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The word "Dhimmitude" is found in the new health care bill;
so what does it mean?

Thought this was interesting and worth passing on.

Obama used it in the health care bill.
Now isn't this interesting?
It is also included in the health care law.

Dhimmitude -- I had never heard the word until now. I typed it into Google and started reading. Pretty interesting. It's on page 107 of the healthcare bill. I looked this up on Google and yep, it exists.. It is a REAL word.

Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations conquered through jihad (Holy War). Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to Islam.

ObamaCare allows the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia Muslim diktat in the United States . Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be "gambling", "risk-taking", and "usury" and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this.

How convenient. So I, as a Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets, including real estate, cattle, and even accounts receivable, and will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax. Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health insurance needs paid for by the de facto government insurance. Non-Muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize Muslims. This is Dhimmitude.

American citizens need to know about it --

snopes.com: Health Insurance Exemptions
Apr 13, 2010 ... Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-muslim populations ... The ObamaCare bill is the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia ...

Keep this going. Every non-Muslim in the United States of America needs to know about it


In Philadelphia a trial is ongoing. The defendant is a physician who ran a clinic specializing in late term abortions. The parade of witnesses describing the macabre scene of live births, only to be terminated at the hands of this so called physician is graphic to say the least. I won’t go into detail of these murders, but make no mistake, these are murders, but instead I want to illuminate the dual personality of liberal politics.

Recently, MSNBC, ran an ad with Melissa Harris-Perry proclaiming children “belong to whole communities”, not just their parents. If this is the case, where is Melissa Harris-Perry on the Gosnell case in Philadelphia? Where is the community for these murdered children? If not in a position to stop such atrocities, but at least report on it now and condemn the perpetrator of these homicides. Instead, there is silence. With the exception of a few news outlets and commentators, the mainstream media is blind, deaf and dumb on the Gosnell case, but why?

The abortion debate has permeated a generation. Roe V. Wade was decided in 1973 and during my high school years, abortion was seen as a hard won right we women should be proud of. I never had to endure such a decision, but I did take a dear friend to such a clinic in her early weeks of pregnancy and endured the pro and anti-abortion protestors accost us that morning. It’s not a decision to be made lightly, and it’s not one to be celebrated. Generally, but not in all cases, it is the culmination of poor decision making, immaturity, and desperation that results in lives forever being changed and possibly ended. Those who celebrate a woman’s right to choose probably never had to choose. There’s no balloon drop at the end of the “procedure”, only soul searching and questions. Just ask yourself, how many women do you see at pro-choice rallies and legislative hearings championing their own abortion? I can’t think of any.

The thing is we go back to the idea of words. When we call the termination of a life an “abortion” or a “procedure” we take the humanness out of the equation. When these witnesses in the Gosnell trial refer to these infants as “specimens” they take away from the fact a life was ended at the hands of another, either trying to make a buck, or out of some other twisted and evil reason. The fact is for those of us who have had children and enjoyed 9 months of pregnancy, we never referred to our fetuses as specimens. We called them babies and we even named them prior to their earthly debut. Words matter, which is why it is so important to hold the left to their words.

Melissa Harris-Perry says parents should not look at their children as their own property or their own responsibility, but that we, as a society, should look at children as some kind of community investment. If that is the case, I for one would like to speak for these murdered infants and stake my claim for their loss. For that which might have been, I demand punitive damages as well as a just punishment for that evil that “snipped” their chance at life. I fully expect MSNBC and especially Melissa Harris-Perry to join my crusade as a part of my community to value and invest in our children. As Dennis Miller, comic and radio talk show host has said so many times, “The left believes in cradle to grave entitlements…but getting to the cradle can be a little tricky.”

Speak Out and Take Back Your Freedom--No man nor woman shall be afraid to carry (display) your weapon(s) with proper permits. No man nor woman shall be afraid to say you are damn tired of your constitutional rights being infringed upon by the liar ass in the White House and elected members of Congress. Their attacking our Bill of Rights-- No man nor woman shall be afraid to tell elected representatives that under no circumstances shall a person with history of mental-conditions hold a position in local, state and federal office. No man nor woman shall be afraid to speak out because of intimidation in  a country that was founded on freedom of expression. We The People should heed (take note) and not be afraid to speak out that we’ve fallen so far, and indeed, every American should be very alarmed about what’s going on in Congress and the White House, that members of Congress as with all individual Secretary of States, failed their (sworn oath) constitutional duty in turn failed to verify the eligibility of candidates, and the ass in our White House, and ignoring the rule of law-Constitution and attacking Bill of Rights!
Embrace your Freedom--No man nor woman should hesitate to speak out about that candidates for local, state and federal representation must do what every teenager is required to do to get a driver licenses learner's permit; produce a bonan fide birth certificate and social security card, and say that, prior to a candidate name entered on a voter ballot,  a full court back ground check' and security clearance must be accomplished and made available for We The People to review. Do not be afraid to tell your represenative(s) as secretary of sate and members of house and senate how they have failed their sworn oath in turn no demand that Obama prove his eligibility even while there is no convincing evidence that Obama is a natural-born citizen and much greater evidence that suggests he is not.

It is your God given Right--Thus, speak out, ask why was there never one accomplished on Obama to validate legitimacy as USA citizen, which is violating Constitution, and in turn issue (force) demand on -- The ass in the White House, every member of Congress, whereas, that this country must return to a standard in which the (Constitution) rule of law prevails over politics and those whom are of violations of the Constitution shall be held accountable regardless whom they are as with tell our elected representatives that the first back ground check" should be of Obama to each member of Congress, each person sitting in the Supreme Court right down to your secretary of state(s) > and the findings (transparent) made available for We The People to review !
Do NOT be afraid to --Tell them All (family, friends, co-worker, nor a stranger, yes even your elected representative) -- Oh, you don't believe there is anything We The People can do about it or hold one accountable-- Believe 2014 We Shall By Not Reelecting Them!!  Speak Out and Take Back Your Freedom--Stop allowing your constitutional rights being infringed upon by the ass in the White House and elected members of Congress-- throw their sorry ass out.

The bottom line for the Democratic Party is centralized control of the masses by people who are simply a whole smarter than they are.  That’s why they talk about “how smart” the party leadership is.  Remember Bill Clinton, Rhodes Scholar?  John Kerry, smartest guy to ever graduate from Yale (even his grades were worse than GWB’s)?  And then there’s out current President, a graduate from Columbia and Harvard Law, whose grades and LSAT scores are sealed forever in a memory hole?

