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TaNyA is NotUrType's blog: "new stuff"

created on 12/22/2013  |  http://fubar.com/new-stuff/b356936  |  1 followers

My Grandson Baby AJ



Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes! We are surprised to announce that at 2:29am EST My Grandson, the Beautiful Baby AJ, decided the world was ready for him after only 24 weeks and was delivered by emergency c section weighing in at 1.5 lbs and 12.25 inches long. He is a perfect tiny little fighter and we are beyond blessed, thru the stress of his arrival.  His vitals are good, and we are praying with certainty that everything is going to be fine but continued prayers and positive energy are still needed and welcome.  Little AJ has a long road ahead of him, along with his young parents, but we are hopeful and full of faith.  

I am so very proud of My Son and his girlfriend, they are amazing and strong, and I am in awe! I am just in Love!  Ok Fu World meet my Grandson!!!






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Ok, so lets start off by making sure everyone is clear on exactly what the action of reinstating the Mexico City Policy actually means.  

The Mexico City Policy prohibits foreign aid from the U.S. to be given to any nongovernmental organization (NGO) abroad that discusses abortion as a family-planning option. Currently, taxpayer dollars cannot be used to fund abortion procedures in other countries, but the order expands that oversight and also prohibits organizations from receiving U.S. family planning funding if they offer abortion counseling or advocate for abortion rights in other countries — even if the medical procedure is legal in that country.

The rule has gone back and forth between Administrations since it was first introduced in 1984 at the U.N. International Conference on Population held in Mexico City. In 2009, former President Barack Obama revoked the ruling as one of his first executive actions. It had been reinstated by former President George W. Bush after Bill Clinton's Administration and was first introduced by former President Ronald Reagan.

The policy requires non-governmental organizations to "agree as a condition of their receipt of [U.S.] federal funds" that they would "neither perform nor actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations". 

The policy has exceptions for abortions done in response to rape, incest, or life-threatening conditions.

Historically, the policy, when in effect, has applied to foreign NGOs as a condition for receiving U.S. family planning support either directly (as the main – or prime – recipient of U.S. funding) or indirectly (as a recipient of U.S. funding through an agreement with the prime recipient; referred to as a sub-recipient). Foreign NGOs include:

-international NGOs that are based outside the U.S.

-regional NGOs that are based outside the U.S.

-local NGOs in assisted countries.

President Trump has updated the policy by directing the Secretary of State to implement a plan that expands the policy across all global health assistance funding. This means that U.S. taxpayer dollars will not be supporting organizations that promote or participate in the management of a coercive abortion program. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), for example, is one such organization, with its long history of supporting China’s one-child population control program, an agenda that has included forced abortions.

The Mexico City Policy does not reduce U.S. foreign assistance; however, it does ensure that those who partner with the United States in providing international aid act to safeguard that abortion is not performed or promoted.

The policy does not prevent U.S. aid from being used for birth control and family planning services overseas – only abortion and its promotion are not subsidized.

SO what does this mean?

It means that Thanks to President Trump, the Secretary of State is directed to ensure Americans are no longer complicit in violating the dignity of women and children overseas. No longer will abortion be a top U.S. export

No Longer will the US fund Forced Abortions on Chinese women due to the one child law.

Lets be clear, this is about international foreign aid going to other countries to pay for abortions.  

What exactly does this mean for American Women Today?

I have been reading information from both sides and the one thing I find consistently is the liberal media insisting on spreading the idea that the Policy restricts aid for family planning services.  This is Absolutely False information.  

What I cannot find, is how exactly this directly affects the Womens Health Programs in our own country.  

Women still have access to abortions if they choose, no rights have been changed. Women still have access to contraceptives, health screenings, family planning services, and counseling.In the future, Taxpayer funding will always go to those services, as long as abortions are not what we are paying for.  

Abortion will remain legal up to 20 weeks, if you have not figured out your plan after being 5 MONTHS pregnant, then unfortunately you are going to have to figure something else out, like adoption, or sucking it up, taking responsibility and being a parent since you didn't decide to prevent it.  
There are allowances for rape, incest, and medical conditions that threaten the life of the mother so that arguement is nonsense especially when only 2% of abortion cases are due to these circumstances.  

Women are in an uproar about having the right to kill babies that can live outside the womb after 20 weeks, and losing taxpayer funding to force Chinese women to abort Female babies or their 2nd child because it is illegal.   

