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pete's blog: "story"

created on 12/21/2006  |  http://fubar.com/story/b36636


few hours later) "Barbara, wake up, wake up Barbara, wake up!" It was Madame Cong's voice. She shouted again and then moved away. "My goodness, another masterpiece Sherry, you outdid yourself today." "Thank you Madame." Sherry shook me back to my senses, knowing that by now the drug was just about wearing off. I woke up stunned. I had hoped it was all a bad dream but it was not. I could immediately see my image in the mirror. I leaped up out of my chair and swung around at Sherry, "You bitch!" I tried to smack Sherry in the face but She just blocked the blow and pushed me down by my shoulders. She was very strong. "Sit down, Barbie!" She commanded as she pushed me right down and pinned my arms to the chair with her own hands. She then bent over and whispered into my ears, "Who is the bimbo now?" Then she quickly released her grip on me. "What have you done to me?" I yelled out in panic. "You have been made over Barbara," Madame Cong said, "wouldn't you just love to quit your job as a high-powered lawyer and work for me as one of my testing receptacles in that dark room I showed you?" She said cynically. "You fucking bitch!" I rushed to attack Ms. Cong. I reached to grab the top of her blouse, but the dragon lady just grabbed my hand and bent it tightly, forcing me down onto my knees. "Owe!" I screamed, "let go!" "Say please let go, Madame Cong, say it!" Lili commanded. "Please, please..." "Please what?" "P...lease let go Madame Cong." Immediately she released her grip on me. "Stand up, slut!" She commanded. I got up to my knees slowly and massaged my twisted wrist. Madame ushered over to Sherry, "Go get Brenda and come back." "Yes Madame." A few minutes later Sherry returned. "This is Brenda, and along with Sherry, they are going to be my enforcers. You are about to begin your slut training Barbara dear." Madame Cong's gaze went right through me. "Everyone knows I am here," I was becoming frantic, "you can't do this to me! The police will be here in no time at all. My boss knows, and all my friends know, even my family..." "Oh, you think so, Barbara...well let me tell you that no one will save you. I am the most powerful woman in this town and I am one of the richest women in the world. Did you ever stop to think that I might just be able to own your law firm and your co-workers? I even paid off your pathetic excuse-of-a-man boss, and I know you have no friends Barbara. I checked on your family too. You have one brother who hasn't spoken to you in 10 years. You are quite alone. "You won't get away with this. I will never submit." I sounded tough, but deep inside I was scared for my life. I had wondered about all this. "Was I about to become like every other woman who got involved in Madame Cong's affairs? Would I become a slave?" I began to sweat. "Take her to my private room and prepare her." Madame Cong commanded. Sherry and Brenda each took me by the arm and led me away. I was screaming obscenities. They took me to a completely different area of the building. It was on the 12th floor. The elevator seemed strange. Not only did it go up but it also stopped and then seemed to go forward. It was like it was moving me to a hidden compartment somewhere else on the floor. Sherry held my mouth while she twisted my arm in back of me. She was so domineering that Brenda almost had nothing to do but follow along. They took me to a room that had a black floor that was all lit up. The walls were white and the ceiling was black. There were S&M and bondage devices everywhere. They looked just like in the magazines I was reading when I first got into Madame Cong's office. While Sherry held me in place Brenda began to remove my clothes. It was a struggle but Sherry was very strong. They replaced my white bra and panties with bright pink ones. "Spread your legs." Brenda commanded. "Fuck you bitch!" I said as I spit at Brenda. Sherry immediately came down very hard across my face from with an open slap from her hand. "Do as she says. Do it now bimbo!" She shouted. I began to spread my legs very slowly. They were like jello at this point. Brenda secured my legs to two chains that were bolted to the floor. The chains were very short, allowing very little movement of my feet. I was instructed to put my arms over my head, and the girls quickly attached my wrists to chains above my body. My legs were spread out wide by the floor. It moved mechanically at the touch of a button on the wall by Sherry. Each side of the floor under my legs moved in opposite directions as they spread me. Just then Madame Cong entered the room. She came up close to me, "Well, well, how's my new little bitch coming along?" She grabbed my cheeks