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Psychic sound off. RAWR!

My response to yet another MUMM giving kudos to Sylvia Browne and wondering if I believe in psychics: I strongly believe in psychics, seeing as I am "gifted" myself. If you believe everything Sylvia Browne says, you're mislead. Do take into mind that she said JLo wouldn't get pregnant. Amazingly, she is now the BIOLOGICAL mother of twins. I know not every psychic is accurate, but I believe that psychics can only know so much. God didn't bless any of us with ALL the knowledge in the world. Back to Sylvia: also take into mind that she charges $750 bucks for a freaking phone reading. When God blesses you with a gift... you don't charge people who are desperate for direction, closure or communication from their loved ones who have passed... such a ridiculously large sum of money!!!!! I myself have never taken a dime for the good deeds I've done with my own gifts. I'm very disappointed in people who charge a great deal of money to help people in need. Also take into mind that the "gifted" can only help you so much. It's YOUR life... you choose your direction no matter what insight/advice we give to you. Don't put all the power in the hands of us, put the power in your OWN hands. I also advise people to listen to their OWN intuition because often times, the answers we seek are within. That's all I have to say. :P In Love&Light, The Anti Sylvia Browne Meg
I am a psychic. I have had far too many experiences to name that aren't at all "logical" so yeah... I believe in psychic powers. The gift (the curse?) has run in my family for many generations. It will continue to be passed on from generation to generation like an heirloom. I don't regret having my gifts, but it does hurt me how some people have treated me because of it. I once had a friend who, upon my warning her of being raped by a guy she took interest in at an arcade, told the police and our classmates that I set her up. I was at the mall with her when we saw him and every time I got near him I had to run to the bathroom and puke. Just looking at him made me sick to my stomach. I told her he was going to rape her and to stay away from him. As I said, she told everybody I set her up. Unfortunately some people, because of not knowing ME (I'd NEVER do such a thing not even to my worst enemy), believed her. I was also harshly questioned by the police and had to lie about what I saw in my visions. All I can say is... everybody is born with the gift, but not everybody is fortunate enough nor wise enough to keep it. Your intuition is a powerful tool. I can't blame some people for fearing it.
I strongly believe in past lives. I actually am a living example of past life cell memory. I can tell you about some of my past lives including my most recent past life where I was a Jew in a Concentration Camp. I kid you not. My first words ever spoken this lifetime were in German and in Yiddish. They were nein (I would shake my finger no and shake my head simultaneously so) and goy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goy) which I would often say while falling asleep. All I know is I was a young girl and I was burned to death. I had nightmares as a child this lifetime because of it. I used to be so afraid of fire. I would get sick to my stomach and have panic attacks upon conversations in school regarding the matter. When forced to watch Schindler's List in school, I was much more emotional than my classmates. There was also an incident this lifetime where I crossed paths with my former husband from my life as Sarah, a young British woman with red hair, in college. We were married in the 1700's in England when the cobblestone streets were lit with fire not lamps. There were horses and carriages. We lived in a brownstone. He had a library to the left as you walked in the door. I remember this. He (Johnny this lifetime) and I happened to attend college together. Upon crossing paths we somehow recognized eachother's souls and came to discussing our previous lifetime together. We finished eachother's sentences describing memories we had of that lifetime. His name was James Breckenfield I believe. He was a banker. I don't remember the exact last name, but I do remember many things about that lifetime as well. I'm an Indigo child, we're never normal. So yes, I believe in past lives. Do you?
