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Celena's blog: "My Musings"

created on 03/31/2008  |  http://fubar.com/my-musings/b203152
MOVE THEM BOXES! Extreme Home Makeover is in our fair city of Fresno. The media is covering it like it mad. Finally, there is something positive to cover. Sure sure. They had a response from THOUSANDS to volunteer for this build. This is always the case. When it comes to giving at any other time, Fresno just isnt that into Fresno. I decided to take the boys to see what the hooplah is about. The city had a bus you could ride, to the site. We went that route. Took my niece with us, too. We wait for the bus, wasnt too long of a wait. We get in the bus. Crowdeded to capacity. We got a seat, though. OF COURSE. We had our battle plans laid out. We were not standing with a 4 year old. Then the jokes start... "Ever see The Laughing Police Man? That was about a bus load of people getting shot in SF." " Ever see SPEED? There was a bomb." "What if a train suddenly appears out of no where and hits the bus?" ( on the freeway.) "What if the bus goes up the side of the freeway, rolls over and kills us all? That would put a damper on this day." Keep in mind, each comment was followed by a round of laughter ala Beavis and Butthead. We get there. weee. We get dropped off in the middle of a neighborhood . There are lines of people wanting to go back to the parking lot. As I get off the bus, I ask the crowd," Did you have fun? was it awesome?" I get crickets in return. I yell, " Was it fun? did you have a good time?" Nothing. I ask, " do any of you speak english? Am I talking to myself?" I got a few giggles. ASSES. Its a plain neighborhood. There are lots of houses with christmas lights still up. Cant these extra volunteers take them down for these people? A sad looking mad was sitting on his porch. The house had boards on his window. Cant they make his boarded up house pretty? Pay HIS mortgage? There is a tent selling EXTREME HOME MAKEOVER tees. Plain, boring, ugly tees and hats, $20-30 dollars. I ask the oldest if he wants a tee. He scowled at them. They had bins for the local Food Bank. I took a huge bag of food. I then say.. "wow. looks like no one else brought theirs today." I get dirty looks. HAHA The houses across the street from this house are trashed. Garbage, the lawns are trash, people camped out all over the place. Im sure it looked like that before but the crowds made it worse. The house, itself, was awful. Bright Mustard yellow in a sea of beige and white smaller homes. It was a tuscan style two story. Did not match anything. Eye sore. ( yes, so and so, I know that you know the guy that did the plans for the house, but keep with the feel, yo!) They are cheering for anything. Its hilarious. I know its Tv but its funny to watch. WEEEEEEE! We get a closer look at a truck thats being unloaded. They had to shoot the scene a few times. Some meat head thats on the show was pulling a door closed. I tell my niece that the meat head must be someone, and a guy in a $30 tee says, " thats ( enter name here) ", looking at me as if I asked him what a cat looked like. $30 buck tee guy was a guy that was on our bus, that smelled like a male french whore. He got attacked by the cologne monster. (gag) More giggles. We move down the way, where we can see a bit. CVS pharmacy is moving empty boxes in. They are tossing them around between takes. So we start yelling, while they are filming, " OH MAH GAWD, box carriers rock!!!!!". They had to shoot it 4 times so we were able to yell about our love of box carriers for a while. Only my kids, my niece and I would heckle Extreme Home Make over. Some women were carrying in ONE PILLOW EACH. We yelled for the pillow carriers. Then the Garbage Can movers. Add in the Cart Pushers and a guy with 10 ft of pipe. A guy from HS saw me, said Hi. We exchanged pleasant banter. He asked if Id been there, to watch, before. I said No. He said," we have been here every day, two times a day some days. " My face gave it away that I thought he was a goon. I couldnt help it. He was lucky that his kids were really cute. We finally had exhausted ourselves. Mocking is hard work. If people got that into Fresno and people, everyday, like they did for a week of Extreme Home Makeover, this city would be awesome.Im going to do my part. I will buy a bull dozer and demolish my neighbors houses. Its up to them to clean up. No really, Ill give a little more time, brain power and money to causes that can help our community. Then Ill buy the bulldozer.