with her hand. "Fuck you!" I blurted out. Madame Cong slapped my face with the back of her hand. "Since you wish to use such foul language your mouth will have to be washed out with soap. Brenda, bring me the special gag device." I gave Madame a strange but terrified look, "What are you going to do?" "This my dear is a special penis gag. You will notice it is inflatable and has a hose attachment to it. You will notice the other end has a phallus and is also inflatable, and it is inserted up your ass. I will put soapy water inside that lovely belly of yours. You see I am going to wash out your entire system, but first a bit of a cycling will do nicely. You will be digesting your own soapy shit through your mouth and then back down into your stomach and into your intestines and back out into the tube and right back up again and again as long as I see fit to cleanse your filthy mouth. We will begin with soap and then graduate to sperm and pussy juice as we continue." She started handling the equipment and fondling it, making me more and more nervous. She rolled her sexy fingers along the tube and penis gag itself. She connected another tube to it. I could tell it was designed to go in my ass. The remainder of the original tube was connected to these machines there were three of them. "By the way Barbara, you will have a new name. What number is she on the list Sherry?" "She is number 109 Madame." "Then your new name will be Barbie Humper 109. "Repeat it for me." She commanded. "Screw you, Lili!" I promptly got several slaps across my face from Ms. Cong. They were hard and heavy slaps due to the added weight of her arm-length leather gloves. "You will address me as Mistress from now on is that clear slut girl?" "Never..." She slapped me again. "Now what is your new name?" She repeated. "Go to hell!" "So you think you are going to be a tough bitch hah? Well then, I guess this penis gag is just what you need to shut you up. Now open wide!" She squeezed my cheeks together and pinched my nose thus opening my mouth wide. Then she stuck the penis gag in my mouth and wrapped the strap around my head, "Ummmph." I gagged some. "Now Brenda, 25 lashes and make them good ones on her back." Madame Cong instructed. The whip seemed to go on and on. I thought it would never end. My back began to swell up with red lashes all over it. There were marks on my ass as well. All I could do was squirm and try to shout, but no noise was heard due to the tightly strapped penis gag in my mouth. "Now Brenda, remove the gag." As she did so, I drooled all over my chin and chest. My head was sagging from exhaustion. The questioning continued, "Now, Barbie Humper 109, what is your new name?" Madame Cong lifted up my head. "Fuck you!" I said. Immediately the gag went right back in my mouth, "Brenda, 35 more lashes." She instructed. "noppppph, ndddddosh, noeeeh!" I shouted without much sound. The lashes began again, one more powerful than the next. Each blow a new reminder to me that it could go on and on and on unless I would break down and submit to Mistress Cong. My sweat poured all over my body, fresh beads were cascading into every crevice. I almost passed out. Once again Ms. Cong approached me and took out the penis gag while lifting up my head, "What is your new name Barbara?" "Please, please, no more, plea...." "Tell me your name?" Ms. Cong was relentless. "Bbbbbarbie hhhumper ...." I finally broke down in tears. "That's right, you are Barbie Humper 109, say it clearly and properly, slut girl!" "I....I am, Barbie Huuumper 109." "Again and louder, bimbo!" "I am Barbie Humper 109, I am Barbie Humper 109, I am..." "Enough, shut up now cunt. Look at you, the once mighty lawyer, nothing more than a whimpering slave to her new owner. You are just another piece of ass in my stable, and my newest slut bimbo. Yes, soon, very soon, you will be doing tricks on a street corner for me, but that will be after we have exhausted your elevator skills." Madame made an evil laugh. Madame Cong reinserted the penis gag in my mouth and fully secured it. She walked over to one of the three tanks and pressed a button. I could see the tube-end, which was forked, into three other tubes. One of them was filling up. The thing sounded like it was pumping. I could see a white fluid begin to flow in the clear tube leading to my mouth. "This will fatten you up nicely bitch. Oh don't worry I will control the others and all of this from my computer. Isn't that nice of me?" She tapped on my belly. "Once you are all fattened up, and have taken all three of these tanks at intervals in your mouth and stomach, the automatic valve attached to your ass tube will release and all that shit will move down into the tube and make its way up into your mouth. You will be forced to swallow it down and then