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Two Craving Souls

I'm so lost for words, I can hardly think,

 My heart is pounding; my knees are getting weak... My hands are shaking, my typing is obscure,

I look up at my screen, in my heart I know for sure... Right here right now is where I see his face,

This mind entrancing place we call cyber space... This could be so beautiful; it just feels so right,

I'm thinking to myself I must have all of him tonight...

Mixed, unsettled emotions are clouding my brain, Thoughts are being switched between pleasure and pain...

In the very least to no surprise,

It's become moist there between my thighs...

With a simple click of the enter key he now knows, Deep inside of me is where he goes...

No pleasures go unshared,

Computer screens are flared...

Before you enter inside of me so deep,

I beg for you to take me to my peak...

With your tounge I want you to taste,

All those desires that I hold for you in that place... Circle it, tease it, She's yours now, just please it... That's it; there you go,

Long thick strokes you've made me glow...

Your tounge is applying just the right amount of pressure,

Yes just a little more youre giving me such pleasure...

God yes I'm feeling so good now,

Oh yes, it's throbbing this is how...

My legs are lifted up in the air,

For now there is no time to spare...

With lust driven passion your hard muscle opens me, Together were lifted to unthinkable levels of ecstasy...

Youre not to fast and youre not to slow,

You have mastered that perfect flow...

Times up we've both lost all control,

We cant hold back were ready to blow...

Unison and being in synk,

Together we cum as we hit our peak...

I for you and you for me,

Together happily ever after, both of us will be... Catching our breath entangled as we lay,

Our eyes close for soon it will be another day...

By: Mizz Shady

BY: MIZZ SHADY subject: IT'S MY TIME TO BE SET FREE post date: 2007-02-24 19:13:25 views: 100 comments: 3 ratings: 0

Shes the worlds best singer and shes only 8 years old. I've followed her for two years now. I still cry every time I hear her sing.. Simple perfection. omg so you all cant see the vid. how lame is that? omg I'm telling you. Heres the link. Shes in the world genius records twice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwujXTRJxFw

