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Watch, It Releases A Plume Of Smoke
Written By: Doug Yurchey Posted: 11/20/2005 Could Hurricane Katrina and other Catagory-5 hurricanes have been artificially created? The very idea that someone or some agency did this sounds utterly impossible and crazy to most people. Actually, it seems incredible to those who have never entertained such notions before. To others who know that the weather can be manipulated and the feds are up to no good, then the concept of unnatural weather disasters does not sound so fantastic. From Scott Stevens’ website Weather Wars.info: ‘It’s as if the entire Gulf Coast were obliterated by the worst kind of weapon you can imagine.’ - President G.W. Bush as he toured Alabama and Mississippi. ‘Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of Electro-Magnetic waves.So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It’s real…’ - Secretary of Defense William Cohen, 1997 Counterterrorism Conference, Athens, Georgia. Scott Stevens has appeared on CNN with his idea of purposeful weather-manipulation. It is rare that concepts as unconventional as artificial weather or weather being used as a weapon make it on the television news and normal media. Scott ‘weather-wars’ Stevens praises the work of Tom Bearden. ‘His latest paper is absolutely essential in understanding how this scaler technology works, how long it has been active, who runs it and why finally what it is immediately capable of.’ Bearden describes what kinds of events are planned for the U.S. in the coming years. The following is an edited excerpt of Bearden’s paper dated 10/13/04. This date precedes the Sri Lankan Tsunami and the Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. ‘…The weather engineering against the United States continues today under the rogue Japanese teams on site in Russia…In 2004, we have entered a 2-year final preparation phase. These operations have been intensified and will continue to be intense, wreaking great economic damage. Hurricanes Charlie, Frances, Ivan, Jeanne, etc. have been no exception to the Yakuza weather engineering…which included directly influencing and controlling each hurricane’s power and behavior, as well as directing its course and speed so as to choose its targeting path. Indeed, Ivan did a 180 degree turn; Jeanne did a 360 degree loop before reaching Florida, demonstrating the degree of control available.’ Scott Stevens: As a television weatherman, I first met this information with skepticism, who wouldn’t?...almost completely rejecting the concept that weather-modification, outside of cloud-seeding, is possible. Additional clues kept creeping in…The endgame has arrived, just as the Powers That Be knew it would. My only question is whether it is later or earlier than their anticipation. This planet’s destiny is set…only the details have yet to occur…the possibility of regaining our sovereignty; that issue yet remains to be determined. If humanity only knew that this choice presently exists. The alarm bells are ringing; it is time to wake-up. On an alternative news agency, an article called ‘Hurricane Katrina – Who Benefits?’ was written by Sherman H. Skolnick. The following is the beginning of that article: ‘Some meteorologists contend there has been weather warfare. That is, they say, that there have been true man-made hurricanes, Ivan [the Terrible], 2004, and Katrina, 2005. And, that these storms were created by technology long known and directed to specific areas. One weatherman asserted that Russia has long claimed they can send extreme weather and turbulence from Siberia targeting the United States. He proclaimed that Russia did that with Ivan…in 2004 and Katrina in 2005.’ ‘Conspiracy Planet,’ The Alternative News and History Network (Your Antidote to Media Cartel Propaganda)…contained the article: Weather Warfare: Was Katrina A Man-Made Hurricane? by U.S. Air Force (EDITOR’S NOTE: Was Hurricane Katrina a phenomenon of weather warfare? Was it a test of Pentagon ‘capabilities’? Or is it the continuation of some other covert warfare of heretofore undisclosed factions?) Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2005. A Research Paper Presented to Air Force. (August, 1996) ‘In the U.S., weather-modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. Our government will pursue such a policy, depending on its interests, at various levels. In this paper we show that appropriate application of weather-modification can provide battlespace dominance to a degree never before imagined. In the future, such operations will enhance air and space superiority and provide new options for battlespace shaping and battlespace awareness.’ From Fox News.com, September 21, 2005; the story was called: Out There: Man-Made Hurricanes? Global warming? Act of God? Nope, says one Idaho weatherman. Hurricane Katrina was a part of a man-made plot against America. Stevens: ‘A battle in the skies is waged daily. Some battles are won and others lost. We yet know not which…For years this massive global project has been underway, but only now is it making it to the forefront of the consciousness of those with curious minds.’ On September 2, 2005, David Icke wrote a newsletter entitled: TWO WAYS OF READING HURRICANE KATRINA. I GO FOR THE UNNATURAL DISASTER. (the following are exerpts): Over the decades, weather-modification has developed to an ever advanced potential for controlling patterns and triggering specific events. In terms of earthquakes and hurricanes, they certainly have the means. Nikola Tesla, who invented or discovered radio, television, radar, neon light, alternating current, particle beams, among much else, was able to manipulate the weather in the early part of the 20th Century. [He could make rain, disperse clouds, etc.] He was well known to police in Greenwich Village responding to complaints from terrified neighbors about the lightning bolts originating from the top of his building. [Tesla also artificially created New York’s worse earthquake by a small resonator vibrating the steel support beam of his building. The accumulation of resonance once more caused damage and alerted the police]. The Illuminati plan is to create maximum chaos to instill maximum fear to create a sense of maximum dependency on authority. They want multi-leveled chaos to justify the imposition of marshal law, concentration camps, centralized dictatorship and the Orwellian global state in all its forms. 1997 Popular Mechanics – Modern Battles Will Be Won By Controlling The Weather. 2000 Weather.com - Controlling The Weather. Boston Globe: Don’t Like The Weather? Change It. Weather Wars. Chemtrails. (the undisclosed, unauthorized dispensing of aluminum particles via jet engine contrails to solve global warming). Chemtrails in Phoenix, Arizona. (Chemtrails stay and remain visible for long periods while normal contrails are only water vapor and disappear quickly). Hurricane Ivan: Meteorological Firsts. The 2004 Braziliam Hurricane Anomaly. Angels Don’t Play This HAARP. Can Hurricanes Be Used as Weapons of Mass Destruction? If Not, Why Did the United Nations Outlaw Such Practices? by Michael Shore 9/5/05 What the masses of human beings all over the world have not been told is that it is possible to control and manipulate weather with a technology called ‘scaler energy.’ These energy weapons have other major capabilities that are even more dangerous than atomic weapons. Scaler Weapons could literally destroy the world! After Tesla died, the U.S. and Russia raced to confiscate all of Tesla’s papers. Within his writings and drawings was the secret of energy technology…unlimited power which could clearly be used to dominate the world if it wound up in the wrong hands. This amazing technology can also be used to heal people from many diseases, simply and for pennies. It also can be misused to induce disease in masses of people. Human beings are forced to continue to suffer from diseases that can be easily and successfully treated using Tesla’s technology. Scaler technology can also be used in an evil way and has the potential to cause huge amounts of damage by using the weather as a Weapon of Mass Destruction. This technology exists now. Laws have tried, in vain, to be passed that say Scaler Weapons cannot be used as a ‘weapon.’ Unfortunately, the U.S., Russia, Japan, etc. have been pursuing the use of advanced energy technology to control the weather. Paul Hunt, of the Atlantis Bookstore in Burbank, CA., wrote: We may be dealing with several factors and a complex web of events that led to the U.S. losing one of its largest ports and a big chunk of its oil production. Also, there is the loss of thousands of lives, an estimated 100 billion dollars or more in damages and the complete loss of confidence in FEMA and the Red Cross agencies to respond to our people in time of dire need. Many researchers are focusing on the real possibility of Weather Warfare in conjunction with global warming. Men like Tom Bearden, Bob Fletcher, Stan Deyo and others have been warning us of this for a long time. Not only is it possible for major governments to possess the ability to create or alter and direct storms, hurricanes, earthquakes and other events…but many are studying the actions of Secret Societies and private groups to do the same. The research of Ed Haslam has revealed an astonishing example of either outright sabotage or gross incompetence at the height of the Katrina storm. The pumping stations were pumping out thousands of cubic feet per second from the rain soaked City into the canal which would normally carry the water into the lake. A massive blockage at the Hammond Bridge caused the water to back up and then blow out the levee (or it was blown with EXPLOSIVES) and flood the City. New Orleans is often flooded. For 100 years, the massive pumps have never failed to clear the water. Was this a monstrous act of sabotage, or a terrible act of incompetence? Will the Bush gang ever come clean or even ask the question of what happened? The search goes on for those who are striving for answers. Locals, Officials Suggested Levees were Intentionally Blown. by Steve Watson Could the levees in New Orleans have been intentionally blown out in order to provide the justification for total FEMA federal takeover? The locals certainly think so, yet as usual, the mainstream media is barely picking up on this wave of opinion…(Katrina) was not the monster described. The storm passed through with relatively minor damage. According to the New York Times, Dr. Shea Penland of the Pontchartrain Institute was surprised because the break (of the levee) was ‘along a section that was just upgraded…it had a vertical concrete wall several feet thick.’ Many locals have come forward to suggest the levees were breached on purpose by the authorities. This scenario is not so crazy as it sounds. The exact same thing has happened before and in the same city. In 1927, the Mississippi River broke its banks in 145 places, depositing 30 feet of water over 27,000 squares miles of land. The great disaster changed American history. Blacks were driven northward. White business owners pressured the state to DYNAMITE the levees upstream, releasing torrents of water into black areas. Blacks were forced to work on flood relief at gunpoint, like slaves. The above information comes from the book ‘Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and how it Changed America’ by John M. Barry. Levees were also intentionally blasted after Hurricane Betsy struck New Orleans in 1965. There were reports of many EXPLOSIONS HEARD in New Orleans. Officials say they were transformers blowing up. Total Information Analysis has reported a claim by intelligence expert Tom Heneghen that 25 earwitnesses cited explosions immediately BEFORE the levee breach. This writer has engaged in numerous arguments over the question of WHY? Why would the government, authorities or Secret Societies do this? Besides the idea that this is their secret policy; to cause all the chaos, hardships and bloodshed in the world so those in control remain in control…there is another motive. This was mentioned in Michael Shores article on September 2, 2005: ‘Man-Made Storm’ For Profits? Tesla’s SCALER technology is being used by the U.S., Russia, Japan, and possibly other countries to create Weather Weapons of Mass Destruction. Since the people have not been made aware of this amazing technology, the individuals (the Illuminati) who control the world’s major governments can use Scaler technology ‘for profit’ without being detected by over 6 billion humans on Earth. What you hear being broadcasted over the airwaves after Katrina is that the price of oil is going to go way UP. The hurricane is being blamed for the much higher prices of oil that is about to take place…It is no accident that Bush, Cheney, Rice, etc. all happen to be connected to the Saudis and the oil conglomerates. The Afghani and Iraqi wars are all about TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF OIL in those regions. The Illuminati and their government agents, Bush, Cheney, Rice, Putin, Sharon, etc. all play their roles in their hideous agenda of total control of this planet. They do not care or have any compassion for the general public. The Bush gang stands to benefit financially from Hurricane Katrina to the tune of hundreds of billions and over the long term, trillions of dollars. They will receive large contracts to rebuild New Orleans and surrounding areas. They will exploit this tragedy and be able to buy the devastated property for pennies. Their banks will receive huge amounts of interest on loans…This horrific and insane ‘destroy and rebuild’ plan FOR PROFIT was used in WW1, WW2 and is currently being used in Iraq… People should WAKE UP to what is happening all around them. What is truly going on behind the scenes? What is the REAL story that television, newspapers and the usual media will never expose? This writer wrote an article called ‘The Artificial World We Live In.’ Many things we assume are natural are, in truth, unnatural. Why did Rita, the most powerful storm ever recorded, occur immediately after Katrina? Maybe to give the public the false sense that these are merely natural events? See, this sort of thing happens all of the time; very normal. Even Hurricane Wilma seemed to make a 300 degree turn. It was, no doubt, directed to do so with a push of a button or the pull of a lever. ‘Weather’ seems to be the hot topic today. CBS has produced a TV-movie called ‘Category 7.’ Nicolas Cage’s new film is ‘The Weatherman.’ The National Geographic Channel just aired ‘Inside Katrina.’ This is not the inside story of what really happened. It is a watered-down (excuse the pun) special programming us with THEIR version of events. Do not believe that this is the only story. The NGC is a network that routinely criticizes the paranormal, ESP, UFOs and is blatant propaganda for the Powers That Be. Remember…this network also aired ‘Inside 911’ which was total lies broadcasted to the American people. [Watch for Doug Yurchey’s coming article: ‘The Great 911 Majic Trick.’] Haven’t we seen this all before? After September 11, 2001, there was old man Bush and Bill Clinton appearing for the relief efforts. (We have a one-party system in this country, not 2). Here again, the past presidents are lined up because they care so damn much. Once again, there are concerts and (controlled) celebrities with their assistance after a terrible crisis. When are the people going to wake up to the truth? Huge amounts of money have been given to aid the victims of the hurricanes: much more than what was given after the Sri Lanka Tsunami; more than what was contributed for the 911 families or in the efforts to help with WW2. Never has there been such a flow of finance because of the Gulf hurricanes. The Red Cross and FEMA are not the wonderful organizations we are programmed to believe. Corruption is everywhere. It was very surprising to hear (on the news) that contributions and aid were NOT going to where they were supposed to go. What is HAARP? This stands for High frequency Active Auroral Research Program. Dan Eden’s website is called ‘Weapons of Total Destruction.’ He writes: ‘It is a technically difficult program to discus with non-scientists and, as such, it has eluded the spotlight of the popular press. In addition, HAARP has been maintained partially as a clandestine project, operated by the U.S. Navy. The information that is made available to the public is carefully worded to make HAARP appear as a bland, harmless, unclassified, atmospheric research facility.’ On HAARP’s home page of its website, the first thing we read after the title is a memorial to 911. There is a flag and near it says: ‘We are united. We are resolved. We will not forget.’ Obviously, this is a clue to the evil behind it. ‘The official HAARP facility is located in Gakuna, Alaska. The site consists of a collection of antennae, arranged in a computer-controlled grid, known as a phased array.’ A phased array has the ability to focus radio signals in a precise direction…’ Long ago, Nikola Tesla was intensely disturbed when they made an ‘electric chair’ out of his beautiful AC Current invention. ‘Radio Waves’ could be used to power the planet with wireless electricity. Instead of changing the world for the better and using Tesla patents to give us FREE ENERGY…governments have perverted radio waves to cause Weather Wars. Tesla would also be beyond revulsion to learn the feds have covertly twisted his concepts for the purpose of mass destruction. An article by Ed Strong is entitled: HAARP: The U.S. has Climate-Change Weapon [Did it cause Katrina?] ‘This United Nations-banned weapon system can trigger hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis.’ It is not outrageous to believe that last year’s tsunami was artificially made. Would the government of the United States actually have unleashed this incredibly destructive technology on its own citizens? The vast majority of people would not think so. Yet, most people are completely influenced by their televisions and newspapers. The media is like a commercial for the U.S. A commercial never criticizes or brings out the bad points of the manufacturer who is paying all the bills. Edward R. Murrow said: ‘We should never confuse dissent with disloyalty.’ This is the country that created the AIDS virus and distributed it among the ‘disposable’ people. This is the country that blew up its own federal building in Oklahoma City and blamed it on a bogus fertilizer bomb. This is the country that conned the world by crashing its own CIA, remote-controlled planes into the WTC to begin a war for oil. FYI: The planes that struck the towers were not the ones that took off that day and a missile (not a passenger plane) hit the Pentagon. Please keep an open mind and try to see through the federal lies. This writer told Scott Stevens, through e-mails, that it is not Russia or Japan doing all this horrible damage and creating these new Weather Wars. It is not just the United States that is to blame. The guilty parties are the ones who have ALWAYS caused needless chaos and wars: They are the Secret Societies. It is a global conspiracy; it is England and the Vatican; it is the richest and most powerful people on Earth behind the evil. This is the country that is a proud member of a Secret World Government. We remain under the fascist rule of Britain and the Vatican (Church and State). Learn of Secret Societies. Break from the media programming that affects all of us like a disease. Go to controversial conspiracy-type websites and learn. Open your eyes. Read books that question the status quo. Learn of the secrets that have been kept from you. Discover the truth; you never will over the television news and documentaries. Research alternative sources of information. One alternative source is to listen to ‘The Power Hour with Joyce and Dave.’ Look them up; they have many affiliates. Search through their archives on their website and LISTEN. You will hear a totally different point of view than the brainwashing we are so familiar with. At the Atlantis Bookstore in Burbank, CA…it was shocking to see how many books, videos, tapes and documentaries there are concerning the Big 911 Lie and the artificialness of Hurricane Katrina. But, they are UNDERGROUND. This was information not told to the public over the media. Before you criticize…hear the evidence, find out the arguments of the other side and make up your own mind… Your comments and questions are welcome. Write to dugko@surfside.net On a Side Note, I've Done My Own Research On This One, In My Eyes, It Was Man Made Congress Even Passed A Bill For Weather Augmentation, Shortly Before Katrina Hit.