There’s a problem with all those smart people though.  They really aren’t all that smart.  Scheming, greedy for power, effective manipulators, yes.  Smart? Not so much.

Look at the evidence.  The US is $17T in debt with no hope of doing anything but digging a deeper hole over the next decade.  Dark blue states and cities are insolvent and going bankrupt.  Illinois, California, Detroit, Chicago, a half dozen major cities in Pennsylvania and the latest to hit the radar, New York State.

Here’s the latest in Progressive Folly from Associated Press as pertains to New York.

I do not know what my Daughter will grow up to be, but I do know that I will raise her to be  a God Fearing/Loving Christian woman. I will raise her in The Word. I have taken on the responsibility of raising a daughter and she will see and feel that she is my priority. I will work hard to provide for her, but I will not let the world intrude on our family time. I will not make the mistake of being her friend, I will be her Dad… because that is what she will need.

Public Declaration:

I will Love her
I will teach her
I will show her GOD’s love
I will support her
I will encourage her
I will Love her
I will be patient
I will be understanding
I will comfort her
I will be there for her
I will teach her family
I will teach her commitment
I will discipline her when needed
I will teach her responsibility
I will teach her to think for herself
I will teach her Love of Country
I will Love her
I will play dress up
I will teach her to shoot
I will teach her to fish
I will hug her
I will praise her
I will braid her hair
I will be silly
I will be there for her
I will Love her
And… I’m sure along the way you will teach me

These are my promises to you Samantha Jo, I love you and am very thankful that GOD has blessed us with you and that I get to be your Dad.