Signs to look for in a battering personality Red Flags Many women, young girls and the parents of them are interested in ways that they can predict whether they are about to become involved with someone who will be physically abusive. Usually battering occurs between a man and a woman, but lesbians can be battered too. Below is a list of behaviors that are seen in people who beat their girlfriends or wives; the last four signs listed are battering, but many women don't realize this is the beginning of physical abuse. If the person has several of the other behaviors (Three or more) there is a strong potential for physical violence. The more signs a person has, the more likely the person is a batterer. In some cases, a batterer may have only a couple of behaviors that the women can recognize, but they are very exaggerated, e.g., will try to explain their behavior as signs of their love and concern, and a woman may be flattered at first; as time goes on, the behaviors become more and more severe and serve to dominate and control the woman. Jealousy Controlling behavior Quick involvement Unrealistic expectations Isolation Blames others for problems Blames others for feelings Hypersensitivity Cruelty to animals or children "Playful" use of force in sex Verbal Abuse Rigid sex roles Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde * Past battering * Threats of violence * Breaking or striking objects * Any force during an argument 1.JEALOUSY At the beginning of a relationship, an abuser will always say that jealousy is a sign of love. Jealousy has nothing to do with love. It's a sign of possessiveness and lack of trust. He will question the woman about who she talks to, accuse her of flirting, or be jealous of time she spends with family, friends, or children. As the jealousy progresses, he may call her frequently during the day or drop by unexpectedly. He may refuse to let her work for fear she will meet someone else, or even do strange behaviors such as checking her mileage or asking friends to watch her. 2.CONTROLLING BEHAVIOR At first, the batterer will say this behavior is because he's concerned for the woman's safety, her need to use her time well, or her need to make good decisions. He will be angry if the woman is "late" coming back from the store or an appointment, he will question her closely about where she went, and who she talked to. As this behavior gets worse, he may not let the woman make personal decisions about the house, her clothing, or going to church. He may keep all the money or even make her ask permission to leave the house or room. 3.QUICK INVOLVEMENT Many battered women dated or knew their abuser for less than six (6) months before they were married, engaged, or living together. He comes on like a whirlwind, claiming "You're the only person I could ever talk to," "I've never felt loved like this by anyone." He will pressure the woman to commit to the relationship in such a way that later a woman may feel guilty or that she's "letting him down" if she wants to slow down involvement or break-off. 4.UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS Abusive people will expect their partner to meet all their needs. He expects the woman to be the perfect wife, mother, lover, or friend. He will say things like "If you love me, I'm all you need - you're all I need." She is supposed to take care of everything for him emotionally and in the home. 5.ISOLATION The abusive person tries to cut the person off from all resources. If she has men friends, she's a whore. If she has women friends, she's a lesbian. If she's close to family, she's "tied to the apron strings." He accuses people who are the woman's supports of "causing trouble." He may want to live in the country without a phone. He may not let her use a car (or have one that is reliable), or he may try to keep the woman from working or going to school. 6.BLAMES OTHERS FOR PROBLEMS If he is chronically unemployed, someone is always doing him wrong, or out to get him. He may make mistakes and then blame the woman for upsetting him and keeping him from concentrating on the work. He will tell the woman she is at fault for almost anything that goes wrong. 7.BLAMES OTHERS FOR FEELINGS He will tell the woman, "You make me mad." "You are hurting me by not doing what I want you to do." "I can't help being angry." He really makes the decision about what he thinks or feels, but will use feeling to manipulate the woman. Harder to catch are claims that, "You make me happy," "You control how I feel." 8.HYPERSENSITIVITY An abuser is easily insulted. He claims his feelings are "hurt" when really he's very mad or he takes the slightest setbacks as personal attacks. He will "rant and rave" about the injustice of things that have happened - things that are really just part of living, like being asked to work overtime, getting a traffic ticket, being told some behavior is annoying or being asked to help with the chores. 9.CRUELTY TO ANIMALS OR CHILDREN This is a person who punishes animals brutally or is insensitive to their pain or suffering. He may expect children to be capable of doing things beyond their ability (whips a two year old for wetting a diaper). He may tease children or younger brothers and sisters until they cry (60% of men who beat the women they are with, also beat their children). He may not want children to eat at the table or expects to keep them in their room all evening while he is home. 10."PLAYFUL" USE OF FORCE IN SEX This kind of person may like to throw the woman down and hold her during sex. He may want to act out fantasies during sex where the woman is helpless. He's letting her know that the idea of rape is exciting. He may show little concern about whether the woman wants to have sex and uses sulking or anger to manipulate her into compliance. He may start having sex with the woman while she is sleeping, or demand sex when she is ill or tired. 11.VERBAL ABUSE In addition to saying things that are meant to be cruel and hurtful, this can be seen when the abuser degrades the woman, cursing her, and running down any of her accomplishments. The abuser will tell the woman that she is stupid and unable to function without him. This may involve waking the woman up to verbally abuse her or not letting her go to sleep. 12.RIGID SEX ROLES The abuser expects a woman to serve him. He may say the woman must stay at home, and that she must obey in all things - even things that are criminal in nature. The abuser will see women as inferior to men, responsible for menial tasks, stupid, and unable to be a whole person without a relationship. 13.DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE Many women are confused by their abuser's "sudden" changes in mood. They may think the abuser has some special mental problem because one minute he's nice and the next he's exploding. Explosiveness and moodiness are typical of people who beat their partners, and these behaviors are related to other characteristics like hypersensitivity. 14.***PAST BATTERING This person may say he has hit women in the past, but they made him do it. The woman may hear from relatives or ex-spouses or girlfriends that the person is abusive. A batterer will beat any woman they are with if the woman is with him long enough for the violence to begin. Situational circumstances do not make a person have an abusive personality. 15.***THREATS OF VIOLENCE This could include any threat of physical force meant to control the woman. "I'll slap your mouth off," "I'll kill you," "I'll break your neck." Most people do not threaten their mates, but a batterer will try to excuse threats by saying "everybody talks like that." 16.***BREAKING OR STRIKING OBJECTS This behavior is used as a punishment (breaking loved possessions), but is mostly used to terrorize the woman into submission. The abuser may beat on the table with his fist, and throw objects around or near the woman. Again, this is very remarkable behavior. Not only is this a sign of extreme emotional immaturity, but there is great danger when someone thinks they have the "right" to punish or frighten their wife or girlfriend. 17.***ANY FORCE DURING AN ARGUMENT This may involve a batterer holding a woman down, physically restraining her from leaving the room, and any pushing or shoving. They may hold the woman against the wall and say, "You're going to listen to me!" What are the effects of domestic violence? Domestic violence has wide ranging and sometimes long-term effects on victims. The effects can be both physical and psychological and can impact the direct victim as well as any children who witness parental violence. The physical health effects of domestic violence are varied. Victims may experience physical injury (lacerations, bruises, broken bones, head injuries, internal bleeding), chronic pelvic pain, abdominal and gastrointestinal complaints, frequent vaginal and urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV.2,8 Victims may also experience pregnancy-related problems. Women who are battered during pregnancy are at higher risk for poor weight gain, pre-term labor, miscarriage, low infant birth weight, and injury to or death of the fetus. There are also many psychological effects of domestic violence. Depression remains the foremost response, with 60% of battered women reporting depression.9 In addition, battered women are at greater risk for suicide attempts, with 25% of suicide attempts by Caucasian women and 50% of suicide attempts by African American women preceded by abuse.4 Along with depression, domestic violence victims may also experience Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which is characterized by symptoms such as flashbacks, intrusive imagery, nightmares, anxiety, emotional numbing, insomnia, hyper-vigilance, and avoidance of traumatic triggers. Several empirical studies have explored the relationship between experiencing domestic violence and developing PTSD. Vitanza, Vogel, and Marshall10 interviewed 93 women reporting to be in long-term, stressful relationships. The researchers looked at the relationships among psychological abuse, severity of violence in the relationship, and PTSD. The results of the study showed a significant correlation between domestic violence and PTSD. In each group in the study (psychological abuse only, moderate violence, and severe violence), women scored in the significant range for PTSD. Overall, 55.9% of the sample met diagnostic criteria for PTSD. In further support of the strong relationship between domestic violence and PTSD, Mertin and Mohr,11 interviewed 100 women in Australian shelters, each of whom had experienced domestic violence. They found that 45 of the 100 