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page two

She laughed as she got out of the truck and said, "We're fucked, so we might as well enjoy it. Can we have a fire out here?" "Are you cold?" I asked, letting her last comment pass. "Hell no, I just want something to do, to get my mind off certain things." She replied as she shut the door and headed around the truck. "That's why I'm getting the ice chest out of the truck." I said softly. "Did you get our beer when you got out?" I asked and then grinned as she stopped and looked at me. "Shit, I forgot all about them." She answered and then started toward the passenger door and me. She hesitated for a second and then chuckled as I stood up with the chest in my hands. "Good, I'm safe, you have your hands full, but go on over to the other side of the table. I want to keep something between us for a while. I'll feel a little safer that way." I grinned and walked off toward the table. As I went I asked, "Safer from whom? Yourself or me?" "Both." She replied as she climbed up to get the beers. Once, she was out of the truck, she used her hip to shut the door. She stood there for a second, looking at me and took a sip of her beer. "Yeah, both of us, is a damn good answer." Then she grinned and walked over to hand me my beer across the table. "Uh huh." I replied as I tried to take it. She just grinned and held onto it a second before she released it and sat down on her side of the table. I sat down on my side and we grinned at each other across the divider. After a few minutes, she said, "It sure is quiet out here." "Uh huh." I replied. She laughed and said, "Quit that, I'm trying to make small talk here." I chuckled and said, "Yeah, I know but I've got this series of movies playing in my head that are quite distracting, to say the least." "Uh huh." She replied and then laughed. "I think I have much the same movies playing over here, just a different view point." "Uh huh." I said and then laughed. She laughed along with me. "This ain't working." She said softly after a moment and then she stood up. I looked at her questioningly. She grinned and turned to walk back over to the truck. Opening the door, she said, "Maybe some music will help. You can find some firewood." I grinned as I watched her climb up into the truck. She had one knee on the seat and one foot on the running board. She was bent over turning on the key, her ass pointed straight at me. The tight levies were pulled up tight in the crack of her ass and sex. The hem of the little tank top was drooping down enough to give me a good view of her small pert breasts. I shook my head and stood up slowly, well aware that my hard on was back with a vengeance. "Yeah, firewood." I said softly as I got up from the table and headed out into the darkness to find some. I returned in a short while with an armload of split lengths of oak. Mary looked up from where she was squatting next to the fire pit, a small fire of twigs and leaves, smoking in front of her. "Damn, call you Paul Bunyon; I only expected a few limbs or a piece of an old log but here you are with real firewood." She said with a laugh. "Now, I'm the one impressed." I chuckled and squatted down next to her, dumping the wood in a pile between us. "Actually, a tree fell in a spring storm and I had to cut up part of it to clear the road. My friend split it but neither of us took the time to carry it down here." I said with a grin as I propped a small piece of the wood up over her kindling. She watched me place two more pieces of wood around her little fire. "You've done this before." She said with a smile. "If you mean, building a campfire, then the answer is yes. If you mean, carrying a beautiful young lady I hardly know, out into the wood on a dark night, then no. Well, not in a long, long time, anyway." I said softly and then chuckled. Mary looked at me for several seconds and then leaned over to kiss me on the cheek. "I'm not that young, I'm probably only four of five years younger than you, and anyway, I thought I was the one that brought you out here into the dark?" She said and then grinned. I cocked my head to the side and looked at her closely for a moment before I said, "There's no way your fifty, much less over it." Her eyes got wide for a second and then she asked, "Just how damn old are you? I figured you were around forty five or forty six." I chuckled said, "I told you I was dirty old man; I'll be fifty eight in a few months." "No way!" She said and then laughed. "Yeah, you are, a dirty old man, that is." She shook her head and leaned over to kiss my cheek again. I turned my head quickly and kissed her gently on the lips. She jerked back for a second and then grinned as she leaned back over to kiss me sweetly. The kiss lingered for a moment or two and then she leaned back, a smile on her face. "So you think I'm beautiful, huh." She whispered softly. I grinned and nodded. She grinned back and then stood up. "I