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Slippin Slide Productions's blog: "my life"

created on 01/07/2008  |  http://fubar.com/my-life/b175813

baby 1

baby boy, u can't b real. u got women takin care of u n u want 2 bite the hand that strokes ur ego. how could u b so brain frozen 2 fall victim 2 ignorance. i know they don't teach that in school, but life damn sure don't spit that bullshit up. it is more like u adopt the teachin of some 1 voted probably the most likely 2 teach ignorance. if ur heart is so cold and polar, y try and succeed 2 capture a warm, lovin, worshippin the ground u walk on woman. if she opens up her legs willin and delighted 2 share her temple with u she must b thristy 4 love. of course she is confused by the love u share, which is really a diguised, dressed up, wolf guardin a baby in a basinet. damn when hard times just smile at u, she becomes ur victim. wit ur lack of love and comfort, u decide is the weapon of choice. poor baby don't even overstand she is stronger then that. what she hypnotically allow is one's power 2 manipulate her into believin she is weakier then he. i now know y they say, "u won't miss them until they gone." n at that point and time they will b coiled like a rattle ready 2 strike. so what u do is baby boy up, like a bitch, and make them the victim. in ur case u will only miss what she can't do 4 u. she is there and u can't find the rope 2 hold on 2 b/4 u make noose out of it. quickly cuz her lack of their of sense, she becomes ur victim. what she should have been taught at home. was u don't have 2 take baby boy shit. and his neglectful teachers, should have taught him don't play black widow. if u were anything 2 the widow, it would b food. remember a black widow eats her mate. it won't b long b/4 u beat that dead horse back 2 life. then guess what it is goin 2 sprint out ur life.

day late dollar short

i hate 2 admit, but i hate shit i can't control. nothing like the weather or people. most time i am satisified with the weather and fuck some people cuz they r what they are. but 4 myself i hate havin 2 answer 2 krama, whether good or bad, it always seem 2 catch up 2 me at the most worst moment. most people i explain it 2 won't catch on cuz it is not happenin 2 them and if it did, they understand and pass that. i haven't did either yet and haven't even begin 2 deal with scerenity. i am just recognizin the lost of days and the money that follow. i can't blame no one most times, but obstacles (people) mostly i won't blame, cuz something deep down tells me, u picked them! but what about the people who u don't know and pose more then a threat and show it? what do u do about them, i don't know, but u betta not complain 2 anyone, who can't tell reality from friction. cuz in their mind sight, u must c what they c, not what u been lookin at. all i am sayin is, everyone's life, no matter how much our features might or not look the same, is definitely 1 million 2 1 different. everyone goes thru something, if not the same, it might b at a different period the experience has occured. more then likely it is betta said, then kept in, yes, most will tell u what it wasn't - easier done then said. tell me something i don't know instead of shit, i have seen and lookin 4 a more better way 2 answer. most times if u can't figure what 2 say 2 individuals while disguise the idea of askin 4 help, don't b shock or surprise, how much they focusin on the idea, do it like me instead of tryin 2 figure 1st options and abilities b/4 u baptize them with critical 911-411, cuz u past that test. my days aren't the same and my dollars explain y i am stuck in a month of Sundays, lookin 4 TGIF.

no more games

when will people take the hint by the reins and realize stop playin with people's emotions? r they no. 1 dummies continue 2 forget that every1 don't come with instructions 2 overstand how 2 play? o i forgot they possiblly can't care! in my case or want 2. especially, when 1 of them game show host ain't bob barker, but your bitch, hoe, or whatever you want 2 c she morphed into. 1 thing i learned was not 2 get upset, wreckless, and start callin people out physically. cuz in my case, i don't want no new addresses that landlords look like wardens (jail). women learn 1 thing a man is going 2 b himself and if u can't handle him, leave him the fuck alone, especially me, cuz i am not going 2 b that snake u tryin 2 hold straight 2 fuck. when i was young i learned how 2 play monoply,i liked it, but didn't appericiate the fact the houses and money wasn't real. so what makes people think i want 2 continue playin the same phony ass game in place of reality? when i play i want 2 play 4 keeps!