Is this really what Women are standing for these days?  Or are they just grossly uninformed....

And...for the record, Roe V Wade will remain, regardless of the Supreme Court choices.  If that happens to be proved false, then and only then, is there an excuse for US women to rally and March about abortion rights.  Tearing up our cities over a foreign aid policy is senseless.  These people gained nothing but a mental participation trophy, and lost nothing when it comes the their rights.  

If anyone has a question about where I stand on this subject, I am Pro-Life, but I do understand the extreme circumstances women go thru too well. My first born child was conceived under circumstances I do not wish to share, but fall under this catagory.  He is Now 20 and just amazing! 

Addressing Misconceptions About The Dakota Access Pipeline


Map of the Dakota Access Pipeline on private land

Key Facts

  • The Dakota Access Pipeline does not enter or cross the Standing Rock reservation.
  • The entire Dakota Access Pipeline is buried underground.
  • The Dakota Access Pipeline is not a threat to the Tribe’s water supply or cultural sites.
  • Eight other pipelines cross Lake Oahe, including one that has safely operated for more than 30 years.
  • The site where the Dakota Access Pipeline crosses the Missouri River is 70 miles from the new water supply inlet for the Standing Rock Sioux.
  • The Dakota Access is one of the most technologically advanced and safest pipelines ever built. It is entirely underground and exceeds federal safety requirements.

here are a number of misconceptions and myths about the Dakota Access Pipeline Project. Unfortunately, a number of media outlets, bloggers, opinion writers, and social media accounts have spread a number of similar misconceptions. Here are the facts.

  • The Dakota Access is one of the most technologically advanced and safest pipelines ever built. It is entirely underground and surpasses federal safety requirements.
  • The pipeline does not encroach or cross any land owned by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.
  • The Dakota Access Pipeline is entirely underground and will cross under Lake Oahe at a minimum depth of 95 feet below the riverbed.
  • The Dakota Access Pipeline does not endanger water; the Standing Rock Sioux water inlet by early 2017 will be moved to a location more than 70 miles away from the pipeline.
  • The majority of protesters are not there to protect water, as they claim, but are actually extremists opposed to any and all use of fossil fuels.

Notably, by contrast, rail cars transporting crude oil from wells owned by Native American Tribes currently cross the Standing Rock Sioux reservation without objection.

Lake Oahe, the final portion of the pipeline’s path to be constructed is also home to eight pipelines.

Many of the protesters on-site are not Standing Rock Sioux, but outsiders with a different more extremist agenda that is simply opposed to the use of all fossil fuels. They have provoked multiple dangerous and criminal confrontations with law enforcement, and caused significant damage to property, which have led local agencies to ask for extra federal help.


DAPL Facts You Should Know

The Dakota Access pipeline is not built on Native American reservations..

99.98% of the pipeline is installed on privately owned property in North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois. The Dakota Access Pipeline does not enter the Standing Rock Sioux reservation at any point.

The Dakota Access pipeline is safe.

The Dakota Access Pipeline is built to survive the test of time, extreme weather, and natural disaster

The area of the Dakota Access pipeline in question has held eight other pipelines for over 30 years.

Eight other pipelines currently run below Lake Oahe. In fact, existing pipelines have safely transported natural gas beneath Lake Oahe for more than 30 years.

The builders of the Dakota Access pipeline adhered to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

The Dakota Access Pipeline was approved by regulatory agencies in all four states where the pipeline will operate and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Most of the protestors at the Dakota Access Pipeline are not Standing Rock Sioux.

The vast majority of the opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline – and the most vocal – comes not from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, but from several radical, well-funded groups that are opposed to all use of fossil fuel and who ignore the safety of the pipeline in order to further their membership and fund-raising efforts.

55 tribes held over 389 meetings while the DAPL route was planned.

In developing the route, the United States Army Corps of Engineers alone held 389 meetings with 55 tribes regarding the Dakota Access project. In addition, the U.S. Army Corps reached out to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe nearly a dozen times to discuss archaeological and other surveys conducted before finalizing the Dakota Access route. Share on

No Native American artifacts were disturbed during construction.

In a memo, dated September 22, 2016, Paul R. Picha, the Chief Archaeologist of the State Historical Society of North Dakota wrote: In conclusion, the cultural resources inventory and inspection conducted and reported herein yielded no evidence of infractions to or violations of North Dakota Century Code § 23..06-27 with respect to disturbance of human remains

The source of water for the Standing Rock Sioux is not near the Dakota Access Pipeline.

