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Katetastic's blog: "Kate is bored.."

created on 01/27/2007  |  http://fubar.com/kate-is-bored/b49089


2007 survey
Top Three quotes 0f 2007
-:"Seth: Oh my God! That's the coolest fucking story I've ever heard in my life! Can you tell it again, do you have time? "
-:"Our greatest glory comes not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
-:"Sacrifice is giving up something good for something better."
Songs For you Life
Your theme song:"With A Little Help From My Friends" - The Beatles
Dance Song:I'll dance to anything.
Your best friend's song:Something country. Ew.
Your Empowerment Song:"Hate" - Plain White T's
song that made you cry:"Stellar" and "I Miss You" - Incubus
song about your love life:Isn't one at the momment..
Your most angst ridden song:"Let it Die" - Three Days Grace
Random things about 2007
did you travel anywhere? where?:AL, SC,TX, and Mexico
were you sleep deprived?:Haha, always.
fall in love?:No.
get dumped?:In a way.
gained/lost weight?:Yes.
cried over a broken heart?:Oh yeah.
did something you shouldnt have?:*nod*
found out who your friends were?:Yes. For sure.
partied?:Only before I got ill.
get a new best friend?:No.
how did you spend your birthday?:The family I was a nanny for threw me a party.
Did you realize anything?:Yes, a lot of things.
how many fights did you get in?:Uhm, a ton, but only with one person. And none physically.
Who in 2007...
made you laugh the most:Jared
did you see cry the most:I'm really not sure.
gave the best advice:Sharron
did you rant to the most:Sharron
did you rant ABOUT the most:Jared
So now that its almost over...
regret anything?:Nope.
want to relive anything?:No thank you.
wish you could change anything?:My health?
for 2008...
any fears going in?:I won't get better.
hopes or aspirations?:Oh so many. = )
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Survey Time..

Just take it!
What is...
the most important thing you want to happen to you in your life?:Have a family.
the most exotic pet that you have ever had?:My lizard Jewel.
A question that you asked yourself today?:Why does my ankle hurt?
the answer to that question?:Probably the weather.
the age that you left your parents house, and started to support yourself?:18, but had to come back. Leaving again soon.
the longest length of time that you had a romantic crush on someone?:5 years.
that persons name?:Jared.
The ugliest car you have ever seen and why?:My big sister's. It looks horrid, it's falling apart.
the sexiest part of the human bodie (either male or female)?:Eyes.
your biggest regret?:Getting caught up in someone's lies.
the capital of venezuala?:Caracas
the meaning of pizza (the food, not the word)?:Not sure.
the worste trouble you have ever been in?:When I drank an entire bottle ofjim beam and passed out.
the worste damage you ever caused while driving a car or truck?:When I flipped my car.
the worste situation you have been put in by a BF/GF?:Worse than you can imagine.
the grossest thing you can think of that people eat (food only please)?:Any type of seafood.
the kindest thing you ever did for someone that you didnt know very well?:I've helped out several charaties, too many to list.
your favourite car that you have owned?:My 2007 Honda Civic.
the best movie (or best time) you ever saw at a drive in theatre?:Hmmm.. I fall asleep at drive ins a lot, lol.
the best band you've seen live?:Incubus!
your favourite cartoon from your childhood?:Alf, but he wasn't really a cartoon.
the best compliment anyone has ever given you?:Hm.. not sure.
your ideal vacation?:A cruise.
the longest road trip you ever had in a school bus?:To Branson. It was HELL.
your fondest memorie of your teen years?:My dance team. Good times with "the circle"
the first movie you remember that scared you?:One of the Freddy movies.
the most recent movie that scared you?:Can't think of one. The most recent Saw didn't scare me, just disturbed me.
the strangest duo of fictional characters that you have seen together?:Not sure.
the last time you cried like a little school girl?:A few days ago.
the worste way an ex has ended your relationship?:By randomly freaking out on me. Last week.
the last time you drove over 100mph?:I never have. I want to live.
the last food that you made yourself?:Cookies.
random shit...
If you could choose anyone in the world, who would you take out on a date?:Brandon Boyd
mention one conspiricy that you beleive in (be careful...):I really don't know.
peanut-butter and jelly, or fluffernutter?:Just plain PB.
would you let your BF/GF use your toothbrush?:Yeah, probably.
where were you when Hi-Tops were popular?:Young.
do you like wearing socks?:Not at all.
How much sleep did you get last night?:Too much.
can you suck a golf ball out of a hose?:I have never tried.
how many french fries constitutes a large order?:I have no idea.
the last time you wished you could turn people into inanimate objects was?:Two seconds ago.
You have three rubber bands, one blue, and two purple...what do you do?:Put them on my wrist?
name the person with whome you have shared your most romantic kiss...:Rob.
If a train leaves union station at 12:35,when will it arrive in long beach?:Hell if I know.
If you could choose tomorow's weather, what would it be?:SNOW!
what do you think when you see...
the color pink?:Bunnies.
the color blue?:Sadness.
a punk rocker?:Poser!
a dog wearing a sweater?:Silly.
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Out of the Hospital Early