I discovered this blog, by a good friend. Its on another site but I was really surprised that he would write about me. So this is how another person sees me, and it might let you learn a lil more about me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Of Celena and Aries’ girls Celena is a Scorpio. I haven't a handle on Scorps. I DO know that you NEVER want to piss one off. Scorpion sting is right, and for those who ready my survey answers, you know I'm scared of scorpions (heck, just typing the word gives me the heebie jeebies). Scorpio women? Go 'head, cross 'em. Do it once, and make it good, cuz you'll pay. Oh, will you ever pay. And the worst? They won't tell you. Won't hardly talk to you. But you'll know. You can feel it...the sting is there. The neurotoxins are starting in on you. It'll take weeks, and no matter how many times you ask 'what's wrong?' the answer will not come. Cuz you'd better f'in KNOW what you did wrong, and good luck trying to make it up! I'll get back to Celena in a sec. Aries' girls, on the other hand, will get pissed off more often, and much more easily, but they'll forgive you quicker. HOWEVER, they have rules that you do not know about. Oh, they'll claim (for they always win their debates - and your life will be easier if you just let them win) that you DO know the rules. They'll site times and dates as to when they informed you exactly of the rules. But breach the rules you shall, for Ariens have too damn many rules. And then, poof, they'll be gone. Now, a note: They will threaten to leave you often, but really won't if you call their bluff. But then they'll be gone, and again, you, you poor man you, won't have a clue as to why. Again, like the Scorpio, they'll expect that you DO know, for didn't they clue you in to the rules so many times so very long ago?!? Now, with Scorps, you'll know when it's over. That will be after you've earned your way back in somehow. Lucky you, if this is a romantic relationship, the angry make-up sex will be stellar. And they will inform you in no uncertain terms what you did and you will NEVER do it again, believe me. And all will be forgiven, but never forgotten. With Aries types, there will be no angry make-up sex, just pleasurable return-to-form sex, and you'll have forgotten there was anything wrong in the first place (and often-times, there really WAS nothing wrong, except dammit, you did break the rules, and how could you not know that!?!?). If they do break off from you, and then they see you down the road, they'll act pretty much as if nothing had happened. But they'll never ever forget...but then again, they're so damn independant, they won't care. You can pine and pine away for the Scorpio, but it won't work until they're venom has weaned away. You can pine and pine for the Arien, but it won't matter one whit. Every time you see them it'll be like it always was, and you'll then want more immediately, and they won't be anywhere around. You can call, you can write, you can woo, you can plead, it won't matter. And they'll be moooore than glad to have as many of 'the talks' with you about what's wrong, but they'll assure you nothing is actually wrong, and it's all forgotten, but they're just...busy (or something). And if, on some whim, the Arien is ready or wishes to hang out with you, well, then, you might as well. Ariens are fun. Scorps, if they're done with you, are done. Period. Don't ask. Don't try. Oh, they'll take the flowers and whatnot, but they're done. And don't ask if they're done, cuz they won't tell you. You just are, and that's the way it is. Celena is a Scorp. And luckily for me, I haven't crossed the line yet. Which is why I had the MOST delicious soup at her house tonight, after she had an almost-crisis wherein she committed a non-error (she accidentally lost her car key, happens all the time). But she got herself together, made two soups (and both were delish), and entertained at her home, and was the perfect homemaker. But I could see her and feel her still crying inside over the car-key thing. And Scorps are really outspoken when it comes to other people and other situations, but rarely if ever speak about themselves and their own feelings. I wonder if it's the neurotoxin flowing constantly inside of them. Nicole is a shy Scorp also. I think she likes me, but I'll never really be able to tell. I know Celena likes me, but finding out how much comes in shocking bits and pieces of pleasant surprise. Like each bite of the soup. You know it's really good, but you're never sure what you're going to get in each bite. And here I sit, the Lost Leo, constantly on the lion's hunt, but only rarely catching his prey or meeting up with his desires. Meanwhile, there's always some Capricorn waiting in the wings, too damn analytical and lost to turn the hunter into the hunted and find the man of their dreams. :::sigh::: It is what it is, but it sure is maddening.