I. A pool of Representatives shall be elected by each state and the number to represent that state shall be apportioned to the number of verified votes cast in that state. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to give control of the government over to those that actually participate in how it is run. In short, if a state does not have people that are interested in the running of the country, they shall not have as much of a say in how it is run.
II. A Representative shall not only have been a citizen of the country for at least seven years but also a resident of that state for at least twice the length of time of the office that they run for, resident defined as that being their place of living when their work does not prevent them from being there and the place where they vote. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is that by a candidate having to be a resident of the area for at least twice the length of the term of the office that they seek it will help to insure that the candidate actually knows the feelings of the people that they are to represent.
III. Legislators that do not vote on at least ninety percent of bills put before the branch for any reason other than debilitating illness shall be considered to have voluntarily resigned and another is to take their place. A vote of attendance is no longer valid and will count as an absence, each legislator should have done enough researching and soul searching to have a vote on the record for each bill. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to eliminate from office those that do not fulfill their duty by setting a guideline of ninety percent participation that must be met or exceeded or the person will be removed from office and replaced.
IV. Legislators are no longer immune from arrest for their actions going to or coming from sessions. Purpose: This was a perk that put legislators above citizens, it was wrong to do so; so the purpose of this amendment is to nullify that statement.
V. Congress shall not have the ability to borrow money in the name of the country except in dire circumstances such as a long war, which must then have a two thirds majority to do so. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to prevent deficits in the budget from overspending by eliminating the ability to borrow; except in extreme emergencies which will require two thirds of the legislators to agree and then it must be paid back immediately.
VI. Congress shall no longer be able to set the value of money, nor shall it be able to produce more money than there is physical wealth held in reserve to back it up. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to make sure that a deficit can not be manufactured using false values on money.
VII. Each bill submitted must be for only one thing, (example: no putting a new dam in the desert linked to a school funding bill), no attachments or riders. If such things are deemed necessary the bill is to be rewritten and resubmitted. Each bill shall have a recorded vote of all in favor and all opposed, these records shall be open to the public. Each bill shall have a purpose written and attached to it in layman’s terms and it is this purpose that is to be used to enforce that law. If it can not be but into layman’s terms it shall not be submitted. The purpose must be concise and clear so that legal battles do follow trying to figure out what it really means and if the average citizen can not understand the law, they can not be held responsible for obeying it. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to make sure that there is accountability for each decision that the legislators make by having each decision separate and a written public record of the vote on each issue by name of the legislator and their position on that issue, that the intent of the law is understood by almost everybody so that it may be obeyed and to prevent abuse of power by changing the interpretation of a law to mean something else; by having the purpose or intent stated clearly and that the purpose the standard by which the issue is judged in court and by the public.
VIII. Legislators shall be compensated in direct proportion to the average income of the citizenry and only for the portion of the year that they spend in the capitol and are voting on legislation, if they do not vote; they do not get paid. Legislators can not vote themselves or anybody else more benefits than the average citizen can afford and has. Free mailings from the postal service may only be used to gather information about how citizens feel about certain subjects, any reference to the legislator’s opinion, past voting, or attempts at vote getting through this service shall be misappropriation of government funds and prosecuted accordingly. No legislator or their family shall be afforded more courtesy by any other public employee or official than shall be granted to any citizen with the exception that they may be granted extra time for a meeting (no using tax dollars to pay for search and rescue of family members of legislators unless the same has been done and is available for every citizen). Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to set compensation rates for legislators to the income of the average citizen with portioned deductions for not participating in votes on the floor. To limit the use of Benefits to only work related mail and to only things that the average citizen has to make sure that public officials are treated the same as citizens.
IX. The legislature is to convene on December 1st of each year and shall adjourn on the last day of April. An extension may be granted in rare instances such as war when their presence is required. (The shorter session may mean that they need to prioritize their agenda and decide what they must get done and what they can let go!) The first bill to be passed will be the budget, nothing else can be introduced until this has been passed and accepted, other bills may be introduced and discussed while waiting for the President to sign the budget, but no votes are to be taken until it has been signed. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to set the dates of each session of Congress, to make sure the budget is not held up in political maneuvering by making it be the first thing that is passed, to force the Congress to prioritize the issues so that if there is not enough time to work on all of them they will get to the most important ones and to help legislators remember that every law passed removes part or all of a freedom from somebody so they should judicious about passing them.
X. Legislators shall not be able to pass laws requiring that people purchase things (like car insurance) unless they have put in place a system that insures that it is affordable to every citizen. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to make sure that laws requiring the purchase of any item by citizens does not put an undue burden on the poorer members of society by making it illegal to pass such a law without a system in place to assure that it can be purchased at a reasonable rate by all that are required to have it.
XI. No law may be passed ‘for our own safety’, Laws regarding warnings may be appropriate, but rather or not a person wears a seatbelt and so on is up to them. It is not their job to protect us against ourselves; it is instead to protect us against hurting others. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to prevent the passage of laws that remove products or practices that are safe if used properly by intelligent people, ie..if a hundred people kill themselves by using electricity wrong they can make electricity illegal based solely on that fact when thousands are using it safely.
XII. No private meetings between Legislators or their staff and lobbyist. A central meeting place that allows public scrutiny shall be set up for such meetings. The only thing to be offered or accepted by either party is information and opinions on the subject under discussion. A record of the dates and times of all such meetings must be kept and open to the public. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to try to eliminate bribes by setting up public places were lobbyist can meet with legislators and their staff to give them information.
XIII. Each bill must have a section explaining why it would not be served to pass it on a lower level rather than the federal one. If a bill passes the vote in the legislature, then a vote on that reason is taken and if it does not pass by two thirds, the bill is dismissed. Purpose: Local laws for local people are always best and should be done unless the law governs a subject so vast that it needs to be standardized in a larger format so a law governing the growing of peaches has no place on a federal docket because it is a regional concern, but one covering drugs could be.
XIV. The definition of treason is expanded to include any federal employee or elected official that takes a bribe or favor and this crime is punishable by means up to death and in cases of bribery shall not require two witnesses if there is a preponderance of evidence. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to make sure that public servants understand that accepting a bribe or favor is a crime against every citizen and therefore is treason and is punishable by death.
XV. The Electoral College shall only be used until such a time that all votes can be counted and the results known in under a month, after that time it is to go to a one vote one count system. All systems of voting must have a verifiable paper trail associated with it. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to make sure that the way elections are held keeps up with technology by eliminating the Electoral College when technology reaches the point where all the votes can be tallied and the results transferred to the capital in less that thirty days and that all voting procedures have a paper record of each vote in case a recount has to be done.
XVI. Presidential compensation shall never be more than the average income of the citizenry and portioned to the amount of time that they spend not on holiday or vacation. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to set the pay for the President at that of the average citizen with deductions made proportioned to work schedule.
XVII. The president shall no longer have the authority to grant reprieves and pardons to people involved in cases that are remotely connected to them or to close associates. Purpose: To prevent a repeat of history were a president would pardon his cronies for doing illegal acts is the purpose of this amendment
XVIII. The Judicial branch only has the right to say if a law is Constitutional or not, it can not hand down rules that must be followed, in effect taking over the legislative branches duties. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to make sure that the separation of the two branches is clearly understood , that the limits of the Judicial is to only determine the legality of a law and to is not allowed to set laws in place.
XIX. Evidence against an accused can not be disregarded regardless of how it was obtained. If it was illegally obtained prosecute the offender of that crime, do not let the accused go free. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to try to set the Judicial branch back on the path for justice as much as legality, all evidence is evidence and shall be allowed in court; if laws were broken in obtaining that evidence then the persons that broke those laws shall be prosecuted in accordance to the law.
XX. All evidence available must be presented to the jury, not just what is convenient for one side or the other; this includes the past record of the accused and the investigators. Failing to do so will lead to prosecution for perjury. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to prevent the exclusion of evidence that might prove a person’s innocence or guilt. Both the prosecution and defense must present all evidence that it has pertaining to the case so the jurors can make a fair decision, failure to do so is to be considered perjury by omission and prosecuted.
XXI. The jurors have the right to ask questions of any witness through the judge and the judge must ask any question that is not blatantly off track or offensive. Purpose: Jurors must have a firm grasp on what has happened and may need clarification of certain facts to know the truth so that it is imperative that they be able to ask pertinent questions of all of those testifying and those questions are to be asked by the judge to protect the identity of which juror asked; that is the purpose of this amendment.