According to some historians, ANAGRAMS originated in the 4th Century B.C. with the Greek poet Lycophron, who used them to flatter the rich and mighty. Other sources suggest that Pythagorus, in the 6th Century B.C., used anagrams to discover philosophic meanings. Plato and his followers believed that anagrams revealed divinity and destiny. In early Roman times, anagrams were thought to have prophetic powers. In the 16th and 17th centuries, scientists such as Galileo and mystics like Nostradamus recorded their controversial theories in anagram form (for safety reasons). The French King Louis XIII appointed Thomas Billon as his Royal Anagramist. From the Encyclopedia Americana: ‘Anagrams date from ancient times. Composing them was a favorite pastime during the Middle Ages, when a mystic connection was believed to exist between the nature or fate of a person and an anagram derived from his name.’ Today, switched-around letters are considered amusing word games and brainteasers. We have LOST what could be the true significance of anagrams. Were the ancients more aware of the deeper meanings in Life? Did they know the secret relevance of anagrams? Thanks to the modern anagram-search-engine, ‘Anagram Genius,’ we can make amazing discoveries instantly! The following examples are excerpts from my manuscript ‘The Anagram Code.’ These particular ones are on the subject of UFOs, space and those involved in certain government conspiracies. Using anagrams for divining answers to historical mysteries and great unknowns is certainly not a conventional method. However, consider the following. Forgive the fictional references; they are sci-fi and included to demonstrate that anagrams work even for fiction. Anagrams work for other languages, Latin, Chinese and possibly the ancient hieroglyphics. Here is only the smallest preview from a potential book that will shock the readers! Anagrams are speaking to us. Should we not, at least, LISTEN? Albert Einstein = ten elite brains Elite Brains.net N.B. Israeli tenet stern alien, I bet Alien = an lie Alien Spacecraft = a scare, felt panic faces panic later Another Flying Saucer = race of hunting slayer searching nature, O fly! aint’ UFO angry lechers funnily, other gas race UFO night races, nearly any cue for Earthlings eye for launching star nuclear thing, foes ray years flouncing Earth angrily confuse Earth large, tinny search UFO launch, stay foreigner Apollo Thirteen = an or little hope a trip to one hell not halo reptile top latrine hole not pilot healer Area Fifty-One = a fiery fate, no? fear a tiny foe eat of fine ray on a fiery fate Astronomer = moon starer Astronomy = O my, no star Atlantis = lit Satan tin Atlas it’s natal Bermuda Triangle = burglar dementia I am great blunder beam true darling Betty and Barney Hill = ya, hell-bent banditry hell, by neat banditry ya, hell-bent, tiny drab held by brainy talent Bill Gates = glib Tesla Close Encounters of the Third Kind = host children ride ten-cent UFOs, OK? cold feet or thin-skinned touchers Clouds of Venus = unsolved focus loved sun focus Conspiracy Theory = hysteric crap, no? oy! Cydonia = day icon an icy do David Icke = kid advice Death of Nikola Tesla = deathlike fool Satan Earth = heart Terah Thera Edward Teller = lewd, elder rat well retarded relate lewd Dr. well, at red, red! Enterprise = serene trip Federal Bureau of Investigation = if found alive, abuse, interrogate favorite agent buried alien’s UFO but a figure of evidential reason O, for beautiful agents are divine on average, beautiful, iron-fisted a beautiful giant is done forever Flying Saucer = U.S. lying farce fly using care Flying Saucers = safely cursing Angel’s sic fury German Automotive Industry = ANTI-GRAVITY, momentous rude Gillian Anderson = alien’s DNA on girl no aliens, darling aliens land on rig and aliens on girl long alien drains Houston…Tranquility Base Here, the Eagle has Landed = er, hello again, oh hi…ended a lunar quest by the States International Space Station = it is not a pleasant container it is not a planet, or as ancient O, CIA, antenna listens, patriot James Forrestal = star Major feels star Major flees ‘lets,’ Major fears lest major fears jet, fears, morals James Vincent Forrestal = Majestic novel transfer J. Robert Oppenheimer = eh, jet improper boner jet bore improper hen Lemuria = I am rule I’m a rule aim: rule I’m a lure Life on Mars = alien forms from aliens no slim fear so frail men if man’s role of minerals Lost in Space = so, let’s panic lone spastic special tons Mars = arms NASA Space Program = rampages on as crap maps sap arrogance National Aeronautics and Space Administration = aim is to land pods in/near USA area. Can it? No, it can’t. Neil Armstrong = Mr. Strong Alien no girl, star men Nikola Tesla = take all ions last alien, OK? talk so alien alias: ol Kent Palomar Observatory = lo, a starry romp above Richard Hoagland = halo and arch grid Roswell and the Aliens = swellhead on latrines Science-Fiction = once scientific Space, the Final Frontier = in search of life-pattern Life, respect, faith ran on this off-center airplane Space Tourism = I come up stars Space Travel = re: vast place Tesla Coil = oscillate The Monuments of Mars = softer, human moments The Planet Earth = the eternal path elephant threat To Boldly Go Where No Man has Gone Before = we ogle the gals on board, be on form, honey ha, hero begs fellow to range beyond Moon women eggheads fool honorable rent-boy What Happened at Roswell? = that hallowed newspaper William Shatner = slim alien ‘Wrath’ Will is Earthman hair sit well, man minstrel? ha, wail Zecharia Sitchin = hi, narcistic haze aha, rich citizens is rich, antic haze Examine the above anagrams again and more closely. See that the letters on one side of the equal sign truly are the exact same as on the other side of the equal sign. Each column of anagrams is listed in order of the ones that make the most sense. WHY AND HOW DO THEY DO WHAT THEY DO? After placing many thousands of subjects in the anagram-search-engine, the answers remain hard to define. Who can say what this is? ‘The Anagram Code’ reveals prophetic ones such as: Princess Diana = ascend in Paris a car spin is end dies in car, snap ‘Spooky’ is the word for possibly an anagram-consciousness. Who is talking to us through anagrams? Is this the same as Ouija boards, tarot cards, crystal balls and tea leaves? Whatever the truth is…anagrams are an untapped source of knowledge. Imagine if the ancients played with computer search-engines. Let us really stretch our imaginations as to attempt to answer: Where is Osama Bin Laden? First, look at his anagrams… Osama Bin Laden = a damn alien SOB old man in a base in a mad one’s lab so bad alien man bad as Lenin, Mao O man, bad aliens These 13 letters, switched-around, do equal the commentary. The descriptions fit Bin Laden. Now, the Prime Minister of England, Tony Blair, also has many accurate anagrams. They are not complimentary. Here is an interesting one: ‘lay ‘n orbit’ Could the reason the War on Terror continues and why we cannot find Osama Bin Laden is he is being kept in orbit? In orbit is the perfect place to secure someone from ever being discovered by the media and public eye. Why do so many famous people have relatable anagrams? Why are politicians always portrayed negatively by anagrams? Why were anagrammed political organizations usually described as corrupt institutions? Can anagrams be more reliable than the federally owned media? Everyone should explore ‘Anagram Genius’ and make their own discoveries. Long held questions can be answered in letters. It was a marvelous experience to find the secret significance to certain anagrams. Readers will not believe what mysteries are brought to light until they see for themselves. I feel I have found new Nostradamus quatrains or like the first person who deciphered lines from the Dead Sea Scrolls. Look for the book ‘The Anagram Code.’ The book will begin a new field of research, which is actually a rediscovery of an old science. by Doug Yurchey dugko@surfside.net
From the author of ‘The Real Reason Marijuana is Illegal’ dugko@surfside.net In this day and age, to still have ‘Reefer Madness’ aired over the networks is madness. It is insane to broadcast reports whose only purpose is to sway audiences to the same, old, federal-agenda that we have heard ever since 1936. Rather’s Report does not appear as ‘Reefer Madness’ when aired on the HD channels in sparkling, colorful detail. Wait a minute, that’s what television is…PROGRAMMING! Why would I think ‘shows’ are anything more, such as informative, educational or just plain capable of telling the truth? What else do you expect from Dan Rather? Mr. 60 Minutes (like his previous show and many other highly paid talking heads) never exposed a thing. Certainly, 60 Minutes, Dan and the boys are not running an EXPOSE’ – they are high-tech propaganda in its purest form. Why are these guys NEVER subject to TV ratings? If NO ONE watched and ratings were 0.00, ratings would be faked and the poor public would STILL have to be fed the BS. The programming is not blatant lies or anything illegal; it takes the viewers in wrong directions. It is subtle MANIPULATION OF THE MASSES. Dan Rather and so many others like him know they have influence and gravitational pull over you. They push you into preconceived agendas that are always aligned with the holy, federal government. They will touch upon federal crimes, but never attack the real problems or real issues. As long as they have you ‘thinking,’ they are the sources for cutting-edge reports, then they have succeeded. As long as they ‘move’ you, then they have won. Watch these people at work carefully. See if you can understand the real goal of the ‘special’ you view. See if you can read between the frames of the film and realize what they are really saying. They do what good lawyers do in any courtroom. They will hit you with THEIR shortcomings; take YOUR side in the issue FIRST. It is called a preemptive-strike. They ‘spin’ the facts and evidence in the case to THEIR way of thinking. They taint the truth with the demographical hope that you BUY it en mass. DON’T BUY IT… Be stronger than that when you face programming. QUESTION IT! CHALLENGE IT! After watching Dan Rather’s MARIJUANA Report, we should be questioning and challenging that very report. In the beginning, to get your attention, they previewed sensational stories ahead in the piece: Scientists say Marijuana will be the basis for a ‘blockbuster’ amount of new products and MEDICINES. Aspirin of the 21st Century! Marijuana in a spray bottle? Why are fields of Marijuana legally grown in our National Parks? Rather’s Report had SO many good things to say about pot, really. That is what they do like any skilled magician with the ‘pledge’ and the ‘turn.’ Wait until you receive the negative ‘prestige’ in the end. They will bait you then dovetail the viewer to their PLAN that had been laid out for you all along; to take any good thing for the public…and destroy it! Here are some of the Marijuana-positives presented in the recent Report: * They interviewed the head of a federal facility in Mississippi. The extremely secure facility researches new medicines derived from pot! The ‘marijuana factory,’ funded by your tax dollars, STUDIES MARIJUANA legally. The last words aired by the government agent was ‘…(marijuana) is a good drug.’ * They interviewed the scientist who discovered THC (1963), the active agent in marijuana. His early research led to the government’s Marijuana Farm that produces hundreds of pounds each year for research all over the world. * They admitted, ‘Marijuana was the #1 Cash Crop!’ * They mentioned how California passed Act 215 ten years ago making it legal for Californians to medically use cannabis with a doctor’s excuse. * They, the Powers That Be, actually revealed some of the incredible and unknown history of Hemp. The word ‘hemp’ was never uttered in Rather’s Report; which is sacrilege in the 21st Century. George Washington using ‘pot’ was discussed. In 1619, the state of Virginia REQUIRED ‘hemp’ (as it was known for thousands of years) cultivation. The Report stated ‘marihuana’ had been used as ‘money.’ The Ladies Home Journal suggested its usage three times a day. Rather’s report even flashed the 1942, wartime, government film asking patriotic farmers to grow hemp while never exposing any of the amazing background story of the controversial USDA-training film ‘Hemp for Victory.’ * The Report showed numerous, legitimate, scientific groups working on the goal of producing beneficial, cannabis-related products. * The Report presented a few cases of people physically helped by the use of marijuana. One woman, in particular, had a bad case of shingles. Pot usage helped her face muscles and alleviated her pain. In so many cases, marijuana was nearly a panacea; assisting patients in all areas that conventional and ‘chemical’ pharmaceuticals have failed. Then…slowly I turn…and Dan Rather’s SPIN suddenly views Cannabis Clubs and ‘dispenseries of marijuana’ as DRUG-DEALERS! That is not the case in California, but the ‘man’ just does not like it. The government does not like it that vast sums of money have exchanged hands in pot deals for whatever reasons and they do not get their Mafia cut. The pharmaceutical companies do not like it that people are simply growing or using home remedies CHEAPLY. They would prefer selling you a very expensive cannabis-pill! The Report stressed how when one of these pot dispensaries or Cannabis Clubs comes into town, the crime level increases. There are ‘shoot-outs’ and break-ins. Basically, the M-clubs are a ‘danger’ to the neighborhood. Of course, there is no mention of the Amsterdam-effect or the truth. The truth is when MARIJUANA is permitted and used, crime goes down. There are less arrests and delinquency. Amsterdam is the proof. The Report attacked the Cannabis Clubs. They examined a case where a dog was given a marijuana excuse from a doctor. The segment was designed to ridicule the idea of using weed as medicine; anyone could receive a pot prescription. They interviewed a school principle faced with the dilemma of students having a ‘doctor’s excuse for marijuana.’ Dan Rather’s piece purposely focused on ways ANYONE could receive a doctor’s excuse. What this does is ruin it for the REAL CASES WHERE THE ONLY SOLUTION TO PHYSICAL PROBLEMS AND PAIN IS CANNABIS! (The truth is HEMP, as it ought to be called, should be reasonably priced and available in drug stores). Dan Rather (believe it or not) showed us a ‘straight,’ normal mouse. Then, we see a mouse that is ‘very, very high.’ The high one is STONED and virtually motionless, just lying down. The ‘normal’ one sniffed and was hyperactive. Maybe the stoned one got a lot on his mind now since you have pumped him with massive amounts of potent pot! He’s only a little mouse! Something tells me he was not given a mouse-sized dose of THC. You take 20 hits of windowpane acid and see if you are not lying down contemplating universes colliding! Is this not 21st Century ‘Reefer Madness’ in HD? The Report explored anything and everything but the plain truth that smoking it is a benefit. They outlined how marijuana became illegal, barely. Harry J. Anslinger and his slick, McCarthy-like tactics were mentioned. Why were William Randolph Hearst’s name and sins omitted? They also failed to name the Dupont Corp. as a co-conspirator. How about a British company, GW Pharmaceuticals, recently, being the first licensed company to sell a CHEMICAL made from cannabis? Now, there is a spray bottle of SATIVEX. Whatever happened to Marinol? The synthetic THC has been used for decades. Why does the Report only focus on the ‘GW’ company as if it was the first time this had ever been done? Stop making chemicals from a NATURAL CURE! The synthetics are not as good or as beneficial as the real thing. The chemical way always has side effects and is a risk to users. Pharmaceuticals/chemicals are the real danger. One can make an analogy to Tesla at this point. His Free Energy could have greatly helped the world. Just as herbal, home, God-given PLANT remedies WORK. The ‘cheap’ (free) cures should be known as well as available. Instead, ‘they’ have erased the truth; buried the truth; or worse, totally twisted and perverted the truth. The few on top always gain and the large population of people always suffers. The natural way is what SHOULD be broadcasted over the airwaves. The public should be informed and educated on true, natural cures. Medicines could be grown in our backyard. Instead, the mighty chemical and oil companies rule the world with their propaganda via the media. People remain in the dark. We have had the answers and the cures all along; the answers are natural, not pharmaceutical. The Report goes on to show a Canadian company with the first license to make ‘plant-based’ solutions including Marijuana. Prairie Plant Systems in Canada received the only shot available to make a cannabis-based business succeed. They are the only company in North America legally allowed to sell Marijuana for research without breaking the law. (California Cannabis Clubs are legal, Dan). One would think that since 1988, Prairie Plant Systems would be a BOOMING business. Dan Rather’s Report showed us how the company has been very unsuccessful. Arrests were made upon obtaining seeds. Everything seemed to go wrong for this company. Prairie Plant Systems grows its weed in Canada where it is cold. The company grows its marijuana plants UNDER A LAKE. Their pot is not grown the easiest and most efficient way, such as on a tropical island. No, its cannabis is grown in an inhospitable place. The Ebola virus has a level 4 security. The security level for PPS is level 8! This tells us that when they finally legalize marijuana production…IT IS SABOTAGED! They are ruining it. This is pot production the hard way. They allowed the experiment to fail. The purpose of including the Canadian company in Dan’s Report was obvious. The message was clear as a bell: If you intend to start a pot business and get rich, FORGET IT! You will lose your shirt! You will encounter too many problems; do not even try. The government knows how to grow pot and is doing so on federal land. National Parks and certain designated lands are reserved for growing pot. The Report tells us that illegal immigrants were brought in to tend the federal, marijuana crops. Again, we have ‘shoot-outs’ and the association with the criminal element. The truth is more likely that the good, old, U.S. government IS producing pot and pot products the right way. Maybe there is an underground where only those in the know have access to certain ‘black-market,’ high quality, pot products? Dan Rather’s Report blasts the federal, pot fields as well. But, there is a difference. Dan Rather is not calling the federal government a bunch of DRUG-DEALERS…and the truth is the federal government (CIA) is absolutely a gang of drug-runners. The War on Drugs is a joke. Drugs and weapons are big business and the feds are guilty of pushing both. Do not be surprised to discover that the feds have been behind the largest drug cartels and have been for a very long time. They actually reported that the ‘marijuana trade was more dangerous now than it ever was before.’ It remains ‘Reefer Madness’ to this day. There has been no progression or advancement in 80 years. The establishment will still LIE to you. Do not believe the propaganda. See it for what it is…not the truth. Why do ‘they’ treat their audience as stupid, immature children? No, Dan Rather, we’re mad as hell as we’re not going to take it anymore! How about treating the audience as INTELLIGENT viewers for once in your life, Dan? We are more enlightened these days, some of us, anyway. It is not the 30s, 40s or 50s where the public just accepts what celebrities tell them. Today, we are going to analyze the messenger. Big Brother does not like being exposed and the truth getting out. Stop telling us what we are supposed to think! How about informing the public on the great many quality products, medicines, oil & new FOOD products that can be produced from MARIJUANA? Now, THAT is a story! The conclusion of the Report was that ‘smoking marijuana was a very poor form of medicine and HAZARDOUS to your health!’ Nothing in the documentary suggested that. Can you believe it? That was their last word. Forget the real information, truth and medicinal data ‘they’ presented. Forget government info and numerous independent studies to the contrary. Forget thousands, or maybe millions, of personal accounts where HEMP is the only cure. LIES do not work on us anymore; we’ve grown up, Dan. The truth is a REAL ‘special’ would have informed the public of the many versatile, positive uses scientists will find for the hemp plant. Maybe SMOKING it is not bad either!
A MODERN STORY ABOUT AN ANCIENT ORDER An interview with Patrick Cain Q) What is the "Brotherhood of the Sun"? A) The world’s oldest and most powerful secret society. "Brotherhood of the Sun" is a metaphor for the hierarchy of humanity - the behind-the-scenes directors of world affairs. They were the original architects of civilization. The first sorcerers, scientists and sun worshipers - like Emperor Constantine, who was chief priest of the Sol Invictus - Invincible Sun - cult. Q) What’s the central premise of your book? A) There’s nothing new under the sun. More specifically, human nature hasn’t changed. Which is why history repeats. Although civilization has advanced technologically, it hasn’t evolved socially, spiritually. Even though we like to believe so. Q) Tell us a little about the story. A) The plot involves a maverick professor and student underground discovering the Brotherhood’s existence and exposing its secrets. Ironically, it backfires because society can’t handle the truth. Which makes for a great twist at the end. Q) What secrets? What truth? A) The true origin of religion and mythical foundation of civilization. Q) Where did religion originate? A) It’s a misbegotten offspring of science - namely, stellar science. Celestial navigation was the original form of divine guidance and heavenly knowledge. But once the scientific basis was lost studying the stars degenerated into a system of superstition. Speculative arts and cosmic cults were born. Stargazing took on a whole new meaning. Scientific instruments became religious icons. Q) For instance? A) The Christian and Celtic crosses came from the Cross-staff and Astrolabe, which were astronomical measuring devices. Celestial instrumentation enabled ancient astronomers to calculate the cosmos and neolithic sailors to circumnavigate the globe. Archaeoastronomical sites, like Stonehenge and the Pyramids, were part of a global navigational network. Giza was the prime Meridian. Q) What about Jesus Christ and Christianity, where do they fit into the picture? A) Just as the Brahman priesthood created the Chrishna legend, the Roman aristocracy concocted the Christ myth - to consolidate power and unify the Empire. Both solar caricatures’ birthdays fall on December 25th - right around the winter solstice. Christ coincidentally returns from the dead around Easter time, around the spring equinox, when life returns from its dormant state. Q) Are you saying the Gospel is a fable? A) The Gospel Story is an astronomical tale - interspersed with pseudo-history and gnostic teachings. The twelve disciples of Christ and twelve tribes of Israel represent the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The Lion of the tribe of Judah corresponds to Leo the Lion. "Israel" is actually an astrotheological designation. "Is" represents Isis, the moon goddess. "Ra" was the Egyptian sun god. And "El," from the Hebrew El-elyon and Elohim, stood for the sun and stars. "Is-Ra-El" originally represented those who worshipped the Sun, Moon and Stars - all the hosts of heaven, the stellar sources of life. Q) What about the Bible? A) It’s basically a Sun Book - Helios Biblios. Ezekiel’s vision of a "wheel within a wheel" was a planisphere or astrolabe surrounded by creatures of the Zodiac. The "vile abominations" that Ezekiel saw the elders of Israel committing was making astrological charts and casting horoscopes. It’s all astronomical science transformed into religious superstition. Q) What about western civilization? A) The Roman Empire descended from Rama’s Empire. Rome was founded on Rama’s birthday - in April, 753BC. Q) And America? A) Plato’s Republic inspired Bacon’s Atlantis, which, along with Virgil’s Aeneid, became America’s blueprint. DC is a Masonic haven, replete with esoteric architecture and zodiacal symbolism. Q) Weren’t America’s Founders, Masons? A) Most were. The principle players, like Franklin and Washington, were Masters Masons. The Masons initiated colonial rebellion, guided the Revolution, crafted the Constitution and designed DC. Q) What is Masonry? A) Another solar sect. Both Masonry and Christianity descended from Druidic sun worship. One evolved into a crude religion - the other, into a refined philosophy with esoteric overtones. Q) What do you think America’s future holds? A) The same fate as all empires - inevitable decline then collapse. But ultimately, morphing into another, hopefully wiser, solar society.

