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A Letter to the Editor
Nationalized healthcare soon to be a reality???
I'm a 53yo unemployed Trucker,and a US Navy Vet. 
I grew up in Brookline, Mass.
This morning I woke up in my current home of Powell, Wy and  read that the senate got it's needed 60 votes because Sen Nelson of Neb accepted a $300 million deal,
 I got sooo mad I almost cried from rage. The urge to scream at the congress is almost overwhelming.
What happened to government "for the people, by the people"?
This is now government for the government, by the government.
I am ashamed of my Government, my Congress, My President, and my fellow Americans for allowing this travesty.
We need to rise up as a nation and riot, protest,and tea-party our collective rear-ends off and make sure that the 2010 and 2012 elections terminate every senator and congressperson who voted for this atrocity


Obama's Eligibility

Obama and the British Nationality Act, 1948

In the continued exclusive nature of this blog in revealing the legal nationality of Barack Hussein Obama, the following is offered to explain why he is legally disqualified from being President of the United States.

I doubt Phil Berg nor anyone preening over the Obama status in the courts has ever heard of the British Nationality Act of 1948, but it is the act of Empire under which Barack Obama Sr. was born and it was the act of Empire under which Barack Obama Jr. was legally bound as the British Nationality Act of 1965 had not yet been written.
For those who are unfamiliar with the 1965 Act, one can simplify it by stating that it simply mandated it being a British subject under stronger ties.

No one has in logic presented a more complete picture of the actions of Stanley Ann Dunham Obama in 1961 than this blog. Logic dictates a caring mother to be would not endanger her child, but have that child in Canada. Logic dictates if the mother is an obsessed female with a compulsive sexual fetish based in 3rd world dark skinned "pristine" peoples that she would subvert United States safeguards and enter into Canada, inform the British authorities she is the wife of a British subject of Kenya, therefore a British subject herself, and she will be flown home to Kenya to give birth to a British subject she is carrying.

The fact is plain under British Law. Birdie Obama is from conception a British subject. His father is a British subject and therefore forever according to British Covenant which can not ever be broken nor dissolved, a British subject.

The mandates of the Act of 1948 are clear, and, once an underage, then married wife of a British subject entered Canada to gain entranced to another colonial state in Kenya, flying through London of Britain, Stanley Ann Obama was a British wife, carrying a British child within her with full benefits and legal rights and responsibilities forever upon her and Barack jr.

The following Articles and subsections of the Act are specific and supersede American law due to the fact of the Act speaks of colonies. America was a colony of the British and although she gained independence, she is still if her Citizens marry a British subject mandated by British Law has no longer an American citizen alone, but a citizen and subject by consent of that marriage contract.

No one has bothered to ascertain that in legal British Law, Barack Sr. and Stanley Ann Obama, are both British subjects by legal definition. Barack Obama was born to two British subjects in August of 1961, in literal law no matter where he was born in Hawaii nor affirmed deliberately in Canada nor Kenya.

Section 13 of the 1948 Act are quite thorough and posted here with comment to reveal that this Act reaches to even non citizens, as once you drank British tea, you were British.

1. The law in force before the commencement of this Act relating to British nationality shall continue to apply to a person while he remains a British subject without citizenship by virtue of section thirteen of this Act as if this Act had not been passed:

Provided that—

(a) if that person is a male, nothing in this paragraph shall confer British nationality on any woman whom he marries during the period that he is a British subject without citizenship, or on any child born to him during that period;


(b) he shall not, by becoming naturalised in a foreign state, be deemed to have ceased to be a British subject by virtue of section thirteen of the British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act, 1914;

(c) so long as a woman remains a British subject without citizenship as aforesaid she shall not on marriage to an alien cease to be a British subject.

Section 13 shows in part A that a non subject can not transfer citizenship, but Barack Sr. was a citizen, so therefore his entire power within the Empire was transferred upon Barack Jr. and his wife.
Part B, is the all inclusive forever and ever British mandate in even if a subject becomes a citizen of another nation, they are still British. Hence, Birdie Obama, no matter what he states on his website, he was born under 1948 mandate and is a British subject no matter if he was registered Hawaiian, Indonesian or the king of cheese of the moon. British Law defines him forever as a British subject who is regulated by the Laws of Great Britain.
Part C explains Stanley Ann upon being married to a British subject, no matter if she married an Indonesian after divorcing the British Obama, is forever a British subject.

Do not miss in this the terms subject, they fully mean subject as in subject to the Queen, Parliament and all British Mandate forever and never a Citizen again.

In Part 2 of Section 16 there is revealed in the Act the one thing Barack Obama should be required to produce before Congress and the United States Supreme Court and that is what should be the issue of all these lawsuits.

