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Okay up next we gotta a guy goin bald for MD he is shaving himself bald for 300$ towards the total tonight. Also we have Stiff Kitty coming up next on the stage. Dollar Jello Shooters Pitcher Specials and Beautiful People everywhere all here for the same reason. To support the Fight for a Cure of MD. If you would like to get involved and can’t donate Money then Please Donate Time. Send me your Name Number and Address and we wil sign you up with the MDA to spend some time and Change Two Lives Yours and the Kid you spend time with. Ciao and kick it back and Come see us at the STAGE STOP. Here in Memphis Tennessee.
Hey this is DJ Irish Coming to you live from the Stage Stop in Memphis Tennessee for the Muscular Dystrophy Association annual benefit. We have had a Wonderful start to the evening here at the Stage stop with the Bands kicking of at 830 pm. Leading the way tonight was Sons of the South with some awesome tributes to some awesome bands and a few of there own awesome songs. The cover charge tonight is 10 dollars a head and its totally worth it. I would also like to mention that clips from my Live webcast will be available on Youtube Fubar.com and Myspace. Please remember MD is a horrible disease and we all need to work hard to find a cure and every donation counts. This is DJ Irish with the 930 report stay tuned for more info.


A poem for Brittany must be devine And can not be your everyday rhyme Its words move with rhythm And flow like good wine They must cover the very essence the peices of her soul And tell things about her like only and author can know. Lets start with her eyes its easie to start there or better yet lets start with her hair Those beautiful locks as brown as can be so smooth like silk with a touch of hunny and curls that will make any man lose his mind And while we could now move on to her chest alas I am a good author and thus must Digress So let us move on to whats next for a while And I honestly think it should be her smile. And oh what a precious smile indeed That fills your heart up with wanting and need Perfected by lips not a shade to the wrong And teeth so perfect am I to write such a song The kind of smile Bards and Artists so long and on to the next thing as everyone knows It wouldn't be me without some words on her nose and trust me oh how miraculious it is this nose that sits between perfection and bliss But now alas I come to the last one more thing into immortality to cast and Oh as an writer i just cant deny writing some words about her sensuous eyes now as a pervayer of art both fine and not you see her eyes have put me on the spot For ne'er have i seen such perfection displayed with eyes on tainted by vessel or vein and such amazing orbs of brillant doe brown I pray i must never see these eyes frown and there soft shape that gives brillant sight makes them all the more beautiful in any light so now i must stop no more shall I say for i must save words and things for another day but before I go I hope as you read this poem has helped you truthfuly indeed for as you know this is no surprise your are seeing beauty through an authors eyes

Fortune and Fame Part 1

at work Manuscript © 07-10-08 all rights are reserved to the author. OF AUTHORS AND DEVICES An Introduction by the Author It's easy can't you see as easy as one, two, three. To sit down and write a tale of hero's plights and Villainous fights. It is quite simple to be the bard singing of great adventures and grand flights. To take up this pen and write for you this tale of derelict dust blown towns and decrepit fallen cities and tell you of this group of friends that where feared and loved by many. Its funny know as I look back at the first time this tale crossed my mind, how the many people in it seemed a few steps into the wrong time. Some belonged to the seas of old, as pirates or privateers, while others belonged in cities of the fifties in a Mafioso atmosphere. A few belonged in the technology and jetsetter life that is still offered by California and Tokyo. And still yet a few, maybe one or two, belonged in the golden days of Pax Romana where they would make fine generals under Alexander the Great himself. But this was a tale like none I had never thought to write before. Its style is new to me still writing as if I where a character in my own book. And it was as much an adventure for me to write as I hope it will be an adventure to read. I find it hard at times to write especially on this story. Trying to decide what paths to take and where to do or even the opening words. I must admit this may sound odd, but I recently purchased Metal Gear Solid 4 the Limited Collectors Edition, and many times when I wrote on this I would picture the scenery that my characters where in and try to pick through the sound track till I found a song that would fit the scenery and then lean back shut my eyes and let the story perform its self as a movie in my mind. But I stall here in this a forward of for words a thought from the author so to speak. And the funny thing is I see here before me the most annoying waste of space. If I where a reader I would pick this book up come to this, maybe read a paragraph and set it back on the shelf. But then again I know from questioning readers of other books, this has been one of my most powerful allies in writing this book, that a majority of people skip these written words and move right on to the book. So I pause again to allow my mind run on a tangent of its own. I wonder if I revealed some dark secret would readers actually take pause to read these six hundred or more words? I doubt it. I truly do. I could say that I am a hermaphrodite or that I believe that I am some dark abomination a scar on this world of God's, and no one would ever know. But alas I am rambling and you the reader want a story and that my dear reader is what you shall have. But before we start I want you to shut your eyes and imagine if you will a town not much unlike your own now kill almost every one in it just make them disappear, and then age the town reduce the once fine sturdy buildings to wreckage. Now for the final addition, dump a desert on top of this your town and make it a few dozen degrees hotter. Now imagine that you are walking out of a building and into that heat and sand and lack of life. This is what my characters see and this is where my story begins and ends. In the wastes, no one cares if you die, you are burden on all who live even your own comrades, there are no friends there are only enemies, and the only ones you can trust are the ones who hate the people you hate more then they hate you. So Reader lets take a step into a new place, a place you have only seen in your mind and into the mind of this man to see the world through his eyes. Maybe perhaps you will cry maybe perhaps you will not. But still enjoy this text as you have enjoyed many before. Thank you, Dustin Ware (You're Loving Author The wind blows, the building groans under the pressure of the sand storms force. Over the howl of the wind it sounds like a giant's sigh of defeat. The year is lost now, time means nothing, no one celebrates the holidays of old anymore, the calendars we have are all well past there prime relics of a past we will never know again. I sit here at this desk of wood in this abandoned building listening as the storm rages on. It took me a while and a lot of thought but I recognize this building now for what it was. A gas station. I haven’t seen one in this condition for many years when the last war ended many of them where burned and destroyed by people in a hurry to steal what little fuel was left and get away from this place trying to out run the fall out and the sand that seemingly came from nowhere and covered everything. I was ten years old when it happened, and now thirty years later I still thrive in this waste land that we created through greed and war. But I am old now, I have lived long in well by the standards of this waste I was lucky to see thirty and those that live to see fifty are revered as wise man and or mystics. And sadly it's true. Since the fall out came that mysterious substance, that no one can explain to this day, that many have come to call gods tears. But it changed many of us, even I didn't escape the effects, I now live in a state of limbo my sense are all awry and the world seems new. Every passing day it grows and I know now that it will eventually cost me my sanity. I have seen psychics and mystics, men who conjure flame to there skin and women who sweat venom. But on the far side of the world deep in what used to be the American south west things remain nearly the same the Tears never fell there it was the refuge of man and now you can't even set foot there if you are from the wastes unless you have business there and you are restricted to the areas of your business.