the cycle will continue. We will set the tanks at five-minute intervals for your forced feeding, and after each period your penis gag with be inflated while you wait for the next five minutes. It will be deflated each time a liquid starts again. Once you finish all the cycles then the shit cycle begins and can go on as long as I like. Remember this first tank is soap. The other one is sperm, and the last is pussy juice, so enjoy. Don't forget to swallow, swallow, swallow, Barbie or you could vomit and die. You, my little bitch, will never swear at me again!" With that Madame Cong instructed the girls to leave the room with her, and she turned off the lights. I was alone in the darkness knowing full well that the liquid was starting to enter my mouth now. The first cycle was beginning. I began to swallow. I was swallowing for my life now. I could taste the bitterness of the soap. I was beginning to get real cramps in my gut, but I could not let it out due to the inflated tube in my ass. Finally the five minutes were up. The penis gag inflated in my mouth and I waited for the next cycle. I watched carefully as the second pump started up and my penis gag deflated. There was a small period of time as the liquid moved up the tube. Once it entered in my mouth I started to swallow. It was salty and kind of thick. I knew this would go on for another five minutes. My forehead was sweating. I began to wish I had never crossed or met Madame Cong. The pressure was starting to build in my stomach. During the third cycle I could see my tummy was beginning to tighten up some. I knew it wouldn't be long before a bulge started. The third cycle also had some saltiness to it but it was thinner and sweeter and bitter all at the same time. My cramps were getting worse. Then the cycle stopped and the gag inflated again. I had to wait for the next one. Part of my mind hoped the tanks would be completely emptied so I could finally get some release, but then the thought of the shit cycle completely dispensed the idea. I felt helpless and hopeless as the cycles went on and on and on and my stomach got bigger and bigger, and tighter and tighter. "Oh god, when would it stop!" I thought. After a long time the cycles seemed to stop. "Could it be possible that the tanks were finished?" I thought, but only to be disappointed as I heard one start up again. I actually needed to push my stomach out to try and relieve some of the pressure in my belly. It was getting rock hard and big. It extended like a balloon, and still, it went on. After a while I passed out. I woke up to the feel of slaps across my face, "Wakie, wakie, wakie now, Barbie!" It was Madame Cong, "well, well, well, you took two hours worth. Actually it was only about one hour since there were five minute cycles on and off. Look at you now bimbo. You look like a giant fat cow. Is my fat cow pregnant now!" She tapped on my huge, tight belly. I thought I would explode. I did look pregnant now. She pushed something in the tube and the penis gag deflated and she removed it from my mouth. "Ppppplease, no more, pleaaseee!" I was begging for all I was worth. "Well, now Barbie, why don't you say I am a big fat cow, Mistress. Say it slut, say it you fucking bimbo!" She tapped again on my belly. Her eyes were vicious, but at this point I would do anything to make it end. "I emmmm...I am a big fat cow, Mistress." I hung my head in shame. "And you need to give birth don't you slut?" "Yyyyes, I need to give birth." "Yes, you need to give birth because you are a pregnant fat cow, isn't that right slut?" She seemed to love humiliating me. "Yyyes, I need to give birth ccccause I am a pregnant fat cow. "How about a moo cow?" She laughed. "Moooooooooooooo, moooooooooooo." I did it as loud as I could. "Good girl. It is time for the shit cycle to begin." I almost felt relieved that she was finally going to release the stuff, but I knew what was coming next. She put the penis gag back into my mouth and secured it. She inserted some air pumps into certain regions of the tubes. "Don't fear honey this is just to make sure that the centrifugal force does not give out and the shit keeps rolling around the tubes." Then she left. I knew that as soon as this thing started I would be going inside a tube which would carry it back into my mouth. I started to sweat even more. The waiting seemed to go on forever, but in reality it was only about 10 minutes. Apparently the valve had a timer delay mechanism. Finally I could feel the bulb in my ass decrease. The stuff began to pour out of my stomach and flow from my anus into the tube. As the laws of gravity took over and my bowel movement poured out of me, I knew it would just be a matter of time before it all reached back up into my mouth again. It was a relief to watch my stomach