women met diagnostic criteria for PTSD. Children may develop behavioral or emotional difficulties after experiencing physical abuse in the context of domestic violence or after witnessing parental abuse. Children's responses to the violence may vary from aggression to withdrawal to somatic complaints. In addition, children may develop symptoms of depression, anxiety, or PTSD.1 State Coalition List Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence P. O. Box 4762 Montgomery, AL 36101 (334) 832-4842 Fax: (334) 832-4803 (800) 650-6522 Hotline Website: www.acadv.org Email: acadv@acadv.orG Alaska Network on Domestic and Sexual Violence 130 Seward Street, Room 209 Juneau, AK 99801 (907) 586-3650 Fax: (907) 463-4493 Website: www.andvsa.org Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence 100 W. Camelback, ..109 Phoenix, AZ 85013 (602) 279-2900 Fax: (602) 279-2980 (800) 782-6400 Nationwide Website: www.azcadv.org Email: acadv@azadv.org Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1401 W. Capitol Avenue, Suite 170 Little Rock, AR 72201 (501) 907-5612 Fax: (501) 907-5618 (800) 269-4668 Nationwide Website: www.domesticpeace.com Email: kbangert@domesticpeace.com California Partnership to End Domestic Violence P. O. Box 1798 Sacramento, CA 95812 (916) 444-7163 Fax: (916) 444-7165 (800) 524-4765 Nationwide Website: www.cpedv.org Email: info@cpedv.org Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence P. O. Box 18902 Denver, CO 80218 (303) 831-9632 Fax: (303) 832-7067 (888) 788-7091 Website: www.ccadv.org Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence 90 Pitkin Street East Hartford, CT 06108 (860) 282-7899 Fax: (860) 282-7892 (800) 281-1481 In State (888) 774-2900 In State DV Hotline Website: www.ctcadv.org Email: info@ctcadv.org Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence 100 W. 10th Street, ..703 Wilmington, DE 19801 (302) 658-2958 Fax: (302) 658-5049 (800) 701-0456 Statewide Website: www.dcadv.org Email: dcadv@dcadv.org DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence 5 Thomas Circle NW Washington, DC 20005 (202) 299-1181 Fax: (202) 299-1193 Website: www.dccadv.org Email: help@dccadv.org Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence 425 Office Plaza Tallahassee, FL 32301 (850) 425-2749 Fax: (850) 425-3091 (850) 621-4202 TDD (800) 500-1119 In State Website: www.fcadv.org Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence 3420 Norman Berry Drive, ..280 Atlanta, GA 30354 (404) 209-0280 Fax: (404) 766-3800 Website: www.gcadv.org Hawaii State Coalition Against Domestic Violence 716 Umi Street, Suite 210 Honolulu, HI 96819-2337 (808) 832-9316 Fax: (808) 841-6028 Website: www.hscadv.org Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence 815 Park Boulevard, ..140 Boise, ID 83712 (208) 384-0419 Fax: (208) 331-0687 (888) 293-6118 Nationwide Website: www.idvsa.org Email: domvio@mindspring.com Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence 801 S. 11th Street Springfield, IL 62703 (217) 789-2830 Fax: (217) 789-1939 Website: www.ilcadv.org Email: ilcadv@ilcadv.org Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1915 W. 18th Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 (317) 917-3685 Fax: (317) 917-3695 (800) 332-7385 In State Website: www.violenceresource.org Email: icadv@violenceresource.org Iowa Coalition against Domestic Violence 515 28th Street, ..104 Des Moines, IA 50312 (515) 244-8028 Fax: (515) 244-7417 (800) 942-0333 In State Hotline Website: www.icadv.org Kansas Coalition against Sexual and Domestic Violence 634 SW Harrison Street Topeka, KS 66603 (785) 232-9784 Fax: (785) 266-1874 Website: www.kcsdv.org Email: coalition@kcsdv.org Kentucky Domestic Violence Association P.O. Box 356 Frankfort, KY 40602 (502) 695-2444 Fax: (502) 695-2488 Website: www.kdva.org Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence P.O. Box 77308 Baton Rouge, LA 70879 (225) 752-1296 Fax: (225) 751-8927 Website: www.lcadv.org Maine Coalition To End Domestic Violence 170 Park Street Bangor, ME 04401 (207) 941-1194 Fax: (207) 941-2327 Website: www.mcedv.org Email: info@mcedv.org Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence 6911 Laurel-Bowie Road, ..309 Bowie, MD 20715 (301) 352-4574 Fax: (301) 809-0422 (800) 634-3577 Nationwide Website: www.mnadv.org Email: mnadv@aol.com Jane Doe, Inc./Massachusetts Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence 14 Beacon Street, ..507 Boston, MA 02108 (617) 248-0922 Fax: (617) 248-0902 TTY/TTD: (617) 263-2200 Website: www.janedoe.org Email: info@janedoe.org Michigan Coalition against Domestic & Sexual Violence 3893 Okemos Road, ..B-2 Okemos, MI 48864 (517) 347-7000 Fax: (517) 347-1377 TTY: (517) 381-8470 Website: www.mcadsv.org Email: general@mcadsv.org Minnesota Coalition For Battered Women 1821 University Avenue West, ..S-112 St. Paul, MN 55104 (651) 646-6177 Fax: (651) 646-1527 Crisis Line: (651) 646-0994 (800) 289-6177 Nationwide Website: www.mcbw.org Email: mcbw@mcbw.org Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence P.O. Box 4703 Jackson, MS 39296 (601) 981-9196 Fax: (601) 981-2501 Website: www.mcadv.org Missouri Coalition Against Domestic Violence 718 East Capitol Avenue Jefferson City, MO 65101 (573) 634-4161 Fax: (573) 636-3728 Website: www.mocadv.org Email: mcadv@sockets.net Montana Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence P.O. Box 818 Helena, MT 59624 (406) 443-7794 Fax: (406) 443-7818 (888) 404-7794 Nationwide Website: www.mcadsv.com Email: mcadsv@mt.net Nebraska Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalition 825 M Street, ..404 Lincoln, NE 68508 (402) 476-6256 Fax: (402) 476-6806 (800) 876-6238 In State Website: www.ndvsac.org Email: info@ndvsac.org Nevada Network Against Domestic Violence 100 West Grove Street, ..315 Reno, NV 89509 (775) 828-1115 Fax: (775) 828-9911 (800) 500-1556 In State Website: www.nnadv.org New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence P.O. Box 353 Concord, NH 03302 (603) 224-8893 Fax: (603) 228-6096 (866) 644-3574 In State Website: www.nhcadsv.org New Jersey Coalition for Battered Women 1670 Whitehorse Hamilton Square Trenton, NJ 08690 (609) 584-8107 Fax: (609) 584-9750 (800) 572-7233 In State Website: www.njcbw.org Email: info@njcbw.org New Mexico State Coalition Against Domestic Violence 200 Oak NE, ..4 Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 246-9240 Fax: (505) 246-9434 (800) 773-3645 In State Website: www.nmcadv.org New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence 350 New Scotland Avenue Albany, NY 12054 (518) 482-5464 Fax: (518) 482-3807 (800) 942-6906 English-In State (800) 942-6908 Spanish-In State Website: www.nyscadv.org Email: nyscadv@nyscadv.org North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence 115 Market Street, ..400 Durham, NC 27701 (919) 956-9124 Fax: (919) 682-1449 (888) 232-9124 Nation wide Website: www.nccadv.org North Dakota Council on Abused Women's Services 418 E. Rosser Avenue, ..320 Bismark, ND 58501 (701) 255-6240 Fax: (701) 255-1904 (888) 255-6240 Nationwide Website: www.ndcaws.org Email: ndcaws@ndcaws.org Action Ohio Coalition For Battered Women P.O. Box 15673 Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 221-1255 Fax: (614) 221-6357 (888) 622-9315 In State Website: www.actionohio.org Email: actionoh@ee.net Ohio Domestic Violence Network 4807 Evanswood Drive, ..201 Columbus, OH 43229 (614) 781-9651 Fax: (614) 781-9652 (800) 934-9840 Website: www.odvn.org Email: info@odvn.org Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault 3815 N. Sante Fe Ave., Suite 124 Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 524-0700 Fax: (405) 524-0711 Website: www.ocadvsa.org Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence 380 SE Spokane Street, ..100 Portland, OR 97202 (503) 230-1951 Fax: (503) 230-1973 Website: www.ocadsv.com Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence 6400 Flank Drive, ..1300 Harrisburg, PA 17112 (717) 545-6400 Fax: (717) 545-9456 (800) 932-4632 Nationwide Website: www.pcadv.org The Office of Women Advocates Box 11382 Fernandez Juancus Station Santurce, PR 00910 (787) 721-7676 Fax: (787) 725-9248 Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence 422 Post Road, ..202 Warwick, RI 02888 (401) 467-9940 Fax: (401) 467-9943 (800) 494-8100 In State Website: www.ricadv.org Email: ricadv@ricadv.org South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault P.O. Box 7776 Columbia, SC 29202 (803) 256-2900 Fax: (803) 256-1030 (800) 260-9293 Nationwide Website: www.sccadvasa.org South Dakota Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault P.O. Box 141 Pierre, SD 57501 (605) 945-0869 Fax: (605) 945-0870 (800) 572-9196 Nationwide Website: www.southdakotacoalition.org Email: sdcadvsa@rapidnet.com Tennessee Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence P.O. Box 120972 Nashville, TN 37212 (615) 386-9406 Fax: (615) 383-2967 (800) 289-9018 In State Website: www.tcadsv.org Email: tcadsv@tcadsv.org Texas Council On Family Violence P.O. Box 161810 Austin, TX 78716 (512) 794-1133 Fax: (512) 794-1199 (800) 525-1978 In State Website: www.tcfv.org Women's Coalition of St. Croix Box 2734 Christiansted St. Croix, VI 00822 (340) 773-9272 Fax: (340) 773-9062 Website: www.wcstx.com Email: wcscstx@attglobal.net Utah Domestic Violence Council 320 W. 200 South, ..270-B Salt Lake City, UT 84101 (801) 521-5544 Fax: (801) 521-5548 Website: www.udvac.org Vermont Network Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault P.O. Box 405 Montpelier, VT 05601 (802) 223-1302 Fax: (802) 223-6943 Website: www.vtnetwork.org Email: vtnetwork@vtnetwork.org Virginians Against Domestic Violence 2850 Sandy Bay Road, ..101 Williamsburg, VA 23185 (757) 221-0990 Fax: (757) 229-1553 (800) 838-8238 Nationwide Website: www.vadv.org Email: vadv@tni.net Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence 711 Capitol Way, ..702 Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 586-1022 Fax: (360) 586-1024 1402 .. 3rd Avenue, ..406 Seattle, WA 98101 (206) 389-2515 Fax. (206) 389-2520 (800) 886-2880 In State Website: www.wscadv.org Email: wscadv@wscadv.org West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence 4710 Chimney Drive, ..A Charleston, WV 25302 (304) 965-3552 Fax: (304) 965-3572 Website: www.wvcadv.org Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence 307 S. Paterson Street, ..1 Madison, WI 53703 (608) 255-0539 Fax: (608) 255-3560 Website: www.wcadv.org Email: wcadv@wcadv.org Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault P.O. Box 236 409 South Fourth Street Laramie, WY 82073 (307) 755-5481 Fax: (307) 755-5482 (800) 990-3877 Nationwide Website: www.wyomingdvsa.org Email: Info@mail.wyomingdvsa.org