Oil Apocalypse

In contrast to the majority of my statements concerning our connection with infinite resources and immortal life spans in a web of connected consciousness, we are still playing a game with a beginning and an end, on a world where there is only so much we can waste. In the 70s this became quite apparent during what many believed was peak oil, and over the past few years, it is becoming apparent to yet another generation as they grapple with impossibly high oil prices as peak oil rears its head yet again. Conspiracists will tell you that we are swimming in a sea of energy—which is very true--and oil companies are engaging in uncompetitive practices—which may also be true--but that sea of alternative energy is currently unharvested, and our reliance has continued on fossil fuels to this day. But what is a fossil fuel, why is it a finite resource, and why will our continual reliance upon it over the next decade destroy everything that we have built over the past 120 years? Fossil fuel is a fantastic name for our current source of energy: dead organic matter that has existed in a compressed environment for millions of years. That’s right. We have had millions of years of dead organic matter that we have been using to fuel our cars and heat our homes, never thinking that dead organic matter will ever run out. There is a massive infrastructure in place to get that fossil fuel to everywhere on the planet. But it’s almost gone—and by almost, I am saying it will be much harder to get over the next decade as pumps dry up and gas stations close. Everywhere. And what will happen when it does? No more driving. There’s a kick in the balls for you. You’re welcome. All those cars on the planet will be practically worthless hunks of metal. And that means no one else will be driving either—including those massive trucks that transport food to your local grocery store, imports from China and out of season vegetables. Hell, how in the world will we harvest food when none of our tractors work and we can’t feed horses or mules to replace them? Most farm equipment runs on fossil fuels—famine will most assuredly kick in. Globalization, outsourcing, and climate change has been on the map for the past several years as the evil side of capitalization, but have no fear of any of these! Mother Earth knows how to fix the most impossible of problems as our engines are involuntarily shut off and the population of the planet drastically goes into a downward slope as we all walk around looking like holocaust victims. We all heat our homes with fossil fuels in winter. If those pipelines ever run dry (and they will shortly), the entire landscape of the United States and Europe will change as people flock to more tropical environments and flea their homes as the pipes would instantly freeze and they have no way of heating them, other than the climate. You think the current home foreclosures are bad..imagine a landscape of unkempt empty houses, empty stores, empty shelves! Skeletons with nothing inside, like leftover dinosaur bones with no meat on them nor organs within them. When fossil fuels begin its massive descent into uselessness since it will be a truly "dead" resource, the U.S. dollar will tank since they are directly tied together, and we have seen this over the past few years as oil cost has shot through the roof and the dollar has indeed tanked. I have lost approximately 30% of my income in the past year and a half because of the shifting dollar—and I get the majority of my money from the automotive industry. In other words, I have not been demoted by a living person—oil has demoted me! And that demotion will occur everywhere, to everyone, as we all struggle to survive because of our continual dependence upon this finite resource. What will most likely happen when the oil runs dry in the next few years is a turn to the environmentally destructive harvesting of shale oil found in Canada and the western United States, and a heavier reliance on burning coal. There are trillions of barrels in this soft clay, but to get it out pretty much turns the landscape into a wasteland that you might have become familiar with if you have ever played Half Life. In addition, more coal will be burnt to supplement the loss of energy from oil which currently gives you the most energy for your buck, filling the atmosphere with CO2, melting the polar ice caps, changing ocean currents, and flooding the coastal cities as the entire weather of the planet changes. Like most people, I have an evil side in me that actually wants to see all of this as I love disaster movies and watching things blow up, including major metropolitan areas and national landmarks, but honestly I am not self-sufficient whatsoever and have spent very little time up until now considering my own energy usage or how I will supplement any of that energy usage when the gas and oil is turned off and the lights go out. I have relied quite heavily upon globalization and am fine with giving other people money for favors. I cannot cook my own food, hold a knife, hammer a nail, and I have no idea how to fix anything in the house. Everyone around me knows this, knows why I am that way, and readily accept my money for their services. We recently had an energy specialist come over to our house as a form of community service, and her jaw dropped when she looked at our energy bills. I basically told her to stuff it, I pay for it, but after reading more about peak oil, I have seen the error of my ways. (I am, of course, saying this while using an electric heater under my desk to heat up the table top to make it easier for my wrists to type as I am stricken by dehabilitating RSI). In addition, when I lose my job because no one buys cars they cannot drive, I will have no money in which to give to others for their services, so I, like many others, will be a sitting duck, waiting to be picked off by a survivalist who, unlike me, has prepared by creating a solar-powered zombie-plowing jeep. The question is, should one invest and turn their house into a more self-sufficient power station, or should we wait a few years when the price of more efficient solar panels, wind turbines, and water catchment systems goes down to a more reasonable level? Should we start learning now how to cultivate our backyard gardens into caloric-filled paradises of potatoes and heavily carb-filled vegetables, or should we cross our fingers and throw our faith into the free and open market as energy giants invest more heavily into renewables? Our deserts are wide open and apparently useless—why not turn them into solar havens of energy collection? Our wind seems to be a renewable—why not install turbines above and below the water to capture all that movement, store it, so that we can once again move the unmovable? Or will that slow the spin of the earth, causing a new problem? Our fat people seem to have a lot of stored energy—why not force them to jump on an electricity-generating treadmills to give some of the love back to the world around them? Hydrogen fuel cells show at least some promise—why not just wait until more refueling stations outside of California are installed which would bring the price down for automotive makers, kicking off a new vehicle revolution? Every dollar you currently spend is a dollar that relies on non-renewable fossil fuels to even exist—think about that, and they don’t seem to be as interesting anymore. Despite all of this doom and gloom, I do not believe infinity will ever run out of energy. It is like saying that infinity will run out of matter, and they are pretty much the same thing—both of which were invented out of a whole lot of nothing. We are playing a game here. But how should one play it during this round? Please post any suggestions, links, etc. below because I am at a loss, and frankly, for the first time in my life, energized by the sobering concept of dwindling resources. I come from the land of plenty…but this century is beginning to look a bit bleak. I don’t want to grow my own barley. As a result, my fossil fuel addiction could quickly become weeded out of the gene pool. What about yours?
Something in the Ether? There is something stirring in the world - a kind of intellectual buzz coming from seemingly nowhere. This buzz is causing a great deal of imaginative inspiration and the uncovering of ancient truths once lost to mankind and now being re-found. When I was writing and researching for The Serpent Grail due out in May 2005 I was acutely aware of a void in the Grail arena. Everybody, to my mind, was going down the wrong path. Bloodlines of Christ, aliens and even medieval propaganda did not explain what I had discovered. It seemed there were no others on the same trail. And then another researcher called Gary Osborn got in touch. He wanted to tell me about an incredible discovery he had made. I welcomed his thoughts as I always do. But this time I was in awe. We had both come to the same conclusions from completely different angles. Amazed and somewhat in shock we decided to put our thoughts together to create the definitive Serpent Grail book. Before this time there was a vacuum occupied by Messrs Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln and the spurious Da Vinci Code. They were all wrong and being lead down a path that simply was not true. As I write this monologue it seems that many disparate groups are actually now coming to similar truths that we too have come to in complete isolation. This upsurge of “mental sparks” can only mean one thing to us – that what we have discovered is true. You see it all relates. The Jungian idea of the collective unconscious is only partly true. We say that Jung missed a big element that we will reveal through scientific means. Jung should have pushed a little more. What we have discovered was an ancient truth that implies great upsurges in mental “coincidence” across the globe. It is a kind of liquid synchronicity of thought and has been a massive secret for hundreds of years. Our discovery has lead us to yet more amazing discoveries and to the uncovering of hundreds of elements of ancient wisdom truths. It may be that by us moving back the stone from the tomb of the mind we have unleashed a great torrent of esoteric activity, or it may be more simple. The fact remains that when The Serpent Grail is released it will we hope, help people like us to uncover yet more mysteries of the ancients. For more information or to book the authors for events in 2005/2006 see www.gardinerosborn.com They also have the new Shining Ones coming out end of 2005 to be followed by The Serpent Axis and Gateway to the Serpent Realm.
