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Beyond the sliding machismo us guy's parade with pride is a damned wedgie...........Today'swisdom......Without discipline a train of thought is easily derailed.....RoC The pitter patter of pain dance's across my brain with cleat's on fire fresh from melted ideal's that require sacrificing urge's that have helped me progress to my current The pitter patter of pain dance's across my brain with cleat's on fire fresh from melted ideal's that require sacrificing urge's that have helped me progress to my current state of noncompliance....With a Smile....

state of noncompliance....With a Smile.... K On Fu PeePs Click on my pic above and Check out My Band's Link...TOWN DRUNK... Fan the fire(Fan us)and we will feed that Rock and Roll need...Likes would be nice (both here and there)Im not a fake and only seek sincerity. Roc Full of insight and out of my mind from arguing with my inner child who can't seem to fathom how quick year's go bye bye....TODAY"S WISDOM....Yesterday's mistake's.. -------- R-O-C-K O-N --------Prayer's for Boston.k O

Taming the demonic melodies swirling outside my skull with a few more strokes of the brush...lol... Today's wisdom Sometime's you gota give yourself the silent treatment to clarify the chaos from a-broad- RoCK On

n Weathering phobic transgression's coiled within forgotten disclaimer's that tease motivation'scompass with a spinning needle is the root cause of killing time without an alibi.----------R-O-C-K---O-N---PeePs----My dear.Frank Lee don't give a damn if you lost your'e laundry ticket.He's going to starch my longjohns if you don't pay promptly.. Policies forwarded by misdirection are entertaining our ideal's so that by the time the curtain is closes we will feel vindicated that our concern s have been addressed...But upon leaving the theater of ideas we will find ou Policies forwarded by misdirection are entertaining our ideal's so that by the time the curtain is closes we will feel vindicated that our concern s have been addressed...But upon leaving the theater of ideas we will find our self's stripped bare. r self's stripped bare. Just made level 24... Thank's to a kind soul......So Simply Complex Simon told me he said she said........R O C K O N....... ===Stop by and leave a little love for BahNei . Kind soul's don't seek favor's...They offer them...And thank you all for helping I need to be fu owned for 100.000 fu bucks to level....Help if ya can......Today's wisdom.....Read the things Ive posted on my page....All written by me...Rocker...S.A.F....And leave me a comment on what you think of them.. Past lives lived within the blend of tomorrow's hope's chastise mitigated perception's that can turn a wise move into a foolish stalemate.......WOW......Rock On.... Wonder is a gift within hindsight's grasp of present realities and future possibilities.....Rock On.. The American dream machine need's to be repaired or better yet simply replaced.Within the advent of education being one part of the solution's,those that bought in to affordable packages of thought soon found the interest of student loan's to be high feeding on the sin's of solace has left me empty.must seek the fortitude of fast food.seeing that the wild cherry kisses have left the menu.....today's wisdom.....if you want to make a lasting impression on someone....use a hammer.... er tha My Rock and Roll Demon's have bowed out gracefully today so that I may destroy the perceived and nurture the ambivalence of reality....for about 12 second's....RoCK O Rock and roll blues...ok im over it...Party on people...Today's WiSdUmB...enjoy today. because the next days forecast is going to be just as shitty (got spell checked for shity.......lol......) R O C K O N n Fu My Band---T O W N D R U N K---has Just allocated our 3rd PA and are ready to RocK the FoRt---Then Ohio......fhen......The WORLD............Today's Wisdom== If you're alone and TwIsTeD...Find someone who want's to get BeNt.(((ROCK oN FU's))) Peeps... Whiskey is nice...PoP is better...Coffee for motivation...But alas My fu people's...Chocolate Milk RULES......-----Today's Wisdom-----Is tomorrow's foolish so she turns right in front of me i crash my moped into her vans back panal.th..en after the fire department and police and bystanders leave i get back on my mad max tore up and still running moped and Rock out with my band Town Drunk....(no i wasnt drink ness......(lesson learned)The grace of gratitude is earned,not credited....Rock On... Ready for a reality transplant....lol.... Got me a job things may work out pretty good....fu on peoples......todays wisdom:When staring into the face of adversity...Blink..If adversity blinks at the same time then smash the mirror and fix the problem..... Be moRE OF NOw then where and when you coulda done this.Shoulda done that. To know the why of how and the where of when is what dangerous minds explore while believing nothing at all........ Riding the Highway to Fubarville I shook left when I should have twisted right...This resulted in me going back to square one in this thing called the circus....I mean circle of life.........Today's wisdom::::Yesterdays fool:::::