IT'S MY TIME TO BE SET FREE My eyes are open but I see no light My heart beats but only in spite It's my choice I can act freely now Today I will give the last bow Left completely alone, empty, and hollow Unclear of whats next to follow I reach out but theres nothing there to grab my hand I try and kick but no one wins against this quick sand They scratched the walls and feels like they almost got stuck Welcome to my world that would of just been my luck I hear my phone ring and the sound just burns my ears I hate that hair raising noise It brings me to tears What the fuck does everyone want from me Why won't they just chill and let me be It's getting so hard to breathe the air is so thin I can feel it now its beginning to make my head spin I can't think I don't know what to do I hate myself for ever trusting in you There is so much commotion up in my head I think now would be a good time to wish myself dead What's the reason for me to stay I'm not worth shit on any given day Everything that I had ever wished for and dreamed Has been ripped from my hands as I screamed I have lost everything don't you see I fought with all I had and ended up taking his plea I have been attacked, violated, and slandered without any guard The damage is to severe I'm now forever scarred I'm dead inside there really isn't anything left of me So now it's time for me to be set free For the world I share my new found theory I must write it down now I'm becoming quite weary It's only selfish you see if your leaving someone behind in sadness Im starting to hurt my mucles are cramping up what madness It's been a very long time I should have now been asleep Fuck it I have no other choice now but to lay here and count some sheep I have lost all movement of my body now how ironic Since I'm here I'll order a gin and tonic Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket BY: MIZZ SHADY subject: IT'S MY TIME TO BE SET FREE post date: 2007-02-24 19:13:25 views: 100 comments: 3 ratings: 0