At no point does the Dakota Access Pipeline pass through the Standing Rock Sioux reservation, nor does it impact the Tribe’s water supply.  The water inlet for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe will be 70 miles away by early 2017, when the tribe’s water intake moves to South Dakota. 

The Dakota Access Pipeline does not cross land owned by the Standing Rock Sioux.

No part of the pipeline will be installed on the Standing Rock reservation. The part of the project that needs the approval of the Army Corps of Engineers is a sliver of 1,000 feet of federal land – not Standing Rock land – that is part of its crossing beneath Lake Oahe 

 This part of the pipeline would be tunneled using state of the art Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) through soil nearly 100 feet below the bottom of the lake. This is about 20 times deeper than an existing pipeline that was installed beneath the same lake in 1982 and has operated safely for about 35 years.

In fact, eight pipelines currently pass below Lake Oahe, as well as one high-energy electrical system.

The Dakota Access Pipeline is an underground pipeline.

The Dakota Access Pipeline is an entirely underground pipeline. Only where there are pump stations or valves of testing stations is there any portion of the pipeline above ground.

The pipeline is buried nearly 4 feet deep in most areas and in all agricultural lands, two feet deeper than required by law. The pipeline will cross at least 95 feet, and at points, up to 115 feet, below the bottom of Lake Oahe.


I did not compile this information, I borrowed it to share from here: https://daplpipelinefacts.com/common-misconceptions/ 

I was torn, because I do have concern for the environment, so I decided to start reading more.

 It seems to me that every precaution has been taken as far as my concern goes.  The Job creation and economic gains that this pipeline will produce leaves no room for debate.  As far as these ridiculous people protesting everything they can just to cause discention in our country, I could care less about their uneducated dillusional opinions on pretty much everything, so this is no exception.  

Carry on President Trump...Carry On. 




All Of a Sudden

All Of A Sudden- By A Proud American Senior Citizen 
"All Of A Sudden....Seven Short Years Have Passed!
Before Obama, There was virtually no outlandish presence of Islam in America.
• All of a sudden, Islam is taught in schools. Christianity and the bible are banned in schools.
• All of a sudden we must allow prayer rugs everywhere and allow for Islamic prayer in schools, airports, and businesses.
• All of a sudden we must stop serving pork in prisons.
• All of a sudden we are inundated with law suits by Muslims who are offended by American culture.
• All of a sudden we must allow burkas to be worn everywhere even though you have no idea who or what is covered up under them.
• All of a sudden Muslims are suing employers and refusing to do their jobs if they personally deem it conflicts with Sharia Law.
• All of a sudden the Attorney General of the United States vows to prosecute anyone who engages in 'anti-Muslim speech'.
• All of a sudden, Jihadists who engage in terrorism and openly admit they acted in the name of Islam and ISIS are emphatically declared they are NOT Islamic by our leaders and/or their actions are determined NOT to be terrorism, but other nebulous terms like 'workplace violence."
• All of a sudden, it becomes Policy that Secular Middle East dictators that were benign or friendly to the West, must be replaced by Islamists and the Muslim Brotherhood.
• All of a sudden our troops are withdrawn from Iraq and the middle east, giving rise to ISIS.
• All of a sudden, America has reduced its nuclear stockpiles to 1950 levels, as Obama's stated goal of a nuke-free America by the time he leaves office continues uninterrupted.
• All of a sudden, a deal with Iran must be made at any cost, with a pathway to nuclear weapons and HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars handed over to fund their programs.
• All of a sudden America APOLOGIZES to Muslim states and sponsors of terror worldwide for acts of aggression, war, and sabotage THEY perpetrate against our soldiers.
• All of a sudden, the American Navy is diminished to 1917 Pre-World War I levels Of only 300 ships. The Army is at pre-1940 levels. The Air Force scraps 500 planes and planned to retire the use of the A-10 Thunderbolt close air support fighter. A further draw down of another 40,000 military personnel is in progress.
• All of a sudden half of our aircraft carriers are recalled for maintenance by Obama rendering the Atlantic unguarded, NONE are in the Middle East .
• All of a sudden Obama has to empty Guantanamo Bay of captured Jihadists and let them loose in Jihad-friendly Islamic states. He demands to close the facility.
• All of a sudden America will negotiate with terrorists and trade FIVE Taliban commanders for a deserter and Jihad sympathizer.
• All of a sudden there is no money for American poor, disabled veterans, jobless Americans, hungry Americans, or displaced Americans but there is endless money for Obama's "Syrian refugee" resettlement Programs.
• All of sudden there is an ammunition shortage in the USA.
• All of a sudden, the most important thing for Obama to do after a mass shooting by two Jihadists, is disarm American citizens.
• All of a sudden, the President of the United States cannot attend the Christian funerals of a Supreme Court Justice and a former First Lady because of previous (seemingly unimportant) commitments. 
All of a sudden, I’m sick to my stomach. I’m not sure the majority of Americans recognize the seriousness of the situation and how much “progress” has been made by Islam these last 7 years, a very brief time compared to a 75 year lifetime!🇺🇸 in Washington." Quote By a proud American