Written By: Danielle Lee Posted: 5/20/2008 With so many questions pertaining to the paranormal, it’s hard to grasp what the truth really is. The mystery of the glowing orbs in photos, the ominous electronic voice phenomena, why ghosts are seen wearing clothes and the ultimate question of why on earth do these deceased earthly patrons cling to the mortal realm. It’s easy to understand why so many living individuals are frightened, and sometimes petrified, by these anonymous unknowns. For the majority of the population, the question of whether or not these mysterious anomalies actually exist is still up for debate. But for most ghost hunters, we’re pretty convinced they exist. Too many unexplained experiences occur for us to simply cast them aside as imagination or coincidence. Far too many eerie and bizarre events have happened that we inevitably cannot logically explain with rational and scientific probabilities. Passionately, we ghost hunters march forward into dark and unknown territory. With flashlights blazing and sweaty palms clutching our recorders, we stumble through poorly lit domains. Hearts pounding, eyes scanning the environment diligently and ears set to sensitive. All senses are heightened and ready to catch that all important and desired moment of glory. We brave cold weather, long nights, cramped closets and damp basements, all in the name of paranormal science. Then, in the darkness, a light of hope emerges. There is movement, there is an ominous figure standing just a few feet away. We cling to our camera, we call to our crew, we reach for the recorder to catch any unearthly whispers of EVP (electronic voice phenomena). It’s just hovering there, waiting. Question is...now what? The moment you’ve been waiting for all your paranormal investigating life and you don’t have a clue what to do or say. This is where science and the paranormal may clash a little. True, you could ask questions and hope that the electronic voice phenomena with capture the secrets of the dead. You could attempt to speak to the apparition verbally and hope that the lines of communication have good reception that day and they will be able to be heard audibly. But the most effective way to communicate is through telepathy. I know, that sounds like unscientific mumbo jumbo, but we are not dealing with an exact science here are we? This is where your intuition, your dusty, rarely used sixth sense is going to have to kick into gear. There are a few ways that ghosts communicate at a telepathic level. They can verbalize words through thoughts. Just like a radio wave, they send out the thought and the intuitive part of your brain can ’hear’ it. It is a very primitive form of telepathy, but yes, you have it. We all do, most of us just never use it. The challenge with this form of communication is that it is difficult to determine what is imagination, your own thoughts or the actual spirit’s words. Quite honestly, the spirits voice and thoughts are vastly different from your own, so it’s not as difficult to distinguish once you recognize the difference. Another way that they may communicate is by sending waves of pictures into your consciousness. Flashes of places, people and events may involuntarily dance into your thoughts. Don’t ignore these, trust your rusty sixth sense. These images may hold clues as to what the spirit wants from you or to tell you. They are on this realm for a reason, usually to right a wrong that occurred in life, they are trying to help you to understand what they need to say. Thirdly, communication can occur with intense sensations. They can impress physical sensation onto you possibly explaining what caused their death. This can be unpleasant, but not intolerable. You may just feel a tingling or light pain where the ghost incurred injury in life. So this is how they may communicate with you, how do you communicate in return? Oddly enough, speaking out loud can be effective, but even more effective is writing out what you are speaking. When writing, a subconscious area of the brain is activated and can enable the spirit to better interpret what you are attempting to articulate. Ouija boards work in the same way, while concentrating on the board, you are essentially keeping the conscious part of your brain occupied therefore allowing your subconscious to explore more efficiently. Considering that spirits can utilize EVP recordings to their advantage, one might hypothesize that the reverse would also be effective. If one could adjust the frequency to the opposite end of the spectrum of what the ghost uses to imprint their voice, we may be able to have a two way radio effect with the other side. Controlling one’s fears and apprehensions are crucial when attempting communication. Spirits are essentially concentrated psychic emotion. Every minor or major emotion that courses through you, they are acutely aware of. Their realm differs than ours in that respect because without a dense and all-encumbering human body, they are pure thought energy. They have no concern with hot, cold, tired or sick. They simply exist in an element of pure intuition. Considering all of these aspects, there is still one last task to complete once you have your correspondence cleared up. The puzzle of what they desire. They would not attempt communication if they truly didn’t desire a resolution of some sort and being the good paranormal citizen that you are, you of course wish to help. Don’t be afraid to return to a location several times if you feel that help is needed and it may take several tries to develop an understanding of what the entity needs. There is a place of better rest and joy for them once they feel they have succeeded in tending to their earthly concerns. http://thespiritguide.wordpress.com/

The "NWO"

A One World Government? During the heady days of the Persian Gulf War, President George Bush dusted off an ancient phrase that immediately set teeth on edge - that is, the grinding teeth of conspiracy trackers. "I hope history will record that the Gulf Crisis was the crucible of the new world order," Bush intoned in the wake of his greatest triumph, the American-led victory against Iraq. New World Order. The phrase had tripped from the president's lips at least half a dozen other times before and after American smart bombs had transformed the former "wimp" into a short-term war hero. Of course, the real meaning of the term - bandied about for decades by a phalanx of elite bankers and industrialists - couldn't have been clearer to ultra-right-wingers of the John Birch Society ilk. Simply put, New World Order was code for "one-world government," a megalomaniacal communist plot to enslave the planet. In the words of the late Gay Allen, the prolific Birch Society author, "Communism is an arm of a bigger conspiracy to control the world by power-mad billionaires." Bush, the ultimate establishment insider, was clearly an agent of these crypto-capitalist/communist forces - as had been every sell-out president since FDR. Lest we dismiss such concerns as the ranting of survivalist kooks, it's important to note that the New World Order is an equal opportunity conspiracy theory. Left-wingers were just as exercised by Bush's words, although progressives tended to see the preppy president more as a champion of capitalism run amok than as a creeping commie. In fact, right-wing or left, suspicions about the New World Order are actually quite rational. The champions of the "NWO" are indeed a cadre of powerful industrialists, bankers, academics, and politicians who for three quarters of a century have been a gray eminence behind the governance of Britain and America. More to the point, perhaps, they are the governors of the Western world. Call them what you will, they are they "Establishment." Through vastly influential organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, these elites formulate tomorrow's public policy today and staff the ship of state with their own. If this network is something less than the Red devil depicted in many a right-wing conspiracy theory, it is nonetheless a kind of big business cabal that helps the elite of the private sector, if not "rule the world," then at least run it like a business. The self-appointed historian of this power brokerage was Georgetown University professor Carroll Quigley, a distinguished scholar whom right-wingers regard as a smoking gun personified. In his massive history of the modern era, Tragedy and Hope, the late Professor Quigley wrote that there "does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way that the radical Right believes the Communists act." Quigley admitted that he "had been close" to this "semisecret organization" of international manipulators - indeed, admired its goals - and had been allowed to examine its "papers and secret records." According to Quigley, the network's benevolent aim is "nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole" - thereby assuring peace and prosperity and, of course, profit. This network grew out of secret political societies hatched by diamond baron/stealth fanatic Cecil Rhodes (Rhodesia, Rhodes scholarships) and a clutch of bleeding-hear imperialists resolved to prevent the sun from setting on the British Empire. By 1908, Rhodes was dead, but his dream and vast wealth lived on to sire the furtive Round Table Groups. During the early part of this century, the aristocratic Round Tablers - who set up franchises in South Africa, Australia, the United States, and Canada - yearned to "civilize" native subjects of the British dominion. If properly instilled with liberal Oxford values and presumable an appreciation of cricket, even the most "backward" races could lean to be contented, perhaps "autonomous," citizens of empire. A connected dream was to yoke all of the English-speaking nations (America included) into a confederation of Atlantic states, with the capital in Washington, D.C.! (To Birchers' ears this is an early echo of the dread "one-world government.") If Their grander schemes flopped rather obliquely, the Round Tablers achieved a failure of spectacular proportions when they led the drive to appease Hitler. In America, the Rhodes groups and J. P. Morgan banking interests incorporated the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in 1921 as a Round Table "front." According to Quigley, CFR and other Round Table cutouts became "a power structure between London and New York which penetrated deeply into university life, the press, and the practice of foreign policy" in both countries. This is the famous "Eastern Establishment" that continues to hold sway over the U.S. government, academia, Wall Street, and major American media outlets, including the New York Times and Washington Post. The American arm of the network flourished under the patronage of billionaire benefactors, including the Morgan and Carnegie interests - and of course the ubiquitous Rockefeller family. Ah, the Rockefellers! Dons of the financial underworld! Godfathers of the commie/capitalist internationale! That, anyway, is what many a right-wing conspiracist believes. In Bircher fulminations, the four R's - Rhodes, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Reds - are demons that turbocharge the dry facts or Professor Quigley. The radical-right theories were never synthesized more impressively than in Gary Allen's 1971 call to arms, None Dare Call It Conspiracy. Mergiing nativist strains of anticommunism, antielitism, and "gold standard" conservatism, Allen argues that the Rockefeller-CFR-Establishment cabal - dubbed the "Insiders" - had toiled for decades to "abolish the United States" and establish an "all powerful world socialist super-state." Allen wasn't suggesting that supercapitalists like the Rockefellers were sincere Marxists, but rather that they used socialism "as the bait… the excuse to establish the dictatorship." According to Allen, the Rockefellers, the British Rothschild clan, and their carious corporate agents had not only financed Lenin and the Bolshevik revolution, but David Rockefeller may have been the "paymaster" who later fired his employee, Soviet premier Krushchev! How did "the Rockefeller Foreign Office" keep unruly Moscow in line? Allen muses that the Insiders might have used "SMERSH, the international Communist murder organization described in testimony