WHITE WALLS White walls are closing in... I need a life, where do I begin? For what seems like forever now I shut the world out... My eyes are now opening but I see no one about... My loving mother the only one who hasn't left me. She's always there for me this I see... Where is everyone else? Where did they go? I'm sitting here alone feeling so low... The preasure of life just got to be to much to bare... I was slowly going insane and not one but my mom showed a single care.... I didn't crack.... I didn't fall in... I made it through so I win.... Except I'm still alone just like I've always been... I don't know where to start or where to begin.... I need a life or did insanity really win? These white walls just keep closing in.... by, MIZZ SHADY


Our Secret World A secret world for you and me A magical bond one can not see It wraps us up and holds us snug Ever so tight like a woven rug Blinded by its pixy dust Our eyes gaze at each other in lust Together in its love two hearts beat Both now feeling truely complete Missunderstandings arise along the way With love as strong as this they soon fade away Inocently we share, give and trust Open hearts for this love is a must This kind of love is so rare People see, notice, stop and stare There is nothing in this world we can't take on Together we are bonded so tight from dusk to dawn We truely are each others best friend We know in our hearts our love will never end In this secret world we just floated in Our souls smile for our life together can now begin RSM & T by, Mizz Shady
its your vibe at itsmizzshady.com graphics
A DREAM FOREVER CRUSHED The moment I saw you I had to let you in I saw this amazing love starting to begin I opened my soul to a beautiful vision of you I hoped, I prayed that your feelings were true I have never before loved and I have paid the cost Alone and empty and feeling forever lost But, then, I had thought I have truly found An Angel who walks upon the ground You had gone beyond all limits for me Giving me everything for the world to see I now will search again my whole life through And I swear I will never find anyone quite like you You are so very special to me I only wished that you could see My heart alone makes just a single beat A sound so low and so incomplete My heart all alone, waiting to be heard Waiting for your love like songs from a bird My heart with yours had such tenderness Now without you it feels nothing but emptiness A heart alone, searches for its mate You were my dream now it's too late Forever your heart it hears That sound it has longed for all these years You crushed the dream that it had Forever now it will truly just be sad Two hearts beating was just an elusion You just wanted to keep me in seclusion Our hearts beating as one It's over before it had begun Forever I stay crushed with tears in my eyes You have everyone believing in your lies You only want to see me bleed It was you who planted this seed I would have loved you till death Now its you who steals my last breath My first true love I leave you with this Obsession can be felt in just your kiss By Mizz Shady Why - Avril Lavigne Why, do you always do this to me Why, couldnt you just see through me How come you act like this Like you just dont care at all Do u expect me to believe i was the only one to fall Bridge: I can feel i can feel you near me Even though your far away I can feel i can feel you baby Why Chorus: Its not supposed to feel this way I need you I need you more and more each day Its not supposed to hurt this way I need you I need you I need you Tell me Are you me still togher Tell me You think we could last forever Tell me Why Hey, listen to what were not saying Lets play, a different game than what were playing Try, to look at me and really see my heart Do u expect me to beleive Im gonna let us fall apart Bridge Chorus Are you and me still together tell me You think we could last forever Tell me, why So go and think about whatever you need to think about Go and dream about whatever you need to dream about And come back to me when you know just how you feel You feel Bridge Chorus Are you and me still together Tell me You think we could last forever Tell me Why
Seduction Style Guide Results Passion Preludes: The Big Picture of Me Shady is not necessarily a prude or a “saint,” but the overall answer patterns suggest that Shady is probably very cautious about to whom and under what circumstances to surrender to romantic urges. People in this category may be inherently careful and skeptical by nature, may have been deeply hurt or had a negative sexual experience in the past, or may just prefer taking things slowly in making someone’s acquaintance or in getting involved in a relationship. In wooing such individuals, you may find that it takes them a while to “warm up” to you, though this should not be misinterpreted as disinterest. Sexually speaking, they may not appear easily aroused, despite being totally titillated, with many quite adept at subduing their response until you’ve gained their trust. Once their guard is down, you will find the rewards great, with these individuals often wildly uninhibited and receptive. What Makes This Type So Attractive? Not to be mistaken for an erotophobe (one who is fearful of sexual intimacy) or sex negative, the low seduceability sort captures the interests of many who are into the following… • Partners who haven’t established sexual preferences. Whether conservative, shy, rigid, and/or introverted, when coaxed out of their shell, these individuals may decide that you are their lucky guide in introducing them to a wide variety of sex play. • Playing hard-to-get. Though perhaps not done intentionally, this type can keep woo’ers at arm’s length, ultimately luring those who like to chase and the achievement of having been crowned the “lucky one.” The ultimate reward for such physical and emotional partner selectivity is the stronger shot at a long-term, monogamous relationship. • Mystery. At times a “hard nut to crack,” this sort can be intriguing in slowly revealing themselves, making everything worth so much more when they do so. Tips for Tempting This Type: Shady is probably grounded and realistic, and quite good at sniffing out insincerity and ulterior motives. So… Don’t play games or even bother trying to manipulate this person for a mere sexual encounter. Do be upfront, direct, and completely honest with this person – you’ve few chances to impress someone like this. Shady may be relatively naïve – a “clean slate” for romantic and sexual experiences. So… Don’t be sexually explicit. Do take on the role of teacher, introducing this individual to life’s sensual pleasures outside of the bedroom first. Shady may often like to set the pace for seduction and involvement, sexual and otherwise. So… Don’t come on too strong, too fast. Do show class, patience, reasonable amount of self-disclosure or they’ll show you the door. Bottom Line: It’s important not to play games with this person, So make sure that you’re consistent in what you say and do online and offline. At the same time, don’t be afraid to flirt with this type – and by this I mean mostly projecting good energy and letting them know that you find them attractive. Step 1: How to Approach Me! A person’s “approach” to Shady lays the foundation for Steps 2 and 3 of seduction. Three elements help define an overall “approach:” • What kind of flirt you are (Flirting Style) • How you pace your interactions (Pace) • Your dating attitude (Creativity and Sense of Humor) Let’s explore the elements of an “approach” that are likely to get Shady to notice you. Know My Favorite Flirting Styles Online dating involves a wide range of possible online flirting behaviors. Men and women prefer many of the same flirting strategies, but those strategies are often weighted slightly differently between the sexes. The Plenty of Fish Seduction Survey reveals these hidden trends as well as some new, inside information on how to present yourself as you’re using these flirting tactics. Let the game of seduction begin. Women’s Top Ten Favorite Ways to Have Someone Flirt with Them 1. Talks about things she likes or dislikes, making comments and showing interest 2. Displays concern for her, her feelings and well-being 3. Shares jokes or amusing anecdotes with her 4. Compliments her on her screen name, attitude, personality and appearance 5. Sends her special/cute email messages 6. Makes an effort to contact her in some form most every day 7. Sends instant messages when she and you are online at the same time 8. Discusses seriously the traits she desires in a partner 9. Shows her your daring or mischievous side 10. Emails her greeting cards, gifts, pictures songs or fun attachments Flirting Styles that TURN ME ON 1. Mysterious and vague (a person who’s a little elusive and seems difficult to pin down). 2. Coy (someone who’s a little reclusive and who plays hard to get). 3. Charming (a person who’s a flatterer and who quickly gets on your good side). Flirting Styles that TURN ME OFF 1. Sexy (in-your-face with exuding sexuality and in being flirtatious with words and touches). 