XXII. A person committing a crime has no right to the presumption of innocence while they are committing the crime and forfeit all rights during the act of committing the crime. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to protect the citizen from being sued or prosecuted for accidents or injuries happening to a criminal while they are committing a crime by letting it be known that any person committing a crime has given up all rights during the act of committing that crime, those rights are reinstated once the act is no longer happening.
XXIII. A lawyer has the responsibility to presume his client to be innocent. Once he knows that they are not innocent, any lawyer that helps to get their client freed of the charges is subject to prosecution as an accomplice in the crime. Purpose: A lawyer who gets a person out that they know is guilty has aided and abetted them just as surely as if they had provided them with money and knocked out the guard, so they should be punished accordingly. That is the purpose of this amendment.
XXIV. Any use of force on a civilian by any member of government or in employment thereof shall be subject to review by a board of five people, one from the police, one internal affairs officer, and three civilians selected at random from the juror’s pool. Any force used by any well armed and trained unit (such as the police) must be shown to be the least amount of force needed to contain the situation (Shooting a person that has a knife when a tazer was available is not the least amount of force). Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to prevent the use of excessive force by public servants which usually have greater numbers and deadlier weapons by setting up a system of review by a board of three civilians an two police to review all cases in which force was used and to make the results known to the public.
XXV. Any person having never been convicted of a violent crime has the right to own and have in their house firearms for self protection. Any person upon completing a gun safety, proficiency, and legal use class that does not have a felony conviction or is not at that time under felony indictment may carry a firearm with them. To draw a firearm in a menacing or reckless manner may lead to prosecution and the right to carry a firearm being revoked. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to clarify the second amendment and let it be known that citizens without felony arrest do have an avenue to be able to carry them with them outside of t
XXVI. No firearm with less than a fourteen inch barrel shall be legal if it can be or has been modified to become fully automatic. Carrying such a weapon shall be a felony. Purpose: Due to accuracy issues fully automatic weapons with short barrels can not be used safely with out risking death or injury to innocent people. This law pertains to Public servants, military, and civilians.
XXVII. No income tax shall ever be levied on individuals. Industries may be taxed on income up to fifteen percent based upon the profit it has made. Ten percent for profit margins over one hundred and ten percent of the average income of the citizens and more tax the higher the profit. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to set forth a control on revenue collection from individuals by the government, so that no income tax can be levied as it was originally written in the Constitution.
XXVIII. No law shall be passed to restrict or encourage religion within or outside of the government. The government has no authority to require or prohibit prayer or religious symbols anywhere other than in places where gatherings are prohibited anyway as long as the participants act within the law as far as volume and civil obedience. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to clarify that no religion may be forced upon or taught to the people, nor can one be persecuted. This does not however mean that those of one religion or of no religion can try to have the other religions discriminated against that no one religion shall be entitled to more benefits under the law than the rest.
XXIX. Unreasonable search and seizure is expanded to include tactics like using Game Wardens to do it, or making a person stay in their vehicle so that the authorities can say they saw something suspicious. If such incidents occur the evidence may be used but the offending authority must be prosecuted for false imprisonment inside the vehicle and/or breaking and entering for the illegal search. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to protect the right to not be subjected to unwarranted search by deceptive practices.
XXX. The President and the Vice President shall be listed separate on all ballots and no ballot shall have any reference to the party affiliation of any candidate. Purpose: To allow for the election of the candidate that the people want. Current system did not allow people to vote for who they want to succeed the President if anything happened to them and the purpose of this amendment is to give the people the choice.
XXXI. A panel of people selected at random from juror’s pools, one from each state, shall be convened and paid and treated the same as Legislators. It is their duty to review all questionable acts by the government and hand down decisions to the public about them. They are to also review any ‘political’ maneuvering like ‘filibustering’ done by the legislature and if a majority consensus is reached that it is wrong for it to have happened, it will be passed to the Ethics Committee for handling, this record and a record of the committees response shall be released to the public and media weekly. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to set up a system to check on and control the activities of public servants and that the system shall be set to have one participant from each state chosen at random.
XXXII. Any public employee or official, rather elected or hired, by seeking or accepting that position has by ‘implied consent’ and by placing themselves as an example of the law; voluntarily placed themselves in a position where any infraction of those laws will be dealt with harshly, the offender must suffer at least twice the penalty of any regular citizen. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to provide for punishment of public servants that use their title or authority wrong and to make sure that they receive punishment for breaking their oath to the people as well as breaking the law.
XXXIII. Cruel and unusual shall be defined as anything that purposefully draws out the death in a painful manner or amounts to torture of a convicted criminal. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to define the statement cruel and unusual so that it will stop arguments about laws on the books.
XXXIV. Certain crimes are heinous enough to warrant the death penalty even though nobody physically died during the commission of the crime. Rape of a child under twelve, especially a baby meets this criterion. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to reverse a decision made by the Supreme Court and allow the death sentence for particularly bad crimes.
XXXV. No person convicted of a felony shall be entitled to anymore than we guarantee every citizen, with the exception that we are obligated to give them enough to survive. Work programs shall be set up to give them a way to earn more food or something else, but they will have to earn it. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to stop the coddling of inmates with services while civilians suffer, but also to set up a work system where they can earn extras if they work for them, the same as in civilian life.
XXXVI. Any social program will be set up as an account where a person can get out of it what they put into it and no more. Any person that is on a social program shall be required to work for the help that they receive. No person shall be able to increase the number of dependence while on a social program unless they were pregnant when they joined and then only by the child or children born of that pregnancy. Any unused funds shall be distributed to those in need that have not established an account, but it is to be done in the form of a loan. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to prevent abuse of social programs by a few and to set a method of funding such programs.
XXXVII. Divorce shall no longer be granted except in proved cases of adultery, abuse (physical or emotional), or abandonment and the person causing the divorce will be entitled to nothing except the clothes on their body as they walk away, all properties go the remaining spouse. Purpose: Children need two parents whenever possible. If people are not sure that they will try to stay together they should not get married. This punishes those that break their word and the contract of marriage. That is the purpose of this amendment.
XXXVIII. Any government subsidies given to any industry is to be considered a loan and will be paid back as soon as possible and failure to do so will warrant the forfeiture of all processions of the company. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to stop handouts to rich moneymaking industries at the expense of civilians.
XXXIX. Any industry exporting jobs shall be subject to large import taxes on their product or service. Any company wishing to move completely out of the country is subject to have all of its processions here in the States seized. Purpose: American companies should benefit American people; if they will not do it willingly they can pay for it with taxes. The purpose of this amendment is set forth the ground rules on that.
XL. Any industry leader that ignores known health risk in selling a product is personally held responsible as well as the industry and may be prosecuted under the law. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to assure that those that make the decision to put people at risk are held responsible and can not hide behind the cloak of being an industry.
XLI. All seizures for breaking federal laws shall be auctioned to the public. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to help eliminate corruption of officials that use seizure laws to profit themselves.
XLII. When the internet is running again any law violations on it shall be punishable by death due to the anonymity and ease of concealment of the perpetrator. Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to set punishment for crimes done on the internet to a high enough standard to compensate for the difficulty in tracking down the perpetrators.
The Constitution was written to set down the guidelines for operation of the government and for the protection of the citizens from that government. We are aware that it is an adjustable document and was designed that way so that it could be adjusted to fit the changing times in which we live. It was written by patriots and statesmen who risk life and liberty to secure the right of self-rule for this country. I do not think that these people who toiled so hard over the wording and meaning of their work could have foreseen the day when the government was run by career politicians. The major problem is that most politicians are so far removed from the general public that they really have no idea what their concerns and needs are. How can a person that lives on more than five times the income of their constituents and can vote themselves a raise understand the daily concerns of the people? At this point in time we have a government that is run by politicians where the majority will not vote to get rid of lobbyist pandering and earmarking of funds to serve their own desires. A justice department that is so far removed from the search for justice that we now refer to it as the legal system ; in view of it’s pursuit of what the letter of the law says instead of what is just and fair. The executive branch also has been corrupted, if by no other means than that of the election process where only the rich and a member of the two major parties can have a chance of securing the presidency. While the executive branch changes from one President to another, some of the abuses of power like pardons for friends and supporters seem to be becoming a trend.