Tonight I was playing with my dog in the hallway. We were goofing off and all of a sudden I heard the sound of a coin drop, then spin... and I looked down on to the CARPET (it's thick carpet, too... so the sound I heard was obviously only used to get my attention)... to see that a penny had in fact fallen... out of "nowhere" quite literally. I picked it up and read the year: 1982. My heart smiled, I smiled... I know it's a gift from my Uncle Brian. He killed himself in May of 1982. See... yesterday was my birthday. I turned 28 years old. Today would have been my Uncle Brian's 54th birthday. He died when he was 28, from a self inflicted gun shot wound to the chest. It is such a long story, but as my uncle told me when he became a spirit: "I regret killing myself." He has fought hard for me to win my battles, constantly intervening with my many attempts to harm myself or end my life. I no longer attempt such things. I consider him my spirit protector. For years, I have been told how much I am like him. For years, I believed it. What nobody anticipated was that I would overcome my depression with flying colors. Who would have guessed that the very medication meant to heal me would harm me most? I am grateful for every damn day I have. I almost died from antidepressants. I'm a lucky lady to have such a strong intuition and the guidance of my angels and spirit guides to get me through. Thank you for my lucky penny, Uncle Brian. As always, you amaze me with your thoughtfulness. :) I will treasure this penny always... as I have always treasured your love for me. I feel you hugging me as I blog this. Happy Birthday to you, too. :)
My earliest memory from this lifetime is of me sitting on the floor as a baby. I was not even one years old. My mom rolled a ball to me. I stared off into space. I always stared off into space, so she says. I know I did, because I was always in tune with the spirit world. Things I remember from back then vary. The living room carpet was brown and easy to hide stains on. We had a lot of brown decor. I remember that. I guess that's why I don't like brown so much anymore. I saw a lady with red hair appear at the top of the stairs. I could see a light around her. It was just my mom and I at home. The lady looked at me and she smiled. I knew her in my heart. I recognized her. I don't remember now who she was exactly to me, but I know we knew eachother. My mom looked at me and had this look on her face wondering why I wasn't paying attention to the ball. I'll never forget it because she still makes that face at me, but now... knowing what's really going on when I stare off into space, she smiles sometimes.. or asks who I am talking to or who is talking to me. I was quite young when I realized I knew things before they happened, or I knew things about people I normally should not have been able to know. I developed this weird ability to look at someone and instantly know whether they were good spirited or bad spirited. I remember as a child I would know what people around me were thinking all the time. I'd hear it. I STILL hear it to this day. All they have to do is be chatting with me sometimes and I hear their thoughts. It's quite clear. Sometimes I hear their concerns. Sometimes I hear them listening to music. I used to talk to friends on the phone as a child and I'd bring up something like "I want pizza!" and they would, unbeknownst to me, be making pizza or eating it... or it was going to be delivered to their house shortly. No they did not tell me a thing. I smelled it. I talk to the dead. They choose to come to me most times. I have had many experiences with them. I have spoken to my ancestors. I have spoken to my relatives shortly before or after they died. I also spoke to my grandmother when she was in a coma in her last days of life. My uncle Brian has saved my life numerous times. He killed himself when he was 28. My favorite experience with him was when I wanted to kill myself and nearly succeeded in doing so. I was a teenager. I was in my bedroom and my mom was pulling my sleeve trying to get me to calm down, I had nearly slipped away when I was pushed on to my bed and he said to me that I have too much to live for among other things I carry with me in my heart... such as how much he regrets killing himself. He was a sensitive as well. He was working on remodeling a kitchen when he killed himself. Remodeling often stirs up ghosts from the land or the house because it can irritate them that things are being changed from the way they left it. He didn't know how to deal with his gift. Not everybody knows how to deal with it. I have also many times dreamt of the dead. So yes, I am a medium as well. I have been healing since I was a baby. I chose my mom. I chose my dad. This is typical of most Indigo Children to say. You have a blueprint of what your life is going to be like. You choose your life from the family to the years you live to the..... color eyes you have. You can call me strange or whatever you would like, but I know things that you don't know and YOU know things I don't know. We're different for a reason: to learn from one another. I used to heal animals when they were hurt. I would heal my mom when she was hurting as well. A light would appear from my hands and I would be able to heal whatever needed healing. I put my hand over the wound or... the pain and it feels extraordinarily hot to me. Sometimes it burns. I can see inside. Yes, that is weird, but people like me exist everywhere. I could feel other people's pain from an early age as well. If somebody were to have a headache, I'd pick it up as my own. If somebody were to have a cut, I'd feel it. If somebody were to have a stomach ache, I'd cry. I felt it. I always felt it. I am also a medical intuitive and can see things that are taking place in the body sometimes years before they happen, so