2. Manipulative (someone who sends mixed signals and leaves you wondering if they are interested in you or not – basically a person who is into the power dynamics that come with a relationship, and who will ultimately have the upper hand, especially in seducing each other). Know My Preferred Pace When it comes to talking to Shady about an offline meeting or date, Shady prefers to have someone communicate with them via: instant messaging a chat room conversation Generally speaking, Shady prefers communicating with someone online at least two weeks to two months before meeting them offline. Therefore, allow Shady ample time to assess the chemistry and comfort level between you. Individuals like Shady tend to think it is important to be cautious before moving a friendship or potential romantic relationship to the next level. But special people are worth the wait. A note of caution from the relationship experts! Warning signs of online predators or people with abusive tendencies include someone who: • Makes demeaning or inappropriate remarks. • Provides inconsistent information about his/her age, appearance, marital status or employment. • Refuses to provide a recent photo or series of photos. • Refuses to talk on the phone as the relationship develops. • Insists on seeing (or having) photos of your children or knowing considerable details about them early in the relationship. And whenever meeting someone offline, note these safety tips! • When you’re ready to meet someone in person, choose a public place such as a café or coffee shop, preferably during the day. • You may want to keep the first meeting casual and brief (e.g. an hour). • Take your own car or transportation. Don’t offer to pick up your date or let them pick you up. • Tell a friend or family member about your plans and where you’ll be on your date. • Never bring your children with you when meeting someone for the first time. And be hesitant about showing photos of your child as well. • You can have a friend sit at a nearby table in a coffee shop or café to keep an eye on you, if you would feel more comfortable. • Carry a cell phone with you on the date for emergencies. • Never leave your food or drink unattended. • When it’s time for the date to end, leave on your own. Avoid going straight home and drive to the store or another public place. Know How to Talk to Me Communication is important both to men and women – and it is an underrated aspect of seduction. Knowing what not to talk about with a particular person can be just as important as knowing what is fine to talk about. Here are the trends Plenty of Fish’s Seduction Survey identified for women. These will be useful when communicating with Shady. Women’s Top Ten Favorite Conversation Topics 1. Hopes and aspirations 2. Hobbies/interests in general 3. Music 4. Dreams 5. Romance 6. Friends 7. Travel 8. Vacations 9. Movies 10. Entertainment Women’s Top Ten Least Favorite Conversation Topics 1. Politics 2. Other dates 3. Past relationships 4. Science fiction 5. Religion 6. Celebrities 7. Science 8. Antiques 9. Money 10. History My favorite conversation topics – in Shady’s own words! 1. Jobs 2. music 3. fun My least favorite conversation topics – in Shady’s own words! 1. family 2. past relations 3. sex Know My Preferred Dating Attitude Shady’s answer patterns suggest there should be a good response to someone whose attitude or temperament is downright effervescent. Bottom Line: Show off – even exude – the side of you that is high energy and even a little wild. Shady wants to see your sense of humor, creativity and intelligence as well as a positive attitude throughout your words and actions. Next, Plenty of Fish presents some customized, probing questions to help you get to break the ice with this type of person: • “What are your guilty pleasures in life?” • “What is the oddest thing you have ever had a dream about?“ • “How would you dress up for a fancy date on the town, a costume party with friends or a role play adventure with a lover?” Step 2: How to Date Me! Building on the “approach” is the way you handle actual dates. Dates should be fun for both individuals and allow the couple to begin knowing each other on deeper level than what is possible with casual online dating. Dating is where you truly explore and assess the chemistry, friendship and overall compatibility between you. However, people’s dating preferences can vary widely. So, below are preferences to keep in mind for Shady! Know How I Like to Pace a Date To Shady, a first date should last One to two hours , and the date would ideally be Somewhat planned – I like to have a general idea of what we’ll be doing. Know My Favorite Dating Activities Dinner is the classic date – and for good reason. It allows two people to focus on each other in a romantic environment, while satiating their palate and providing the opportunity to suggest ways two people can be mutually pleasured later. But, men and women both agree that some spots are more appropriate than others. The new Plenty of Fish Seduction Survey discovered what places are hot or not. The list below shows the top ten choices. Restaurants at the top part of the list are rated the most favorable, whereas those at the bottom are rated less favorable. Notice how those that are least preferred may reflect lower levels of romance to some people. Keep that in mind if you take Shady to dinner! Top Ten Restaurant Types for a Date 1. Casual dinner 2. Pub 3. Retro bar with live music 4. French cuisine 5. Ethnic 6. Pizza place 7. Western 8. Salad bar 9. Sushi bar 10. Family dinner Of course, there are a host of dating activities besides the classic dinner and a movie. The Plenty of Fish Seduction Survey found which date picks for women are the best and the worst: Women’s Top Ten Date Picks 1. Restaurant 2. Taking a romantic walk 3. Park 4. Coffee shop 5. Live music 6. Comedy Club 7. Zoo 8. Bowling or Playing Pool 9. Amusement Park 10. Movies Women’s Top Ten Least Favorite Date Picks 1. High School Reunion, Work party or Wedding 2. Antique show 3. Shopping 4. Mixer 5. House Party 6. Cultural Event (opera, ballet, etc) 7. Dance Club 8. Sports activity 9. Sports event 10. Stay in and rent a movie Favorite dating activities – in Shady’s own words! 1. dinner 2. pool 3. bar Least favorite dating activities – in Shady’s own words! 1. movie 2. swimming 3. races Know My Expectations for Ending a Date Assuming the first date goes well, Shady may take it as far as a kiss goodbye on the cheeks. Shady probably likes to take my time getting to know somebody before sharing too much of myself. Dating Dos and Don’ts! The Plenty of Fish Seduction Survey presented respondents with wide assortment of factors that can totally turn somebody on – as well as off. Both men and women agree on many of the elements that can make your efforts wildly successful or totally futile. In figuring out how to best woo a lady, consider avoiding the following turn-off’s, as well as incorporating the following turn-on’s. Furthermore, consider ways to maintain behaviors well beyond the preliminary stages of dating, as these factors will also help to maintain passion and intrigue in each other. Women’s Top Ten Turn-Offs 1. Poor hygiene 2. Bad breath 3. Rude to staff 4. Poor manners 5. Complains a lot 6. Boring 7. Poor listener 8. Puts others down 9. Cheap skate 10. Someone who’s self-absorbed Women’s Top Ten Turn-Ons 1. Passionate 2. Romantic 3. Good listener 4. Good manners 5. Shows good eye contact 6. Easy going 7. Smiles a lot 8. Attentive to her needs 9. Well-groomed 10. Confident Major TURN ONs – in Shady's own words! 1. good smile 2. nice eyes with eye contact 3. nice hair Major TURN OFFs – in Shady's own words! 1. bad teeth 2. no hair 3. not fit Step 3: How to Sexually Seduce Me! Know My Sexual Personality One’s overall sexual personality reflects two core meta-traits that experts traditionally refer to as Alpha and Beta. With respect to sexual motivations, Alpha concerns intimacy and affiliation, and Beta concerns power or dominance. This means that those scoring high on Alpha typically approach sex as a means to an end – such as strengthening an attachment or deepening intimacy with a lover. Those scoring high on Beta tend to regard sex as its own reward. Shady scored lower on Alpha and higher on Beta, so we call this profile a “Tiger.” Tigers tend to push sexual boundaries – theirs and others. For them, sex is more an outlet for adult play and physical pleasure than it is merely a way to express love and admiration for a partner. Tigers do not necessarily use sex as a means to get closer to a lover or to solidify the relationship, Their focus is more that of enjoying pursuit and capture, and taking the lead on how to passionately play with their “victim,” helpless to their invigorating sexual energy and wiles. In getting to know a “Tiger” better, Plenty of Fish would like to suggest some customized, probing inquiries to help you: • “How would you describe your boundaries when it comes to sexual activities?” • “What do you think of the saying ‘sex is a joining of bodies and souls’?” • “What sexual pleasure pursuit, if any, has caught you off guard as far as what ultimately became of it – for better or for worse?” • “Describe what it would be like for you to let your partner take charge in the sack.” • “How have you attempted to tap into your spiritual energy during sexual activity, if ever?” Know My Romantic Fantasies Plenty of Fish is about to reveal the latest in research on romantic fantasies – what men and women think about when they’re seducing themselves or a lover. Before we delve into those results, however, it’s interesting to note that, in general, research has found that the differences between the sexes when it comes to sexual fantasies aren’t too great. Both sexes enjoy fantasies involving threesomes (whatever the combination), using a video