To some this may sound like the ravings of an anarchist madman who is out to destroy the government; I assure you that this is not the case. I along with many other Americans would be on the shores with my rifle to defend it from being overthrown, but it would be naive to think we do not have problems and can not do better. While there are very obvious problems with the way things are being done, this government is still one of the best ever. Should we settle for “good enough†or “it is still working� Settling for this could prove to be a catastrophe. History has shown that once a government is on its way out, it will fall. I believe we need to make adjustments to the government now to protect the future for our children, waiting can leave them in the hands of a tyrant, either through the revolution of people feeling oppressed and outcast or through the suppression efforts of those trying to hold on to power.
The following are things that I think should be addressed and suggestions on how to address them. I am in no way trying to say that I have all the answers, in fact I am sure that I do not. There may be unforeseen consequences to some of my ideas or even gaps in logic; due to my own prides and prejudices. The purpose here is to get the discussion started so that we may find the answers and save this government.

My views on education are my most radical ideas and I know that many will disagree with them, but hopefully it will get some conversation going. I do hope that you will think about the logic of what I say before you dismiss it. I do believe that math and science are very important and are also survival tools for many situations (ask McGyver, ha ha). Many other subjects also should be taught that are not even considered. A course in logic can help anybody throughout their life if they apply it. Philosophy can also help a person to see problems and people from other perspectives; this can prove invaluable in life. Health is also important, but should be
taught as a science. Physical Education seems to be a thing of the past, but should be taught without making some students feel inferior because they do not excel in some areas. Self defense should be taught as part of phys. ed. especially in light of the 9-11 incidences. If the people on the plane over Pennsylvania had known how to defend themselves it probably would have had a much happier ending. The rise in gang activity and crime also shows reason to teach people how to defend themselves. Languages are also important, but I would like to see Latin starting to be taught at an early stage, while it is a dead language; most of the modern European languages stem from it. Knowing Latin would help anyone learn most of the European languages much easier.
Survival skills in the wild should be taught, everything from building shelter to gutting a deer. I once read a story about a small plane that crashed in the Rockies enroute from NYC to LA. All survived the landing but none made it out alive, if only one of them had some survival knowledge they all might have been saved. The point is that all of them were city dwellers and figured they would never need to know wilderness survival, they were wrong. The primary job of parents as teachers is to teach our children what they need to know to survive, since the schools are taking over that job; I feel they should do it well. The skills of fishing, hunting, archery, marksmanship, firearm safety, fire pit cooking, shelter building, navigation, and cleaning game can save lives in an uncertain future. Even if a person never uses them, they will also help teach confidence and self reliance. I have had people get upset about teaching marksmanship and firearm safety and have often been asked if I really wanted the gang members to be good marksmen. My answer is definitely. It is ignorance (lack of knowledge) that is most likely to get somebody accidentally killed with a firearm. Even if you do not want your children to touch a gun, they have learned about them from movies and video games; the problem is that most of that is a lie. Better they know the right way in case they ever find one or somebody else has one. As far as marksmanship, I feel that all should be proficient with a firearm in case they ever did have to defend their life or family. If gang members were good marksmen when they set out to kill a rival member they would be much less likely to shoot some little girl standing on the street instead of their real target. Personally, I do not mind if they kill each other off, it is the life they chose let them die with it, but that little girl should not have to die because they were such bad shots that they used an Uzi instead of an accurate revolver. Equipped with these lessons the children of this country would be much better equipped to survive.
INCOME TAX--- I believe we should do away with this tax and institute a sales tax, I have suggested this for years and recently heard it mentioned in the primaries.
This tax should be on everything except basic foods, exceptions could be made for clothing sold by non-profit organizations.
This would assure that the drug dealers and all others that do not declare their income would pay their share if they wanted to buy something. There would still be those that would not pay their fair share, like those buying stolen property or drugs, but at least they would have to pay when they bought a new car or whatever. If a corporation wanted to spend a few million on a yacht for their executive, they could, but they would still have to pay the tax and not have it as a write-off. The biggest corporations and the wealthiest people are often the ones that pay the lowest percentage of their income in taxes. This would go a long way toward leveling the playing field.


From my friend DISPOSABLE:

The Second Ammendment is not about the right to own a rifle. It was put in place by our forefathers who knew that an unarmed citizenry is helpless against a tyrant and that another inalienable right is to protect ourselves. With it they were declaring that the people should always be able to defend themselves against the government.
That in fact, the goverment should never be harmed to the point that the citizens were defenseless.They could not see the day when things like tanks and cruise missles would exist, upsetting that balance completely; but I am sure that they would panic to see what little protection we do have being stripped away and limited by that very Government.


Lies and half-truths is all that we seem to be getting from the government these days. The latest lie is that military-style guns have no legitimate purpose in the hands of civilians. Of course the media is in on it. The government can’t really do anything without the media. The media is the machine that carries the lies out to the uneducated masses.

There has been a lot of debate about these weapons and a lot of terms being used, inappropriately, by both sides. So I am not going to go into the detailed operation of each firearm type and the proper nomenclature, except for one. The term “assault weapon” was high jacked by the government and gun control crowd, from the term “assault rifle” which is used to describe a military firearm capable of “selective fire.”

An “assault rifle” is a firearm that could be used in two different ways. It is a combination rifle; one that is suitable for a rifleman or infantry in one mode and also suitable for storming an occupied position where rapid fire of multiple rounds is necessary to subdue the enemy.

Since these terms are very similar, the media gets it wrong most of the time and that is why the government likes it so much. Now that it is an accepted term, to describe any military-looking weapon or “scary” weapons, the gun grabbers are now saying that no one needs these weapons for self-defense, and they are not very good for self-defense, and we should ban them.

If you look at an M16 military assault rifle, there is a three-position switch on the side of the receiver. It has positions for Safe, Semi, and Auto. This is a selective fire weapon. Semi mode is for the rifleman who is picking out targets at range to efficiently fire rounds hitting targets. Auto mode is for assaulting multiple targets that are in close quarters or massed together and laying down suppressive fire. Suppressive fire is just that, keeping the enemy’s heads down by shooting at them so your men can move from one position to another without getting hit. These selective fire weapons are not available to the public without stringent and specific licenses. All civilian models do not have, nor can they be converted without extensive knowledge, to selective fire.

If you have followed the terminology so far, and understand that the combination of an assault weapon or submachine gun was a fully automatic firearm and a rifleman’s rifle was an auto-loading rifle designed for accuracy, together in one firearm coined the term “assault rifle.” The liberals highjacked the “assault weapon” term and are now using it to describe neither of these firearm types.

To further compound the lie, the government does not use any of these terms when procuring weapons for its own use. They are called Personal Defense Weapons or (PDW) which is the term describing a selective fire weapon in a government procurement request. Additionally, “DHS and its components have a requirement for a 5.56x45mm NATO, select-fire firearm suitable for personal defense use in close quarters and/or when maximum concealment is required.”

So the government on one hand is telling us that these weapons are not suitable for personal defense and on the other hand it is saying that they are. By the way they want to buy 7,000 of them for Border patrol, ICE, and FPS agents.

Honey mixed with poison, America: The government is mixing lies and half-truths to disarm Americans.

Once upon a time, there was a people who inhabited a majestic land under an all-powerful government. Now this government had the resources to control practically every aspect of human existence; hundreds of thousands of "public servants" could access the most personal details of every citizen's life because everyone was issued a number at birth with which the government would track him throughout his life. No one could even work in gainful employment without this number.