begin to go down again and release all the stuff forced into me. It was like a faucet. I never felt myself flowing as much as I was. Then, the inevitable, it started to spurt into my mouth, the taste was horrible. I felt as though I needed to vomit from the smell and taste, but it was flowing so fast that all I could do was to swallow the crap and ingest it. I had never felt so humiliated and disgusted in my life. The worst part of it all was that it would eventually make its way back into my stomach and out again, until much of the liquid was absorbed again into my system. In my mind I swore that I would never curse at Madame Cong again. The horrible consequences of it convinced me completely. I was slowly becoming the dragon lady's slave, at least in my own mind. I no longer worried about my job or my ideas of bringing Ms. Cong down, now it was just survival. The cycle repeated for at least an hour or more. I was not sure of time any more. My belly would reduce only to find it inflate from the fluids all over again, so it was like a balloon expanding and contracting over and over again. Finally a light came on and Madame Cong came in. Sherry and Brenda, her slave enforcers also came in. "Release her." Cong commanded. When I was let go I fell right down to the floor on my knees and I began to sob. "Well, well, not so high and mighty any more, are we bitch." Madame was smiling at her apparent victory over me. I began to crawl over to her on my hands and knees of my own free will. I was making a gesture to my new Mistress that I was going to obey her. I even kissed her high heels. "Now, we won't have that foul mouth any more shall we, slut?" "No, M...mmm...istress." I stuttered. "Good girl. Now sit up slut. Stay on your knees and finger your pussy for me just like the whore you really are. Show me how you play with yourself at night, when no one is around. I'll bet my special perfume made you hot and wet all week long didn't it slut?" "Ye...s, hot and wet Mistress." I began fingering myself for all I was worth. The weird thing about this now was that I was extremely wet and horny. Even after all the horror I had just been through. Just looking at Madame Cong's beautiful legs and body made me want to play with myself. Maybe it was the cleaning out of my body and ass, or the way I felt after the tubes were all removed, but everything was highly sensitive. I saw Sherry and Brenda stare right at me. As I looked into their eyes I got even hotter. I began to realize what a slut I was right in front of them, while I played with myself. "That's right whore, in and out and up and down. Go deeper and deeper and faster and faster. Show me what a cunt you are! Take out those tits and play with them. I want you to bring your breasts up to your mouth and bite on your own nipples, that's it, good girl, good little Barbie Humper!" Madame Cong began to feel her own wetness growing as she commanded me, "You will make me plenty of money on the market. I can see the title now: Lawyer Turned into A Slut. I am filming this even now, my precious slut girl. You will go to all my special parties and serve my guests as I see fit. You will be taken to my special rooms from my special elevators where you will serve men and women as my newest elevator humper. If I tire of you I will put you on the street and pimp you out. You will make plenty of money for me, of course, you still need much training, Barbie Humper 109." "Please don't put me on the street Mistress! Oh, yes, I love playing with myself for you." I couldn't believe my own ears at what I just said, but this was survival and lust at the same time now. Madame Cong had converted me. How could this degradation turn me on so much? I was now thoroughly confused with my own feelings. Madame went over to the wall and brought this really huge strap-on dildo with her. The strap was made of bright, black leather. She attached it around her waist. She walked over to me, "Suck my dick, slut girl. Suck it and lick it good. Show me how you take a cock down that beautiful mouth of yours." "No, Mistress, please, I never sucked..." I was slapped. "Don't you ever tell me no. Now suck my cock you worthless whore." I had never sucked anything that large before. "So you never sucked a dick like this? Well you are going to suck many before I am through with you, and many, many pussies too." Madame's eyes were bulging out as she watched me take the dildo and grasp it between my hands. "That's it suck...and lick that shaft! Get it all nice and wet for your cunt. Your pussy is dripping wet. It is waiting for me to stick it right in that hole of yours isn't it humper? Tell me to fuck you. Tell me to please fuck your pussy with my cock. Say it slut girl, say it, bimbo!" "Fuck me, please Mistress, please fuck my pussy with