camera, current partners, reliving past experiences and oral sex. Naturally, however, research has also found gender differences when it comes to fantasy… Women’s fantasies are heavier on new lovemaking positions, sex in exotic places, being “forced “to have sex, bondage, being found absolutely irresistible, sex with a new lover and doing something “wicked.” Male fantasies tend to focus on sensual, nongenital (no penis or vagina) lovemaking, having sex in general, group sex, voyeurism and being aggressive or dominant during sex. That said, here’s what the Plenty of Fish Seduction Survey discovered about the realm of fantasies… …On to the details An important part of seducing many women is playing upon their senses and imagination in a way that sets the right emotional mood for physical intimacy and releasing inhibitions. The “right” mood varies, in general, between men and women, as well as amongst individuals. New research sponsored by Plenty of Fish has further discovered some predictable trends for women. Generally speaking, most women like scripts – a sexy story line, with a good setting, context, and feelings, to get carried away with. Romantic fantasies in which they surrender themselves in a tender way to a mysterious lover or authority figure (firefighter/victim; doctor/nurse or passionate strangers who meet through destiny) are quite popular. On top of that, a number of women also like passionate fantasies that deal with risk-taking and/or impulsive behaviors, such as being with some sort of “bad boy” (think rock star, corrupt police officer, Robin Hood or Julius Caesar). Finally, on top of these two previous groups of themes, there are some women who really go for themes of dominance, forbidden relationships, or force (though this is not to say that they desire actually being violated in real life). Examples of this include principal/student, rich bitch/hired help, being a porn star, or being abducted or kidnapped. They love fantasies that involve their own attractiveness to a partner, the emotional context for such lust, and her role as her lover’s “toy.” Bottom line: Overall, women’s romantic fantasies are more contextual, emotional, intimate and passive in nature, involving a great degree of emotional arousal, This is a reflection of the degree of emotional connection that she needs with a lover. So in wooing women who identify with these fantasy descriptors, men should make efforts to stimulate her beyond the physical, wooing her by setting the stage, creating a sensual space and taking the lead on co-creating a storyline that she will be replaying in her head and private moments for weeks to come. Furthermore, men need to realize the importance of patience in realizing her fantasies. For some women, romance and passion build gradually with time and trust. So don’t try to force or artificially accelerate the process to a pace that you may prefer. Next, Plenty of Fish presents some customized, probing questions to help you explore romantic fantasies with Shady: • “Should a person ever reveal all of their sexual fantasies? Why or why not?” • “Have you ever acted out a romantic fantasy… and was it all that you expected?” • “What stimulates the fantasies that run through your head? Books? Movies?...” • “How do you know when it’s safe to confess your romantic fantasies with a partner?” • “What are some of the benefits of fantasy for an individual and a relationship?” • “What are your thoughts around the claimed differences between males and females when it comes to sexual and romantic fantasies?” Food for Thought! Plenty of Fish wants you to know about some idiosyncrasies related to “Romantic Fantasies” that the assessment identified in Shady. Romantic fantasies I find especially unappealing Therapist & patient Cruel brothel boss & sex worker Rich bitch & poor hired help Romantic fantasies I find especially appealing Romantic fantasies I might discover I like with the right person Cruel brothel boss & sex worker Abduction/kidnapping Principal & student Know My Fantasy Locations Another critical part of seduction is the physical setting. The “right” fantasy location can really help set the mood and make for an incredible and memorable intimate experience. The “right” fantasy setting varies between men and women, as well as among individuals. However, Plenty of Fish’s new research also reveals predictable trends about what women prefer. Generally speaking, most women like fantasy locations that are private, idealistic and exotic. These settings show a remarkable range, such as under a moonlit sky, near or in waterfalls, secluded picnics, hot tubs, bed & breakfasts, castles, forests, lighthouses, and famous historical landmarks (e.g., Eiffel Tower). On that top of this, a number of women also like fantasy locations that really kick adrenaline into high gear. These are locations that speak to the sensation-seeking side of women – camping, fields, amusement parks, backstage at concerts or Hollywood movie sets, and even images of space and the heavens. Finally, on top of these two previous groups of themes, there are some women who really go for themes of forbidden locations that tap into the idea of lost innocence. Examples of this include parked cars, office romances, childhood playgrounds, haunted houses or high schools. Bottom line: When it comes to fantasy settings, women tend to be most concerned with privacy and discretion with a lover – the sharing of intimate or exhilarating experiences that make for great secrets and memories. Men should therefore remember that a woman appreciates settings that help show her and make her feel that she’s the sole object of his attention and desire and that acts of intimacy are special. Next, Plenty of Fish presents some customized, probing questions to help you explore romantic fantasies with Shady: • “Should couples take photographs (intimate or not) when they’re living out a romantic fantasy in an exotic place… or should they forego cameras, only taking away memories of the experience so that the details remain forever private between the two lovers?” • “Do you think a couple can effectively recreate an exotic, fantasy setting in the privacy of their own home, or do you think it’s just not the same as going to that actual setting? Can some be done more easily than others?” • “You’re sharing a moment of passion in a secluded, romantic spot when all of a sudden a stranger appears! Would you tend to find that situation horrifying, hilarious, embarrassing or a complete turn-on?” Food for Thought! Plenty of Fish wants you to know about some idiosyncrasies related to “Fantasy Locations” that the assessment identified in Shady. Fantasy locations I find especially unappealing Abduction/kidnapping Famous historical landmark(s), e.g., Eiffel Tower, Rome Coliseum, Great Wall of China, Pyramids Farm/ Barn Fantasy locations I find especially appealing Soft music Vacation Road trip Fantasy locations I might discover I like with the right person Scented candles Candles Soft light Know My Sexual Fantasies Ultimately, seduction leads to physical intimacy. And just as people prefer certain moods and settings, men and women also prefer particular types of sex play. The new research sponsored by Plenty of Fish discovered some interesting trends for what forms of sex play appeal most to women. Generally speaking, most women like sensual activities that allow them to play with their partners. This includes a strip tease, role play, tickling and light biting, and exhibitionism (getting intimate in public settings). On that top of this, a number of women also like sex play that gets a little on the wild side – things like getting or playing with body piercings, bondage with some spanking or hot wax for added stimulation, wearing stockings and hosiery, and posing for nude photographs or videotaping intimate encounters. Finally, on top of these two previous groups of activities, there are some women who really go for more uninhibited or hardcore types of play. Examples of this include exotic shoes or boots, using rubber or latex, pinching, harder spankings and other types of general B&D/S&M play. Bottom line: When it comes to sexual preferences, women tend to like sex play that fosters intimacy and a sense of “surrender” to a partner. They also like to know that they are deeply desired. Therefore, a man should give his undivided attention to his partner and ensure an atmosphere of mutual trust so his partner feels free and safe to be uninhibited sexually. He should also explore different types of touch with her, tapping into all of her senses, and respectfully testing her boundaries as far as sexual enhancements and expression go. Next, Plenty of Fish presents some customized, probing questions to help you explore sexual fantasies with Shady: • “What are your most favorite types of foreplay…and why?” • “Have most of your sexual preferences come from your own imagination, from sex play with a previous partner, or have they been inspired from what you’ve seen in books, TV, or the movies?“ • “Where are your top three hot spots and how do you like them stimulated?” Food for Thought! Plenty of Fish wants you to know about some idiosyncrasies related to “Sexual Fantasies” that the assessment identified in Shady. Sex play I find especially unappealing Body piercing Spanking/ paddling Tickling Sex play I find especially Appealing Sex play I might discover I like with the right person Fur fetishism / Doraphilia Spandex fetishism Rubber/ Latex fetishism