think I'll go back to my side of the table. I think I'll be safer there." "Uh huh." I said softly and then chuckled. "What's so funny?" She asked as she climbed up and sat on the edge of the table, her feet on the bench. "Well, I'm ten or twelve years older than you thought I was and you're ten years older than I thought you were. So, I guess it all evens out in the end." I told her as I stood up and walked over to where she was sitting. She patted the table next to her and said, "Come on, join me, I think I can trust you." I grinned and said, "I'm not worried about me, but I've heard about you city gals. All your wild carrying on and party's and stuff." Mary laughed and patted the tabletop again. "Oh, don't be scared of little old me, I promise to be gentle, I mean, behave myself." I chuckled and shook my head as I climbed up to sit next to her. "That's what they all say." I muttered softly. She laughed and bumped her shoulder against mine. "Trust me, I'll behave." She whispered. "That's what you guy's always tell us gals, ain't it?" I chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, I've said that a time or two and I usually meant it until opportunity beat out common sense." Mary laughed and leaned against me. "An honest dirt old man. Will wonders never cease?" She said and then took a long pull on her beer. "Don't tell anybody or my reputation will be ruined, not to mention my membership in the dirty old man's club being revoked." I said with a grin. "Oh you're secrets safe with me but it's going to cost you." She replied softly. When I looked at her questioningly, she chuckled and added, "When the next slow song comes on the radio, you're going to have to dance with me. Think you can handle that?" "Can I use both hands?" I asked back, my grin even bigger than before. She laughed and nodded. "You better." She whispered, a grin spreading over her face. We didn't have long to wait, as the station she had on was an oldies but goodies show. When the next song started, I stepped down from the table, and held out my hand to her. She grinned and took my hand, setting her beer on the table next to mine. I led her over to a flat dirt spot near the fire and took her in my arms. I expected us to dance apart like two strangers would, but she wasn't having any of that, as she snuggled up close. I shifted gears and hugged her tightly as we swayed and slowly danced together. About half way through the song, she whispered, "You're not using your hands." I grinned to myself and slowly stroked her back. "Hmmmm, that's much better." She whispered as one of her hands roamed over my back and the other played with my ponytail. When my other hand slipped down to caress and squeeze her ass, she took a sharp breath and then let it out slowly and softly. The song ended but it didn't seem to matter to us for several minutes. Then Mary stopped and looked up at me with that "kiss me" look in her eyes. I was only too happy to. This kiss took up where the other one had left off and went straight up from there. Only now, we were in a position where we could both use our hands. As one of my hands slipped up under her short shirt to caress her bare upper back, she moaned softly and kissed me with even more urgency. My hard on was hot against my lower belly as her hips ground against mine. I knew she could feel it even through the two layers of heavy cloth separating us. As the kiss went on, I dropped both of my hands down to massage and squeeze her firm ass. When I did, she jumped up and locked her long legs around my hips, an even louder moan coming from deep in her chest. Her sex was now pressed tightly to my manhood. I could feel her searing heat and marveled at the wonders of the human body. Slowly I turned, carried her over to the picnic table, and sat her on the end of it. She could now let go of her grip with her hands and they were once again wandering over my back, from my butt to the back of my head. Her legs were still squeezing us tightly together but now there was a rhythmic motion to our hips. I could feel both of us trembling and shaking with excitement. Suddenly, she broke the kiss and laid her head on my shoulder. We held each other for a long time; the only movement was the slow caressing of our hands on each other's backs. "Thank God for Levies." I heard her whisper softly, as if she were talking to herself. I nodded in agreement and then chuckled. She moved back from me until she could look into my eyes, a smile on her face. "Well, maybe not exactly but...." She said softly, searching my face for something. When I grinned and nodded, she laughed and lay back on the table. She picked up a beer and handed it to me. "Here, I think we need to cool off a little bit." I took the beer and took a long pull on it as she half sat up and did the same to hers. She grinned at me and laid back down, her legs still locked around my hips. "I guess if I let go of you, we might cool off faster." She whispered