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created on 01/28/2007  |  http://fubar.com/hello/b49641
Hacker litters official Web site

Category: Odd News |

nuclear bomb
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Red-faced officials at Canada’s nuclear safety watchdog on Thursday said they were probing how a hacker had managed to litter its official Web site with dozens of colour photographs of a nuclear explosion.

The Ottawa Citizen newspaper said every media release on the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s Web site had been labelled as a security breach on Wednesday. When opened, each document had a headline reading “For immediate release” and underneath was a large photo of an exploding atomic bomb.

“We are in discussions with the (Internet service) provider. When we were informed the Web site had been tampered with, we immediately disabled the media module,” said commission spokesman Aurel Gervais, dismissing the suggestion that the hacker had been able to access secret information.

“The external Web site was the only Web site that was tampered with. There was no internal information that was compromised,” he said.

The media site at http://www.nuclearsafety.gc.ca/eng/media/ was working normally on Thursday.

The Citizen — which published a colour photograph of one of the tampered pages — said the hacker had left a message saying “Please dont (sic) put me in jail … oops, I divided by zero”.


Sex plus drugs may equal deadly results.

Category: Odd News |

TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) - A woman has been arrested on suspicion that she tied up a man during sex, then stabbed him repeatedly with a knife and told him she likes to drink blood, police said.

Tiffany Sutton, 23, was arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault Tuesday night at a Tempe home where she and the victim were living, according to authorities.

The man, whose identity was not released, told police he had consented to being tied up but became scared when the woman attacked him with a knife.
He eventually freed himself and ran away, but Sutton chased him with a pickax, police said.
The man was taken in an ambulance to a local hospital, where he was treated for injuries.

Police said both Sutton and the man admitted that they had consumed alcohol and drugs prior to the incident.

Sutton claimed the entire encounter was consensual, police said.

Milk beer

Milk beer called ‘Bilk’

Category: Odd News |

TOKYO (Reuters) - Great news for beer and milk lovers: A liquor shop owner in Japan’s largest dairy farming region has stopped crying about local spilt milk and started making beer from it instead.

“We came up with the idea after hearing about surplus milk,” said Chitoshi Nakahara, head of the Nakahara liquor shop on the northernmost island of Hokkaido.

Milk consumption has been declining steadily in Japan, and Hokkaido disposed of nearly 900 tonnes of milk last March due to over-production, according to the Japan Dairy Association.

Nakahara’s new brew, “Bilk” - a combination of “milk” and “beer” - is about 30 percent milk. It also contains hops, and the production process does not differ much from that of regular beer, he said.

His shop started selling Bilk, which apart from a slight milky scent looks and tastes like ordinary beer, on February 1 after spending about six months developing the product with a local brewer.

Bilk is only available at six local shops or by mail order, but Nakahara is currently out of stock due to heavy media attention.

Don’t worry if you can’t get hold of any, though: Nakahara also sells beer brewed from another major Hokkaido product - potatoes.

too honest or to stupid

Too honest or too stupid ?

Category: Odd News |

Traffic Ticket
KEWASKUM, Wis. (AP) - A police chief who ticketed himself for a traffic violation says that he has received congratulatory e-mails from all over the globe and that he has even turned down money to cover the fine.

Chief Dick Knoebel drove past a stopped school bus with its lights flashing in September, then wrote himself a ticket for $235 and docked himself four points on his driving record. The story surfaced after it showed up in court records and media reports.

“Police officers do good things everyday, and that doesn’t get reported,” said Knoebel, who has been chief for 20 years in this town northwest of Milwaukee. “All you hear about in the news is when a police officer is in trouble.”

Knoebel said he got more than 150 e-mails from such places as Thailand, New Zealand and Russia. Two people sent him $15.

“I tried to answer every e-mail,” the chief said. “If they took the time to e-mail me, I at least thank them for their comments.”

