 year old Askariya shrine had a 224 foot wide golden dome that was destroyed in the explosion. It contains the tombs of the 10th and 11th Imams in Shiite Islam, who were descendants of Mohammed. It is also said to be near the spot where the 12th Imam went into hiding, and he is prophesied to return as the Mahdi, a Muslim destroying Messiah, during the last days, as discussed on this page. It is assumed that Sunni Muslim terrorists blew up the shrine. This is the type of thing that is not forgotten in a hundred years in that part of the world. So Shiite-Sunni Muslim war could easily escalate out of control now, which is not good for the U.S. since it could disrupt oil supplies So Iran getting involved in the Iraq situation is possible. June 8, 2006. The Iraq Muslim Terrorist leader Al-Zarqawi was hit by an air strike, and confirmed dead. June 29., 2006. Iraq confirmed that Al Qaida was responsible for the blowing up of a Shiite shrine in Iraq in February. July 23, 2006. Saddam was hospitalized and given intravenous feeding because of his two week hunger strike. November 5, 2006. Saddam was sentenced to death by the Iraq court, but has automatic appeal. December 27, 2006. Former Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein was sentenced to die by hanging within 30 days, by the Iraq court. On Dec. 29 Saddam Hussein was executed by hanging. This could be significant in terms of prophecy and world events, since Saddam is what I call a demon or unclean spirit, who is complete evil. Another completely evil demon is Osama bin Laden. At least Saddam won't be "hanging" around Iraq any more. There could be some kind of world disaster after this, related to Saddam being a demon. Note that a large chunk of ice broke off in the Northern Arctic when he was executed. If the ice pack on Greenland broke up. it could significantly raise the sea level around the world. My astrology / New Age/ Bible prophecy web site link below, on the other pages of "Revelation 13", includes a discussion of the whether the events described in the Book of Revelation are occuring now. See the rest of this web site for more on this and other subjects, and my astrology / New Age / Bible prophecy / King James Bible Code predictions of world events for the next 10 years. Please link to this web site! To help me spread my message to the world! This site is: Title: "Revelation 13: Astrology, Bible Prophecy and the Book of Revelation, the King James version Bible Code, Prophecies of the Future"


When Saddam Hussein rose to power in Iraq, he conceived a grandiose scheme to rebuild the ancient City of Babylon -- Hussein said that Babylon's great palaces and the legendary hanging gardens of Babylon (one of the seven wonders of the ancient world) would rise from dust. Like the powerful King Nebuchadnezzar II who conquered Jerusalem 2,500 years ago, Saddam Hussein would rule over the world's greatest empire. The vaulting ambition of Saddam Hussein found expression in vaulting, and often pretentious, architecture. Nebuchadnezzar's Palace In 1982, Saddam's workers began reconstructing Babylon's most imposing building, the 600-room palace of King Nebuchadnezzar IArchaeologists were horrified. Many said that to rebuild on top of ancient artifacts does not preserve history, but disfigures it. The original bricks, which rise two or three feet from the ground, bear ancient inscriptions praising Nebuchadnezzar. Above these, Saddam Hussein's workers laid more than 60-million sand-colored bricks inscribed with the words, "In the era of Saddam Hussein, protector of Iraq, who rebuilt civilization and rebuilt Babylon." The new bricks began to crack after only ten years. Saddam's Palace Adjacent to Nebuchadnezzar's ancient palace and overlooking the Euphrates River, Saddam Hussein built a new palace for himself. Shaped like a ziggurat (stepped pyramid), Saddam's Babylonian palace is a monstrous hill-top fortress surrounded by miniature palm trees and rose gardens. The four-storey palace extends across an area as large as five football fields. Villagers told news media that a thousand people were evacuated to make way for this emblem of Saddam Hussein's power. The palace Saddam built was not merely large, it was also ostentatious. Containing several hundred thousand square feet of marble, it became a showy confection of angular towers, arched gates, vaulting ceilings, and majestic stairways. Critics charged that Saddam Hussein's lavish new palace expressed exuberant excess in land where many died in poverty. On the ceilings and walls of Saddam's palace, 360-degree murals depicted scenes from ancient Babylon, Ur, and the Tower of Babel. In the cathedral-like entryway, an enormous chandelier hung from a wooden canopy carved to resemble a palm tree. In the bathrooms, the plumbing fixtures appeared to be gold-plated. Throughout Saddam Hussein's palace, pediments were engraved with the ruler's initials, "SdH." The role of Saddam Hussein's Babylonian palace was more symbolic than functional. When American troops entered Babylon in April, 2003, they found little evidence that the palace had been occupied or used. Saddam's fall from power brought vandals and looters. The smoked glass windows were shattered, the furnishings removed, and architectural details - from faucets to light switches - had been stripped away. During the war, Western troops pitched tents in the vast empty rooms at Saddam Hussein's Babylonian palace
It is hard to imagine that one day -- the Iraq we are helping to rebuild will burn up in smoke. In fact, even the light of a candle will not shine in Babylon because God will abandon it. In Verse 23, God says: "...and the voice of the bridegroom and the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee." If you study the Bible you will know the "bridegroom" is Jesus Christ. Right now, saved people are the children of God -- but one day, we will become the Bride of Christ and we will partake in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb of God. The remaining part of Verse 23's passage says: "...for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived." helps me to understand that the Antichrist will come from Iraq. It is further clarified that the Antichrist is the one that "deceives the nations" because Revelation, Chapter 20, Verse 3 says: "And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season." There is no doubt this scripture is referring to the Antichrist, who is yet to come to power at the time of this writing
WHAT YOU WILL SEE YOU WILL ALSO SEE IN THE BIBLE PLEASE REMEMBER IRAQ IS BABYLON FROM BIBLICAL DAY In Revelation, Chapter 18, Verses 10 thru 13, God says: 10: Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come. 11: And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: 12: The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, 13: And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men. At the time this article is written, the merchants of the earth do not purchase gold, silver, pearls, fine linen, ivory, precious woods and all the other merchandise mentioned in this scripture from Iraq. Iraq in 2004 is a desert land filled with poor and starving people. Therefore, since this passage is referring to the time period when the Antichrist will be on the earth, this scripture is describing a future event that has not occurred. Because of this, I believe that Iraq will become a prosperous nation which will supply the world's merchants with all manner of trade. In fact, these merchants will be so financially dependent on their trade with Iraq they will actually weep and mourn when Babylon is destroyed in only one hour (60 minutes). Revelation, Chapter 18, Verses 14 thru 23 continues: 14: And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all. 15: The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, 16: And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls! 17: For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, 18: And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city! 19: And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate. 20: Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her. 21: And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. 22: And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee; 23: And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
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