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Whoooweee this was a tough one!   Reading the news one morning over breakfast I learned that his first name was "Muammar", and suddenly, without really thinking about it, I had four verses in my head to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody.  So it had to be done.  Go grab your copy of Bo Rhap, and sing along!  If anything doesn't appear to fit perfectly, listen more closely to the original vocal delivery.  It does match spot on, I promise!  Worked hard on this bugger, would appreciate some comments :)



Are you a real man

Or a caricature

Don't you understand

You're not wanted any more

Open your eyes

As your regime dies

And see...


You're just a crackpot

You'll get no sympathy

Ruling by the gun, laying low

Time to go, don't you know

Natives have had enough

Days are getting rougher

For you, it's true


Muammar, just killed some men

Sent the army in with guns

Shot them all to kingdom come

Muammar, they're civilians

But now you've gone and blown them all away


Muammar, ooh-oo-oo-ooh

Your time is passing by

Although you may hang on beyond tomorrow

Can't go on, can't go on

Like nothing ever happened


Too late, you're on your own

Now the UN has moved in

And imposed a no fly zone

Goodbye, then Gaddafi

You've got to go

Gotta leave Libya behind and face the troops



Muammar, ooh-oo-oo-ooh

Don't want to say goodbye

You often wish those rebels weren't born at all


We see a little man who calls himself a colonel

Shift your tush, go on mush

No you can't stay there forever

Approaching day of reckoning

Exile is a-beckoning you


Ajdabiya, on to Brega

Ajdabiya, on to Brega

To the port of Benghazi



I'm still in power, gonna make you cower

Set the town alight using military might

Unless you cede to my authority


Major town on the coast

Will you let it go

Misrata?  No, we will not let it go

Let it go

Misrata!  We will not let it go

Let it go

Misrata!  We will not let it go

Let it go

We'll not let it go

Let it go!

Never let it go

Let it go-o-o-o

No no no no no no no!

Oh human shield won't you yield

We can end this bloody siege

The hell we will

NATO air support will take you out

You out, no doubt



(feel free to headbang in your vehicle with some mates at this point)


So you think you can fly in the face of opinion

So you think you can retain all of your dominion

No, never

Don't you try to be clever

Just gotta get out

Just gotta get right out of there


Ooh yeah, ooh yeah


Your cabinet's defecting

It is plain to see

Everyone's rejecting

Everyone rejects your policy


This is where you step down.

Snappy title, eh?  In October 2005 I was fortunate enough to get to see Ronnie James Dio perform in what I  believe turned out to be his final full UK tour.  He was, as you'd expect, excellent.  To get there, I had to drive across central England during the peak of the afternoon/early evening rush hour traffic on a Friday, into England's "second city", not knowing exactly where the venue was or what parking may or may not be available.  This is the result of that journey.  BUT.  I wrote this to the tune of Alice Cooper's "I'm So Angry", which can be found on the CD "The Eyes Of Alice Cooper".  (it's getting on a bit now, so you might be able to find a free download). The  success of this directly led to me starting to write songs aswell.  Sadly, I'm still not a fast enough guitarist to be able to share the fruits of that particular development with you; but, all considered, that is probably a bit of a   relief for you!  If you possibly can, play the song and read along to the timing of the lyrics.  It will work SO MUCH BETTER than just reading the cold, silent text.  I promise.


Shunting, stopping

Patience dropping

Only moving slow

Are we ever gonna go?


Ducking, diving

Slipping, sliding

Trying to stay clear

Of the looney who's too near


The guy behind is a clown

One lapse is all that it takes

See how his bonnet rocks down

Every time that he brakes


Can't get a look

Beyond that truck

This is so frustrating

There's no room for overtaking


Squealing tyres

Rising ires

Someone's gonna crash

Don't let me be in the smash


What was that noise we just heard?

Was it the lane we are in

The driving here is absurd

Someone has had a spin


Driving on into the night

We can see those flashing lights

There's a collision on the other side

But at least we are still trekking

Everyone is rubber-necking

While I'm concentrating on our own ride



The final run

We might not be late

In reaching Birmingham


City centre

Big adventure

All we need to know

Is where we gotta go


Think I'm going insane

Every road looks the same

Cannot find the right lane

Here we go round again


We could keep this up all night

Circling about to the right

This one-way system goes round and round

And although it isn't dark

We can not find the car park

As we keep on covering the same ground.


Is "rubber-necking" a British expression?  Any US readers don't "get it"?  Please let me know!

Toonacy prequel

Came up with this in a random moment's silliness, and that led to my ongoing Toonacy series.