before congressional committees and by Ian Fleming in his James Bond Books." Allen's vision was nothing if not dramatic. In a successful effort early in the century to hijack the American economy and political arena, he repots, the Insiders established a central bank (the Federal Reserve System), lorded over by international bankers; they followed up by saddling citizens with the income tax, thereby fulfilling two key planks of Marx's Communist Manifesto. The Insiders then "scientifically engineered" the stock market crash of 1929. They managed to top that feat by starting World Wars I and II (the latter through their appeasement of Hitler) and the Vietnam debacle, profiteering in all cases by arming both sides. Oh yeah, they also invented the nefarious United (communist) Nations as the keystone of their relentless New World Order. In a rare instance of giving the Rockefellers a bit of a break, Birchers revived the old right-wing theory that the real powers behind the Insider throne - both communist and "cartel capitalist" - were those standby conspiracy bugaboos, the illuminati, a secret freemasonic society that definitely existed, albeit in eighteenth-century Bavaria. (In an effort to cast the Illuminati as a "Zionist" cabal, anti-Smites - and Allen wasn't one - often invoke the Jewish Rothschilds and the old lie that the Bolshevik revolution was all a Jewish plot. Allen dismissed that "thinking," and typically had a more interesting angle: The Insiders themselves covertly promoted such anti-Semitic falsehoods in an effort to tar all their critics as racists. Of course, Allen offered no evidence for this theory, but perhaps he was onto something. More than one modern blowhard of the "there-are-no-conspiracies" school has offhandedly broadbrushed conspiracy theorists by yoking them with Holocaust apologists.) Although the conspiratorial tapestry woven by the Birchers was a bit, well, busy, even the staid Professor Quigley grudgingly acknowledged that it contained "a modicum of truth." For one thing, the so-called Insiders "had no aversion to cooperating with the Communists," per Quigley. After all, big business is big business, and what better way of acquiring access to untapped natural resources than being neighborly? Likewise, the CFR-dominated U.S. Department of State was indeed very influential in midwifing the UN. And the Round Tablers did push for the income tax and the Federal Reserve. As for the Rockefellers, the family has played a major role in the network since its early days. David Rockefeller, chairman of the CFR board, founded the Trilateral Commission in the early 1970s (same Euro-American "internationalists" but with the additional membership of Japanese power players). Another Rockefeller-Insider group arose as the retiring Round Tables passed the torch to the CFR (either that, or went deep under-ground, a hunch of many conspiracy theorists): This was the Bilderberg Group, named for the location of its first annual meeting, the hotel Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands. As we've seen, the CFR-Trilat-Bilderberg membership rolls were brimming with American official and politicians eager to suck up to the power establishment. Even Richard Nixon, whose animus for the Eastern Elite was famous, joined the CFR and later hired Rockefeller protégé Henry Kissinger. (Birchers haven't forgotten that President Nixon invoked the spooky phrase "new world order" during his trip to Red China.) Other U.S. presidents who were Insiders included Gerald Ford (CFR, Bilderberg), Jimmy Carter (CFR, Trilat), George Bush (CFR board director, Trilat), and even Bill Clinton (CFR, Trilat, and Bilderberg). During the Carter era 284 CFR/Trilats held administration positions. Key Insiders included Vice President Walter Mondale, national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski (director of the Trilateral Commission), Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and CIA Director Stansfield Turner. By the end of Reagon's two terms, the number had risen to 313. Reaganite Insiders included Secretaries of State Al Haig (a favorite candidate for Watergate's Deep Throat) and George Shultz (the tenth consecutive CFR alumnus to hold that job) and CIA director William Casey. Under Bush, "the conspiracy president," the number skyrocketed to 382, including national security advisor Brent Scowcroft and the attorney general, Richard Thornburgh. As for the Clinton administration, little has changed as far as CFR faces go. Secretary of State Warren Christopher, all five of his undersecretaries, and many of their underlings are CFR-ites. So are Clinton's national security adviser and CIA director, and so is his Republicrat aide, David Gergen. Gergen is only one point of light in a constellation of media stars absorbed into the CFR. A partial list included the late Walter Lippman (a CFR director in the 1930s), CIA propagandist/Life magazine publisher C. D. Jackson (who helped set up the Bilderberg Group), New York Timesman Leslie Gelv (current CFR president), Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, and Jum Lehrer, the non-Canadian half of the Macneil/Lehre NewsHour. Though the CFR/Trilat connection runs deep into the blue veins of the Establishment, predictably its members scoff at the suggestion that they hold excessive influence over American "democracy" and world affairs. David Rockefeller once sniffed at what he called these "foolish attacks on false issues." With perhaps excessive modesty, he assured the skeptics that his Trilateral Commission is just "a group of concerned citizens interested in fostering greater understanding and cooperation among international allies." Well, apparently all groups of concerned citizens are not created equal. As journalist Bill Moyers put it in a 1980 TV documentary: "David Rockefeller is the most conspicuous representative today of the ruling class, a multinational fraternity of men who shape the global economy and manage the flow of its capital. Rockefeller was born to it, and he has made the most of it. but what some critics see as a vast international conspiracy, he considers a circumstance of life and just another day's work." If the New World Order isn't a blueprint for the "world super-state" of Bircher nightmares, it may simply mean a world more "orderly" for transnational big business. The implications are just as ominous, for although Trilats don't aim to raze Capitol Hill to make way for a U.N. high rise, they have made it clear that democracy often hampers their terribly important work. Not only have the Round Table progeny pushed for "limited," strongman "democracy" in third world countries, they have openly complained about the surfeit of liberty for the little people in this country. A 1975 Trilateral Commission report concluded that the United States was plagued by an "excess of democracy," when "what is needed is a greater degree of moderation in democracy," to improve "governability." Trilat co-founder Brzezinski recommended a study on "Control Over Man's Development and Behavior" to devise "new means of social control," especially "in advanced societies." In the Coming New World Order, the natives apparently have yet to be civilized.

Nevada's "Haunted Areas"

The following is a working list of places that are alleged to be haunted in the state of Nevada. As the paranormal is experienced differently from person to person, please let us know if you have had any experiences so we can update our page. For pictures, click names, and for local maps, click addresses. All authors notes will be in green. Austin The International Hotel - Intersection of Main St. and Cedar St. The International Hotel, said to be the oldest hotel in all of Nevada, was moved board by board to Austin, from its original site in Virginia City in 1863. The hotel is said to be haunted by a ghost called "Tommy," a former owner or employee. Tommy has been seen and felt at the end of the bar, and heard clunking around upstairs in the closed hotel. Battle Mountain Donna's Diner - 150 West Front St. The diner is no longer in business, however the building is still there. It is sad that the diner is haunted by a ghost called "The Lady in Blue." Nevada Hotel - 36 East Front St. When the hotel is open, things will disappear, weird noises will be heard and a strange coldness is felt upstairs where the motels are located. This Hotel was built back in the 1800's. Boulder City Boulder City Hotel (Now Boulder Dam Hotel) - 1305 Arizona St. Many reports have been filed, claiming that everything from noises to apparitions fill the historic site which is now a full service hotel, restaurant, and historic files office. Carson City Bliss Mansion - 710 West Robinson St. This 8500-square-foot mansion was built on top of an 1860s graveyard. Lumber millionaire Duane L. Bliss completed the three-story house in 1879, after the last bodies on the property were exhumed. Some psychics believe those disturbed pioneers still haunt the grounds. Brewery Arts Center - 449 West King St. Built in 1874 by the Carson Brewing Company, the structure is now the center of cultural like in Carson City. It houses the Nevada Artists Gallery and the Donald Reynolds Theater. The building has a ghostly caretaker as well. A pleasant, discarnate voice makes suggestions and reminds workers to turn off the lights and lock the doors. Curry House - 406 North Nevada St. Abe Curry left his wife behind in New York when he came west in 1850 to search for gold. it took several years for him to make enough money to bring her west, and in 1871 he built her a beautiful limestone home. But when Abe died his total wealth consisted of a single silver dollar he had in his pocket. That may be why he returns there, searching for his wife Mary, whom he left alone and destitute. This home is part of the Kit Carson Ghost Tour. Governor's Mansion - 606 North Mountain St. This stone mansion was completed in 1909 and has been haunted since the 1950s. That is when someone presented the governor with an antique mantel clock apparently accompanied by ghosts. Doors in the parlor started opening by themselves, and a cold, moving presence was detected. Ultimately, a housekeeper saw the ghosts of a woman and her young daughter wandering through the room and into the halls. Nevada State Museum - 600 North Carson St. Abe Curry was the head of the Carson Mint in the late 1800s. He built this rugged, fortress-like structure to house the U.S. Mint in 1869, and used the same type of stone to build his house two years later, limestone. Eventually the building became the headquarters for the Nevada State Museum and Historical Society. Curry's friendly spirit is felt here by many people. Fallon NAS Fallon - 4755 Pasture Road There are several places in the base that claim to be haunted. Barracks 3, 3rd deck, has a strange sound that comes from the room where a suicide occurred, and the lounge TV turns on by itself. The 2nd deck room was occupied by a pilot who was killed during an exercise flight. Workers claim that this room is haunted as well. Another spot on the base is Tahoe House. When there are no occupant, the smell of a strong floral scent can be experienced. Goldfield Old Goldfield Hotel - 310 Sondog Ave. The 154-room hotel was built in 1908 atop an abandoned gold mine. It is believed that years ago, the former owner, George Winfield, got a prostitute named Elizabeth pregnant. When she started to show, he locked her in room 109 and chained her to the radiator. Once she gave birth, the baby was thrown down an old mine shaft in the basement and Elizabeth was left in the tiny room to die. The ghost of Elizabeth has shown up in photographs. Downstairs in George's room, cigar smoke is smelled and his presence is felt. Also, near the foot of the lobby staircase, the ghost of a midget and two small children have been observed. In the "Gold Room" a presence is felt that is said to "stab" people. A presence is also felt on the third floor in the Roosevelt Room. The Goldfield hotel (now abandoned) is said by psychics to be one of only seven doorways to the "other side" that still exist today. Gold Hill Gold Hill Hotel - 1540 South Main St. This hotel, built in 1859, is Nevada's oldest hotel. Almost since the hotel was built employees and guests report mysterious presences. The victims of an