Democracy VS Republic


D- Rule by the omnipotent majority. In a democracy, an individual, and any group of individuals composing any minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of the majority. It is a case of Majority-over-Man.

R- A republic is similar to a representative democracy except it has a written constitution of basic rights that protect the minority from being completely unrepresented or overridden by the majority.

Constraints on the government

D- No; the majority can impose its will on the minority.R- Yes; the majority cannot take away certain inalienable rights.PhilosophyD- All eligible citizens get equal say in decisions.

R- All eligible citizens get equal say in decisions with protection of unalienable rights to individuals.Famous ExamplesD- Classical Greece, RomeR- United States of America

Sovereignty is held by

D- the whole population (as a group)

R- the people (individuals)

Common confusion in the USA

People commonly confuse direct democracy with representative democracy. The US officially has a representative style, though many have suggested the US is closer to an oligarchy or plutocracy.The US is actually a Republic. It is governed by rule of law. The elected are bound by oath to the written governing limits (ie constitution) yet vote "together" and create laws to address concerns of the represented in a democratic way

Free Choice

D- Individuals may make decisions for themselves except insofar as a majority faction has limited individuals.

R- Individuals may make decisions for themselves, especially insofar as there is a constitutional prohibition on interfering with freedom of choice.Political


D- Democratic. [Note: this is not meant as a reference to a Democratic Party.]

R- Republican. [Note: this is not meant as a reference to a Republican Party.]


D- Generally, freedom of religion is permitted, although a majority faction may limit religious freedom for a minority faction

R- Generally, freedom of religion is permitted, especially insofar as there is a constitutional prohibition on interfering with freedom of religion

Economic System

D- Elected by the voters or their elected representatives. Usually capitalist or Keynesian.

R- Elected by the voters or their elected representatives. Usually capitalist or Keynesian.

Private Property

D- Generally, private property is permitted, although a majority faction may place limits on property rights.

R- Generally, private property is permitted, especially insofar as there is a constitutional prohibition on interfering with property rights.


D- In theory, all citizens have an equal say and so are treated equally. However, often allows for the tyranny of the majority over the minority.

R- In theory, all citizens have an equal say and so are treated equally by the government, especially insofar as there is a constitutional prohibition on government discrimination.


D- Direct democracy, parliamentary democracy, representative democracy, presidential democracy.

R- Democratic republics, Constitutional republics.

Key Elements

D- Free elections.

R- Free elections, constitution.

Way of Change

D- Voting

R- Voting

Observation in practice

D- People commonly confuse direct democracy with representative democracy. The US has a representative style. But the will of the people shouldnt easily decide to change the rules that limit power to the government.

R- The U.S.A.'s Constitution clearly shows the U.S. as a Republic, Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution

What is a Democracy?

A democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have the right to equal participation, either directly or through elected representatives, in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. To put it in very simple terms, it is a form of government where people choose their own government and the voice of the majority rules. Once the majority is established, the minority has no say.

What is a Republic?

The term "republic" as used today refers to a representative democracy with an elected head of state, such as a president, serving for a limited term. Even in a republic, it's the voice of the majority that rules through chosen representatives; however, there is a charter or constitution of basic rights that protects the minority from being completely unrepresented or overridden.

Are a Democracy and Republic Mutually Exclusive?

There are many who make this statement: “The United States is a republic, not a democracy”. This makes it seem like a democracy and a republic are mutually exclusive. They usually aren't; usually a republic is a type of representational democracy with some checks and balances enshrined in the constitution that safeguard the rights of minorities. A "pure" democracy would imply the rule of the majority in every sphere of life, without such safeguards.

