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Hey all, sorry I haven't been around much for ohhh say the last month. I guess you can say I've been otherwise detained. Sorta got kidnapped by a comedian and went on tour for a bit. Anyway.. none jur blah haha. Just wanted to let everyone know I am still breathin and missing you all!! I should be around here and there at least for the next few days so drop me a yell! Hope everyone is rockin well! Love Ya'll even thought you're all fucking bats! P

What It's like

So today rev pointed out to me my book was officially on Amazon. It was one step closer to my life's goal. The finale being available through Barnes and Nobel. I will never forget my first trip to that store, the very first sight I had of the 3 story building at 17 years old. I knew in that moment someday I would be able to walk into a bookstore and be able to say right there , that is my book. Today I walked into a Barnes and Nobel and said , do you carry this book, and they said here we can get it in 3 days for me. Then the girl said - Congratulations". There is no possible word to explain that moment when you hold a print out of your book through B%N' s and can say this right here I am holding my dream in the palm of my hand. It's so surreal. Everything no matter how cliche or made for tv movie; one has to learn to split apart and create their own definition of truly living. Today my life was all set down in the most ironic of ways'. I'll never forget the years months and days leading up to this point. The people who played an everyday role in the ups and downs roller coaters of respect and support. Today I can say some one little thing of me is immortalized through the simple art of words. It's like having all the C02 sucked out of you. I know so many great poets, writers and artists on this website that I can only say, look at me the most unlikely candidate ever to accomplish anything like this, hold onto your dreams and aim for them, don't be afraid of accomplishing something great and out of the left field. I believe in you, just like so many believed in me when I never thought, that any- of this at all could come true.
Go Check it Out!! Thank you so much Reverend Freaknic for discovering this for me , I'm so excited, I didn't even know!!! I didn't think Amazon would have it until the 10th! Wooo party party!
Just Click this Cover!

ISBN: 1-60441-936-9, 173 pages, 5.5 x 8.5


ISBN: 1-60441-936-9, 173 pages, 5.5 x 8.5


ISBN: 1-60441-936-9, 173 pages, 5.5 x 8.5


ISBN: 1-60441-936-9, 173 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

PublishAmerica Presents Precognitive Casualty by Mel “Pixi” Anderson Frederick, MD January 17, 2008 -- PublishAmerica is proud to present Precognitive Casualty: A book of profound revelations scribbled prolifically poetically premeditated through the art of rant and rhyme by Mel “Pixi” Anderson of Lakewood, Washington. Anderson considers this masterfully written book to be a coming-out party. “It is everything I have aspired to become as a poet and a writer,” Anderson said. “I found myself with this collection striving to push myself into creating my own form of poetry, a free flow vastness of creative emotion through written word, past experiences and dreams. Please tread softly through this book, as it is made of my heart notes.”

Welcome ye scurvy dogs to the Fubar Pirate ship! If ye wish to be crew, then send the Cap'n a message!

If this be yer wish, then abide by these rules ye must!

1: Fan, add and rate yer Captain and crew as a show of loyalty! 2: Repost the ship's bulletins! 3: Spend a bit of yer booty and buy all of those who ye add a shot of rum!
When ye've done this, contact the cap'n and he'll add ya to the crew to plunder the Fubar seas as one of our own.

If ye wish not to be a member of the ship, then ye are condemned to walk the plank!

En route towards the ever elusive X on the map of an unknown island, our jolly ship O mayhem and rummin' ran across an unsuspecting Spanish Galleon on its way back from Mexico. We hoisted the Colours and broadsided 'er with the long guns afore she could even round on us. Our steadfast crew boarded 'er and sent 150 Spanish dogs to the briny deep. Aboard we found the hold full of Aztec gold and jewels as well as a fine cargo of freshly made rum. Setting in at a small islet, we buried the booty and had a grand party of bacchanalian proportions.

Your Captain, Master Feather: Master Feather the Lord of the Lash{{Owner of Fubar Paganism Family lounge}}

@ fubar
First Mate and Rum Wench ♪♫PÏXÏ™ ♪“ Owner of The Locker Official IHS Wet-TShirt Contest Judge

@ fubar

Crew MishNumber1 ? Fubar World Cruise & WISE UK Friends Owner ? S*U*P & Club FAR

@ fubar sweet_momma_luvs_chocolate (men)

@ fubar ? Lådy Få?‡åzïå ? Fµ M劉re§§™ ?

@ fubar sexypirate13....