accident at a nearby mine are said to "live" there. Also, the former owner William, who died in a fire there in the late 1800's, is said to appear once in a while accompanied by a strong smell of cigar smoke. He is said to have dark hair. Also, the ghost of a former housekeeper at the hotel, Rosie, appears along with the smell of rose-water perfume. It is said that alcohol is smelled and that alarm clocks go off even when unplugged. Henderson Foxridge Park - 1815 Foxridge Dr. The ghost of a little boy appears shortly after midnight. When approached, the ghost changes into something that looks like a demon and then disappears. Treem Elementary School - 1698 Patrick Lane When people are alone they see the white face of a girl and hear her crying out for help. Las Vegas Bally's Hotel and Casino - 3645 Las Vegas Blvd. The property used to house the (old) MGM until it burned down on November 21, 1980 and killed 84 people. This was the second largest life-loss hotel fire in United States history. Soon after, Bally's bought the property. The new MGM is located further south. It is believed to be haunted buy the people killed in the fire. The Flamingo Hilton Hotel - 3555 Las Vegas Blvd. The ghost of Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel haunts the presidential suite at this Las Vegas strip hotel. It was Siegel's home for many years, and ever since his violent death in 1947, dozens of guests staying in the presidential suite have seen his specter in the bathroom or near the pool table. The green colored bidet, toilets, and linoleum in the two bathrooms are the same ones that Siegel personally selected for the suite. He considered pistachio green to be a very "classy" color. Guests lounging by the pool in the late evening hours when the pool is less crowded have also seen the apparition of him. Also, a cleaning lady quit after seeing Bugsy on the 5th floor. Las Vegas Hilton - 3000 Paradise Road The ghost of Elvis is said to roam the area around the backstage elevators of this glamorous casino. Luxor Hotel and Casino - 3900 Las Vegas Blvd. Some believe that the pyramid has brought bad luck to the "gambling mecca." During construction of the 400-foot golden pyramid, one worker was killed, and several were injured in several accidents. Several construction workers refused to work at this site. Just as the pyramid was completed, Vegas World Sky Tower casino (now the Stratosphere) caught fire and suffered serious damage. Those who believe in the esoteric (secret) properties of the pyramid shape say the city will remain cursed until and artificial eye is placed at the capstone of the pyramid. Nellis Air Force Base - NE of Las Vegas off HWY 604 Air force personnel and civilian mechanics at Jet Engine Intermediate Maintenance Facility Building 858 have reported encountering a ghostly gray figure and hearing disembodied footsteps at night. The "gray mass of dim light" hovers about 5 feet off the ground. At other times, it is observed as a brilliant ball of light about 20 feet off the ground. The unidentified specter has been sighted along the south wall, in the hangar bay, and in the hall leading to the break room. The building was constructed in the 1960's but has been expanded twice since then. Redd Foxx's Home - Corner of Eastern and Rawhide It is said that Redd Foxx's ghost is playing pranks on the current tenants. Tropicana Hotel and Casino - 3801 Las Vegas Blvd. Over the years visitors to this hotel are greeted at the entrance by a large tiki mask face and many people have reported getting a terrible purple rash after touching it. Some people have reported seeing a strange purple hazy cloud of smoke in their developed pictures of the mask. Logandale Moapa Valley High School - 2400 St. Joseph St. When Indians died, they would bury their loved ones under their homes. When modern houses were being built near the school, corpses were found under ground. While at the school, on a quiet night, a dark shadowy figure is said to appear. It has a tendency to follow people around and even through fences, and then suddenly disappear. Primm Whiskey Pete's Casino - 100 West Primm Blvd. Whiskey Pete's ghost watches players in his casino. Rachel Highway 375 This isolated state road has become known as the Alien Highway, because of the many UFO sightings reported along its route. The area became famous in 1989, when government physicist Bob Lazar came forward with information that the government was operated a secret flying saucer base in the restricted area between Highway 375 and U.S. Highway 95 to the west. He claimed that the government had nine UFO's at the site and was trying to reproduce alien technology. A place known as the Black Mail Box (mile marker 29.5) is the closest unauthorized persons can get to Area 51, the top secret site at Papoose Lake, where the space craft and other top-secret projects are supposedly stored. The lake is 12 miles south of Groom Lake in an extremely classified area, officially known as Dreamland, on the huge Nevada Test Site and Nellis Air Force Base. In 1995, the government confiscated White Sides (road at mile marker 34.6) mountain and Freedom Ridge, which had provided views of the "non-existent" base. The only remaining legal view point is from Tikiboo Peak. However, the 7,900-foot-elevation site is difficult to reach and provides only a distant view of Groom Lake. For information on hiking tours to Tikiboo Peak, contact the Psycho Spy Network, HCR Box 38, Rachel, Nevada 89001. Little A-Le-Inn - Directions This restaurant and inn is the headquarters for UFO enthusiasts seeking to spot alien craft. The roadhouse, on Highway 375, is covered with flying saucer memorabilia and sells UFO tapes, books, T-shirts, and other souvenirs. Reno Park Lane Mall - 310 East Plumb Lane In 1976, a woman was found dead in the old bathroom downstairs. Her murder was never solved, and she haunts the bottom floor of the mall. She is said to appear around 9:00 p.m. on the third Saturday of every month. Mapes Hotel - 10 North Virginia St. The hotel was destroyed on January 30, 2000. It is now an ice rink in the winter months. It is haunted by an unknown spirit. Wooster High - 1331 East Plumb Lane One year, the Wooster Colts lost the zone final to the McQueen Lancers. One guy went to the football field later that night and shot himself. Now whenever the Lancers play on the Wooster field they have said that they trip over nothing at all. They say that someone or something tripped them. Tonopah The Mizpah Hotel - 100 North Main St. Dozens of witnesses have seen the phantom of a lady in red on the 5th floor of this hotel. She is thought to be a prostitute stabbed to death by a jealous lover. Virginia City Cemeteries - The Intersection of Carson St. and Cemetery Rd. Virginia City has 15 cemeteries clustered on the north end of town. People have reported seeing many souls here. A glowing headstone is sometimes seen by observers in town, but when they arrive at the graveyard to investigate it, the stone is dark again. Delta Saloon and Casino - 18 C St. The Suicide Table here is haunted by the ghost of Black Jake, the notorious gambler and owner of the saloon in the 1860's. One evening when he lost a lot of money, he committed suicide by shooting himself. Afterwards players at the table reported seeing the ghost of Black Jack putting a gun to his head. Soon, no one would sit at the table and it was moved from the casino into the saloon and put on display. Fourth Ward School - 537 C St. This four story school has 16 classrooms, 2 study halls, and accommodated over 1000 grammar and high school students. Built in 1865, it graduated its last class in 1936. A tardy ghost named "Miss Suzette" still walks across the schoolyard to the front steps, where she vanishes. A local couple even gave a ghost a ride one evening when they saw a woman in old fashioned clothes walking down the street. She said her name was Suzette and she had to get to the school. When they dropped her off, she disappeared before their eyes. She is thought to be a teacher who worked at the school in 1908. MacKay Mansion (now MacKay Museum) - 129 South D. St The apparition of a woman dressed in Victorian clothing has been seen sitting in a high back chair in the living room. An upstairs room is haunted by a child who likes to lay down on the freshly made bed. The mansion was built in 1860 and housed both living quarters and offices for the entrepreneur John MacKay. Ophir Mine - Near the Intersection of Carson St. and Cemetery Rd. The ghost of Henry Comstock haunts the site where he discovered the "Comstock Lode" in January 1859. He lost millions of dollars when developers took over the claim. In the winter of 1874, and eerie light shot out from the mouth of the mine and rose 60 feet into the air. Townspeople arrived to put out what they thought was a fire, but no smoke or flame could be detected. All they could see was the weird light coming from half-way down the shaft. The next morning, strange things were reported at the long-deserted seven-hundred-foot level. The cage would be summoned when no one was there, and odd sounds could be heard coming from that level. Investigators discovered the glowing ghost of Henry Comstock, who identified himself, and said that he was reclaiming his gold. Chunks of skin were hanging from his decomposing skeleton and "his eyes were an orange-yellow color with pupils that danced as if filled with blue flames." The ghoulish phantom continued to harass the miners, blowing out their candles one at a time in a row, calling the cage when no one was around, and filling the tunnels with his howling, insane laughter. St. Mary's Art Center (formerly St. Mary's Hospital) - 55 North R St. The ghost of a white nun stays in the upstairs room here, and her face is frequently seen in an upstairs window. The two-story brick building used to be a Catholic hospital. One night, in 1878, a patient in the psychiatric ward started a fire in which he and the nun on duty burned to death. The nun's spirit is tied to the place where she so selflessly served. St. Mary's In-The-Mountains - Intersection of E St. and Taylor St. The distinctive footsteps of Father Meinecke are still heard coming from an upstairs alcove in the church. The priest who has been dead for many years walked with a cane. Both parishioners and visitors have reported hearing the inexplicable sounds. St. Paul's Episcopal Church and School - Corner of South F St. and Taylor St. Many people have reported seeing the ghost of a woman with a shawl over her shoulders standing in an upstairs window here. Her agitated apparition turns from side to side as if suffering some great distress. The church was built in 1876 on the site of a previous church that burned in the great fire of 1875, when 2000 buildings were destroyed in Virginia City. Washoe Club - 112 C St. The nebulous form of a blond-haired woman has appeared on the spiral staircase of this saloon so many times that patrons gave her a name, Lena. The unique staircase was built for the Millionaires Club, an exclusive men's group which met in the building in the 1870's. Lena's ghost has also appeared in front of the wall across from the bar. The apparition of an old prospector has materialized on one of the stools at the end of the bar, and the ghost of a thirteen-year-old girl, thought to have been murdered in the basement has appeared in an upstairs bedroom. Owners Doug and Sharon Truhill have reported a number of other unusual manifestations, including moving chandeliers and the presence of an "angry spirit" that breaks glasses. Wild West Museum - 66 C St. This is one of the eeriest place in Virginia City. hundreds of authentic artifacts, as well as recreations of murder scenes and a spook room upstairs are housed there. The collection of sculls contains outlaws, such as the Apache Kid and a Zuni ceremonial skull adorned with turquoise. Washoe Valley Bower's Mansion - Intersection of Highways 395 and 429 Mrs. Bowers, who died penniless after her husband died, is said to haunt the second floor of the house. She used to conduct séances in the parlor, after her husband died, in order to contact him. The graveyard on the hillside behind the mansion has also been a spot of numerous sightings of glowing figures on moonless nights.
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