True, the government left certain domains of individual action largely free, particularly matters concerning speech and sex. These activities posed no real threat to the state. When not used to entertain and divert, the power of speech was used principally to clamor for more or better goods from the state, or for "reforms" to make the state work "better," thereby entrenching the people's dependency. And insofar as sex was concerned, well, the people's behavior in this area also really had no effect on the scope of state power. In fact, the rulers noted that people's preoccupation with matters of sexual morality – whether premarital, teenage pregnancy, adultery, divorce, homosexuality or general "who's zooming who" – diverted the people's attention from the fact that they were, for economic and all other intents and purposes, slaves.

Slaves, though, who labored under the illusion that they were free. The people were a simple lot, politically speaking, and readily mistook the ability to give free reign to their appetites as the essence of "personal freedom."

In that fruitful land, the state took about 50 percent of everything the people earned through numerous forms of taxation, up from about 25 percent only a generation earlier. However, this boastful people, who believed themselves to be the freest on earth, retained the right to keep and bear arms. Tens of millions of them possessed firearms – just in case their government became tyrannical and enslaved them.

In that land, an astronomical number of regulations, filling more than 96,000 pages in the government's "code of regulations," were promulgated by persons who were not elected by the people. The regulators often developed close relationships with the businesses they regulated, and work in "agencies" that had the power both to make law – and to enforce it.

The agencies were not established by the government's constitution, and their existence violated that instrument's principle of separation of powers. Yet the people retained the right to keep and bear arms. Just in case their government, some day, ceased to be a "government of the people."

In that land, the constitution contemplated that the people would be governed by two separate levels of government – "national" and "local." Matters that concerned the people most intimately – health, education, welfare, crime, and the environment – were to be left almost exclusively to the local level, so that those who made and enforced the laws lived close to the people who were subject to the laws, and felt their effects.

So that different people who had different ideas about such things would not be subject to a "one size fits all" standard that would apply if the national government dealt with such matters. Competition among different localities for people, who could move freely from one place to another, would act as a reality check on the passage of unnecessary or unwise laws.

But in a time of great crisis called the Great Economic Downturn, the people and their leaders clamored for "national solutions to national problems," and the constitution was "interpreted" by the Majestic Court to permit the national government to pass laws regulating practically everything that had been reserved for the localities.

Now the people had the pleasure of being governed by not one, but two beneficent governments with two sets of laws regulating the same things. Now the people could be prosecuted by not one, but two governments for the same activities and conduct. Still this fiercely independent people retained the right to keep and bear arms. Just in case their government, some day, no longer secured the blessings of liberty to themselves or their posterity.

In that fair land, property owners could be held liable under the nation's environmental legislation for the cleanup costs associated with toxic chemicals, even if the owners had not caused the problem. Another set of laws provided for asset forfeiture and permitted government agencies to confiscate property without first establishing guilt.

Yet the people retained the right to keep and bear arms. Just in case their government denied them due process by holding them liable for things that were not their fault. (The Majestic Court had long ago determined that "due process" did not prevent government from imposing liability on people who were not at fault. "Due process," it turned out, meant little more than that a law had been passed in accordance with established procedures. You know, it was actually voted on, passed by a majority and signed by the president. If it met those standards, it didn't much matter what the law actually did.)

Oh well, the people had little real cause to worry. After all, those laws hardly ever affected anyone that they knew. Certainly not the people who mattered most of all: the country's favorite celebrities and sports teams, who so occupied the people's attention. And how bad could it be if it had not yet been the subject of a Movie of the Week, telling them what to think and how to feel about it?

In that wide-open land, the police often established roadblocks to check that the people's papers were in order. The police – armed agents of the rulers – used these occasions to ask the occupants whether they were carrying weapons or drugs. Sometimes the police would ask to search the vehicles, and the occupants – not knowing whether they could say no and wanting to prove that they were good guys by cooperating – would permit it.

The Majestic Court had pronounced these roadblocks and searches lawful on the novel theory, unknown to the country's Founding Forebears, that so long as the police were doing this to everyone equally, it didn't violate anyone's rights in particular.

The roadblocks sometimes caused annoying delays, but these lovers of the open road took it in stride. After all, they retained their right to keep and bear arms. Just in case their government, some day, engaged in unreasonable searches and seizures. In that bustling land, the choice of how to develop property was heavily regulated by local governments that often demanded fees or concessions for the privilege. That is, when the development was not prohibited outright by national "moistland" regulations that had no foundation in statutory or constitutional law.

Even home owners often required permission to simply build an addition to their homes, or to erect a tool shed on their so-called private property. And so it seemed that "private property" became, not a system protecting individual liberty, but a system which, while providing the illusion of ownership, actually just allocated and assigned government-mandated burdens and responsibilities.

Still, this mightily productive people believed themselves to live in the most capitalistic society on earth, a society dedicated to the protection of private property. And so they retained the right to keep and bear arms. Just in case their government ever sought to deprive them of their property without just compensation.

Besides, the people had little cause for alarm. Far from worrying about government control of their property, the more immediate problem was: what to buy next?

The people were a simple lot, politically speaking, and readily mistook the ability to acquire an endless assortment of consumer goods as the essence of personal freedom.

The enlightened rulers of this great land did not seek to deprive the people of their right to bear arms. Unlike tyrants of the past, they had learned that it was not necessary to disarm the masses. The people proved time and time again that they were willing accomplices to the ever-expanding authority of the government, enslaved by their own desire for safety, security and welfare.

The people could have their guns. What did the rulers care? They already possessed the complete obedience that they required.

In fact, in their more Machiavellian moments, the rulers could be heard to admit that permitting the people the right to keep and bear arms was a marvelous tool of social control, for it provided the people with the illusion of freedom.

The people, among the most highly regulated on earth, told themselves that they were free because they retained the means of revolt. Just in case things ever got really bad. No one, however, seemed to have too clear an idea what "really bad" really meant. The people accepted the fact that their government no longer even remotely resembled the plan set forth in their original constitution. And the people's values no longer remotely resembled those of their Founding Forebears. The people, in their naïveté, really believed that the means of revolt were to be found in a piece of inanimate metal! Really it was laughable. And pathetic.

No, the rulers knew that the people could safely be trusted with arms. The government educated their children, provided for their retirement in old age, bequeathed assistance if they lost their jobs, mandated that they receive health care, and even doled out food and shelter if they were poor.