Hey ya'll! I wanted to let you know my surgery went great and I got to come home from the hospital even earlier then expected. My doctor said my ankle was a real mess, it had all sorts of bone spurs and cysts and it's a good thing we got to it when we did. They re-broke the bone, took out the bad joint, cleaned out all the yicky stuff from around the joint, fused the bones together, and then put two screws in to hold it in place. I was in the hospital for about 9 hours when they decided I was doing so well that I could come home early. :-) Since I have been home I have to take my pain medicine every four hours, and my body has gotten on a pretty odd schedule of sleeping for four hours, and waking up for one. I am currently up to take my medicine and thought I would get on CT and let you all know how I'm doing. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers that have been sent my way, I appreciate them more then I can explain!

My Surgery... Please Read.

I wanted to update all my CT friends who do not know yet. I am going into surgery for my ankle at 7:30 AM on Wednesday (June 3rd.) I have to stay at the hospital overnight, and I should be able to come home on Thursday morning. I am having this surgery because my ankle was shattered from a car accident that occurred last summer. Last summer, I was in a cast for a month, then in a splint for awhile, and eventually had to learn how to walk again. This summer, I get to go through all that again. I will be in a wheelchair for nearly two months, then I will be able to use crutches, and move up from there. I will have limited mobility after this surgery, but it is our only option. The healing period for this surgery can take up to nine months. :-( I'm pretty scared, okay, really really scared.. but I'm trying insanely hard to stay positive. I really appreciate all of my CT friends who have been so supportive through all this! Ya'll have listened to my whinin' these past few months and I would be lost without ya! I'll miss you all while I am gone. But.. once I'm back I'll be on CT more then ever, since I'll be immobile for so long. <3. Pray for me! :-)