if I SHOULD warn you of any illnesses to come your way, believe me. I am not trying to scare you. I am trying to help you live a longer life. I have communicated with animals all of my life. I took to them quite young and they, to me. I have stood by five large bucks in a cemetary. They came up to me and when I walked toward them, they did not run. It was only because my father accompanied me and his energy is far from beautiful. It's less than calming. It's more than chaotic. I have had deer, rabbits, squirrels, birds, dogs, cats, fish, turtles... every kind of animal like me. I have even had bees hang around me. I hear their thoughts. Sometimes animals are actually spirit guides. In my case, I have had animals that are the souls of my ancestors reincarnated. Mitsy was the spirit of my great great grandmother Martha Anna Geddes Walker. I believe she was full blooded Native American (Lakota I believe?), as I found one listed as an orphan with her twin in archives on ancestry.com. Anyway... when we had to put Mitsy down to sleep after an agonizing form of cancer took over her body, my mother saw the spirit of her great great grandmother lift from the body and into Heavens light she went. What made this even more believable was that Mitsy had long protected my sister and I from what happened to us. She was our nanny, often making sure we were safe from all harm... getting in the way of whatever happened to us as children so we would not be hurt. She was quite motherly in an unexpected way. She used to say "I love you" and spoke our names as well. My cat Chantal was often followed by a spirit of a lady in purple energy wearing a long dress dated from the 1800's maybe? She had a parasol as well. She had long black hair and eyes like mine. I know she was also a spirit guide, an ancestor reincarnated into the spirit of an animal to protect me in particular from my depression that stemmed from my being abused. She would always come running, and yes she was a cat, to me when I would cry. She would look at me with this angelic expression that made me feel so safe. I miss her dearly to this day. We had to put her to sleep as well. She had cancer.. a tumor in the jaw, and she told me it was there. I saw the lady as clear as day when we put her down, and she said thank you and she loved me. I know there is never an end to love. Animals always told me things. Animals speak to you with the emotion in their eyes. I often hear their voices as well, as every living creature has a soul and a voice. My dog now, Sophie... is my guided by my great grandmother Gert and very much has her personality. My mother was her favorite grandchild, a spitting image of her. She said to me she would be watching over us and she kept her word. She came back to this world to protect us from the stalker I have mentioned to some of you, as well as other mishaps. She's a beautiful soul like they all are. I know I will see them all again as there is a place in Heaven for our pets as well. It's called Rainbow Bridge. As a child I spent countless hours trying to figure out why I had to be so different. In nursery school, the teachers thought I was autistic because I'd never really talk to anybody. I had my company, why did I need to talk to them? I could hear what they were thinking. I never really fit in with my age group. I was born an old soul. If you were to see the palms of my hands (they're photographed in my photo albums somewhere) you will see how old I am. You will also see the M's in my hand which symbolize my strong intuition. My grandmother Marce was a palm reader and analyzed handwriting as well as many other talents she possessed. She was a psychic, medium, empath and healer. My grandparents: my paternal grandparents J and Marce. J was a psychic, medium, empath and animal communicator. Marce was a psychic, medium, empath and healer. My maternal grandparents: K is a psychic, medium, healer (almost Shaman like), empath very powerful. Maxine is a psychic, medium and healer. The line of intuition continues to grow. Some day I will have my daughter and she will fulfill the legacy of intuition. Her father to be is also a very strong intuitive like me. He and I are very much the same from what I know. He is younger than I, also. I will marry when I am about 32. Yes, unlike many intuitives I know a lot about my own future as well. I am me: the psychic, medium, healer, empath, and animal communicator. I love all of you unconditionally... liking is conditional. ;)
ghosts: they're trapped. sometimes they don't even realize they're dead. they don't always see us. they're still in that moment when they were alive. the world can go around them, but that doesn't mean they have to see it as it is now. they can be very powerful, and they can be very weak. they can do things to harm you, they can do things to help you. it differs on the person. most often when somebody dies a traumatizing death they don't realize they're dead, but sometimes they are fortunate enough to cross over to a peaceful state of mind known as heaven. spirits: they've crossed over. they can come in and out... they can watch over us... as some ghosts can. spirit guides: we all have them. they're known for helping along your intuition. get to be friends with them. ;) some have more than one. angels: we all have those as well, some of us more than one. spirit protectors: those are our loved ones that choose to manifest themselves as our protectors in life, as though it is their job to do so. anybody can protect us from the spirit world, though. even those who did us harm in life in this world. astral projection: your spirit goes places when you sleep, or when you meditate. yes, anybody can do it... hence the whole "OH I'VE BEEN HERE BEFORE!" unless it's... past lives: some of us have had them, some of us haven't. i'll mention some of mine in due time.

