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i would rather/.....

i would rather/..... sleep then work drive then walk fuck then fight smoke then drink sing then talk dance then hop laugh than cry...
.Who was the first person you talked to in 07? i think i was talking to myself honestly 2. The first person you hugged? i havent hugged anyone yet 3. The first person you called? my friend in cali 4. The first person you texted? 10 people, and the messages havent sent yet 5. The first drink you drank? i was working on some parrot bay 6. The first person that called you? friend jesse 7. The first person that texted you? everyone did, like at the same time...my fucking responses havent sent yet. 8. Have you talked to all of your top 8 yet? i want to talk to the cure, and gwar and lords of acid , oh yeah i want to fondle, i mean talk to type o negative...sure 9. Any of them? i wish :O). 10. Who was the 1st person to hang up on you? no one has yet 11. What was the first thing you watched on TV? cops 12.Who was the first person you thought of? myself, naturally 13. What was the first thing you ate? k f c .. and it was bomb diggity 14. What were you wearing at midnight? some fly ass fur coat, a french cream/black lace top, my knee high leather boots, and my black and tan trousers 15. Your first kiss? ummmm...does kissing myself count, cuz i havent had one yet 16. First fight? it wasnt a fight, more of a bout, and that dumb ass wanna be player had no game. Mistress had the last word , you bet your ass she did. 17. First Laugh? When the cops were wooop wooping us to get off the freeways and stop watchign the fireworks, we kept moving 15 cars up..damn that was funny """ move it along folks 'whoop whoop"

in song

sway me in perfect harmony balance my grace with song move meadows in dreamstate entrapping me in song swep moments of memorization captivate me in song release me from this seed of shadow take me away with song
. How old will you be in five years? 26 2. do you think you will be married by then? well, damn you just jump the guns dont you? no, i honestly dont think i will be 3. How tall are you? 5'6 4. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks? my birthday! 5. What's the last movie you saw? i was really fucked up this weekend... 6. Who was the last person you called? my friend ___ shit i dont give names mo fo...why do you wanna know? 7. Who was the last person to call you? my sister 8. What was the last text message you received? we ballin! thanks mel that damn song will be in my head all day 9. Do you prefer to call or text? doesnt really matter ... 10. Do you have any pets? well, its hard to convince most grow men into getting into a cage.. i tried the whole bacon thing, it wasnt working 11. What were you doing at 12am last night? passed the fuck out 12. Are your parents married/separated/divorced? both fucking suck. dont care 13. When is the last time you saw your mom? a few weeks ago, she was probably drunk, wait, she was... 14. What color are your eyes? Blue 15. What do you like about winter?all the fur coats i get to wear 16. What do you like about the summer? the monsoon, when it decides to show its face 17. What do you like about spring? uh all the animals hump? 18. How many states have you lived in? 3 19. How many cities/towns have you lived in? i am not counting, sorry 20. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet? Bare feet 21. Are you a social person? no asshole. go the fuck away 22. What was the last thing you ate? mexican food! odelay! 