your cock." "What a slut you are, such a slut. You were once a big time lawyer Ms. Young, now you are nothing but a little cock tease. Fingering yourself for your new Mistress. That's right Bimbo Barbie, I own your fucking ass now. Sit up, I want you on this cock. I want you humping it up and down. That's it, get on my great big dick." Madame Cong began pushing me up and down on her strap-on dildo, "That's it hump it! Hump it like you never humped any big cock like it before! Hump it for your life slut girl! Hump it for your life whore!" I did hump it. I humped it for all I was worth. I was having orgasm after orgasm, the likes of which I never had before. The more I moved and squirmed around on the dildo, the more I began to just flow and flow. Something about my fluids flowing like that made me more and more horny. Madame would periodically tweak my nipples and squeeze my breasts. She would even put her leather finger inside my mouth and make me suck on it. I couldn't stop now even I wanted to. My loins we so wet that I was out of control. New waves of cum juice splashed all over Mistress Cong's dildo. "Enough, slut, enough!" She threw me down onto my ass. I immediately began to finger myself some more, " I said enough!" I finally stopped. "We have much more training for you my newest whore. Sherry, take her to the testing receptacle and start further programming on her. Brenda, once that is done prepare her for transport to the barn." I was cleaned off, dressed up, and ushered out by Sherry and Brenda. Sherry attached devices on me to gauge my input responses to what was happening on the computer screen. I was made to inhale Madame's special perfumes as I watched the dancing colors and spirals on the monitor. I was getting me more and more horny. "Now Barbie, just listen to the sweet sounds and voices on the headset and enjoy your program, that's a girl." Sherry said. I could see flashes of animals between the spirals. Some scenes were longer than other ones. The pictures were of women doing animals all sorts of animals and getting off on them. For the longest time the headset was just a relaxing message from Madame Cong, but it started to change, "You love to suck anything because you are a slut. You love to fuck anything because you are a whore. Your name is Barbie Humper 109 and you serve Mistress well. You love to fuck animals. They turn you on. You will fuck whatever we tell to fuck whenever we tell you to. Your sole purpose in life now is to be the best elevator humper that you can be, and that means deep training with lots and lots of animals, and you love animals slut." The message started repeating over and over again. I was actually beginning to say what Mistress was saying to me on the headset. I loved animals and I needed to fuck them. That was all I could keep thinking of as I watched the screen and listened to Madame Cong's beautiful voice, "You love to suck anything because you are a slut. You love to fuck anything because you are a whore. Your name is Barbie Humper 109 and you serve Mistress well. You love to fuck animals. They turn you on. You will fuck whatever we tell to fuck whenever we tell you to. Your sole purpose in life now is to be the best elevator humper that you can be, and that means deep training with lots and lots of animals, and you love animals slut." The message went on and on. I opened my eyes and found myself inside some kind of tight box. It was like a coffin. I started to scream out but I realized there was a gag in my mouth. In fact it was a breathing tube attached to an oxygen supply. There were long black straps tied around my entire bottom and locked down to the sides of the box. There were cuffs around my hands and ankles that were locked to the box with chains as well. There was some tube in my behind. It was probably for excrement. There were also some IV's attached to my arms. I felt a headset on my ears playing some soothing music. Then I heard a voice, "Hello, this is Brenda, your journey will take four days so just relax Barbie." That was it and I drifted off to sleep. I was slapped to consciousness, "Welcome hump slut, remember me?" It was Sherry and she was wearing a real dominatrix type of outfit. It had beautiful leather, and her legs wore fish net stockings. She also had on very high boots. She had a crop in her hand. "Sherry, sherry what...where am I?" I was chained to a high wooden wall. "You will address me as Mistress Towers from now on is that clear humper?" "Yes Mistress." There was no fight left in me for anyone anymore. "Good. We are to continue your training here in the barn." "But where are we?" She slapped me in the face real hard and then flicked her crop on my thigh. "Silence humper. You do not need to know. Today we shall begin with the dogs. Tomorrow we will