@ fubar RAVEN QUEEN *FOUNDER OF THE COVEN * gettin married 2 blueeye dragon nov 13

@ fubar Deathtrain416

@ fubar Sexygranny1967~~Space Hotties~~in contest pls help~~see blog for link

@ fubar Military Supporter{Owns MFB} ~Misfit-Angels Leveling Crew~Greeter@SP2~Brtndr@MysticDarkAngels

@ fubar ~sassybrat~Rider of the Love Machine*fu-angels*fu-bratz

@ fubar Master Nosferatu Founder Of Unholy Darkness, Member of Unholy Bombers

@ fubar Lady Milo

@ fubar silly lil angel ****fu_bratzs****


@ fubar ziggyziggy girl*tempting tigress** sisters 4 life**soul train**soul plane**FU-angel**magicbus**Drago

@ fubar ll up is down ll

@ fubar ?Miss Heartbreaker?{Club F.A.R.}

@ fubar sparrowhawk greeter@A.C.E. ~TBR~

@ fubar ~~JoAnna~~*Club F.A.R.**Spirit Levelers*

@ fubar ~Dragonphyre~?StalkertoBob(NINfan)?~CertifiedGILF~*QueenTease*FUownedByta-tas

@ fubar Fu-King BILL

@ fubar ?ñàûght¥§m!£ê? ...I MAY NOT BE PERFECT, BUT I AM ALL I GOT...

@ fubar ? Mz PiNk ? Fu-Bomber Family ?

@ fubar RhiannonStarr...Leveler For Total Choas...Greeter at Granny's Panties

@ fubar tracker*r/l hubby of sassybrat*Rider of the Love Machine

@ fubar Eyes_ta_Di_4@CLUB F.A.R.

@ fubar ?§Ã§§Ë®§? Fu~Angel* Club F.A.R. Member & Fubar BFF to SENS2U

@ fubar This Monster Lives (Spankers/Club F.A.R./Shadow Leveler)

@ fubar ♦Èvîl Àñgël™♦†Ðëмõñ Ç®ëш†♠Ç∫ùβ ƒÃ®♠

@ fubar The Lady of the Night/Nemesis of the Nosferatu ™

@ fubar
Join us in our Ale House! The Locker
(repost of original by 'Master Feather the Lord of the Lash{{Owner of Fubar Paganism Family lounge}}' on '2008-02-24 22:24:15')
So, I really often try to not make statements about my political views, today , on my birthday however I was thinking of all the things I am thankful for. My Troops was the first to come to mind. Odd I know, it wasn't my friends, it wasn't my family (though I do have a bro in Iraq) really it was a clarifying moment I had when I was questioned by a friend what my plans are for the next year. I simply stated, "year?? how about week?" It dawned on me how lucky I was to be able to make that statement when all over the world men and woman are giving me that freedom, they themselves celebrating countless birthdays with no further plans than making it through that day. From this I decided today not to post "new pics" of myself rather to update my "troops" album. Well among my img searching googling and yahooing I stumbled across the Army financial benefits page. I my friends, to put it simply am FUCKING MORTIFIED. I could sit here and post the whole thing, I will instead leave it to you FREELY to look it up yourselves. I am most certain that most people live in ignorant bliss thinking they are well compensated for their sacrifices. THINK AGAIN. Too often we hear people speaking up and down about how freedom isn't free, no it's not in so many ways I cannot count them, but at the same time all I can say to the whole Support your troops saying is YOU BETTER BECAUSE OUR GOVERNMENT DOES NOT. Honestly if they did the families and servicemen would know what to do upon discharge whether it be medical voluntary or involuntary. Today I sat at a diner drinking coffee with my friends and watched a vet just released from the hospital come in and ask for 1.50 for a bus ride home (he had no wallet)because the VA does not provide transportation. This man walked with a cane, in a neck brace unable to turn his head and had to be guided to a bus stop by pedestrians. Sad yet? I had a conversation with a friend of mine yesterday currently in the Army about what he is seeing newly discharged servicemen look for in the work force. 90% of them cannot find work in the area, 2 of his own were even looking at fast food restaurants. All of which had to find ANY KIND OF WORK because their compensation pay is so low they cannot afford rent in a apt in the area near booming job markets. (Seattle area up here, the base where they lived is about 50mi. from there, commutable sure, however even out here the rent is sky high). We do NOT fight hard enough for our government to provide adaquate workforce, living, financial planning or medical once discharged. It is really that damned simple. Many many servicemen are becoming lifers not because they love it but because they have no other choice. If you are infantry and live but are disabled, good luck getting more than the welcome home from us, your country men who are thankful for you, because today my ignorant bliss shattered. Even with all the military friends I have I never once ever questioned the actual dollar amount, I'm not even going to hang the price tag on this, all I can say is my thank you feels hollow, it feels underpaid it feels like even if I wrote a thousand thank you cards every day for a thousand days it would not be enough. But please know this, I am 29 years old today and I know I owe that to you not a day will go by that I won't remember the price you and your families pay for me to plan the next year of my life, I hope, no I pray, that you all will come home soon, safely and hopefully taken care of enough to where you will never have to borrow $1.50 for a bus ride home. God Bless you all, and thank you for my Birthday I spent freely.