Section 16 explains:

(a) ceased to be a British subject under the provisions of subsection (1) of section twelve of the British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act, 1914 (which provided, subject to certain exceptions, that where a person being a British subject ceased to be such, whether by declaration of alienage or otherwise, every child of that person being a minor should thereupon cease to be a British subject),

Stanley Ann Obama as a minor, upon marrying Barack Hussein Obama Sr. of Kenya, a British subject, was British. She confirmed this by entering Canada and by going to Kenya on the testimony of British subject which is legal recorded confirmation by Birdie's African Grandmother.
According to Part 2, Section 16, Part A, Stanley Ann Obama was required to declare she was an alien. Until any written or recorded information in her own hand or voice states plainly, "I renounce citizenship in the British Commonwealth", Stanley Ann Obama IS a British subject under legal definition as a dual citizen and subject, exactly as her son, Birdie, and he is disqualified from being President, exactly as Stanley Ann would be under dual citizenship if she attempted to be elected to the Presidency.

None of this can be more legally clear. I have informed the people driving these cases they are backwards in thought and process. I will not reveal the correct lawsuit to file concerning Barack Obama, but I will state here that a lawsuit filed on another Obama, Stanley Ann Obama, demanding records of her renunciation of British subject and citizenship be produced, along with her entire passport manifest would be thee opening link to prove Barack Obama jr. is the offspring of two British subjects, and, according to perpetual British law affirmed by the Obama's, he is to this day a British subject as he is of dual citizenship which disqualifies him and has on his site stated his British citizenship expired. There is according to the Law he was born under in the British Nationality Act of 1948, never an expiration on British citizenship.

Once a British subject, forever a British subject as the mandate above confirms.

Enough said.

agtG 275


For thousands of yrs , pirates where quickly tried and hung. Often the trial and execution were carried out aboard the military ship which captured them. The British were one of only a few countries that transported the pirates back to Britain and Execution Dock. Except for Harry Morgan Piracy always carried a death sentence. As it was then, as it should be today and ought to be in the future.

Congressional Stupidity

(excerpt from glenbeck.com) Let me tell you what we've done here in congress. We told you that drilling in ANWR is off limits. We told you that drilling off the coast of Florida and California is off limits. We told you, Mr. Big oil, that there wouldn't be any new leases for drilling in the Gulf while China and Venezuela and even Cuba pursued these leases and have just signed 100-year leases on the oil in the Gulf of Mexico. We here in congress have promised, as all three presidential candidates have also promised, to introduce and pass in the next term a cap and trade legislation bill that will increase the price of gasoline according to the EPA by an additional $1.50. Some people say it could be as high as $5 additional per gallon. Order, order. We have said that we're shutting down oil fields in Colorado. We won't let you develop shale oil fields in several Western states. And yesterday we passed legislation that would let us sue OPEC with the full understanding that they'll never retaliate. Yes. We have allowed environmental attorneys to sue you big oil fiends for future possible destruction of Alaskan Eskimo village which legal experts believe is the same strategy used to bring down big tobacco. We're especially proud of our recent action to protect the polar bear and their habitat which just happens to be where the future oil deposits happen to be located. We told you that you're making too much money and that we're looking at seizing any money that we consider windfall profits. Yes. We have allowed you to drill in some very small areas in Alaska while simultaneously creating very generous environmental laws which have tied up the very production we authorize through years of litigation after you spent the money on buying and setting up equipment. We told you through our policies that we would not allow you to build a new refinery in over 30 years. In fact, this great country, under our tutelage, has even reduced the number of operational refineries by half since 1982. Order, order, order. We have even told your potential competitors in the nuclear and hydroelectric industries that we would send the environmental lawyers after them if they even dared think about building a new plant or a new dam. We've refused to fund or allow the deployment of coal-to-oil technology which has been around since the 1930s. We've told you that you have to make different blends of gasoline, let states like California dictate what unique gasoline blends you have to make for them. We will not reduce our federal gasoline tax. We won't even consider reducing it for the summer months. So Mr. Big oil, tell me why exactly are gas prices so high?