i am the ups man, i deliver good things, until i am over loaded with drama, people just feel i can give them cheap rates on. sadly 2 say, if the mailman don't deliver hazards material, then u best believe i can't accommodate u either. don't get the facts about ups twisted. ups stands 4 ultimiate problem solver. no i am not a shrink, but do believe if u hand me a plate full of bullshit, i don't need no toliet paper 4 where i am going 2 dump it at. i don't tolerate ignorance, so people, if u refuse 2 deal with the facts of ur personality, i have no problem makin it rain on ur parade. i learned along time of ago, people will fuck u and then fuck wit u. well i have clear my throat many of times and blocked pages, til it look like a telephone book of rejects. i am the boss of my life, not the employee, i won't be fired. i hand out pink slips and it is not because i need 2 downsize. i just destroy negative company and keep on truckin. i don't eat, cook, or hold coversations where i go 2 shit, so why would people consisted on fullin my air with their drama that don't interest me. what is wrong with them. i guess i must introduce them 2 the ups installment plan, no money back guarantee. just accept ur solution result and move ur ass on up the yellow brick road, b/4 that shit become slippery wit ur plasma. i hate makin people check the drama at the door. this ain't no fuckin coat check at the club. take the shit with u and find another crib 2 rock. cause this crib his a moat around it with alligators that i starve on purpose 4 people who think it is safe 2 swiim. if they r fortunate enuff 2 avoid being devour, then plan b kills in seconds. my lion and tiger r trained destroyed, leave no evidence. they give CSI sleepless nights and headaches. normally, those 2 installments of blueprints, rarely fail by land. so i got my air surrounded like Area 51, snipers with train eyes 2 see a target a city away and assassin the thought of a threat before their plan can materialize. if u was dreamin about it just stay sleep and avoid the pain of being put back 2 sleep. i am not a game, i don't come with playin pieces, a board, and instructions, but if u want 2 play just remember i haven't lost yet. i keep a poker face on all the while i'm rockin and singing ur ass 2 sleep. i am like the A-team i love when u think ur perfect plan will come 2 together. cuz then i become mission impossible, i will make ur ass self destruct.
yeah she'll daddy's grown girl, once u tell them i love u and quickly notice how fast them leg open. that is y i say legs open very easily. u can have a fight, with fist and all. little while later, u say, i love u. it could b growled c how fast shit happen. (fear might play an factor, i don't know) some times best prospects r ur sister friends, who r married, cuz they can't fuck with u without fuckin up their shit. real talk, u know who u r or was, probably married 2 the 2nd 1 and the 1 u married first don't even know. and if u really grimey, ur homeboy's gf ain't off limits, just make sure u can 1. fight 2. shoot and 3 is an optional, if the 1st 2 don't work, 3. move out of state and start over. if u do it right u won't have no one 2 blame 4 ur f-up. it also work 4 ugly guys 2 about 20 % if u broke and got a date rape drug. 99.9% guarantree , if u have block money, corner cheese, or a hood star, with a wicked jump shot. i never had a problem hook'em like a shark and make'em feel glad i told them that. now they don't have 2 regret what they would have cried about missin. when i say missin i mean, i got the complete package, woman read about. i got the type of tool u use shoes 2 measure it with. sorry don't use ur man or ur ex, i don't even wear a size 9 and quarter, just won't get to that 10. i rememember i was wicked with it, cuz i got the looks that make them want 2 know me better. pretty face, body and toes is the only applicants i dine on. she has what make other women look at her hatin and say damn. they already no, she gettin wifey status rewards. once i put my wheels in my head in motion, say goodnite. all i had 2 do was hand hear conversation on the a platter then it was over. slowly i started injectin the air with lust drippin comments. when i saw bein still was becomin a chore, i had 2 reel her in slow. when she move revealin her legs pickin her clit like a pad lock, i had 2 finish her. i also found out it don't matter wheere u'll at, garage, alley, rooftop, spot-a-pot, it does and don't matter, depend on u. but after i c she lookin into my eyes 2 stop lustfully beating her in to submission. u throw out the bait. look softly in her eyes and lowly growl, not like a bear, sexy like, break into her mental bank, say, anything with love in it, especially, i love u. click! ok don't rearrange the facts, til u get them twisted and confuse ur self. don't doubt it until u try. females will deny it, and it may not b u, but u know somoeone like it. this also works on men, 2 get what u want. that is how a lot of people out here spreadin their love.