If You Bought My Book

If you are one of the one's who very very sweetly purchased my book on pre-release from my publisher you should be getting it anytime!! My good friend Cam just got his copy about 2? days ago so you should be getting yours very very soon. If it makes you all feel better I haven't even gotten my author copies yet, so bug Cam if you want to know how it looks :P haha Also, if you would like to send it to ME so I can sign it for you I will be more than happy (and flattered) to do so for you, just let me know!! Thank you again from the whole of my heart for buying my book and supporting my work, you guys rock my world. If you were waiting for store shelves please note the following... The way the book world works is, Not every store will by default have my book on the shelf, you would have MUCH more luck finding it that way in the Seattle area, However- it will be available for store ORDER to your local B&N, Borders, Amazon, etc. If you would like to demand a local store to you to carry it , please let me know the city/state/ store name and I will do my very best to get it carried locally for you. Unfortunately, it comes down to store book buyers and typically a little unknown like me has to work my fingers off to push it to be actually stocked on shelves (yes I am doing my best to do that) but me with no agent I'm doing all the footwork myself pretty much. So the moral of the story is, if you order it through my publisher THEY will tell you 4-6 weeks. After March 10th if you order it through B&N or other store it will take 6 to 14 days (typically) I will eventually have a ton on hand myself if you would like to get it straight through me, though as I said I don't have them on hand yet. LOL But as they say patience is a virtue and I've waited 29 years haha. Thank you again every one for sharing this excitement with me, I whole heartedly appreciate it. Any questions? PM ME!
Hey guys/gals Just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! for all the birthday love :) I wish I could say thank you to everyone one at a time but well lets just say i got a lot more b-day love than I ever expected needless to say it will take me a couple of days to get to everyone.. So here is my BIG ASS THANK YOU!! I love you all even though you are all fucking bats!!! (say's the infamous Ozzy bobblehead) Wish I could be tippin some back with you all!! Thanks for the love and THANK YOU, all of my new friends, I swear i will get to you asap! Again Thank you thank you with all of my heart, P p.s Don't forget my book hits stores on 3/10 !!! lol shameless self promo you know I had to :P
YAY It's my birthday it's my birthday... okay well next weekend anyway sooooooo it's party time. Do you live in the Tacoma/Seattle Vicinity and wish to party with the infamous Pixi? Please RSVP my message box, I'd LOOOOVE to meet all my Fubar friends and celebrate!!! (No stalking me afterwards please) haha. Oh I guess I should tell you, my b-day is sunday but we are party-ing for it on Saturday, it's kinda byob because I am frikin poor *grin* But hey I'm a Jamesons girl with a bottle of margarita mixer (I know weird huh) so, you bring me tequila and clothes will fall off! *discalimer- clothes falling off is not guaranteed but may happen* And Stuff. The End. *runs off leaving a trail of Pixi dust*
I personally am horrid at synopsizing myself in any fashion. Throughout my online profiles very few tend to get read in their entirety due to people getting bored (?) of reading about who- I tend to define myself as. Therefore, the truest to be said is- I do not believe in "half-assing" anything in my life and describing oneself though a life long journey, today- shall be summed as simply as my name.

Pixi, often also known as a Pixie, or a Mischievous Fae kin is my truest simple nature. Often flighty free and fun I can be naughty, mischievous, plot-full and wicked minded, though typically just a water sign of a Pisces a bruised bottom of a fallen angel and a colored out of the lines sort of picture book.

I am very-very easily distracted by anything shiny!