200. My name is: Kathryn 199. I was born on: March 19 198. I am a: Very lucky person 197. My eye color is: Grey 195. My shoe size is: 6 1/2 194. My ring size is: Not sure. 193. My favorite color is: Purple, black, and green. 192. My height is: 5'2 191. I'm allergic to: Penniclin 190. I live in: A very adorable house 189. The last book I read: Dry 188. My bed time is: Depends on the night. 187. First Screen name?: Don't remember. 179. My favorite Holiday is: Halloween 178. The perfect kiss is: Completely random. 177. The last three CD's I have listened to are: Incubus - Light Grenades and burnt ones. 176. Last song that made me cry was: "What Sarah Said" 172. My most treasured possession(s): Tiffany necklace, my crowns. 170. What did you do yesterday? Watched movies, played games, and did a science expierment (aka.. mixed together random foods and froze it) with the kids. 167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): Normally tan. Recently burn. =============================== :::::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In::::: =============================== 142. Love at First Sight: No. 141. Luck: No. 140. Fate: Yes. 139. God: Yes. 138. Aliens: No. 137. Heaven: Yes. 136. Hell: Yes. 135. Ghosts: Yes. 134. Horoscopes: Not really. 133. Soul mates: Yes. ================= :::::Which is Better?::::: ================= 129. Hugs or Kisses: Both. 128. Drunk or High: Neither. 127. Phone or online: Phone. 126. Red heads or Brown hair: Either. 125. Blondes or Brunettes: Either. 124. Lamb and tuna or peanut butter and jelly: Peanut butter and jelly. 123. Pool or darts: Darts. 122: Sci-fi or horror: Horror. 121: Guys or girls: Guys. 120. Night or Day: Night. 119. Where are you at? My bedroom. 118. Curly or Straight hair: Both. ========================== :::::What comes to your head ?::::: ========================== 117. Scary: Whales. 116. Backstabber: Tear. 115: Parents: I kinda miss em. 110. School: Not for me.. (right now at least.) ================= :::::Last time?:::::::: ================= 103. Missed someone: 10 seconds ago. 102. Hugged someone: An hour ago. 101. Seen someone you haven't seen in a while: Hmm.. it's been awhile. ========== ::::MISC.:::: ========== 90. Who's the ditziest person you know?: Me 89. Who makes you laugh the most: Mike or Shelly and Jeff 87. One thing I'm mad about right now: Nothing. 83. The last movie I saw in the theater was?: 200 82. Ever ate sushi: Yes. 79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex: Sense of humor. 78. This summer: Will be super fun. 77. Next year will be: Even better. 76. I will really miss ___ when I leave home: My family and kitties.. but I've already left home. 75. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most is: Vacations. ======================== ::::::What are you doing?::::::: ======================== 73. Tomorrow: Sleeping in, going to the mall, hanging out with the fam I live with. 74. Today: Getting ready to go to bed. 71. Next Summer: I don't have a clue where I'll be. 70. Next month: Going to North Carolina, South Carolina, and visiting Indiana for a weekend. ==================== :::MISC:::::(CONTINUED) ==================== 64. The person I have been good friends with the longest: Elena 62. The person who knows the most about me is: Hmm.. 61. The person that can read me the best: Eric 60. The most difficult thing to do is: Let someone go. 59. I have gotten a speeding ticket: Negative. 58. I have the following siblings: One older brobro. 56. My zodiac sign is: Pisces. 55. The first person I was in love with: *sigh* 54. Who do you feel most comfortable with: A few people. 53. The person who can't hide anything from you?: Not sure. 48. I have a job: Yep. 47. I have a pet(s): Back in Indiana. 46. I hope: That the baby doesn't wake me up as soon as I fall asleep. 45. The worst sound in the world: Car crash. 44. The person that made me cry the most is: The ex. 43. Have you ever done drugs?: Yes. 33. My favorite piece of clothing is?: A certian set of my VS PJs 32. My favorite sport is: Tennis. 31. Last time I cried: Last night. (Because of a movie.) 28. The church I attend: LCBC 27. Last person I got mad at: Not sure.. I try to avoid getting mad. 26. My worst experience: Is just a part of the past. 22. The all-time best movie is: Boondock Saints. 21. The all-time best thing in the world is: Love 20. So, about them Canadians: The few I know are some of the most amazing people I've ever talked to. 19. The most annoying thing ever is: When people act like they are gonna tell you something important and then say.. "Never mind." 18. The most annoying person you know is: That's mean. 17. I lose all respect for people who: Lie all the time, to anyone and everyone. 16. I hate: nothing and noone. 15. I like or love: Friendly way? A lot of people. But the Mike has my <3. 14. My favourite day is: Hmm.. 13. My favourite month is: May. 12. My favorite band is: Metallica or Incubus 11. The worst pain I ever felt: The first few weeks after my shattered ankle. 10. My favorite Quote: "Our greatest glory comes not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." 9. My room: Is in the process of being painted and redone. 8. My favorite actress/actor is: Not sure. 7. Your weakness: Musicians.. especially guitarists. 6. Who do you like: A lot of peoples. 5. Cats?: So cute. Too bad they make me itch. 4. What turns me on: Wouldn't you like to know? 3. Are you in love: Not yet. 2. I filled out 200 questions because: There are so not 200 questions here, and, I'm ungodly bored. 1. What do you dislike about yourself?: A few things.