23. What is your favorite restaurant? what i cook is way better than any resturant 24. What is your favorite ice cream? Everything but the.... 25. What is your favorite dessert? Cheesecake WITH some hunky mens..,. i mean uh,, what i said first 26. What is your favorite kind of soup? potoates w/ brocoli and chesse.. 27. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? strawberry, but i hate p and j now.thats what you get for growing up poor 28. Do you like coffee? i like my suga with coffee and cream 29. How many glasses of water, a day, do you drink on average? uh, i never counted, plus i like water fountains 30. What do you drink in the morning? ice cold coke, maybe some java 31. Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? alone, unless they are tied up and cant bother me, i am a voilent sleeper 32. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? middle?? hum?? 33. do you know how to play poker? poker in the but? hahhahaahahaaa..oh yeah 34. Do you like to cuddle? sure if i was puppy, or, maybe, if you were... 35. Have you ever been to Canada? nu uh 36. Do you eat out or at home more often? home, I like to cook, i do eat out alot tho, just becAUSE doing dishes suck 37. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? long story, not for survey 38. Do you want KIDS? i want to give them back to you, k? 39. Do you speak any other languages? some german, i am not expert, nor am i fluent 40. Have you ever gotten stitches? in my skull actually when i was 6 41. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? no 42. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool?pools are safer... 43. Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seats? Window 44. Do you know how to drive a stick? will you show me? 45. What is your favorite thing to spend money on? ME 46. Do you wear any jewelry 24/7? i wear jewelry 24/7 yep. i do 47. What is your favorite TV show? that one where i threw the remote at it and it broke, i mean... KILL YOUR TELEVISION 48. Can you roll your tongue? i cannot begin to expess the mant things my tounge does 49. Who is the funniest person you know? I amuse the hell out of myself. 50. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? i have no stuffed man yet 51. What is the main ring tone on your phone? bach symphony no 5 52. Do you still have clothes from when you were little? maybe a few things 53. What color are your bedroom walls? White and i fucking hate it 54. Do you turn off the water while you brush your teeth? i do that in the shower, i am a time junkie 55. Do you sleep with your closet doors opened or closed? everydoor stays open in my house 56. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of killer bees? that bear can wrap itself around me any day 57. Do you flirt a lot? what is flirt.*winks* 58. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? BBQ or honey mustard or ranch or catsup. me not picky 59. What is your favorite food? mac in cheese till i die 60. Can you change the oil on a car? its a pain in the ass, but cheaper than having some dumb fuck mechanic charge you for a 3 dollor filter and all he has to do is unscrew a fucking bolt...god dont get me started 61. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? no 62. Have you ever run out of gas? almost, but me slick enough to get to the station 63. What is your usual bedtime? whenever i wish it to be 64. Do you read the paper? the paper? lots of thing i read are on paper,yes 65. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? nope 66. Best comedian? of course, me, truely, i get all of my inside jokes..lol 67. Do you watch soap operas? haha, i thought i mentioned something about killing a tv? hum? 68. Do you dance in the car? its a night club up in there, i telling yas