(that includes people!) and often in the middle of a conversation I may drift off to some place else. It's not that I am rude, I just tend to float most of the time. (this is my typical disclaimer)

I'm into all sorts of things top that come to mind are;


Laughter:Laughing is definitely my favorite past time, so much so that I have sporadic hysterical random laughter outbursts. hey it could be worse right? I love comedy sarcasm dry witty humor.. Music,poetry/writing, digital imaging, I love chain smoking when I'm bored, Drinking Jameson's Irish Whiskey like a fish, getting spankings when I'm bad and spinning in circles until I fall down.


Talking to Faeries, Singing in the shower, jumping in Mud puddles, Fishing, Moshing, Biting! Tats, Bikes, (Support your Local 81!) Cars, beer of all flavors,(Sam Summer Ale is My favorite or a nice can of PBR!) lol.. Sports.. HUGE sports junky...Die hard New England Fan (Sox/Pats) (banning the Yankees from ever playing baseball again would be a great start!) I'm also huge into political, theological and philosophical debates, just don't get me started when I've been drinking :P

I often, live my life in my own world, not due to running or denying the truth of the "real world" around me, just because in truth- I dislike much of it, so I choose to see everything in another sort of way. And I prefer my life like that and am under no sort of need to change this.


I find many spend so much of their life trying to be what everyone around them wants utterly denying part of who they actually are- I will have none of that. I'm sensitive, and I'd like to stay that way.


I have always preferred to look at my entire life as one big adventure. The first thing I suppose anyone should know about me. I live every day with nothing but passion and excitement as to find what could possibly happen next!


I live to travel,I backpacked the States and have lived in "roughly" 6, though visited 48 of 50. I have not done Europe yet though!! I have an innate love for Ireland and someday will hopefully live there.

As any Faery Kin a pixi has grace and beauty just on the darker melancholy side of what beauty is. Pixi's beauty plays on shadows and time. That would be me.

My rougher side is like my favorite sneakers,

barely with soles anymore but I still stomp around daily in my holey sneakers. I've had them for years and while I do own other shoes they are a bit of my story. I can tell you where they have been with me through the years and like an old friend they saw so much of the road with me. I live to put them on and feel that ragamuffin road tripper feel.

I am inked with stories, memories and dreams and faith, not with Flash. Someday, I have no doubt that 90% of my skin will be inked, and I think that is beautiful.

I have 5 of them with about 30 more planned *grin* The notorious "boob" is my first one ever.. My dolphin was my first design , I got it when I was 13, and yes it does have a longer much more meaningful story, no its never been finished, and no Ive never once regretted it. My Clover on my calf- Yes it does look like crap but its still meaningful to me lol. My Triquattra- Back of my neck: My Lower Back,- (thankgod it's not tribal ! hahahah *grin*) Faery on my arm *Isobeu*: If you would like to know what my future ones will be , or if you are an artist who wants to trade ink for ink (yes i used to stick) or if ya just wanna talk tats shout at me anytime :)

Another Quarter~ A Pixi on a Harley~


There is a Biker saying, "Biker Born, Biker Bred, And When I Die, I'll be Biker Dead." I was raised, saved, adopted and cherished by some of those leather clad over loud muffler hog ridin.. roughiennes and that is my F/family all the way. I was born with Oil in my blood and I love it and will never change or clean my valves of my Brothers. Yes, I have worn my wings on the back of a Harley.' Someday I will have my own built from the ground up with my personal blood sweat and tears put into it. And then, all there will be is road. I am the Girl that was raised as a Sister; I am the Woman that will ride Next to you rather than behind you. I support 81... You should too!
Support Your Local 81!

I am spiritually moon based, nature born, raised and loved. I am a Hereditary Witch.