A DREAM FOREVER CRUSHED The moment I saw you I had to let you in I saw this amazing love starting to begin I opened my soul to a beautiful vision of you I hoped, I prayed that your feelings were true I have never before loved and I have paid the cost Alone and empty and feeling forever lost But, then, I had thought I have truly found An Angel who walks upon the ground You had gone beyond all limits for me Giving me everything for the world to see I now will search again my whole life through And I swear I will never find anyone quite like you You are so very special to me I only wished that you could see My heart alone makes just a single beat A sound so low and so incomplete My heart all alone, waiting to be heard Waiting for your love like songs from a bird My heart with yours had such tenderness Now without you it feels nothing but emptiness A heart alone, searches for its mate You were my dream now it's too late Forever your heart it hears That sound it has longed for all these years You crushed the dream that it had Forever now it will truly just be sad Two hearts beating was just an elusion You just wanted to keep me in seclusion Our hearts beating as one It's over before it had begun Forever I stay crushed with tears in my eyes You have everyone believing in your lies You only want to see me bleed It was you who planted this seed I would have loved you till death Now its you who steals my last breath My first true love I leave you with this Obsession can be felt in just your kiss By Mizz Shady Why - Avril Lavigne Why, do you always do this to me Why, couldnt you just see through me How come you act like this Like you just dont care at all Do u expect me to believe i was the only one to fall Bridge: I can feel i can feel you near me Even though your far away I can feel i can feel you baby Why Chorus: Its not supposed to feel this way I need you I need you more and more each day Its not supposed to hurt this way I need you I need you I need you Tell me Are you me still togher Tell me You think we could last forever Tell me Why Hey, listen to what were not saying Lets play, a different game than what were playing Try, to look at me and really see my heart Do u expect me to beleive Im gonna let us fall apart Bridge Chorus Are you and me still together tell me You think we could last forever Tell me, why So go and think about whatever you need to think about Go and dream about whatever you need to dream about And come back to me when you know just how you feel You feel Bridge Chorus Are you and me still together Tell me You think we could last forever Tell me Why


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