Sir, I raise you.......

Last night, Mr Jim and I went to his Union's Christmas party. Ive been before, so I didnt put too much thought into it. I go for him. I made sure I was dressed just enough. Nothing too schmancy. Im glad I had sleeves because it was COLD in the venue. I forget that most of the people are pretty weird. We sat a table that had two others, already there. They were really nice. Mr Jim knew his dad, blah blah blah. His mom, stepdad and brothers are all in the IBEW. Every one knows them. Two other couples joined the table. Jim knew one of the guys. I smiled and tried to be neutrally charming. They relaxed and started talking to each other. A guy said that he had Mr Jim's mom and brother as his teachers. He said, to his wife, you know is mom. She said, Oh.. whats her name is his mom? He said, Her name is Pat. She snaps at her husband, " How in the fuck am I supposed to remember her name?" I smile and say, " She is my mother in law and I refer to her as 'whats her face'". I said it just to diffuse the situation. She rolled her eyes at me. (Bitch.. haha) One said that a local weather guy was stupid, and Mr Jim said, " I met him and he is a genuinely nice man. I have a lot of respect for that guy". Eye roll replied, " I dont have time to watch that shit in the morning. I have four kids to get ready". Mr. Jim said " I have plenty of time. Leaving at 5:30 means I only get myself ready". She shot him a look of death. I giggled. The other guy was telling his date about a photo he saw, " She had her shirt up and her titties were hanging out. Her huge fucking titties were just out there." Im sitting across from him and I just looked at him. I made the " I dont believe that you are at a dinner and you are talking like that" face. He stopped. The first scowling woman started telling a story about how her sister " broke a fucking vaccum cleaner over her old man's head". Fuck, shit, mother fucker, and bitch flew around like confetti on New Year's eve. The first couple got up and left. The cursey couples just went on and on, as Mr Jim and I discussed possibly going to a movie, amongst ourselves, in a low volume. I had finally had enough. I looked at Mr Jim and said, in a loud voice, " Sir, I raise you, 'BUKKAKAKE'!" Then I looked at them, and laughed! Mr Jim looked at me, like I went nuts. I said " I had to out do them!" Then I excused myself for the ladies room, and told Jim to meet me at the door with my coat. He said that when he got up to leave, one of the vulgarettes said to him, " You guys going to a movie after all?" Rude and to top it off, eavesdroppers!

Fresno; the Restauant.

I only know a few of you that might even be in East Hampton, NY, during any part of your life. If you are there, be sure to try Fresno. Veteran East End restaurateur David Loewenberg has teamed up with Michael Nolan and opened Fresno located on the outskirts of the village of East Hampton. The executive chef is Gretchen Menser who since 1992 has worked in such East Hampton restaurants as Nick & Toni’s, Rowdy Hall and most recently, the 1770 House. Menser cooks with a European sensibility, keeping flavors exciting and clean and working with as local a product as possible. This philosophy aligns with Fresno’s tradition to offer a spectrum of new American fare and local bounty emphasizing simple yet sophisticated preparation. The dining area has a long banquette and zinc-topped bar while outside, on the terrace, revelers will find an outdoor fountain. Fresno seats 75, and is open seven days a week. Nolan was once the owner and general manager of the Miracle Bar & Grill in New York City, the restaurant where celebrity chef, Bobby Flay, got his start. Loewenberg, widely regarded as one of the East End’s top restaurateurs, is co-owner of red/bar brasserie in Southampton and sole-owner of The Beacon in Sag Harbor, two long-standing and popular East End restaurants. Why am I talking about a restaurant in East Hampton, NY? Because Fresno is my home town, and where I currently live. I was painting a bit when I was was watching IFC. That cute character actor, Bob Balaban ( Yes, I have a nerd thing) mentioned FRESNO as a favorite restaurant. I had to rewind, a beat, and yes, he said FRESNO. If you know Fresno, in California, you would know the reputation for a confused, conservative, wildly liberal , mess of a city. The fight against the urban sprawl, the influence of the big box churches and homelessness makes you want to run away. The biggest mention, of late, was in a Michael Moore film. Our Mayor is Alan Autry, or BUBBA from In the Heat of the Night. We are usually the butt of jokes in TV sitcoms, too. Thanks TV. ( you know who you are). Oh forget all of that. Lets see what Fresno has to offer. You can have a delish dinner of FRESNO CATAPLANA W/ LOCAL LITTLENECK CLAMS, SHRIMP, MUSSELS & FLUKE IN A SPICY TOMATO BROTHW/ GRILLED CROSTINI & SAFFRON ROUILLE for $29, or a FRESNO BURGER* W/ LETTUCE, TOMATO, RED ONION & POMMES FRITES for $17, you know its more up your alley. Something about French Fries, being written in French, makes you want to pay that extra $10. They could at least say its a Kobe blend burger. We dont have local littleneck clams. If we did, they would be found in an irrigation canal, which do hold crawdads. Weehaw. The funny thing about East Hampton's Fresno, is that most of my Fresno wouldnt even bother to set foot inside of it, then bitch about the lack of good restaurants, when it went under. Yet, put up a Chick-fil-a and they will line up for days. Thanks Fresno.
Stolen from a newspaper... San Jose Examiner. It's actually kind of complicated but the short answer is because it used to take at least an overnight trip for voters to get from their homes to polling locations. Our nations leaders at the time didn't want people to have to travel on holy resting days. So they figured voters could load up their horse and wagons on Monday, make it to vote by Tuesday, then be back on the road and home on Wednesday. Makes standing in a long line seem like nothing, huh? Here are some other fun facts about elections and our presidents: President Andrew Johnson never went to school. He was totally self-taught. President William Howard Taft became the first President to walk into the Oval Office (in 1909). President John Adams was the first president to live in the White House. President Theodore Roosevelt was the first president to ride in a car while president. President Millard Fillmore's wife Abigail started the White House library collection. President Martin Van Buren gave us the word okay. It was an abbreviation for the name of his New York home "Old Kinderhook." A club called the "O.K. Club" formed and soon "OK" came to mean "all correct."