Is the United States a Democracy or Republic?

The U.S. is a republic. Though it is now common for people, including American politicians, to refer to the U.S. as a "democracy," this is shorthand for the representational republic that exists, not for a pure democracy. The republic continues to be mentioned in the Pledge of Allegiance, which was written in 1892 and later adopted by Congress in 1942 as an official pledge.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

While the founders disagreed regarding the role of the federal government, none sought to build a pure democracy.

"We are now forming a republican government. Real liberty is neither found in despotism or the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments." —Alexander Hamilton

"It is, that in a democracy, the people meet and exercise the government in person: in a republic, they assemble and administer it by their representatives and agents. A democracy, consequently, must be confined to a small spot. A republic may be extended over a large region." —James Madison

Americans directly elect council members, governors, state representatives and senators, and numerous other officials. (However, senators were indirectly elected in the past.) Some other officials, such as mayors, may or may not be directly elected.

The president is indirectly elected via the electoral college. The legislative and executive branches then appoint a variety of officials to their positions. For example, the president (executive branch) nominates a justice to the Supreme Court when a seat needs to be filled; the Senate (legislative branch) must confirm this nomination.

Sited: http://www.diffen.com/difference/Democracy_vs_Republic 

I found this article written by 

Hannah Bleau 


and I cannot agree with it more.  The more people that understand how much they were manipulated by the use of Clintons gender in attempt to win her the presidency the better.  She is not a champion of women, she is a suppressor of us!  I will let Hannah do the speaking now, hope you enjoy!


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “I just don’t know what I’m going to tell my daughters. What kind of message does this election outcome send them?” The latest high profile figure to say this? NFL commissioner Roger Goodell. While speaking at The New York Times’  Dealbook conference, he said he was having trouble explaining the election outcome to his daughters.

“It makes my job harder at home too,” Goodell said. “I have twin daughters and a wife so I have to explain that to them. So yes, on that front. Does it make it harder publicly? Listen, I think our country has to have more respect for one another, and we have to unite.”

I don’t have a daughter, but I am one. I’m also a sister, friend and fellow woman and feel compelled to respond.

Dear Daughters,

The election is over, but the fight for freedom is a never-ending process. Maybe you’re scared. Worried. Dare I say, triggered. Hillary Clinton failed to shatter the glass ceiling, but don’t be mistaken. That doesn’t mean a thing. I know you were told that this election was about something greater than policy: The role of women in America. Are they capable of leading in the highest office? Yes. Of course they are! But if there’s anything to learn from Hillary, it’s this: Integrity, honesty, transparency, trustworthiness– people care about those things more than reproductive organs. Hillary believed she was entitled to the presidency, solely because of her gender. Even if she didn’t realize it, she perpetuated the toxic idea that gender matters more than character. Hillary’s a woman, but she’s also a liar. Hillary’s a woman, but she’s also an enabler. Hillary’s a woman, but she’s also a selfish politician who constantly puts her own interests above everyone else’s. She’s not a woman of the people. She never has been, and she gave us no reason to believe that she ever could be.

We could go back and forth over what Donald Trump has said in the past. That’s fair, but only as long as we do the same for Hillary Clinton. I’ll just say this: Actions speak louder than words. Hillary Clinton actively threatened and intimidated her rapist husband’s victims. She said victims of sexual assault deserve to be heard but did precisely the opposite. She silenced them, because they threatened her image and pursuit of political power.

Hillary and her slobbering feminist followers thought you’d only vote on certain issues and certain issues alone. They wanted to believe that you only care about abortion, access to birth control, parental leave and the mythical gender wage gap. They think they’re empowering you, but they’re not. They’re demeaning you. They’re assuming that you– a fully capable and competent citizen who happens to have a vagina– only care about issues related to your reproductive organs. That’s demeaning to you. They assume you don’t care about policies unrelated to your gender. What about the unemployment rate? Taxes? The national debt? National security? Fixing the VA? Immigration reform? Welfare reform? Regulatory reform? They automatically assume that you couldn’t care less about those issues. The left throws Planned Parenthood in your face and expects you to vote for them, because they’re “pro-women.” By suggesting that they’re pro-women, they’re implying that the other side is not. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Implementing economic policies that would boost the economy– like lowering taxes– is pro-women. You should be able to keep more of your own money and spend, save and invest as you see fit. Temporarily halting the flow of refugees until we can properly vet them is pro-women. There’s a migrant rape crisis in Germany right now, thanks to Angela Merkel’s open door policy. We don’t want that here. Stopping the nation’s out of control spending is pro-women. Protecting religious liberty? That’s pro-women. Upholding the Second Amendment? That’s definitely pro-women. They don’t call a gun the “great equalizer” for nothing. Defeating ISIS? That’s pro-women. Heck, that’s SO pro-women. Those vile animals treat women like garbage. They’re raped. Oppressed. Silenced. Beaten into submission. We want to free them. Repealing Obamacare? That’s pro-women. School choice? That’s pro-women. It gives mothers the power to place their children where they feel most comfortable and confident.