one long ass shlong...lol

WHAT WOULD YOU RATHER BE CALLED 01. Babe or Baby : Babe 02. Sweetie or Honey:Sweetness? 03. Darling or Hun: Hunny bunny :) 01. Is your hair wet? it doesnt have that many issues danm... are you saying you want me to shower? 02. Is your phone right by you? cell to the side, work phone ringng UP MY ass...DAMN 03. Do you miss someone? MY MIND, THE MOSTEST 04. Are you wearing chapstick? no fruity flavored lip gloss, it sure is tasty! 05. Are you tired? tired of waiting 06. Are you excited? i am not a labrabor, k? 07. Are you watching tv? no, and usually not by choice 08. Are you wearing pajamas? sure, what every you want suga HAVE YOU 01. Recently done anything you regret? why live to regret? its happened already! 02. Ever lied? no no, i leave that to the liars 03. Ever tripped over your own feet? the last time i ate acid, yes, i did... they looked so alien like TODAY 01. Have you sworn? does a man have a penis? 02. Have you yelled at someone? see the last answer 03. Have you gotten mad at someone? the dumbasses at my office 04. Have you cried?i didnt know this cold heart could 05. Have you called more than 3 people? of course, thats my job 06. Have you IM'd more than 3 people?nope Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now? A: Always Q: Where is the last place you went? A: to lunch Q: Who do you like more, your mom or dad? A: myself Q: Do you have any siblings? A: one bro, one sis Q: Do you want children? A. not really, i want to give them back to their parents everytime Q: Do you smile often? A:its a permante smirk i have going, with a cheesy laugh Q: Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now? A: my ears arent burning, so no Q: Do you wish on stars? A: everytime i see one Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? A: they zip Q: When did you last cry? A: a week ago Q: Do you like your handwriting? A: its like a doctor, i love it Q: Are you a friendly person? A:right now i am pretty tame Q: Whose bed did you sleep in last night? A: mine A: Q: What color shirt are you wearing? A: Black and gray stripes Q: Do you have any pets? A:that guiy said that he felt uncomfortable in a cage Q: What are the color of your bedsheets? A:black Q: What were you doing at 3pm yesterday? A: shhhhhhh....... Q: I can't wait until... A: i go home in an hour Q: Look to your right. What's there? A: my zanny quotes all over my office, a stack of papers that can wait till next year, OH! and my fuzzy pen Q: Ever cried yourself to sleep? A: not lately Q: Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? A: its awarkward to do so Q: Song that makes you cry or really emotional? A: any song can Q: Are you normally a happy person? A: i am too happy, kinda makes me sickening Q: Has anyone ever said 'I love you.' to you? A: yessome have, but i know they all lied Q: If Yes do you think they meant it? A: i think i said that already GOOD GOD THIS IS LONG! 1. When is the last time you held hands with someone? My friend mel, the other night when we wouldnt leave each others side at a party 2. What should you be doing right now? you maybe? huh? sounds fun? *knudges arm* 3. Have you ever crawled through a window? i have many tricks if you need them 5. Morning or night person? non sleeper 6. What was the last movie you watched? fast in the furious tokyo drfit, not bad, i creamed over the cars 7. Do you have a crush on anyone right now? you know, i am damn sexy when i look in the mirror 8. Any cool scars? Yeah I have one from where I was cut in half and stapled back none that you can know about! 9. Things about the opposite sex you notice first: confidence 10. What do you do when no one is watching? watch the no one 11. Ever been in love? i loves me! 12. What's something your friends make fun of you for? everythin, because i make fun of everything, and them 13. What is your curfew? haha.. 14. Would you ever dye your hair red? dont need to 15. What is your favorite old TV show? fraggle rock 16. What is one of your bigget pet peeves? whores 17. What is your favorite cereal? granola 18. Which country would you like to visit? everywhere 19. Do you want a well paying job or a job you enjoy? i just want to know where i pick up my check 20. Do you wish to have the same best friends when you're older? people change, i only wish people and friends the best 21. How do you handle stress? i burn it up 22. What is one thing you want to change about yourself? not to be so damn intimidating 23. When were you last on the phone? i was on the phone doing this 24. What shoes are you wearing? my knee high, fuzzy leather boots with hoops on the side for jingling action when you walk, or, suspension purposes 25. Do you like math? i like money! 26. What about history? people need to pay more attention to such things, especially americans 27. Have you ever seen 5 squirrels at one time? when i was watching a porn and they were tryng to shove them...oh nevermind 28. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? oh yeah, easy acsess 29. Do you have a brother? dont repeat question s please, mistress gets adjitated 30. Do you have any step siblings? 2 , but i dont care for them, they dont care for me 31. Who's your favorite person to talk to online? myself, when i set up fake profiles and entertain myself 32. Have you ever used photobucket? not really 33. Do you like hugs? my arms are open! 34. Do you like cuddling? again. i am not a labrador 35. Do you want to be a doctor? a mortician maybe 36. Have you ever fallen asleep with gum in your mouth? nope 37. What do you do right before you go to bed? heee hee 38. Right when you get out of bed what do you do? hee hee 39. Do you love your parents? i love me! 40. Would you date a girl/guy with hair shorter than yours? hahaha.. dumb question 41. Do you want to be famous? but i am! didnt you see me on the cover of people? i adopted a chinese kid or something 42. Do you spend a lot of time contemplating lifes unanswerables? why bother? 43. Do you do your own laundry? i dont wear clothes...
ColorQuiz.com I took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test!