softly but didn't release me. I grinned and leaned forward, pressing myself tighter to her. "That's what I thought." She whispered, a grin spreading across her face as she sat up and slipped her blouse off over her head. Then she lay back down. My eyes drank in the beauty of her small breasts for a moment and then I sat my beer down, unbuttoned my shirt, and took it off. Her eyes traveled over my upper body for a moment and then she grinned, as she said, "Not bad for a dirty old man." I laughed and shook my head. "Thank you but I think you're being way to kind. Maybe twenty years ago but now...." I let the sentence trail off. She sat up and brushed her hard nipples against my hairy chest, her arms going around my neck. "You didn't have any problem carrying my big ass over here, so that says something. I ain't a little girl." She said with a chuckle. My hands roamed over her warm back for a second before I said, "No you are definitely not a little girl. A full grown woman yes, but not a little girl." She laughed and then kissed me softly. When she broke the kiss, she sighed and lay back down on the table. "Yeah, I'm a full grown woman but I have the tits of a thirteen year old." She said as she brought her hands up and caressed her own breasts. "Yeah, but I'll bet the farm that they're sensitive as hell." I told her. She laughed and nodded. "You've sure got that right. Kiss them the right way and I'll cum my brains out." She said in a whisper. When I started to lean over and do just that, she grabbed my shoulders and pushed upward. "Whoa, I didn't mean right this minute." She said with a laugh. "I'm not through teasing you yet." I must have looked at her funny because she added, "Well, you told me to use my imagination. Although, I'm not sure who I'm teasing more, you, or myself." I grinned as my mind found our earlier conversation. "And a damn fine job you're doing, I must say." She laughed and picked up her beer as she sat up. She turned up the bottle and finished off the last inch or so. Looking into my eyes, she said, "I think we need a refill and it's your turn to bartend." I picked up my beer and downed it. I reached out, took her bottle, and then just stood there. She looked at me questioningly for a second and then grinned sheepishly as she tightened her legs around my hips. "Yeah, I guess I do need to let go of you don't I." She said softly. "I really don't want you to, but it would make it easier to go get the beer." I replied in the same soft tone. She opened her legs and then brought her feet up to hook her heels on the edge of the table. "I'll just wait right here." She whispered. I grinned as I leaned over and kissed and licked her belly an inch or so above her navel. She sucked in her stomach and shivered as I did. "Hold that thought." I whispered as I stood up. "I'll be right back." She laughed softly as I turned to go get our beers. When I returned to my position between her legs and handed her a fresh beer, she asked, "Is there a place to swim here?" "Sure. There's a good sand bottom in and around the boathouse. There's even a ladder to get in and out of the water on." I told her. "Can we?" She asked in a whisper. "Sure but do you think that would be a good idea?" I asked back. She chuckled and said, "Probably not but I haven't been skinny dipping in a hundred years or so it feels like, anyway." "Do you want me to bring the lantern or leave it here?" I asked. "Leave it here." She said with a laugh. "I don't want to put on a show for everyone, just you." I nodded and grinned before I said, "Ok, let me get a couple of towels out of the truck." "You have towels in your truck?" She asked. I laughed and nodded, "Sure, doesn't everybody?" "Not where I come from." She shot back at me. "I live on a lake and love to swim, so why wouldn't I have towels. There's even a blanket in the back seat, for those times, I want to lie out and get a little sun." I told her. "I like a man that's prepared for anything. Go get them both. We can wrap up in the blanket after we swim." She said softly. I chuckled and headed for the truck. I got the blanket and towels out of the truck and when I turned around, I froze. Mary was standing by the end of the table totally nude. God what a beautiful woman, shot through my brain. Her legs looked even longer without the jeans, her body long and lean. I gave out with a long low wolf whistle as I started in her direction. She laughed and said, "Why thank you kind sir. It's been a long time since anyone has whistled at me." "Then there definitely something wrong with the men in Houston." I told her. "Yeah, the good ones are either married or gay." She said softly, almost to herself. Then she looked at me sharply and asked, "I know you're not gay but are you married or dating someone special?" "It's a little late for that question, isn't it?" I asked back. "Kind of, sort of, but not really." Was her reply. "So far we've only been teasing but...." "But