These issues don’t just benefit men. That’s a lie.

The party of women won. Conservatives don’t reduce women to their reproductive organs. You’re more than that. You care about more than free abortions, free tampons and the ability to walk around topless. To suggest otherwise is– dare I say– sexist.

You’re more than the sum of your ladyparts. Just because you’re a woman doesn’t mean you’re entitled to anything. Not even the presidency. You have to earn it. You have to earn the respect of those around you. You have to put in the work. You’re not a victim. You live in the greatest country in the history of the world. You can do anything you set your mind to. The land of opportunity is yours. Take advantage of it.

I Stand Firm!

I was going to post this on my Facebook, but I have some sensitive family members there and I am not wanting to upset them after this very sensitive and emotional election, so I am sharing it here, because those who I intend to see it, will.  So here it goes....


I am a woman, a mother, a christian and a conservative.  These are not just labels I have, but part of my identity.  I have never disguised myself as anything other than who I am and I never plan to.  I stand by my convictions, I exercise my rights to express those convictions when appropriate.  I strive to be honest, to show compassion, extend love, offer grace, all based on the foundation that God provides me.  I am not always perfect, I have times when I allow my emotions to get the best of me, just like any other human.  

I believe in helping the less fortunate, by providing them an option rather than the band-aid of continued oppression called social services.  I believe in our Constitutional Rights, EVERY one of them.  I am shaken at the idea of our religious freedoms being stripped from us and our 2nd ammendment no longer existing.  I believe in womens right to choose what to do with their bodies, sometimes we have to make the hard decisons, but I oppose late term abortions, there is plenty of time to make that decision before the baby can literally survive without you carrying it.  I believe in women having equal opportunities and being paid for them fairly.  I believe in our military, and am heartbroken at the treatment of our veterans.  I support fair and legal immigration for people who want to join the American Dream and contribute economically, socially and culturally to the advancement and betterment of our country.

 I have raised 2 amazing young men, and have always tried to teach them to respect others, especially elders and women, to work hard to achieve their dreams, and become a postive influence to their communities.

 I like to believe that I have a good moral foundation, that I have good character, and that I am a reflection of what I try to convey every day.  I believe in kindness, but I also believe in truth.  I am bold, outspoken, and straight to the point.  Most of those that know me, I can only hope understand me this way, if not I am failing at my personal cause.  

What some people dont know, is that I suffered abuse beginning at the age of 8 years old in every facet you can imagine.  I am the daughter of an alcoholic father and a depressed mother.  Please dont think they were bad parents, just unaware at times of the reality their kids were living because they were overwhelmed.  I am the oldest sister of 4 siblings who I was responsible for most waking hours during their formative years, while both of my parents worked an absurd amount of the time just to make sure we had everything we needed. 

 I have been victimized my entire life, but I am not a victim.  I am a survivor.  I am not easily offended by the crass vulgarity that men sometimes use.  There are plenty of women I have met that have said the same types things.  I am secure enough in my worth to understand those words are not a reflection of who I am.  I dont allow myself to feel objectified by the ignorant things that can be said in jest, or in some blowhard pissing contest.  My mother taught me better.  I have survived sexual assault, and domestic violence first hand and overcame the effects only to become the strongest version of myself I can be.  I believe my path, though it was not always apparent, was God allowing me to be shaped into who I am today and I am thankful for all of the life lessons I have learned thru the years.

 I am sure people are wondering why I am sharing all of this.  Well, It is 5am here in AZ, hours after Donald Trump was elected as our 45th President.  Yes, I voted for him, and I would do it again.  I am not going to defend my decision, I have boldly expressed my views coming in to this election, and I stand by them firmly.  I buried myself in the information, not that the MSM provided us, but I dug, and deep, into the history and character of each candidate, compared their platform to my ideals and beliefs, evaluated the backgrounds, researched the accusations and did everything I could to educate myself before I endorsed a candidate.  It took me until mid to late October to finally decide whom I was voting for.  