start your stamina with the pigs and then finally the horses. You have quite a bit of humping to do my precious little lawyer." She picked up my chin and smirked at me with contempt. I think my eyes began to bulge out of their sockets from what she said. Strangely though I seemed to get turned on by the idea. I wanted to fuck some animals. I needed to but I did not know why. She brought in a really large German Shepherd. She released me from my chains, "In case you are thinking of escape, you are in a desert. Also that collar around your neck can be electrified in a second if anything happens to me here or if you run. Now get down on your hands and knees humper, you are about to be mounted. You are a bitch in heat and you love it or you will learn to love it." She swatted my ass with the crop. I could feel the dog begin to mount me. He must have been trained. I was about to be fucked by a dog. Mistress guided him into my pussy from behind. He wasn't that big but I felt something strange inside me. It was like a bulb or a knot. I could feel him pumping me deep. I was beginning to enjoy it. It was his knot. It was glued deep inside of me. I had never had such a strange sensation before. "That's it humper, you are doing great. Now shout out for me...I am a bitch in heat! Do it humper do it for your Mistress." "I ohhhhhheh ehehh I am a bitch in heat. I am a bitch in heat." "And you love to fuck doggies don't you bitch?" "And I love to fffuck doggies. Oh god yes fuck me please fuck me!" I began to beg as I rode my new lover, this great big dog." Mistress brought in more dogs. There were all different kinds. Some would fuck me in my ass and others in my pussy. It was hard in the ass because she had to really open me up with her fist and then shove the thing inside me. The knot would take over and help me keep it inside. I was humping and humping. After a while I could not stop it was like a reflex. "Now see this dog, humper?" "Yes Mistress." "You will jerk him off with your hands and you will squirt it all over your face. I want you to get used to the smell of it all." I did as she commanded. There were many dogs, and I got them off either in my ass or my pussy or my face. I would pump them with my hands and make them big and hard. I longed for all the wet juices to explode all over my face. Finally she started making me suck them off with my mouth and put them deep in my throat, "That's it, such a good humper. Take that big, juicy doggie cock deep down that slut throat of yours. Take it nice and deep humper. You are a bitch in heat and you need doggie cock. Fuck and hump that's all you are worth now Barbie! Suck that doggie cock! Make him shoot it all over your mouth and deep down your throat. Suck bitch!" Mistress was so cruel, but I was hotter than ever. I enjoyed every minute of those dogs I could hardly stop. A few weeks ago I was a hotshot lawyer now I was just a doggie fucker. Thinking about it got me even hotter. "Enough for today slut. Tomorrow we use the pigs. Oink, oink, oink!" Mistress Towers mocked me and pushed up my nose, "How about a squeal for me just like a little piggy, come on humper, squeal for me!" "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, weeeeeeeeeeeeee!" I squealed for her as loud as I could. "Such a good humper. My, my Ms. Young, you'd hardly recognize yourself anymore, now would you?" It was more mockery. "Nnno....ehhh...no Mistress." "Good. Now you will have bread and water for the night. You have had enough protein for one day." Sherry took me over to some stall and it had some hay in it. She cuffed and locked my wrist with a chain to my cuff that attached to a ring inside the stall. "Sleep well now humper. Nitey nite." Then she left. The next day was more of the same only this time with pigs. She took a pig and secured it between my legs. The pig had straps that had rings on them so other straps could secure them to my inner thighs. They made an effective pig harness so the pig would not be able to do much more than fuck me with his cock. I never knew how long a pig could fuck. They can keep going and going many times over, much more than any other thing I ever fucked in my entire life. My pussy was beginning to get worn out by the pig's cock just plunging me in and out all day long. She would periodically stop to use another pig and put some more lubrication in my pussy. I was not ass fucked by the pigs. "Such a good little humper. Now you just let that piggy fuck you all up nice and deeply. I am going to teach you a new trick Barbie slut. You are going to open your mouth and I am going to sit on your face. You are to use that tongue of yours really good humper. I am going to be humping your face and mouth and tongue up and down. You had better do a good job on your Mistress's pussy and