Im the Proud Parent of....

Im the proud parent of a 6th grade boy with ANOTHER STRAIGHT A report card. His teacher said, " I normally dont give out report cards like this, for the first quarter, but he earned it." He also said that Conor needs to zip it while he is teaching because, when his teacher is working out a simple math problem with the class, Conor wants to break down the problem in ways that the kids cant understand yet. haha. As his auntie says, he is our very own Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory. As for Gavin, he is very proud of himself for being on TV and interviewed by our local news while dressed as Batman. He said, " I like being on TV." I gotta get that link from my sister again. He also likes pretending to be a cat. I love being the momma of these boys!
Gotta love those few Fubar fellas that ruin it for the rest of them. Typical Fubar Moment. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Da Sox Buzz Meter: 0% -- dry, get them a drink! Level: Freak (9) Gender: Male, 36 Location: Chicago, IL Status: (Online) Da Sox: Question for u ok? ->Da Sox: ask Da Sox: do u have yahoo messenger? ->Da Sox: yes i do but im not using it at the moment Da Sox: can u be? what's your yahoo? ->Da Sox: i dont know you.. so no. sorry Da Sox: shut the fuck up u cunt


The sunlight is shining, golden. The wind is blowing, making the vines shake, chimes ring. Birch trees talking back to the squirrels. Brown, crispy leaves, curled at the edges, are tumbling across the newly seeded lawn. A grey cloud blocks the sun. I am happy. Fall is finally here.

Fubar ass of the day!

This awesome guy is a fucktard. If you see him, make sure you remind him. A classic example of what women have to go through when you reject some one and they cant take the time to read that you arent interested. mjrkonig1942, you are an ass! mjrkonig1942: ur just a dumb bitch mjrkonig1942: cmon u use this place to talk to other guys its pretty obvious ->mjrkonig1942: youre insane.. mjrkonig1942: dont bother writing back u dont cheat liars are bad ->mjrkonig1942: who the fuck is cheating on anyone? ->mjrkonig1942: i dont know you mjrkonig1942: i am u shouldnt cheat on ur man its not cool mjrkonig1942: im not ur just very elusive and im wondering why ->mjrkonig1942: then go have fun with your info ->mjrkonig1942: i wont allow you to pick me apart for your amusement mjrkonig1942: ur no wall lol mjrkonig1942: i already know what i need to know mjrkonig1942: trust me sweetie im smarter than u mjrkonig1942: hmmmm sounds fishy ->mjrkonig1942: youre just going to hit a wall.. mjrkonig1942: ur not here to cheat on ur man mjrkonig1942: im analyzing u mjrkonig1942: just curious ->mjrkonig1942: why are you so worried about why im on fubar? mjrkonig1942: seems more reasonable mjrkonig1942: instead of meeting here mjrkonig1942: why not call them up ->mjrkonig1942: both mjrkonig1942: or fubar friends mjrkonig1942: personal friends ->mjrkonig1942: i have friends here mjrkonig1942: well if ur not here for a reason then why stay mjrkonig1942: lol mjrkonig1942: no excuses ->mjrkonig1942: im sorry. im tired mjrkonig1942: ur welcome why so sarcastic ->mjrkonig1942: gee thanks mjrkonig1942: i can help u out lol mjrkonig1942: u looking for a fling mjrkonig1942: sure ->mjrkonig1942: what about you? ->mjrkonig1942: im not.. just here mjrkonig1942: its ok what ru looking for assoftheday.jpg

All in a days work....

I was minding my own business when I get a message in my shout box.... Nice Guy: you walk into your bedroom only to find me there admiring myself in the mirror wearing your sexy lingerie I reply... ->Nice Guy: you turn around to discover that Im smiling ->Nice Guy: and blocking your freaktard ass Unless a profile says.. " I dig guys wearing lingerie", dont smack the person in the face with your fetish!!!
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