Experience of the eagle.

This is not so much a ghost story as it is one of my most beautiful experiences ever. Please read word for word. It's well worth the meaning of "the circle of life" if you believe. My grandmother, Marce, was a fighter. This is for her. She had another stroke. We went to the hospital and visited with her. She was restrained in a bed because she kept trying to leave once she had awoken from the surgery. Somebody made a mistake. The day she was to come home, she was left unattended for... and ended up falling from her bed and hitting her head. She had massive bleeding and underwent another surgery. She never awoke. She was in a coma, in hospice, for two weeks. It was two weeks of going there every day.. never leaving her side for more than food or going home to sleep or peeing, of course. Peeing is a necessity, yes? Grandma didn't think much of people who didn't do what was necessary for survival. :P Well... I continuously told her, as I gave her morphine to lessen the pain, that it was time to let go. It was okay to let go. It was the circle of life and there was no end. Her spirit was like that of the eagle. She had every reason to let go and free herself of all her worries, for God was calling her Home. I saw angels in her room. I heard them singing. I knew they were there to comfort her, but they were comforting us moreso. The clock on the wall was winding forward by itself one day, continually. It wouldn't stop. It was racing forward. I kept looking at it in amazement wondering how anybody could possibly brush it off as a mechanical error. Grandma was sending us a sign to make the best out of each day, for time is never guaranteed to any of us. The day of her passing, my father and I walked into the room... to find that she was finally breathing her last few breaths. He was unable to let her go. He kept begging her to stay and fight more. I told him that she had to go. She passed away with me holding her hand. I kissed her forehead, missing her beautiful "red" hair as she had always had it dyed. Now she had a bald head with scars from the surgery. She was not Marce. She was the canvas of a beautiful soul, now released into the spirit world... into the circle of life she went. My father left the room to call his brother in Costa Rica and give him the news. I heard her voice tell me to look outside the window. I looked and in the sky there was an eagle. I heard her say "I'm free now!" I heard it. I knew it in my heart that it was her. I saw the eagle fly upward into the clouds in circles over and over until it disappeared into the sky. A leaf fell. A blue jay and a cardinal appeared as well. I saw a robin. I saw no other eagles. The wind blew. Life went on. In my heart I saw her funeral taking place on a day where there would be leaves on the ground. It was June now. We had to wait for my uncle to come home. He kept putting it off until finally on August 13th, we had the service for her. There were many leaves on the ground as I saw. The tree of life had died only for her physical body. The spirit goes on forever. The circle of life goes on forever. There is no such thing as death. My love to you, Grandma Marce. Thank you for the eagle.

Uncle Brian.

As some of you know, I am a psychic/medium. I am sharing with you some of my favorite personal experiences. This tops the list! My favorite experience of all was meeting my belated my uncle Brian. I was a rebel of a teenager, doing drugs, drinking, hanging out with the wrong crowd... and I was terribly depressed once upon a time in a land far far away. :P Anyway, one night I was with my mother in my bedroom and I was suicidal. I got off the bed, and started to walk away, my mom grabbed on to me.. trying to keep me from going in to the bathroom to slit my wrists... well she had almost lost grip when all of a sudden I was PUSHED on to my bed, mind you it was only her and I in the room.. and I heard the voice with a slight lisp that said "DON'T YOU DARE MEGAN! I REGRET IT! YOU WILL REGRET IT TOO! YOU HAVE TOO MUCH TO LIVE FOR! YOUR MOM LOVES YOU! YOU HAVE A FULL LIFE AHEAD OF YOU!" and so on... I saw my uncle right there, staring at me, pacing back and forth... he had killed himself when I was two years old... leaving behind two children and a wife... and a third that had been put up for adoption when he got a girl pregnant as a teenager. My uncle was a sensitive living in a small town environment... not such an easy place to be for somebody who is gifted... mind you. I saw my uncle in his tee shirt and jeans... and his plaid shirt... that's all I remember, but I told my mom.. "He has a lisp! Did he have a lisp!?" She said yes.... and that she had forgotten about his slight lisp... well... long story short, I'm still here. He's always been my angel. I have many more stories, but so little time. I'll blog them when I can. As for Uncle Brian? I have seen him a few times on and off, heard him, felt him... I know he is always watching over us. Love never dies.
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