what?" I asked, teasing her. I think she took me seriously because she replied, "I try not to rustle another woman's stock, if you know what I mean. I've had it done to me and I didn't like it, so I try not to do it." Then she was reaching for her jeans. "Whoa, I'm single and I'm not dating anyone and haven't in a long time. I have quite a few female friends and some have been lovers, but nothing serious." I said in a rush. Laying the jeans back on the table, she asked, "Why not?" The question took me aback for a second and then I answered honestly, "Because I haven't found the right one, and I've almost given up on looking for her. I was married for twenty five years and then she died...." I let the sentence trail off. Mary took two quick steps and hugged me, whispering, "I'm sorry, I didn't know." "It was fifteen years ago." I whispered back. "It took me a while but I got past it. I was more pissed off that she had went and left me, as anything else. Anyway, I had two kids to finish raising. Between them and work, I didn't have the time or the will to look for someone else." Mary kissed me softly for a second and then stepped back and said, "I think you're a better man than what you give yourself credit for. Come on; let's go swimming, otherwise, I'm standing around naked and looking kind of foolish." I shook my head and whispered, "Foolish is a word that I would never use in connection with you, naked or not, and especially not naked. Beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, yes, but never foolish." "So get out of those pants so I won't feel that way." She whispered back. Then her arms were around my neck as she kissed me. After a moment she broke the kiss and whispered, "Beautiful, gorgeous, sexy? Are you referring to little old me? Because, if you are, we need to get your eyes checked. I'm over forty and starting to fall apart." I shrugged and asked as I pulled off my right boot and sock, "I'm well over fifty, so what does that say about me?" "It's different for a man, you guys just get distinguished." She replied with a grin. As I removed my left boot and sock, I asked, "And exactly what does that mean? I've never understood it. Age is age and you make the best of it. I just wish I had taken better care of myself, when I was young and stupid." I could hear the comment coming and cut her off, "Now, I'm just older and still stupid." "I was going to say it but I don't believe it for a second." She said instead. "Now, get those damn pants off, you've stalled long enough." Her face broke into a grin as I reached for my belt buckle. "Now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment we've all been waiting for. Well, me anyway." Then she laughed softly. "Damn, I'm being bad." "I don't think so." I said as I undid the belt and the snap at the top of my jeans. "I think you're having fun, more fun than you've had in a long time." I slid the zipper down but held the opening closed. "Are you talking about me or yourself?" Mary asked sharply. "Now quit teasing me before I have to...." I quickly wiggled the jeans down off my hips, well aware of my hard on sticking straight out in front of me. "Oh my!" She whispered breathily, as she glanced up at my face and then back down. "Several smart ass things to say come to mind, but I think I'll just leave it at, oh my." Mary added, as I stepped out of the pants and tossed them on the table. Slowly, she reached out and wrapped the fingers of her left hand around my shaft. Then she did the same with her right hand, just above the left. The head and a half-inch of shaft were still showing. With a quick glance up at my face she whispered, "Maybe, oh shit, would have been better." I took a step forward, placed a hand on each side of her face, raised her head, and kissed her softly on the lips. Her fingers tightened on my shaft as the kiss went on for several seconds. I could feel her hard nipples brushing slowly back and forth over the hair on my chest. A soft murmuring moan started low in her throat, just before she broke the kiss. "We need to go swimming and right now or I won't be held responsible." She whispered. Then she licked her lips and slowly went down on one knee, saying, "Fuck swimming, I have a much better idea." Her tongue was hot, wet, and slippery as it ran over and around the head of my dick. Her mouth was even hotter as she sucked on the head, her hands still held the rest of me tightly. About the time my hips started to move, she lifted her head and looked up at me, working her lower jaw. "Damn, this thing could give a girl lock jaw, among other things." She whispered. With a grin, she blew softly on the head and then swirled her tongue over it. I heard myself groan softly. "Oh, you like that do you?" She whispered. Before I could answer, she sucked the head back into her hot mouth and bathed it with her tongue. I groaned softly again, only longer and louder.
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