The government was the very air the people breathed from childhood to the grave. Few could imagine, let alone desire, any other kind of world.

To the extent that the people paid any attention to their system of government, the great mass spent their days simply clamoring for more or better "programs," more "rational" regulations, in short, more of the same. The only thing that really upset them was waste, fraud, or abuse of the existing programs. Such shenanigans brought forth vehement protests demanding that the government provide their services more efficiently, dammit!

The nation's stirring national anthem, adopted long ago by men who fought for their liberty, ended by posing a question, in hopes of keeping the spirit of liberty alive. Did the flag still fly, it asked, over the land of the free? Unfortunately, few considered that the answer to that question might really be no, for they had long since lost an understanding of what freedom really is.

No, in this land "freedom" had become something dark, frightening, and dangerous. The people lived in mortal terror that somewhere, sometime, some individual might make a decision or embark upon a course of action that was not first approved by some government official.

Security was far more preferable. How could anyone be truly free if he were not first safe and protected?

Now we must say goodbye to this fair country whose government toiled tirelessly to create the safety, fairness and luxury that all demanded, and that everyone knew could be created by passing just the right laws. Through it all, the people vigorously safeguarded their tradition of firearms ownership.

But they never knew – and never learned – that preserving a tradition and a way of life is not the same as preserving liberty. And they never knew – and never learned – that it's not about guns.  ~ Jeff Snyder

Dear ______________:

I realize it is customary to begin missives to elected representatives with the words Honorable Senator ______________ or Honorable Representative ______________, but I believe that title must be earned. Frankly, you (I am referring to you individually and to Congress as a whole) have not done so and, therefore, do not deserve to be addressed that way. However, the purpose of this letter is not to criticize you, but to inform you about what is happening in the country you were elected to serve.

According to a recent poll, Congress’ favorability ranks below lice, cockroaches, colonoscopies and root canals. Have you for a moment stopped to wonder why? It’s because a vast majority of Americans believe that Congress no longer represents them, but instead represents big corporations and, mostly, themselves and their cronies. The recent “fiscal cliff” deal is a perfect example. It socked a tax increase on 80 percent of American workers while doling out $76 billion in government money (which means my money) through special tax favors to large corporations, such as General Electric, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and DIAGEO, and to Hollywood and green energy companies. According to a recent column in The Washington Examiner, Senator Max Baucus’ (Fascist-Mont.) former staffers who are now lobbyists all got their clients millions of dollars in special benefits from the fiscal cliff deal. In return, Baucus received thousands of dollars in political contributions from those companies’ political action committees. Americans, myself included, believe this is standard operating procedure in Washington, D.C. And there is talk that additional tax increases on the middle class are on the way.

Upon your inauguration, you swore an oath, with your hand on a Bible, to uphold and defend the Constitution. You have repeatedly violated that oath by passing unConstitutional laws like the USA Patriot Act (and subsequent extensions) and the National Defense Authorization Act, which grants the President the authority to indefinitely detain American citizens and suspends habeas corpus. If I’m not mistaken, these unConstitutional laws contain provisions that in some way violate Amendments 1, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9. That’s quite a feat for two laws.

We live in a Nation that goes far beyond anything George Orwell imagined in 1984. Our emails are read, our conversations are listened to, our cars have tracking devices and there are cameras everywhere watching our every move. Law enforcement has devices that can look through our clothes and into our cars and homes, and surveillance drones are patrolling our skies. Travelers are treated as criminals who must be strip searched or patted down before being allowed to fly — and sometimes before being allowed to board trains or buses. Many of us feel this is tyranny.

Now, in the wake of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, there is a great hue and cry among the elected class and the mainstream media about guns and gun violence. To hear them tell it, every gun owner in America is a potential mass murderer, especially those who happen to own a sporting rifle. You and I know that is balderdash.

The anti-gun lobby loves to pull out figures and statistics that it claims show that America is the most violent place on the planet, saying that if guns were simply banned, America would be a crime-free utopia. Let me give you some real statistics. Yes, the recent shootings at Sandy Hook and Aurora, Colo., were tragic and senseless. Do you know what their common denominators are? Both occurred in so-called “gun-free zones.” That means the shooters who made conscious choices to disregard our laws were able to freely attack a group of adults who were restricted by their desire to obey our laws from defending themselves and the children in their charge. Both shooters, as is the case with the vast majority of recent mass shooters, were on prescription psychotropic drugs prior to the attacks.

According to FBI crime data from 2011, rifles (of which the misnamed “assault rifle” is a subset) were used in only 323 of 8,583 firearms murders. This is a continuation of a long-established trend in which the rifle is the least-used of all firearm weapons involved in murders. Rifle use as a murder weapon even ranks below knives, blunt objects (clubs, hammers, etc.) and hands and feet.

In other words, rifles of all types kill less than one person per day. And fewer than 100 people are killed each year by rifles with magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. According to MotherJones.com, from 1982 through 2012 sporting rifles have been employed in mass shootings 35 times. They were used only three times in 2012. In those three attacks, 52 people died. Since the Sandy Hook shooting on Dec. 14, 40 juveniles (statistically speaking) have died in shootings using a weapon other than a sporting rifle. THAT’S JUST ONE MONTH.

Meanwhile, according to Childhelp, more than five children each day — or more than 1,825 per year — are killed by parental abuse. I realize that thinking about the 20 children gunned down by a drug-addled, mentally unstable man is gut-wrenching. But since the Sandy Hook shooting, about 10 times as many children have died at the hands of their parents, and almost twice as many have been killed in juvenile gang crimes. Why don’t these seem to concern you? Could it be because the media are not interested in talking about it and it won’t get you the “face time” you desire? Why aren’t you addressing the topic of the widespread administration of psychotropic drugs and their common link to mass shootings? Is it because you stand to lose political contributions from the medical-industrial complex?

Gun grabbers love to hold Great Britain up as a model of what happens when guns are banned. Well, let’s compare U.S. and U.K. crime statistics. Britain is the most violent country in the European Union. Since the imposition of the country’s gun ban following the Dunblane school massacre in 1996, recorded violent attacks have soared by 77 percent. The violent crime rate there is 2,034 per 100,000 residents.

Contrast that with the United States, which has a violent crime rate of only 386.3 per 100,000. That’s about one-fifth the rate of violent crime in the U.K. And this has trended down since the ban on “assault weapons” ended in 2004.