Working at a car lot 6 day's a week detailing the the fu out of car's for a lousy 7.00 an hr.....But it beats being broke.....Barely.....Today's wisdom===Pace your dream's lest reality overwhelm's you===Never give up==== Savor the moment long since tasted .Filtering out the bittersweet bite of the lip's pout that yearn's for pain,than to be with out just one more tender k Started working my old job I quit over a yr ago.....Here's a good reason not to burn bridge's upon quitting a job.....You may need that money in the future,if they take ya back....Im one lucky RoCkeR.... iss.. I swear im going to hunt you down and antagonize the fu out of you if you even think about striking my like button or slipping me a mickey while dropping me a token bling....lol....(keep the bling,I need cash..lol...not joking///What's that thing behind yo...RocK On Fu's... Drop in the street's truth glorified by perception's upstaging social stuntmen who swear by a thin white line and a fat p*SsY while screwing everybody in the a^^ while hiding scars unhealed under dress shirts and power ties. RocK O Us FU'S are a synopsis of vanity cloaked by the stealth foraged from all the B.S the world throw's at us witch we cultivate to surmise a relative chance of harmony within the sour note's of Reality.....RoCK On.... In a transitional state of shock from the current job market who does not seem to want a 50 yr old Rocker ....TODAY'S WISDOM...Giving a damn doesn't help anyone unless you can help yourself::::RoCK O My red eyes are turning purple...Gota try some stunt sleeping. nite al n::: N To see newest movies free read my blog from my Overelooking Reality series....Its under 4 u 2 c free...Got my cam working again....OH GOD HELP THE POOR FU"S....lol ROCKER OUT......then.....ROCKHER IN.... Iron man 3 was AwSoMe....fake bootlegger didnt turn on noise reduction.....Wont be released in U.S.A till May 3rd...Wanna know where and how I watched it..Hint::It's online...Ask me in chat and Ill tell how....RoCK On...At theater in 3d should be over the Just seen the new Iron man 3 Movie online....Auidio wasnt very good and could only understand about 3/4 of what was said(Bootleg,as released by studio's,to create word of mouth buzz..lol)Lack of quality from supposed bootlegger proves this.All they would h Balancing the scale's of Justice with a Snake on one side and a RaT on the other side Seemed to work for a while Until the Snake ate the RaT TODAY's WisDoM.....Awe hell...I need a drink...lol..Rock On.. Beyond the sliding machismo us guy's parade with pride is a damned wedgie...........Today'swisdom......Without discipline a train of thought is easily derailed.....RoCK On Fu PeePs

                                        The Sorceror


Some people think

im full of fire.


It might be true

Some people think 

that im ,just a lier


It might be true

But dont you try to find out

Where I come from

Or,Who Iam

Just as revelation's mean 

nothing when discoverd

Youll soon realize

You really dont give a damn


I am the Sorceror


I am the Sorceror


I can change the world 

with a snap of my finger

And I can steal your thought's 

with a blink of my eye

But if you think to 

contradict me 

I'll make you rise.......

And dissapere completly

paste test


..                                         The Sorceror


Some people think

im full of fire.


It might be true

Some people think 

that im ,just a lier


It might be true

But dont you try to find out

Where I come from

Or,Who Iam

Just as revelation's mean 

nothing when discoverd

Youll soon realize

You really dont give a damn


I am the Sorceror


I am the Sorceror


I can change the world 

with a snap of my finger

And I can steal your thought's 

with a blink of my eye

But if you think to 

contradict me 

I'll make you rise.......

And dissapere completly


Here 2 C free

If your reading this after seeing my status on 4 28 13 here's instruction's.......www.letmewatchthis(space)ch(space)1       There are many site ripoffs as alway's....And those sites will not let you watch unless you download whatever player is sponsering said site...The actual site name under the header for this site ia now 1Channel.ch   This is because the origionel site was.....as they said  "Compramised"  ....Click on Movies under genre tab and popular under another tab,,,Then click on the Iron Man 3 Picture....Do not hit download...but scroll down to below that and you will see a bunch of versions to pick from....Putlocker   or   Sockshare are the best bets...The ratings on right show total views and reported fails Stars indicate quality...Newer flicks have low qaulity because of it being so new...(done purpacely ) speacialy if it's not even in theater's yet...(This one is already out in some other countries)  After choosing your version click on free user....A winflickdow will pop up that says play now over movie screen...Click it....Other pop ups may pop in front or behind this window (Flashplayer...And other add sites....Just back click these closed and hit pause for a few minutes..(not alway's needed but it helps buffering)slower connections may need 10 min or so of buffering..(more or less).Then enjoy flick.........You can also type name of any movie you want to see in search pane at top of site........Remember if you end up clicking on wrong Fake sit from search result's these instructions will not work...Some say DVD allthe way down instead of putlockeror Sockshare ect...Ihave played movies from other than Put or Sock but just look at the load ratings to get a feel for which work or do not....Sometimes foriegn subtitles are under these lower sites....at wich put and sock may not be listed.....But it is free...RoCk ON...