HOMYGAWD ( I wanna be)

[img]http://www.chivalry.com/jollyrogers/photos/I_Wanna_Be_title.gif[/img] Lived on the land lived by the shore dad stuck around till he got bored Looked to the sky, looked to the sea, shouted to the waves, now can't you see I’m just a lad, I’m all alone my mother’s gone, and I’ve got no home I’ll grab my gear and head to town so the whole damn wharf can hear my sound I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be a Pirate too. Looked about for a seaside bar and didn’t have to look to far Went right in and the press gang grinned, so I stepped right up and said count me in The foreman said well bless my soul, I’ve never seen one so bold Said have a drink and grab your gear we sail with the tide so hit the pier I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be a Pirate too. Now we saw her clear all fat and slow, laden full and sitting low With a Spanish flag her tale was told, she’s bound for home with western gold We’ll take her down and strip her bones, we’ll send her crew to Davey Jones So man your guns boys man them well and on my mark we’ll unleash hell I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be a Pirate too. We took her hard we took her gold, we used her prize to fill our hold We turned south to Montigo Bay, with a final shot we were on our way We laughed and sang and broke rum out, but we froze with the lookout’s shout Two Spanish ships both men-of-war, lying in wait between us and shore I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be a Pirate too. Their cannons blazed and the mast was gone, we knew it would not be long They stormed the ship and sabers flew, but we rallied back cause we all knew The fight went on though we were lost, we got our gold but at what cost I saw him there, I pulled my blade the Spaniard smiled and so I said I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be a Pirate too. I saw the thrust and felt the pain, I saw my life begin to wan With a final blow I struck his head, but I knew that soon we’d both be dead We lay there upon the deck as I thought about my own doomed trek I heard a voice from next to me sing in Spanish now can’t you see that I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be a Pirate too. You listen hard, you listen well there are so many tales to tell Beyond the sea, beyond the waves, you’ll hear them all beyond the graves sing I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be a Pirate too. I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be a Pirate too.
Sign aboard now if you’ve got the heart But know what you’re in for before we start We’re going for breadfruit and tropical spice But how we get there should make you think twice You’ll know the terrors you hoped were just tales Going round the Horn You’ll live on rancid meat and bread that’s gone stale Going round the Horn/Going round the Horn When we arrive you will be shocked to see Lovely young native girls and they are free The men they are friendly, the weather is warm To get there the captain’s going South round the Horn. The wind is so fierce it could sure shred the sail Going round the Horn The true hellish home of Ahab’s white whale Going round the Horn/Going round the Horn You’ll spend your days lounging under a palm Watching the sea and the sea’s always calm But before that you will curse being born ‘Cause to get there we’re all going south round the Horn. You’re head will bleed from the barrage of hail Going round the Horn. That frozen wasteland is worse than a jail Going round the Horn/Going round the Horn The beach, the food, and the girls are so nice There’s a reason they all call it Cook’s Paradise So sign up now for the islands we’re sworn If we survive going south round the Horn You’ll meet the mother of all living Gales Going round the horn So cold it will freeze your hand to the rail Going round the Horn/Going round the Horn They’ll give us tattoos to help celebrate With Rum and with Grog we will all toast our fate So sign up boys, but still I must warn Dangers abound going south round the horn. The jagged i-ice the mists they do veil Going Round the horn But if you’ve got the heart we cannot fail Going round the Horn/Going round the Horn Going round the Horn/Going round the Horn