Radical Islam-2

Honor Killings in Dallas: Made in the USA (Posted on 1/3 at 2:22 p.m.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They have dishonored our shores for quite some time and more keep coming our way. I am talking about honor killings in North America. In The Death of Feminism, I write about honor murders in Missouri, Ohio, and in parts of New Jersey, New York, and Canada which took place during the last quarter-century. Just yesterday, an Egyptian Arab Muslim father in Dallas, Texas allegedly shot his two beautiful teenage daughters to death because he disapproved of their American-style ways. Their names were Amina and Sarah Said and their father’s name was Abdul Said. The girls looked sassy and full of life; they looked like Dallas teenagers. They were 17 and 18 years old and their friends considered them “geniuses.” Abdul was a taxi driver. (In parts of Europe, taxi drivers are known to aid and abet honor murders). Perhaps how Amina and Sarah dressed, and how they thought, shamed their father Abdul. He was no longer in control of his women—a mark of shame which provoked his need to kill them. Perhaps their flowering sexuality enraged him because it made him desire them—and from this he concluded that other men might desire them too and if he could not have them, no man could. The blogs and the local Texas media (the Dallas Morning News) were all over this. Hot Air, Atlas Shrugs, Jihad Watch, were too. The only national coverage of this story was contained in the Washington Times. SEE HERE Why did the national and international media so far shy clear of this story? Perhaps they chose to dig deeper first or maybe they were waiting for an arrest to be made. But one also wonders: Were they afraid of being accused of “Islamophobia” if they reported the truth? Did they not want to use the word “Arab” or “Muslim” lest they be attacked as “racists”? But these beautiful and now murdered sisters feared for their lives. They told people that their father was threatening them. Their own mother has now led police to the father as the probable murderer. They could have been saved if a school or police official had been trained to pre-emptively recognize and rescue all such girls and women in danger of being killed by their families in honor killings. NEWSFLASH: Today, on January 3, 2008, the hardcopy edition of the New York Times carried a story about a presumably non-Muslim honor killing in Chicago, in which a father, Subhash Chander, killed his pregnant daughter, son-in-law and 3 year-old grandson “because he disapproved of his daughter’s marriage” to a lower-caste man. All the protagonists are from India or are of Indian origin. So far, I can find no coverage of the Texas honor killing by a Muslim father in the pages of the Paper of Record. LINK You guys better get used to it. If we are going to allow Muslim immigration into the country at the expense of billions of additional tax dollars having to be spent on Homeland Security, you guys better get used to stories like this one as it is going to become all too common place, and, of course, in the Islamic world, honor killings aren't even prosecuted or frown upon!

Radical Islam

A Letter to Mankind Dear fellow human, Today humanity is being challenged. Unthinkable atrocities take place on daily basis. There is an evil force at work that aims to destroy us. The agents of this evil respect nothing; not even the lives of children. Every day there are bombings, every day innocent people are targeted and murdered. It seems as if we are helpless. But we are not! The ancient Chinese sage Sun Zi said, "Know your enemy and you won't be defeated". Do we know our enemy? If we don't, then we are doomed. Terrorism is not an ideology, it is a tool; but the terrorists kill for an ideology. They call that ideology Islam. The entire world, both Muslims and non-Muslims claim that the terrorists have hijacked "the religion of peace" and Islam does not condone violence. Who is right? Do the terrorists understand Islam better, or do those who decry them? The answer to this question is the key to our victory, and failure to find that key will result in our loss and death will be upon us. The key is in the Quran and the history of Islam. Those of us, who know Islam, know that the understanding of the terrorists of Islam is correct. They are doing nothing that their prophet did not do and did not encourage his followers to do. Murder, rape, assassination, beheading, massacre and sacrilege of the dead "to delight the hearts of the believers" were all practiced by Muhammad, were taught by him and were observed by Muslims throughout their history. If truth has ever mattered, it matters most now! This is the time that we have to call a spade a spade. This is the time that we have to find the root of the problem and eradicate it. The root of Islamic terrorism is Islam. The proof of that is the Quran. We are a group of ex-Muslims who have seen the face of the evil and have risen to warn the world. No matter how painful the truth may be, only truth can set us free. Why this much denial? Why so much obstinacy? How many more innocent lives should be lost before YOU open your eyes? We urge the Muslims to leave Islam. Stop with excuses, justifications and rationalizations. Stop dividing mankind into "us" vs. "them" and Muslims vs. Kafirs. We are One people, One mankind! Muhammad was not a messenger of God. It is time that we end this insanity and face the truth. The terrorists take their moral support and the validation for their actions from you. Your very adherence to their cult of death is a nod of approval for their crimes against humanity. We also urge the non-Muslims to stop being politically correct lest they hurt the sensitivities of the Muslims. To Hell with their sensitivities! Let us save their lives, and the lives of millions of innocent people. Millions, if not billions of lives will be lost if we do nothing. Time is running out! "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." Do something! Send this message to everyone in your address book and ask them to do the same. Defeat Islam and stop terrorism. This is your world, save it. The ex-Muslim Movement www.faithfreedom.org
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