Itunes Survey
Itunes Survery- Finds out your true taste in music.
So first of all how many songs?:1961
How many hours?:5:15:51:23
Whats the very first song on the library list?:Wasteland - 10 Years
Whats the very last song?:La Grance - ZZ Top
If your go to the third view setting, whats the album in the very middle?:Counting Crows - This Desert Life
On your top 25!
First Song?:Lover I Don't Have to Love - Bright Eyes
Last song?:Paranoid - Black Sabbath
What number is your favorite song?:2
How many times have you played the #1 song?:43
How many times have you played your #25 song?:21
Totally random Questions!
What are the names of any playlists you have?: --Oooo--, --Sad--, --The Kate--,--Poker--, and then oragnized into types of music.
Right now, whats your favorite album?:Incubus - Light Grenades
Your favorite artist?:Metallica, Counting Crows, Incubus
Your favorite song?:Set Fire To The Third Bar - Snow Patrol
Any songs or albums you want to delete?:Too many.
What songs look like they really don't belong, if any?:Like 10 Buddy Holly songs.
Do you have any soundtracks from your favorite movies? If so what are they?:Yep.. Moulin Rouge, Jesus Christ Superstar, Elizabethtown, Phantom..
Whats the last thing you downloaded?:In the Sun - Joesph Arthur
Do you get music from your friends?:Sometimes.
Do you have any "teen agnst" music?:Haha, yeah.
Any classical?:Yep.
Metal?:Of course.
Pop?:Not a lot.
Rap?:Sadly, but not much.
Do you have music that would definately be called emo?:Yep.
Any music that you would be embarrased to show your friends?:No, how silly.
Do you have Sexyback? (be honest):...Yes.
Do you have Fergalicious? (be honest):Nope!
Do you have any of these artists?
AC DC?:Yep
Ceine Dion?:Nope
Good Charlotte or Simple Plan?:Nope
Green day?:Yep
Busta Rhymes?:Nope
The Gorrilaz?:Nope
Britney Spears?:Nope
All American Rejects?:Yep
Any local bands?:Yep
Avril Lavigne?:Yep
Fall out boy?:Yep
Mariah Carey?:Yep
Mindless Self Indulgence?:Yep
Ashlee Simpson?:Yep
Jessica Simpson?:Nope
My Chemical Romance?:Yep
Gwen Stefani?:Yep
The Beatles?:Yep
When your depressed you listen to?:Counting Crows, Bright Eyes, or other slowish music.
When your happy?:Metallica, Iron Maiden
Peppy?:Lots of things.
Heart broken?:Depends.
In love?:Silly over happy songs that I would hate if I wasn't in love.
Love sick?:I'm not sure I've been.. "love sick" ..
Bored?:Whatever my iTunes picks.
Just kinda sitting there?:^^
Busy?:Songs I know well, so I don't try to listen to words or something that distract me.
When you wanna dance?:Rarely do I get the urge to dance anymore.
Angry?:Pantera, Disturbed, Megadeath
Sad?:Same as when I'm depressed.
Finally did you enjoy this survey?:No, not at all. I'm just that bored.
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1. Real name-->Kathryn 2. Nickname--> Kat, Kate, Katie, Kit-Kat, Katetastic 3. Single or taken--> It's complicated 4. Zodiac sign--> Pisces 5. Male or female--> Female 6. Elementary--> Lowell / Brumfield 7. Middle--> PCMS 8. High--> PCHS 10. Hair color--> Brown 11. Tall or short--> Short 15. Are you health freak--> Negative 16. Height--> 5'2" 17. Do you have a crush on someone--> Indeed 18. Do you like yourself--> Kinda 19. Piercings--> A few 20. Tattoos--> A few too many 21. Righty or lefty--> Righty FIRSTS : 22. First surgery--> My mouth 23. First piercing--> Ears 24. First best friend--> Umm Lance? 25. First award--> I can't remember 26. First sport you joined--> Basketball 27. First pet--> Jared, the rabbit 28. First vacation--> Myrtle Beach 29. First concert--> Faith Hill and Tim McGraw 30. First real crush--> Oh gosh, I don't remember CURRENTLY : 049. Eating--> Nothing 050. Drinking--> Water 052. I'm about to--> Take a nap 055. Waiting for--> Things 057. Wearing--> Tank top and shorts YOUR FUTURE : 058. Want kids--> Possibly 059. Want to get married--> A tiny bit 060. Careers in mind--?> Education WHICH IS BETTER WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX? : 68. Hands or Feet--> Hands 069. Hugs or kisses--> Both 070. Shorter or taller--> Taller 072. Romantic or spontaneous--> Both 073. Nice stomach or nice arms--> Arms 074. Sensitive or loud--> Both 075. Hook-up or relationship--> Relationship 077. Trouble maker or hesitant---> Trouble maker Have YOU Ever 079. Drank bubbles--> Ew, nope 080. Lost glasses/contacts--> Yes, quite often 081. Ran away from home--> Haha, but I never made it off our property 082. Broken any bones--> Indeed 084. Broken someone's heart--> Probably 086. Turned someone down--> Yeah 087. Cried when someone died--> Yes 088. Liked a friend--> Yep DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 089. Yourself--> Not really 090. Miracles--> Yeah 091. Love at first sight--> Lust at first site 092. Heaven--> Maybe 093. Santa clause--> Yep 095. Kissing on the first date--> Nope 096. angels--> Maybe ANSWER TRUTHFULLY : 097. Is there one or more people you want to be with right now? Uh huh. Two. 098. Do you like orange juice? Yes 099. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? No 100. Do you believe in God? Maybe Now repost as 100 Truths.

