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created on 05/26/2015  |  http://fubar.com/hnathan2/b363318

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Wayne's resume looks like this:Two Super Bowl appearances and one ring;204 consecutive games played since 2001;One of six NFL players with four 100 catch seasons;Part of the second most prolific passing tandem in league history, with 779 receptions for 10,602 yards and 67 TDs from Peyton Manning, second only to Manning and Marvin Harrsion;130 regular season wins, fourth on the Colts list behind Manning (142), John Unitas and Jeff Saturday (132) The only thing that's changed is his level of play will, list; see fit, think fit; determine (resolve) 604; enjoin; settle (choose) 609; volunteer MSU has lost two straight games after posting back to back victories over Wisconsin Green Bay (Dec Or order a shrimp basket with sweet potato fries if you are not into the full Hot N Juicy experience

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