(Sylvester says)

I lay so still upon the box

When really I was stalking

Playing it crafty as a fox

To stop that damned bird squawking


(Tweety Pie says)

I tawt I taw a putty tat

Asleep atop the telly

I moved in for a closer look

And wound up in his belly!

In 2005, Australia had the best cricket team in the world.  Arguably, the greatest of all time.  England's sensational series victory had a largely disinterested nation suddenly gripped by Ashes fever.  Kids who "hated" the sport were suddenly playing it in their back gardens.  People who didn't care the first thing about it were wanting to talk to me about it all the time.  I responded in the manner I know best.


It's true!  England won The Ashes

There can be no Ifs or Buts

With cuts, and pulls, and brutal smashes

Our KP drove them nuts

The Aussies thought that they were ready

With a brash 5-0 forecast

They failed to take account of Freddie

Now their dominance has passed

For years our batsmen took great fright

In the face of Glenn McGrath

But this England know how to fight

And were the better team by far

Ol' Glenn is still a fearsome sight

And Warney, Brett Lee too

But none of them could change their plight

As we had something new

The king of swing (reverse, of course)

All hail Simon Jones

The Aus selectors had no recourse

Unlucky, Trevor Hohns

And of the men who made the calls

A new star has been born

He made the opposition look fools

Hats off to Michael Vaughan

But what of Ricky Ponting

Whose tactics crashed and burned?

His leadership found wanting

As England earned the urn.



CAST LIST:  Australia - Ricky Ponting, captain.  Glenn McGrath (pron. McGrar), star bowler, one of the best of all time. Shane Warne - world's greatest ever leg-spinner, cocky podgy beach-bum.  Brett Lee - excellent fast bowler, dangerous & powerful late order batsman.  Wonderful sportsman, the sort you want to be able to hate cos he plays for the opposition, but you just can't. Trevor Hohns - chairman of selectors.  England - Michael Vaughan, captain.  Andrew "Freddie" Flintoff, England's greatest all-rounder for 20 years and talismanic presence. KP (Kevin Pietersen), phenomenally talented batsman, horribly over-confident, tragically undisciplined.  Simon Jones, marvellous Welsh reverse-swing bowler, typically (for a British sportsman) dogged by serious career-destroying injuries.  KP Nuts - trade name of well known bar snacks!

OK, unless you're British or Australian, forget it.  Had great fun writing this one, January 2011.


Back to back Ashes
There's dust on the pitch
Is this the start of
A seven year itch?
Australia are beaten
Battered and bruised
Whilst dear old England
Is highly amused

Ponting's li'l finger
Has suffered a break
He should have retired
Now there's a mistake
Who would have thought it
The Aussies can't bat
They don't bowl well either
How funny's that?

By keeping things simple
We won by the book
Who needs a barbie
With a talented Cook?
Our accurate swinging
Laid rest to their hopes
The fat lady's singing
"So long, Aussie dopes!"


Just in case you're interested, the Cook in question is Alastair Cook, England's Test Match opening batsman who scored the second highest number of runs by an Englishman ever, during an Ashes series in Australia.  Ponting, is Ricky Ponting, Australia's long-serving, and somewhat undisciplined, captain.

Don't wanna work today..

Just how I felt one morning.  Well, I say "one"....



It's one of those days

In so many ways

When your mind is just not on the job

We should be, instead

Relaxing in bed

If we didn't have to make a few bob


And the boss is there lurking

Making sure we're working

Typical! (Wouldn't you know it?)

As he walks out the door

He drops off some more

And we're dying to tell him to stow it.

Spring At Last!

Written April 2010.  This is England.  You'll have to live with the cricket reference!
At last!  Spring has sprung
The washing is hung
It's so good to be back outside
The blossom is showing
And lawns need mowing
After everything had died
From under your feet
To out in the street
The kids are all kicking a ball
Yet some people slump
Splayed out on their rump
Couch potatoes still do sod all
At noon it is warm
And there's no sudden storm
In three months we'll be at the beach
But let's not get silly
The evenings are chilly
Yep, summer is still out of reach
When winter is done
At the first sign of sun
Shorts and vests some folk'll don
But I tell ya what
It just isn't that hot
What planet are these people on?
With holidays booked
Our budgets are cooked
As we all dream of sand, sea and surf
It's the season for cricket
When they step to that wicket
It'll pour down for all that it's worth!