people, most u have 2 put ur back on alert, cuz they around. it is not just anybody, but certain people will destroy the comfort zone instantly. here they come, hurry up put up the force field. do it quick, got it! that was close. now it is nothing 2 do 2 get rid of this feelin. as a matter of fact i feel betta when i do feel like this. it imploys me with the ability and acceptance 2 know this had 2 b demised. y life b so pretty, until the people that invade it finally blossoms and then they spoil. make curled milk seem editable. it is too hard 2 judge a book by it's cover, but why do u have 2 get deep into the book 2 find out, put it back on the shelf. can't we all just get it on, if we can't get it on. most times if words wasn't shared, just the bed, some people would b awesome. definitely can't b dressed by vera wang, with a k-mart lable. that shit definitely won't float 2 the top. just don't shit where u sleep at, so void them mf's on instinct. don't and u'll fiend 4 peace instead of another piece. damn no one overstand their boundaries? that is just like sum people america, always want 2 over dethrone somthing. control unless it is a playstation joystick is the control i am use 2. if i am not state property, it should b clear, i refuse 2 let people force me the4.don't attempt 2 have fun at my expense, it won't work, happen, or b waitin with open arms. it'll wait 4 u with my john hand cock-in. i got 2 make me a billboard that announces fault on contact, if u comin incorrect. i can't no longer ponder wonderin y i can't find the silver lining and release the pleasure, that i am guilty of waitin 4. i know a armor bank truck won't follow my hearse. i damn sure don't want 2 b the first and them mf'a drivin it.

installments of drama

the installment of drama placed upon 1's life isn't priceless, it is painful. Most people can't pay attention 2 long 2 what matters, cuz they 2 busy in someone elses business. If they so concern about business, tell'em put the crutches under their own and drag them around. i wouldn't consider my business tasty. act blind when mine come across ur eyes or ears. the worst thing about life 2 many people 4 get others exsist around them, so how they going 2 b all 4 themself. if others help u then what happen 2 fair play, o i 4 got johnny fair play has no fair in his bones. then they the 1st 2 cry foul, cuz some1 is not afraid 2 call'em a bitch. if they didn't act like one life wouldn't b a bitch. doesn't it seem worst when u notice these facts in ur children, no ur partna children. if u like me, my children would lose their privledge on earth, if i thought they could entertain that sort of ignorance. but ur partna always 4get they the parent. instead they just allow theirs 2 do whatever, yea they suspect. assed out ridiculious. the most funniest thing that would happen, this drama, munipulation, and not so rare diease (ignorance), just have 2 live wit u. one more installlment of drama, 2 go with the utilities, food, and extortion (rent). i see how a % of america in jail really is innocent. can't blame them 4 puttin an end 2 the installments of drama. i know they wish they had 12 jurors like me. but i won't accept goin 2 work and takin it out on innocent people. then those of u who just don't feel they have enough problems already with wifey and co. just have 2 go out there and get a Mistress, Girl Fiend and Chick on the Side. wow u got ur PHD wit out goin 2 college. no it is not impossible 2 have Problems, cuz of Hardship, which definitely introduces Depression. not a disguise in america goin 2 hide u from the drama one of them new crisis got lurkin. defection begins immediately. the Mistress is going 2 b in demand all the time. she is the 1st installment of drama. can't play her 4 stupid. she is not the 1 2 worry about 4 now. GF got a secret agenda of drama. when u can't rub her feet and prada pocketbook at the same time. mt. everest move over. Chick on the Side, she the bitch of the click. her eyes announce game over. u'll never satisfy her. she the trigger that fires the starter pistol, 2 sign the other two installments 2 download their bullshit. heres the kicker, the answer 2 y, cuz she greedy. he's mine, mine, all mine. u can't put color 2 a picture u can't see. her shit is going 2 b like a wolf in sheeps clothing, lurkin around the chicken coop. bad enuff the confusion on the homefront is an 11. once u add on the road 2 drama, get use 2 emotional break downs no doctor will cure 4 free. how the hell could u survive happily. u feelin like legend and probably a few more people r normal. Legend was a movie about a scientist tryin 2 find a cure, 2 a virus that turned all the people in NY in 2 savage monster. he was the only person left that wasn't infected. feel like some of u'll lives, only different is the virus is the installments of drama. i myself can identify with a couple those viruses, o i mean installments. whatever u do don't adopt 2 many of these installments of drama, cuz then u become a product of ur installments. don't feel bad 2 abandon ur fucked up company, just don't wait until the last possible moment.
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