My spirituality.. I am what most would call Wicca in my practices and basic spiritual beliefs, I am not .. Neo pagan new age Wicca, new age spiritual whatever the hell they want to call it next. I practice the Old religion as I would prefer. I call it Wicca with no problems knowing the origination of that word as it is used to contextualize the Belief, though I suppose I would actually prefer Pagan. Though I also am a practitioner of all of the Old Ways including Earth and Faery Magiks though I see them all as intertwined and related as being one and the same. To the point, I practice the Beliefs of the earth and self balance, as well as the basic principles of what is defined by the Basic Wiccan Tenants or Witches Laws" i/e see the Wiccan Rede for a basic idea. Call it what you will. Do I believe in Dark Magiks, Yes of course, Do I practice them? No, they are not part of my spiritual principles, but I do believe that there are those who must pave there own way and Magik use should be no different. Do I believe in Faeries, Ghosts,Angels, Demons, Vampires, Aliens , etc.. Bigfoot- Honestly, yes to all of the above. As it was beautifully put once in the movie Contact: 'If we were the only ones in the universe don't you think it would be an Awful waste of space?' Some people would ask me, have I ever seen a _fill in the bank_: Faery: Yes as well as a doorway to them. Ghost (Spirit): Yes plenty of times. Vampire: Yes, though any real Vampyre would tell you there are many different types of them. There are far more than just one that sucks blood and sleeps at night. Much like a "Witch" fables and myths have concluded there is only one type of this sort of person, though there are many types. All Vamps are not evil , they are not all of the "devil" or whatever most Role playing Vamps would like to think. They are not all goth and in such I know quite a few personally that practice Pagan paths and they seek other spiritual outlets to control and learn how to control such things especially Psychic Vamps.. but I could go on for days and days about Vamps. Anyway its not all Buffy and Dracula, though I like that idea *grin* Angels: Two types : Guardian and Fallen. I'm not going to go on my spiel like I did vamps, But I will say that Yes, Angels are Very real. Fallen Angels are Real as well. Have I seen them? Yes. You want to know more? Ask me *grin* Thats a book in itself. Aliens and Bigfoot-I think I answered that earlier *grin* No Ive not seen big foot, but I do think he's possible :) On with my next rambling.... ( I can't believe you've read this far! )
Bide the Wiccan Laws we must In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Live and let live,Fairly take and fairly give. Cast the Circle thrice about To keep the evil spirits out. To bind the spell every time Let the spell be spoke in rhyme. Soft of eye and light of touch, Speak little, listen much. Deosil go by the waxing moon,Chanting out the Witches' Rune. Widdershins go by the waning moon, Chanting out the baneful rune. When the Lady's moon is new, Kiss the hand to her, times two. When the moon rides at her peak, Then your heart's desire seek. Heed the North wind's mighty gale, Lock the door and drop the sail. When the wind comes from the South, Love will kiss thee on the mouth. When the wind blows from the West, Departed souls will have no rest. When the wind blows from the East, Expect the new and set the feast. Nine woods in the cauldron go, Burn them fast and burn them slow. Elder be the Lady's tree, Burn it not or cursed you'll be. When the Wheel begins to turn, Let the Beltane fires burn. When the Wheel has turned to Yule, Light the log and the Horned One rules. Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree, By the Lady, blessed be. Where the rippling waters go, Cast a stone and truth you'll know. When ye have a true need, Harken not to others' greed. With a fool no season spend, Lest ye be counted as his friend. Merry meet and merry part, Bright the cheeks and warm the heart. Mind the Threefold Law you should,Three times bad and three times good. When misfortune is enow,Wear the blue star on thy brow. True in Love ever be,Lest thy lover's false to thee. Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: An ye harm none, do what ye will.
My Sister. She'll never know. My Grandfather. Only hero a girl needs. A Beautiful woman named Jan Strong whom I lost touch with years ago. She was my hero when I needed one most.My Guardian Angels.. My Mom and her Sister Merri Kae. May their smiles from heaven protect me.
This Guy!!

Juan Mann; Doesn't the video say enough? *hugs!*
Free to Download - The Illustrated Guide to Free Hugs!

YOU!!! Like minded artists, authors, musicians, creative people, activists.. etc etc etc!!!!

Bono, Not only is he one of my heros for song writing but also for the works he does in helping the world. He is a great Humanatarian and I would love to shake his hand one day and say Thank You!.

Bryant McGill What can I say- Hero- All the way. Bryant is constantly giving so much of his life to better that of the world around him. Whether it be through reaching out to artists and writers to being a great humanatarian. He is someone I greatly respect and admire and another I would love to shake hands with one day.
Team Hoyt, Please watch this Video, Heroes are everywhere but these two, are my heroes.

The Following is a short Video I made in my political views regarding supporting my troops, and bringing them home from Iraq. If you have a moment please watch it or spread it on. Thanks!

I Support Our Troops!

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

I Support :

The ONE Campaign!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting red_banner_red1.gif hornbeckbutton.jpg

Project Independent Band Search 2007

Q.E.D. on myspace

The End!
So go buy it lol! It actually is ONLY available through my publisher directly until 03/10/08 when it will be in all major bookstores, but if you really can't wait (I hope you can't) Just Click the image below!
Just Click this Cover!

ISBN: 1-60441-936-9, 173 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

*does a Happy Dance!* Read my book! You Know you want to!
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