capt-7.jpg TOKYO (AFP) - For people who want to ensure their words last for their progeny, Japanese scientists have found a way to literally put a message into genes. A research team said this week it had developed a technology for storing digital data in the DNA of bacteria, which unlike most living organisms can survive for millennia in the right conditions. Each hay bacillus bacterium can store two megabits — the equivalent of 1.6 million Roman letters. The scientists can take out the microscopic implants in a laboratory and read them so they appear as ordinary text. The team at Keio University’s Institute for Advanced Biosciences said the technology needs to be perfected but that it was optimistic about its future uses. “If I wanted to store my personal diary in these live bacteria and take it with me to my grave, then my story can live for thousands and thousands of years,” head researcher Yoshiaki Ohashi said with a laugh. In practical terms, the technology could eventually benefit companies such as pharmaceutical makers which want to “stamp” their brand. “In doing so, the company can detect piracy and protect its patent. They can also store information at one specific area of the gene and retrieve it from there,” Ohashi said. The researchers insert the data at four different places so even if one is disrupted, there would be backup. But the team said they still needed to work before the technology could go on the market. In particular, the scientists need to ensure that the DNA will not be altered as live bacteria naturally evolve. Hay bacillus bacteria are generally found in soil or decaying matter and are especially resistant to extreme weather.

leave work at work

We get lots of email at Dumb Little Man but this one really hit me because I tend to get in this rut too. Jay I love the site but I have a question (if you don't have time, don't worry about it). You mentioned that you are a work-a-holic and so am I. I work close to 60 hours a week to earn enough money so that my wife can stay home with the kids. Since I am so into my work, it is hard for me to leave work at work. It seems that I am always thinking about my job and it's causing an unintentional distancing between me and my family. How would you recommend that I balance the two so that I can totally focus on work, yet know how to call it a day and really enjoy my family time? So as many of you can imagine, this is a tough one and as far as I am concerned it's ramifications have nothing to do with who earns what, it simply has to do leaving work at work. So how do you do that? Here are the things that I personally do. Without them, I swear I'd be thinking of my job or Dumb Little Man 24x7. * Change your route: What I mean by this is literally "change your route home". If you have a bad or overly stressful day at work, take the long way home. During the first half of your journey home, turn the radio off and think about what you have to accomplish at work and how you will execute. During the second half of the drive, turn on whatever music you like, talk radio, (whatever) and begin the process of thinking about things outside of work. Do not think about work during the entire commute, you must separate before you get home! * The boss at work does not equal the boss at home: Just because you are an important guy at work doesn't mean that you get to make demands at home. You have to remember that the people you live with are not paid to take your BS. If you love them, you will treat them better than those that report to you. On the flip side of this, your being an entry-level employee at work doesn't mean that at home you can get the "power trip" your ego begs for. * Vent: Venting is the art of blowing your lid and we all do it. Once you get home after work and kiss the kids, give yourself a 15-minute window to let it out. You should set this up in advance with your spouse but leave the time limit at 15 minutes. During that time, they have to simply listen and let you get it out. After that, you must agree that work is over. * Blackberry/Laptop: Occasionally we all have to work at night or on the weekends. The key here is to set an expectation when honestly important projects arise. If you really don't need to work, keep the electronics off. Don't login just because you are curious. As we all know you will find reasons to email people or start completing tasks. * Questions first: When you get home, immediately ask how your spouse's day went (AND LISTEN). Many times their response is enough to get you to think of family tasks and break you away from work. In addition, you will probably earn some points for engaging them in the conversation. Remember, it's human nature to want to talk about yourself so resist the urge. * Survival: Whether you believe it or not, your company will survive without you. It is key to remember this as you choose where to spend time. If it is after hours and you haven't turned off the blackberry, you have to resist the urge to get involved in something that isn't really ultra-critical. * No work, no matter what: This is a tough one but at my house we practice it like a religion. On Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5-10 PM I have sworn not to do work. These nights and times actually have a place in my calendar and I have told co-workers that I am absolutely unavailable no matter what. If I were a CEO making 10 trillion per year perhaps this would change but I am not so...I'm booked. * 25% Rule: When I plan my days, I leave a minimum of 25% of the time open. This time is used for emergencies, task lists, etc. It is during that time that I accomplish smaller tasks that I would have reserved for off-hours. * Get up earlier: Don't be a crybaby about this one. If may sting in the beginning but if you are constantly running out of time, take time from you and not your family. As your family sleeps, you can easily get some stuff done by heading to the office early. These are things I do and they are tough at times because there are constantly urgent issues arising at work. The key for me was learning how to delegate and say no when I had to. Again, it's not easy but with some will, you can do it. I'd love to hear what you do to really get some work/home separation. If you have a cure that I didn't mention, please share it in the comments. It would probably help a lot of people. -Jay

reasons to smoke pot

Reasons to Smoke Pot

1) Nobody has ever died from smoking pot.