Do I have my reservations?  Yes, of course I do, but not nearly as many as I do about his opponent.  The facts continued to stack themselves up and it was clear to me that there was no way I would do anything that would assist her in being a representative of women, or our country.  Hillary was just not the right women to bestow such a monumental honor upon.  She doesnt deserve to go down in history as Americas first woman President.  I will stand by that belief as long as I live.  Do I love DJT?  Nope, but I am encouraged by the people he surrounds himself with, and his desire to bring down the elite establishment who has lead our country down a very dangerous and unethical path.  There was no voting for Gary or Jill, I will not waste my only chance, my only voice to our governement that I disapprove of Hillary Clinton being allowed to run for President.

 I am saddened that some people I cared for could not accept this.  I am even more taken aback at how my decision has people attacking my morals, my character, and my intelligence.  People that know me well, intimately even and have always been a source of reinforcement that I am projecting the person I strive to be to the world.  Now, because I made a choice that differs from them, I am no longer any of the things they claimed I was.  I was loved when I was in agreement.  I was loved when I was quiet about my ideals, I was loved when I was conforming, and now, I am watching the hypocrisy of some people I cherished, cared for and even admired.  I have seen the colors of these people, and it has broken my heart, but it has not made me regret my decison to voice my truth, and cast my vote.  

There is no room in life for us to have "friends" degrading us, bringing us down, and challenging our right to individual thoughts and actions.  I am always open to discussion when questioned, and I strive to always remain in the circle of respect while I do so.

 So, in conclusion, I just want to say that I am expressing this to advise that anyone who believes I am less of a person, that my morals are questionable, and I am unintelligent, is more than welcome to remove the negative influence I have placed on your life by using that Unfriend button.  I have experienced much bigger losses in life, I will survive it without giving you another thought.  I voted for Trump.  I did it for my own personal reasons and convictions and I stand by it.  I will not be victimized by people who dont agree with that decison.  I will not allow myself to be chastised as less than because I supported DJT.  If that is your message to me, I promise I will save you the energy and remove myself from your life when you dont have the backbone to do so yourself, because that would be admission that you placed differences over relationships and I refuse to have that negative energy in my life.  So, a cleanse is in order it seems...sadly I am sure I will see a few people walk away, I  wish you all the happiness life can offer and bid farewell.  


I dont know how, 

To close my eyes without seeing you

I dont know how,

to forget that your my dream come true

I dont know how,

To hear that song and not break down

I dont know how,

to face the world without a frown

I dont know how, 

But each day I do...

I dont know how,

to try and be just your friend

I dont know how,

to see my love come to an end

I dont know how, 

to keep myself from loving you

I dont know how,

But still each day I do....


The words it never was, ring thru my ears.

 The pain in my chest that brings me to tears.  

The smile that I fake just to try and disguise,

How much I miss you, from my eyes...


I dont know how,

To lay in bed alone at night

I dont know how,

I will ever again be all right

I dont know how, 

To hear what I am meant to learn,

I dont know how,

To pretend that this doesn't hurt..


God, I dont know how,

But each and every single day,

Just so that you wont go away,

I do....

A Letter to Love

A Letter to Love

  • Like a shadow you are just out of reach,
Taunting me with your presence. When all I long for is to feel your existance.
Your light radiates toward me, but still I stay cold.

Hoping one day, I will be blessed with your warmth.
Patiently I have waited for my moment with you,

To experience the joy, the dream come true.

Wearily I cry out, spilling my tears, 

Loneliness, emptiness, fear....

Why can't I have this? What more can I do?

Is the hope of my heart to never come true?

Faithful beliefs, fading to the hopeless feeling of your absence.
I am afraid thru the years I have lost my chance, my relevence...

Dear, emotion called Love, come find me....

The Light (unfinished)

The world has given me lessons on how love can wreck your soul,

never feeling the warmth of a true heart can leave you cold.

I wandered thru my days yearning to fill the void,

The journey has been long and dark, draining me of my joy... 


  But, I can still see your light...


Shine for me, in the darkness please

My little glimmer of clarity,

in this tunnel I am stumbling,


Lead Me to You..


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6 years ago
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