In the U.K., the weapon of choice to use in a violent crime is the knife. In 2006, there was one knife crime committed in Britain for every 374 people. In the U.S. in 2006, there was one gun crime for every 750 people. In other words, a person was twice as likely to be a victim of a knife crime in the U.K. as he was a gun crime in the United States.

What about guns? The media frenzy that followed the Dunblane massacre led the British government to pass the Firearms Act of 1998, which instituted a nearly complete ban on handguns. Handgun owners were required to turn their guns over to the government, and those who sought to follow the law did so. But the Act didn’t end mass shootings. Another one occurred in 2010. However, within 10 years after the gun ban was enacted, gun crimes had almost doubled. British police are now arming themselves in response to armed gangs. Meanwhile, British citizens are helpless against attacks by criminals wielding knives, clubs, rocks, ropes, chains, axes and anything else that can be used as a weapon.

It also did not have the effect of ending gun crimes. From April 2010 through March 2011, there were 60 shooting homicides in the U.K., despite an almost complete ban on guns. And the number of annual shootings continues to increase.

What the law has done is make criminals out of law-abiding citizens, as in the case of Paul Clarke, a taxi driver who found a shotgun in his yard and turned it into the police only to be arrested for possessing it, and Iraq War veteran Danny Nightingale, who was given a Glock pistol as a gift by Iraqi forces he had trained. That gun was packed in his bags by colleagues when he left Iraq to bury two friends who were killed in action. When the gun was located, Nightingale was forced to plead guilty to possessing it in order to avoid a five-year sentence.

Since the “assault weapons” ban in the United States ended in 2004, gun crimes in the United States have decreased. Not only that, but according to statistics by the Department of Justice, as the number of guns per 1,000 U.S. citizens has increased, the number of serious violent crimes per 1 million population has dropped.

Now to the mood of the country. Americans have been pushed and pushed until they are near the brink. Much of the blame for their anger falls on a government that is out of touch with middle America and tone deaf to its pleas. Most Americans see Congresses past and present inserting fingers into every aspect of daily life: whether it’s the amount of water that can pass through a toilet or the type of light bulb can be used or how much ethanol has to be in gasoline or how one can use his own property or what type of health insurance he must pay for. Now comes the threat that law-abiding Americans will have to surrender their guns — which Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (Communist-Calif.) proposed bill will require — and be restricted from purchasing a gun simply because it looks frightening, carries a high-capacity magazine and a bunch of pointed-headed, intellectual, overeducated elitists have decided it is not “needed” for hunting. And banning large capacity magazines is attacking a problem that is statistically insigificant.

The 2nd Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights — as were all the first 10 Amendments — to restrict what government can do. It was designed to ensure that Americans could deter or, if necessary, overthrow a tyrannical government — you know, the type of government that Representative Jerrold Nadler (Communist-N.Y.) would institute because he believes, as he told a reporter recently, “that the state should have a monopoly on legitimate violence.” When the state has “a monopoly on legitimate violence,” Americans are no longer citizens; they are subjects. Americans will not become subjects.

The 2nd Amendment was not included in the Bill of Rights to ensure Americans could hunt or defend themselves against criminals, so the argument that we “don’t need” guns with “large capacity clips (sic)” — by the way, the proper word is magazines — is a non sequitur. How do I know this? Here are the words of some of our Founding Fathers:

Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence … From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that is good — George Washington

[W]hen the resolution of enslaving America was formed in Great Britain, the British Parliament was advised by an artful man, –who was governor of Pennsylvania, to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them… — George Mason, The Virginia Ratifying Convention

Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? It is feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American . . . . [T]he unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people.” — Tench Coxe

Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands? — Patrick Henry

Despite what you and those of your ilk seem to believe, it is not the job of Congress or the President to decide what Americans “need” or for what purpose. Americans are quite capable of deciding that for themselves. Nowhere does the Constitution give you the authority to legislate weapons in any way. Nor does the President have this authority, as all laws are to come from the legislative branch, per Article 1, Section 8.

Many, if not most, Americans feel there are already ample gun laws in place. In fact, an argument can be made that many if not all current gun laws violate the Constitution — not that unConstitutional laws seem to bother you people. But I can assure you that, should a bill be passed by Congress and signed by the President that in any way approaches the one being proposed by Feinstein, there will be blood in the streets once Federal agents begin knocking on doors of gun owners to fingerprint and register them. Feinstein’s proposed bill makes many weapons non-transferable, which is the equivalent of weapons confiscation. This will be resisted, as will registration and fingerprinting of gun owners.

And you can tell the President that any executive orders that infringes on the 2nd Amendment will also be ignored and resisted. You see, your passage of laws — or executive orders or whatever you want to call them — that are unConstitutional do not make them any less unConstitutional. Nor does consent to those unConstitutional laws by the Supreme Court give them validity.

Our rights come from our Creator, not government. Therefore, government cannot take them away.

In closing, I want to urge you to consider at great length what you will be starting if, in response to a senseless criminal act, you pass additional burdensome laws on people who have no desire nor inclination to commit criminal acts with the firearms they own — laws that would not reduce gun crime or prevent future Sandy Hook-style massacres but would only add burden and expense to lawful, legitimate gun owners. Gun crimes are committed by criminals. Criminals are criminals because they choose to ignore the laws. Writing additional laws will not serve as a deterrent.

The vast majority of gun crimes are committed by gang bangers and criminals, many of whom are prohibited from possessing a gun under current laws. For the most part, they obtain their guns illegally: either on the black market or by theft. Those committing gun crimes with legitimately purchased weapons are rare outliers.

As proven in Great Britain and Australia, additional gun control laws will neither end nor deter those with criminal intent from committing criminal acts. They will serve only to put the law-abiding public in further danger. That danger will come from two places: the criminal class that will see undefended citizens as easy targets and the Federal agents who will be tasked with enforcing unConstitutional laws.

But those Federal agents tasked to register and/or confiscate weapons will be putting themselves at risk as well, and any violence that results will be on your hands. The threat of arrest or death will cause some to give up their arms peaceably. But as was the case on April 19, 1775 at Lexington and Concord when the British came to confiscate arms and weapons, there will be many patriots who rise up to resist this usurpation. I have spoken to a number of current and former members of the U.S. military who say they will be a part of that resistance group. These are people who have already shown a willingness to die in order to defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.

I pray to God that you enter into any gun control negotiations prayerfully and with a full understanding of the mood of the country. You have been warned.

Respectfully submitted,

Bob Livingston

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