Random Survey

The Completely Random, and I do mean random, Survey!!!
What did you have for breakfast?:Homemade donuts :)
What type of soap do you use in the shower?:Victoria Secret Spa stuff.. its amazing
Did you wear perfume today? What kind?:Yep yep, very sexy!
Who was the last person that IMd you?:Neesha
What did you talk about?:Things
What channel is your tv on right now?:Its a DVD
What was the last movie you watched?:Armageddon
What did you have for lunch?:It's not lunch time yet
What are you currently wearing?:Clothes :)
What's your computer wallpaper?:black and white thingy with Conor Oberst
How is your hair styled right now?:it's straightened and down
When was the last time you had any alcohol?:two weeks ago
Wha's the most expensive item you bought for yourself with your own money?:my coach purse
What's the weather like outside?:cold
Do you use face cream? What kind?:sometimes.. Clinique
How about shampoo? Brand?:Paul Mitchell
Who do you hate the most right now?:I don't hate anyone.
What did you have for dinner? You knew it was coming.:Last night.. we had pizza
Go to church often?:nope
Do you wear makeup every day? What brand?:normally, Clinique and Merle Norman
What did you dream last night?:I didn't
What was the last thing you bought?:cups, paper plates, and forks
What movie are you most excited to see?:I'm not sure.
What book are you reading right now?:Tuesdays With Morrie
Do you believe in ghosts?:Uh huh
How about god?:Yes
Do you swear a lot?:I try not to
What do you notice first about the opposite sex?:Eyes
What song are you listening to right now?:Snow Patrol - Run
What is your favorite lyric from that song?:I can bairly look at you, but every single time I do.. I know we'll make it anywhere, away from here.
Grab the first book you see, what's the first sentence on page 147?:No thanks
So what book is it from? Did you read it?:
What sheets do you have on your bed?:random colored stripe ones
How many pillows?:like 6 lol
What tv show would you most like to be on?:something on Fuse
If you could time travel, what year would you go to?:Hmm.. I'm not sure
Pick one favorite tv show?:Greys Anatomy
Who's your favorite character from that show? Why?:I like them all
Do you own an ipod? If so what's your most played song?:Yep, Sorry - Buckcherry
What's your keychain like?:it has a hollywood star and a Coach ladybug keychain.. with my car keys, apartment key, and house key
If you stretch out your left arm what does it touch?:Ashley
What time did you get up this morning?:Haha.. early
Any plans for the weekend?:Yep
What planet would you most like to visit?:Jupiter
What's the last song you sang aloud to?:Tell Me Baby - RHCP
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