Before you yell at me about going to far please note he did pull that "SOmetimes i wish we could just die together so I could never leave you...." Shit. So yea I flipped this is my best friend he was messin with. Also Im myshining hand in this and all names have been altered to protect ME ---------------------start------------------------ myshininghand (11:48:54 PM): you know im sorry maybe we got off on the wrong foot myshininghand (11:49:08 PM): long day and all gspirit719 (11:49:18 PM): what wanna be friends now? myshininghand (11:49:31 PM): oh no i have no intrest in friends myshininghand (11:49:37 PM): hither or too myshininghand (11:49:46 PM): I just wanna settle this gspirit719 (11:49:50 PM): i know i was being sarcastic myshininghand (11:50:09 PM): ah sarcasm is the poison of human society gspirit719 (11:50:22 PM): yep lets you know your alive myshininghand (11:50:37 PM): actually waking up in the morning does that for me myshininghand (11:50:53 PM): you see i quit caring long ago myshininghand (11:51:02 PM): wether i live or die myshininghand (11:51:09 PM): it means nothing myshininghand (11:51:25 PM): we are just lots cast by the whim of a hand gspirit719 (11:51:31 PM): ehh its up to you to find something to live for myshininghand (11:51:42 PM): ah I live for something myshininghand (11:51:47 PM): i fight for it too myshininghand (11:51:54 PM): its nothing stupid like love myshininghand (11:51:58 PM): or friends gspirit719 (11:52:05 PM): then you aint alive myshininghand (11:52:09 PM): its whats right myshininghand (11:52:19 PM): its what i know in the world is right myshininghand (11:52:49 PM): its the guys that i put in hospitals last year with a baseball bat because they tried to rape a woman myshininghand (11:53:10 PM): its the guy who had his hand broke cause he slapped a woman myshininghand (11:53:16 PM): and it could myshininghand (11:53:20 PM): very well be you myshininghand (11:53:28 PM): I dont like mind games myshininghand (11:53:36 PM): and i dont like them being played gspirit719 (11:53:36 PM): i doubt it was me myshininghand (11:53:45 PM): oh not yer myshininghand (11:53:47 PM): yet gspirit719 (11:53:58 PM): heh myshininghand (11:53:59 PM): so im gonna cut to it myshininghand (11:54:16 PM): Leave her alone that simple myshininghand (11:54:26 PM): no more boo hoo im suicidle crap myshininghand (11:54:32 PM): cause i know your not myshininghand (11:54:45 PM): no more awww look at me i can copy everyone else gspirit719 (11:54:48 PM): haha myshininghand (11:54:58 PM): cause i know you have your own identity gspirit719 (11:55:01 PM): you know your pretty funny myshininghand (11:55:17 PM): no more oh look at me i can make you feel bad myshininghand (11:55:22 PM): cause i am serious myshininghand (11:55:31 PM): I know alot more than you think myshininghand (11:55:37 PM): and thank you I know myshininghand (11:55:42 PM): but im being serious gspirit719 (11:55:50 PM): well myshininghand (11:56:09 PM): if you cant cut the games and let her be myshininghand (11:56:28 PM): then... things can get dirty wuick myshininghand (11:56:31 PM): quick gspirit719 (11:56:37 PM): shes already made it clear that she dont want me sally myshininghand (11:56:42 PM): Oh i know myshininghand (11:56:49 PM): so you need to respect that gspirit719 (11:56:52 PM): i am myshininghand (11:56:56 PM): good myshininghand (11:57:02 PM): lets keep it that way gspirit719 (11:57:10 PM): so shut the fuck up and go away myshininghand (11:57:16 PM): lake havasue is a beautiful place myshininghand (11:57:22 PM): been there a few times gspirit719 (11:57:23 PM): it is gspirit719 (11:57:32 PM): nothing to do though myshininghand (11:57:38 PM): not a place id like to go for dirty business myshininghand (11:57:48 PM): funny i always found plenty to do there myshininghand (11:57:57 PM): LA is a long drive gspirit719 (11:58:01 PM): you'd be disappointed by the time you got here myshininghand (11:58:05 PM): nah myshininghand (11:58:28 PM): i dont get dissapointed gspirit719 (11:58:34 PM): yeah you would cuz i hate to break it to ya but im moving myshininghand (11:58:40 PM): i enjoy the hunt myshininghand (11:59:09 PM): worlds a small place the american is a fun trip myshininghand (11:59:46 PM): much better then where i am from myshininghand (11:59:58 PM): and i love the north west gabe gspirit719 (12:00:06 AM): me too myshininghand (12:00:14 AM): it truelly is a beautiful place reminds me of my home land myshininghand (12:00:20 AM): rainy myshininghand (12:00:23 AM): cold myshininghand (12:00:26 AM): mountains myshininghand (12:00:40 AM): lots of places to hide myshininghand (12:00:48 AM): and many more to be hunted myshininghand (12:01:49 AM): welp enjoy life and please do as i ask ------------------------End----------------------- Also on further note before this one took place there way a brief cuss out so yea
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