Volume 1 of Toonacy went down quite well with my work colleagues, so I followed it up.  Really hope you enjoy these.
Fry inched up to Leela
He was hoping to feel her
But she turned round and gave him the eye
She said "If you try"
"You are going to die"
"Now help keep this ship in the sky"
Would Bender defend her?
Oh no - he just laughed
And heaved on a lever
That totalled the craft
It spiralled and rolled
Now uncontrolled
And plummeted into the lab
The crew barely winced
As their bodies were minced
And used to make Mom a kebab
The prof was distraught at the loss of his ship
And rapidly thought 'Ah, this must be a blip'
'I'll make a machine and turn time back a year'
'Those losses and damage will all disappear'
So he sent them back out upon the same quest
And again they returned as the same bloody mess!
                        THE FLINTSTONES
Fred had been bowling and on to a bar
His feet had got blisters from racing the car
He knew he was late and heading for trouble
He'd blame it all on his mate Barney Rubble
As he reached the gate all he found was a note
So he picked up the slate and saw what Wilma wrote:
"I had cooked spaghetti
Now I've gone out with Betty
We're having a night on the vino
Bamm-Bamm's been sick
He's thrown up a brick
And the remains of your dinner's in Dino."
and finally, writing of spaghetti...
                    DANGER MOUSE
The phone was ringing at HQ
A panicked voice said "We need you!"
"I'm the chef, there's been a theft"
"This is a complete disaster"
"We're bereft, there's nothing left"
"We can't go running out of pasta"
Danger Mouse was on the case
"Hurry, Penfold, gotta race"
"Fetch the packets of minced beef"
"Crikey!  What's the plan then, chief?"
In his lair beneath the ghetto...
"This is excellent, Stiletto"
The nodding crow said "Si, Baroni"
"Very tasty macaroni"
"If we do this properly"
"We'll have a monopoly"
"Bring success to our endeavour"
"Control the world markets forever!"
                    .    .    .    .    .   
"Greenback, stop!  Your plot is blown"
"Danger Mouse!  I might have known"
"Now, Stiletto - the escape trick"
But our heroes were much too quick
Penfold fired hot minced beef
Which thoroughly subdued the thief
Then bound the Baron's slimy hands
With stolen tagliarini strands
With Greenback's evil plans erased
The Baron had been bolognesed
The vidphone rang - Colonel K
"Well done DM, you've saved the day!"



I'm so proud of that Danger Mouse one it's like a little episode all on its own!  Comments please!! :)

Written early 2010. Would love to do some more cartoon-based ones for the wider appeal.  Post your suggestions, I won't ignore 'em!



Roger Rabbit
Roger Rabbit has a habit                                        
This aint a work of fiction
You've seen his wife, cor! What a life
No cure for his addiction
King Of The Hill
    Hank Hill tried to explain to Bill
    Why propane was the best gas for power
    "It's not just the same, it burns a cleaner flame"
    (something unintelligible) contributed Boomhauer
"I know", said Pinocchio
            "I'm going to buy a bird"
            "One that squawks and sometimes talks"
            "A parrot, to be heard"
            "I'll get a cage, put it centre stage"
            "And lavishly bedeck her"
            He went in error to a hardware seller
            And came home with a wood pecker
Scooby Doo
Scooby Doo was standing proud
He really needed a Shaggy
But Velma was the one around
It was lucky her jeans were so baggy  
                                                                     Scooby Doo - scooby-doo icon
Ice Age 3
                Scrat had been born
                To chase an acorn
                Scratte said, "C'mon then, I'll race ya"
                So he followed his nose
                'Til his whole body froze
                And tipped over the edge of a glacier   
                                               Ice Age
    The mammoths were fed
    And had settled for bed
    When Manny let rip one that stunk
    Ellie said "Puh-lease"
    "Now I'm going to sneeze"
    And Eddie shot out of her trunk
Eddie or Crash

I love the Ice Age series, think those two are amongst the funniest I've written.

The Pinocchio one might take a bit of thinking about lol

The Winter Blues

Written winter 2009.
The other half hollers "turn up the heating"
"It's too many dollars, we'd have to stop eating"
"So turn up your collars and use extra sheeting!"
Now I'm out in the snow and my fingers are numb
My movements are slow, I can't feel my thumb
Any moment I know I'll go down on my bum!
A few mild days and the snow turns to slush
I wish I'd gone out with a spade and a brush
Would you come to my aid please the car needs a push
Once more it freezes and it's not very nice
People cry "Jesus!" as they slip on the ice
And I've got the sneezes - once... aachoo! Twice!   **
Gone out on a trip with the road surface icy
Battling for grip, this journey is dicey
If those wheels slip the repairs will be pricey
I swear every year the winters get colder
My wife says it's me and I'm just getting older
Let's move to Hawaii then that's what I told her
Those people affected by SAD are so blue
There's so little sun to be had it is true
Yep, I'll be so glad when the winter is through!
**  Yes, I know it's a cheesy line!
Sorry if this one is less amusing, I'd never tackled a mid-and-end-of-line triple rhyming scheme like this before. Tough one!
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