2) Marijuana users report less depression

3) Marijuana does not cause emphysema, unlike tobacco. 

4) Marijuana does not cause cancer (and if you  smoke it you are actually slightly less likely to get cancer)

5) THC actually helps cleanse the lungs, preventing tumors

6) Daily marijuana use doesn’t damage your brain.

7) There has never been a study to link marijuana with psychological problems, though it’s not for a lack of trying.

8) Marijuana is NOT a gateway drug.

9) Marijuana fights hardened arteries

10) Marijuana has both stalled the growth of and eliminated brain tumors in rats. Such an experiment has yet to be done on humans.

11) Not that herd mentality is a good reason, but you’re not alone. Marijuana is the US’s number one crop.

12) Sex gets a whole lot better

13) 15 million people smoke it a month (US only).

16) Marijuana can prevent blindness.

17) Marijuana can prevent migraines.

18) Marijuana is less addictive than caffeine. There is no physical addiction but a slight mental addiction can develop.

19) In 1977 the DEA wanted to decriminalize marijuana.

20) Haven’t you always wanted to be able to laugh at Pauly Shore?

21) Because legality isn’t a good enough reason for you to not smoke. Slavery was once legal and sodomy was once illegal; legality is a horrid barometer for morality.

22) Because getting “high” isn’t “bad.” Though you may not realize it, eating meat or candy or fried foods or vegetables or drinking coffee, tea, or soda all effect your mental state. All of these things can make you “high.”

23) Because we don’t yet know all of the benefits of marijuana; the government has tried for years to prove that it is harmful and has consistently failed. Very few studies have explored its benefits.

24) Because you would be in the company of Louis Armstrong, the Beatles, Bob Denver, Bill Clinton, George Bush (okay, never mind him), famous scientist Carl Sagan, Michael Bloomberg, Lewis Caroll, George Washington Carver, Salvador Dali, Al Gore, Steve Jobs,  John kennedy, John Wayne, and George Washington.

25) Because it feels good.

(Glad to see this article getting out there. Those new to 'the Mark should also check ou Anatomy of Propaghanda: How the Government Lies About Marijuana. Thanks for supporting the site!)


Category: Romance and Relationships I was lost, so I turned right. I knew what I was looking for and figured if this wasn't it, I'd know right away. For a while, I seemed to be going the right way. But just as I began feeling secure in reaching my destination, I saw the first sign.

"Dead End."

Hmmm... That can't be good. But the road continued ahead as far as I could see, so I kept going. And there it was again.

"Dead End."

Did I continue on or turn back? Eventually I'd have to turn around anyway, so why keep going? The longer I wait, the harder it will be.

All my life, I've been driving around lost. It started with my first crush in sixth grade and continued into adulthood. I'd find a relationship I wanted to pursue and start down that road, never knowing how far it would take me. Some relationships lasted longer than others but inevitably all of them dead-ended.

Sometimes you know on the first date. Sometimes it's much further down that road, maybe even after ignoring several warning signs along the way. Often the most difficult thing in the world is admitting a relationship you've invested yourself in isn't going to work out. But it happens.

I've seen friends heartbroken and confused because a relationship didn't work out. Everything seemed to be going fine but all of a sudden he changed. She feels deceived. If he knew it wasn't going to last, why did he date her so long? He seemed to be falling in love...was he lying to her all along? Where did things go wrong?

It's simple. He met her. He liked her. He continued to get to know her. Since he's not psychic, he couldn't know just how it would end. Maybe at first he was too caught up in his physical attraction to think clearly. Or maybe after spending a few long weekends in her presence, he's come to realize she drives him out of his freakin' mind.

Whatever the case, the road will not continue. He won't move into her apartment, won't propose, won't spend the rest of his life with her. For him there's another road -- one he can't pursue until he turns around and hauls ass back to the main intersection. Maybe she'll be hurt in the process but someday she'll look back and realize that dead end was there all along. He just happened to see it before she did.

The good news is someday, without warning, you'll turn down one of those roads and it won't dead end. You'll find exactly what you've been looking for. But it will only happen if you keep driving.



© 2007 Stephanie Faris

update of shinn

been a lot more busy than normal My Auntie went into the hospital last night because of a heartattack and well have not heard much so all i can do is sit back and wait and hope for the best. went for a bike ride with TJ today and then we took a walk all over town. grandparents are doing ok for what is expected. just keeping all who read in the know goodnight Shinndiggin
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