Overlooking Reality3

                 To look at this friend of mine in LA back in the day you would swear he was a stone cold killer.

         As a young cracker 18 year's stupid to the way's of gang's my friend versed me well on the Blood's

         Crip's ect...We was walking down central in E LA where We resided at the E 28th st Y...one night and

         he said///Look over there...Across the street 2 guys slid out the ally and firebombed a car...I could

         whole book about my time there..This frind of mine that seemed like a killer turned out to be my best 

         friend and the nicest guy you could ever meet....But in a pinch he could snap your neck and knockout

         your accomplace within a few seconds.He was a very serious student of Bruce Lee's fighting metheds.

                                     Now back to the power monger's.Although the kennedy's got the brass ring

                       John and Robert went against the status que because they believed truly that American's

               Had sufferd enough.And that the American dream could be a reality for any body that applied them

        selve's...But of course to keep the dream alive they would have to die...Thus we as a nation have lived 

   Right on the edge of tranquility singed  by our own Nightmarish act's.

                                       The brother's Kennedy(Grim)was a fairy tale that even proudly was tagged with a 

   Fairy tale name..CAMALOT..


                                        Fast forward to today's headline's...The N korean leadership that is a media darling

want's us to believe he will Push the button if provoked.A dictater who is a maniacle bully out of control.And yet we stand by(as in the whole world)and let him not moan and groan but scream and yell through his action's.He could dissapier if we wanted him to...WE(the world including China)...But it is good buisness

to keep him around so the Berie maddof's of the world can bleed you dry by selling the Amercan dream short of next year's forcasted debt.                                       


Overlooking Reality2

                                     Great people that have risen to powerfull places

                                     in the past have done so under the radar and by

                                     very corrupt mean's.We all know about such mega

                                     personalities like the Kennedy Klan and how Papa

                                     Supplied truck's for bootleger's during prohibition.


                                     Then he groomed his boy's to take the riegn's of this

                                     nation of our's.And at the same time he was paying

                                     the Black Panther's to rattle the chain's in select area's

                                     of Chicago so he could block bust and scoop up prime

                                     real estate.And being of good religous background's

                                     the social do gooder's(Panther's) hid thayre gun's in

                                      church to avoid being caught...Social Worker's by day.

                                      Kennedy's henchmen by night.I was told this by someone

                                      who grew up in the hood there back in the early 80s.

                                      This info then came to public attention years later when

                                      A man told this same story to the news.This man had the 

                                      same last name as the guy who transplanted himself

                                       to L.A Cal that told me the same story...    Cont  at  3


Overlooking Reality

                                        Overkill idea's embrace the bell curve

                                       turning the frot circumstance's of mean's

                                       to an end into unbridled secret appeal's.

                                       Never written within the language of public

                                       trust. But within the format of "get it done

                                       and keep your mouth shut" are the leaches

                                       leftover from pilgram's sacrifice of standerd's

                                       that had nothing to do with gold and everything

                                       to gain from exploiting the illussion of freedom

                                       talked about but rarely seen by the masses that





Solar System Apology

                                  As this has happend to me before it should not be a suprize that it happend 

                            again....Yesterday I typed out about what would equel  6 to8 pages of info

                            explaining my ground breaking theory on how are solar system was formed.

                            I wanted to spell check my work. And not being an avid typest it took a 

                           while to write..When I went to hit the submit button I got a message stating

                            My session had expired....No matter what I did it would not accept my writings

                            I did notice 19 people had viewed my blog...And am very happy to see that.

                            I thought (like a fool) that maybie if I hit refresh my session would return to normal

                            (I was very tired at this point) When I did that every thing was wiped clean.

                             So im going to write all of it again.But in smaller sections so my so called session

                             doesnt expire aand so this knowledge can be known once and for all.


                                               Come back soon anbd thank you for your patrinage....S.A.F  aka F.L.O.G

                                                                                                                                  aka Rocker 

                                                                   Time    12 23 pm      Date 1 16  2013


                                               I hereby assertain that no one has ever came up with this Idea of how the solarsystem

                                        came to be.And that all rights to such knowledge is for the good of all life on this planet we call Earth.

                                 If it is deemed that my explanation is correct.I do wish to retain the credit I deserve as the discoveror of this simple

                           truth.And retain the rights and privaledges that come with such a discovery.Including any printed items electronic or paper or

                                 any other type of media that include but not limited to radio or tv or movie depictions of myself,and or public lecture

                                        cirquits.Even if such knowledge is only vastly reconized as having a ring of truth to it I...The holder of this

                                               account on the fubar website under the name of   Rocker with real name initials of S.A.F do so demand

                                                    such rights as to be amended by myself or colleages of my own choosing should I die.Including but not 

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