"Pursues her objectives with intensity and does not..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

Fucking Pathetic

I am still trying to understand why every fucking woman on here thinks she has to post herself nude. Well, not every. It goes for the males as well. Is it thus proving further that you have a pair or tits, or possibly a penis? Did someone call you a hermaphadite? Do you really think that A person will love you and respect you for showing the goods? Instead of going off on how I think about it, I issue a challenge to those naked bodies. Post a piece of art, a writing a pic of you being just you, and not nessicarily in your birthday suit.


I can´t use what I can´t abuse And I can´t stop when it comes to you You burned me out but I´m back at your door Like Joan of Arc coming back for more I nearly died I came to cut you up I came to knock you down I came around to tear your little world apart I cam to shut you up I came to drag you down I came around to tear your little world apart And break your soul apart You burn and burn to get under my skin You´ve gone too far now I won´t give in You crucified me but I´m back in your bed Like Jesus Christ coming from the dead I nearly died I came to cut you up I came to knock you down I came around to tear your little world apart I came to shut you up I came to suck you down I came around to tear your little world apart Tear your little world apart And break your soul apart I can´t stop when it comes to you When it comes to you.
END OF 06 SURVEY(: WITH 2006 COMING TO AN END HAVE YOU... 1. Have you had any relationships this year? one, and I ended it 2. Have you had your birthday yet? begining of the year' due for another soon 3. Seen Happy Feet yet? nope 4. Been on a diet? so i can gain weight from obessingabout my apperance, no,,, me loves me 5. Pulled an all nighter? well of course 6. Drank Starbucks? yep 7. Went Camping? not this year, I should have tho 8. Bought something(s)? lots of things, its called self sufficency 9. Met someone special? special friends , yes 10. Been out of state? not this year 11. Gone Snowboarding? nope 12. What are you thinking about? this is a sorry attempt at attention, but i am bored...sue me Have you... 1.) Hugged someone? yes 2.) Slept in someone elses bed? yep, my friend Melissa 3.) Drank any alchohol? numerous types , yes 4.) Loaned out money? a few times 5.) Gotten in a car accident? nope 6.) Gone over your cell phone bill? nope 7.) Been called a whore? never, people dont even call me that out of anger, unless your talking with my ex boyfriend 8.) Done something you regret? no regrets, just learning from past mistakes Last Person you hugged? friend at work Last Person to call you? one of my guy friends When was the last time you felt stupid? everyday i put my heart on the line Who did you last yell at? my ex boyfriend, last night, for calling and threatening me What did you do today woke up , came to work, sitting here now, typing away 01. Hometown? not telling 02. Natural hair color? the color you see, golden red with highlights of blonde and brown 03. Initials? srb 04. Hair style whatever 5. eye color? blue 6. height? 5-6' 07. Pets: looking for a slave in all the wrong places 08. Mood: jaded right now 09. Where would you rather be? on the moon, or a cloud, maybe hanging off a star 10. Last thing you drank? coke TEN THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE: 01. Have you ever been in love? thought i was , but love is blind 02. Do you believe in love? i hate love, it hurts, but yes, i think mortals can love, i just dont think they can love and live it at the same time 03. Why did your LAST relationship fail? fucker wouldnt contribute, or work, or fuckit, do anything 04. Have you ever been heartbroken: my life is heartbreak] 05. Have you ever broken someone's heart: I had no other choice 06. Have you ever fallen for your best friend? no 07. Have you ever loved someone but never told them? absolutly, but it was a minor infactuation 08. Are you afraid of commitment? i only look for commitment, not one night stands or fuck buddies 10. Have you had more than 5 different serious relationships in your life? no 5 EMOTIONS 01. Are you missing someone right now? no, i am used to being alone, its comforting.why do you miss me? 02. Are you happy? a moments 03. Are you eating anything? my upper lip, this lip gloss is tasty 04. Do you love someone right now? myself only CURRENTLY 01. Where are you? inside this computer..lol 02. What are you doing today? work, play a bit with my truck, maybe write some more. finish the laundry 03. What did you do yesterday? same as today, only duller 04. What are you doing tomorrow? taking over the world, on day at a time


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