make me cum!" Sherry straddled my face and I licked her pussy. It was the first time I ever did such a thing with a woman. I was truly becoming a slut and a whore now. I rolled my tongue deep inside her pussy. Sometimes she would roll her ass around my face and make me eat that as well. All the while a pig was fucking the daylights out of my pussy and shooting all of its hot, steamy load inside of me. I could remember Madame's words, "Your sole purpose in life now is to be the best elevator humper that you can be, and that means deep training with lots and lots of animals, and you love animals slut." Just thinking about her words kept me pushing deeper and deeper into the pig. I had more orgasms than I ever had in my entire life. Finally after another long, grueling day I was put back to my stall. The next day was to be a special day. I was going to graduate to something really big, a horse. "Are you looking forward to this humper?" Mistress asked. "Yyyyes Ma'am I just want to please you." "Well I hope you can. We are going to try and break some limits here today. Today you will get twelve inches and tomorrow a little bit more until we find your breaking point." I was taken to another stall where this large stallion was. He was a magnificent black horse. "Now you are to reach under him here, don't worry he has been trained, and you will start by jerking him off and making it ever bigger. I want you to suck as much into your mouth as you can whore, begin!" I placed my hand around his huge cock. It seemed like a little flea in comparison to it. I jerked him as hard as I could to get him nice and big. I stooped under and began to put my lips around his cock. I sucked him as much as I could get it in my mouth. It was so huge that he could easily rip my teeth out if I did not do it properly. It was massive. I never saw any cock that big in my whole life. I wondered how it could even be possible that it could go inside me. After servicing him for a while Mistress came back with some ropes. She tied me spread eagle underneath him so that my pussy was just far enough away so that his cock could be pushed inside of me. I was hanging in the air above the ground as the ropes tightly wrapped my wrists and legs around the horse. It was like I was a saddle underneath him. She guided him into my pussy, "Take it good slut! You fuck anything I say, and today it is a great big horsy. Aren't you such a special girl? Hump him! That's it slut. Take his huge member deep inside that pussy. I am going to stretch you out really good today. More slut, and deeper. I want twelve inches inside of that cunt of yours." I thought my pussy was going to be ripped apart. It was the biggest cock I ever had inside of me. It was long and thick. "Owwwweee!!!! Ohhhhh, please Mistress no more. I can't take any more. It is too big. He is splitting me up inside, pleaseeeee!" I was begging Sherry to make it stop. He was just too huge. "No way bitch! You thought you were so high and mighty in my office, the great Ms. Young. Well now you are the great horse-fucking, Ms. Young. Fuck him humper! You better do a good job. Fuck and hump Barbie slut. Harder slut! Faster and faster and faster! I want that cunt ripped apart! Fuck him! Fuck that horse like the complete slut you are now!" "Owwwweeeeeee oowwweeeeeeee!!!! I am going to cummmm mistress ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no more! Owwwwwwwwweeee!!!" I came. I came like I had never come before in my entire life. It was like my whole body became one giant orgasm. Mistress told me that tomorrow I was going to shoot for even deeper penetration. I felt like I was about to pass out from all of it. She told me that this cycle of dogs, pigs, and horses was going to be repeated for a few weeks. I could only babble in agreement. (One month later in Tokyo) I pressed the button for the lobby floor from inside the elevator. Once there the doors opened. A couple stepped inside. They weren't all interested in the special floor so I had to be discerning. "Hi what floor please?" I spoke while I bowed. "Floor twelve." The gentleman said, "We are here for the special accommodations." After he said that I knew it was a go. "Your name, please?" The lady asked me. "My name is Barbie Humper 109, and I am completely at your service. Whatever your prefer. In elevator or to special hall I am at your disposal." I bent over to lift up my skirt and show them my ass. The woman lifted up her skirt to reveal a strap-on dildo. The man slapped my ass once. "You will stop at the twelfth floor. We do elevator thing in here." The man said. "Yes sir." I responded. I thought about how far I had come, and how my sole purpose in life was to be the best elevator humper that I could be. The End
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